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人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus HPV)感染是导致性传播疾病的常见原因,上世纪八十年代初,首次报道生殖器HPV感染与宫颈癌之间的联系,认为HPV感染是95%以上宫颈癌变的高危因素。随着分子生物学技术的发展,对HPV致癌机制的研究不断深入,取得大量有价值的成果,现就HPV的致癌途径与协同因素探讨宫颈癌的发病机制以及对HPV检测方法等方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)感染是宫颈癌的主要致病因素,多年来人们努力通过研发HPV疫苗来控制HPV相关疾病。虽然预防性HPV疫苗的接种代表了重大的公共卫生突破,但它仅能预防HPV部分型别的感染,并不具有治疗效果,无法防止预先存在的HPV感染进展为恶性肿瘤。而以致癌蛋白E6、E7等为靶点,诱导特异性细胞毒性T细胞的HPV治疗性疫苗可以减轻甚至消除HPV相关高度病变和癌症,因此其研究具有重要意义。本文旨在阐述近年来HPV治疗性疫苗的研究进展,并为以后的治疗性疫苗研究提供指导。  相似文献   

目的对新疆地区妇女HPV基因型的流行和分布进行调查。方法收集新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院2010年至2017年疑似HPV感染的23 818例门诊女性HPV首次检测结果,检测方法采用人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)分型检测试剂盒(PCR+膜杂交法)。结果新疆地区妇女HPV感染总阳性率为36.17%,HPV单一型感染率为30.29%,HPV多重感染率为5.88%。该地区排名前5位的HPV基因型:HPV6(22.68%)、HPV16(19.95%)、HPV58(3.28%)、HPV52(2.57%)、HPV53(2.46%)。研究还发现汉族妇女HPV感染阳性率为34.63%,其中单一型感染为28.55%,多重感染为6.08%;维吾尔族妇女人群中HPV感染阳性率为40.29%,单一型感染为34.91%,多重感染为5.38%;其他民族中HPV感染阳性率为36.65%,单一型感染为30.96%,多重感染为5.69%。结论新疆地区妇女HPV感染情况日趋严重,迫切需要在该地区开展HPV疫苗接种及筛选工作。  相似文献   

当前,宫颈癌仅次于乳腺癌成为威胁全世界女性健康的第二大恶性肿瘤。宫颈癌的产生和发展与人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染密切相关,在宫颈癌患者中几乎100%能检测到HPV感染。接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗是预防宫颈癌前病变及宫颈癌的主要方法。欧美等发达国家宫颈癌死亡率相对较低,主要是因为他们建立了完善的宫颈癌筛查项目和HPV疫苗接种项目。而发展中国家的宫颈癌死亡率较高,发展中国家缺乏自主研发的HPV疫苗,人们对HPV和宫颈癌认知水平偏低,直接影响HPV疫苗的接受度。本文综述了影响发展中国家接种HPV疫苗的因素,主要包括人们的宫颈癌和HPV感染相关知识水平、文化背景、HPV疫苗安全性与局限性、接种费用等方面。通过加大宣传HPV感染和HPV疫苗的相关知识,由政府和正规医疗机构提供疫苗渠道,同时国家承担全部或部分接种费用,将会大大提高发展中国家人群接种HPV疫苗,有效降低宫颈癌的死亡率。  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)感染是全球最常见的性传播性疾病(STD)之一,与生殖系统肿瘤和生殖器疣密切相关。HPV感染与女性生殖健康之间的病因学关系已经有了较多的研究,近年来越来越多的学者开始关注男性HPV感染。本文就男性HPV感染与男性生殖健康的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

