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DNA polymerases (pols) catalyse the synthesis of DNA. This reaction requires a primer-template DNA in order to grow from the 3'OH end of the primer along the template. On the other hand terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase (TdT) catalyses the addition of nucleotides at the 3'OH end of a DNA strand, without the need of a template. Pol lambda and pol micro are ubiquitous enzymes, possess both DNA polymerase and terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase activities and belong to pol X family, together with pol beta and TdT. Here we show that pol lambda, pol micro and TdT, all possess the ability to synthesise in vitro short fragments of DNA in the absence of a primer-template or even a primer or a template in the reaction. The DNA synthesised de novo by pol lambda, pol micro and TdT appears to have an unusual structure. Furthermore we found that the amino acid Phe506 of pol lambda is essential for the de novo synthesis. This novel catalytic activity might be related to the proposed functions of these three pol X family members in DNA repair and DNA recombination.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda contains template-dependent (DNA polymerase) and template-independent (terminal transferase) activities. In this study we enzymologically characterized the terminal transferase activity of polymerase lambda (pol lambda-tdt). Pol lambda-tdt activity was strongly influenced by the nature of the 3'-terminal sequence of the DNA substrate, and it required a single-stranded (ss) DNA 3'-overhang of about 9-12 nucleotides for optimal activity. The strong preference observed for pyrimidine versus purine nucleotide incorporation was found to be due, at least partially, to a steric block imposed by the residue Tyr-505 in the active site of pol lambda. Pol lambda-tdt was found to be able to elongate a 3'-ssDNA end by two alternative mechanisms: first, a template-independent one resulting in addition of 1 or 2 nucleotides, and second, a template-dependent one where a homopolymeric tract as short as 3 nucleotides at the 3'-end could be used as a template to direct DNA polymerization by a looping back mechanism. Furthermore repetitive cycles of DNA synthesis resulted in the expansion of such a short homopolymeric terminal sequence. Most importantly we found that the proliferating cell nuclear antigen was able to selectively block the looping back mechanism while stimulating the single terminal nucleotide addition. Finally replication protein A completely suppressed the transferase activity of pol lambda while stimulating the polymerase activity, suggesting that proliferating cell nuclear antigen and replication protein A can coordinate the polymerase and the terminal transferase activities of pol lambda.  相似文献   

Zuo Z  Lin HK  Trakselis MA 《Biochemistry》2011,50(23):5379-5390
DNA replication polymerases have the inherent ability to faithfully and rapidly copy a DNA template according to precise Watson-Crick base pairing. The primary B-family DNA replication polymerase (Dpo1) in the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus, is shown here to possess a remarkable DNA stabilizing ability for maintaining weak base pairing interactions to facilitate primer extension. This thermal stabilization by Dpo1 allowed for template-directed synthesis at temperatures more than 30 °C above the melting temperature of naked DNA. Surprisingly, Dpo1 also displays a competing terminal deoxynucleotide transferase (TdT) activity unlike any other B-family DNA polymerase. Dpo1 is shown to elongate single-stranded DNA in template-dependent and template-independent manners. Experiments with different homopolymeric templates indicate that initial deoxyribonucleotide incorporation is complementary to the template. Rate-limiting steps that include looping back and annealing to the template allow for a unique template-dependent terminal transferase activity. The multiple activities of this unique B-family DNA polymerase make this enzyme an essential component for DNA replication and DNA repair for the maintenance of the archaeal genome at high temperatures.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda is a novel enzyme of the family X of DNA polymerases. The recent demonstration of an intrinsic 5'-deoxyribose-5'-phosphate lyase activity, a template/primer dependent polymerase activity, a distributive manner of DNA synthesis and sequence similarity to DNA polymerase beta suggested a novel beta-like enzyme. All these properties support a role of DNA polymerase lambda in base excision repair. On the other hand, the biochemical properties of the polymerisation activity of DNA polymerase lambda are still largely unknown. Here we give evidence that human DNA polymerase lambda has an intrinsic terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase activity that preferentially adds pyrimidines onto 3'OH ends of DNA oligonucleotides. Furthermore, human DNA polymerase lambda efficiently elongates an RNA primer hybridized to a DNA template. These two novel properties of human DNA polymerase lambda might suggest additional roles for this enzyme in DNA replication and repair processes.  相似文献   

