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2006年4月至2007年4月在巴基斯坦克什米尔地区马希亚拉国家公园(Machiara National Park)对喜马拉雅灰叶猴(Semnopithecus entellus ajex)的栖息地利用和食性生物学进行研究。结果表明,冬天,叶猴首选的栖息地多为温暖湿润的针叶林和落叶林混交地区;夏天,它们则迁移至高海拔的亚高山灌木丛林里。喜马拉雅灰叶猴主要以植物的叶子为食,研究期间在该地区共发现49种被采食过的植物(夏季27种,冬季22种)。通过观察它们的所有食物,发现老叶(36.12%)比嫩叶(27.27%)更受欢迎,随后依次为果实17.00%、树根9.45%、树皮6.69%、花2.19%和根茎1.28%。  相似文献   

朱华 《云南植物研究》2008,30(3):308-314
茜草科粗叶木属植物是亚洲热带原始林下优势地位明显的一类灌木植物.依据标本资料和分类学修订,研究了东亚产粗叶木属植物33个种的地理分布式样,并将其划分为热带亚洲、东亚和中国特有3个分布区类型,其中热带亚洲分布型可以进一步划分为印度(喜马拉雅)至马来西亚分布、印度(喜马拉雅)至中国南部和大陆东南亚分布及中国南部至大陆东南亚分布3个亚型.中国粗叶木属植物中热带亚洲分布型占总种数的72.7%,显示了中国热带地区植物区系的热带亚洲亲缘.一些粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样暗示了中国-日本、中国-喜马拉雅森林植物区系的分区及物种形成,喜马拉雅(横断山)-台湾山地植物区系的联系及台湾-琉球-日本物种迁移通道.海南、台湾植物区系缺少特有种反映了它们的植物区系大陆性很强. 粗叶木属植物种类的分布式样对中国热带植物种分布区类型的划分提供了参考.  相似文献   

盐池湾自然保护区喜马拉雅雪鸡育雏栖息地选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闫永峰  包新康  刘迺发 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2270-2275
2005年4—7月,采用样方法和直接观察法,对甘肃省盐池湾自然保护区喜马拉雅雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)育雏期的栖息地选择进行了研究。共测量了16个正在觅食、未受到干扰的雪鸡育雏栖息地和14个阴阳坡的对比样方。研究表明,育雏期的喜马拉雅雪鸡主要选择在海拔3301—3600m之间、中坡及中坡以上的坡位、坡度11—30°之间的灌丛草地活动,这有利于雏鸟获得足够的食物供应和更好的保护后代。主成分分析表明,影响雪鸡育雏期栖息地选择的主要因子分为捕食因子和食物因子两类,其主要因子依次为灌丛长度、物种丰富度、地面异质性以及附近(500m内)的悬崖数量。喜马拉雅雪鸡对育雏栖息地的选择其实是最好的食物资源和最有利于逃避敌害之间的权衡,即捕食因子与食物因子之间权衡的结果,这可能是喜马拉雅雪鸡在长期演化过程中形成的一种避免被天敌捕食的行为适应,是高寒地区鸟类的一种生存策略。  相似文献   

