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Variability within sex pheromone signalling systems is generally believed to be low because of strong stabilizing selection; yet the noctuid moth Heliothis subflexa (Hs) shows significant intraspecific variation. One possible explanation is that females may alter their sex pheromone blend depending on prevailing olfactory cues in the habitat, which we termed the 'experience hypothesis'. This could be adaptive if Hs females experiencing the pheromone of another species, Heliothis virescens (Hv), responded to reduce the frequency of heterospecific matings. We exposed Hs females to no pheromone, Hs pheromone or Hv pheromone in the first 3 days of their adult lives. Hs females in the latter treatment produced significantly more of the acetate Z11-16:OAc, which inhibits the attraction of Hv males. To our knowledge, this is the first study showing adaptive phenotypic plasticity in a moth sex pheromone and suggests that behavioural differentiation may precede genetic divergence in the sexual signals of moths.  相似文献   

1. One major, yet poorly studied, change in the environment is the increase in nocturnal light pollution. Although this strongly alters the habitat of nocturnal species, the ecological consequences are poorly known. Moths are well known to be attracted to artificial light sources, but artificial light may affect them in other ways as well. 2. In this study, female Mamestra brassicae moths were subjected to various types of low‐intensity artificial night lighting with contrasting spectral compositions (green‐rich, red‐rich, warm white) or to a dark control treatment and the effects on their sex pheromone production and composition were tested. 3. Artificial night lighting reduced sex pheromone production and altered the chemical composition of the pheromone blend, irrespective of spectral composition. Specifically, amounts of the main pheromone component Z11‐16:Ac were reduced, while the deterring compounds Z9‐14:Ac, Z9‐16:Ac, and Z11‐16:OH were increased relative to Z11‐16:Ac when females were kept under artificial light. These changes may reduce the effectiveness of the sex pheromones, becoming less attractive for males. 4. These results show for the first time that artificial light at night affects processes that are involved in moth reproduction. The potential for mitigation through manipulation of the spectral composition of artificial light appears limited.  相似文献   

The limonoid cedrelone, a constituent of Cedrela toona and C. odorata (Meliaceae) was evaluated as a larval growth inhibitor for the polyphagous noctuids Peridroma saucia and Mamestra configurata by examining its effects on development and feeding behaviour. Cedrelone significantly inhibited growth of different larval instars when administered orally (in artificial diet), topically or via injection. Nutritional analyses revealed that both growth inhibition and reduced consumption are a consequence of postingestive malaise rather than a peripherally-mediated antifeedant effect. Cedrelone administered via injection to sixth instar P. saucia larvae also inhibited growth, delayed development, and resulted in considerable larval mortality. However, all larvae which survived treatment pupated successfully. The present study suggests that the toxicity of cedrelone does not likely involve the endocrine system.  相似文献   

Infections can have detrimental effects on the fitness of an animal. Reproducing females may therefore be sensitive to cues of infection and be able to adaptively change their oviposition strategy in the face of infection. As one possibility, females could make a terminal investment and shift reproductive effort from future to current reproduction as life expectancy decreases. We hypothesized that females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens make a terminal investment and adapt their oviposition timing as well as their oviposition site selectivity in response to an immune challenge. We indeed found that females that were challenged with the bacterial entomopathogen Serratia entomophila laid more eggs than control females one night after the challenge. Additionally, bacteria‐challenged females were less discriminating between oviposition sites than control females. Whereas control females preferred undamaged over damaged plants, immune‐challenged females did not differentiate between the two. These results indicate that terminal investment is part of the life history of H. virescens females. Moreover, our results suggest that the strategy of terminal investment in H. virescens oviposition represents a fitness trade‐off for females: in the face of infection, an increase in oviposition rate enhances female fitness, whereas low oviposition site selectivity reduces female fitness.  相似文献   

