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When tomato leaves were sprayed with 0.1% emulsified canola oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, soya bean oil or sunflower oil, the severity of powdery mildew caused by Oidium neolycopersici was greatly reduced. Among these edible oils tested, sunflower oil was the most effective in the control of powdery mildew. When sprayed with 0.5% sunflower oil, powdery mildew on tomato leaves was reduced to a negligible level. Sunflower oil applied to halves of upper leaf surface did not induce resistance against the pathogen in the non‐treated halves. When applied to halves of lower leaf surface, it also failed to reduce the severity of powdery mildew on the upper leaf surface right above the treated area indicating that control of the powdery mildew by sunflower oil did not result from activation of host defence mechanisms. Scanning electron microscopy showed that control of powdery mildew with sunflower oil resulted mainly from the inhibition of conidial germination and suppression of mycelial growth of the pathogen.  相似文献   

Temporal progress of a begomovirus disease in tomato fields and the abundance of its whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci biotype B, were evaluated during three consecutive tomato plantings in the municipality of Sumaré, state of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 and 2007. The incidence of symptomatic plants and the number of adult whiteflies were weekly monitored on experimental plots randomly chosen in tomato commercial fields. Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) was identified as the causal agent of the disease, and its relationships with other Brazilian begomoviruses was confirmed by partial and complete nucleotide sequencing of the viral genome. The disease temporal progress was analysed by fitting different models to disease incidence. The monomolecular model showed the best fit, which is consistent with a predominant role of primary spread in the epidemiology of ToSRV. A higher number of adult whiteflies were observed at the borders of the plots, also suggesting primary spread of ToSRV from external sources of inoculum, which might be represented by weeds and volunteer tomato‐infected plants. In Brazil, since 2004, there is a legislative measure that mandates, for some regions of processing tomato plantings, a 2‐month crop‐free period during the year. Based on our results, we suggest the extension of this measure to all tomato‐producing regions, including fresh market tomato. We also suggest that growers emphasize the elimination of old plants from harvested fields that can serve as virus reservoirs several weeks prior to new plantings and weeds nearby the fields to limit the primary spread of ToSRV.  相似文献   

A set of 154 accessions of nine wild Lycopersicon spp. and five accessions of three closely related Solanum spp. were tested for resistance to tomato powdery mildew ( Oidium lycopersici ). Screening revealed valuable sources of resistance, mainly among L. hirsutum, L. pennellii, L. cheesmanii, L. chilense, L. peruvianum and L. parviflorum. L. esculentum (all ssp.) and L. pimpinellifolium expressed high susceptibility to O. lycopersici inoculation. Results of variance and cluster analysis of responses to O. lycopersici coincide with recent taxonomic classification and genetic relationships within genus Lycopersicon .  相似文献   

Electron microscopy studies were carried out to investigate the cytopathological changes induced in tomato leaves by Tomato torrado virus (ToTV) that infects tomato plants worldwide causing severe necrotic symptoms. Plants infected with one of the Polish isolates of ToTV were used for cytopathological research. The results revealed severe cellular alterations, especially in Solanum lycopersicum. Moreover, it was shown that crystalline aggregates of virions occurred not only within the phloem cells as it has been previously reported.  相似文献   

The aerial epidermis of all land plants is covered with a hydrophobic cuticle that provides essential protection from desiccation, and so its evolution is believed to have been prerequisite for terrestrial colonization. A major structural component of apparently all plant cuticles is cutin, a polyester of hydroxy fatty acids; however, despite its ubiquity, the details of cutin polymeric structure and the mechanisms of its formation and remodeling are not well understood. We recently reported that cutin polymerization in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruit occurs via transesterification of hydroxyacylglycerol precursors, catalyzed by the GDSL‐motif lipase/hydrolase family protein (GDSL) Cutin Deficient 1 (CD1). Here, we present additional biochemical characterization of CD1 and putative orthologs from Arabidopsis thaliana and the moss Physcomitrella patens, which represent a distinct clade of cutin synthases within the large GDSL superfamily. We demonstrate that members of this ancient and conserved family of cutin synthase‐like (CUS) proteins act as polyester synthases with negligible hydrolytic activity. Moreover, solution‐state NMR analysis indicates that CD1 catalyzes the formation of primarily linear cutin oligomeric products in vitro. These results reveal a conserved mechanism of cutin polyester synthesis in land plants, and suggest that elaborations of the linear polymer, such as branching or cross‐linking, may require additional, as yet unknown, factors.  相似文献   

