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将大肠杆菌K-12的酸性磷酸酶(AphA)完整基因和去信号肽基因分别克隆到pET-28a(+)栽体上,并转化入大肠杆菌BL21( DE3)中.经诱导检测,重组菌均能表达出高活性的可溶性酶蛋白,去信号肽表达更稳定.对重组菌的活性研究表明,相对于野生菌,重组菌酶活力得到大幅度提高,同时,以pNPP、肌苷为底物进行磷酸转移催化反应,在pH4.0-6.0、反应温度37℃条件下,约有30%的肌苷可转化为IMP,但随着反应的进行所形成的IMP又被该酶降解,向反应液中加入EDTA即可明显抑制酶的水解活性,减缓IMP的降解速率.  相似文献   

Abstract Arthrobacter globiformis amine oxidase produced by Escherichia coli cells grown in copper-depleted media was reported to undergo activation due to formation of its topaquinone cofactor in a copper-dependent autocatalytic reaction. Likewise, a mutated E. coli amine oxidase located in the cytoplasm was reported to form topaquinone autocatalytically in an EDTA-sensitive reaction. Here we show unequivocally that formation of an amine oxidase lacking topaquinone is primarily a consequence of the location of the enzyme in the cytoplasm rather than the level of copper in the growth medium. For E. coli , insertion of copper into apoamine oxidase and subsequent topaquinone formation occur after export of the apoenzyme into the periplasm.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacteriophage Mu with its invertible G segment in G(−) orientation does not make plaques on Escherichia coli K-12, due to the absence of a suitable lipopolysaccharide receptor. Plaques formed by Mu G(−) were found, however, when the infected E. coli K-12 strain harbours a plasmid with the cloned DNA inversion function Gin which converts the infecting G(−) phage to G(+). Under overproducing conditions, where Gin expression is placed under the control of the tac promoter, the infectivity of Mu G(−) can be estimated as approximately 1% of that in the presence of the receptor. Furthermore, interaction of Mu G(−) with the E. coli K-12 cell wall leads to interference with the plating of a Mu G(+) variant which has the new phenotype Pen (penetration-negative).  相似文献   

Aminopeptidase B, which is one of the four cysteinyl-glycinases of Escherichia coli K-12, was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity and its enzymatic characteristics were observed. Aminopeptidase B was activated by various divalent cations such as Ni2+, Mn2+, Co2+, and Cd2+, and lost its activity completely on dialysis against EDTA. This indicates that aminopeptidase B is a metallopeptidase. It was stabilized against heat in the presence of Mn2+ or Co2+. The activity of aminopeptidase B, which was saturated with one of above divalent cations, was enhanced on the addition of a very small amount of a second divalent cation. α-Glutamyl p-nitroanilide, leucine p-nitroanilide, and methionine p-nitroanilide were good substrates for aminopeptidase B, while native peptides, cysteinylglycine and leucylglycine, were far better substrates. The kcat/Km for cysteinylglycine was much bigger than those for leucylglycine or leucine p-nitroanilide.  相似文献   

研究了E.coliK-12转醛醇酶基因(talB)在自身启动子和在Z.mobilisCP4eno基因启动子的启动下在E.coliDH5α和Z.mobilisCP4中的表达情况。首先克隆了E.coliK-12talB基因,并连接到穿梭载体pZB1上构建成pZB1-talB;然后利用PCR重叠延伸技术将E.coliK-12talB自身的启动子换成Z.mobilisCP4eno的启动子,构建得到pZB1-Peno-talB。将这两个质粒分别转化E.coliDH5α和Z.mobilisCP4。对转化子粗酶液进行的转醛醇酶酶活力测定结果表明,E.coli talB自身启动子和Z.mobilis eno启动子能以基本相同的效率启动talB基因在E.coli和Z.mobilis中的表达。  相似文献   

