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The role of water relations and abscisic acid (ABA) in the responsesto drought were studied in a mediterranean forage crop, Trifoliumsubterraneum L. under field conditions. Soil and plant waterstatus, leaf gas exchange parameters, and xylem sap ABA contentwere determined at different times during a long-term soil dryingepisode in irrigated and droughted plants. The diurnal time-coursesof these parameters were also measured at the end of a droughtperiod. In response to soil drying stomatal conductance (g) was reducedearly to 50% that of irrigated plants before any substantialchange in water potential was detected. A close logarithmicregression between photosynthesis rate (A) and g was present.For the first weeks of drought the decline in A was less pronouncedthan in g, thus increasing water use efficiency. Stomatal conductanceduring diurnal time-courses showed no consistent relationshipswith respect to etther ABA or leaf water potential. Throughoutthe experimental period dependence of g on leaf water statuswas evident from the tight correlation (r2=0.88, P<0.01)achieved between stomatal conductance and midday water potential,but the correlation was also high when comparing g with respectto ABA content in xylem sap (r=0.83, P<0.001). However, thestomata from drought acclimated plants were apparently moresensitive to xylem ABA content. For similar xylem ABA concentrationsstomatal conductance was significantly higher in irrigated thanin waterstressed plants. Key words: Drought, stomatal conductance, water potential, abscisic acid  相似文献   

The abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutant of barley, Az34, exhibiteda much reduced rate of leaf expansion at a bulk density of 1.6g cm–3 as compared to the isogenic wild-type variety,Steptoe. Az34 had a consistently lower xylem sap ABA concentrationat 7 d and 14 d after emergence (DAE). The xylem sap data suggestthat ABA present at Steptoe concentrations may have a directrole in maintaining leaf expansion at the sub-critical bulkdensity (1.6 g cm–3 To test this hypothesis, additionof synthetic ABA either to the rooting environment (100 nM)or directly to the xylem sap (5 pg µl–1 to reproducethe xylem sap ABA concentrations found in Steptoe, increasedleaf expansion in Az34 to the wild-type level. Furthermore,feeding Steptoe xylem sap to Az34 produced similar effects.These experiments provide direct evidence of a positive rolefor ABA as a root-to-shoot signal which assists in maintainingleaf growth in plants experiencing subcritical levels of compactionstress. Key words: ABA-deficient mutant, leaf expansion, xylem sap, ABA  相似文献   

Sycamore seedlings were grown with their root systems dividedequally between two containers. Water was withheld from onecontainer while the other container was kept well-watered. Effectsof soil drying on stomatal behaviour, shoot water status, andabscisic acid (ABA) concentration in roots, xylem sap and leaveswere evaluated. At 3 d, root ABA in the drying container increased significantly,while the root ABA in the unstressed container of the same plantsdid not differ from that of the control. The increase in rootABA was associated with the increase in xylem sap ABA and withthe decrease in stomatal conductance without any significantperturbation in shoot water status. At 7 d, despite the continuous increase in root ABA concentration,xylem sap ABA showed a marked decline when soil water contentwas depleted below 013 g g–1. This reduction in xylemsap ABA coincided with a partial recovery of stomatal conductance.The results indicate that xylem sap ABA is a function of rootABA as well as the flow rate of water from roots to shoots,and that this ABA can be a sensitive indicator to the shootof the effect of soil drying. Key words: Acer pseudoplatanus L., soil drying, stomatal behaviour, xylem sap ABA  相似文献   

