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Abstract. Characters of the head of adephagan larvae were examined and analysed phylogenetically. A labrum which is completely fused to the clypeofrons and the presence of a closed prepharyngeal tube are autapomorphies of Adephaga. Partial reduction of the fossa maxillaris, cardo and stipes forming a functional unit, the immobilization of the lacinia, attachment of M. craniolacinialis to the lateral stipital wall, and loss of one stipitopalpal muscle, are considered autapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae. Complete reduction of the fossa maxillaris and the presence of M. craniostipitalis medialis are possible autapomorphies of Adephaga excluding Gyrinidae and Haliplidae. The presence of caudal tentorial arms, insertion of the galea on the mesal side of palpomere I, and absence of the lacinia are considered synapomorphies of Trachypachidae and Dytiscoidea (Noteridae, Amphizoidae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae). The presence of a slender, elongated process of the head capsule, which articulates with a corresponding socket of the cardo, is a possible autapomorphy of Dytiscoidea. The sinuate frontal sutures, distinctly protruding prementum, shortened M. craniostipitalis medialis, and absence of M. submentopraementalis are considered autapomorphies of Geadephaga excluding Trachypachidae. The presence of a regular row of hairs along the anterior hypopharyngeal margin is a possible autapomorphy of Geadephaga excluding Trachypachidae and Rhysodidae. Improvement of the hypopharyngeal filter apparatus suggests the monophyly of Anisochaeta. Presence of a penicillum and partial reduction of the lacinia are possible autapomorphies of Anisochaeta excluding Omophronini. Larvae of Cychrini, Carabini, Nebriini and Notiophilini are characterized by a strongly developed, cone-shaped hypodon. Postocular and cervical ridges, crosswise arrangement of antennal muscles, and a completely flattened hypopharynx are considered autapomorphies of Caraboidea Limbata.  相似文献   

The Bittacidae are unique in Mecoptera for their adults being predaceous. However, their mouthparts have not been well documented for functional morphology to date. Here, we investigated the mouthpart morphology of the hangingflies Bittacus planus Cheng and Terrobittacus implicatus (Huang & Hua) using scanning electron microscopy. The mouthparts are of the mandibulate type and situated at the tip of an elongated rostrum. The labrum is greatly elongated, roughly twice as long as the subquadrate clypeus. The epipharynx is furnished with a row of basiconic sensilla arranged evenly as a median band extending from the apex to the base. The mandibles are slender and elongated, bearing a sharp lateral and a small mesal tooth. The maxillae are well developed, each consisting of a partially sclerotized cardo and a stipes, a hirsute galea and a lacinia, and a five-segmented maxillary palp. The sensillar pattern on the distal segment of the maxillary palp differs slightly between the two bittacid species. The labium is composed of a postmentum, a prementum, and a pair of two-segmented labial palps. The feeding mechanism of bittacids is briefly discussed in combination with the mouthpart morphology and their feeding habits.  相似文献   

Morphology of the head and mouthparts in Psocoptera was investigated, and revised interpretations for clypeus and maxilla were proposed. The convex plate in the frontal region of the head capsule is the postclypeus, rather than the frons; the galea is clearly differentiated from the stipes and the origin of the stipito-lacinial muscle is partly shifted from the stipes to the base of the galea; the cardo is completely fused with the stipes without any suture or sulcus. Brief discussions on the evolution of piercing and sucking mouthparts and on the phylogeny of Paraneoptera were provided, based on these revised interpretations.  相似文献   