表达载体pHsh对大肠杆菌热休克系统中负调控机制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
pHsh是一种由σ32识别和启动外源基因表达的新型高效的大肠杆菌表达载体。正常E.coli细胞在热激诱导条件下,σ32的浓度在5 min内到达高峰,随后被3个负调控蛋白Dnak、DnaJ、GrpE结合导致失活或降解,整个热休克反应持续约12min。在携带有外源基因的高拷贝pHsh 的E.coli细胞中,外源基因却能持续高效表达4~10 h,这一现象表明了此时细胞中的σ32比没有携带质粒的细胞内σ32的浓度要高。σ32浓度的增高有可能是由于3个负调控蛋白Dnak、DnaJ、GrpE在细胞内的含量比正常情况下降低的结果。为了验证这一推测,从E.coli中克隆了Dnak、DnaJ、GrpE的编码基因,表达并初步纯化了其重组蛋白以作分子标记,采用双向电泳技术,分析携带质粒(pHsh+)和不携带质粒的E.coli(pHsh-)细胞在热休克后胞内蛋白质组的差异。该项实验通过与检索到的标准的E.coli蛋白质组图谱进行比较鉴别出的两个蛋白Dnak、GrpE,并通过对比目标点的大小和深浅发现pHsh+中的Dnak均少于pHsh─中的目标蛋白,所得结果与上述假设一致。  相似文献   

The effect of deleting the genes encoding the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system on H2 production by Escherichia coli strain MC4100 and its formate hydrogenlyase upregulated mutant (DeltahycA) was investigated. H2 evolution tests using two mutant strains defective in Tat transport (DeltatatC and DeltatatA-E) showed that the rate doubled from 0.88+/-0.28 mL H2 mg dry weight-1 L culture-1 in the parental strain, to 1.70+/-0.15 and 1.75+/-0.18 mL H2 mg dry weight-1 L culture-1, respectively, in the DeltatatC and DeltatatA-E strains. This increase was comparable to that of a previously characterized hydrogen over-producing E. coli strain carrying a DeltahycA allele. Construction of a tatC, DeltahycA double deletion strain did not increase hydrogen production further. Inactivation of the Tat system prevents correct assembly of the uptake hydrogenases and formate dehydrogenases in the cytoplasmic membrane and it is postulated that the subsequent loss of basal levels of respiratory-linked hydrogen and formate oxidation accounts for the observed increases in formate-dependent hydrogen evolution.  相似文献   

We developed a simple method of generating markerless deletions in the Escherichia coli chromosome. The method consists of two recombination events stimulated by λ Red recombinase. The first recombination replaced a target region with a marker cassette and the second then eliminated the marker cassette. The marker cassette included an antibiotic resistant gene and a negative selection marker (Bacillus subtilis sacB). Since sacB makes E. coli sensitive to sucrose, a markerless deletion strain was successfully selected using its sucrose-resistant phenotype. To stimulate these recombination events, 1-kbp homologous sequences adjacent to the target region were connected to both ends of the marker cassette or connected to each other by PCR. The average efficiency of the recombinations was 24% and 93% respectively. Eliminating the marker cassette with a fragment including an additional sequence, insertion was also possible. This markerless deletion method should be useful in creating a highly modified E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Abstract Two conditionally expressed lacZU131 gene fusions were constructed in vivo to the ompC gene which encodes a major outer membrane protein in Escherichia coli . The resulting hybrid molecules contained approximately 25% and 50% of the mature OmpC protein fused to the LacZ. Export analysis showed that under nonoverproducing conditions essentially all synthesized OmpC-LacZ hybrid protein was effectively processed in vivo unless the signal peptide cleavage was inhibited by ethanol addition. Also, the hybrid proteins were highly accessible to solid phase iodination of whole cells under conditions where cytoplasmic proteins remained unlabelled. Thus, hybrids containing large portions of the OmpC protein were clearly recognized by the cellular export machinery, and probably all synthesized hybrid protein was partially translocated through the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Washed cells of Peptostreptococcus products (strain Marburg), which were incubated in the presence of CO/CO2/N2 (50%/17%/33%; 200 kPa) catalyzed the synthesis of acetate from carbon monoxide. The rate of acetate formation from CO was stimulated more than threefold by the addition of sodium (10 mM); potassium did not effect acetate synthesis. The degree of stimulation was dependent on the sodium concentration; the dependence followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The apparent Km for sodium was determined to be about 2 mmol/l. Sodium also stimulated acetate synthesis from H2 plus CO2. In the absence of added sodium the formation of formate as an intermediate in methyl group synthesis was stimulated. It is suggested that the sodium dependent reaction(s) is one (or more) of the reactions involved in methyl group synthesis from CO2.  相似文献   

