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A variety of xenobiotics, viz., 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCBP), sodium phenobarbital (PB), 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-2, 4,6-trimethylpyridine (OX-DDC), and nifedipine, cause a decrease in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROG-D) activity, accompanied by uroporphyrin accumulation, in chick embryo hepatocytes in culture. In this study the activity of 17-day-old chick embryo hepatic UROG-D was determined by measuring the conversion of pentacarboxylporphyrinogen I to coproporphyrinogen I, and it was shown that a UROG-D inhibitor, previously reported to accumulate in TCBP-treated and PB-treated chick embryo hepatocytes in culture, also accumulates in OX-DDC-treated and nifedipine-treated chick embryo hepatocytes in culture. It was concluded that the accumulation of a UROG-D inhibitor provides an explanation for the UROG-D inhibition observed in this culture system with xenobiotics that cause uroporphyrin accumulation. Studies of the UROG-D inhibitory fraction isolated from the 10,000 x g, 40,000 x g, and 100,000 x g supernatant fractions of cultured chick embryo hepatocyte homogenate led to the conclusion that the UROG-D inhibitor is derived from a soluble component of the homogenate.  相似文献   

Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROG-D) activity in the 10,000g supernatant of 17-day-old chick embryo liver homogenates was determined by measuring the conversion of pentacarboxylporphyrinogen I to coproporphyrinogen I. The optimum pH of the enzyme was found to be approximately 6.0 and enzyme activity was found to be linear with protein concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 2.0 mg/mL. At a protein concentration of 1.2 mg/mL and pH 6.0, the activity was found to be linear for a reaction time of 50 min and to be approximately 10 pmol/(mg protein.min). This enzyme assay was used to demonstrate that a UROG-D inhibitor, previously reported to accumulate in rodent liver, also accumulates in 3,3'4,4'-tretrachlorobiphenyl (TCBP) and sodium phenobarbital (PB) treated chick embryo hepatocytes in culture. This results accords with the previous demonstration of a TCBP- and PB-induced decrease in UROG-D activity in this system. Uroporphyrin accumulation in chick embryo hepatocyte culture is interpreted as resulting from a combination of two mechanisms, viz., inhibition of UROG-D activity and uroporphyrinogen oxidation to uroporphyrin catalyzed by a cytochrome P-450 isozyme.  相似文献   

Lee WY  Zhou X  Or PM  Kwan YW  Yeung JH 《Phytomedicine》2012,19(2):169-176
This study investigated the effects of Danshen and its active ingredients on the protein expression and enzymatic activity of CYP1A2 in primary rat hepatocytes. The ethanolic extract of Danshen roots (containing mainly tanshinones) inhibited CYP1A2-catalyzed phenacetin O-deethylation (IC50 = 24.6 μg/ml) in primary rat hepatocytes while the water extract containing mainly salvianolic acid B and danshenshu had no effect. Individual tanshinones such as cryptotanshinone, dihydrotanshinone, tanshinone IIA inhibited the CYP1A2-mediated metabolism with IC50 values at 12.9, 17.4 and 31.9 μM, respectively. After 4-day treatment of the rat hepatocytes, the ethanolic extract of Danshen and tanshinone I increased rat CYP1A2 activity by 6.8- and 5.2-fold, respectively, with a concomitant up-regulation of CYP1A2 protein level by 13.5- and 6.5-fold, respectively. CYP1A2 induction correlated with the up-regulation of mRNA level of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), which suggested a positive feedback mechanism of tanshinone I-mediated CYP1A2 induction. A formulated Danshen pill (containing mainly danshensu and salvianolic acid B and the tanshinones) up-regulated CYP1A2 protein expression and enzyme activity, but danshensu and salvianolic acid B, when used individually, did not affect CYP1A2 activity. This study was the first report on the Janus action of the tanshinones on rat CYP1A2 activity.  相似文献   