Tobacco leaf curl Japan virus, Honeysuckle yellow vein mosaic virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus are three begomoviruses that infect tomato crops in Japan. Tomato infection by begomoviruses has increased in Japan after the development of a high level of resistance to certain insecticides in some populations of the vector B. tabaci biotypes ‘B and Q’. Ty‐1 and Ty‐2 homozygous tomato hybrids were evaluated for reaction to monopartite begomovirus species in Japan by Agrobacterium‐mediated inoculation. Test plants were evaluated by a disease assessment scale (DAS), varying from 1 = no symptoms to 4 = severe symptoms, and systemic infection was evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using specific begomovirus primers for each virus. Ty‐1 hybrids showed tolerance to HYVMV and with a large number of plants being neither virus‐free nor symptom‐free. The response of Ty‐1 hybrids was also resistant to moderately resistant against TbLCJV. The response of Ty‐2 hybrids was resistant to highly resistant against the three monopartite begomoviruses, when compared with susceptible plants.  相似文献   

Begomoviruses are one of the major pathogens in tomato crops worldwide. In Venezuela, six begomovirus species have been described infecting tomato: Potato yellow mosaic virus (PYMV), Euphorbia mosaic Venezuela virus (EuMVV), Merremia mosaic virus (MeMV), Tomato chlorotic leaf distortion virus (ToCLDV), Tomato yellow margin leaf curl virus (TYMLCV) and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). In this study, the occurrence of these viruses was analysed by PCR in 338 tomato plants exhibiting virus‐like symptoms. Sixty‐three per cent of the plants were positive at least to one of the begomoviruses tested. PYMV and TYLCV were the most frequent viruses showing 39.6 and 23.7% occurrence, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses revealed two groups of PYMV isolates from several Caribbean Basin countries. The first group clustered isolates from several countries, including Venezuela, and the second group clustered only Colombian isolates. Due to the high prevalence of PYMV and TYLCV in Venezuela, it is suggested that the surveillance and control strategies currently applied in the country should be focused on these two begomoviruses.  相似文献   

Eight trials were carried out in 2011 and 2012 in Northern Italy to evaluate the efficacy of grafting, compost and biofumigation with Brassica carinata against Colletotrichum coccodes on tomato. Four trials were carried out in commercial farms, and four trials were carried out in plastic tunnels at an experimental centre. The rootstocks ‘Armstrong’, ‘Arnold’, ‘Beaufort’, ‘Big Power’, ‘Brigeor’, ‘Emperador’, ‘King Kong’, ‘Spirit’ and ‘Superpro V295’ were tested. Host plants included several tomato F1 hybrids: ‘Amantino’, ‘Arawak’, ‘CLX 37438’, ‘Cauralina’, ‘CU 8301’, ‘CU 8506’, ‘DRK 7021’, ‘E 34431’, ‘E 50070’, ‘EXP’, ‘Gotico’, ‘Ingrid’, ‘ISI 61401’, ‘ISI 61402’, ‘Profitto’, ‘Punente’, ‘Rugantino’ and ‘Tomahawk’. Tomato roots from the control plots were 34 to 87% diseased in both naturally and artificially infested soil. Among the nineteen commercial tomato hybrids tested, in the presence of a very high disease pressure in a naturally infested soil, ‘Rugantino’ was the least affected by C. coccodes, showing 32% infected roots. ‘Tomahawk’ grafted onto ‘Arnold’, ‘Armstrong’ and ‘Superpro V295’ was significantly less affected by C. coccodes, while ‘Arawak’ grafted onto ‘Armstrong’, ‘Arnold’, ‘Emperador’ and ‘Beaufort’ provided very good control of root rot in the different trials. Compost addition and biofumigation with Brassica pellets were also tested with and without grafting. Soil amendment with compost, in the case of the ‘Arawak’ and ‘Tomahawk’, resulted in a slightly improved disease control only on non‐grafted plants. When grafting and biofumigation were combined in a soil naturally infested with C. coccodes and Meloidogyne arenaria, biofumigation did not improve C. coccodes control in comparison with grafting alone. In a naturally infested soil, compost alone and combined with biofumigation improved disease control only on non‐grafted ‘Tomahawk’ plants. In general, grafting by itself provided very good results in terms of disease control, which were not significantly improved by combination with compost and/or biofumigation.  相似文献   

