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The plant growth regulator PGR-IV has been reported to improve the growth, boll retention, and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under optimum growing conditions. However, little is known about the response of cotton to PGR-IV under low light stress. A 3-year field study was conducted to determine if applying PGR-IV before an 8-day period of shade (63% light reduction) benefitted the growth and yield of shaded cotton. Shading during early squaring did not affect yield. Shading after the first flower stage significantly increased leaf chlorophyll concentration and fruit abscission and decreased the leaf photosynthetic rate, nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations, and lint yield. Foliar application of PGR-IV at 292 mL ha−1 at early squaring and first flower did not improve the leaf photosynthetic rate of shaded cotton. However, shaded plants receiving PGR-IV had higher nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations in the floral buds and significantly lower fruit abscission than the shaded plants without PGR-IV. Applying PGR-IV to the foliage before shading resulted in a numeric increase (6–18%) in lint yield compared with shaded plants without PGR-IV. The decreased fruit abscission from the application of PGR-IV was associated with improved assimilate translocation. The yield enhancement from foliar application of PGR-IV was attributed to increased fruit retention. However, the average boll weight of shaded plants with PGR-IV tended to be lower than that of shaded plants without PGR-IV. Lint percentage was not affected by PGR-IV. Foliar application of PGR-IV appears beneficial for increasing the fruit retention of shaded cotton. Received June 12, 1997; accepted January 19, 1998  相似文献   

The effects of jasmonic acid (JA) on elongation growth of coleoptile segments from etiolated maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated in the presence and absence of auxin. When supplied alone, at physiological concentrations (10−9, 10−8, and 10−5 m), JA (or methyl-JA) inhibited growth. JA at a similar range of concentrations also inhibited auxin-induced elongation growth. To determine whether this effect on growth depended on endogenous abscisic acid (ABA), we grew maize coleoptiles in the presence of norflurazon (an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis) that results in reduced endogenous ABA levels. Growth of etiolated coleoptile segments from these plants was inhibited by JA (or methyl-JA) in both the absence and presence of auxin. Previously, we have observed a correlation between elongation growth and cytosolic pH (pHi), in which auxin lowers pHi, and growth inhibitors such as ABA raise pHi. We examined the effect of low concentrations of methyl-JA on pHi with dual emission dye, carboxy seminaphthorhodafluor-1, and confocal microscopy. To confirm these studies, we also used in vivo 31P NMR spectrometry to ascertain the changes in pHi after addition of jasmonate to maize coleoptiles. Coleoptiles grown in either the absence or presence of norflurazon responded to methyl-JA or JA by increases in pHi of approximately 0.2 pH unit. This response occurs over a period of 15–20 min and appears to be independent of endogenous ABA. This alkalization induced by JA is likely to form a permissive environment for JA signal transduction pathway(s). Received February 5, 1999; accepted August 25, 1999  相似文献   

To determine whether natural plant growth regulators (PGRs) can enhance drought tolerance and the competitive ability of transplanted seedlings, 1.5-year-old jack pine (Pinus banksana Lamb.) seedlings were treated with homobrassinolide, salicylic acid, and two polyamines, spermine and spermidine, triacontanol, abscisic acid (ABA), and the synthetic antioxidant, Ambiol. PGRs were fed into the xylem for 7 days and plants were droughted by withholding water for 12 days. ABA, Ambiol, spermidine, and spermine at a concentration of 10 μg L−1 stimulated elongation growth under drought, whereas ABA, Ambiol, and spermidine maintained higher photosynthetic rates, higher water use efficiency, and lower Ci/Ca ratio under drought compared with control plants. The damaging effects of drought on membrane leakage was reversed by Ambiol, ABA, triacontanol, spermidine, and spermine. Because ABA, Ambiol, and both polyamines enhanced elongation growth and also reduced membrane damage in jack pine under drought, they show promise as treatments to harden seedlings against environmental stress. The protective action of these compounds on membrane integrity was associated with an inhibition of ethylene evolution, with a reduction in transpiration rate and an enhancement of photosynthesis, which together increased water use efficiency under drought. Although most of the tested compounds acted as antitranspirants, the inhibition in membrane leakage in ABA-, Ambiol-, and polyamine-treated plants appeared more closely related to the antiethylene action. Received December 30, 1998; accepted October 14, 1999  相似文献   

