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The rbcL gene sequences of six species representing five subfamilies of the Hamamelidaceae and the Platanaceae were determined and used in the phylogenetic analysis on the “lower” Hamamelidae sensu Endress (1989) and its allies newly suggested. Four most parsimonious trees were obtained, all having 893 steps with CI = 0.558 and RI = 0.591. The families Cercidiphyllaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Hamamelidaceae and Saxifragaceae are closely located, while the relationships among them remain unsolved even if more representatives of the Hamamelidaceae were further added in this parsimony analysis. Our results confirm the phylogenetic trees revealed by Chase et al. (1993) and Soltis et al. (1997), instead of those of Hoot and Crane (1996). Considering the morphological features they share, it is suggested that the Cercidiphyllaceae and Daphniphyllaceae be placed into the Hamamelidales. The relationship between the Platanaceae and the Hamamelidaceae shown in our analysis is not so closed as suggested by the cladistic analyses by using morphological characters only(e.g. Lu et al., 1991), while those among the Platanaceae, Trochodendraceae and Tetracentraceae are close as indicated by this study. The Eupteleaceae falls into the Ranunculales. The Eucommiaceae seems to show closer relationship with the Hamamelidaceae, the “core” family of the “lower” Hamamelidae, than with the other members except the Cercidiphyllaceae. The rbcL gene trees imply that the “lower” Hamamelidae is a heterogeneous group,composed of isolated ancient families.  相似文献   



Efforts to scale-up maternal and child health services in lower and middle income countries will fail if services delivered are not of good quality. Although there is evidence of strategies to increase the quality of health services, less is known about the way these strategies affect health system goals and outcomes. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to examine this relationship.


We undertook a search of MEDLINE, SCOPUS and CINAHL databases, limiting the results to studies including strategies specifically aimed at improving quality that also reported a measure of quality and at least one indicator related to health system outcomes. Variation in study methodologies prevented further quantitative analysis; instead we present a narrative review of the evidence.


Methodologically, the quality of evidence was poor, and dominated by studies of individual facilities. Studies relied heavily on service utilisation as a measure of strategy success, which did not always correspond to improved quality. The majority of studies targeted the competency of staff and adequacy of facilities. No strategies addressed distribution systems, public-private partnership or equity. Key themes identified were the conflict between perceptions of patients and clinical measures of quality and the need for holistic approaches to health system interventions.


Existing evidence linking quality improvement strategies to improved MNCH outcomes is extremely limited. Future research would benefit from the inclusion of more appropriate indicators and additional focus on non-facility determinants of health service quality such as health policy, supply distribution, community acceptability and equity of care.  相似文献   



Despite an increase in the proportion of women who access antenatal care, mother-to-child transmission of syphilis continues to be a consequence of undiagnosed, untreated, or inadequately treated maternal syphilis. We reviewed evidence on the optimal timing of antenatal interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of syphilis and its associated adverse outcomes.


Systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature. English-language articles were included if they (1) reported the gestational age at which the mother was screened or tested for syphilis; (2) reported on pregnancy outcome. No publication date limits were set.


We identified a total of 1,199 publications, of which 84 were selected for further review and five were included. All showed a lower prevalence of any adverse outcome among women who received an intervention (to include screening and treatment) in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy compared to the third trimester. The overall odds ratio for any adverse outcome was 2.24 (95% CI 1.28, 3.93). All sub-analyses by type of outcome presented important heterogeneity between studies, except for those studies reporting an infected infant (odds ratio 2.92, 95% CI 0.66, 12.87; I2 = 48.2%, p = 0.165).