Changes in female calling behavior in response to the presence of conspecific pheromones (pheromone autodetection) have been demonstrated in a number of moth species. However, the observed changes vary between species, and several ecological and adaptive explanations for autodetection have been proposed. We studied the effect of conspecific females on the calling behavior of the noctuid moth Pseudaletia adultera (Schaus) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Hadenini), by comparing the age of first calling, as well as the onset and pattern of calling, when females were held individually or in the presence of conspecifics. Grouped females started calling at a lower age, a higher percentage of females called during the scotophase, and they called longer compared to females held in isolation. We also demonstrated that female antennae respond to each of the three main components of the sex pheromone – (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐ol, (Z)‐11‐hexadecen‐1‐yl acetate, and (Z)‐11‐hexadecenal – and that the response patterns differed from those of male antennae. By calling more and extending her calling window in presence of conspecific females, a female may increase her chances of accessing males. However, the potential benefits need to be considered within an ecological context, considering factors such as migration, oviposition, and foraging.  相似文献   

Female tobacco budworm moths, Heliothis virescens, generally mate with more than one male, receiving from each mate both fertilizing sperm (eupyrene) and nonfertilizing anucleate sperm (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. One male typically gains sperm precedence, but it is not consistently the last or the first male to mate. I investigated the mechanism of this variable pattern of paternity by examining the patterns of storage of both types of sperm in the female's spermatheca as a function of multiple mating and male phenotype. The number of stored apyrene sperm varied with mating history, being greatest in twice-mated females and least in females mated to one nonvirgin male. In contrast, only one ejaculate's worth of eupyrene sperm was stored regardless of female mating history (once or twice mated). Thus, while they store two complements of apyrene sperm, twice-mated females apparently store only one ejaculate's worth of eupyrene sperm. This biased pattern of sperm storage may contribute to the variable pattern of paternity observed in this species. Eupyrene sperm storage also correlated positively with female size, male age and spermatophore size. Finally, a new sperm storage site was identified and described. It is a bulged region in the seminal duct. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

1. The central projections of the A1 afferent were confirmed via intracellular recording and staining with Lucifer Yellow in the pterothoracic ganglion of the noctuid moths, Agrotis infusa and Apamea amputatrix (Fig. 1). Simultaneous recordings of the A1 afferent in the tympanal nerve (extracellularly) and in the pterothoracic ganglion (intracellularly) confirm the identity of the stained receptor as being the A1 cell. 2. The major postsynaptic arborizations of interneurone 501 in the pterothoracic ganglion were also demonstrated via intracellular recording and staining (Fig. 2). Simultaneous recordings of the A1 afferent (extracellularly) and neurone 501 (intracellularly) revealed that each A1 spike evokes a constant short latency EPSP in the interneurone (Fig. 2Bi). Neurone 501 receives only monaural input from the A1 afferent on its soma side as demonstrated by electrical stimulation of each afferent nerve (Fig. 2Bii). EPSPs evoked in neurone 501 by high frequency (100 Hz) electrical stimulation of the afferent nerve did not decrement (Fig. 2Biii). These data are consistent with a monosynaptic input to neurone 501 from the A1 afferent. 3. The response of neurone 501 to a sound stimulus presented at an intensity near the upper limit of its linear response range (30 ms, 16 kHz, 80 dB SPL) was a plateau-like depolarization, with tonic spiking activity which continued beyond the end of the tone. The instantaneous spike frequency of the response was as high as 800 Hz, and was maintained at above 600 Hz for the duration of the tone (Fig. 3). 4. The relationship between the instantaneous spike frequency in the A1 afferent and that recorded simultaneously in neurone 501 is linear over the entire range of A1 spike frequencies evoked by white noise sound stimuli (Fig. 4). Similarly, the relationship between instantaneous spike frequency in the A1 afferent and the mean depolarization evoked in neurone 501 is also linear for all A1 spike frequencies tested (Fig. 5). No summation of EPSPs occurred for A1 spike frequencies below 100 Hz.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of the isoflavonoid rotenone, an insecticidal allelochemical occurring in various legumes, on larval performance of three polyphagous noctuid species: the corn earworm (CEW), the fall armyworm (FAW) and the southern armyworm (SAW). As rotenone concentration was increased up to 1% fresh mass in an artificial diet, neither mortality (for all three species) nor food consumption (for SAW and FAW) was significantly affected, but developmental time of the latter two species was prolonged. In contrast, for CEW developmental time was shortened and food consumption declined, especially at the two highest rotenone concentrations. Final biomass of all three species declined as dietary rotenone increased.Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to evaluate larval food utilization analogous to, but without the potential statistical problems of, the traditional ratio-based indices approximate digestibility (AD) and efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD). Frass output, statistically adjusted to account for differences in consumption, increased with rotenone concentration for all three species, suggesting that, when ingested, this allelochemical interfered with the digestion and/or absorption of ingested food, especially at the higher concentrations tested.Significant statistical interactions in the ANCOVA necessitated the use of utilization plots to examine the linear regressions between biomass gain and absorption at each rotenone concentration. At the two highest concentrations, rotenone tended to reduce the amount of food absorbed by the larvae, as well as their ability to convert the absorbed food to biomass.When piperonyl butoxide, an inhibitor of the polysubstrate monooxygenase (PSMO) system known to metabolize rotenone, was added to the diet along with 0.5 or 1% rotenone, mortality increased significantly only for FAW, approaching or exceeding 50%. The only apparent effects of dietary rotenone on PSMO (aldrin epoxidase) activity (adjusted by ANCOVA for the covariate, crude homogenate protein) were for CEW, where activity decreased in all rotenone treatments compared to the control, and for SAW, where activity at the 3 lowest rotenone concentrations (0.001–0.1% fm) declined about 50% below that of larvae on the control diet, whereas at 0.5 and 1% rotenone, it increased approximately 2-fold over that on the control diet.  相似文献   