To evaluate whether abscisic acid (ABA) in the xylem sap playsan important role in controlling stomatal aperture of field-grownPrunus persica trees under drought conditions, stomatal conductance(g) and xylem ABA concentrations were monitored both in irrigatedand non-irrigated trees, on two consecutive summer days (threetimes a day). Stomata1 conductance of non-irrigated trees hada morning maximum and declined afterwards. The changes in gduring the day, rather than resulting from variations in theconcentrations of ABA in the xylem sap or the delivery rateof this compound to the leaves, were associated with changesin the relationship between g and xylem ABA. The stomata ofwater-stressed trees opened during the first hours of the day,despite the occurrence of a high concentration of ABA in thexylem sap. However, stomatal responsiveness to ABA in the xylemwas enhanced throughout the day. As a result, a tight inverserelationship between g and the logarithm of xylem ABA concentrationwas found both at midday and in the afternoon. A similar relationshipbetween g and ABA was found when exogenous ABA was fed to leavesdetached from well-watered trees. These results indicate thatABA derived from the xylem may account for the differences ing observed between field-grown peach trees growing with differentsoil water availabilities. Several possible explanations forthe apparent low stomatal sensitivity to xylem ABA in the morning,are discussed, such as high leaf water potential, low temperatureand high cytokinin activity. Key words: Prunus persica L., stomata, xylem ABA, water deficits, root-to-shoot communication  相似文献   

The response of w-1, a wilty sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)mutant, to water stress is described in comparison with thecontrol line (W-1). Detached leaves of w-1 strongly dehydratedduring the first 30 min without significant changes in leafconductance, whereas W-1 responded rapidly to water loss byreducing stomatal aperture. After 2 h stress ABA increased slightlyin w-1, while W-1 leaves showed a 20-fold increase. When waterstress was imposed to potted plants by water withholding, w-1quickly dehydrated, and lost turgor, while W-1 maintained positiveturgor values for a longer period. Wild-type plants respondedto small changes in leaf water potential by accumulating ABAand by closing stomata, whereas in the mutant significant changesin ABA content and in stomatal conductance were found only atvery low water potentials. In another experiment in which waterwas withheld under high relative humidity, when soil water contentstarted to decrease W-1 rapidly closed stomata in the absenceof any change in leaf water status and the reduction in conductancewas paralleled by a rise in xylem sap ABA concentration. Bycontrast the mutant started to accumulate ABA in the xylem sapand to close stomata when soil water content and leaf waterpotential were dramatically reduced. The low endogenous ABAlevels and the inability to synthesize the hormone rapidly eitherin the leaves or in the roots seem to be responsible for thehigh sensitivity of w-1 to water stress. Key words: ABA, Helianthus annuus L, water relations, stomatal conductance, drought, wilty mutant  相似文献   

When detached maize leaves were fed with an ABA solution viathe xylem, the relationship between the relative stomatal inhibitionand ABA concentrations was similar under different humidityconditions, but the relationship between such inhibition andABA flux was different according to changes of humidity. Tounderstand whether such stomatal behaviour was related to theway through which xylem-delivered ABA was metabolized, detachedleaves of maize and Commelina were fed with tritium-labelled(3H)-ABA at concentrations similar to that found in xylem ofdroughted plants and it was found that xylem-delivered ABA wasmetabolized rapidly in both species. The half-life of ABA metabolism,calculated from the time-related ABA disappearance curve, was42 and 64 min for maize and Commelina, respectively. The veryshort half-life suggests that there is a large capacity in leavesto metabolize xylem-delivered ABA and that metabolism is a majorfactor in the control of ABA accumulation in leaves. When ABAwas fed at different fluxes, either through changing the feedingconcentrations or through manipulating the rates of leaf transpiration(i.e. the volume flux), ABA was metabolized at rates that wereproportional to the amount that was delivered. The absoluterate of ABA metabolism was, therefore, linearly related to theamount of ABA that had arrived. It was found that xylem-deliveredABA reached the epidermis of Commelina, and was metabolizedat the same pattern as that in mesophyll tissues, i.e. at asimilar half-life and at rates constantly related to the amountthat was delivered. The role of the rapid ABA metabolism wasdiscussed in the context of stomatal control by either concentrationor flux of xylem-carried ABA. Key words: Abscisic acid, ABA metabolism, xylem-delivered ABA, maize, Commelina  相似文献   