Our review has shown that the timing of antenatal care interventions makes a significant difference in the risk of having an adverse outcome due to syphilis. Women who sought care in the first two trimesters of their pregnancy, and received the appropriate intervention, were more likely to have a healthy infant, compared to women screened and treated in the third trimester. Encouraging ALL pregnant women to seek care in the first two trimesters of their pregnancy should be a priority for health programmes. For interventions to be effective within these health programmes, health systems and community engagement programmes need to be strengthened to enable pregnant women to seek antenatal care early.  相似文献   

Although tRNA was the first substrate whose export from the nuclei of eukaryotic cells had been shown to be carrier-mediated and active, it has only been in the last 2 years that the first mechanistic details of this nucleocytoplasmic transport pathway have begun to emerge. A member of the importin/karyopherin beta superfamily, Los1p in yeast and Xpo-t in vertebrates, has been shown to export tRNA in cooperation with the small GTPase Ran (Gsp1p) from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where tRNA becomes available for translation. However, Los1p is not essential for viability in yeast cells, suggesting that alternative tRNA export pathways exist. Recent results show that aminoacylation and a translation factor are also required for efficient nuclear tRNA export. Thus, protein translation and nuclear export of tRNA appear to be coupled processes.  相似文献   

Abstract   Australia is isolated from the rest of the world geographically but not scientifically: Australian entomology has a long and distinguished record of collaboration with a diversity of other countries. Much of the focus relates to keeping new pests out of Australia (biosecurity and quarantine) and managing those that do get in (biological control and insect pest management). Many projects have cooperated with neighbouring countries, to assist them to control pests and thereby reduce threats to Australia. Biological control projects have also had two-way benefits, and examples are given of various collaborations in these fields.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(3):158-165
During the Jurassic two main marine pathways might act as dispersion routes for vertebrates and invertebrates between Laurasia and Gondwana: the Caribbean Seaway (between North and South America) and the Trans-Erythraean Seaway (splitting Africa from India, Madagascar). The former has proven to be of relevance as a dispersion route for marine vertebrates and invertebrates between the Tethys and Pacific margin of Gondwana. Nevertheless, little is known about the role of the Trans-Erythraean Seaway as a vertebrate dispersion pathway. The Trans-Erythraean Seaway divides the eastern and western South of Gondwana landmasses in the so-called break-up of Gondwana and connects the Tethys Sea with the Palaeo-Pacific. We describe a newly recovered plesiosaur specimen from the Ameghino (= Nordensköld) Formation, Antarctic Peninsula, the first Jurassic plesiosaur from Antarctica. We discuss the importance of this record regarding the hypothesis of marine vertebrate dispersion through the Trans-Erythraean Seaway.  相似文献   



The current reference test for the detection of S. mansoni in endemic areas is stool microscopy based on one or more Kato-Katz stool smears. However, stool microscopy has several shortcomings that greatly affect the efficacy of current schistosomiasis control programs. A highly specific multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the Schistosoma internal transcriber-spacer-2 sequence (ITS2) was developed by our group a few years ago, but so far this PCR has been applied mostly on urine samples. Here, we performed more in-depth evaluation of the ITS2 PCR as an alternative method to standard microscopy for the detection and quantification of Schistosoma spp. in stool samples.

Methodology/Principal findings

Microscopy and PCR were performed in a Senegalese community (n = 197) in an area with high S. mansoni transmission and co-occurrence of S. haematobium, and in Kenyan schoolchildren (n = 760) from an area with comparatively low S. mansoni transmission. Despite the differences in Schistosoma endemicity the PCR performed very similarly in both areas; 13–15% more infections were detected by PCR when comparing to microscopy of a single stool sample. Even when 2–3 stool samples were used for microscopy, PCR on one stool sample detected more infections, especially in people with light-intensity infections and in children from low-risk schools. The low prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in both populations was confirmed by an additional multiplex PCR.


The ITS2-based PCR was more sensitive than standard microscopy in detecting Schistosoma spp. This would be particularly useful for S. mansoni detection in low transmission areas, and post-control settings, and as such improve schistosomiasis control programs, epidemiological research, and quality control of microscopy. Moreover, it can be complemented with other (multiplex real-time) PCRs to detect a wider range of helminths and thus enhance effectiveness of current integrated control and elimination strategies for neglected tropical diseases.  相似文献   

