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The metabolism of [4-14C]-testosterone in the isolated perfused rat lungs was investigated following the administration of the substrate eithervia the pulmonary artery orvia the trachea. After administration of testosterone in the circulating medium, 3.5% of the hormone was metabolized to various unconjugated metabolites during a single passage through the pulmonary circulation. It so seems that the lungs, receiving all the cardiac output, are one of the major sites of androgen catabolism in the rat organism. The major metabolites were 5α- and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diols and various non-conjugated polar metabolites. After intratracheal instillation, testosterone was rapidly absorbed from rat lungs. Two minutes following installation, 62% of the dose was recovered from the lungs. Two thirds of this was present as metabolites.It is concluded that the lungs have an efficient metabolic capacity towards androgens. The availability of extractable substrate seems to be rate limiting for the pulmonary testosterone metabolism.  相似文献   

We examined the factors that influence the permeability characteristics of isolated perfused rat lungs and compared the ex vivo permeability-surface area product (PS) with that obtained in vivo. In lungs perfused for 20 min with homologous blood or a physiological salt solution (PSS) containing 4 g/100 ml albumin, mean PS values, obtained by the single-sample method of Kern et al. [Am. J. Physiol. 245 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 14): H229-H236, 1983], were 9.9 +/- 0.6 (SE) and 6.8 +/- 0.3 cm3.min-1.g wet lung-1.10(-2), respectively. These values were similar to lung PS obtained in intact rats (7.7 +/- 0.4 cm3.min-1.g wet lung-1.10(-2). In perfused lungs, PS values were influenced by the perfusate albumin concentration, the length of perfusion time, and the degree of vascular recruitment. Twenty minutes after lung isolation, PS was 126% higher in lungs perfused with albumin-free PSS containing Ficoll than in lungs perfused with albumin-PSS. Moreover, PS in Ficoll-PSS-perfused lungs increased even higher after 2 h of perfusion, and this time-dependent increase in PS was attenuated by addition of 0.1 g/100 ml albumin to the perfusate. Two hours of ex vivo ventilation with hypoxic (0 or 3% 0(2)) or hyperoxic (95% 0(2)) gas mixture did not affect PS values in perfused lungs. However, PS was elevated in lungs perfused ex vivo with protamine, which causes endothelial cell injury, or in lungs from rats exposed in vivo to human recombinant tumor necrosis factor.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Renal handling of glycyl-proline was studied in the isolated perfused rat kidney. Glycyl-proline disappeared from the perfusate as a function of time. The dipeptide was freely filtered at the glomerulus but only 6% of the filtered load was excreted in the urine as the intact peptide. More than 90% of the filtered dipeptide was reabsorbed as the intact peptide and/or its hydrolytic products. Non-filtration mechanisms were also involved to a significant extent in the clearance of the peptide. Hydrolysis at intratubular, intracellular and peritubular sites all contribute to the disappearance of the dipeptide from the perfusate, though the relative contributions of each mechanism are not known. Significant metabolic conversions, especially the conversion of glycine to serine, were also observed during perfusion.  相似文献   

1. Loading the isolated perfused liver from well-fed rats with xylitol (20mm) caused a depletion of adenine nucleotides and Pi and an accumulation of α-glycerophosphate. The ATP content fell to 66% of the control value after 10min and to 32% after 80min. The ADP and AMP contents also fell. After 80min 63% of the total adenine nucleotides and 59% of the Pi had been lost. 2. The α-glycerophosphate content rose from 0.13 to 4.74μmol/g at 10min and reached 8.02μmol/g at 40min. 3. Xylitol was rapidly metabolized, the main products being glucose, lactate and pyruvate. 4. The [lactate]/[pyruvate] ratio in the presence of xylitol rose to 30–40. 5. On perfusion of livers from starved animals the main product of xylitol metabolism was glucose and the mean ratio xylitol removed/glucose formed was 1.29 (corrected for endogenous glucose and lactate production). This is close to the predicted value of 1.2. 6. Evidence is presented indicating that the loss of adenine nucleotides caused by xylitol is not due to the increased ATP consumption but to the accumulation of α-glycerophosphate and depletion of Pi. 7. The loss of adenine nucleotides accounts for the hyperuricaemia which can occur after xylitol infusion in man. 8. The relevance of the findings to the clinical use of xylitol as an energy source is discussed.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate metabolism in the isolated perfused rat kidney   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1. Anaerobic formation of lactate from glucose by isolated perfused rat kidney (411mumol/h per g dry wt.) was three times as fast as in aerobic conditions (138mumol/h per g). 2. In aerobic or in anaerobic conditions, the ratio of lactate production to glucose utilization was about 2. 3. Starvation or acidosis caused a decline of about 30% in the rate of aerobic glycolysis. 4. The rate of formation of glucose from lactate by perfused kidney from a well-fed rat, in the presence of 5mm-acetoacetate (83mumol/h per g dry wt.), was of the same order as the rate of aerobic glycolysis. 5. During perfusion with physiological concentrations of glucose (5mm) and lactate (2mm) there were negligible changes in the concentration of either substrate. 6. Comparison of kidneys perfused with lactate, from well-fed or starved rats, showed no major differences in contents of intermediates of gluconeogenesis. 7. The tissue concentrations of hexose monophosphates and C(3) phosphorylated glycolytic intermediates (except triose phosphate) were decreased in anaerobic conditions. 8. Aerobic metabolism of fructose by perfused kidney was rapid: the rate of glucose formation was 726mumol/h per g dry wt. and of lactate formation 168mumol/h per g (dry wt.). Glycerol and d-glyceraldehyde were also released into the medium. 9. Aerobically, fructose generated high concentrations of glycolytic intermediates. 10. Anaerobic production of lactate from fructose (74mumol/h per g dry wt.) was slower than the aerobic rate. 11. In both anaerobic and aerobic conditions the ratio [lactate]/[pyruvate] in kidney or medium was lower during perfusion with fructose than with glucose. 12. These results are discussed in terms of the regulation of renal carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