Isolated yolk-sacs of chick embryos secreted serum proteins when incubated in buffered chick Ringer's solution. The presence of serum transferrin, two embryo-specific alpha-globulins, and a prealbumin were demonstrated by acrylamide gel analysis. Yolk-sacs from embryos explanted at 11-13 somites (40 hr preincubation) and cultured for 48 hr secreted in addition a protein with the mobility of serum albumin. Incubation of yolk-sacs in the presence of radioactive valine indicated that serum proteins were synthesized as early as the primitive streak stage. By incubating isolated yolk-sacs and embryos from 48-hr explants in the presence of radioactive valine, the synthesis of serum proteins was found to be restricted to the yolk-sac at this stage of development. Culturing explants on various nutrient proteins as well as protein starvation medium altered the relative synthesis of several serum proteins. We have proposed that morphological and biochemical changes in embryos resulting from altered nutrition may be mediated by the proteins of the serum.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital causes a multitude of effects in hepatocytes, including increased cell proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis and upregulation of xenobiotic and endobiotic metabolizing enzymes. In this study, the involvement of several protein kinase and phosphatase pathways on constitutive and phenobarbital-induced activities of CYP2A5, CYP2B10 and CYP1A1/2 in primary mouse hepatocytes was determined using well-defined chemical modulators of intracellular protein phosphorylation and desphosphorylation events. A 48-h treatment of the hepatocytes with 2-aminopurine, a nonspecific serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, elicited dose-dependent increases in both basal and phenobarbital-induced CYP2A5 catalytic activity (assayed as coumarin 7-hydroxylation), the maximal induction being 60-fold greater than the control value upon cotreatment with 1.5 mM phenobarbital and 10 mM 2-aminopurine. In contrast, phenobarbital induction of CYP2B10 (pentoxyresorufin O-deethylase) and CYP1A1/2 (ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase) activities were blocked by 2-aminopurine. Increases in CYP2A5 activity were also observed after exposure of the hepatocytes to other protein kinase inhibitors affecting the cell cycle, i.e. roscovitine, K-252a and rapamycin. Inhibitors of protein kinases A and C, as well as tyrosine kinases, did not appreciably affect CYP2A5 activity levels. The serine/threonine phosphatase inhibitors tautomycin, calyculin A and okadaic acid all reduced both basal and phenobarbital-induced CYP2A5, CYP2B10 and CYP1A1/2 activities. These results further strengthen the concept that hepatic CYP2A5 is regulated in a unique way compared with CYP2B10 and CYP1A.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen, albumin and the major apoprotein of high density lipoprotein (apoprotein A) were localized in a primary embryonic chick liver cell culture by indirect immunofluorescence staining. Changes in the pattern of plasma protein synthesis under a variety of conditions, as measured by the accumulation of secreted plasma proteins in the culture medium, could be studied at the cellular level because relative fluorescence intensities were shown to reflect synthetic rates. In all cases studied, the immunofluorescence of the hepatic parenchymal cells was of a similar intensity throughout the monolayers, indicating that the cells in culture constitute a homogeneous population with respect to the synthesis of these plasma proteins.  相似文献   

In Type 2 diabetes, increased glycogenolysis contributes to the hyperglycaemic state, therefore the inhibition of GP (glycogen phosphorylase), a key glycogenolytic enzyme, is one of the possibilities to lower plasma glucose levels. Following this strategy, a number of GPis (GP inhibitors) have been described. However, certain critical issues are associated with their mode of action, e.g. an impairment of muscle function. The interaction between GP and the liver glycogen targeting subunit (termed G(L)) of PP1 (protein phosphatase 1) has emerged as a new potential anti-diabetic target, as the disruption of this interaction should increase glycogen synthesis, potentially providing an alternative approach to counteract the enhanced glycogenolysis without inhibiting GP activity. We identified an inhibitor of the G(L)-GP interaction (termed G(L)-GPi) and characterized its mechanism of action in comparison with direct GPis. In primary rat hepatocytes, at elevated glucose levels, the G(L)-GPi increased glycogen synthesis similarly to direct GPis. Direct GPis significantly reduced the cellular GP activity, caused a dephosphorylation of the enzyme and decreased the amounts of GP in the glycogen-enriched fraction; the G(L)-GPi did not influence any of these parameters. Both mechanisms increased glycogen accumulation at elevated glucose levels. However, at low glucose levels, only direct GPis led to increased glycogen amounts, whereas the G(L)-GPi allowed the mobilization of glycogen because it did not block the activity of GP. Due to this characteristic, G(L)-GPi in comparison with GPis could offer an advantageous risk/benefit profile circumventing the potential downsides of a complete prevention of glycogen breakdown while retaining glucose-lowering efficacy, suggesting that inhibition of the G(L)-GP interaction may provide an attractive novel approach for rebalancing the disturbed glycogen metabolism in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