Cotter SC  Edwards OR 《Heredity》2006,96(5):396-402
If a novel, resistant host-plant genotype arises in the environment, insect populations utilising that host must be able to overcome that resistance in order that they can maintain their ability to feed on that host. The ability to evolve resistance to host-plant defences depends upon additive genetic variation in larval performance and adult host-choice preference. To investigate the potential of a generalist herbivore to respond to a novel resistant host, we estimated the heritability of larval performance in the noctuid moth, Helicoverpa armigera, on a resistant and a susceptible variety of the chickpea, Cicer arietinum, at two different life stages. Heritability estimates were higher for neonates than for third-instar larvae, suggesting that their ability to establish on plants could be key to the evolution of resistance in this species; however, further information regarding the nature of selection in the field would be required to confirm this prediction. There was no genetic correlation between larval performance and oviposition preference, indicating that female moths do not choose the most suitable plant for their offspring. We also found significant genotype by environment interactions for neonates (but not third-instar larvae), suggesting that the larval response to different plant genotypes is stage-specific in this species.  相似文献   

1. Females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens F. mate more than once. Thus, sperm from two or more males normally compete for fertilisations within the female reproductive tract. The eggs are typically fertilised by sperm from only one male, either the female's last mate or an earlier mate. Twice‐mated females store only one ejaculate's worth of fertilising sperm (eupyrene) but nearly two ejaculates' worth of a nonfertilising sperm morph (apyrene), which is thought to play a role in sperm competition. 2. The mechanism of sperm use in H. virescens was investigated by examining factors that vary with paternity, which was assigned based on allozyme variation. The factors included male and female body masses and ages, male genital characters, the size of the sperm package, and the number of sperm stored by the female. 3. One male typically gained sperm precedence; this was nearly twice as likely to be the second male as it was to be the first. Two factors were found to vary significantly with paternity: female mass and male age. The second male to mate was more likely to gain sperm precedence if the female was larger and if the male was older than the female's first mate. 4. The significance of male age and female mass to several hypothetical models of the mechanism of sperm use is discussed.  相似文献   

