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本报道的鱼类化石产自湖南石门大京州的上泥盆统写经寺组。在中国泥盆纪地层分区上,化石产地属于华南区的湘、鄂、川交界分区(侯鸿飞等,1988)。该分区泥盆系为一套厚度不超过500m的近岸海相碎屑岩沉积,仅发育中泥盆统上部至上泥盆统(图1),并普遍超覆在志留系温洛克统之上,以角度不整合伏于石炭系或二叠系之下。上泥盆统分两个组,从下而上分别为黄家磴组和写经寺组。黄家磴组系杨敬之、穆恩之(1953)创立,标准地点在湖北长阳马鞍山东端的黄家磴。岩性为砂岩夹少量页岩,植物化石丰富,并含有误订为植物化石的湖北长阳鱼(Changyanophyton hupeiense Sze,1952)。根据植物化石组合面貌,黄家磴组的时代被认为是晚泥盆世早期。写经寺组是谢家荣、刘季辰(1927)创立的。岩性分为二段:下段以泥灰岩为主,含Yunnanella abrupta、Yunnanellina triplicata等腕足类化石;上段以砂页岩为主,含植物化石,其组合面貌除大致与黄家磴组相似外,还有一些新的分子,如Leptophloeum guanzhuangense、Cyclostigma hunanense等。根据动、植物化石群的性质,写经寺组的时代大致与法门期早期相当。多年来,在这一分区的泥盆纪地层里,很少鱼类化石。杨敬之、穆恩之(1953)曾提及在湖北长阳写经寺组底部发现的鱼化石,这些鱼化石与腕足类Yunnanella、Tenticospirifer等共生,但种属并未定出。已记述过的鱼化石只有湖北长阳黄家磴组的长阳鱼(潘江,1962)。  相似文献   

记述了云南沾益地区下泥盆统穿洞组肺鱼化石一新种——多脊混磨鱼(Tarachomylax multicostatus sp.nov.),归入标本包括一件左上齿板、一块B骨、一块可能是3骨的骨片和6个零散鳞片。主要特征:齿板内侧及后侧边缘被小齿(denticles)覆盖;齿脊11-12列,齿板中缘与最后一列齿脊夹角约135°;内翼骨侧凹不明显,后侧部窄小呈尖状;B骨和J骨上的前凹线沟相连;鳞片出露区与被覆压区之间有小齿瘤带。  相似文献   

描述了湖南零陵普利桥晚泥盆世锡矿山组叶虾类一新种——Echinocaris hunanensis sp.nov..晚古生代叶虾类化石较为稀少,Echinocaris在亚洲是首次发现.  相似文献   

依据采自广西平果早泥盆世郁江组中部的化石材料,记述了盾皮鱼纲节甲鱼目南极鱼科的一新属、新种——小眼坡塘鱼(Potangaspis parvoculatusgen.et sp.nov.)。该新属的眶孔很小,且为颅顶甲骨片所完全包围;中点线沟发育,与眶上感觉沟、中心感觉沟和后点线沟一起共同向颈片的骨化中心辏合。系统发育分析表明新属和发现于南极洲中泥盆统的南极鱼属构成姐妹群关系,支持了南极鱼科位于节甲鱼目最基干位置的假说,同时为早埃姆斯期东冈瓦纳大陆与中国南方之间的古地理密切联系提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