An examination is made of five methods for obtaining values of the enthalpy of formation of a unit mass of living Escherichia coli K-12 cells. The values obtained by these methods ranged from -88.95 kJ to -99.55 kJ, the gross average being 96.01 kJ, per unit carbon formula weight equivalent of living, hydrated cells. Although theoretically the growth of this organism in a microcalorimeter should provide the best value, the value obtained by this method (-88.95 kJ per UCFW equivalent) is not in close agreement with those of the other four methods, the values from which form a cluster averaging -97.8 +/- 1.0 kJ (-23.4 +/- 0.2 kcal)/UCFW equivalent. Calculations using this value indicate that the enthalpy change accompanying anabolism (as this is represented) is zero, or very nearly so, and that the heat of growth is that from catabolism alone.  相似文献   

Abstract Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions inhibited NADH oxidase activity in membranes prepared from two cytochrome bo' -deficient mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 with the following order of potency: Zn ( II ) > Cd ( II ) > > Co ( II ). The degree of inhibition exhibited by these metal ions was not diminished in membranes which contained elevated levels of the cytochrome bd complex, suggesting that the most sensitive site precedes this complex in the aerobic respiratory chain. For each of the metal ions studied, inhibition was determined to be of the non-competitive type. Based upon the efficacy with which EDTA alleviated inhibition, Co(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions are proposed to inhibit NADH oxidase activity by binding to at least two sites in the respiratory chain with significantly different affinities.  相似文献   

Abstract Five different c -type cytochromes have been detected during anaerobic growth of various Escherichia coli strains in different media. None of these cytochromes was detectable in aerobically-grown cultures. Only a single, 43 kDa cytochrome was synthesized in response to the presence of trimethylamine-N-oxide: synthesis of this cytochrome was unaffected by the presence of nitrate or nitrite, was repressed by oxygen, but was dependent upon a funtional tor operon located at minute 22 (coordinate 1070 kb) on the E. coli chromosome. The other four cytochromes, masses 16, 18, 24 and 50 kDa, were induced by nitrite coordinately with formate-dependent nitrite reductase activity, but repressed by oxygen and nitrate. As only the 18 kDa and 50 kDa cytochromes are encoded by the nrf operon located at minute 92 (coordinate 4366 kb), there must be other loci, possibly essential for formate-dependent nitrite reduction, encoding the 16 kDa and 24 kDa cytochromes. No other c -type cytochrome was detected under any growth condition tested.  相似文献   

The growth of Escherichia coli is inhibited by an antibiotic compound, azaserine (O-diazoacetyl-L-serine). Previous studies revealed the biochemical properties of azaserine, which involves inhibition of various enzymatic reactions as well as introduction of DNA breakage. However, genetically, nothing has been elucidated except that all the azaserine-resistant strains isolated so far carry lesions in the aroP gene as a primary determinant. Here, we demonstrate that, in addition to AroP, the LIV-I/LS system, an ATP-binding cassette type transporter, is involved in azaserine sensitivity of E. coli, by genetic analysis and transport studies, in which Ki value for azaserine was determined to be approximately 10(-3) M.  相似文献   

Abstract Peptidase D of Escherichia coli was overproduced from a multicopy plasmid and purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The pure enzyme was stable at 4°C or −20°C and had a pH optimum at pH 9, and a p I of 4.7; the temperature optimum was at 37°C. As the enzyme was activated by Co2+ and Zn2+, and deactivated by metal chelators, it appears to be a metallopeptidase. By activity staining of native gels, 11 dipeptides which are preferentially cleaved by peptidase D were identified. Peptidase D activity required dipeptide substrates with an unblocked amino terminus and the amino group in the α or β position. Non-protein amino acids and proline were not accepted in the C-terminal position, whereas some dipeptide amides and formyl amino acids were hydrolyzed. K m values of 2 to 5 mM indicate a relatively poor interaction of the enzyme with its substrates.  相似文献   