The embryogenesis of Grylloblattodea, one of the most primitive of the polyneopteran orders, is described using Galloisiana yuasai with special reference to external morphology. The egg membranes are characterized by an endochorion crossed by numerous vertical aeropyles and a fairly thin vitelline membrane, features shared by Mantophasmatodea. The inner layer formation is of the fault type. Serosal elements in the amnioserosal fold differentiate into hydropylar cells, to function in water absorption together with specialized amniotic structures, i.e., an amniotic strand and a thickened amnion. The germ band is of the short germ type. The germ band immerses deep into the yolk after its full elongation along the egg surface, and in this respect blastokinesis closely resembles that of Mantophasmatodea. The embryological features, i.e., those on egg membranes and blastokinesis, may suggest a closer affinity of Grylloblattodea and Mantophasmatodea. Appendages, ectodermal invaginations, and sternal and pleural sclerites are discussed in the light of serial homology, to provide a new basis for elucidating the insect body plan. Appendages are divided into the proximal coxopodite and distal telopodite, the former being divided further into the subcoxa and coxa. Subcoxal and coxal elements are identified in the mandible as well as in the abdominal appendages. The subcoxa is divided into the epimeron and episternum by the pleural suture in thoracic segments. Likewise, in the abdominal segments the subcoxa is divided into two, although the homologs of the epimeron and episternum are not sclerotized, and in the labial segment the subcoxal derivative or the postmentum is divided into the submentum and mentum. Two coxal endites bulge out from the medial side of the gnathal appendages. The mandibular molar and incisor, maxillary lacinia and galea, and labial glossa and paraglossa are serially homologous with each other. In the thoracic segments the original embryonic sternum or "protosternum" is largely replaced by subcoxal elements, and merely remains as a small anterior presternum and a posterior spinasternum. A major part of the venter is represented by the derivatives of the episternum such as an extensive basisternum, katepisternum, and trochantin and the medial element of the epimeron. The pleuron is derived from the episternal elements or the anepisternum and preepisternum, which bears a spiracle in the mesothorax and metathorax, and the lateral element of the epimeron. The homolog of the preepisternum in the prothorax is the cervical sclerite, but with no spiracle developed. A median ventral invagination arises in the thoracic segments as a spina, and the homolog of the spina develops into the eversible sac in the first abdominal segment.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the frequency of the following eight dental traits in 635 Yanomama and 65 Makiritare Indians: upper central incisor rotation or winging, shoveling of maxillary incisors, maxillary molar hypocone reduction, Carabelli's trait, mandibular molar cusp number, mandibular molar cusp pattern rotation of second lower premolar, and pattern of second lower premolar cusps. Yanomama dentition is unusual in the high frequency of six cusps on the mandibular molars. There is marked dental microdifferentiation between villages; significant agreement was observed between a matrix of pairwise "dental distances" based on six morphological traits and corresponding matrices based on 11 genetic systems and on geographic location.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)是一种世界性蛀果害虫,主要以幼虫钻蛀蔷薇科果树的嫩梢和果实进行为害.本文利用扫描电子显微镜观察了梨小食心虫幼虫的超微形态和感受器.结果表明,幼虫触角上有3种类型的感受器:2个刺形感受器、6个锥形感受器和1个栓锥形感受器.上唇有6对刺形感受器.上颚的前端有切齿叶.在下颚的轴节和茎节各有1个刺形感受器.每个外颚叶有3个短而尖的锥形感受器、2个大的栓锥形感受器和3个刺形感受器.体节末梢的下颚须有7个锥形感受器、1个栓锥形感受器.下颚须的末端有1个指形感受器和2个板形感受器.每个下唇须末端具有1个尖锥状刺形感受器和1个长的栓锥形感受器.胸足与腹足上也分布有不规则的毛型感受器和刺型感受器.该研究将为进一步阐明梨小食心虫与其寄主的关系提供形态学的理论基础.  相似文献   

Observations on morphological characters of milk and permanent teeth, based on 648 pairs of dental casts of 356 male and 292 female Jat children of Haryana (India) are reported. Deciduous teeth show high frequencies of bilateral winging of maxillary central incisor, Carabelli's cusp of maxillary second molar, and deflecting wrinkle of mandibular second molar. Reduction of maxillary molar cusps is more marked in males than in females. Y pattern is very common in deciduous molars. Permanent teeth have high frequencies of grooved cingulum of incisors, cingular nodule of lateral incisors and canines, and distal accessary ridge of canines. Low frequencies of Carabelli's cusp and winging are also common. The tendency towards faintly developed shovelling in milk incisors occurs more often than in the permanent teeth.  相似文献   