Phage Φ29 encodes a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase belonging to the eukaryotic-type (family B) subgroup of DNA polymerases that use a protein as the primer for initiation of DNA synthesis. In one of the most important motifs present in the 3′→5′ exonucleolytic domain of proofreading DNA polymerases, the ExoII motif, Φ29 DNA polymerase contains three amino acid residues, Y59, H61 and F69, which are highly conserved among most proofreading DNA polymerases. These residues have recently been shown to be involved in proper stabilization of the primer terminus at the 3′→5′ exonuclease active site. Here we investigate by means of site-directed mutagenesis the role of these three residues in reactions that are specific for DNA polymerases utilizing a protein-primed DNA replication mechanism. Mutations introduced at residues Y59, H61 and F69 severely affected the protein-primed replication capacity of Φ29 DNA polymerase. For four of the mutants, namely Y59L, H61L, H61R and F69S, interaction with the terminal protein was affected, leading to few initiation and transition products. These findings, together with the specific conservation of Y59, H61 and F69 among DNA polymerases belonging to the protein-primed subgroup, strongly suggest a functional role of these amino acid residues in the DNA polymerase–terminal protein interaction.  相似文献   

In the family-B DNA polymerase of bacteriophage RB69, the conserved aromatic palm-subdomain residues Tyr391 and Tyr619 interact with the last primer-template base-pair. Tyr619 interacts via a water-mediated hydrogen bond with the phosphate of the terminal primer nucleotide. The main-chain amide of Tyr391 interacts with the corresponding template nucleotide. A hydrogen bond has been postulated between Tyr391 and the hydroxyl group of Tyr567, a residue that plays a key role in base discrimination. This hydrogen bond may be crucial for forcing an infrequent Tyr567 rotamer conformation and, when the bond is removed, may influence fidelity. We investigated the roles of these residues in replication fidelity in vivo employing phage T4 rII reversion assays and an rI forward assay. Tyr391 was replaced by Phe, Met and Ala, and Tyr619 by Phe. The Y391A mutant, reported previously to decrease polymerase affinity for incoming nucleotides, was unable to support DNA replication in vivo, so we used an in vitro fidelity assay. Tyr391F/M replacements affect fidelity only slightly, implying that the bond with Tyr567 is not essential for fidelity. The Y391A enzyme has no mutator phenotype in vitro. The Y619F mutant displays a complex profile of impacts on fidelity but has almost the same mutational spectrum as the parental enzyme. The Y619F mutant displays reduced DNA binding, processivity, and exonuclease activity on single-stranded DNA and double-stranded DNA substrates. The Y619F substitution would disrupt the hydrogen bond network at the primer terminus and may affect the alignment of the 3' primer terminus at the polymerase active site, slowing chemistry and overall DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

R C Von Borstel  O L Miller  F J Bollum 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:401-Suppl:408

