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Relationship between eye ability to perceive smooth motion under stroboscopic stimulation on forward motion (from which stationary positions of the object) in the plane perpendicular to the look line was found. For diagnostics and occupational selection it is suggested to carry out stimulation in several directions thus obtaining additional information about the visual system of the person under test.  相似文献   

Horizontal displacements of gaze in cats with unrestrained head were studied using the magnetic search coil method. Three types of eye-head coordination were found when cats oriented gaze towards visual targets. Maximal velocities of gaze, head and eye movements in orbits depend linearily on amplitudes of their displacements in the range of up to 20 degrees. Gaze velocity reached its top level in about 0.3 of complete time of movement execution. Data support the idea of saccadic-vestibular summation during coordinated eye-head movements in cats.  相似文献   

Activity of 124 neurons of the caudate nucleus during stimulation of the medial geniculate by infrequent (0.5 Hz) square electrical stimuli 0.3 msec in duration and ranging in intensity from 50 µA to 1 mA was investigated extracellularly in chronic experiments on cats. Responses were recorded from 54 neurons (43%). The main types of neuronal responses were phasic activation in the form of a single spike or spike discharge, initial activation followed by inhibition, and primary inhibition of unit activity. Responses of excitatory character predominated (81% of all responses). Their latent period varied in different neurons from 2.7 to 64 msec. Latent periods of responses of the same neuron always showed great variability, so that all the responses recorded could be considered to be orthodromic. The mode of the histogram of latent periods of excitatory responses lay between 9 and 12 msec. The latent period of the inhibitory response varied from 12 to 130 msec, and in most neurons with this type of response it was 40–60 msec. An increase in the strength of stimulation was accompanied by an increase in the regularity of the responses, an increase in the number of spikes in them, and shortening of their latent period. The character and structure of the response of the same caudate neuron to stimulation of the medial geniculate body and to presentation of clicks were usually identical. The latent period of responses to clicks was longer. The particular features of the functional connection of the medial geniculate body with the caudate nucleus as a polymodal nonspecific structure of the forebrain are discussed.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Desimone R 《Neuron》2011,70(6):1205-1217
When we search for a target in a crowded visual scene, we often use the distinguishing features of the target, such as color or shape, to guide our attention and eye movements. To investigate the neural mechanisms of feature-based attention, we simultaneously recorded neural responses in the frontal eye field (FEF) and area V4 while monkeys performed a visual search task. The responses of cells in both areas were modulated by feature attention, independent of spatial attention, and the magnitude of response enhancement was inversely correlated with the number of saccades needed to find the target. However, an analysis of the latency of sensory and attentional influences on responses suggested that V4 provides bottom-up sensory information about stimulus features, whereas the FEF provides a top-down attentional bias toward target features that modulates sensory processing in V4 and that could be used to guide the eyes to a searched-for target.  相似文献   

In conditions of chronic experiment cats reactions were studied to species-specific acoustic signals (SAS) presented separately and against the background of the electric stimulation of the hypothalamus before and after partial bilateral ablation of the sensorimotor area of the cortex (SMC). It was shown that separately presented SAS caused in animals motor reactions, mainly orienting and negative. Ablation of SMC (field 4,6) caused an increase of positive reactions to sound, including also orienting reactions. A selective character of the reaction to SAS of agonistic type was revealed in animals with "true" aggression to combined (acoustic and subthreshold electric) stimulation. In animals with "false" aggression the combined stimulation caused only nonspecific elements of motor reactions and agonistic vocalizations. SMC ablation caused an increase of aggressive reactions to combined stimulation, revealed in the form of tendency for all animals. In this case in animals with "true" aggression after operation the probability increased of the appearance of motor reactions of aggressive type in comparison with agonistic vocalizations.  相似文献   

Eye movements evoked by local electrical stimulation of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body were analyzed after removal of the visual cortex and in intact animals during trials on awake cats. No significant difference was observed between the eye movement patterns of the two animal groups evoked by electrical stimulation. These movements could be classed into three main groups: those unassociated with the starting position of the eyes in orbit (or unidirectional movements), goal-directed, and centered movements, with direction depending on the initial position of the eyes in their orbits. Our findings indicate that the cortical visual areas are neither the principal nor an indispensable link in the chain for transmitting signals evoked by (electrically) stimulating the geniculate body from the cortical structures of the direct visual pathway towards the operative links of the oculomotor system. Potential pathways for conducting information from the dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body to oculomotor system structures are discussed.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 164–170, March–April, 1987.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitectonics of periventricular and rostral parts of the posterior tubercular area of diencephalon was studied in four species of the cartilaginous ganoids by using routine Nissl staining and Bielschowski impregnation technique in Viktorov’s modification. The posterior tubercular area in the giant sturgeon Huso huso L., the Kura sturgeon Acipenser güldenstädtii persicus n. Kurensis Belyaeff, the stellate sturgeon Ac. stellatus Pall., and the barbel sturgeon Ac. nudiventris Lov. was shown to have similar structure. Six structures were identified in these areas: the periventricular nucleus, paraventricular organ, nucleus of the paraventricular organ, and posterior tuberal nucleus in the periventricular region and preglomerular medial and lateral nuclei in the rostral region. Both nuclei of the rostral zone are migrated nuclei. Out of nuclei of the posterior tubercle regions, the posterior tuberal and medial preglomerular nuclei are characterized by polymorphism of cellular elements. A conclusion is made that these parts of the posterior tubercular area in the sturgeons considered to be the lower ray-finned fish are comparable with those of the higher teleosts, and even are more differentiated according to some parameters.  相似文献   