Correlations between dental morphology, arch configuration, and jaw movement patterns were quantitatively investigated in 23 ceboid species to elucidate integrative aspects of occlusal functional anatomy in an adaptive and evolutionary context. Differential maxillary-mandibular arch widths are primary in guiding lateral jaw movements. These movements are characterized according to their associated condylar shifts as either predominantly translatory or rotational. Predominantly translatory movements result from peripheral contact relationships between maxillary arches which are considerably wider posteriorly than their opposing mandibular arches. The greatest degree of mandibular movement is in the molar region in functional association with wide “primitive” maxillary molars, narrow mandibular molars, constricted maxillary intercanine widths, and narrow maxillary incisors. In contrast, predominantly rotational masticatory jaw movements result from differential arch widths which are greatest in the maxillary canine and incisor regions. Here most jaw movement is in the anterior segment and this is reflected in small maxillary-mandibular molar width differences, a high degree of premolarization, wide-set maxillary canine teeth, and wide maxillary incisors. Possible selectional factors in the putative evolution of rotational predominance in mastication from the more primitive translatory pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of the maxillary muscles in the uncoiling and coiling movements of hawkmoths (Sphingidae) has been examined by electromyogram recordings, combined with video analysis. The maxillary muscles of adult Lepidoptera can be divided into two groups, galeal and stipital muscles. The galea contains two basal muscles and two series of oblique longitudinal muscles, which run through the entire length of the galea. Three muscles insert on the stipes, taking their origin on the tentorium and on parts of the cranium and gena, respectively. Proboscis extension is initiated by an elevation of the galea base caused by the basal galeal muscles. The actual uncoiling of the proboscis spiral is accompanied by rapid compressions of the stipites which are caused by two of the stipital muscles. The study provides strong support for the hypothesis that uncoiling is brought about by an increase of hemolymph pressure by the stipites forcing hemolymph into the galeae. Recoiling is caused by the contraction of both sets of oblique longitudinal galeal muscles supported by elasticity of the galea cuticle. Finally, the remaining stipital muscle pulls down the galea base which brings the coiled proboscis back to its resting position where it is held in the U-shaped groove of the labium without further muscle activity.  相似文献   

The gene for activin betaA is expressed in the early odontogenic mesenchyme of all murine teeth but mutant mice show a patterning defect where incisors and mandibular molars fail to develop but maxillary molars develop normally. In order to understand why maxillary molar tooth development can proceed in the absence of activin, we have explored the role of mediators of activin signalling in tooth development. Analysis of tooth development in activin receptor II and Smad2 mutants shows that a similar tooth phenotype to activin betaA mutants can be observed. In addition, we identify a novel downstream target of activin signalling, the Iroquois-related homeobox gene, Irx1, and show that its expression in activin betaA mutant embryos is lost in all tooth germs, including the maxillary molars. These results strongly suggest that other transforming growth factor beta molecules are not stimulating the activin signalling pathway in the absence of activin. This was confirmed by a non-genetic approach using exogenous soluble receptors to inhibit all activin signalling in tooth development, which reproduced the genetic phenotypes. Activin, thus, has an essential role in early development of incisor and mandibular molar teeth but this pathway is not required for development of maxillary molars.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the masticatory apparatus, and particularly of the mandibular joints, has led to the view that mandibular movement in the Rodentia is predominantly propalinal, or forwards and backwards in direction. As part of an investigation into the mechanism of function of the mandibular joints in these animals, the feeding behaviour of "August" strain and "Wistar" rats was examined by cinephotography and cinefluorography. The rats were trained to feed on barium sulphate impregnated biscuit and animal cake and to drink radio-opaque liquids. Cinefluorographic recordings of ingestion, mastication, deglutition and of drinking were taken in both the lateral and dorso-ventral projections.
Analysis of the recordings has shown a fundamental separation of ingestive and masticatory activity in the rat, which can be attributed to the morphology of the jaws and particularly to the disparity in the lengths of the mandibular and maxillary diastemas. To bring the incisor teeth into occlusion for ingestion, the mandible is brought forward through the rest position and the condyle into articulation with the anterior part of the fossa. In mastication the condyle is moved backwards to bring the molar teeth into occlusion and the condyle into articulation with the posterior articular facet on the fossa. Once the mandible has been moved into the appropriate position for either ingestion or mastication and deglutition, the movements involved in the separation or chewing of the food are cyclical with combined horizontal and transverse movements as well as the fundamental vertical movement acting to open and close the mouth. The basic movement of ingestion carries the mandibular incisors upwards and forwards across the lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors, so separating the bite. The grinding stroke of mastication is a horizontal movement carrying the mandibular molars anteriorly across the maxillary.  相似文献   