乌叶猴属物种主要以一雄多雌的小群活动,其群体大小一般不超过20只。泰国东北部的印支灰叶猴生活在一雄多雌或多雄多雌群的小群中,而云南无量山的印支灰叶猴却生活在多雄多雌的大群中,有些群大小超过100只,但是对无量山印支灰叶猴的社会结构缺乏研究。2012年9月至2015年7月,在云南无量山国家级自然保护区大寨子片区开展一群习惯化印支灰叶猴的社会结构研究。采用10min间隔的焦点动物瞬时记录法,记录焦点成年雄性5 m范围内不同性别年龄个体的数量。观察期间共有594次准确识别焦点雄性5 m范围内其它个体年龄性别的有效数据 (至少有1只其他个体)。其中,焦点雄性周围出现其它成年雄性的几率为44.2%,数量为(0.62 ± 0.85)只;同时出现成年雄性和成年雌性的几率是32.5%。取食时焦点雄性周围出现其它雄性的比例 (60.0%) 和数量 (平均0.93只) 都大于休息和移动时,数量最多为5只成年雄性。结果表明该群灰叶猴的社会结构不是由多个OMU和AMU组成的重层社会,而是多雄多雌的社会结构。无量山印支灰叶猴群内成年雄性间相互容忍度较高,个体的空间分布在取食时尤其密集,说明无量山印支灰叶猴的食物丰富 (至少在某些季节),这也部分解释了为什么无量山印支灰叶猴能够生活在大群中。本文为进一步研究亚洲疣猴社会结构的多样性和进化提供了重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区犬蝠和棕果蝠食性的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
犬蝠和棕果蝠是西双版纳地区较为常见的两个果蝠物种,大多数时间内它们同域分布,共同利用当地许多野生果实。从2004年6月至12月,我们采用拾遗法、粪便分析法以及种子萌发鉴定法并结合雾网采样对西双版纳地区这两种果蝠的食性进行了初步研究。结果发现犬蝠利用11科18种植物的果实,2科2种植物的叶片;而棕果蝠利用9科12种植物的果实,1科1种植物的叶片。研究发现雨季(6-10月)两种果蝠食物类型在本地区重叠程度较高,它们共同利用的植物类型占记录植物类型总数的65%。在干旱季节(11-12月),棕果蝠避开与犬蝠在食物方面的竞争而去别的地力开拓食物资源。  相似文献   

河西荒漠子午沙鼠的生态学初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
子午沙鼠Meriones meridanus Pallas是一种荒漠、半荒漠地区的小型啮齿动物。研究子午沙鼠生态学对这些地区的开发利用和防治鼠害具有很大意义。1961年4月—6月,在甘肃酒泉黑山湖地区进行了子午沙鼠生态调查,结果如下:一、不同栖息地的分布与数量剖检从各种不同栖息地捕获的子午沙鼠36只,发现每只鼠胃内食物平均重3.1克,(1.5克~7克),一般为2.5~3.5克。鼠胃的内容物中黄色食糜(枸杞叶)占44.7%,绿色(盐爪爪的叶和茎的表皮、东蔷叶)占30.4%,白色和褐色及其他(主要是东蔷种子,部分为其根、茎的韧皮部)分别占8.5%和16.4%。在剖检鼠胃的过程中…  相似文献   

甘肃鼠兔贮草越冬及其生物学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对采自草甸、灌丛和弃耕地3 种类型栖息地共27 个甘肃鼠兔草堆的研究结果表明, 每个草堆干重在23.8~984.2 g 之间, 平均184.2 g , 总计含有26 种双子叶植物和一些禾本科单子叶植物。分析显示, 草堆大小(食物重量) 与栖息地植被类型无关。在贮存干草堆时, 甘肃鼠兔对不同植物成分具有强烈的选择性, 其中, 单子叶植物和双子叶植物分别占总重量的8.06 %和84.61 % , 与它们各自在栖息地中的生物量百分比51.76 %和39.57 %形成鲜明对照。甘肃鼠兔对植物种类的选择性在一定程度上受栖息地植被类型的影响, 但最喜食的几种植物却基本不变, 它们是美丽风毛菊、棘豆、麻花艽、禾草、线叶龙胆。人工去除栖息地中的干草堆后, 甘肃鼠兔种群越冬存活率从对照样地的51.84 %下降到21.33 % , 表明草堆食物对其成功越冬有一定正效应。野外观察证实, 甘肃鼠兔的鸣声不及同域分布的高原鼠兔发达, 但前者具有贮存食物越冬的习性, 而后者却不贮存越冬食物, 此结果不支持“鼠兔类动物建立草堆的行为与鸣声行为平行发育”的观点。  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄栖息地植被多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2003年6~7月,采用样方法,对野生扬子鳄在安徽省南陵县、泾县、广德县、郎溪县和宣城地区等5县市的22个栖息地的植被进行了野外实地调查,并对植物种类作了详细的记录和分析,结果发现,野生扬子鳄栖息地植被均属于次生性植被,共有维管束植物92科294种;苦竹(Pteioblastus amarus)灌丛广泛分布于每个栖息地;22个调查点的植被多样性存在一定的差异.同时还初步分析了野生扬子鳄与栖息地植被多样性之间的关系,为野生扬子鳄的保护提供植物生态学基础资料。  相似文献   