By comparing the partial nucleotide sequences of the heat shock protein HSP70 homologue gene, we assessed the genetic diversity of Brazilian tomato isolates of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), as well as their relationship with other ToCV isolates found worldwide. The Brazilian ToCV isolates shared 99.9–100% nucleotide identity, which indicates low genetic diversity. Brazilian ToCV isolates showed a closer evolutionary relationship to those from Mediterranean countries. Based on these results, the origin of Brazilian ToCV isolates and the possible number of introductions of the virus into Brazil are discussed.  相似文献   

We present a resource for fine mapping of traits derived from the wild tomato species Solanum pennellii (LA0716). The population of backcross inbred lines (BILs) is composed of 446 lines derived after a few generations of backcrosses of the wild species with cultivated tomato (cultivar M82; LA3475), followed by more than seven generations of self‐pollination. The BILs were genotyped using the 10K SOL‐CAP single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) ‐Chip, and 3700 polymorphic markers were used to map recombination break points relative to the physical map of Solanum lycopersicum. The BILs carry, on average, 2.7 introgressions per line, with a mean introgression length of 11.7 Mbp. Whereas the classic 76 introgression lines (ILs) partitioned the genome into 106 mapping bins, the BILs generated 633 bins, thereby enhancing the mapping resolution of traits derived from the wild species. We demonstrate the power of the BILs for rapid fine mapping of simple and complex traits derived from the wild tomato species.  相似文献   

Specifying the relationship between pests and their host plants in terms of damage is one of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. The crop loss and economic injury level (EIL) of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were determined on different tomato cultivars using gain threshold (field experiment) and regression (semi‐field experiment) methods. By assessing the crop loss in 2015 and 2016, four out of seven infested tomato cultivars had a significant yield loss in terms of weight of total fruits versus the control under the open‐field conditions. However, the total number of tomato cultivars had no significant difference to control treatment. The semi‐field experiment included six treatments (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 gravid females/plant) and examined two tomato cultivars. The tomato cages with between 6 and 10 gravid females/plant showed the highest number and weight of damaged fruits. Based on pesticide control costs, the market value of tomato and the control efficacy, we determined the EIL for T. absoluta. In the field experiment, the EIL value for T. absoluta on “Petomech,” “Cal JN3,” “Rio Grande” and “Early Urbana Y” cultivars was 4.15, 4.47, 4.70 and 5.04 larvae per plant, respectively. Based on regression equations, we calculated the EIL values for T. absoluta on “Cal JN3” and “Early Urbana Y” to be 4.75 and 5.44 larvae/plant, respectively. Crop loss assessment and EIL are necessary components of cost‐effective IPM programs and can be effective tools for making decisions about the application of pesticides against T. absoluta.  相似文献   

The identification of mutations in targeted genes has been significantly simplified by the advent of TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes), speeding up the functional genomic analysis of animals and plants. Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) is gradually replacing classical TILLING for mutation detection, as it allows the analysis of a large number of amplicons in short durations. The NGS approach was used to identify mutations in a population of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) that was doubly mutagenized by ethylmethane sulphonate (EMS). Twenty‐five genes belonging to carotenoids and folate metabolism were PCR‐amplified and screened to identify potentially beneficial alleles. To augment efficiency, the 600‐bp amplicons were directly sequenced in a non‐overlapping manner in Illumina MiSeq, obviating the need for a fragmentation step before library preparation. A comparison of the different pooling depths revealed that heterozygous mutations could be identified up to 128‐fold pooling. An evaluation of six different software programs (camba , crisp , gatk unified genotyper , lofreq , snver and vipr ) revealed that no software program was robust enough to predict mutations with high fidelity. Among these, crisp and camba predicted mutations with lower false discovery rates. The false positives were largely eliminated by considering only mutations commonly predicted by two different software programs. The screening of 23.47 Mb of tomato genome yielded 75 predicted mutations, 64 of which were confirmed by Sanger sequencing with an average mutation density of 1/367 Kb. Our results indicate that NGS combined with multiple variant detection tools can reduce false positives and significantly speed up the mutation discovery rate.  相似文献   

