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本文提出了受精卵双原核注射方法,利用共注射具有部分同源区的两个片段-鼠乳消酸蛋白基因(WAP)调控序列控制下的人粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)(Fig.l),通过PCR和Southern Blot检测了8细胞期外源基因的整合(Fig.2)。结果表明,与单一原核注射相比较。双原核注射转基因的整合率由单一原核注射的48.68%提高至62.65%(T able1)。这为转基因动物建立,提高外源基因整合率提供了新途径。  相似文献   

通过双原核显微注射提高转基因小鼠研制效率的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立高效的转基因小鼠制备技术,为开展遗传工程动物模型研究奠定技术基础。方法通过向小鼠受精卵原核中注入不同浓度的DNA分子,筛选最适注射用DNA浓度;将K14/hCTLA4-Ig基因表达载体分子通过显微注射分别导入小鼠受精卵雌、雄原核,并设立单原核注射对照组;利用输卵管腹壶部穿刺移植法将注射后的小鼠受精卵移植于同期发情的受体母鼠;利用PCR对出生的转基因首建小鼠进行筛选。结果最适DNA分子浓度为10ng/μl;在单、双原核注射组胚胎2细胞卵裂率分别为52.3%(132/253)和45.0%(108/240),差异有显著性(P<0.05);注射胚胎移植后体内存活率分别为18.1%(24/132)和16.7%(18/108),差异无显著性;转基因首建小鼠阳性率分别为3/24和5/18,转基因阳性小鼠占总注射胚胎的比例为1.2%(3/253)和2.08%(5/240),差异有极显著性(P<0.01)。结论尽管双原核注射对胚胎的2细胞卵裂率有一定影响,但通过双原核注射可有效提高转基因小鼠的制备效率。  相似文献   

芬兰Kuopio大学和Virtanen Institute研究人员已成功地从离体培养胚胎(胚胎转移之前经性别筛选,有转基因存在)培养获得转基因奶牛。 由于家畜的妊娠周期长、同窝仔体小、护理费用高等原因,使转基因家畜的生产费用较为昂贵。若利用活体成熟胚胎又需要大量的供体动物,且这些胚胎供量又有限。在奶牛中,通过使用离体成熟并受精  相似文献   

为防治一些重要农业害虫 ,转基因Bt作物已在许多国家商业化种植。在发展Bt作物的初期 ,未经改造的Bt基因被直接用来转化作物。但由于BtmRNA的不稳定 ,不适当的剪切以及译后变异 ,Bt在作物上的表达水平往往很低且不稳定。后来 ,科学工作者对Bt基因进行了一系列针对性的改造或人工合成 ,从而使其在植物细胞中得到高效表达。本文着重总结了这一转基因技术的发展过程。其内容包括未经改造的Bt基因在植物中表达低的原因以及改善Bt毒蛋白表达的有关技术。  相似文献   

二次转化获得整合phbA、phbB、phbC基因的转基因烟草(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
将携有导肽序列的phbB(编码乙酰乙酰CoA还原酶 )和phbC(编码PHB合酶 )连入pBIB_HYG得到组成型表达载体pZCB ,用冻融法转入根癌土壤杆菌 (Agrobacteriumtumefaciens (SmithetTownsend)Conn)并由其介导转化已整合且表达phbA(编码 3_酮硫裂解酶 )基因并具有卡那霉素抗性的转基因烟草 (NicotianatabacumL .)。通过二次转化可避开传统杂交育种 ,在 5个月内获得整合PHB合成所需 3个基因的转基因烟草。所获转基因植株表型正常 ,经PCR、PCR_Southern、RT_PCR_DNA杂交检测确定有 5 0株烟草稳定整合phbB、phbC基因 ,其中 6 .6 7%的植株可在转录水平表达双基因  相似文献   

提高制备转基因小鼠效率的研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
目的提高制备转基因动物的效率.方法着重对注射DNA的制备,高质量受精卵的获得,显微注射及胚胎移植各步骤中的主要影响因素进行了优化.结果移植后出生的小鼠经PCR及Sonthern-Blot检测,从最初的146只仔鼠中检测到2只阳性鼠,提高到由34只仔鼠中检测到10只阳性鼠,阳性鼠概率由1.4%基本稳定增加到30%.结论通过技术改良后,转基因效率得到明显提高,为从事转基因动物方面的研究建立了稳定的技术平台.  相似文献   