Inherent differences in the responses of stomata on abaxialand adaxial epidermal surfaces of leaves of Commelina communishave previously been suggested to be due to differences in theconcentrations of apoplastic Ca. Adaxial stomata have also beenreported to be more sensitive than abaxial stomata to appliedabscisic acid (ABA). The aims of these experiments were to determinethe validity of these conclusions and to see if xylem sap Cahas a role in determining the response of stomata to ABA. It can be shown from measurements of relative stomatal resistance(determined with a viscous flow porometer) and stomatal conductancethat stomata were more open in plants grown on 8-0 mol m–3Ca, than with those grown on 2-0 mol m–3 Ca. When attachedleaves were fed with ABA via the transpiration stream neitherthe extent nor the rate with which conductance declined wasdependent on Ca nutrition. The extent of Ca accumulation within both epidermes was relatedto the concentration of Ca in the rhizosphere and in the xylemsap. It did not, however, appear to reflect the apparent differencesin the flux of the transpiration stream between the two epidermes.Plants growing at the lower Ca concentration accumulated proportionallymore epidermal Ca relative to Ca in xylem sap. The evidencepresented suggests that Ca movement from the xylem to the epidermiscannot be simply described by a mass flow model, and that thedistribution of Ca is not an adequate explanation of the differencesin the behaviour of adaxial and abaxial stomata. The potentialrole for changes in xylem sap Ca to act as a regulator of stomatalbehaviour are discussed. Key words: Abscisic acid, calcium, Commelina communis L., stomatal conductance  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plantswere grown in large volumes of soil and leaf growth rate wasmonitored on a daily basis. Half the plants were given a soildrying treatment and when they showed a significant restrictionof growth rate (compared to both their daily growth rate beforedrying and the average growth rate of well-watered plants onthe same day), leaf water relations were measured and xylemsap was extracted using several techniques. There was a significant negative log-linear relationship betweenthe rate of leaf growth and the concentration of ABA in thexylem for both species. There was no clear relationship betweenleaf growth rate and leaf water potential or turgor for eitherspecies. Assessment of different methods for sampling xylemsap suggests that exudates collected from stem stumps or samplescollected by pressurizing the whole root system are suitablefor estimating ABA concentration in xylem, at least with largeplants of maize or sunflower, provided the first few hundredcubic millimetres of collected sap are used for the assay. Centrifugationof sections of stems resulted in dilution of ABA in the xylemsap with sap squeezed from parenchyma tissue. This is because,at least in plants subjected to mild soil drying, the concentrationof the ABA in the xylem is far higher than that in the cellsap of stem tissue. Results support the proposal that ABA plays a major role asa chemical signal involved in the root-to-shoot communicationof the effects of soil drying. The non-hydraulic restrictionof leaf growth by a chemical signal can be explained by theextra root-sourced ABA in the xylem and may be an importantcomponent of the modification of growth and development whichresults from prolonged soil drought. Key words: Soil drying, ABA, leaf growth, Zea mays L., Helianthus annuus L.  相似文献   

