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Frogeye leaf spot (FLS), caused by the fungus Cercospora sojina, is one of the most important soybean diseases and can cause great yield losses. Several studies have demonstrated that silicon (Si) enhances the plant antioxidant system, especially when they are subjected to stresses. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate the effect of Si on soybean resistance to FLS, on the antioxidant system, on the concentration of reactive oxygen species and on cellular damage during the infection process of C. sojina. Plants from cultivars Bossier and Conquista, susceptible and resistant to FLS, respectively, were supplied with either 0 (?Si) or 2 mm (+Si) and non‐inoculated or inoculated with C. sojina. FLS severity was greater for Bossier than for Conquista, regardless of the Si supply, and it was increased by Si for both cultivars. The activities of the most antioxidant enzymes were lower in the +Si plants than in the ?Si plants when they were not inoculated. Inoculated plants usually showed an increased enzyme activities and higher concentrations of ascorbate and reduced glutathione than did the non‐inoculated plants, regardless of Si supply. At advanced stages of fungal infection, the +Si‐inoculated plants from Bossier had higher activity of most antioxidant enzymes and higher concentrations of superoxide and malondialdehyde compared to the non‐inoculated plants as a result of an increased oxidative stress. The results from this study provide the first evidence that Si reduces the basal activity of antioxidant enzymes in soybean leaves leading to an increase in host susceptibility to FLS.  相似文献   

This study investigated, at the microscopic level, whether the differential defence responses of soybean cultivars that are resistant (Fundacep 59) and susceptible (TMG 132) to target spot, caused by Corynespora cassiicola, could be associated with an increase in the production of phenolics, flavonoids and lignin at the infection sites. Many larger necrotic lesions with yellow halos were noticed on the leaves of plants from cultivar TMG 132, in contrast to the leaves of plants from cultivar Fundacep 59. Necrotic lesions also developed on the petioles of leaves of plants from cultivar TMG 132, while on the petioles and veins of leaves of plants from cultivar Fundacep 59, the lesions were of purple colour. The growth of fungal hyphae was reduced on the leaves of plants from cultivar Fundacep 59, and an apparently high density of trichomes was found in comparison with the leaves of plants from cultivar TMG 132. An appressorium‐like structure was produced at one or both extremities of the conidium of C. cassiicola, preferentially at the major and minor veins on the adaxial leaf surface of plants from both cultivars. Most cells on the leaves of plants from cultivar Fundacep 59 reacted against Ccassiicola infection by accumulating phenolic‐like compounds, which contributed to the death of many fungal hyphae and a greater maintenance of cell integrity. In contrast, fungal hyphae grew without any impedance in the leaf cells of plants from cultivar TMG 132, which was associated with signs of intense leaf tissue disorganization. Stronger autofluorescence and deposition of lignin and flavonoids were found in the cells of leaves of plants from cultivar Fundacep 59, in contrast to cultivar TMG 132. It can be concluded that soybean resistance to target spot is probably dependent on the activation of the phenylpropanoid pathway.  相似文献   

Asian soybean rust (ASR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is one of the most important diseases on soybean. At the moment, ASR is managed mainly with fungicides due to the absence of commercial cultivars with resistance to this disease. This study evaluated the effects of acibenzolar‐Smethyl (ASM), jasmonic acid (JA), potassium silicate (PS) and calcium silicate (CS) on soybean resistance to ASR. The ASM, JA and PS were sprayed to leaves 24 h prior to inoculation with P. pachyrhizi. The CS was amended to the soil. The incubation period (time from the inoculation until symptoms development) was longer for plants growing in soil amended with CS or sprayed with ASM in comparison with plants sprayed with water (control). Plants sprayed with ASM had longer latent period (time from the inoculation until signs appearance) in comparison with the control plants. Plants sprayed with PS showed fewer uredia per cm² of leaf in relation to the control plants. The ASM and PS were the most effective treatments in reducing the ASR symptoms in contrast to the JA and CS treatments. The JA served as an inducer of susceptibility to ASR.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is valued for both its protein and oil, whose seed is composed of 40% and 20% of each component, respectively. Given its high percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, soybean oil oxidative stability is relatively poor. Historically food processors have employed a partial hydrogenation process to soybean oil as a means to improve both the oxidative stability and functionality in end‐use applications. However, the hydrogenation process leads to the formation of trans‐fats, which are associated with negative cardiovascular health. As a means to circumvent the need for the hydrogenation process, genetic approaches are being pursued to improve oil quality in oilseeds. In this regard, we report here on the introduction of the mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) stearoyl‐ACP thioesterase into soybean and the subsequent stacking with an event that is dual‐silenced in palmitoyl‐ACP thioesterase and ?12 fatty acid desaturase expression in a seed‐specific fashion. Phenotypic analyses on transgenic soybean expressing the mangosteen stearoyl‐ACP thioesterase revealed increases in seed stearic acid levels up to 17%. The subsequent stacked with a soybean event silenced in both palmitoyl‐ACP thioesterase and ?12 fatty acid desaturase activity, resulted in a seed lipid phenotype of approximately 11%–19% stearate and approximately 70% oleate. The oil profile created by the stack was maintained for four generations under greenhouse conditions and a fifth generation under a field environment. However, in generation six and seven under field conditions, the oleate levels decreased to 30%–40%, while the stearic level remained elevated.  相似文献   

