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Krueger RW  Miles D 《Plant physiology》1981,68(5):1110-1114
Photosystem I electron transport activity has been found to be considerably higher in a decaploid tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) genotype as compared to a common hexaploid genotype. The decaploid genotype also displayed a higher photosystem whole chain (Photosystem II plus Photosystem I uncoupled) activity, suggesting a connection between polyploidy and increased electron transport activity. However, when a polyploidy series of tall fescue, ranging from diploid to decaploid with several different genetic isolates at each ploidy level, was examined in natural growth conditions, no effect of increasing genome content on electron transport and photophosphorylation was found. These results suggest that a gene component of one of the genomes involved may be responsible for the increased activity rather than simply the total chromosome content.  相似文献   

苜蓿二磷酸核酮糖(RuBP)羧化酶体内活化作用的调节   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苜蓿RuBP羧化酶的初活性和活化作用在不饱和光强下与光合速率一样随光强增加而增加。缺硫培养苜蓿叶片的光合速率和RuBP羧化酶的含量、初活性及总活性均比对照有不同程度的降低,其中酶的初活性与光合速率两者减少的趋势比较接近,说明RuBP羧化酶的初活性可能在光合CO_2固定作用中具有决定作用。然而,缺硫植株中酶的活化作用比对照明显增高。酶的活化作用与叶片中的叶绿素,6-PG,NADPH及ATP相对酶含量的比值成正比,与体内的酶量成反比。  相似文献   

We previously reported that the net photosynthetic rate of a decaploid genotype (I-16-2) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) was 32 to 41 versus 22 milligrams CO2 per square decimeter per hour in a hexaploid genotype (V6-802) (Randall, Nelson, Asay Plant Physiol 59: 38-41). The high rate was later correlated with increases in total ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase protein (17%) and activity (27%) (Joseph, Randall, Nelson Plant Physiol 68: 894-898). This report characterizes photosynthesis with respect to light saturation and early products of photosynthesis in an attempt to identify regulatory metabolic site(s) in these two genotypes. Analysis of the early products of photosynthesis indicated that both genotypes fixed CO2 via the Calvin-Benson cycle with phosphoglyceric acid as the initial primary product. Both genotypes had similar 14C-labeled intermediates. Sucrose was the primary sink of 14CO2 assimilation. After 10 min of 14CO2 assimilation with attached leaves, sucrose accounted for 89% (decaploid) and 81% (hexaploid) of the total 14C incorporated. In 10 min, this amounted to 1.3 (decaploid) and 0.8 (hexaploid) μmol [14C]sucrose formed g fresh weight−1 and reflected the observed differences in photosynthetic rates. There was limited labeling of starch (1%) and fructan (1%). Results of total nonstructural carbohydrates and Pi analysis also demonstrated sucrose was the predominant carbohydrate in fescue leaves. Quantitative differences in sucrose and Pi between the two genotypes may reflect changes in partitioning and this possibility is discussed.  相似文献   

The coding sequence for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) from Codium fragile (Suringar) Hariot chloroplast DNA is 1428 bp in length and contains a 1813-bp group II intron. The only other organisms in which introns have been found in the rbcL gene are Euglena and Astasia. The Codium intron likely had a separate origin from the Euglena and Astasia introns, based on comparisons of intron sizes and sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL nucleotide and amino acid sequences place Codium between Chlorella and two Chlamydomonas spp., indicating that the Chlorophyceae may be polyphyletic.  相似文献   

Two chloroplast genes were sequenced from an exsymbiotic strain of a eukaryotic, Chlorella-like green alga. The genes for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL) and the ribosomal protein S14 (rps14) were oriented in the same direction and were separated by 402 bp. The rbcLs of the exsymbiont and a free living Chlorella ellipsoidea were compared with other reported rbcL sequences. The rbcL gene of the exsymbiont is closely related to that of free-living Chlorella ellipsoidea. This is the first published report of an rps 14 gene sequence from an alga.  相似文献   