Plants of Helianthus annuus were grown in soil in pots suchthat approximately 30% of the root system protruded throughthe base of the pot. After 7 d further growth in aerated nutrientsolution, the attached, protruding roots were air-dried for10–15 min and thereafter surrounded with moist still air,in the dark, for 49 h, whilst the soil was kept at field capacity.The roots of the control plants remained in the nutrient solutionthroughout the experiment. This treatment rapidly reduced the water content of protrudingroots from 20.5 to 17.8 g g–1 dry mass (DM), which remainedless than that of the control roots for the rest of the experiment.This treatment also reduced root turgor and water potential.The abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations in the protruding roots,xylem sap and leaves of the treated plants increased significantly,compared to values recorded for control plants. In treated roots, the ABA concentration was significantly increased4 h after treatment, with a maximum of 4.4+0.1 nmol g–1(DM) after 25 h. The ABA concentration in the xylem sap of thetreated plants was significantly greater than in the controls25 h, 30 h, and 49 h after the partial drying of the roots,with a maximum concentration of approximately 970 pmol ABA cm-3at 49 h. Initially, the ABA concentration in the leaves was0.45 nmol g–1 (DM) which increased significantly to 1.1±0.1 nmol g–1 at 25 h, to 1.7±0.3 nmol g–1at 49 h. Leaf conductance was significantly less in plants with air-driedroots than in the controls 8 h after the start of the treatmentand thereafter. The water relations of the leaves of the treatedplants did not differ from those of the control plants. These results confirm previous reports that ABA is rapidly generatedin partially-dried and attached root systems and demonstratesa concomitant large increase in the ABA content of the xylemsap. It is suggested that partial dehydration of some of theroots of Helianthus annuus, increases ABA concentration in thetranspiration stream and decreases leaf conductance in the absenceof changes in leaf water status. As these responses were initiatedin free-growing roots the stimulus is independent of any increasesin soil shear strength that are associated with soil drying. Key words: Soil drying, roots, ABA, leaf conductance, water relations  相似文献   

The consequences of manipulating abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis rates on stomatal response to drought were analysed in wild‐type, a full‐deficient mutant and four under‐producing transgenic lines of N. plumbaginifolia. The roles of ABA, xylem sap pH and leaf water potential were investigated under four experimental conditions: feeding detached leaves with varying ABA concentration; injecting exogenous ABA into well‐watered plants; and withholding irrigation on pot‐grown plants, either intact or grafted onto tobacco. Changes in ABA synthesis abilities among lines did not affect stomatal sensitivity to ABA concentration in the leaf xylem sap ([ABA]xyl), as evidenced with exogenous ABA supplies and natural increases of [ABA]xyl in grafted plants subjected to drought. The ABA‐deficient mutant, which is uncultivable under normal evaporative demand, was grafted onto tobacco stock and then presented the same stomatal response to [ABA]xyl as wild‐type and other lines. This reinforces the dominant role of ABA in controlling stomatal response to drought in N. plumbaginifolia whereas roles of leaf water potential and xylem sap pH were excluded under all studied conditions. However, when plants were submitted to soil drying onto their own roots, stomatal response to [ABA]xyl slightly differed among lines. It is suggested, consistently with all the results, that an additional root signal of soil drying modulates stomatal response to [ABA]xyl.  相似文献   

A model of maize stomatal behaviour has been developed, in which stomatal conductance is linked to the concentration of abscisic acid ([ABA]) in the xylem sap, with a sensitivity dependent upon the leaf water potential (Ψ1). It was tested against two alternative hypotheses, namely that stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA] would be linked to the leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (VPD), or to the flux of ABA into the leaf. Stomatal conductance (gs) was studied: (1) in field-grown plants whose xylem [ABA] and Ψ1 depended on soil water status and evaporative demand; (2) in field-grown plants fed with ABA solutions such that xylem [ABA] was artificially raised, thereby decreasing gs and increasing Ψ1 and leaf-to-air VPD; and (3) in ABA-fed detached leaves exposed to varying evaporative demands, but with a constant and high Ψ1. The same relationships between gs, xylem [ABA] and Ψ1, showing lower stomatal sensitivity to [ABA] at high Ψ1, applied whether variations in xylem [ABA] were due to natural increase or to feeding, and whether variations in Ψ1, were due to changes in evaporative demand or to the increased Ψ1 observed in ABA-fed plants. Conversely, neither the leaf-to-air VPD nor the ABA flux into the leaf accounted for the observed changes in stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA]. The model, using parameters calculated from previous field data and the detached-leaf data, was tested against the observations of both ABA-fed and droughted plants in the field. It accounted with reasonable accuracy for changes in gs (r2 ranging from 0.77 to 0.81). These results support the view that modelling of stomatal behaviour requires consideration of both chemical and hydraulic aspects of root-to-shoot communication.  相似文献   