The infectivity per os and by inoculation of ascoviruses isolated from Heliothis zea, Spodoptera frugiperda, and Trichopulsia ni and the effects of infection by these viruses on host growth and development were studied in the species from which these viruses were originally isolated, or in the case of the H. zea isolate, in H. virescens. Mortality caused by all three viral isolates averaged less than 15% in third instars fed doses of 10 to 10(5) viral vesicles per larva incorporated into diet, whereas inoculation with as few as 10 viral vesicles consistently yielded mortality rates greater than 90%. In tests where groups of 10 larvae were inoculated sequentially with a minuten pin that had been inserted into the hemocoel of an infected larva and then dried for up to 24 hr, mortality rates were consistently greater than 90%. The latter results suggest that ascoviruses in the field may be vectored by insect parasites. The studies of the effects of infection on larval growth and development demonstrated a marked loss of appetite and a decrease in weight gain within 24-48 hr of infection in all three isolates. Third instars inoculated at a weight of ca. 15 mg gained little weight after infection and had difficulty molting, but survived in an arrested state of development for 2-5 weeks. Controls pupated within 5-7 days after attaining weights, depending on the host species, in the range of 300-500 mg. Arrested development and lack of weight gain appear to be due to decreased feeding, whereas the long survival of infected larvae is likely due to the limited destruction of host tissues.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation behaviour in codling moth larvae   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Abstract. The thermoregulation behaviour of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, is investigated in temperature gradient experiments with larvae feeding within apples, and with mature larvae searching for cocooning sites. Feeding larvae appear to prefer the apple hemisphere with a higher temperature (i.e. they build larger cavities in the radiated, warmer part of the fruit). The proportion of larval cavities in the warmer hemisphere is positively related to increasing apple temperature on that side, as well as to the temperature difference between the warm and the cool fruit hemisphere. The mechanism in feeding larvae can be termed as cryptic basking because, during microhabitat selection, the caterpillars exploit temperature differences that are caused explicitly by incident solar radiation. Fifth-instar larvae in search of cocooning sites show no temperature preference within the large gradient offered (9–29 °C), with no difference between males and females. During larval development, the insect changes its thermoregulation behaviour in response to a possible shift in benefits of an elevated body temperature with respect to environmental conditions. Both the thermoregulation behaviour and such a shift of behavioural response should be respected when simulating body temperatures of the species.  相似文献   

Chemosensory information is crucial for most insects to feed and reproduce. Olfactory signals are mainly used at a distance, whereas gustatory stimuli play an important role when insects directly contact chemical substrates. In noctuid moths, although the antennae are the main olfactory organ, they also bear taste sensilla. These taste sensilla detect sugars and hence are involved in appetitive learning but could also play an important role in food evaluation by detecting salts and bitter substances. To investigate this, we measured the responses of individual taste sensilla on the antennae of Spodoptera littoralis to sugars and salts using tip recordings. We also traced the projections of their neuronal axons into the brain. In each sensillum, we found one or two neurons responding to sugars: one NaCl-responsive and one water-sensitive neuron. Responses of these neurons were dose-dependent and similar across different locations on the antenna. Responses were dependent on the sex for sucrose and on both sex and location for glucose and fructose. We did not observe a spatial map for the projections from specific regions of the antennae to the deutocerebrum or the tritocerebrum/suboesophageal ganglion complex. In accordance with physiological recordings, back-fills from individual sensilla revealed up to four axons, in most cases targeting different projection zones.  相似文献   

Diapause in a New Zealand strain of codling moth (Cydia pomonella Linnaeus [Lepidoptera: Olethreutidae]) was induced in larvae by photoperiods of 15 h or less. Once diapause had been initiated, it could not be terminated by any combination of conditions tested for at least 20 days after cocooning. In diapausing larvae a low rate of pupation occurred at 25 °C under a long day (18 h) photoperiod. A high rate of pupation was achieved under a long day regime when larvae were decocooned, and provided with apple as nourishment. Diapause could be terminated predictably in 94–100% of larvae by 1) conditioning at 15 °C and constant darkness for periods of 40–100 days, then 2) chilling at 2±2 °C and constant darkness for 20–50 days followed by 3) any post-chill condition periods at 25 °C, 18 h photoperiod. Complete diapause termination was achieved when 100 days conditioning was followed by 30 days or 50 days post-chill period. Under these conditions, 76% termination occurred in the post-chill period after 10 days, and 93% after 25 days.To terminate diapause in codling moth larvae, we recommend that a 100 days conditioning followed by 30 days chilling and 50 days post chilling periods be used.  相似文献   

The structure of the pheromone producing gland is briefly described. Examination of variations in gland volume, nucleus to cytoplasm ratio, and distribution and form of nucleic acids suggests that the secretory cycle of this gland consists of three phases. Two types of small vesicle are found and suggested as possible sites for pheromone metabolism.  相似文献   

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