We previously obtained somaclonal variants of the important French fry processing cultivar Russet Burbank with significantly enhanced resistance to common scab disease. In this study we have shown the commercial merit of a proportion of these variants through comparison of relative yield and tuber quality with the parent cultivar Russet Burbank. Whilst we showed a weak negative correlation between tuber yield (as assessed by weight of tubers per plant) and relative disease resistance within selected variants, we identified several with equivalent yields to the parent cultivar. Furthermore, two disease-resistant variants (TC-RB8 and NZ-24B) consistently yielded more tuber mass than the parent. The majority of our Russet Burbank variants showed equivalent tuber quality characteristics (occurrence of defects, tuber specific gravity and dry matter content, and flesh colour) and cooking qualities (fry colour and presence of dark end defects) to the parent cultivar. Independent testing by a commercial French fry processor confirmed these quality characteristics. We present data demonstrating that highly common scab disease-resistant somaclonal variants of Russet Burbank have commercially acceptable tuber yield and quality characteristics, comparable to the industry standard and parent Russet Burbank cultivar. We also demonstrate the value of in vitro cell selection techniques for potato cultivar improvement.  相似文献   

Triazole growth retardant chemicals may inhibit stem elongation of woody ornamental species for several years after application. Potted plants of large-leaf Rhododendron catawbiense and Kalmia latifolia were treated with a single spray application of paclobutrazol or uniconazole in the 2nd year from propagation. They were transplanted into the field the next spring. The elongation of stems was measured in the year of application and in the next 2–4 years. Treatments with a wide range of doses were applied in 1991, 1992, or 1995. For all except the most dilute applications, stem elongation was retarded in the year after application. At the highest doses, stem growth was inhibited for 2 years after application. The results were fit to a model of growth regulator action which assumed that stem elongation was inversely related to the amount of growth regulator applied. For paclobutrazol, the dose per plant that inhibited stem elongation half as much as a saturating dose was tenfold that for uniconazole, about 0.5 and 0.05 mg, respectively. For both chemicals, the dose-response coefficient decreased exponentially with time after application, with an exponential time constant of about 2 year−1. A dose of growth regulator which reduced stem elongation by half immediately after application would only inhibit 12% of stem elongation the next year. However, a tenfold greater dose would result in less than half the stem elongation of untreated plants in the next year. Received February 28, 1997; accepted July 8, 1997  相似文献   

In the present work the effect of several bis(guanylhydrazones) on the growth of Helianthus tuberosus tuber explants was studied. Different aliphatic congeners of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were tested. Most of the compounds displayed an inhibitory effect on growth, and a correlation between the structure of the molecule and the inhibitory activity was observed. Experiments carried out with glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and its congeners methyl-, ethylmethyl-, and methylpropylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones) show that as the total number of side chain carbon atoms in the molecule increases, the inhibitory potency also increases. A depletion of spermidine levels was also found in the explants treated with ethylmethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), which turned out to be one of the most potent growth inhibitors. The addition of spermidine caused a significant reversion of the antiproliferative action of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The effect of these compounds on spermidine uptake in protoplasts isolated from carrot phloem parenchyma was also investigated. Only a slight competition was found when antagonists were present at concentrations 20 times higher than the polyamine, thus suggesting that bis(guanylhydrazones) do not share, at least at low concentrations, the polyamine transport system in plant cells. Received January 10, 1997; accepted January 22, 1999  相似文献   