湖南湘乡上泥盆统佘田桥组介形类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文首次报道了湖南湘乡上泥盆统佘田桥组介形类化石,共有18属35种及未定种,其中包括11新种。通过与国内外泥盆纪和早石炭世介形类进行比较表明,它们与下伏的中泥盆统棋梓桥组介形类组合和上覆的上泥盆统锡矿山组介形类组合均有明显的差别,该介形类动物群的发现,为佘田桥组的地质时代的确定及地层的划分对比提供了新的古生物依据,并对研究介形类动物群的演化增加了新的资料。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Occurrences of fossil lungfishes (Dipnoi: Sarcopterygii) in the Famennian Catskill Formation of Pennsylvania are reviewed. A nearly complete dermal skull roof is assigned to a new genus and species, Apatorhynchus opistheretmus . Other recently discovered lungfish specimens include an incomplete postcranium similar to that of the Frasnian genus Fleurantia , a small parasphenoid of uncertain affinities, and isolated toothplates. Previously described dipnoan remains from the Catskill Formation include a partial skull roof of Soederberghia groenlandica , toothplates assigned to several species of Dipterus , a putative rostral or symphysial region placed in the problematic form taxon Ganorhynchus , and sedimentary structures interpreted as burrows. The toothplates attributed to Dipterus are indeterminate and are placed in open nomenclature, while the specimen identified as Ganorhynchus is not convincingly dipnoan. The status of the burrows remains uncertain pending the discovery of lungfish remains within these or similar structures in Catskill deposits. The distinct ichthyofaunas within the Catskill Formation and their lungfish components are briefly reviewed. Lungfishes are found in the Holoptychius - and Bothriolepis -dominated faunas common in the Catskill succession, as well as in the compositionally distinctive Red Hill assemblage. Many of the Devonian continental faunas that contain tetrapods also include long-snouted, denticle-bearing lungfishes ('rhynchodipterids', fleurantiids, or both). The composition of Late Devonian ichthyofaunas may have predictive qualities that will allow researchers to identify localities likely to produce the remains of early tetrapods.  相似文献   

Remains of two large sarcopterygians are described from Famennian deposits in Belgium. One of them is referred to Eusthenodon wängsjöi Jarvik; it is the first occurrence of this genus in Belgium. The other, much larger one, appears to be a tristichopterid. It has a postspiracular; size and shape of the mandible similar to those of Platycephalichthys skuenicus and P. bischoffi ; snout and cheek patterns close to those of Eusthenodon ; unusual shape of the supratemporal resembling that of Hyneria , Mandageria and Platycephalichthys skuenicus ; and tooth histology quite similar to that of Eusthenodon and Platycephalichthys .  相似文献   

我国泥盆系鱼化石非常丰富,尤其是下、中泥盆统。但是,上泥盆统鱼化石发现尚少,而且主要是胴甲类化石,节甲类化石则很少发现。潘江(1962)在对斯行健已记述的一植物化石 Changyanophyton hopeiensis Sze重新进行观察时认为,该化石应属于盾皮鱼类,并将其归人瓣甲类 Macroptetalichthyidae(?),化石仅包括前腹侧片和胸棘。 Denison(1978)根据潘江的文章和插图则认为, Changyanophyton hupeiensis属于原始节甲类或者瓣甲类。王念忠等…  相似文献   

徐洪河  王怿 《古生物学报》2002,41(2):251-258
描述新疆和布克赛尔晚泥盆世洪古勒楞组中的一种石松类孢子囊穗,该孢子囊穗二歧分叉一次,长纺锤形叶座紧密螺旋排列于穗轴上,每轮6枚;孢子叶披针形,具叶柄,单脉,叶缘具细齿;孢子囊近轴处着生,长椭球形,囊内有4枚大孢子;大孢子圆球形,表面光滑,直径为900-1200μg。通过对比研究,将当前孢子囊穗定为新属、新种,即Hefengistrobus bifurcus gen.et sp.nov.,同时讨论该孢子囊穗在石松类演化上的意义。  相似文献   

描述泡沫轴珊瑚属一新种———Aphraxoniawuqiaensissp .nov .,标本产于沿新疆南天山地区乌恰县托帕 吐乐尕特山口公路边的中泥盆统托格买提组。泡沫珊瑚属过去仅在土耳其Anatolia地区和我国湖南株州地区发现 ,目前在新疆中泥盆统的发现 ,不仅丰富了该属的化石种资料 ,同时也表明在中晚泥盆世南天山地区可能与土耳其Anatolia地区和华南地区存在密切的生物地理区联系。通过与该属已知 2个种特征和产出时代的对比 ,看出从中泥盆世Givetian期到晚泥盆世 ,可能存在从A .zhuzhouensis→A .wuqiaensissp .nov→A .taurensis的演化谱系和由华南→新疆南天山→土耳其的迁移路线。其演化趋势体现为 :1 )一级隔壁数目逐渐减少 ;2 )隔壁由中部加厚→边缘加厚 ;3)主、对隔壁分离 ,对隔壁伸过中心形成轴端微膨胀板状中轴→轴端膨胀明显的板状中轴→主、对隔壁在中心交汇形成轴端膨胀中轴 ;4 )一级隔壁不达中轴→与中轴相交。  相似文献   