We report reference‐quality genome assemblies and annotations for two accessions of soybean (Glycine max) and for one accession of Glycine soja, the closest wild relative of G. max. The G. max assemblies provided are for widely used US cultivars: the northern line Williams 82 (Wm82) and the southern line Lee. The Wm82 assembly improves the prior published assembly, and the Lee and G. soja assemblies are new for these accessions. Comparisons among the three accessions show generally high structural conservation, but nucleotide difference of 1.7 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (snps) per kb between Wm82 and Lee, and 4.7 snps per kb between these lines and G. soja. snp distributions and comparisons with genotypes of the Lee and Wm82 parents highlight patterns of introgression and haplotype structure. Comparisons against the US germplasm collection show placement of the sequenced accessions relative to global soybean diversity. Analysis of a pan‐gene collection shows generally high conservation, with variation occurring primarily in genomically clustered gene families. We found approximately 40–42 inversions per chromosome between either Lee or Wm82v4 and G. soja, and approximately 32 inversions per chromosome between Wm82 and Lee. We also investigated five domestication loci. For each locus, we found two different alleles with functional differences between G. soja and the two domesticated accessions. The genome assemblies for multiple cultivated accessions and for the closest wild ancestor of soybean provides a valuable set of resources for identifying causal variants that underlie traits for the domestication and improvement of soybean, serving as a basis for future research and crop improvement efforts for this important crop species.  相似文献   

Seed‐borne pathogenic fungi can cause serious damage to soybean crops by reducing the germination, vigour and emergence of the seeds. Special attention should be paid to pathogen detection in seeds to prevent its introduction in disease‐free areas. Considering the importance of rapid and successful diagnosis of seed‐borne pathogenic fungi in soybeans, this study evaluated a method to detect Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Phomopsis spp. in seeds using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Naturally infested samples were subjected to detection using qPCR and blotter test, and the findings were compared. Using soybean seeds soaked in water, both pathogens were detected at an infestation level up a 0.0625% (one infected seed out of 1,599 healthy seeds) by qPCR. This technique allowed the detection of 300 fg of S. sclerotiorum and 30 fg of Phomopsis spp. DNA in the seed samples. Phomopsis spp. was detected in 40.7% of the evaluated seed batches (81 batches) and S. sclerotiorum was detected in 32.1% of the evaluated batches, although most of the seeds had low infestation levels. It was up to 28.5 times more efficient to use qPCR rather than blotter test to detect pathogens with a low incidence of occurrence in soybean seeds. If routinely used to test healthy seeds, qPCR would contribute to reducing soybean losses due to diseases as well as decreasing the costs required to control those diseases.  相似文献   