Mung bean cuttings were dipped in solutions of wild type and mutant forms of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium Pseudomonas putida GR12-2 and then incubated for several days until roots formed. The bacteria P. putida GR12-2 and P. putida GR12-2/aux1 mutant do not produce detectable levels of the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, whereas P. putida GR12-2/acd36 is an ACC deaminase minus mutant. All bacteria produce the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and P. putida GR12-2/aux1 overproduces it. Treatment of cuttings with the above-mentioned bacteria affected the rates of ethylene production in the cuttings in a way that can be explained by the combined effects of the activity of ACC deaminase localized in the bacteria and bacterial produced IAA. P. putida GR12-2 and P. putida GR12-2/acd36-treated cuttings had a significantly higher number of roots compared with cuttings rooted in water. In addition, the wild type influenced the development of longer roots. P. putida GR12-2/aux1 stimulated the highest rates of ethylene production but did not influence the number of roots. These results are consistent with the notion that ethylene is involved in the initiation and elongation of adventitious roots in mung bean cuttings. Received October 21, 1998; accepted January 3, 1999  相似文献   

Soaking summer squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. Eskandarany) seeds in continuously aerated solutions of 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00 ppm Co2+ for 48 h before sowing strongly increased plant growth, femaleness, and fruit yield compared with those of water- (control) or 0.5 mm AOA (aminooxyacetic acid)-soaked seeds. Following the same pattern, plants of Co2+-soaked seeds produced significantly higher ethylene levels as early as the seedling stage (14 days after seed sowing) up to the onset of flower initiation (OFI) stage (30 days after seed sowing), with more pronounced levels of all measured parameters for plants of 1.00 ppm Co2+-soaked seeds. Plants of AOA-soaked seeds, however, behaved in a pattern similar to those of control in all measured parameters. The only exception was the significant ethylene inhibition noticed only at the plant seedling stage with AOA-seed soaking, which indicated the short term of AOA inhibition to ethylene when applied as early as the seed germination stage. When AOA was applied foliarly before and at the OFI stage, the increased plant femaleness obtained with Co2+ seed soaking was arrested. It is indicated, therefore, that summer squash plant femaleness is more responsive to plant ethylene-modulated levels before or at the OFI stage than earlier stages. Furthermore, all seed soaking treatments had no effect on plant leaf number or plant and fruit Co2+ content, which strongly indicated that the positive impact of Co2+ on summer squash plant growth and femaleness was mainly the result of the so-called ``low Co2+ level-induced ethylene.' The percentage of fruit yield increase reached about 26, 40, and 56% over the control by 0.25, 0.50, and 1.00 ppm Co2+ seed soaking, respectively, whereas AOA seed soaking resulted in only a 4.5% yield reduction. To ensure the permanent positive impact of Co2+ on ethylene production as well as the short period of AOA inhibition, seeds were resoaked in water or AOA for 8 h after being soaked in 1.00 ppm Co2+ solution for 40 h. The results obtained emphasized the previous findings because AOA inhibition was restricted on ethylene production only at the seedling stage. Meanwhile, all Co2+ positive effects were obtained 2 weeks later, even with AOA seed resoaking. These data strongly suggested that the positive impact of Co2+ on ethylene production is more permanent than the negative impact of AOA. Hence its application, in low concentrations, as early as the seed germination stage, strongly increased summer squash plant growth, femaleness, and fruit yield by increasing the plant ethylene level. Received July 21, 1997; accepted November 10, 1997  相似文献   

马铃薯'转心乌'块茎色素的组成和含量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯转心乌块茎的内、外韧皮部和髓为淡黄色,周皮和木质部为紫色;木质部的紫色形成一个不规则的环",并向内韧皮部蔓延.系列特征颜色反应和紫外可见光谱分析表明:‘转心乌’块茎紫色素属于黄酮类化合物,可能含有酚性邻位二羟基,并被肉桂酸酰化,不含类胡萝卜素、查耳酮、噢哢、异黄酮、儿茶素;花色苷和/或其苷元花色素奠定了‘转心乌’块茎着色的基础,其它的非红色的黄酮类化合物发挥共色素的作用.块茎的皮"紫色最浓","环"其次,"肉"最淡,这与"皮"、"环"和"肉"的色价、花色苷含量和总黄酮类化合物含量的变化趋势呈正相关.  相似文献   