Abstract:  A new dipnoan fish, Pinnalongus saxoni gen. et sp. nov., is described from a suite of recently discovered specimens from Caithness and East Sutherland, northern Scotland. The stratum where Pinnalongus occurs is within the middle Eifelian of the Middle Devonian. Pinnalongus has a skull roof consisting of a mosaic of small bones at the anterior end, a feature more typically found in Early Devonian dipnoans. The posterior part of the skull roof is more typical of later advanced Middle Devonian dipnoans with the B-bone separating the I-bones. The postcranial body is now considered not to be so important with respect to the classification of dipnoans as originally proposed by Dollo in 1895, who thought there was an evolutionary transformation series. Nevertheless, the postcranial body of Pinnalongus has more in common with later Middle and Late Devonian dipnoans such as Scaumenacia , with a very long second dorsal fin. Based on the skull morphology, Pinnalongus is most closely related to Tarachomylax from the Lower Devonian of Severnaya Zemlya, Russia. Pinnalongus represents the earliest known complete articulated dipnoan with tooth plates.  相似文献   

本文描述的胴甲鱼化石标本,采自广西象州大乐早泥盆世地层.化石系内、外模,但保存非常完整,包括自然连接的头部、躯干、胸鳍及躯甲后的尾部.头甲、躯甲的特征较为接近星鳞鱼 (Asterolepis) 的特征,而某些特征又与云南鱼 (Yunnanolepis) 类似.胸鳍分为近节和远节,鳍片排列近似欧洲的翼甲鱼 (Pterichthyodes) 型的胸鳍.根据头甲、躯甲及胸鳍的特征,笔者建立了一新属、新种——Liujiangolepis suni gen. et sp. nov.,代表胴甲鱼类中—新科——Liujiangolepidae fam. nov..文中对新属种的胸鳍结构和新属种在胴甲鱼类中的分类位置做了初步探讨.  相似文献   

在广西象州中泥盆统东岗岭组壳相含泥质石灰岩中发现一个海星口面化石 ,定名为Devonasterguangxiensissp .nov .。该种中盘较大 ,腕长且直 ,下缘板发育 ,口角板肥大 ,略尖 ,与美国标本Devonastereucharis(Hall)相比 ,有一定的区别。海星化石与东岗岭组常见化石Actinopteria(双壳类 )和Atrypa(腕足类 )  相似文献   

安徽广德独山地区的晚石炭世有孔虫动物群   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
安徽广德独山地区晚石炭世黄龙组和船山组中采得Ting类化石21属66种,非Ting有孔虫27属75种,包括新种Pseudotaxin liliana和Endothyra dushanensis。根据有孔虫动物群地地层分布规律,建立了该地区上石炭统3个Tingo类化石和带和3个非Ting有孔虫化石组合,即:Ting类Sphaeroschwagerina moelleri顶峰带,Fusulina-Fu  相似文献   