Bacterial speck, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst), is an economically important disease of tomato, resulting in yield loss of marketable fruit. Management of bacterial speck is a challenge in commercial production fields due to the limited efficacy of current disease management strategies, as the pathogen acquires resistance to antibiotics and fixed copper bactericides and host resistance has not proven durable. Therefore, it is essential to develop alternative disease management strategies, like biological control. In this study, the efficacy of the commercially available biocontrol agent Bacillus subtilis QST 713 along with copper hydroxide was tested against Pst under greenhouse conditions. QST 713 reduced significantly disease severity and incidence compared to control and the copper hydroxide treatment; subsequently, the Pst population was lower in the QST 713‐treated plants compared to control. In parallel, QST 713 and copper hydroxide increased plant height compared to control and mock plants. Furthermore, the quantitative PCR analysis of PR1a, PR1b and Pin2 expression suggests a positive role for Pin2 in the plant protective activity of QST 713, as Pin2 expression was significantly higher in the QST 713‐treated plants challenged with Pst compared to the control Pst‐inoculated plants.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), poses a new threat to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Fabaceae), production in the north central USA. As H. halys continues to spread and increase in abundance in the region, the interaction between H. halys and management tactics deployed for other pests must be determined. Currently, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is the most abundant and damaging insect pest of soybean in the region. Aphid‐resistant soybean, mainly with the Rag1 gene, is commercially available for management of A. glycines. Here, experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean on the mortality, development, and preference of H. halys. In a no‐choice test, mortality of H. halys reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods was significantly lower than when reared on aphid‐susceptible soybean pods (28 vs. 53%). Development time, adult weight, and proportion females of surviving adults did not differ when reared on Rag1 aphid‐resistant or aphid‐susceptible soybean pods. In choice tests, H. halys exhibited a preference for Rag1 aphid‐resistant over aphid‐susceptible soybean pods after 4 h, but not after 24 h. Halyomorpha halys exhibited no preference when tested with vegetative‐stage or reproductive‐stage soybean plants. The preference by H. halys for Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean pods and the decreased mortality when reared on these pods suggests that the use of Rag1 aphid‐resistant soybean may favor this emerging pest in the north central USA.  相似文献   

In this study, the protective effect of red light against the brown spot disease caused by the fungus Bipolaris oryzae in rice was investigated. Lesion formation was significantly inhibited on detached leaves that were inoculated with B. oryzae and kept under red for 48 h, but it was not inhibited when the leaves were kept under natural light or in the dark. The protective effect was also observed in intact rice plants inoculated with B. oryzae; the plants survived under red light, but most of them were killed by infection under natural light or dark condition. Red light did not affect fungal infection in onion epidermis cells or heat‐shocked leaves of rice, and it did not affect cellulose digestion ability; this suggested that the protective effect is due to red‐light‐induced resistance. In addition, the degree of protection increased as the red light dosage increased, regardless of the order of the red light and natural light period, indicating that red‐light‐induced resistance is time dependent. Feeding of detached leaves with a tryptophan decarboxylase inhibitor, s‐α‐fluoromethyltryptophan (0.1 mm ), for 24 h inhibited the development of resistance in response to red light irradiation. Suppression of resistance was also observed in leaves treated with a phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase inhibitor, α‐aminooxy acetic acid (0.5 mm ). These results suggest that the tryptophan and phenylpropanoid pathways are involved in the red‐light‐induced resistance of rice to B. oryzae.  相似文献   

Although the selection of coding genes during plant domestication has been well studied, the evolution of MIRNA genes (MIRs) and the interaction between microRNAs (miRNAs) and their targets in this process are poorly understood. Here, we present a genome‐wide survey of the selection of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication and improvement. Our results suggest that, overall, MIRs have higher evolutionary rates than miRNA targets. Nonetheless, they do demonstrate certain similar evolutionary patterns during soybean domestication: MIRs and miRNA targets with high expression and duplication status, and with greater numbers of partners, exhibit lower nucleotide divergence than their counterparts without these characteristics, suggesting that expression level, duplication status, and miRNA–target interaction are essential for evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets. Further investigation revealed that miRNA–target pairs that are subjected to strong purifying selection have greater similarities than those that exhibited genetic diversity. Moreover, mediated by domestication and improvement, the similarities of a large number of miRNA–target pairs in cultivated soybean populations were increased compared to those in wild soybeans, whereas a small number of miRNA–target pairs exhibited decreased similarity, which may be associated with the adoption of particular domestication traits. Taken together, our results shed light on the co‐evolution of MIRs and miRNA targets during soybean domestication.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine (Tyr) nitration is a post‐translational modification yielding 3‐nitrotyrosine (NO2–Tyr). Formation of NO2–Tyr is generally considered as a marker of nitro‐oxidative stress and is involved in some human pathophysiological disorders, but has been poorly studied in plants. Leghemoglobin (Lb) is an abundant hemeprotein of legume nodules that plays an essential role as an O2 transporter. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry was used for a targeted search and quantification of NO2–Tyr in Lb. For all Lbs examined, Tyr30, located in the distal heme pocket, is the major target of nitration. Lower amounts were found for NO2–Tyr25 and NO2–Tyr133. Nitrated Lb and other as yet unidentified nitrated proteins were also detected in nodules of plants not receiving and were found to decrease during senescence. This demonstrates formation of nitric oxide (˙NO) and by alternative means to nitrate reductase, probably via a ˙NO synthase‐like enzyme, and strongly suggests that nitrated proteins perform biological functions and are not merely metabolic byproducts. In vitro assays with purified Lb revealed that Tyr nitration requires  + H2O2 and that peroxynitrite is not an efficient inducer of nitration, probably because Lb isomerizes it to . Nitrated Lb is formed via oxoferryl Lb, which generates nitrogen dioxide and tyrosyl radicals. This mechanism is distinctly different from that involved in heme nitration. Formation of NO2–Tyr in Lb is a consequence of active metabolism in functional nodules, where Lb may act as a sink of toxic peroxynitrite and may play a protective role in the symbiosis.  相似文献   