As part of an extensive analysis of the factors regulating photosynthesis in Agropyron smithii Rydb., a C3 grass, we have examined the response of leaf gas exchange and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase activity to temperature. Emphasis was placed on elucidating the specific processes which regulate the temperature response pattern. The inhibitory effects of above-optimal temperatures on net CO2 uptake were fully reversible up to 40°C. Below 40°C, temperature inhibition was primarily due to O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, which reached a maximum of 65% at 45°C. The response of stomatal conductance to temperature did not appear to have a significant role in determining the overall temperature response of photosynthesis. The intracellular conductance to CO2 increased over the entire experimental temperature range, having a Q10 of 1.2 to 1.4. Increases in the apparent Michaelis constant (Kc) for RuBP carboxylase were observed in both in vitro and in vivo assays. The Q10 values for the maximum velocity (Vmax) of CO2 fixation by RuBP carboxylase in vivo was lower (1.3-1.6) than those calculated from in vitro assays (1.8-2.2). The results suggest that temperature-dependent changes in enzyme capacity may have a role in above-optimum temperature limitations below 40°C. At leaf temperatures above 40°C, decreases in photosynthetic capacity were partially dependent on temperature-induced irreversible reductions in the quantum yield for CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory (Krueger, Miles 1981 Plant Physiol 68: 1110-1114) indicated that a decaploid genotype (I-16-2) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) which exhibits unusually high net photosynthesis rates also had high potential rates of photosynthetic electron transport through photosystem I (PSI) compared to the typical hexaploid genotype (V6-802). Analysis of electron transport activity revealed that the oxidizing side of PSI as the major site of difference. Examination of the whole thylakoids and subchloroplast particle protein components of the common hexaploid and the decaploid genotypes had major polypeptide differences at 30, 21, and 12.5 kilodaltons. These differences could not be assigned to a specific physiological function in PSI. The decaploid had increased P700 and plastocyanin content on a chlorophyll basis. Antibodies raised against fescue plastocyanin were used to quantitate plastocyanin in crude (Triton X-100) solubilized extracts of plant material. Results showed that the decaploid had 16% and 40% more plastocyanin on a weight and area basis, respectively. The antibodies did not inhibit electron transport (diaminodiurene to methyl viologen) in isolated thylakoids strengthening the hypothesis of plastocyanin as an internal mobile electron shuttle. The trend of inhibition of plastocyanin by KCN was similar in the two genotypes but the decaploid had 15 to 20% higher rates of electron flow under nearly all inhibiting conditions.  相似文献   

The response of apparent photosynthesis to N nutrition was studied in the C3 grass, tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), in the C4 species Panicum maximum Jacq., and in Panicum milioides Nees ex Trin., a species with characteristics intermediate between C3 and C4 photosynthetic types. Plants were grown in culture solution containing 1, 5, 50, and 200 milligrams N per liter. Apparent photosynthesis was measured on the youngest fully expanded leaves at 320 microliters of CO2 per liter of air and 21% O2. Leaf conductance was calculated from transpiration measurements, and CO2 compensation concentrations were also estimated. Several leaf anatomical characteristics were studied on plastic-embedded material. Leaf N content was determined on leaves which were used in photosynthesis measurements.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts isolated from tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., showed high rates of electron transport, comparable to rates observed for spinach chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Our objective was to examine alterations in carbohydrate status of leaf meristems that are associated with nitrogen-induced changes in leaf elongation rates of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Dark respiration rates, concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates, and soluble proteins were measured in leaf intercalary meristems and adjacent segments of elongating leaves. The two genotypes used differed by 43% in leaf elongation rate. Application of high nitrogen (336 kilograms per hectare) resulted in 140% higher leaf elongation rate when compared to plants receiving low nitrogen (22 kilograms per hectare). Leaf meristems of plants receiving high and low nitrogen had dark respiration rates of 5.4 and 2.9 microliters O2 consumed per milligram structural dry weight per hour, respectively. Concentrations of soluble proteins were lower while concentrations of fructan tended to be slightly higher in leaf meristems of low-nitrogen plants when compared to high-nitrogen plants. Concentrations of reducing sugars, nonreducing sugars, and takadiastase-soluble carbohydrate of leaf meristems were not affected by nitrogen treatment. Total nonstructural carbohydrates of leaf meristems averaged 44 and 39% of dry weight for low- and high-nitrogen plants, respectively. Within the leaf meristem, approximately 74 and 34% of the pool of total nonstructural carbohydrate could be consumed per day in high- and low-nitrogen plants, respectively, assuming no carbohydrate import to the meristem occurred. Plants were able to maintain high concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates in leaf meristems despite a 3-fold range in leaf elongation rates, suggesting that carbohydrate synthesis and transport to leaf intercalary meristems may not limit leaf growth of these genotypes.  相似文献   

