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The protease thrombin is a potent activator of various cell types. Thrombin cleaves and thereby activates its own seven-transmembrane-domain receptor which couples to G proteins. Thrombin also can inhibit neuronal differentiation, supposedly by degrading components of the extracellular matrix. Here we report that active thrombin induces immediate cell rounding and neurite retraction in differentiating N1E-115 and NG108-15 neural cells in serum-free culture. Serum (0.5-5% vol/vol) evokes similar responses, but the cell-rounding and neurite-retracting activity of serum is not attributable to thrombin. Neural cell rounding is transient, subsiding after 10-15 min, and subject to homologous desensitization, whereas retracted neurites rapidly degenerate. Thrombin action is inhibited by cytochalasin, but not colchicine. A novel 14-amino acid peptide agonist of the thrombin receptor fully mimics thrombin's morphoregulatory activity, indicating that thrombin-induced shape changes are receptor-mediated and not secondary to extracellular matrix degradation. Although thrombin receptors couple to phosphoinositide hydrolysis and Ca2+ mobilization, thrombin-induced shape changes appear to depend neither on the Ca2+/protein kinase C- nor the cyclic nucleotide-mediated signal transduction pathways; however, the morphological response to thrombin is blocked by pervanadate, an inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases, and by broad-specificity kinase inhibitors. Our results suggest that the thrombin receptor communicates to an as-yet-uncharacterized effector to reorganize the actin cytoskeleton and to reverse the differentiated phenotype of neural cells.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive lysosphingolipid implicated in mitogenesis and cytoskeletal remodelling, but its mechanism of action is poorly understood. We report here that in N1E-115 neuronal cells, S1P mimics the G protein-coupled receptor agonist lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) in rapidly inducing neurite retraction and soma rounding, a process driven by Rho-dependent contraction of the actin cytoskeleton. S1P is approximately 100-fold more potent than LPA in evoking these shape changes, with an EC50 as low as 1.5 nM. Microinjection of S1P has no effect, neither has addition of sphingosine or ceramide. As with LPA, S1P action is inhibited by suramin and subject to homologous desensitization; however, the responses to S1P and LPA do not show cross-desensitization. We conclude that S1P activates its own high affinity receptor to trigger Rho-regutated cytoskeletal events. Thus, S1P and LPA may belong to an emerging family of bioactive lysophospholipids that act through distinct G protein-coupled receptors to mediate similar actions.  相似文献   

GPR55 was recently identified as a putative receptor for certain cannabinoids, and lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI). Recently, the role of cannabinoids as GPR55 agonists has been disputed by a number of reports, in part, because studies investigating GPR55 often utilized overexpression systems, such as the GPR55-overexpressing HEK293 cells, which make it difficult to deduce the physiological role of endogenous GPR55. In the present study, we found that PC12 cells, a neural model cell line, express endogenous GPR55, and by using these cells, we were able to examine the role of endogenous GPR55. Although GPR55 mRNA and protein were expressed in PC12 cells, neither CB(1) nor CB(2) mRNA was expressed in these cells. GPR55 was predominantly localized on the plasma membrane in undifferentiated PC12 cells. However, GPR55 was also localized in the growth cones or the ruffled border in differentiated PC12 cells, suggesting a potential role for GPR55 in the regulation of neurite elongation. LPI increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and RhoA activity, and induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation, whereas endogenous and synthetic cannabinoids did not, thereby suggesting that cannabinoids are not GPR55 agonists. LPI also caused neurite retraction in a time-dependent manner accompanied by the loss of neurofilament light chain and redistribution of actin in PC12 cells differentiated by NGF. This LPI-induced neurite retraction was found to be G(q)-independent and G(13)-dependent. Furthermore, inactivation of RhoA function via C3 toxin and GPR55 siRNA knockdown prevented LPI-induced neurite retraction. These results suggest that LPI, and not cannabinoids, causes neurite retraction in differentiated PC12 cells via a GPR55, G(13) and RhoA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