花粉介导法获得玉米转基因植株(英文)   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
利用花粉作为外源基因的载体进行遗传转化在玉米 (ZeamaysL .)上获得了成功。以玉米自交系太 910 1、综 31等为受体 ,以pGLⅡ_RC_1质粒为供体 ,在玉米开花期 ,用花粉与质粒DNA混合并附加超声波处理 ,然后辅以人工授粉的方法将外源基因导入到受体中。DNA斑点杂交和PCR扩增以及PCR_Southernblot杂交检测结果证明 ,几丁质酶基因确已导入玉米自交系中。所得结果表明 :玉米花粉可以介导外源基因的转化。利用花粉作为载体介导外源基因转化 ,避免了传统的基因枪法和土壤杆菌法转化所要求的组织培养技术 ,转化方法简单 ,易操作 ,具有很强的实用性  相似文献   

采用显微注射法 ,将一个由 1.3kb人感光细胞间维生素A类结合蛋白 (hIRBP)启动子区和人血管内皮生长因子 (hVEGF183)cDNA所构成的融合基因片段HIRV183导入 2 89枚ICR小鼠受精卵的雄性原核 .制备当代 (G0 )转基因小鼠 ,共得G0 代小鼠 17只 .经PCR和PCR Southern方法筛选得到 1只为hVEGF183转基因阳性小鼠 ,整合率为 5 9%,转基因总效率为 0 3%.将其与正常ICR小鼠交配 ,经PCR和dot blot杂交鉴定后代 (F1)小鼠阳性整合率为 4 5 9%.F1代兄妹之间进行交配 ,后代 (F2 )小鼠阳性整合率为 6 7 6 %.结果表明 ,外源基因hVEGF183整合在小鼠染色体的单一位点 ,为以后利用转基因动物的方法对VEGF这个新型异构体VEGF183进行深入研究打下了基础  相似文献   

Zhuang YH  Li SM  Yu GY  Zhang Y  Xiang Y  Zou H  Lee WH 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):144-150
人三叶因子2(hTFF2)具有促进细胞迁移和抑制细胞凋亡的活性,所以被认为是胃肠黏膜修复的启动者之一。因为从人组织中获得hTFF2比较困难,而且体外产生的重组hTFF2大都以融合蛋白的形式存在,所以该研究的目的是在体外产生不带任何融合蛋白的游离型hTFF2。hTFF2的开放阅读框被插入pET-32a(+)表达载体,然后在大肠杆菌中表达出带有硫氧还蛋白融合部分的hTFF2融合蛋白。进而利用融合蛋白的组氨酸标签使用镍亲和色谱柱以及反向高压色谱柱对目的蛋白进行纯化。23°C,FXa因子裂解纯度高达95%的融合蛋白以得到游离型hTFF2。在去除FXa因子和尚未被切开的融合蛋白后,获得的游离型hTFF2被SDS-PAGE和Westernblotting所证实。重组游离型hTFF2的产量约为5mg/L,并且hTFF2能促进IEC-6细胞的迁移以及体外的伤口修复,而这些活性是依赖于ERK1/2的激活。同时,hTFF2也能抑制50μmol/L神经鞘氨醇所引起的HCT-116细胞的凋亡。总之,研究结果表明,在大肠杆菌中高产量地成功表达出具有生物学活性的游离型hTFF2,这为研究TFF2的分子机制,以及研制和开发TFF2的相关药物都提供很大的帮助。  相似文献   

提高转基因植物外源基因表达效率的途径   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目前,外源基因在转基因植物中表达效率低是一个普遍存在而又亟待解决的问题。现结合当前国内外在植物基因工程中取得的进展,初步探讨实现外源基因高效表达的种种途径,包括:启动子的选择和改造;目的基因的改造;构建含有核基质结合区的表达载体;建立位点特异重组体系;利用细胞器定位信号和采用叶绿体进行转化等。同时对这些方法在实际应用中存在的问题和前景提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

A co-injection strategy was employed to improve the efficiency of integration of a poorly integrating but commercially important growth hormone gene construct in tilapia. Its co-injection with a reporter gene construct of higher integration efficiency yielded a threefold increase in the integration efficiency of the growth hormone gene construct. In addition, out of 13 transgenic founder tilapia generated, three transmitted the transgenes to G1 and G2 progeny with expected Mendelian inheritance ratios in the G2 generation. We also observed expression of both constructs in a number of founder and G1/G2 individuals. Evidence is provided for the co-ligation of the two constructs and we suggest that this accounts for the increased integration efficiency of growth hormone gene construct and its successful transmission and expression, thus generating lines of novel growth hormone expressing tilapia  相似文献   