头颈部肿瘤(Head and Neck Cancer,HNC)包括口腔,咽部,鼻腔以及喉部的肿瘤,拥有较高的发病率和复杂的发病机制。而在所有头颈部肿瘤中,喉癌占所有恶性肿瘤中的3%以上,是全球第六大最常见的恶性肿瘤,因此喉癌在所有HNC中应受到特殊的关注。人乳头瘤病毒(human papillomavirus,HPV)是小的双链DNA病毒。已有大量研究表明HPV感染与多种肿瘤的发生及预后密切相关。而目前HPV感染对HNC,尤其是对于口咽部肿瘤的致癌作用和临床意义引起学者们的重视,但是HPV感染对喉癌的作用目前尚未阐明。因此我们回顾了近年来关于HPV感染与喉癌相关性及其潜在致癌性的研究。尽管目前对于HPV在喉癌中的检出率多中心研究结果存在一定差异,但初步的研究已经表明HPV高危亚型的感染,如HPV16和HPV18等,与喉癌的发生存在一定的相关性,HPV病毒DNA与肿瘤细胞存在基因整合,同时喉癌细胞中P16的表达增高。但针对HPV感染后导致的相关疾病的预防及可行的精准性治疗措施目前尚不十分明确,还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究2015-2018年重庆万州区女性人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的感染状况、基因亚型及年龄分布。方法:选取2015年1月-2018年12月期间重庆万州区进行两癌筛查以及前来我院就诊的女性,共计1203例,采用PCR-反向点杂交法检测HPV感染情况,分析各个年龄段HPV的感染状况、各个年龄段HPV感染基因亚型以及各个年龄段HPV单一感染和多重感染情况。结果:接受HPV检测的1203例女性中共有457例出现HPV感染,感染率为37.99%,其中<30岁35例,感染率为36.84%;30~39岁117例,感染率为37.74%;40~49岁120例,感染率为35.82%;50~59岁127例,感染率为37.46%;≥60岁57例,感染率为45.97%,各个年龄段之间的HPV的感染率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),457例患者中共有635个HPV感染基因,其中高危型感染基因共568个,占感染基因的89.45%,低危型感染基因共67个,占感染基因的10.55%。单一感染人数共333人,占总感染人数的72.87%,其中高危单一感染共301人,占总感染人数65.86%,低危单一感染共32人,占总感染人数7.00%。多重感染人数共124人,占总人数的27.13%。结论:2015-2018年重庆万州区女性HPV感染率为37.99%,其中≥60岁年龄段的女性HPV感染率最高,高危感染和单一感染为主要的感染类型。  相似文献   

目的:了解兰州地区成年女性感染人乳头瘤病毒(humanpapillomavirus,HPV)及其基因类型分布状况,为本地区HPV分子流行病学研究提供理论依据。方法:利用PCR技术分别对100例妇科门诊就诊者进行HPV基因亚型检测。结果:100例样品中,HPV DNA检出率为19%(19/100),其中HPV16 DNA感染率15%(15/100),HPV58 DNA感染率3%(3/100),HPV18 DNA感染率2%(2/100),HPV 16与HPV18双重感染1例。结论:本地区成年女性HPV感染主要以HPV16多见,而HPV16与恶性肿瘤密切相关,因此对HPVDNA阳性者定期随访,有利于宫颈癌的防治。  相似文献   

尖锐湿疣样本中HPV病毒的分子检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查男性和女性尖锐湿疣样本中人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)的检出率及病毒类型,为研发相关防治疫苗提供依据,以HPV 外壳蛋白DNA序列为模板设计特异引物,SSP-PCR扩增检测样本中HPV的感染率和病毒类型。收集了北京及邯郸市医院门诊尖锐湿疣样本22例,其中男性13例,女性9例。检测发现所有样本中存在着高浓度的HPV病毒DNA。男性样本中有5例感染HPV6型,6例感染HPV11型,2例为HPV6+HPV11混合感染。女性样本中有3例感染HPV6型,2例感染HPV11型,4例为 HPV6+HPV11混合感染。被诊断为宫颈湿疣的4位女性还在其含宫颈粘膜脱落细胞的样本中检出了HPV16、HPV18、HPV33、HPV35、HPV45、HPV54、HPV56或HPV58等高危险型病毒类型。所有检测到的HPV病毒DNA片段均TA克隆并将测定的DNA序列存入了国际基因数据库GenBank(DQ003066-DQ003079)。调查没有在单纯的男女尖锐湿疣组织块中检测到除HPV6和HPV11以外的其他HPV类型。该研究建立了灵敏可靠的HPV分子检测及分型方法,尖锐湿疣中HPV的检出率达100%。 本研究初步结果显示导致男女尖锐湿疣的HPV病毒类型没有显著差异,主要为HPV6及HPV11型。  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(Human Papillomavirus,HPV)感染与多种疾病相关,但引起这些疾病的机制还不是很清楚。因此,人们想通过构建动物模型来深入了解HPV引起的各种疾病的机制。HPV具有严格的嗜人类组织的特性,这就要求在构建转基因动物模型中利用不同外源启动子,使HPV癌蛋白定向表达在特定的组织细胞中。本文主要介绍人角蛋白启动子在HPV的转基因小鼠中的一些研究进展。  相似文献   