DNA polymerase lambda (Pol lambda) is a member of the Pol X family having properties in common with several other mammalian DNA polymerases. To obtain clues to possible functions in vivo, we have determined the fidelity of DNA synthesis by human Pol lambda. The results indicate that the average single-base deletion error rate of Pol lambda is higher than those of other mammalian polymerases. In fact, unlike other DNA polymerases, Pol lambda generates single-base deletions at average rates that substantially exceed base substitution rates. Moreover, the sequence specificity for single-base deletions made by Pol lambda is different from that of other DNA polymerases and reveals that Pol lambda readily uses template-primers with limited base pair homology at the primer terminus. This ability, together with an ability to fill short gaps in DNA at low dNTP concentrations, is consistent with a role for mammalian Pol lambda in non-homologous end-joining. This may include non-homologous end-joining of strand breaks resulting from DNA damage, because Pol lambda has intrinsic 5',2'-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase activity.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells the majority of altered bases in DNA are processed through a single-nucleotide patch base excision repair mechanism. Base excision repair is initiated by a DNA glycosylase that removes a damaged base and generates an abasic site (AP site). This AP site is further processed by an AP endonuclease activity that incises the phosphodiester bond adjacent to the AP site and generates a strand break containing 3'-OH and 5'-sugar phosphate ends. In mammalian cells, the 5'-sugar phosphate is removed by the AP lyase activity of DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta). The same enzyme also fills the gap, and the DNA ends are finally rejoined by DNA ligase. We measured repair of oligonucleotide substrates containing a single AP site in cell extracts prepared from normal and Pol beta-null mouse cells and show that the reduced repair in Pol beta-null extracts can be complemented by addition of purified Pol beta. Using this complementation assay, we demonstrate that mutated Pol beta without dRPase activity is able to stimulate long patch BER. Mutant Pol beta deficient in DNA synthesis, but with normal dRPase activity, does not stimulate repair in Pol beta-null cells. However, under conditions where we measure base excision repair accomplished exclusively through a single-nucleotide patch BER, neither dRPase nor DNA synthesis mutants of Pol beta alone, or the two together, were able to complement the repair defect. These data suggest that the dRPase and DNA synthesis activities of Pol beta are coupled and that both of these Pol beta functions are essential during short patch BER and cannot be efficiently substituted by other cellular enzymes.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases alpha and beta, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase and DNA ligases from chicken thymus were purified to homogeneity. Quinolone antibiotics (nalidixic acid, oxolinic acid and pefloxacin ) known to inhibit DNA replication were tested for their effects on these enzymes. DNA ligase activity was not affected by the three drugs. DNA polymerases alpha and beta were inhibited by competitive mechanisms. Surprisingly, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase was strongly inhibited by the three compounds and more efficiently by nalidixic acid. The significance of these results is discussed in terms of the possible involvement of the enzymes in the respective DNA replication and repair processes.  相似文献   