The influence of brain electrical stimulation, which induced some elements of agonistic behavior, on the preference of an animal of one of two compartments of the experimental chamber was studied in 7 male cats with implanted hypothalamic electrodes. The animals avoided the compartment in which they were stimulated. Self-stimulation reaction could not be formed on the basis of the electrical brain stimulation inducing certain elements of agonistic behavior. Passage latencies were shorter when an animal left the less preferential compartment that in the case when in started from the more preferential one. The obtained evidence suggests that hypothalamic stimulation producing certain elements of agonistic behavior evokes in an animal a negative internal state.  相似文献   

When falling from an inverted position, EMG activities of tail muscles (the m. extensor caudae lateralis, m. abductor caudae externus, m. flexor caudae longus) and tail movements were recorded in 7 long-tailed adult cats. After being released from an elevated position, cat rotates the tail in a reverse direction to rotation of other parts of the cat's body then lands on four legs. Rotation of the tail was started by EMG activities of the tail muscles on one side. Both synchronized and alternating groups of discharge occur between its left and right side, while extensor and flexor movements and displacements of its tail appear in the air. After transection of ventral roots from the coccygeal spinal segments innervating tail muscles, cats often fail to land on four legs. These facts suggest that that tail movements control body balance in the air when falling from an inverted position.  相似文献   

During acute experiments on awake cats the response of 98 neurons belonging to the head and tail of the caudate nucleus to direct electrical stimulation of the optic tract and presentation of photic stimuli was investigated using extracellular recording techniques. Of the test neurons 34.6% responded to stimulation of the optic tract and 36.2% to optic stimulation. Long latency (over 40 msec for the optic tract and over 80 msec for visual stimulation) excitatory responses prevailed in both cases. A small number of cells responded to optic tract stimulation with short latencies of 5–14 msec. Both types of stimulation were presented during investigations of 58 units of which eight were found to respond to both stimuli. The latter varied in their reaction to different stimuli and their response pattern. Findings are discussed in relation to the possible pathways by which visual information reaches the cortical structure under study.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 476–485, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

Two types of behavioral shifts occur in cats after cessation of repeated low-frequency stimulation of the caudate nucleus head. Behavioral depression originates more frequently from the dorsomedial part of the head whereas stimulation of the ventrolateral part induces the activation before depression. The number and pattern of stereotype movements are variously changed against the background of these shifts following administration of the minimal effective phenamine dose. Desorganization takes place after stimulation of the dorso-medial nucleus parts followed by stereotypy reduction or, on the contrary, by its enhancement in combination with caudate activation.  相似文献   

Neuronal organization in the Clare-Bishop cortical association area was studied by consecutive vertical penetration of an electrode and analysis of unit responses to photic stimulation during each penetration. Activity of one or two neurons was recorded during 131 penetrations, and activity of over 3 neurons responding to photic stimulation (visually driven) during 55 penetrations. In 8 of the 55 penetrations all neurons discovered in each had identical characteristics; this type of organization corresponded most of all to the columnar organization of the cortical neurons. In 24 penetrations the neurons were arranged in groups: two or three neurons of one type intermingled with neurons of other types. In 18 penetrations considerable overlapping of the receptive fields of neurons in the same column was observed. A chaotic distribution of neurons with different characteristics was found in 5 penetrations. It is suggested that the organization of neurons in the Clare-Bishop area in columns as functional units of cortical structure is not the principal type of their organization.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 297–302, July–August, 1979.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological properties of P neurons localized in the medullary dorsal respiratory cellular group and of vagal afferent fibers innervating these neurons were studied in acute experiments on nembutal-anesthetized cats with preserved spontaneous respiration. P neurons were shown to form a non-homogeneous cellular population. They generated phasic discharges during the whole inspiration period, but differed in their responses to lung inflation. These findings allowed us to classify P neurons as slowly adapting and rapidly adapting units, probably activated by slowly and rapidly adapting pulmonary receptors, respectively. Sensitivity of the slowly adapting P neurons to activation by the corresponding receptors and the mechanisms underlying the participation of the two types of P neurons in the reflex feedback between the respiratory center and lungs are discussed.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 211–217, May–June, 1994.  相似文献   

It is known that both neural crest cell migration and motor axon outgrowth in most vertebrate embryos are segmented because of restrictions imposed upon their distribution by the neighbouring sclerotomes, each of which is divided into a rostral and a caudal half. The caudal half does not allow crest migration or axon outgrowth, while the rostral half does. In this paper, we investigate the expression of proteins and glycoproteins in the two halves of the sclerotome of the chick embryo at stages between 20 and 32 pairs of somites by two-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We find that the patterns of expression are complex, and that polypeptides and glycoproteins vary both spatially and temporally: of those that are expressed differentially by the sclerotome, some differ quantitatively and others qualitatively. Some macromolecules change their spatial distribution with developmental age, and some appear or disappear as the embryos become older.  相似文献   

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