张碧波  常艳芬  陆树刚   《广西植物》2006,26(3):268-272
对云南水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的区系地理进行了研究。云南水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的地理成分已进行了划分,与邻近地区的区系联系也进行了比较,其区系起源也作了探讨。结果表明(1)云南是中国水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的现代地理分布中心;(2)云南至喜马拉雅地区是水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物区系的分化中心;(3)云南水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物区系与四川、喜马拉雅地区和西藏的区系联系最密切;(4)水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的起源中心可能在亚洲热带地区,但其分化中心则可能在云南西北部至喜马拉雅地区。最后列出云南水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的系统名录。  相似文献   

神农架川金丝猴栖息地优势树种生态位及食源植物   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文采用定量分析法, 研究了湖北神农架千家坪地区川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecus roxellana) 现生栖息地优势树种的生态位宽度、生态位重叠和生态位相似比例, 分析了优势树种生态位对神农架川金丝猴生存的影响。结果如下:1) 在64000m2的样方中, 木本植物255种, 隶属于44科105属, 其中乔木23科51属129种, 灌木22科49属113种, 木质藤本7科9属13种。优势科主要有蔷薇科、樟科、槭树科、忍冬科、壳斗科和四照花科等。2) 生态位宽度在栖息地森林群落乔木层中最高的为红桦 (Betula albo-sinensis) (5.261), 华山松 (Pinus armandii) (4.545) 、巴山冷杉 (Abiesfargesii) (4.289) 和糙皮桦 (Betula utilis) (3.256) 次之;灌木层中最高的为红晕杜鹃 (Rhododendron erubescens) (2.245), 多枝柳 (Salixpolyclona) (2.064) 、华中山楂 (Crataegus wilsonii) (1.508) 和陇东海棠 (Malus kansuensis) (1.453) 次之。3) 主要树种生态位宽度大于1的有30种, 占总数的11.67%, 其中21种是川金丝猴食源植物, 占神农架川金丝猴食源植物总数的10.40%;重要值排名前25位的树种中, 18种为食源植物, 占重要值总和的74.50%。4) 优势种的生态位重叠值在0.4以上的有7对种群;大部分种群的生态位相似性比值在0~0.3之间, 占全部种对的83.82%。结果表明, 神农架川金丝猴栖息地植物组成复杂, 优势种多为食源植物;优势种的生境高度相似、生态位多有重叠、种间竞争较为激烈, 将导致现有栖息地森林群落结构及植物组成发生变化, 食源植物短缺, 甚至栖息地面积缩减等现象, 这些都会影响川金丝猴的生存。因此, 加强保护神农架千家坪川金丝猴现生栖息地森林为川金丝猴创造适宜生存空间迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

2005 ~2008 年于陕西省青木川自然保护区使用瞬时扫描法观察了川金丝猴的食性。结果表明,川金丝猴冬季和夏季共取食42 种植物,可鉴定植物归属23 科34 属。川金丝猴食物类型包括果实、花、树叶、树皮、树芽。夏季取食21 种植物的果实或树叶;冬季取食25 种植物。树叶是其冬季主要食物,取食频次占总取食频次的73.0% ;夏季取食果实的频次占总取食频次的72.2% ,灯台树果实是其主要食物。啃食树皮行为主要发生在落叶阔叶林、针叶林与落叶阔叶混交林;在常绿和落叶阔叶混交林中,树皮啃食强度则相对较小。与其它地区金丝猴的食性比较,该地区川金丝猴食物谱较宽。蔷薇科和壳斗科植物在川金丝猴食物组成中最多,杨柳科、桦木科、山茱萸科、槭树科和忍冬科植物也取食较多。  相似文献   