The cellular origin of the instructive information for hard tissue patterning of the jaws has been the subject of a long-standing controversy. Are the cranial neural crest cells prepatterned or does the epithelium pattern a developmentally uncommitted population of ectomesenchymal cells? In order to understand more about how orofacial patterning is controlled we have investigated the temporal signalling interactions and responses between epithelium and mesenchymal cells in the mandibular and maxillary primordia. We show that within the mandibular arch, homeobox genes that are expressed in different proximodistal spatial domains corresponding to presumptive molar and incisor ectomesenchymal cells are induced by signals from the oral epithelium. In mouse, prior to E10, all ectomesenchyme cells in the mandibular arch are equally responsive to epithelial signals such as Fgf8, indicating that there is no pre-specification of these cells into different populations and suggesting that patterning of the hard tissues of the mandible is instructed by the epithelium. By E10.5, ectomesenchymal cell gene expression domains are still dependent on epithelial signals but have become fixed and ectopic expression cannot be induced. At E11 expression becomes independent of epithelial signals such that removal of the epithelium does not affect spatial ectomesenchymal expression. Significantly, however, the response of ectomesenchyme cells to epithelial regulatory signals was found to be different in the mandibular and maxillary primordium. Thus, whereas both mandibular and maxillary arch epithelia could induce Dlx2 and Dlx5 expression in the mandible and Dlx2 expression in the maxilla, neither could induce Dlx5 expression in the maxilla. Reciprocal cell transplantations between mandibular and maxillary arch ectomesenchymal cells revealed intrinsic differences between these populations of cranial neural crest-derived cells. Research in odontogenesis has shown that the oral epithelium of the mandibular and maxillary primordia has unique instructive signaling properties required to direct odontogenesis, which are not found in other branchial arch epithelia. As a consequence, development of jaw-specific skeletal structures may require some prespecification of maxillary ectomesenchyme to restrict the instructive influence of the epithelial signals and allow development of maxillary structures distinct from mandibular structures.  相似文献   

The external and internal structures of adult Neomysis integer mandibles were studied using light and electron microscopy with special reference to the lacinia mobilis, a highly specialized appendage on the gnathal edge of many crustaceans. The right and left lacinia mobilis are equipped with ciliary primary sensory cells revealing that both laciniae are also mechanosensory organs in addition to their mechanical function during mastication. A detailed character analyses indicated that the right lacinia is probably a highly derived sensory seta, whereas two alternative interpretations are considered for the left lacinia; it could be a sensillar appendage equipped with two mechanosensory units, or it could be a movable appendage of the incisor process containing two sensilla deprived of external appendages. The ecdysis of the lacinia mobilis corresponds very well to type I sensillar ecdysis, suggesting classification as a sensillar appendage. These features support a possible homology of the right lacinia mobilis in Peracarida and Decapoda, tracing them to an origin as a member of the setal row. Whether the left lacinia mobilis is a sensillum or an appendage with sensilla cannot be resolved presently.  相似文献   

The surface of the maxillary and mandibular incisors of Spermophilus undulatus long-tailed ground squirrels, including those born in the current year and those that have hibernated (trapped one month or later after hibernation) is studied. The presence of daily growth increments on the incisors’ surface allows the evaluation of the eruption rate of the incisors; a specific change in the character of the growth increments corresponds to winter hibernation (hibernation zone), which serves as the time mark. Ratio between the eruption rates of the maxillary and mandibular incisors typical for rodents is found in young-of-the-year and some animals after hibernation. In these animals the eruption rate of the mandibular incisors is higher than the eruption rate of the maxillary incisors and can be taken as proportional to their length. In individuals that have hibernated and show proportional eruption of the incisors, the proportions of the total length of the incisor formed before hibernation zone are equal for the maxillary and mandibular incisors. In the individuals that also have hibernated and show the ratio between the total length of the maxillary and mandibular incisors typical for rodents, the eruption rate of the mandibular incisor is equal to or less than the eruption rate of the maxillary incisor and the proportion of the incisor formed before hibernation is greater in the mandibular incisor than in the maxillary. This disproportionate pattern of incisor eruption is not typical for rodents and is a result of inequal attrition of the maxillary and mandibular incisors, which ultimately results in the normal ratio of the total length of the maxillary and mandibular incisors.  相似文献   