The characteristics of ABA-induced changes in the fluxes ofCO2 and water vapour from whole leaves of spring wheat (Triticumaestivum cv. Wembley) were examined. Aqueous solutions of ABAwere supplied via the transpiration stream to intact leavesof different ages mounted within a gas exchange cuvette. ABA caused a reduction in stomatal conductance (g) that wasproportional to the concentration in the solution fed to theleaf. For the maintenance of a reduction in g there was a requirementfor a continual supply of ABA. At concentrations greater than10–2 mol m–3 ABA reduced g by at least 50% of thecontrol value, while 1.0 mol m–3 closed stomata within2 h. Concentrations as low as 10–3 mol m–3 produceda 20% reduction in g. As leaves aged they became less responsiveto applied ABA. The possibility that the stomatal response may change aftera leaf has previously experienced a pulse of ABA was exploredby repeating the exposure of a leaf to 10–2 mol m–3ABA. The first pulse of ABA produced a greater reduction ing than a subsequent exposure the following day. This declinein response of g to ABA on repeated exposure was maintainedwith leaves of different ages. The characteristics of the stomatal response to ABA are discussedin the context of what is known about the location of receptorsfor the hormone. It seems likely that a failure to respond toABA that has previously accumulated in the guard cells shouldbe viewed by means of maximizing the sensitivity to the currentsupply of ABA. It is suggested that the smaller response ofthe stomata of older leaves to ABA makes them more susceptibleto water stress, so that they can act as sensors for decliningwater potentials to give early protection to younger, metabolicallyactive leaves. Key words: Abscisic acid, leaf age, stomatal conductance, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance of individual leaves was measured in a maize field, together with leaf water potential, leaf turgor, xylem ABA concentration and leaf ABA concentration in the same leaves. Stomatal conductance showed a tight relationship with xylem ABA, but not with the current leaf water status or with the concentration of ABA in the bulk leaf. The relationship between stomatal conductance and xylem [ABA] was common for variations in xylem [ABA] linked to the decline with time of the soil water reserve, to simultaneous differences between plants grown on compacted, non-compacted and irrigated soil, and to plant-to-plant variability. Therefore, this relationship is unlikely to be fortuitous or due to synchronous variations. These results suggest that increased concentration of ABA in the xylem sap in response to stress can control the gas exchange of plants under field conditions.  相似文献   

Hordeum vulgare cv. California Mariout was established in sandculture at two different NaCl concentrations (0.5 mol m–3‘control’ and 100 mol m–3) in the presenceof 6.5 mol m–3 K +. Between 16 and 31 d after germination,before stem elongation started, xylem sap was collected by useof a pressure chamber. Collections were made at three differentsites on leaves 1 and 3: at the base of the sheath, at the baseof the blade, i.e. above the ligule, and at the tip of the blade.Phloem sap was collected from leaf 3 at similar sites throughaphid stylets. The concentrations of K +, Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+were measured. Ion concentrations in xylem sap collected at the base of leaves1 and 3 were identical, indicating there was no preferentialdelivery of specific ions to older leaves. All ion concentrationsin the xylem decreased from the base of the leaf towards thetip; these gradients were remarkably steep for young leaves,indicating high rates of ion uptake from the xylem. The gradientsdecreased with leaf age, but did not disappear completely. In phloem sap, concentrations of K+ and total osmolality declinedslightly from the tip to the base of leaves of both controland salt-treated plants. By contrast, Na+ concentrations inphloem sap collected from salt-treated plants decreased drasticallyfrom 21 mol m–3 at the tip to 7.5 mol m–3 at thebase. Data of K/Na ratios in xylem and phloem sap were used to constructan empirical model of Na+ and K+ flows within xylem and phloemduring the life cycle of a leaf, indicating recirculation ofNa+ within the leaf. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, xylem transport, phloem transport, NaCl-stress  相似文献   