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major global food crop. Contemporary potato production largely utilizes micropropagation to produce healthy seed potatoes. The micropropagation of potatoes is widely achieved through nodal explants using the conventional Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Currently, effective culture media that can facilitate rapid propagation are increasingly required for new cultivars that have been developed to possess improved traits. In this study, we evaluated the effect of enhanced meso nutrients (CaCl2.2H2O, MgSO4, and KH2PO4) in MS medium on the growth of S. tuberosum. The cultivars used in this study were representative of Japanese, European, and Peruvian lines. Enhanced meso nutrients improved the overall quality of all cultivars, as indicated by longer shoots and larger leaves with dark color, compared with MS medium only. Shoots grown on enhanced mesos were approximately 1.5 times longer than on MS medium. Quantitative ion analysis revealed that plantlets with improved shoot length and leaf quality in most cultivars had increased calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus uptake than plantlets on MS medium. The results suggest that the reduced iron uptake on 3.0×MS, compared with 2.0× or 2.5×MS mesos, reduced plant growth. This study revealed for the first time that mesos concentrations higher than MS medium concentrations, complemented by enhanced calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron uptake, play a significant role in improving the in vitro growth of potato.  相似文献   

3H-IAA transport in excised sections of carnation cuttings was studied by using two receiver systems for recovery of transported radioactivity: agar blocks (A) and wells containing a buffer solution (B). When receivers were periodically renewed, transport continued for up to 8 h and ceased before 24 h. If receivers were not renewed, IAA transport decreased drastically due to immobilization in the base of the sections. TIBA was as effective as NPA in inhibiting the basipetal transport irrespective of the application site (the basal or the apical side of sections). The polarity of IAA transport was determined by measuring the polar ratio (basipetal/acropetal) and the inhibition caused by TIBA or NPA. The polar ratio varied with receiver, whereas the inhibition by TIBA or NPA was similar. Distribution of immobilized radioactivity along the sections after a transport period of 24 h showed that the application of TIBA to the apical side or NPA to the basal side of sections, increased the radioactivity in zones further from the application site, which agrees with a basipetal and acropetal movement of TIBA and NPA, respectively. The existence of a slow acropetal movement of the inhibitor was confirmed by using 3H-NPA. From the results obtained, a methodological approach is proposed to measure the variations in polar auxin transport. This method was used to investigate whether the variations in rooting observed during the cold storage of cuttings might be related to changes in polar auxin transport. As the storage period increased, a decrease in intensity and polarity of auxin transport occurred, which was accompanied by a delay in the formation and growth of adventitious roots, confirming the involvement of polar auxin transport in supplying the auxin for rooting. Received April 19, 1999; accepted December 2, 1999  相似文献   