The tomato potato psyllid (TPP), Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae), is the main vector of the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (Lso), a major disease of solanaceous crops. Feeding of TPP is associated with Lso transmission. However, very little is known about the stylet penetration activities linked to acquisition and inoculation of Lso. The electrical penetration graph (EPG)‐DC system was used to monitor stylet penetration activities during acquisition and inoculation of Lso by individual TPP on tomato [Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae)]. Female TPP from Lso‐free and Lso‐infected colonies were used in acquisition and inoculation tests, respectively. In the acquisition tests, TPP were tested for Lso after EPG recording of their stylet penetration activities on Lso‐infected tomato shoots. In the inoculation tests, samples from the tomato plants on which the stylet penetration of Lso‐infected TPP had been recorded were tested for Lso infection. The relationships between qPCR results and the EPG waveforms (C, G, D, E1, and E2) representing the main stylet penetration activities performed by individual insects in inoculation and acquisition tests were investigated. Results confirmed that a single adult TPP is capable of infecting a plant with Lso. Our data suggest that acquisition of the bacteria occurs during phloem ingestion (E2), and inoculation is likely associated with salivation into the phloem sieve elements (E1). The durations of EPG parameters were not significantly different between Lso‐infected and Lso‐free TPP (later shown by qPCR) in acquisition tests. In inoculation tests, the durations of E1 or E2 recorded from TPP on Lso‐infected and Lso‐free plants that were later shown by qPCR were not significantly different. However, C was shorter on Lso‐infected plants than on Lso‐free plants, where TPP performed phloem activities. The minimum plant access period required for Lso transmission by a single TPP was estimated to be ca. 2 h, with an acquisition threshold of about 36 min.  相似文献   

Xanthophylls, the pigments responsible for yellow to red coloration, are naturally occurring carotenoid compounds in many colored tissues of plants. These pigments are esterified within the chromoplast; however, little is known about the mechanisms underlying their accumulation in flower organs. In this study, we characterized two allelic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) mutants, pale yellow petal (pyp) 1‐1 and pyp1‐2, that have reduced yellow color intensity in the petals and anthers due to loss‐of‐function mutations. Carotenoid analyses showed that the yellow flower organs of wild‐type tomato contained high levels of xanthophylls that largely consisted of neoxanthin and violaxanthin esterified with myristic and/or palmitic acids. Functional disruption of PYP1 resulted in loss of xanthophyll esters, which was associated with a reduction in the total carotenoid content and disruption of normal chromoplast development. These findings suggest that xanthophyll esterification promotes the sequestration of carotenoids in the chromoplast and that accumulation of these esters is important for normal chromoplast development. Next‐generation sequencing coupled with map‐based positional cloning identified the mutant alleles responsible for the pyp1 phenotype. PYP1 most likely encodes a carotenoid modifying protein that plays a vital role in the production of xanthophyll esters in tomato anthers and petals. Our results provide insight into the molecular mechanism underlying the production of xanthophyll esters in higher plants, thereby shedding light on a longstanding mystery.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), which is a newly emerged and rapidly spreading plant virus in China, has seriously reduced tomato production and quality over the past several years. In this study, the effect of ToCV on the demography of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype Q (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), fed on infected and healthy tomato plants was evaluated using the age‐stage, two‐sex life table. When reared on ToCV‐infected tomato plants, the fecundity, length of oviposition period and female adult longevity of B. tabaci biotype Q decreased significantly, while the pre‐adult duration significantly increased compared to controls reared on healthy tomatoes. Consequently, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite of increase (λ) of B. tabaci biotype Q on ToCV‐infected tomato plants significantly decreased compared to those on healthy tomatoes. Population projection predicted that a population of B. tabaci biotype Q fed on ToCV‐infected tomatoes increases slower than on healthy plants. These findings demonstrated that ToCV infection decreased the performance of B. tabaci biotype Q on tomato plants.  相似文献   

