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In a review of the records in 50 cases of amebic abscess of the liver observed in the Canal Zone between 1920 and 1945 the following features were noted:Incidence was preponderantly in males and highest in persons between the ages of 20 and 40. None of the patients was under 21 years of age. There was a great variety of complaints at the time of admission to hospital. The most common was pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Demonstration of either elevated or fixed diaphragm by x-ray film and fluoroscopic examination was useful in diagnosis in a number of cases, but absence of such findings did not rule out abscess of the liver. In some cases there was history of previous dysentery with blood in the stools.One or another of three operative procedures was used for drainage of abscesses in 39 patients. Of the 39, six died; in five of the six, multiple abscesses were present. Emetine hydrochloride was given to all patients.  相似文献   

Amebic liver abscess (ALA) is a serious, but readily treatable form of hepatic infection. In order to understand the clinical features of this condition in the United States, we reviewed the medical histories of 56 patients with ALA at two large San Francisco Hospitals from 1979 to 1994. Patients were divided into the following groups based on the presumed manner in which they had acquired ALA: those born or raised in the United States, with a history of travel to an endemic area (Tr-ALA); those from an endemic area, but living in the United States for less than one year (En-ALA); and those neither from nor having traveled to an endemic area (N-ALA). We found distinct clinical patterns in patients from different epidemiological groups. Patients with Tr-ALA were a decade older than those from endemic regions, were more likely to be male, and tended to have an insidious onset. Furthermore, compared to patients with En-ALA, those with Tr-ALA were more likely to have hepatomegaly (P < 0.0001) and large abscesses (ALA > 10 cm; P < 0.01). One third of the patients studied had no associated travel history or endemic origin as risk factors. Of these, 63% had a condition consistent with severe immunosuppression, such as infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), malnourishment with severe hypoalbuminemia, or chronic infection. In patients with N-ALA, the presence of a presumed immunosuppressed state increased significantly, as compared to patients with endemic or travel risk factors for ALA. During the last five years of the study, one third of all patients diagnosed with ALA were HIV positive (including 2 with a new diagnosis of AIDS), many of whom were discovered to be HIV-infected only after presentation with ALA. We conclude that travel to and origin in an endemic area are important risk factors for the development of ALA, and patients in these different epidemiological groups appear to have distinct clinical features. Further, in the absence of recognized risk factors, the development of ALA may suggest an immunocompromised host.  相似文献   

为提高对肺炎克雷伯菌感染所致肝脓肿侵袭综合征的临床表现及其危害的认识,回顾性分析3例确诊为肺炎克雷伯菌感染所致肝脓肿患者的临床经过、治疗反应及转归。结果发现3例患者均有肝外播散性病灶,符合肝脓肿侵袭综合征的临床特征。这3例患者为社区获得性感染,均有肝脓肿,其中2例合并眼内炎并造成失明,1例合并腰椎感染、腹主动脉感染及感染性心内膜炎。2例有糖尿病病史,1例免疫正常。结合文献复习,发现肺炎克雷伯菌感染引起肝脓肿及肝外播散性病灶,临床上称为肝脓肿侵袭综合征,大多由高毒力肺炎克雷伯菌引起,好发于糖尿病及免疫缺陷人群,也可发生于免疫正常人群,治疗困难,临床危害严重,需引起重视。  相似文献   

Three cases of gastrointestinal zygomycosis, probably caused by Basidiobolus ranarum, are described. The diagnosis was based on morphology of the fungal elements in infected tissues and histopathologic findings. All the three patients responded favorably to management strategy that included surgical resection of the infected portion of the bowel and institution of specific antifungal therapy.  相似文献   