The effect of brassinolide (BR) on cell growth and shikonin and its derivative formation in Onosma paniculatum cell culture was studied. BR addition with IAA and BAP (+BR/+IAA/+BAP) in B5 medium slightly increased the cell growth at 0.01–0.1 ppb concentration compared with a growth control (−BR/+IAA/+BAP). Only BR addition (+BR/−IAA/−BAP) at 0.001–100 ppb in B5 medium significantly increased the cell fresh weight compared with a growth control (−BR/−IAA/−BAP). The same concentration of BR tested at 0–1000 ppb increased the cell fresh weight of +IAA/+BAP significantly more than that of −IAA/−BAP. BR at 0.001–0.1 ppb with IAA and BAP added (+BR/+IAA/+BAP) in M9 medium increased shikonin and its derivative content markedly by 31–87%, compared with its control (−BR/+IAA/+BAP). BR at 0.001–1000 ppb without IAA and BAP added to M9 medium (+BR/−IAA/−BAP) also increased shikonin and its derivative content compared with its control (−BR/−IAA/−BAP). However, the amount of shikonin and derivative formed of +IAA/+BAP was greater than that of −IAA/−BAP only at the same concentration of BR at 0–1 ppb. These combined results show that BR at 0.01 ppb with IAA and BAP added was the best for cell growth and shikonin formation. Formation of shikonin and its derivative by adding BR at 0.01 ppb with IAA and BAP (+BR/+IAA/+BAP) in M9 medium was significantly enhanced 4 days after BR addition compared with a production control (−BR/+IAA/+BAP). In contrast, +BR/−IAA/−BAP vs. −BR/−IAA/−BAP was not as effective as +BR/+IAA/+BAP vs. −BR/+IAA/+BAP for the shikonin formation. The time course study for shikonin formation also showed that +BR/+IAA/+BAP and −BP/+IAA/+BAP only slightly increased cell growth in M9 medium. Similarly, soluble protein content in the cells treated by BR at 0.01 ppb with IAA and BAP (+BR/+IAA/+BAP) exceeded that of the control (−BR/+IAA/+BAP) 4 days after BR addition. And +BR/−IAA/−BAP only slightly increased the soluble protein content over that of −BR/−IAA/−BAP. Received November 2, 1998; accepted August 25, 1999  相似文献   

用分光光度法在体外研究了不同pH条件下马铃薯'转心乌'块茎花色苷颜色呈现和降解速率的变化,以探讨马铃薯'转心乌,块茎颜色呈现的机理.结果显示:在pH 2.0时,该花色苷呈现最强烈的红色.随着pH从0增加到13.0,该花色苷在可见光区的最大吸收波长(λvis max)依次出现红移、蓝移,然后消失,在可见光区的最大吸收波长处的吸光值(Aλ,vis max)呈现为一条单峰曲线,峰值在pH 2.0处.当原始pH值被恢复到2.0后,如果原始pH小于或等于5.0,花色苷的红色均被恢复得更浓烈,λvis max不同程度地趋向537 nm,Aλ,vis max增加;如果原始pH大于或等于6.0,花色苷的红色根本不能被恢复,λvis max几乎不变,Aλ,vis max仍然维持低水平.在15℃、黑暗中,该花色苷在pH 0~5.0条件下均随时间推移而降解,在pH 2.0时的降解速度最慢;当pH小于或等于3.0时,该花色苷总体上降解缓慢,而且降解过程基本符合一级反应动力学.研究表明,'转心乌'块茎花色苷在可见光区的吸收光谱和在15℃、黑暗中的降解速度均具pH依赖性.  相似文献   

The physiologic effect of gibberellins (GA) in seed development is poorly understood. We examined the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth, protein secretion, and starch accumulation in cultured maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm suspension cells. GA3 (5 and 30 μm) increased the fresh weight, dry weight, and protein content of the cultured cells, but the effect of GA3 at 50 μm was not significantly different. However, the protein content in the culture medium was increased by these three concentrations of GA3. The effect of GA3 on the amount of cellular structural polysaccharides was not significant, but GA3 had a dramatic effect on the starch content. At 5 μm, GA3 caused an increase in the starch content, but at 50 μm the starch accumulation was reduced. Chlorocholine chloride (CCC), an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, significantly increased the starch content and decreased the structural polysaccharide content of the cultured cells. The effects of CCC at 500 μm on the starch and polysaccharide content were partially reversed by 5 μm GA3 applied exogenously. Based on these results we suggest that GA does not favor starch accumulation in the cell cultures and that the addition of lower concentrations of GA3 in the medium may provide an improved balance among the endogenous GA in the cultured cells. Received October 31, 1995; accepted March 25, 1997  相似文献   