转基因动物整合位点的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
吴波  朱作言 《遗传》2003,25(1):77-80
转基因动物整合位点克隆及相关序列特征研究是探索外源基因整合机制和整合稳定性的重要手段。转基因整合位点序列的克隆方法主要有:个体基因组文库筛选法、反向PCR法、热不对称交互式PCR法和质粒回收法。4种方法各有优缺点,可根据不同条件选用。克隆到的整合位点序列表明,整合位点可能存在一定的共同特征。 Integration Sites of Transgenes in Transgenic Animals WU Bo,ZHU Zuo-Yan State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology,Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science,Wuhan 430072,China Abstract:To study the mechanism of transgene ' s integration in the host genome,first step is to clone the integration-site sequence.The method employed for this purpose includes selection from genomic pool,IPCR,TAIL-PCR and plasmid rescued.Different method fits different cases depending on how the transgenics have been produced.The data of integration-site sequences showed some similar features existed. Key words:transgene; integration site; clone method  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse production via pronuclear microinjection is a complex process consisting of a number of sequential steps. Many different factors contribute to the effectiveness of each step and thus influence the overall efficiency of transgenic mouse production. The response of egg donor females to superovulation, the fertilization rate, egg survival after injection, ability of manipulated embryos to implant and develop to term, and concentration and purity of the injected DNA all contribute to transgenic production efficiency. We evaluated and compared the efficiency of transgenic mouse production using four different egg donor mouse strains: B6D2/F1 hybrids, Swiss Webster (SW) outbred, and inbred FVB/N and C57BL/6. The data included experiments involving 350 DNA transgene constructs performed by a high capacity core transgenic mouse facility. Significant influences of particular genetic backgrounds on the efficiency of different steps of the production process were found. Except for egg production, FVB/N mice consistently produced the highest efficiency of transgenic mouse production at each step of the process. B6D2/F2 hybrid eggs are also quite efficient, but lyze more frequently than FVB/N eggs after DNA microinjection. SW eggs on the other hand block at the 1-cell stage more often than eggs from the other strains. Finally, using C57BL/6 eggs the main limiting factor is that the fetuses derived from injected eggs do not develop to term as often as the other strains. Based on our studies, the procedure for transgenic mouse production can be modified for each egg donor strain in order to overcome any deficiencies, and thus to increase the overall efficiency of transgenic mouse production.  相似文献   

为了提高转基因克隆效率和获得转人溶菌酶基因克隆猪,研究了不同电激活参数和化学辅助激活方法对猪克隆胚胎和孤雌胚胎体外发育的影响.结果发现:电场强度会显著影响克隆胚胎的融合率和体外发育能力(P<0.05),电脉冲次数对克隆胚胎体外发育促进作用不显著(P>0.05),而相同电激活条件下克隆胚胎和孤雌胚胎的体外发育能力变化趋势不同;电激活后再利用放线菌酮+细胞松弛素B(CHX+CB)处理4 h能显著提高克隆胚胎的囊胚率(P<0.05),而用二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)处理没有提高克隆胚胎囊胚率(P>0.05),但6-DMAP或CHX+CB处理均可显著提高孤雌胚胎的囊胚率(P<0.05).上述结果表明,最佳的孤雌激活条件并不一定是克隆胚胎的最佳激活条件.本研究中猪克隆胚胎的最佳激活方法为1.6 kV/cm、100μs、2次直流电脉冲间隔100μs,再辅以CHX+CB处理4 h.利用优化的激活条件成功获得了乳腺特异表达人溶菌酶的转基因猪,为猪转基因育种奠定了基础.  相似文献   

通过基因枪法将cecropin B和bar基因共转化水稻,获得多个水稻优良品系的转化材料,对转基因的结构和表达的系统分析,发现外源基因的整合模式多种多样,有简单也有复杂,其中插入位点数的变化范围为1-7个,拷贝数的变化范围为1-10个,转基因拷贝数的多少与其表达和沉默不存在必然的联系,相同整合模式的转基因事件中基因的表达存在较大的差异,选择标记基因bar比非选择标记基因cecropin B的表达框的完整性和转录概率要高,但是发现大部分表达框完整的bar基因发生基因沉默,而在终止子发生序列丢失的cecropin B基因的表达则明显提高。  相似文献   