It is recognized now that many functional proteins or their long segments are devoid of stable secondary and/or tertiary structure and exist instead as very dynamic ensembles of conformations. They are known by different names including natively unfolded, intrinsically disordered, intrinsically unstructured, rheomorphic, pliable, and different combinations thereof. Many important functions and activities have been associated with these intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), including molecular recognition, signaling, and regulation. It is also believed that disorder of these proteins allows function to be readily modified through phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, hydroxylation, and proteolysis. Bioinformatics analysis revealed that IDPs comprise a large fraction of different proteomes. Furthermore, it is established that the intrinsic disorder is relatively abundant among cancer-related and other disease-related proteins and IDPs play a number of key roles in oncogenesis. There are more than 100 different types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs), which are the causative agents of benign papillomas/warts, and cofactors in the development of carcinomas of the genital tract, head and neck, and epidermis. With respect to their association with cancer, HPVs are grouped into two classes, known as low (e.g., HPV-6 and HPV-11) and high-risk (e.g., HPV-16 and HPV-18) types. The entire proteome of HPV includes six nonstructural proteins [E1, E2, E4, E5, E6, and E7 (the latter two are known to function as oncoproteins in the high-risk HPVs)] and two structural proteins (L1 and L2). To understand whether intrinsic disorder plays a role in the oncogenic potential of different HPV types, we have performed a detailed bioinformatics analysis of proteomes of high-risk and low-risk HPVs with the major focus on E6 and E7 oncoproteins. The results of this analysis are consistent with the conclusion that high-risk HPVs are characterized by the increased amount of intrinsic disorder in transforming proteins E6 and E7.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) are well known to be associated with the development of cervical cancer. HPV16 and HPV 18 are known as high-risk types and reported to be predominantly associated with cervical cancer. The prevalence and genetic diversity of HPV have been well documented globally but, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, data on HPV genetic diversity are lacking. In this study, we have analyzed the genetic diversity of both HPV16 and HPV18 based on their L1 gene sequence because L1 gene is a major capsid protein gene and has been utilized to develop a prophylactic vaccine. In January 2011–2012, a total of forty samples from cervical specimens of women in Saudi Arabia were collected. The association of HPV16, HPV18 was detected by polymerase chain reaction, sequenced and submitted to GenBank. The sequences identity matrix and the phylogenetic relationship were analyzed with selected HPVs. The highest sequence identity (99.5%) for HPV16 and (99.3%) for HPV was observed with selected HPVs. The phylogenetic analysis results showed that HPVs from Saudi Arabia formed a closed cluster with African, Asian, East Asian as well as American HPVs distributed into multiple linages from various geographical locations. The results provided the valuable information about genetic diversity, but there is an urgent need to generate full genome sequence information which will provide a clearer picture of the genetic diversity and evolution of HPVs in Saudi Arabia. In conclusion, the generated data will be highly beneficial for developing molecular diagnostic tools, analyzing and correlating the epidemiological data to determine the risk of cervical cancer and finally to develop a vaccine for Saudi Arabian population.  相似文献   