CCC, uniconazol, ancymidol, prohexadione-calcium (BX-112), and CGA 163′935, which represent three groups of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis inhibitors, were applied as a soil drench to Sorghum bicolor cultivars 58M (phyB-1, phytochrome B-deficient mutant) and 90M (phyB-2, equivalent phenotypically to wild type, PHYB, except for small differences in flowering dates). The inhibitors that block steps before GA12 (CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol) lowered the concentrations of all endogenous early-C13α-hydroxylation pathway GAs found in sorghum: GA12, GA53, GA44, GA19, GA20, GA1, and GA8. In contrast, the inhibitors that block the conversion of GA20→ GA1, (CGA 163′935 and BX-112) drastically reduced GA1 and GA8 levels, but they either did not change or caused accumulation of intermediates from GA12 to GA20. Combinations of pre-GA12 inhibitors and GA3 plus GA1 strongly reduced GAs other than GA1 and GA3. Each of these compounds inhibited shoot growth in both cultivars and delayed floral initiation in 90M. Floral initiation of 58M was also delayed by CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol but not by CGA 163`935 and BX-112. This separation of shoot elongation from floral initiation in sorghum is novel. Both inhibition of shoot growth and delayed floral initiation were almost completely relieved by a mixture of GA3 and GA1 in both 58M and 90M. This observation, plus the much lower levels of endogenous GA3 than of GA1 observed in these experiments, implies that GA1 is the major endogenous GA active in shoot elongation. CGA 163′935 and BX-112 also failed to promote tillering in 58M, whereas inhibitors active before GA12 did so. The possibility that the GA20→ GA1 inhibitors fail to block flowering and promote tillering in 58M because biosynthetic intermediates between GA12 and GA20 accumulate and/or because 58M is altered in GA metabolism in this same region of the biosynthetic pathway is discussed. Received April 7, 1998; accepted July 31, 1998  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) was examined for growth and production of two coumarins, esculetin and esculin, in the hairy roots of chicory (Cichorium intybus L. cv. Lucknow local). Of the polyamines administered, 1.5 mm putrescine alone resulted in a 2.3-fold higher increase in the growth of hairy roots as well as in the production of esculetin and esculin, which was 3.37 times more than that of the control on day 21. The endogenous level of conjugated putrescine was more than fivefold that of free putrescine levels in untreated samples. The production of esculetin and esculin in hairy root cultures strictly correlated with growth in all of the treatments. Putrescine at 1.5 mm resulted in a greater length of primary root (18.29 ± 1.37 cm) compared with the control (10.96 ± 0.82 cm) and more secondary and tertiary roots. This study also provides insight into the morphogenetic changes that occur in roots in response to the external supply of polyamines. Received July 20, 1998; accepted January 19, 1999  相似文献   

Plant growth retardants were evaluated for their ability to reduce the growth rate of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) in vitro. Nodal sections of cv. Jewel were cultured for 30 days on medium containing NDA, ancymidol, phosfon, TIBA, difenzoquat, chlormequat, ACC, mepiquat chloride, or daminozide at 0, 10−4, 10−5, 10−6, 10−7, or 10−8 m. Difenzoquat, NDA, phosfon, and TIBA, at 10−4 m, were lethal to axillary bud explants. A low concentration (10−8 m) of chlorflurenol or NDA stimulated shoot elongation. The effective concentration range for most growth retardants was 10−5 to 10−6 m. Small (2- to 4-mm diameter) storage root-like swellings were observed on roots in cultures containing TIBA or ancymidol. The growth-inhibiting effects of ancymidol and NDA were transitory and did not persist through a 180-day culture period. Shoots cultured on medium containing 10−5 m phosfon, TIBA, or difenzoquat were significantly shorter than control plants after a 180-day culture period. Culture on medium containing TIBA, NDA, ancymidol, or ACC resulted in abnormal leaf and stem development. Plants derived from nodal explants cultured on medium containing either phosfon or chlormequat were near normal in appearance but with some plants exhibiting interveinal chlorosis and reduced root system development. Received May 9, 1997; accepted August 14, 1997  相似文献   