Abstract:  Shark teeth and scales from the Gneudna Formation type section, Carnarvon Basin are rare, but they represent a diverse fauna as well as being the first Frasnian chondrichthyan remains found in Western Australia. In contrast numerous shark teeth and scales have been obtained from coeval sections in the Canning Basin. Teeth referred to as Phoebodus bifurcatus, Phoebodus fastigatus, Phoebodus cf. fastigatus, Phoebodus latus , Phoebodus sp. C and Protacrodus sp. 1 are described from two Canning Basin localities: Horse Spring Range and McIntyre Knolls. The phoebodont species described here have a global distribution and can, therefore, be placed within the standard Frasnian phoebodont zonation. The shark remains from the Gneudna Formation type section include one new genus Emerikodus ektrapelus gen. et sp. nov., described along with Helodontidae indet and Elasmobranchii gen. et sp. indet. It is proposed that the faunal differences observed between the localities are a result of environmental differences. In addition to shark remains, scales from the thelodont Australolepis seddoni were also recovered from each locality. The well-dated Zone 6–10 conodont faunas at Horse Spring constrain the range of A. seddoni with which they occur, and importantly indicate that the Gneudna Formation type section is wholly Frasnian.  相似文献   

出露于新疆南天山东部的阿尔皮什麦布拉克组属于近岸、富氧、温暖的浅海沉积。该组自上一个世纪三十年代创建以来,有关它的地质时代归属一直存在着争论,作者根据珊瑚(包括四射珊瑚、床板珊瑚和日射珊瑚)、介形类和牙形类等门类化石的综合研究,主张将阿尔皮什麦布拉克组置于下泥盆统下部的洛赫柯夫阶。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The supposed polychaete annelid Protonympha salicifolia , from the Upper Devonian (Frasnian) of New York State, USA, is redescribed. P .  salicifolia has a bilateral and segmented body, but appears to have a 'mattress-like' construction with blade-like extensions along the margins. The affinities of P. salicifolia remain unresolved, but a proposed relationship to the annelids is unlikely. The preservation of the three known fossils, as mouldic imprints in sandstones, is strongly reminiscent of the circumstances associated with Ediacaran fossilization, and as such is an anomalous occurrence of such soft-part preservation in Phanerozoic sediments. Material associated with these enigmatic fossils has been referred to Palaeochaeta devonica , and also compared with the annelids. Such an assignment is also rejected. These fossils appear to be arthropodan, and are possibly myriapods. A supposed example of Protonympha (' P '.  marcellensis ) from the Middle Devonian of New York State is now excluded from this genus, and it may be a crustacean.  相似文献   

王士涛  王俊卿  王念忠  张振贤 《古脊椎动物学报》2001,39(3):157-167,T001,T002
描述了产自广西东部平乐下泥盆统贺县组的一脊椎动物群中的无颌类化石,建立了盔 甲鱼类的一新属、新种──平乐圆盘鱼(Discaspis pinglensis get. et sp. nov.)。圆盘鱼鳃囊 数目多达32对。同层产出的尚有保存较完好的胴甲鱼目中华鱼科化石。该动物群的发现为 华南区早泥盆世晚期脊椎动物群的演化及其生物地层的对比提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

研究我国云南中泥盆世晚期西冲组的一种细小植物Psilophyton striatum sp.nov.,它具有二歧分叉光滑轴和生殖枝,生殖枝由三次等二歧分叉枝系和族生孢子囊组成,枝系末端对生两对直立孢子囊,根据对已有材料的分析,宜将华南中泥盆世晚期植物组合改名为Lepidodendropsis arborescense-Minarodendron cathaysiense Eocladoxylon minutum(LME)组合,它以石松类植物为主,共生有“真蕨植物”和三枝蕨类,分为小形树状植物和地面植物两个生态系统,同时,与世界上同期植物群进行了对比。  相似文献   

蒙古南部新金斯特地区萨克黑尔剖面察甘安布拉格组上部发现的牙形刺, 包括Caudicriodusneowos chmidtisp. nov., Caudicriodussp. A, Kimognathussp., “Ozarkodina”planilingua, Pandorinellinaoptima, Ozarkodinaexcavata, 清楚地表明察甘安布拉格组上部应当归到中洛霍考夫阶(泥盆系)而不是像以往那样归到中-上志留统。海相温洛克统和罗德洛统地层在蒙古南部是否存在还需要寻找证据。文章描写了一个新种Caudicriodusneowos chmidtisp. nov.和一个未定种Caudicriodussp. A。  相似文献   

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