  • The soybean is a legume that is widely cultivated in many countries due to the high levels of protein and oil contained in its seed, and is used for human and animal nutrition. However, salinity affects more than 800 million hectares worldwide, limiting global agricultural production.
  • The aim of this research was to evaluate the structural behaviour of the roots and stems under progressive salt stress, detailing the possible anatomical modifications to these organs in soybean plants during this stress. The plants were randomized into five treatments (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mm NaCl).
  • All the root regions studied and exposed to 100 mm Na+ exhibited increases in the epidermis and endodermis and formation of lysogenic aerenchyma with increasing salinity, revealing the protective roles of these structures in reducing Na+ influx. In the stem, increases in the cortex and pith in the first internode subject to 100 mm Na+ suggest anatomical responses that aim to minimize oxidative stress.
  • Soybean plants subjected to progressive salt stress (>50 mm Na+) avoided cavitation and loss of function linked to vessel elements, reducing the metaxylem in all the root and stem regions analysed. Finally, our results confirm anatomical changes to the roots and stems.

Plant cell wall modification is a critical component in stress responses. Endo‐1,4‐β‐glucanases (EGs) take part in cell wall editing processes, e.g. elongation, ripening and abscission. Here we studied the infection response of Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana with impaired EGs. Transgenic TomCel1 and TomCel2 tomato antisense plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae showed higher susceptibility, callose priming and increased jasmonic acid pathway marker gene expression. These two EGs could be resistance factors and may act as negative regulators of callose deposition, probably by interfering with the defence‐signalling network. A study of a set of Arabidopsis EG T‐DNA insertion mutants challenged with P. syringae and Botrytis cinerea revealed that the lack of other EGs interferes with infection phenotype, callose deposition, expression of signalling pathway marker genes and hormonal balance. We conclude that a lack of EGs could alter plant response to pathogens by modifying the properties of the cell wall and/or interfering with signalling pathways, contributing to generate the appropriate signalling outcomes. Analysis of microarray data demonstrates that EGs are differentially expressed upon many different plant–pathogen challenges, hormone treatments and many abiotic stresses. We found some Arabidopsis EG mutants with increased tolerance to osmotic and salt stress. Our results show that impairing EGs can alter plant–pathogen interactions and may contribute to appropriate signalling outcomes in many different biotic and abiotic plant stress responses.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeat‐containing proteins comprise a large family whose members have been shown to play important roles in various aspects of biological processes in plant growth and development as well as in responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. We previously identified a rice gene, OsBIANK1, encoding an ankyrin repeat‐containing protein and found that expression of OsBIANK1 can be induced by defence signalling molecules and by infection of Magnaporthe oryzae, the causal agent of blast disease. To better understand the possible function of OsBIANK1 in disease resistance, we generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants that constitutively overexpress the OsBIANK1 gene. Results from disease assays revealed that the OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants display increased resistance against Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 as compared with the wild‐type plants. In OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants, expression of some of well‐known defence genes (e.g. PR1, PR2 and PDF1.2) was up‐regulated after infection with B. cinerea or P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000. Furthermore, the OsBIANK1‐overexpressing plants showed decreased levels of reactive oxygen species (i.e. superoxide anion and H2O2) after Botrytis infection. Thus, our present results further support the role of OsBIANK1 in regulation of defence responses against different types of pathogens.  相似文献   

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