We have used quantitative fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence photobleaching recovery to examine the role of metabolic energy in the translational movement of transferrin receptors in the plasma membrane of K562 erythroleukemia cells. Cellular ATP depletion caused a significant decrease in the translational mobility of cell surface transferrin receptors and a significant increase in the number of receptors on the cell surface. ATP repletion restored receptor translational mobility and cell surface expression to control values. Inhibition of ATP hydrolases by orthovanadate also immobilized cell surface transferrin receptors and altered cell surface receptor expression, in a concentration-dependent manner. Vanadate-induced changes in receptor mobility and cell surface expression were reversible upon washing out the drug. Cellular ATP depletion did not affect the translational mobility of plasma membrane glycophorins or a fluorescent phospholipid analogue. We conclude that the translational movement of cell surface transferrin receptors specifically requires metabolic energy and ATP hydrolysis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The coagulation protein thrombin has been shown to stimulate multiple endothelial-cell (EC) functions, including production of platelet-derived growth factor and of platelet-activating factor (PAF), and neutrophil adhesion. We have found that thrombin causes increased binding of monocytic cells (U937 cells and normal human monocytes) to cultured EC of various species. Maximum adhesion of monocytes to pig aortic EC occurred 6 h after thrombin treatment and remained elevated through 24 h. Stimulation of adherence by bovine alpha-thrombin was half-maximal at 15 units/ml, and reached a plateau at 50 units/ml. Catalytically inactive thrombin (phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride-treated) had no effect on monocyte adhesion to EC. Heparin, but not the endotoxin antagonist polymyxin B, suppressed the stimulation of adhesion by thrombin without altering basal adhesion. Two lines of evidence suggested that protein kinase C (PKC) was involved in the intracellular signalling to increase monocyte adhesion to EC. First the PKC activator phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulated monocytic-cell adhesion to EC at a dose consistent with stimulation of PKC (half-maximal response at 1-3 nM) and with a time course similar to that for thrombin stimulation (maximal by 4 h). Diacylglycerol, a physiological activator of PKC, also stimulated U937-cell adhesion to EC. Secondly, H7, a PKC inhibitor, completely blocked stimulation of monocyte adhesion to EC by thrombin or PMA. The structural analogue of H7, HA1004, which preferentially inhibits cyclic-AMP- and cyclic-GMP-dependent protein kinases, had no effect on stimulated monocyte adhesion. The PKC inhibitor also blocked the stimulation of monocyte adhesion to EC by interleukin-1 and endotoxin, but did not alter the basal level of monocyte binding to unstimulated EC. Thrombin stimulation of monocyte adhesion differed from the reported stimulation of neutrophil adhesion by thrombin in that the latter process reached a maximum in minutes rather than hours. In addition, neither PAF itself nor agents known to stimulate PAF production by EC, such as arachidonate and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, had any effect on monocyte adhesion. These results demonstrate a PKC-dependent cytokine-like action of the coagulation protein thrombin in modulating monocytic-cell adhesion to EC, a phenomenon of potential importance in many pathological and physiological processes.  相似文献   

Sulforaphane (SFN), an activator of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), has been reported to induce autophagy in several cells. However, little is known about its signaling mechanism of autophagic induction. Here, we provide evidence that SFN induces autophagy with increased levels of LC3-II through extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation in neuronal cells. Pretreatment with NAC (N-acetyl-l-cysteine), a well-known antioxidant, completely blocked the SFN-induced increase in LC3-II levels and activation of ERK. Knockdown or overexpression of Nrf2 did not affect autophagy. Together, the results suggest that SFN-mediated generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induces autophagy via ERK activation, independent of Nrf2 activity in neuronal cells.  相似文献   

Addition of the bioactive phospholipid lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) or a thrombin receptor-activating peptide (TRP) to serum-starved N1E-115 or NG108-15 neuronal cells causes rapid growth cone collapse, neurite retraction, and transient rounding of the cell body. These shape changes appear to be driven by receptor-mediated contraction of the cortical actomyosin system independent of classic second messengers. Treatment of the cells with Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme, which ADP-ribosylates and thereby inactivates the Rho small GTP-binding protein, inhibits LPA- and TRP-induced force generation and subsequent shape changes. C3 also inhibits LPA-induced neurite retraction in PC12 cells. Biochemical analysis reveals that the ADP-ribosylated substrate is RhoA. Prolonged C3 treatment of cells maintained in 10% serum induces the phenotype of serum-starved cells, with initial cell flattening being followed by neurite outgrowth; such C3-differentiated cells fail to retract their neurites in response to agonists. We conclude that RhoA is essential for receptor-mediated force generation and ensuing neurite retraction in N1E-115 and PC12 cells, and that inactivation of RhoA by ADP-ribosylation abolishes actomyosin contractility and promotes neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides (sODN) containing the CpG motif or TCG repeats induce T cell-independent polyclonal activation of human B cells. To elucidate the mechanism of this response, the role of cell surface receptors was investigated. Sepharose beads coated with stimulatory but not nonstimulatory sODNs induced B cell proliferation comparably with soluble sODNs. The B cell stimulatory activity of Sepharose-bound sODN did not result from free sODN released from the beads since media incubated with coated beads were inactive. Using FITC-labeled sODNs as probes, binding to human B cells could be detected by flow cytometry. Binding was rapid, saturable, initially temperature independent, but with a rapid off-rate. Competition studies indicated that both stimulatory sODNs and minimally stimulatory sODNs bound to the same receptor. By contrast, phosphodiester oligonucleotides with the same nucleotide sequence as sODNs and bacterial DNA inhibited the binding of sODNs to B cells minimally. Charge appeared to contribute to the binding of sODNs to B cells since binding of sODNs was competitively inhibited by negatively charged molecules, including fucoidan, poly I, and polyvinyl sulfate. These data indicate that human B cells bind sODNs by a receptor-mediated mechanism that is necessary but not sufficient for polyclonal activation.  相似文献   