Antitranspirant Activity in Xylem Sap of Maize Plants   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
Xylem sap from unwatered maize plants was collected and testedfor antitranspirant activity. Two assays were used. These werea transpiration assay with detached wheat leaves and a stomatalbio-assay involving the direct microscopic observation of epidermisof Commelina communis. The reduction in transpiration of detached wheat leaves promotedby xylem sap could be duplicated almost exactly by the applicationof solutions of ABA of equivalent concentration to that foundin the xylem sap. Removal of virtually all the ABA from thexylem sap, using an immunoaffinity column, removed virtuallyall the antitranspirant activity in both assays. These results are discussed in the context of other resultswhich suggest the presence of as-yet unidentified inhibitorsin the xylem sap of unwatered plants. We suggest that with maize plants at least, stomatal responsesto soil drying can be entirely explained by enhanced concentrationof ABA in the xylem stream. Key words: Antitranspirant activity, ABA, ABA bio-assay, xylem sap  相似文献   

The mechanisms regulating stomatal response following exposure to low (5°C) soil temperature were investigated in aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) seedlings. Low soil temperature reduced stomatal conductance within 4 h, but did not alter shoot xylem pressure potential within 24 h. The xylem sap composition was altered and its pH increased from 6.5 to 7.1 within the initial 4 h of the low temperature treatment. However, the increase in abscisic acid (ABA) concentration in xylem sap was observed later, after 8 h of treatment. These changes were accompanied by a reduction in the electrical conductivity and an increase in the osmotic potential of the xylem sap. The timing of physiological responses to low soil temperature suggests that the rapid pH change of the xylem sap and accompanying changes in ion concentration were the initial factors which triggered stomatal closure in low temperature-treated seedlings, and that the role of the more slowly accumulating ABA was likely to reinforce the stomatal closure. When leaf discs were exposed to xylem sap extracted from low soil temperature-treated plants, stomatal aperture was negatively correlated with ABA and positively correlated with K+ concentrations of the xylem sap. The stomatal opening in the leaf discs linearly increased in response to exogenous KCl concentrations when K+ concentrations were in the similar range to those detected in the xylem sap. The lowest concentration of exogenous ABA to induce stomatal closure was several-fold higher compared with the concentration present in the xylem sap.  相似文献   

By feeding radioactive3H-ABA into attached maize leaves, there-export and metabolism of xylem-delivered ABA and their relationshipswith xylem ABA transpirational fluxes and concentrations wereinvestigated. ABA entering leaves in the transpirational streamwas re-exported out of leaves slowly. Within 24 h the proportionof fed radioactivity that was re-exported was less than 45%.When different concentrations of 3H-ABA (100 nM versus 500 nM)was fed, no difference between the two concentrations was foundin their rates of re-export of the fed radioactivity duringthe first 5 h. After 5 h, very little fed radioactivity wasre-exported in leaves that were fed with 100 nM 3H-ABA, whileleaves that were fed with 500 nM 3H-ABA continued to re-exportsuch that the final proportion remaining in leaves after 24h was less as a result, suggesting a concentration-stimulatedre-export. When 3H-ABA was fed at two different transpirationrates which were induced by different air humidity, a 4-folddifference in transpirational fluxes did not produce any differencein terms of re-exportation of fed radioactivity. The rate ofcatabol-ism of xylem-fed 3H-ABA in the attached leaves was muchfaster than that of re-export. On average fed 3H-ABA had a half-lifeof 2.2 h and only 8% remained unmodified after 24 h of incubation,suggesting that re-exported radioactivity might not be the intactform of ABA at all. Using the parameters obtained from the feeding experiment, wecalculated that in a real soil-drying situation the possiblemaximum amount of xylem-delivered ABA that could accumulatein leaves during a day. It was found that the proportion ofdaily accumulated ABA was only 5% of the leaf ABA in well-wateredplants. In soil-dried plants the maximum amount of daily accumulationby xylem ABA could reach 20% of the leaf ABA at the beginningof soil drying, but it soon declined to about 5% again. Thedeclined contribution was mainly due to a reduced transpirationand an increased total leaf ABA as a result of aggravated leafwater deficit. A tight relationship between leaf conductanceand the accumulation of xylem-delivered ABA was not found. Key words: Abscisic acid, ABA, ABA export, ABA metabolism, xylem-delivered ABA, maize  相似文献   

