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Biochemistry (Moscow) - The origin of genetic code and translation system is probably the central and most difficult problem in the investigations on the origin of life and one of the most complex...  相似文献   

Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which sit in close proximity to neural structures and are intimately involved in brain homeostasis. The microglial population also plays fundamental roles during neuronal expansion and differentiation, as well as in the perinatal establishment of synaptic circuits. Any change in the normal brain environment results in microglial activation, which can be detrimental if not appropriately regulated. Aberrant microglial function has been linked to the development of several neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, microglia also possess potent immunoregulatory and regenerative capacities, making them attractive targets for therapeutic manipulation. Such rationale manipulations will, however, require in-depth knowledge of their origins and the molecular mechanisms underlying their homeostasis. Here, we discuss the latest advances in our understanding of the origin, differentiation, and homeostasis of microglial cells and their myelomonocytic relatives in the CNS.Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS), which are uniformly distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord with increased densities in neuronal nuclei, including the Substantia nigra in the midbrain (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998). They belong to the nonneuronal glial cell compartment and their function is crucial to maintenance of the CNS in both health and disease (Ransohoff and Perry 2009; Perry et al. 2010; Ransohoff and Cardona 2010; Prinz and Priller 2014).Two key functional features define microglia: immune defense and maintenance of CNS homeostasis. As part of the innate immune system, microglia constantly sample their environment, scanning and surveying for signals of external danger (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al. 2005; Lehnardt 2010), such as those from invading pathogens, or internal danger signals generated locally by damaged or dying cells (Bessis et al. 2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007). Detection of such signals initiates a program of microglial responses that aim to resolve the injury, protect the CNS from the effects of the inflammation, and support tissue repair and remodeling (Minghetti and Levi 1998; Goldmann and Prinz 2013).Microglia are also emerging as crucial contributors to brain homeostasis through control of neuronal proliferation and differentiation, as well as influencing formation of synaptic connections (Lawson et al. 1990; Perry 1998; Hughes 2012; Blank and Prinz 2013). Recent imaging studies revealed dynamic interactions between microglia and synaptic connections in the healthy brain, which contributed to the modification and elimination of synaptic structures (Perry et al. 2010; Tremblay et al. 2010; Bialas and Stevens 2013). In the prenatal brain, microglia regulate the wiring of forebrain circuits, controlling the growth of dopaminergic axons in the forebrain and the laminar positioning of subsets of neocortical interneurons (Squarzoni et al. 2014). In the postnatal brain, microglia-mediated synaptic pruning is similarly required for the remodeling of neural circuits (Paolicelli et al. 2011; Schafer et al. 2012). In summary, microglia occupy a central position in defense and maintenance of the CNS and, as a consequence, are a key target for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.Although microglia have been studied for decades, a long history of experimental misinterpretation meant that their true origins remained debated until recently. Although we knew that microglial progenitors invaded the brain rudiment at very early stages of embryonic development (Alliot et al. 1999; Ransohoff and Perry 2009), it has now been established that microglia arise from yolk sac (YS)-primitive macrophages, which persist in the CNS into adulthood (Davalos et al. 2005; Nimmerjahn et al. 2005; Ginhoux et al. 2010, 2013; Kierdorf and Prinz 2013; Kierdorf et al. 2013a). Moreover, early embryonic brain colonization by microglia is conserved across vertebrate species, implying that it is essential for early brain development (Herbomel et al. 2001; Bessis et al. 2007; Hanisch and Kettenmann 2007; Verney et al. 2010; Schlegelmilch et al. 2011; Swinnen et al. 2013). In this review, we will present the latest findings in the field of microglial ontogeny, which provide new insights into their roles in health and disease.  相似文献   

Amino acids in living systems consist almost exclusively of the L-enantiomer. How and when this homochiral characteristic of life came to be has been a matter of intense investigation for many years. Among the hypotheses proposed to explain theappearance of chiral homogeneity, the spontaneous resolution of conglomerates seems one of the most plausible. Racemic solids may crystallize from solution either as racemic compounds(both enantiomeric molecules in the same crystal), or lesscommonly as conglomerates (each enantiomer molecule separate indifferent enantiomeric crystals). Only conglomerates can developa spontaneous resolution (one of the enantiomeric molecule crystallizes preferentially, the other one remains in solution).Most of natural amino acids are racemic compounds at moderatetemperatures. How can we expect a hypothetical spontaneous resolution of these amino acids if they are not conglomerates?In this paper we show how DL-aspartic and DL-glutamic amino acids(racemic compounds), crystallize at ambient conditions as trueconglomerates. The experimental conditions here described,that allows this `anomalous' behaviour, could be also found innatural sedimentary environments. We suggest that these experimental procedures and its natural equivalents, have apotential interest for the investigation of the spontaneous resolution of racemic compounds comprising molecules associatedwith the origin of life.  相似文献   