1. Using the isolated perfused lung preparation we have demonstrated a low-activity ureolytic enzyme present in rodent lung tissue. The enzyme shares four characteristic features with jack bean urease (EC 2. Ureolytic activity was inhibited by fluoride ions and methionine hydroxamic acid; using the latter inhibitor, the I50 value and maximum inhibition were similar to those reported for jack bean urease. The apparent Km for rat lung urease was similar to the plasma urea level. 3. The low level of urease activity in the rat lung and in that of Notomys alexis, a desert rodent, suggests that the enzyme is not involved in urea excretion, rather that pulmonary ammonia production may influence fluid balance at the alveolus.  相似文献   

T E Nicholas  P A Kim 《Steroids》1975,25(3):387-402
Isolated perfused rat lungs removed more than 35% of 3-H-cortisone (1 times 10-9M) from the perfusate during one passage through the pulmonary circulation. The cortisone in the lungs was then rapidly converted to cortisol, which was returned to the perfusate. The tritiated steroid taken up was so rapidly washed from the lung, that only 10% remained after a 12 minute perfusion with steroid-free medium. In recirculating experiments, nearly 60% conversion to cortisol occurred over 32 cycles; in addition, there was a slow increase in the percentage of polar compounds in the medium. Similarly, the perfused hindlimbs preparation from the rat converted cortisone to cortisol and returned the cortisol to the perfusate. In contrast, guinea pig isolated perfused lungs had neglible effect on cortisone. Rat lungs demonstrated only a limited ability to convert 3-H-cortisol to cortisone. The results suggest that the lungs may play an important role in maintaining cortisone/cortisol levels in the plasma.  相似文献   

G Reach  H Nakane  Y Nakane  C Auzan  P Corvol 《Steroids》1977,30(5):621-635
The isolated perfused rat kidney allows a simultaneous kinetic study of both the renal metabolism and the urinary excretion of cortisol and its metabolites in the rat. In this system, cortisol was completely metabolized within 120 minutes. The main renal metabolites of cortisol (cortisone, 20 reduced cortisol and 20 reduced cortisone) were found in the recirculating perfusate and in urine. The formation of these metabolites was quantitatively evaluated and compared to a theoretical model.  相似文献   

N Simberg  P Uotila 《Prostaglandins》1983,25(5):629-638
The developmental pattern of fetal and neonatal rabbit lungs to metabolize arachidonic acid (AA) to different cyclo-oxygenase products was studied in isolated rabbit lungs, which were perfused with Krebs bicarbonate buffer. 14C-AA (66 nmol) was injected into the pulmonary circulation and the nonrecirculating perfusion effluent was collected for four minutes. About ten per cent of the injected radioactivity was found in the 0-4 min perfusion effluent. The metabolites of AA in the effluent were analyzed by thin layer chromatography. The major metabolites of AA were PGE2 and its 15-keto-derivates, but also PGF2 alpha and its 15-keto-derivates, TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha were found in the effluent. The most drastic developmental change was the increase in the amount of 15-keto-metabolites of PGE2 from late fetal period to the lungs of one day old rabbits (1.8 fold increase between birth and first postnatal day). Smaller changes were detected in the amounts of other cyclo-oxygenase products.  相似文献   

The developmental pattern of fetal and neonatal rabbit lungs to metabolize arachidonic acid (AA) to different cyclo-oxygenase products was studied in isolated rabbit lungs, which were perfused with Krebs bicarbonate buffer. 14C-AA (66 nmol) was injected into the pulmonary circulation and the nonrecirculating perfusion effluent was collected for four minutes. About ten per cent of the injected radioactivity was found in the 0–4 min perfusion effluent. The metabolites of AA in the effluent were analyzed by thin layer chromatography. The major metabolites of AA were PGE2 and its 15-keto-derivates, but also PGF and its 15-keto-derivates, TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF were found in the effluent. The most drastic developmental change was the increase in the amount of 15-keto-metabolites of PGE2 from late fetal period to the lungs of one day old rabbits (1.8 fold increase between birth and first postnatal day). Smaller changes were detected in the amounts of other cyclo-oxygenase products.  相似文献   

Surfactant cholesterol metabolism of the isolated perfused rat lung   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cuticle (0.15 to 0.5 microns thick) of the microscopic free-living nematode Panagrellus silusiae was isolated intact by incubating worms with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate at 37 degrees C overnight. After shearing and further treatment with detergent, electron microscopy revealed that the cuticular pieces were free of contaminating material and retained their characteristic in situ ultrastructure. From amino acid determinations, the cuticle is collagen-like with high levels of glycine (approximately equal to 31 residue %), proline (approximately equal to 20 residue %) and alanine (approximately equal to 21 residue %) although the hydroxyproline (2.6 residue %) content is low. Half-cystine (approximately equal to 1 residue %) is present in purified cuticles. Treatment with 8 M guanidine hydrochloride-2% beta-mercaptoethanol can solubilize more than 85% of the cuticular preparation. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the solubilized cuticles from juvenile, adult and old dead worms revealed, at least, 18 discrete components. Estimated molecular weights ranged from about 26 000 (peak 1) to 250 000 (peak 18).  相似文献   

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