The Protein Identification Resource (PIR) protein sequence data bank was searched for sequence similarity between known proteins and human DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) or human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT). Pol beta and TdT were found to exhibit amino acid sequence similarity only with each other and not with any other of the 4750 entries in release 12.0 of the PIR data bank. Optimal amino acid sequence alignment of the entire 39-kDa Pol beta polypeptide with the C-terminal two thirds of TdT revealed 24% identical aa residues and 21% conservative aa substitutions. The Monte Carlo score of 12.6 for the entire aligned sequences indicates highly significant aa sequence homology. The hydropathicity profiles of the aligned aa sequences were remarkably similar throughout, suggesting structural similarity of the polypeptides. The most significant regions of homology are aa residues 39-224 and 311-333 of Pol beta vs. aa residues 191-374 and 484-506 of TdT. In addition, weaker homology was seen between a large portion of the 'nonessential' N-terminal end of TdT (aa residues 33-130) and the first region of strong homology between the two proteins (aa residues 31-128 of Pol beta and aa residues 183-280 of TdT), suggestive of genetic duplication within the ancestral gene. On the basis of nucleotide differences between conserved regions of Pol beta and TdT genes (aligned according to optimally aligned aa sequences) it was estimated that Pol beta and TdT diverged on the order of 250 million years ago, corresponding roughly to a time before radiation of mammals and birds.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) is a recently discovered nuclear enzyme belonging to the pol X family of DNA polymerases that exhibits a 32% sequence identity with the nuclear DNA repair protein, pol beta. Structural modeling suggests that pol lambda contains the palm, fingers, thumb, and 8 kDa lyase domains present in pol beta, as well as an additional N-terminal BRCT domain and a serine-proline-rich linker that are presumably involved in protein-protein interactions. The 8 kDa domain of pol beta is important for DNA binding and contains the dRP lyase activity, which is the rate-limiting step in the single-nucleotide base excision repair (BER) pathway of damaged DNA. Recently, it was shown that the 8 kDa domain of pol lambda also contains the dRP lyase activity. To gain further insight into the catalytic mechanism of dRP removal by pol lambda, we have determined the solution structure of the 8 kDa lyase domain of human DNA pol lambda via multidimensional NMR methods and the ARIA program. The resulting structures exhibited a high degree of similarity with the 8 kDa lyase domain of pol beta. Specifically, the side chains of residues W274, R275, Y279, K307, R308, and K312 are in similar positions to the functionally important side chains of residues H34, K35, Y39, K60, K68, and K72 in the 8 kDa lyase domain of pol beta. This suggests that, on the basis of the proposed roles of these residues in pol beta, the corresponding pol lambda side chains may be involved in DNA binding and dRP lyase activity. The structural alignment of W274 (pol lambda) with H34 (pol beta) indicates that the former is probably involved in a similar base stacking interaction with template DNA at the position of the gap, in contrast with several previous proposals which aligned D272 with H34. In a few cases for which there is a nonconservative substitution in the sequence alignment, a structural comparison shows a positionally and, hence, probably a functionally equivalent residue, e.g., K60 in pol beta and K307 in pol lambda. Additionally, on the basis of the structural alignment obtained, several previously proposed mechanistic hypotheses can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Abstract Using site-saturation mutagenesis, we have established all possible amino acid substitutions at Tyr26 and Phe73 that are compatible with biological activity of the gene 5 protein in vivo. No substitutions were found at either site that gave rise to a fully functional gene 5 protein, indicating that these two amino acid residues are crucial. However, partial activity was found if either residue was replaced by another aromatic amino acid (Y26F, Y26W, F73Y, F73W). The results suggest that both Tyr26 and Phe73 are important for base stacking in the nucleoprotein complex. The functional consequences of the removal of the hydroxyl group from Tyr26 argue that this residue may, in addition, be involved in hydrogen bond formation to confer greater stability on the complex. In contrast, the addition of such a group to Phe73 reduces activity.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase mu (Polmu) is a newly discovered member of the polymerase X family with unknown cellular function. The understanding of Polmu function should be facilitated by an understanding of its biochemical activities. By using purified human Polmu for biochemical analyses, we discovered the lesion bypass activities of this polymerase in response to several types of DNA damage. When it encountered a template 8-oxoguanine, abasic site, or 1,N(6)-ethenoadenine, purified human Polmu efficiently bypassed the lesion. Even bulky DNA adducts such as N-2-acetylaminofluorene-adducted guanine, (+)- and (-)-trans-anti-benzo[a]pyrene-N(2)-dG were unable to block the polymerase activity of human Polmu. Bypass of these simple base damage and bulky adducts was predominantly achieved by human Polmu through a deletion mechanism. The Polmu specificity of nucleotide incorporation indicates that the deletion resulted from primer realignment before translesion synthesis. Purified human Polmu also effectively bypassed a template cis-syn TT dimer. However, this bypass was achieved in a mainly error-free manner with AA incorporation opposite the TT dimer. These results provide new insights into the biochemistry of human Polmu and show that efficient translesion synthesis activity is not strictly confined to the Y family polymerases.  相似文献   

Summary By assaying transposition of Tn5 from b221 cI857 rex::Tn5 (Berg 1977) in PolA-proficient and deficient cells, both the polymerase activity and 5 to 3 exonuclease acivity of DNA polymerase I have been shown to be required for transposition. This requirement could not be observed in three other systems in which the transposon donor replicon had existed in the PolA-proficient and deficient cells before the transposition event to be assayed occurred. By analogy to Tn3, this may indicate that the repressor encoded by Tn5 has already been expressed and hence become rate-limiting in the overall transposition process, even in PolA-deficient cells still possessing a residual activity. One polA mutant was found among more than 50 transposition-deficient (tnp) mutants isolated by the use of b221 cI857 rex::Tn5.  相似文献   