The differences between rat strains in superovulation response, in vitro and in vivo development of preimplantation embryos and overall transgenic efficiency was studied. The protocols for induction of superovulation using single injections of pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin (PMSG) or minipumps with follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were compared in Lewis (LEW), Wistar-Kyoto (WKY), and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP) or Sprague–Dawley (SD) and Wistar rats as representative inbred or outbred strains, respectively. The percentage of mated animals with positive superovulatory response was similar in all strains (60.0–100%). The mean number of ova per donor was not dependent on the kind of hormonal treatment used within each rat strain. In general, females from outbred SD and Wistar rats were more responsive to hormonal treatments than animals from inbred rat strains. In addition, SD female rats produced a significantly higher number of embryos per female in response to PMSG-treatment compared to all other strains. Between the inbred strains, SHRSP was the most effective for superovulation. In vitro development of intact zygotes to the blastocyst stage was not different between SD, Wistar and SHRSP rats. In contrast, in vitro development of WKY zygotes was significantly less efficient than in other strains. However, 2-cell stage embryos in vivo produced from SD, SD × Wistar and WKY animals showed no difference in competence to develop to blastocyst stage in vitro. The proportion of offspring developing after oviduct transfer of intact zygotes was similar in all strains (44.0–56.4%) with the exception of WKY rats (35.9%). We also compared the survival rate after injection, ability of manipulated zygotes to develop to term and overall transgenic efficiency in various rat strains. SD and SHRSP zygotes survived after microinjection better than the WKY and Lewis zygotes. No differences were found in the efficiency of transgene integration per newborn in different strains ranging from 5.7 to 16.7%. The results of this study demonstrate that different rat strains have varying responses to superovulation, sensitivity to microinjection, capability to develop in vitro until blastocyst stage or in vivo to term after transfer to foster mothers. Despite these differences all studied strains can be used for efficient transgenic rat production.  相似文献   

GNK2-1为一种来自银杏(Ginkgo biloba)种仁的新型抗真菌蛋白,具有较强的真菌抗性且性质稳定。序列分析表明,其结构与所有已知的抗真菌蛋白不同,而与富含半胱氨酸的植物类受体激酶的胞外结构域相似。为探索GNK2-1基因在黄瓜(Cucumis sativus)抗病反应中的作用,利用基因重组技术构建了GNK2-1的高效组成型表达载体,并利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导转入黄瓜栽培品种农城3号(Cucumis sativus' Nongcheng No.3')基因组中。通过对获得的抗性植株进行PCR、RT-PCR和Western blot检测分析,结果表明GNK2-1基因可在T0代转基因植株中转录表达,并能在T1代转基因黄瓜中稳定遗传。离体枯萎病抗性鉴定结果表明,转GNK2-1基因的黄瓜对枯萎病的抗性增强,GNK2-1可以作为黄瓜抗病性改良的潜在基因资源。  相似文献   

Cu2O is one of the most promising light absorbing materials for solar energy conversion. Previous studies with Cu2O for water splitting usually deliver high photocurrent or high photovoltage, but not both. Here, a Cu2O/Ga2O3/TiO2/RuOx photocathode that benefits from a high quality thermally oxidized Cu2O layer and good band alignment of the Ga2O3 buffer layer is reported, yielding a photocurrent of 6 mA cm?2 at 0 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), an onset potential of 0.9 V versus RHE, and 3.5 mA cm?2 at 0.5 V versus RHE. The quantum efficiency spectrum (incident photon to current efficiency, IPCE) reveals a dramatically improved green/red response and a decreased blue response compared with electrodeposited Cu2O films. Light intensity dependence and photocurrent transient studies enable the identification of the limitations in the performance. Due to the complementary IPCE curves of thermally oxidized and electrodeposited Cu2O photocathodes, a dual photocathode is fabricated to maximize the absorption over the entire range of above band gap radiation. Photocurrents of 7 mA cm?2 at 0 V versus RHE are obtained in the dual photocathodes, with an onset potential of 0.9 V versus RHE and a thermodynamically based energy conversion efficiency of 1.9%.  相似文献   

Dual emission carbon dots have a high potential for use as fluorescence‐based sensors with higher selectivity and sensitivity. This study demonstrated the possibility of conversion of a biological molecular system with a single emission peak to a double emission carbon dots system. This report is the first to describe the synthesis of dual emission carbon dots by tuning the electronic environment of a conjugated system. Here we prepared carbon dots from a natural extract, from which carotenoids were used as a new source for carbon dots. Formation of the carbon dots was confirmed by images obtained under a transmission electron microscope as well as from a dynamic light scattering study. The prepared carbon dots system was characterized and its optical property was monitored. The study showed that, after irradiation with microwaves, the fluorescence intensity of the whole system changed, without any change in the original peak position of the carotenoid but with the appearance of an additional peak. A Fourier transform infrared study confirmed breaking of the conjugated system. When using ethylene glycol as a surface passivating agent added to these carotenoid carbon dots, the dual emission spectra became more distinct.  相似文献   

对蛋白质、DNA和RNA的相互作用(结合)的研究是分子生物学的基本课题.多数DNA和RNA的结合蛋白都具有自聚合倾向,在体外实验中会造成难以和DNA或RNA形成结合物而影响实验的结果.用荧光素异硫氰酸酯(FITC)标记蛋白质能显著抑制这种自聚合倾向,而大幅度提高其与核酸分子的结合效率.这一简单方法已用于在细胞角蛋白18与转录因子C/EBPβ3′UTR RNA结合研究中.  相似文献   

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