Identification of the polymorphisms controlling quantitative traits remains a challenge for plant geneticists. Multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations offer an alternative to traditional linkage or association mapping populations by increasing the precision of quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping. Here, we present the first tomato MAGIC population and highlight its potential for the valorization of intraspecific variation, QTL mapping and causal polymorphism identification. The population was developed by crossing eight founder lines, selected to include a wide range of genetic diversity, whose genomes have been previously resequenced. We selected 1536 SNPs among the 4 million available to enhance haplotype prediction and recombination detection in the population. The linkage map obtained showed an 87% increase in recombination frequencies compared to biparental populations. The prediction of the haplotype origin was possible for 89% of the MAGIC line genomes, allowing QTL detection at the haplotype level. We grew the population in two greenhouse trials and detected QTLs for fruit weight. We mapped three stable QTLs and six specific of a location. Finally, we showed the potential of the MAGIC population when coupled with whole genome sequencing of founder lines to detect candidate SNPs underlying the QTLs. For a previously cloned QTL on chromosome 3, we used the predicted allelic effect of each founder and their genome sequences to select putative causal polymorphisms in the supporting interval. The number of candidate polymorphisms was reduced from 12 284 (in 800 genes) to 96 (in 54 genes), including the actual causal polymorphism. This population represents a new permanent resource for the tomato genetics community.  相似文献   

Employing known susceptible and resistant genotypes and pure bacterial inoculum (0.1 OD; 108 CFU/ml?1), five different inoculation methods were tried to assess the response of tomato genotypes to Ralstonia solanacearum. This included seed‐soaking inoculation, seed‐sowing followed by inoculum drenching, or at 2‐week stage through petiole‐excision inoculation, soaking of planting medium with inoculum either directly or after imparting seedling root‐injury. Seed‐based inoculations or mere inoculum drenching at 2 weeks did not induce much disease in seedlings. Petiole inoculation induced 90–100% mortality in susceptible checks but also 50–60% mortality in normally resistant genotypes within 7–10 days. Root‐injury inoculation at 2‐week seedling stage appeared the best for early and clearer distinction between resistant and susceptible lines. The observations suggest a role played by the root system in governing genotypic resistance to the pathogen. Direct shoot inoculation is to be adopted only for selecting highly resistant lines or to thin down segregating populations during resistance breeding.  相似文献   

In 2004, severe powdery mildew infection on peach occurred in Al‐Jabal Al‐Akdhar, Oman, and resulted in substantial yield losses to growers. This study was conducted to investigate occurrence, causal agents, genetic diversity and efficacy of azoxystrobin in management of this disease. Powdery mildew was observed on all farms and peach trees in Al‐Jabal Al‐Akdhar. Disease symptoms were first observed on shoots in April, followed by appearance on fruits. Disease severity reached its peak between May and June. Morphological and molecular identification of 22 powdery mildew isolates indicated that all belong to Podosphaera pannosa. Podosphaera pannosa reproduced the same symptoms upon inoculation on peach leaves. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms analysis of 35 isolates of P. pannosa from five different villages using four primer pair combinations produced 688 polymorphic loci and 35 different genotypes. Populations of P. pannosa were found to have low levels of gene diversity (H = 0.1858), which suggests that P. pannosa has been recently introduced into Al‐Jabal Al‐Akdhar. Analysis of molecular variance showed low levels of genetic differentiation among populations from the different villages, implying the introduction of P. pannosa into the different villages via common sources as well as frequent movement of pathogen inoculum among the different villages. Evaluating the efficacy of azoxystrobin showed that azoxystrobin is as efficacious as thiophanate‐methyl in managing the disease, with sulphur being the least efficacious. The study is the first to report the presence of P. pannosa in Oman. Also reported are its genetic diversity and its management under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

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