Irradiance-dependent rates of photosynthesis and cell division of six species of microalgae isolated from the benthos, plankton and sea ice microbial community in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica were compared. Microalgae isolated from different photic environments had distinct photosynthetic and growth characteristics. For benthic and ice algae, photosynthesis saturated at 6 to 20 μE.m?2.s?1 and was photoinhibited at 10 to 80 μE.m?2.s?1 while for the planktonic algae, saturation irradiances were up to 13 times higher and photoinhibition was not detected. The slope of the light-limited portion of the P-I relationship was up to 50 times greater for the benthic algae than for either the ice or planktonic algae suggesting that benthic algae used the low irradiances more efficiently for carbon uptake. Cell division was dependent on the incubation irradiance for all but one microalga examined. The dependence of division rates on irradiance was however much smaller than for carbon uptake, suggesting that cell division buffers the influence of short term variations of irradiance on cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Antennaria is a genus of dioecious, perennial, herbaceous Composites that are especially diverse in the cordillera of western North America. Section Alpinae consists of about nine taxa, among them A. aromatica, A. densifolia, A. media, A. pulchella, and A. umbrinella. Although diploids are morphologically distinct, the polyploid derivatives of the diploids obscure the morphological distinctness of the groups. A survey of 19 putative isozyme loci indicates that the diploids have diverged only moderately from one another with respect to biochemical genetics (I = 0.838 to 0.961). Additionally, only moderate amounts of genetic diversity were detected. Isozyme data are supportive of a hypothesis of a rapid mode of speciation in Antennaria, where morphological differentiation has been accompanied by small amounts of allozyme divergence. Polyploids have significantly higher amounts of heterozygosity than diploids and tetrasomic inheritance is inferred. Evidence from morphology and biochemical genetics suggests that the polyploids represent a continuum between interracial autopolyploids and segmental allopolyploids. In light of the relatively low degree of genetic and morphological divergence among many Antennaria species, taxonomic conservatism is advocated.  相似文献   

In Halimeda cylindracea and H. tuna segments, the concentrationof CaCO3, MgCO3, protein, and chlorophyll, as well as segmentvolume and wet and dry weight, increase with ‘age’i.e. from the apex of a branch downwards. Photosynthetic andcalcification rates decrease with age as does the degree oflight stimulation of calcification. Studies of the exchange of 45Ca between the Halimeda thallusand the sea water under various conditions showed that mostof the Ca exchange is between the cell walls, the aragonitecrystals, and the intercellular space. The cell wall has twodistinguishable phases with half-times (t0?5) of 200 and 35min while the CaCO3 has a rapidly exchanging phase with a t0?5of approximately 6 min. The t0?5 of the exchange of Ca betweenthe intercellular space and the external medium is estimatedat about 6 min, on the basis of uptake studies. If the integrityof the barrier between the intercellular space and the externalsea water, created by the adpressed peripheral utricles is destroyedthe t0?5 is smaller (<<3 min). These kinetic studies as well as comparative measurements ofcalcification rates by both isotopic and chemical methods showthat the 45Ca method for measuring calcification rates overestimatesthe calcification rate, due to binding of 45Ca in the cell wallsand retention of 45Ca in the intercellular space. The 14C methodgives more accurate results and has the further advantage ofallowing simultaneous measurement of the photosynthetic andcalcification rate on the same segment.  相似文献   

Measurements of the photosynthesis-light response of flag leavesin a winter wheat crop were made during the period from maximumelongation until complete senescence. Immediately followingleaf elongation, the maximum rates of photosynthesis and thevalues of efficiency at low light were in the range 2.8–3.6g CO2 m2 h–1 and 8–11 µg CO2 J–1respectively. The shape of the photosynthesis-light responseremained constant throughout and was close to a ‘Blackman’type response rather than a rectangular hyperbola. The resultswere analysed, therefore, using a more recent model which isa non-rectangular hyperbola. Stomatal and internal resistanceswere equally important in limiting the maximum rate of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of net deposition rates of water soluble carbohydrate-free dry matter (WSC-free DM) and WSC were evaluated within and above the elongation zone of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) leaf blades during light and darkness. Imported DM used for WSC-free DM synthesis during darkness (67% of the total in experiment I and 59% in experiment II) was greater than during light (47% in both experiments), suggesting that the 65% higher leaf elongation rate during darkness was accompanied by higher rates of synthesis of cellular structural components. Deposition rates of WSC in the basal and central part of the elongation zone (0-20 mm from the ligule) were similar during light and darkness, but above 20 millimeters WSC deposition occurred during light and WSC loss occurred during darkness. WSC deposition and loss throughout the elongation zone and the recently expanded tissue were mostly due to net synthesis and degradation of fructan. Fructan was predominantly low molecular weight and contributed about 50% of the total osmotic partial pressure of WSC. In the most actively growing region, where fructan synthesis was most rapid, no diurnal change occurred in molecular weight distribution of fructan. WSC solute concentrations were diluted in the most actively growing tissue during darkness because net monosaccharide and fructan deposition were unaltered and sucrose deposition was decreased, but growth-associated water deposition was increased by 77%. Net rates of fructan synthesis and degradation were not related to tissue sucrose concentration, but appeared to respond to the balance between assimilate import and assimilate use in synthesis of cellular structural components (i.e. WSC-free DM) and deposition of monosaccharides. Fructan synthesized in tissue during most active elongation was degraded when the respective tissue reached the distal limit of the elongation zone where assimilate import in darkness was insufficient to maintain synthetic processes associated with further differentiation of cells.  相似文献   