When soil moisture is heterogeneous, sap flow from, and ABA status of, different parts of the root system impact on leaf xylem ABA concentration ([X-ABA]leaf). The robustness of a model for predicting [X-ABA]leaf was assessed. 'Two root-one shoot' grafted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants received either deficit irrigation (DI, each root system received the same irrigation volumes) or partial rootzone drying (PRD, only one root system was watered and the other dried the soil). Irrespective of whether relative sap flow was assessed using sap flow sensors in vivo or by pressurization of de-topped roots, each root system contributed similarly to total sap flow during DI, while sap flow from roots in drying soil declined linearly with soil water potential (Psisoil) during PRD. Although Psisoil of the irrigated pot determined the threshold Psisoil at which sap flow from roots in drying soil decreased, the slope of this decrease was independent of the wet pot Psisoil. Irrespective of whether sap was collected from the wet or dry root system of PRD plants, or a DI plant, root xylem ABA concentration increased as Psisoil declined. The model, which weighted ABA contributions of each root system according to the sap flow from each, almost perfectly explained [X-ABA] immediately above the graft union. That the model overestimated measured [X-ABA]leaf may result from changes in [X-ABA] along the transport pathway or an artefact of collecting xylem sap from detached leaves. The implications of declining sap flow through partially dry roots during PRD for the control of stomatal behaviour and irrigation scheduling are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf growth responses to ABA are temperature dependent   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The robustness of a leaf elongation bioassay was evaluated byconducting trials with detached shoots of wheat at several differenttemperatures. Leaf elongation rate (LER) was monitored for shootsfed either an artificial xylem solution or xylem solution plus10–3mol m–3 abscisic acid (ABA). Consistent resultswere obtained when periodic ruler measurements of many shootswere made and compared with simultaneous measurements on a singleshoot made with a linearly variable displacement transducer(LVDT). ABA treatment consistently inhibited leaf growth; however,the magnitude of the inhibition was dependent on the temperatureat which the assay was conducted. Interpretation of resultsfrom such bioas-says in terms of ABA concentration suppliedto the detached shoots is complicated by this observation sincethere is no unique relationship between leaf growth inhibitionand ABA concentration. The results are discussed in terms ofchemical signalling affecting the growth rate of plants in dryingsoil. Key words: ABA, leaf growth, temperature, leaf elongation bioassay  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the relative rolesof leaf water status and root-sourced signals in mediating beanleaf responses to root hypoxia. To do so, the roots of beanplants under varied VPD (0.95 kPa to 0.25 KPa) were made hypoxic.Under all conditions, leaf growth rates and stomatal conductanceswere reduced. There was a transitory decline in leaf water potentialat high VPD which accounted for the initial reduction in leafgrowth rates and stomatal conductance. At low VPD, no waterdeficits were detected. Leaf growth inhibition and reduced stomatalconductance under low VPD treatments were unrelated to leafwater status and must be induced by some other factor. In vitrogrowth of leaf discs was reduced by xylem sap collected fromhypoxic roots. Exogenously applied ABA, at high concentrationsin KCl and sucrose, or at low concentrations diluted in xylemsap from aerated plants, inhibited in vitro growth of leaf discs.Applications of ABA in the transpiration stream reduced stomatalconductance.  相似文献   

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