Seven day old etiolated pea epicotyls were loaded symmetrically with 3H-indole 3-acetic acid (IAA) or 45Ca2+, then subjected to 1.5 hours of 1g gravistimulation. Epidermal peels taken from top and bottom surfaces after 90 minutes showed an increase in IAA on the lower side and of Ca2+ on the upper side. Inhibitors of IAA movement (TIBA, 9-hydroxyfluorene carboxylic acid) block the development of both IAA and Ca2+ asymmetries, but substances known to interfere with normal Ca2+ transport (nitrendipine, nisoldipine, Bay K 8644, A 23187) do not significantly alter either IAA or Ca2+ asymmetries. These substances, however, are active in modifying both Ca2+ uptake and efflux through oat and pea leaf protoplast membranes. We conclude that the 45Ca2+ fed to pea epicotyls occurs largely in the cell wall, and that auxin movement is primary and Ca2+ movement secondary in gravitropism. We hypothesize that apoplastic Ca2+ changes during graviresponse because it is displaced by H+ secreted through auxin-induced proton release. This proposed mechanism is supported by localized pH experiments, in which filter paper soaked in various buffers was applied to one side of a carborundum-abraded epicotyls. Buffer at pH 3 increases calcium loss from the side to which it is applied, whereas pH 7 buffer decreases it. Moreover, 10 micromolar IAA and 1 micromolar fusicoccin, which promote H+ efflux, increase Ca2+ release from pea epicotyl segments, whereas cycloheximide, which inhibits H+ efflux, has the reverse effect. We suggest that Ca2+ does not redistribute actively during gravitropism: the asymmetry arises because of its release from the wall adjacent to the region of high IAA concentration, proton secretion, and growth. Thus, the asymmetric distribution of Ca2+ appears to be a consequence of growth stimulation, not a critical step in the early phase of the graviresponse.  相似文献   

The species problem and its implications in the origin of man controversy had grown in importance in prewar America owing largely to the question of slavery. Implicit in the problem was the position of the so-called inferior races in society. The monogenists, despite their emphasis on environmentalism, were no more favorable to the Negro, except in their remote theoretical stance. The Civil War—not Darwin—brought the controversy to an end in America, but it continued to rage in Europe. The apparent synthesis of the schools during the 1870s did not disturb the stereotyped ideas of racial inferiority. The "inferior races" remained the basis of evolutionary discussion, leaving them as remote outcasts of the evolutionary struggle.  相似文献   

Approaches to macroevolution require integration of its two fundamental components, i.e. the origin and the sorting of variation, in a hierarchical framework. Macroevolution occurs in multiple currencies that are only loosely correlated, notably taxonomic diversity, morphological disparity, and functional variety. The origin of variation within this conceptual framework is increasingly understood in developmental terms, with the semi-hierarchical structure of gene regulatory networks (GRNs, used here in a broad sense incorporating not just the genetic circuitry per se but the factors controlling the timing and location of gene expression and repression), the non-linear relation between magnitude of genetic change and the phenotypic results, the evolutionary potential of co-opting existing GRNs, and developmental responsiveness to nongenetic signals (i.e. epigenetics and plasticity), all requiring modification of standard microevolutionary models, and rendering difficult any simple definition of evolutionary novelty. The developmental factors underlying macroevolution create anisotropic probabilities—i.e., an uneven density distribution—of evolutionary change around any given phenotypic starting point, and the potential for coordinated changes among traits that can accommodate change via epigenetic mechanisms. From this standpoint, “punctuated equilibrium” and “phyletic gradualism” simply represent two cells in a matrix of evolutionary models of phenotypic change, and the origin of trends and evolutionary novelty are not simply functions of ecological opportunity. Over long timescales, contingency becomes especially important, and can be viewed in terms of macroevolutionary lags (the temporal separation between the origin of a trait or clade and subsequent diversification); such lags can arise by several mechanisms: as geological or phylogenetic artifacts, or when diversifications require synergistic interactions among traits, or between traits and external events. The temporal and spatial patterns of the origins of evolutionary novelties are a challenge to macroevolutionary theory; individual events can be described retrospectively, but a general model relating development, genetics, and ecology is needed. An accompanying paper (Jablonski in Evol Biol 2017) reviews diversity dynamics and the sorting of variation, with some general conclusions.  相似文献   

Fluorescent DNA probes for L-argininamide were developed by a combination of DNA aptamers and fluorophore-quencher pairs. These molecules were synthesized by a combination of pre- and post-synthetic modification methods. The fluorescence-labeled aptamer could detect L-argininamide specifically. The binding affinities were defined by the binding affinity of the original aptamer to indicate that the end labeling of the aptamer did not influence the affinities.  相似文献   

The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND: http://bind.ca) archives biomolecular interaction, complex and pathway information. A web-based system is available to query, view and submit records. BIND continues to grow with the addition of individual submissions as well as interaction data from the PDB and a number of large-scale interaction and complex mapping experiments using yeast two hybrid, mass spectrometry, genetic interactions and phage display. We have developed a new graphical analysis tool that provides users with a view of the domain composition of proteins in interaction and complex records to help relate functional domains to protein interactions. An interaction network clustering tool has also been developed to help focus on regions of interest. Continued input from users has helped further mature the BIND data specification, which now includes the ability to store detailed information about genetic interactions. The BIND data specification is available as ASN.1 and XML DTD.  相似文献   

Abstract Left–right asymmetry in Dexiothetica (= echinoderms + chordates) results mainly from dexiothetism—an episode in their ancestry when an animal resembling the Recent pterobranch Cephalodiscus lay right-side-downwards on the sea floor. Castericystis sprinklei belongs to the dexiothete stem group. The history of the echinoderm stem group is reconstructed. Chordate bilateral symmetry evolved by six successive steps. Tail–head overlap occurred independently in craniates and acraniates. The neural crest would have existed in the latest common ancestor of extant chordates, or even earlier. Gross asymmetries occur in extant chordates in organs derived from the calcichordate head, but not in those derived from the calcichordate tail. The anterior boundary of hox gene expression in vertebrates corresponds to the anterior end of the calcichordate tail. Left–right organ pairing (an important step in the origin of chordate bilateral symmetry) may have involved the interaction of a symmetrizing morphogen, produced from the anterior end of the tail, with a lateral morphogen (Wilhelmi's morphogen), produced in ontogeny at first from the left and later from the right. This mechanism may still act in the metamorphosis of amphioxus and in mirror-imaging in vertebrate twins. Wilhelmi's morphogen may be related to one or more members of the dorsal cascade of Drosophila.  相似文献   

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