Abstract Outer membranes of Shigella species and E. coli K-12 carrying large invasive plasmids and isogenic non-invasive strains without plasmids were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The immunoblotting analysis of the outer membrane proteins of these bacteria was performed with monoclonal antibody (mAb) made against A and B subunits of Shiga-like toxin (SLT). The SLT was detected in the outer membranes of S. dysenteriae 1 IDBM11, S. sonnei PNS20, S. flexneri M90T, S. dysenteriae 60R, and E. coli K-12 strain AB2463. The two other E. coli K-12 strains, C600 and 933J were included as controls for low and high toxin producers respectively. The outer membrane protein band of molecular weight 70 kDa was common to all bacterial strains studied. The most prominent band of 70 kDa protein was seen to be present in the high toxin producing plasmidless strain of S. dysenteriae 60R and the lysogenic strain of E. coli 933J. The invasive strains of S. dysenteriae 1 and S. flexneri M90T which carry the large invasive plasmids showed the least prominent band of 70 kDa protein.
The immunoblotting analysis of Shiga-toxin partially purified from the S. dysenteriae 60R strain revealed the absence of 70 kDa band on SDS-PAGE, instead the two dissociated subunits were seen. Furthermore, periplasmic Shiga-toxin proteins also showed the complete dissociation into A and B subunits. However, under the same denaturing conditions, the 70 kDa protein band cross-reacting with mAb against A and B subunits was still present in the outer membranes of all different strains.  相似文献   

tolA mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 release periplasmic proteins into the extracellular medium; they are sensitive to growth inhibitors such as cholic acid and tolerant to group A colicins and filamentous bacteriophage. Suppressor mutants of the tolA-876 allele were isolated by selecting for cholic acid resistant clones that did not release periplasmic ribonuclease I. One class of tolA suppressor strains carried mutations in the staA gene (for suppressor of tolA) located a 41 min. tolA-876 staA strains partially recovered a wild-type phenotype: they exported alkaline phosphatase and beta-lactamase into the periplasm and only released very low amounts of periplasmic proteins; moreover, they were sensitive to E1 and A colicins and more resistant than tolA-876 staA+ strains to various growth inhibitors. Furthermore, tolA-876 staA-2 and tolA+staA-2 mutants were 10- to 2700-times more resistant than staA+ strains to bacteriophages TuIa, TuIb and T4, and TuII whose receptors are major outer membrane proteins OmpF, OmpC and OmpA, respectively. SDS-PAGE analysis suggested that cell envelopes of staA or staA+ strains contained similar amounts of these proteins but characterization of strains carrying ompF (or C or A)-phoA gene fusions showed that mutation stA-2 reduced ompF gene expression by a factor of two. Analysis of double mutants strains carrying mutation staA-2 and a tolA, tolB, excC or excD periplasmic-leaky mutation showed that staA suppression was allele specific which suggested that proteins TolA and StaA might directly interact.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K-12 WaaR is a non-processive alpha-1,2 glucosyltransferase, involved in the synthesis of the R-core of lipopolysaccharide. WaaR possesses the four conserved structural regions I, II, III and IV, each presumably involved in the mechanistic function in catalysis. Regions I and III contain the pair of strictly conserved Asp residues. Asp-129, 131 (region I) and 215, 217 (region III) of WaaR were individually converted to Asn by the site-directed mutagenesis of the waaR gene. All mutated enzymes were inactive, supporting the model for an alpha-glycosyl transfer reaction where the pair of strictly conserved aspartic acid residues in regions I and III play a critical role in the catalytic function.  相似文献   

Abstract The streptomycin-treated mouse colonization model was used to investigate the role of the Fe2+ uptake system (Feo) of Escherichia coli K12 in the colonization of the mouse intestine. Mutants impaired in the uptake of Fe2+ ions were shown to be deficient also in their colonization ability. Both enterochelin-producing and enterochelin-nonproducing Escherichia coli feo mutants were unable to colonize the mouse intestine. These results demonstrated that Fe(II) is an essential source of iron for E. coli grown in the intestine.  相似文献   

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