The possibility that projecting maxillary canines interfere with either a «rotary chewing» form of molar occlusion or the lateral excursion of the mandible has been used to suggest two dietary (non-weapon) selection models for canine reduction in the earliest male humans. A third model explaining canine reduction is based on the idea that a projecting mandibular canine could interfere with its tip-to-tip occlusion with the maxillary lateral incisor. In this paper, these three mechanical models are critically reexamined in light of more recent studies of occlusion in extant primates, detailed observations of anterior tooth morphology and wear in Miocene to Recent anthropoids, cheek tooth microwear inA. afarensis, and the currently accepted phylogeny and fossil record of the great apes and man.  相似文献   

The lacinia mobilis of the Crustacea Malacostraca is a more or less spine-like movable appendage of the medial mandibular edge, inserted near the base of the incisor process. It occurs in two or possibly three eumalacostracan superorders but is retained in the adult stage only in the Peracarida. The lacinia has been interpreted as the distal member of the spine-row found in many adult Malacostraca and/or their larvae, or alternatively as a derivative of a certain cusp ('cusp b') of the biting edge of the primitive lophogastrids. The distribution, ontogeny and function of the lacinia were studied in a variety of Eumalacostraca. There is great variability in the guiding and locking mechanisms involved in biting, within the subclass and even within single orders. A lacinia-based guiding and locking system is likely to function only in weak mandibles. New evidence is produced in favour of derivation of the lacinia from the spine-row, and the 'cusp b' derivation hypothesis is rejected, 'cusp b' being only a highly specialized lacinia. Doubt is cast upon the unity of the superorder Peracarida mainly because the place of the order Amphipoda within it is regarded as insecure.  相似文献   

2007-2008年, 广西崇左智人洞发现了3件智人化石标本, 智人Ⅱ号为下颌右侧第3臼齿伴有部分下颌骨, 智人Ⅱ号为游离的下颌右侧第2或第3臼齿, 智人Ⅲ号为人类下颌骨中间部分残段。釉系测年结果显示其为距今10万年左右, 是目前东亚地区最古老的早期现代人。这3件化石标本显示出一系列的病理及异常现象:智人Ⅱ号牙齿齿根大部分暴露, 牙槽骨萎缩, 个体生前患有严重的牙周炎; 智人Ⅱ号牙齿龋病严重伴随齿根部大区域突起的白色钙化状的牙骨质增生, 个体生前可能患有严重的牙周组织炎症; 智人Ⅲ号下颌骨牙列拥挤, 双侧中门齿扭转, 双侧前臼齿对称性出现根尖周炎症状, 最大可能个体生前双侧前臼齿具有畸形中央尖, 突出的牙尖折断后牙髓感染导致根尖部牙槽腔扩大。更新世古人类出现龋病的情况非常罕见, 智人洞发现的人类龋齿是目前我国乃至东亚地区报道的最早的龋病病例。智人Ⅲ号下颌显示的牙列拥挤与牙齿扭转对于探讨人类咀嚼器官的退行性演化有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Summary Two species of Antarctic acanthonotozomatid amphipods (Echiniphimedia hodgsoni and Maxilliphimedia longipes) have been investigated in regard to their food preference. Examinations of food remains in foreguts and midguts indicate that Echiniphimedia hodgsoni feeds on sponges and Maxilliphimedia longipes ingests Cnidaria. These foregut analyses are supported by a study of the functional morphology of the mouthparts. The structure of the mandibles in particular can be interpreted as an adaptation to the presumed food source. The right mandible of Echiniphimedia hodgsoni bears a lacinia mobilis which works as an additional cutting edge. By means of this cutting mechanism Echiniphimedia hodgsoni should be able to bite out tough sponge material. The mandibular endites of Maxilliphimedia longipes are medially excavated, the incisors are regulary toothed and the molars vestigial. Such kinds of mandibles are adapted to cut large fragments of soft food, i.e. the mucous tissue of Cnidaria.  相似文献   

A new genus, Stephonyx , is established for six species of scavenging lysianassoid amphipods currently included in the genus Euonyx. Stephonyx is distinguished from other lysianassoid genera by a combination of characters which include the structure of the mandibular molar, the structure of the spine-teeth on maxilla 1, and a chelate gnathopod 1. Species of Euonyx are considered to be commensals of echinoderms with modified mouthparts in which the mandibular molar is lost, the lacinia mobilis is vestigial and the spine-teeth of maxilla 1 are simple and reduced in size.  相似文献   

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