2013年3月至2014年2月,在秦岭南坡观音山自然保护区大坪峪颜家沟内选取一群半野生川金丝猴的成年个体作为研究对象,采用瞬时扫描取样法收集其觅食的食物类型数据,目的是为该猴群建立食谱,并通过对比不同季节内觅取的食物组成差异探讨秦岭南坡川金丝猴如何应对喜食食物的季节性缺乏。结果表明:秦岭南坡川金丝猴共采食53种植物(包括34种乔木、13种灌木、6种藤本植物)和4种大型真菌,分别占取食植物组成的64.3%、25.3%、8.0%和2.2%,春、夏、秋、冬季节取食种类和多样性指数分别为20种(3.93)、19种(3.73)、21种(3.87)和25种(4.12)。在秦岭南坡川金丝猴的食物组成中,地衣占总觅食记录的22%;树叶占20%,其中嫩叶9%和成熟叶11%;种子、树皮、芽苞、果实和叶柄分别占16%、15%、11%、 9%和7%。该猴群觅取的植物部位具有明显的季节性差异。春季,对树皮和芽苞的觅食量较高,分别为28%和25%;夏季,增加了对成熟叶的采食量(29%),而减少了芽苞的觅取量(5%);秋季,以取食种子和果实为主,分别占总觅食的48% 和16%;冬季,地衣的采食量达到最大值(41%)。觅食的食物组成与食物的可获得性呈正相关性(R = 0.984, P < 0.01),这与大多数叶猴的适应策略类似,在喜食食物短缺的冬季,它们选择更多的地衣和树皮为食,同时它们采食的种类和食物多样性也有相应增加。  相似文献   

The species composition and aboveground biomass of plant and lichens and the composition of reindeer and musk ox diet in the arctic tundra of Wrangel Island were studied in 2004 to 2007. The above-ground phytomass in different areas of the island varied from 1105 to 2100 kg/ha. The composition of plants consumed by reindeer and musk oxen and their proportions in the diet were determined by standard micro-histological analysis of plant remains in their feces. The results showed that, either in winter or in summer, both species obviously preferred feeding on willows (Salicaceae), which comprised almost half of their diet. Moreover, their feeding was highly selective, especially with respect to sedges and rushes (Cyperaceae + Juncaceae) and legumes (Fabaceae). Although the contributions of these plant groups to the total aboveground phytomass were very small (less than 4 and 8%), their proportions in the diet reached 27 and 24%, respectively. Mosses were not a preferred forage: their proportion in the aboveground phytomass reached 40%, but that in the diets of both species was below 10% in summer and increased to 20% only in the winter diet of reindeer. At a high abundance of lichens (up to 20% of the aboveground phytomass), neither of the animals consumed them during the study period.  相似文献   

In order to understand the ecological adaptations of primates to survive in temperate forests, we need to know the general patterns of plant phenology in temperate and tropical forests. Comparative analyses have been employed to investigate general trends in the seasonality and abundance of fruit and young leaves in tropical and temperate forests. Previous studies have shown that (1) fruit fall biomass in temperate forest is lower than in tropical forest, (2) non-fleshy species, in particular acorns, comprise the majority of the fruit biomass in temperate forest, (3) the duration of the fruiting season is shorter in temperate forest, and (4) the fruiting peak occurs in autumn in most temperate forests. Through our comparative analyses of the fruiting and flushing phenology between Asian temperate and tropical forests, we revealed that (1) fruiting is more annually periodic (the pattern in one year is similar to that seen in the next year) in temperate forest in terms of the number of fruiting species or trees, (2) there is no consistent difference in interannual variations in fruiting between temperate and tropical forests, although some oak-dominated temperate forests exhibit extremely large interannual variations in fruiting, (3) the timing of the flushing peak is predictable (in spring and early summer), and (4) the duration of the flushing season is shorter. The flushing season in temperate forests (17–28 % of that in tropical forests) was quite limited, even compared to the fruiting season (68 %). These results imply that temperate primates need to survive a long period of scarcity of young leaves and fruits, but the timing is predictable. Therefore, a dependence on low-quality foods, such as mature leaves, buds, bark, and lichens, would be indispensable for temperate primates. Due to the high predictability of the timing of fruiting and flushing in temperate forests, fat accumulation during the fruit-abundant period and fat metabolization during the subsequent fruit-scarce period can be an effective strategy to survive the lean period (winter).  相似文献   