Johnson FM 《Mutation research》2003,543(3):201-215
High production volume (HPV) chemicals are produced in or imported to the US in amounts greater than 1 million pounds per chemical per year. The EPA has identified thousands of HPVs. Due to their abundance, such chemicals bring a substantial risk for human exposure, and as a result some level of adverse consequences to health are to be expected. In order to examine the potential for cancer risk associated with HPVs, this paper examines HPVs that have been tested in the National Toxicology Program's rodent cancer bioassay. The chemicals tested in the bioassay represent a small sample of the universe of environmental chemicals to which people are exposed. Unexpectedly, 60% of the 128 HPVs evaluated in the bioassay proved to be rodent carcinogens. This value compares to a predicted prevalence of only 16.5% carcinogens in a previous study. The previous study concluded that HPVs were less likely to be toxic by a variety of other test criteria as well. However, the approach involved identifying putative carcinogens using quantitative chemical structure-activity relationships (QSAR) in contrast to the direct tabulation of bioassay test results performed here. Detailed examination of bioassay results reveals that test outcomes depend heavily on route of administration as well as on dose level, sex, strain, and species used. Since most of these factors have little or no apparent relationship to chemical structure, results of this study suggest that QSAR, as well as virtually all other alternative methods, may not generally provide accurate predictions of carcinogenic potential. As we wait for efficient and effective methods for predicting carcinogens to be developed, people continue to be exposed to environmental carcinogens. Progress on regulating environmental carcinogens as well as on developing more effective test methods has been minimal since "war on cancer" began approximately 30 years ago. The present study questions whether the current strategy for dealing with environmental carcinogens will ever be successful. Close examination of rodent cancer test results seems to suggest that almost all chemicals may have carcinogenic potential in some genotypes under some exposure circumstances. If this hypothesis is correct, it would explain the general lack of progress in developing methods to differentiate carcinogens from noncarcinogens. A completely new strategy for dealing with cancer caused by exposures to environmental chemicals seems to be needed.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) belongs to the Papillomaviridae family, which is divided into high-risk (HR), and low-risk (LR) HPVs based on their disease-causing competence. HR-HPVs 16 and 18 are known to cause distinct carcinomas like cervical and head and neck, whereas LR-HPVs are commonly associated with the genital warts. We have developed an integrative platform; HPVomics dedicated to the potential therapeutic regimens targeting all HPV genes including oncoproteins E6, E7 and E5. We primarily focused on eighteen HR-HPVs and eleven LR-HPVs. It mainly deals with therapeutically imperative elements, i.e., vaccine epitopes, siRNAs, sgRNAs, and anti-viral peptides. Simultaneously, it also comprises of genome browser, whole-genome sequences and annotation of HPVs with searching and filtering capabilities. Moreover, we have also developed an integrated support vector machine (SVM) based computational algorithm “HPVepi” for the prediction of HPV epitome. We hope that HPVomics (http://bioinfo.imtech.res.in/manojk/hpvomics/) will assist the scientific community engaged in HPV research.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) may be grouped according to the site from which they are isolated and the disease with which they are associated. We recently identified and cloned HPV type 51 (HPV-51) from a low-grade precancerous lesion (G. Nuovo, E. DeVilliers, R. Levine, S. Silverstein, and C. Crum. J. Virol. 62:1452-1455, 1988). Molecular epidemiologic analysis of cervical lesions, including condylomata and low- and high-grade precancers, revealed that HPV-51 was present in about 5% of the samples we examined. We have now determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this virus and compared it with other sequenced HPVs. Our analysis reveals that the 7,808-bp genome is composed of eight open reading frames which are encoded on the same strand and that this virus is most closely related to HPV-31. Sequence comparisons place this virus in the group of high-risk viruses (those with an increased risk of progressing to malignancy) along with HPV-16, -18, -31, and -33. Morphologic transformation experiments demonstrated that HPV-51 had transformation potential and that transformed cells contained RNAs homologous to E6 and E7.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of a causal association between human papillomavirus (HPV) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Several studies have shown that HPV is associated with increased risk of oral cancer independent of exposure to tobacco and alcohol. The association is valid for HPVs 16 and 18, which generally are considered high risk types, because they have been detected in oral dysplastic lesions and cancers. We determined the baseline prevalence of HPVs 16 and 18 in normal oral mucosa of individuals with and without tobacco habit. PCR was used for DNA collected by oral smears to detect HPV 16/18 DNA in normal oral mucosa of 60 healthy individuals who were assigned to two groups of 30 subjects each. One group had a tobacco habit, the other did not. The tobacco user group comprised individuals who were tobacco chewers only. Sixty-five percent of individuals were positive for HPV 16/18 DNA, but HPV 16/18 positivity was less in individuals with tobacco habit than in those without tobacco habit. No significant association was found between the presence of HPVs and gender, age or duration of chewing habit, or between groups with and without a tobacco habit. We propose that HPVs16 and 18 commonly are present in normal oral mucosa and emphasize the importance of distinguishing clinical, subclinical and latent HPV infections when investigating HPVs and OSCC.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs), most commonly the HPV16 genotype, are the principle etiological determinant for cervical cancer, a common cancer worldwide resulting in over 200,000 deaths annually. The oncogenic properties of HPVs are attributable in part to the virally encoded protein E7, best known for its ability to bind to and induce the degradation of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor, pRb, and related "pocket proteins" p107 and p130. Previously, we defined a role for E7 in the productive stage of the HPV16 life cycle, which takes place in stratified squamous epithelia. HPV perturbs the normal processes of cell growth and differentiation of stratified squamous epithelia. HPVs reprogram cells to support continued DNA synthesis and inhibit their differentiation in the suprabasal compartment of the epithelia, where cells normally have withdrawn from the cell cycle and initiated a well-defined pattern of terminal differentiation. These virus-induced perturbations, which contribute to the production of progeny HPVs, are dependent on E7. In this study, we define the mechanism of action by which E7 contributes to the productive stage of the HPV16 life cycle. We found that the ability of HPV16 to reprogram suprabasal cells to support DNA synthesis correlates with E7's ability to bind pocket proteins but not its ability to induce their degradation. In contrast, the ability of HPV16 to perturb differentiation correlated with both E7's binding to and degradation of pocket proteins. These data indicate that different hallmarks of the productive stage of the HPV16 life cycle rely upon different sets of requirements for E7.  相似文献   