Incontinence is a major public health concern in aging societies. It is caused by age-dependent spontaneous apoptosis of muscle cells in the urinary and fecal sphincters, and is aggravated in women due to birth trauma. Compared to other currently employed invasive surgical management techniques associated with morbidity and recurrence, replacement or regeneration of dysfunctional sphincter through stem cell therapy and tissue engineering techniques hold great promise. This review focuses on the pathophysiological analysis of urinary incontinence and the possible application of muscle-derived-stem cells, satellite cells, chondrocytes and adipose-derived-stem cells in restoring sphincter functions.  相似文献   



Fungal infections constitute a major health problem all over the world. Signs and symptoms induced by various dermatophytic infections are difficult to distinguish clinically from each other. So, characterization by in vitro culture is required for appropriate diagnosis and treatment as well as to study the epidemiological characteristics in a region.  相似文献   

Most nests of brood-caring insects are colonized by a rich community of mite species. Since these nests are ephemeral and scattered in space, phoresy is the principal mode of dispersal in mites specializing on insect nests. Often the mites will arrive on the nest-founding insect, reproduce in the nest and their offspring will disperse on the insect's offspring. A literature review shows that mites reproducing in the underground brood chambers of burying beetles use alternative routes for dispersal. For example, the phoretic instars of Poecilochirus spp. (Mesostigmata: Parasitidae) disperse early by attaching to the parent beetles. Outside the brood chamber, the mites switch host at carcasses and pheromone-emitting male beetles, where juvenile and mature burying beetles of several species congregate. Because they preferably switch to beetles that are reproductively active and use all species of burying beetles within their ranges, they have a good chance of arriving in a new brood chamber. Other mite associates of burying beetles (Alliphis necrophilus and Uropodina) disperse from the brood chamber on the beetle offspring. We suggest that these mites forgo the possible time gain of dispersing early on the parent beetles because their mode of attachment precludes host switching. Their phoretic instars, once attached, have to stay on their host and so only dispersing on the beetle offspring guarantees that they are present on reproducing burying beetles of the next season. The mites associated with burying beetles providean example of multiple solutions to one life history problem – how to find a new brood chamber for reproduction. Mites that have mobile phoretic instars disperse on the parent beetles and try to arrive in the next brood chamber by host switching. They are independent of the generation cycle of a single host and several generations of mites per host generation are possible. Mites that are constrained by their mode of attachment disperse on the beetle offspring and wait until their host becomes mature and reproduces. By doing this they synchronize their generation time with the generation time of their host species. Exp Appl Acarol 22: 621–631 © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses conducted over the past 15 yr have consistently had difficulties resolving relationships among the cetacean species in the subfamily Delphininae. In addition, paraphyly of the genera Tursiops and Stenella in these molecular phylogenies has been a recurrent problem since the first appearance of such a phylogeny in 1999, suggesting that these genera do not accurately reflect the evolutionary relationships of the species they contain. Morphological analyses have not resolved the issues. The genera in Delphininae originated in the 19th Century on questionable morphological grounds. The species were nearly all originally described in the genus Delphinus of Linnaeus. Recent molecular phylogenies based on various mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers have suggested a wide range of possible relationships among these taxa, and several authors have suggested synonymizing all the taxa (Lagenodelphis, Stenella, Sousa, and Tursiops) under Delphinus. Until molecular and/or morphological analyses adequately sort out relationships in this very recently radiated group, one possible solution indeed would be to merge all the delphinine genera with Delphinus. Implications of such a move and alternatives are discussed.
Editor's Note: Papers from past Norris Award winners have primarily been a revised or reduced version of the actual presentation given as a plenary talk at the biennial conference. Dr. Perrin requested being allowed to take a topic from his presentation and expand on it to present a set of ideas in the form of an essay that could pass the rigors of the peer‐review process. As a result, this Norris Award paper has undergone peer‐review and has taken longer than usual for a Norris Award paper to appear in the journal following its presentation at the biennial conference. It also has co‐authors, with varying opinions on the issues discussed in the essay, to cover appropriately and more thoroughly those components of the paper that required additional expertise. I believe this approach has produced an excellent, thought‐provoking essay and is an approach that should be available to future Norris Award winners if they so choose to take it. Since this essay is meant to elicit dialogue, comments are welcome and will be considered for publication in Letters to the Editor.

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