The yellow nail syndrome, a combination of yellow discolouration of and dystrophic changes in the nails, pleural effusions and lymphedema, is thought to be relatively rare; to date 44 cases have been reported. Of a further three patients with this syndrome, one had all three features, one had the yellow nails alone and the other had pleural effusions and lymphedema without classic nail changes. Each had recurrent lower respiratory tract infections; and of all 47, chronic pulmonary infections occurred in approximately one quarter and were frequently associated with chronic sinus infections. The underlying abnormality is presumed to be a congenital defect of the lymphatics, but so far this has not been demonstrated to be the cause of the nail changes, the pathogenesis of which remains obscure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cystic lesions of the brain may have diverse etiologies, ranging from true cysts to malignant tumors with cystic degeneration. Preoperative determination of the exact nature of them as well as intraoperative diagnosis may be sometimes difficult or even impossible. Sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis will be improved by introducing new methods or combining traditional procedures. CASES: Three metastatic brain carcinomas with primary sites of breast, pancreas and prostate presented as cystic lesions and were confused clinically with abscess. Intraoperative frozen section was not revealing. Cytologic study of sediments of aspirated fluid uncovered malignant cells. CONCLUSION: When combined with frozen section, intraoperative cytologic studies in the form of crush preparation, fine needle aspiration or evaluation of aspirated fluid in cystic lesions (as in our cases) can improve diagnostic accuracy by detecting important diagnostic features that otherwise may be missed.  相似文献   

Roentgencephalometric anomalies in three cases of Warkany syndrome (trisomy 8 mosaicism) are described. These include asymmetry of the mandible with a wide gonial angle and a high and narrow symphysis; SNA (anteroposterior position of maxilla) and SNB (anteroposterior position of mandible) values indicate a backward position of the mandible. Other findings point to a disturbance in the vertical growth of the facial skeleton. These measurements may explain at least part of the facial phenotype and may aid in diagnosis, especially in those cases with an uncertain clinical diagnosis and "normal" karyotype in peripheral blood lymphocytes.  相似文献   

目的 报道2例误诊为头皮脓肿经长期抗生素及植皮治疗失败的须癣毛癣菌所致的脓癣病患者,分析脓肿和脓癣的鉴别要点。方法 例1为9岁男童,头皮外伤后脓肿、溃疡28d,经抗生素治疗无效,行植皮术后5d再发生脓肿溃疡。取皮损处断发行10%KOH涂片镜检、培养,发现并分离出致病真菌,沙堡弱琼脂培养基上呈白色粉状菌落,可使含尿素培养基变红,即尿素酶试验阳性,小培养见螺旋菌丝及分隔棒状大分生孢子,鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。例2为8岁女童,头顶脓肿、溃疡24d,抗感染治疗不愈而接受植皮,术后7d再发脓性丘疹。从皮损处标本中发现、分离出致病真菌,经上述方法鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。结果 2例患者结合真菌学检查和临床表现确诊为脓癣,予伊曲康唑100mg/d内服近2个月皮损均痊愈,但供皮区遗留瘢痕和色素改变。结论 真菌病原学检查是避免脓癣误诊的关键,伊曲康唑内服治疗脓癣有效、安全。  相似文献   

Pentastomiasis, a zoonotic parasitic disease, has been reported commonly in Africa and Asia. It is caused by pentastomes, which are annulated but unsegmented blood-sucking endoparasites. Fewer than 20 cases have been reported during the past two decades in China, and cases in children have been especially rare. Herein, we report three cases of pediatric patients with severe systemic symptoms, focusing on the clinical features, diagnosis, and therapy of this disease. The patients were two boys and one girl aged 3 to 13 years. They all had a history of snake or worm ingested from snake and initial symptoms of fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Eosinophilia, anemia and elevated serum IgE levels were noted. Moreover, the large numbers of nodules, or even calcification, in the liver and/or lungs were noted by ultrasound, CT or MRI scans. These pentastomes were identified as Armillifer moniliformis, Porocephalus taiwana and Armillifer agkistrodontis. Praziquantel and mebendazole deworming treatments were adopted for the patients. Hence, pentastomiasis should be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients with multiple organ or system lesions, especially abdominal signs, that develop after the ingestion of snakes. Ultrasound, CT and MRI scans and laparoscopic approaches might be helpful for the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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