The X-family DNA polymerases λ (Polλ) and β (Polβ) possess similar 5′-2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase (dRPase) and polymerase domains. Besides these domains, Polλ also possesses a BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domain and a proline-rich domain at its N terminus. However, it is unclear how these non-enzymatic domains contribute to the unique biological functions of Polλ. Here, we used primer extension assays and a newly developed high-throughput short oligonucleotide sequencing assay (HT-SOSA) to compare the efficiency of lesion bypass and fidelity of human Polβ, Polλ and two N-terminal deletion constructs of Polλ during the bypass of either an abasic site or an 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) lesion. We demonstrate that the BRCT domain of Polλ enhances the efficiency of abasic site bypass by approximately 1.6-fold. In contrast, deletion of the N-terminal domains of Polλ did not affect the efficiency of 8-oxodG bypass relative to nucleotide incorporations opposite undamaged dG. HT-SOSA analysis demonstrated that Polλ and Polβ preferentially generated −1 or −2 frameshift mutations when bypassing an abasic site and the single or double base deletion frequency was highly sequence dependent. Interestingly, the BRCT and proline-rich domains of Polλ cooperatively promoted the generation of −2 frameshift mutations when the abasic site was situated within a sequence context that was susceptible to homology-driven primer realignment. Furthermore, both N-terminal domains of Polλ increased the generation of −1 frameshift mutations during 8-oxodG bypass and influenced the frequency of substitution mutations produced by Polλ opposite the 8-oxodG lesion. Overall, our data support a model wherein the BRCT and proline-rich domains of Polλ act cooperatively to promote primer/template realignment between DNA strands of limited sequence homology. This function of the N-terminal domains may facilitate the role of Polλ as a gap-filling polymerase within the non-homologous end joining pathway.  相似文献   

5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural (HMF), a pyrolysate of carbohydrate isolated from instant coffee (Coffea arabica L.), selectively inhibits the activities of mammalian DNA polymerase lambda (pol lambda) and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (TdT) which are family X pols, in vitro. The compound influenced neither the activities of replicative DNA polymerases such as alpha, delta, and epsilon, nor even the activity of pol beta which is from the same family and thought to have a very similar three-dimensional structure to the pol beta-like region of pol lambda. Since parts of HMF such as furan, furfuryl alcohol, and 2-furaldehyde did not influence the activities of any enzymes tested, the substituted form of furan with a hyroxymethyl group and a formyl group might be important for the inhibition of pol lambda and TdT. The inhibitory effect of HMF on intact pol lambda (i.e., residues 1-575), a truncated pol lambda lacking the N-terminal BRCA1 C-terminus domain (133-575, del-1 pol lambda) and another truncated pol lambda lacking the N-terminal proline-rich region (245-575, del-2 pol lambda) was dose-dependent, and 50% inhibition was observed at a concentration of 26.1, 10.3, and 4.6 microM, respectively. The IC(50) value of HMF for TdT was the same as that for del-2 pol lambda (5.5 microM). The HMF-induced inhibition of both pol lambda and TdT activities was competitive with respect to both the DNA template-primer and the dNTP substrate. On the basis of these results, HMF was suggested to bind to the pol beta-like region of pol lambda and TdT.  相似文献   

Incubation of DNA polymerase alpha, DNA polymerase beta, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, or DNA ligase II in a reconstituted poly(ADP-ribosyl)ating enzyme system markedly suppressed the activity of these enzymes. Components required for poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis including poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, NAD+, DNA, and Mg2+ were all essential for the observed suppression. Purified poly(ADP-ribose) itself, however, was slightly inhibitory to all of these enzymes. Furthermore, the suppressed activities of DNA polymerase alpha, DNA polymerase beta, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase were largely restored (3 to 4-fold stimulation was observed) by a mild alkaline treatment, a procedure known to hydrolyze alkaline-labile ester linkage between poly(ADP-ribose) and an acceptor protein. All of these results strongly suggest that the four nuclear enzymes were inhibited as a result of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of either the enzyme molecule itself or some regulatory proteins of these enzymes.  相似文献   

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