Certain sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) types are causally associated with the development of cervical cancer. Our recent development of high-titer HPV pseudoviruses has made it possible to perform high-throughput in vitro screens to identify HPV infection inhibitors. Comparison of a variety of compounds revealed that carrageenan, a type of sulfated polysaccharide extracted from red algae, is an extremely potent infection inhibitor for a broad range of sexually transmitted HPVs. Although carrageenan can inhibit herpes simplex viruses and some strains of HIV in vitro, genital HPVs are about a thousand-fold more susceptible, with 50% inhibitory doses in the low ng/ml range. Carrageenan acts primarily by preventing the binding of HPV virions to cells. This finding is consistent with the fact that carrageenan resembles heparan sulfate, an HPV cell-attachment factor. However, carrageenan is three orders of magnitude more potent than heparin, a form of cell-free heparan sulfate that has been regarded as a highly effective model HPV inhibitor. Carrageenan can also block HPV infection through a second, postattachment heparan sulfate-independent effect. Carrageenan is in widespread commercial use as a thickener in a variety of cosmetic and food products, ranging from sexual lubricants to infant feeding formulas. Some of these products block HPV infectivity in vitro, even when diluted a million-fold. Clinical trials are needed to determine whether carrageenan-based products are effective as topical microbicides against genital HPVs.  相似文献   

M Niimura 《Human cell》1992,5(2):160-166
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) generally associated with benign skin and anogenital warts. Because several of skin cancers were found to contain HPV-DNA, it has been speculated that certain types of HPV could be specifically associated with cancers. Although HPV-DNAs are not isolated from most of skin cancers, they are often isolated from penile cancers, vulval cancers and anogenital Bowen's diseases. Patients with epidermodysplasia verruciformis start to suffer from disseminated incurable warts during their childhood, and some of these benign lesions often convert to skin cancer in adulthood. Although the disease is very rare, HPV may also play a role in malignant transformation in epidermodysplasia verruciformis. More than 60 types of HPVs distinguished by molecular hybridization techniques. The type of HPV determines the clinical picture of wart and natural fate of HPV-associated lesion. There are two groups of HPVs, which are benign types and malignant types. Viral DNA of malignant type of HPV transforms human keratinocytes in vitro, and the transforming activity has been mapped to the E6 and E7 genes.  相似文献   

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