The effect of putrescine (Put) on the growth and production of two coumarins, esculin and esculetin, in hairy roots of chicory (Cichorium intybus L. cv. Lucknow local) was examined. To study the role of Put on growth and production of coumarins, polyamine inhibitors, namely α-dl-difluromethylornithine and α-dl-difluromethylarginine were used at 1 mM concentration. Put treatment at 1.5 mM produced a 1.9-fold increase in the growth of hairy roots, as well as the production of esculin and esculetin. The treatments with polyamine (PA) inhibitors resulted in much lower growth and production of coumarins compared with both 1.5-mM Put treatment and the control. Both free and conjugated PAs were studied over the whole culture period, and conjugates of all three PAs, namely Put, spermidine, and spermine, were higher than free PAs throughout the culture period. The treatments with PA inhibitors showed lower levels of endogenous PAs compared with Put-treated samples. The treatment with 1.5 mM Put showed maximum accumulation of endogenous conjugated Put (2,098 ± 157 nmoles gm−1 fresh weight). The production of esculin and esculetin was strictly correlated with growth in all treatments. Put at 1.5 mM resulted in greater length of primary root (18.3 ± 1.4 cm) as compared with the control (11 ± 0.9 cm) and larger numbers of secondary and tertiary roots. Received July 14, 1999; accepted October 5, 1999  相似文献   

Endogenous Levels of Phenolics in Tomato Fruit during Growth and Maturation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in the metabolism of several types of phenolics in the pulp and pericarp of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit var. Ailsa Craig and Pik-Red were related to the stage of development. The highest levels of chlorogenic acid were found in the pulp and pericarp at the earliest stage of fruit development, and quantities declined rapidly during fruit ripening. Levels of rutin, found only in the pericarp, followed a similar pattern of change. The p-coumaric acid conjugate of rutin was found in low levels through fruit growth and ripening. High levels of p-coumaric acid glucoside were detected in the pulp only as the fruit matured with no rapid decline in levels during ripening. The decline of chlorogenic acid and rutin levels during fruit ripening paralleled the decline in indole-3-acetic acid levels measured previously in the pericarp tissues of these two varieties of tomato fruit during maturation. These phenolics are among those that have been suggested as regulants of auxin metabolism. Received April 30, 1996; accepted December 26, 1996  相似文献   

The transfer of potato ( Solanum tuberosum ) tubers from 10 to 1°C was associated with an initial decline in the rate of CO2 output followed by a rapid increase reaching, within some 12 days, a peak which was about 3‐fold higher than at 10°C. Thereafter the rate of CO2 evolution declined gradually for the duration of the experiment. The specific rate of mitochondrial O2 uptake decreased initially, followed by a rise to a level similar to that of mitochondria prepared from tubers stored at 10°C. Low temperature decreased by 30% the capacity of the cytochrome pathway while it sharply increased the capacity of the alternative pathway. Sucrose was the first sugar to accumulate at 1°C, followed after a delay of 6‐7 days by glucose and fructose. Low temperature induced within 4‐5 days a rise in amylase activity which increased by 10‐fold after 30 days. The increase was reflected in only two out of four existing isoforms. In addition a novel isoform of amylase was detected later in storage. The induction and the accumulation of invertase mRNA and extractable activity followed the increase in sucrose but preceded that of hexoses. The activity of starch phosphorylase isoforms was not affected by temperature. There was a 3‐fold increase in chlorogenic acid at 1°C. Hypoxia strongly inhibited the accumulation of sugars and chlorogenic acid, the increase in the amylase activity, and the appearance of the novel isoform. Low O2 totally suppressed the induction of invertase mRNA and increased the capacity of the alternative oxidase. It did not, however, prevent the decrease in cytochrome capacity; neither did it affect the activity of starch phosphorylase isoforms.  相似文献   

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