Optimum light, temperature, and pH conditions for growth, photosynthetic, and respiratory activities of Peridinium cinctum fa. westii (Lemm.) Lef were investigated by using axenic clones in batch cultures. The results are discussed and compared with data from Lake Kinneret (Israel) where it produces heavy blooms in spring. Highest biomass development and growth rates occurred at ca. 23° C and ≥50 μE· m?2·s1 of fluorescent light with energy peaks at 440–575 and 665 nm. Photosynthetic oxygen release was more efficient in filtered light of blue (BG 12) and red (RG 2) than in green (VG 9) qualities. Photosynthetic oxygen production occurred at temperatures ranging from 5° to 32° C in white fluorescent light from 10 to 105 μE·m?2·s?1 with a gross maximum value of 1500 × 10?12 g·cell?1·h?1 at the highest irradiance. The average respiration amounted to ca. 12% of the gross production and reached a maximum value of ca. 270·10?12 g·cell?1·h?1 at 31° C. A comparison of photosynthetic and respiratory Q10-values showed that in the upper temperature range the increase in gross production was only a third of the corresponding increase in respiration, although the gross production was at maximum. Short intermittent periods of dark (>7 min) before high light exposures from a halogen lamp greatly increased oxygen production. Depending on the physiological status of the alga, light saturation values were reached at 500–1000 μE·m?2·s?1 of halogen light with compensation points at 20–40 μE·m?2·s?1 and Ik-values at 100–200 μE·m?2·s?1. The corresponding values in fluorescent light in which it was cultured and adapted, were 25 to 75% lower indicating the ability of the alga to efficiently utilize varying light conditions, if the adaptation time is sufficient. Carbon fixation was most efficient at ca. pH 7, but the growth rates and biomass development were highest at pH 8.3.  相似文献   

The optimal photon fluence rate for growth of tha llus tips of Gracilaria sp. was low (about 100 μE·–2·1); higher photon fluence rates inhibited growth. Both phycoerythrin (PE) and chlorophyll (chl) contents decreased with increasing photon fluence rates (up to 100 μE·–m–2s–1) in a fashion inverse to the growth response. Chl/PE ratios varied directly as the growth response over a larger photon fluence rate range. The peak chl/PE ratios were obtained at a photon fluence rate optimal for growth, suggesting that this parameter may be used to estimate in situ growth rates. A low compensation point (about 7 μE·–2s–1) was observed for low light (15 μE·–2s–1) grown plants. This compensation point was also obtained for growth in the long–term (5–6 weeks) experiments. Plants grown at 60 and 140 μE·–2s–1 showed higher light compensation and saturation points, suggesting that the variations in pigment composition found between the different treatments determine the photosynthetic responses at sub–optimal photon fluence rates. Photosynthetic rates at light saturation were the same, on a biomass basis, for plants grown at the various photon fluence rates. Thus, the photosynthetic dark reactions were not influenced by previous light regimes. It is suggested that maximal photosynthetic rates expressed on a biomass basis better reflect the potential productivity at tight saturation than if expressed on a pigment basis. Gracilaria sp. grew better under non–filtered fluorescent and greenish than under reddish and blue–enriched light of equal and sub–optimal photon, fluence rate. However, the pigment relations of the algae did not change in a direction complementary to the light composition at which they grew. This, together with the relatively higher photosynthetic rates under reddish and blueish light for plants previously grown under reddish and blueish light, suggests that adaptations to variouslight spectra are based on mechanisms different from complementary chromatic adaptation of the pigments.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates, growth rates, cell carbon, cell protein, and chlorophyll a content of two diatom and two dinoflagellate species were measured. The microalgae were chosen to have one small and one large species from each phylogenetic group; the two size categories differed from each other by 1.5 orders of magnitude in terms of cell carbon or cell protein. The cultures for the experiments were grown under continuous light at an irradiance high enough for the light-saturation of growth for all four species. The four species were found to have similar maximum photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll a. The diatom species showed lower carbon/chlorophyll a ratios and higher photosynthetic rates per unit carbon than the dinoflagellates. The higher growth rates of the diatoms were shown to be related to their higher photosynthetic rates per unit carbon. The ecological significance of the physiological difference between these two groups of microalgae is discussed.  相似文献   

Soybean plants (cv. Hardee) were grown from seed under four ultraviolet-B radiation flux densities and four photosynthetically active radiation levels in a factorial design. Net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and transpiration were measured after 2 and 6 weeks of exposure. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation were dependent upon photosynthetically active radiation levels. Ultraviolet-B radiation adversely affected net photosynthesis at low photosynthetically active radiation levels, but had little consequence at levels normally saturating photosynthesis in the field. Ultraviolet-B radiation affected both stomatal and nonstomatal resistances to carbon dioxide under low levels of photosynthetically active radiation. The present study demonstrates interactions between ultraviolet-B and photosynthetically active radiation.  相似文献   

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