Using normal human lymphocytes isolated by sedimentation and cotton column adherence, we have developed a reliable assay of immunosuppression of PHA-induced blastogenesis by serum from selected melanoma patients. These lymphocyte cultures contained both responder cells (subpopulation x) and regulator cells (subpopulation y). Lymphocytes isolated by gradient centrifugation on sodium metrizoate-Ficoll contained responder cells (x) but no regulator cells (y). Cultures of lymphocytes isolated by this method were stimulated by PHA but were not suppressed by the addition of melanoma serum. When lymphocytes were isolated by a cotton column adherence/Lymphoprep centrifugation-double separation, subpopulations (x) and (y) were isolated. We have established that both subpopulations are necessary for suppression to occur, and that (y) operates as the regulator of (x). Finally, by manipulating B cell and T cell populations isolated by nylon column adherence or AET rosette separation, we have determined that the regulator ability of subpopulation (y) is the result of B cell activation of suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta (Abeta) is a main component of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease and induces neuronal cell death. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress have been implicated in Abeta-induced neurotoxicity. We have reported that apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is required for ROS- and ER stress-induced JNK activation and apoptosis. Here we show the involvement of ASK1 in Abeta-induced neuronal cell death. Abeta activated ASK1 mainly through production of ROS but not through ER stress in cultured neuronal cells. Importantly, ASK1-/- neurons were defective in Abeta-induced JNK activation and cell death. These results indicate that ROS-mediated ASK1 activation is a key mechanism for Abeta-induced neurotoxicity, which plays a central role in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP-2A) has been implicated to be crucial in neural development and the normal function of nervous system. However, little is known about its role in neuritogenesis. In this study, we reported that inhibition of PP-2A strongly suppresses the outgrowth of cell processes only during the initiation stage, while activation of PP-2A promotes extensive outgrowth of long neurites in Neura2A cells and long single axon or multiple axons in hippocampal neurons. Our results indicated that PP-2A may be an important positive regulator in neurite outgrowth, and upregulation PP-2A could be a possible target for the therapy of axonopathy in neural diseases.  相似文献   

Neurite development requires rearrangement of cytoskeletal elements, which are mechanically and functionally integrated with each other. Although the process of how an extracellular signal induces rearrangement of a single element has been closely examined, the mechanisms by which the signal regulates cytoskeletal integration during cell shape changes are poorly understood. We previously reported that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) induces actin polymerization-dependent microtubule (MT) rearrangement, leading to neurite retraction in cultured neurons. Here we examined whether the crosslinker proteins were involved in LPA-induced neurite retraction using immortalized mouse neuroblast TR cells. When the MT-binding domains of MACF (MT actin-crosslinking factor) were exogenously expressed in TR cells, MTs were found to be stabilized and become resistant to exposure to LPA. On the other hand, expression of MT-associated protein 2c showed no effect on LPA-induced neurite retraction. These findings suggest that MACF is involved in actin-dependent MT rearrangement during LPA-induced neurite retraction.  相似文献   

A multitude of molecules have been identified over the past few years that promote neurite outgrowth in vitro. The concept that these molecules work mainly by providing an adhesive surface for neuronal growth cones has been challenged by evidence from recent experiments. Some of the substrate molecules have diverse actions on cell migration and neurite growth. In addition, there is now evidence that there are molecules that specifically inhibit growth cone locomotion. This has given rise to the hypothesis that growth cones integrate a variety of growth-promoting and inhibitory signals and translate them into directed locomotion.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is an important modulator of cell growth and differentiation of various cells including neuron. Cells need to adhere specifically to cellular and extracellular components of their environment to carry out diverse physiological functions. Here, we examined whether fibronectin (FN) and FGF can cooperate for neuronal adhesion and neurite outgrowth. Using recombinant FN peptide (FNIII9-10), we found that FNIII9-10-mediated adhesion promotes the effect of FGF1 on neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells, while FGF1 enhances the FNIII9-10-mediated neuronal adhesion of PC12 cells. This collaboration of FNIII9-10 and FGF1 was the result of the sustained activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-type MAP kinase. Finally, the synergistic activity of FGF1 and FN was inhibited by PD98059, an MEK inhibitor. Taken together, these findings indicate that FN-mediated signaling can collaborate with FGFRs signaling for neurite outgrowth through selective activation of ERK-type MAP kinase in PC12 cells, and suggest that FN and FGF act in concert to regulate cell differentiation in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The mouse neuronal F3 glycoprotein and its chicken homolog F11 belong to a subclass of proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily with preferential localization on axons and neurites. We have transfected F3 cDNA into CHO cells. Biochemical analysis establishes that the cDNA we have cloned codes for a 130 kd phosphatidylinositol-anchored polypeptide. F3-expressing transfectants exhibited enhanced self-adhesive properties, aggregating with faster kinetics and forming larger aggregates than F3-negative control cells. When used as a culture substrate for sensory neurons, F3-transfected cells showed a markedly enhanced ability to promote neurite outgrowth compared with nontransfected cells. The results support the idea that F3/F11 and other closely similar proteins function as cell adhesion molecules that play a role in axonal growth and guidance.  相似文献   

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