Summary Monolayer cultures were prepared from hepatocytes of 15 d chick embryos and maintained at high cell density in a chemically defined medium. In the absence of growth stimulatory conditions DNA synthesis was observed only during the first 10 to 16 h of culture. Thus, after a 12 h exposure to [3H]thymidine ([3H]dThd, 4 to 16 h) 9.1±1% ( ,n=4) of the hepatocyte nuclei were labeled. Labeled mitotic nuclei, up to late telophase, were regularly observed in these cultures. Beyond 16 h less than 2% labeled nuclei were found (12 h of [3H]dThd), which indicates that the hepatocytes entered proliferative quiescence. DNA synthesis of “resting” hepatocytes was stimulated by insulin and, only slightly, by hydrocortisone, glucagon, or fetal bovine serum. Triiodothyronine (T3), or the nucleoside inosine (i) did not stimulate. Combination of insulin (I) with hydrocortisone (H), T3 (T), or glucagon (G) resulted in a more than additive effect. Nearly maximal stimulation occurred with the combinations IHT and ITG. Labeling increased at 10 ng/ml of each component and was maximal at 1 to 10 μg/ml. A lag period of 8 to 10 h after hormone administration (IHiTG, 10 μg/ml) was observed before nuclear labeling increased. Within the subsequent 10 h a considerable proportion of the hepatocytes (up to 30% or more) entered DNA synthesis. Mitotic activity (with nuclei in prophase up to late telophase) also was stimulated. An increase of both total DNA and protein content was measured in several experiments. Hormonal stimulation of hepatocyte DNA synthesis and mitotic activity was associated with decreased β-naphthoflavone-mediated induction of cytochrome P450. A causal relationship between these two phenomena remains to be established. It is suggested that chick embryo hepatocyte cultures are a useful tool for studies on hepatocyte proliferation and differentiation. The present study is based on original observations by Dr. F. R. Althaus (presently at the Institute of Pharmacology and Biochemistry, University of Zürich, Switzerland). This contribution of his and his incisive criticism are acknowledged. The study was supported by Grant 3.893.81 from the Swiss National Research Foundation.  相似文献   

L P Ermolaeva 《Ontogenez》1987,18(4):430-433
The rate of glucose formation from lactate was determined in the hepatocytes isolated from the liver of developing chick embryos and one day old chickens. The maximum rate of gluconeogenesis is observed in the hepatocytes of 16-17 day old chick embryos. A sharp fall in the rate of gluconeogenesis is noted in the hepatocytes of the embryos before hatching. It decreases still further in one day old chickens. The patterns of the gluconeogenesis rate are similar both for endogenous precursors and lactate.  相似文献   

The induction of cytochrome P-450 by phenobarbital was studied in primary cultures of chick embryo hepatocytes. The rate of the de novo synthesis of the induced form of cytochrome P-450 was measured directly and specificially, using form-specific anti-cytochrome antibodies that quantitatively immunoprecipitated this form from the radiolabeled hepatocytes. Additionally, the steady-state levels of the cytochrome were estimated spectrophotometrically and electrophoretically. In the presence of phenobarbital the synthesis of cytochrome P-450PB by cultured hepatocytes was markedly accelerated. Furthermore, the same cytochrome P-450PB form was induced by phenobarbital in vivo in chicken liver and in the cultured chick embryo hepatocytes. Their identity was judged from immunological and electrophoretic properties of these induced cytochromes. Immunological cross-reactivity was also detected between the cytochrome P-450PB forms from chick embryo hepatocytes and from adult rat liver. The immunological cross-reactivity observed between the phenobarbital-induced cytochrome P-450 forms from different species was not observed between the different cytochrome forms with the same liver (Thomas, P.E., Reik, L.M., Ryan, D.E. and Levin, W. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 1044–1052). Implications as to the evolutionary origin of the different cytochrome forms are discussed.  相似文献   

Primary cultures derived from mechanically dissociated definitive streak chick blastoderms were grown in a warm air stream on the stage of inverted phase microscope, through which in vitro erythroid development could be observed. Proerythroid cells divide three or four times in 48 hr to give rise to erythroid colonies ranging from 10 to 1000 cells, depending on the size of the blastoderm fragments from which they were derived.Erythroid cell development follows a similar course in cultures grown in a carbon dioxide incubator. Colonies consisting of about 50 cells, derived from blastoderm fragments containing 5 to 10 cells, were isolated and labeled with [3H]leucine, and their labeled hemoglobins were analyzed by isoelectric focusing. Both early hemoglobins (E,M,P,P′, and P″) and late hemoglobins (A and D) are made in colonies derived from single blastoderm fragments. The ratio of late to early hemoglobins is about 1.7 in all colonies analyzed. The implications of this finding for the clonal model of erythroid development are discussed.  相似文献   

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