Although goats are common domestic browsers in African savannas, factors that affect their diet selection and food intake rate are poorly understood. This study used a cafeteria-style experimental procedure to investigate the effects of season and breed on browse species intake rates and browse species preference by Boer and Nguni goats in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape. Six browse species that commonly occur in the study area were used: Grewia occidentalis L. (Tiliaceae), Scutia myrtina (Burm. f.) Kurz (Rhamnaceae), Diospyros lycioides Desf. subsp. lycioides (Ebenaceae), Rhus longispina Eckl. and Zeyh. (Anacardiaceae), Ehretia rigida (Thunb.) Druce (Boraginaceae) and Acacia karroo Hayne (Fabaceae=Leguminosae). Cut branches were offered to goats during winter and summer and instantaneous intake rates and preferences were measured. There were no significant differences between Boer goats and Nguni goats in dry matter intake rates per unit metabolic body weight and in preferences of the six browse species, suggesting a potential for competition should the resources become limiting. However, the intake rates of Nguni goats increased by 50% from winter to summer, while intake rates of Boer goats increased by 87%. The mean intake rate was 69% higher in summer than in winter. Intake rates varied among all browse species, except A. karroo and R. longispina. Intake rates of D. lycioides, G. occidentalis and S. myrtina were higher than those of the other three species. Intake rates tended to increase more among deciduous species than evergreen species in summer, but the effect was not consistent. Likewise, intake rate within seasons was not consistently related to leaf phenology; intake rate of deciduous species was neither lower nor higher than that of evergreen species at any time. However, the increased intake rate in summer was consistent among those deciduous and evergreen species that produce all their new leaves on new long shoots, as opposed to species that produce their new leaves on old short shoots. The consequence of the two shoot morphologies for the browsing animal is that browseable material in the former group consists of shoots and leaves, but in the latter group consists mostly of leaves only. G. occidentalis and S. myrtina were the two most preferred species. Deciduous species were not consistently more preferred than evergreen. In accordance with optimal foraging theory, nutrient intake rates consistently explained preference in winter and summer. Species that offered the highest rates of nutrient intake were most preferred.  相似文献   

元江干热河谷植物叶片解剖和养分含量特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了元江干热河谷旱田植物(旱季可浇灌,水分较好)和山坡半萨王纳植被中(自然状况,水分较差)共20种的叶片形态解剖特征,以及7种山坡植物叶片养分含量特征.结果表明,山坡植物叶片比叶重大,气孔密度大,气孔长度小,海绵组织/栅栏组织的值小等.元江干热河谷山坡植物叶片养分含量低,1.3%>Ca>N>K>1%>Mg>P>S.除氮元素外,其它元素种间差别1~3倍.与热带植物群落叶片养元素含量相比,热带雨林>元江山坡植物>东南亚沙地旱生林和巴西矮卡廷加群落,表明元江干热河谷植物叶片具有明显的旱生性形态解剖特征,且叶片养分含量也较低.  相似文献   

Expectations of increases in human population growth and accelerated habitat loss, along with the realization that efforts to provide protection for ecosystems that sustain primates have met with limited success, make it critical that conservation plans are grounded firmly in scientific observation. Studies of the diet breadth and feeding behavior of endangered species, therefore, are critical for understanding ecological adaptations and developing a conservation strategy. The diet and feeding ecology of gray snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi) were studied in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China. The monkeys were found to consume 107 different species of trees, shrubs, and ground plants from 58 genera and 28 families. Food items included young leaves, mature leaves, flowers, fruits/seeds, buds, and insects. Among these food items, there were at least 13 evergreen species of tree and liana, 3 species of grasses, and at least 2 kinds of invertebrates collected from decayed wood. Diet varied markedly throughout different seasons. Overall, diet composition (based on feeding records) was 15.3% buds, 25.5% young leaves, 21.8% mature leaves, 9.4% flowers, 21.6% fruits/seeds, and 6.3% other items. The monkeys feed mainly on young leaves and flowers in spring, unripe fruits/seeds and young leaves in summer, ripe fruits/seeds in autumn, and mature leaves and buds in winter. We propose that when inhabiting forests of lower elevation and greater vegetation complexity, R. brelichi is characterized by expanded diet breadth and includes a greater diversity of food types and plant species in its diet. One food type that appears critical to the diet of this species, especially during the winter, are the buds of Magnolia sprengeri. To protect this resource we advocate working with local communities to limit the collection of M. sprengeri, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine and has high economic value for people in the reserve.  相似文献   

2002 年4 ~11 月,在蜂桶寨自然保护区对小熊猫的觅食特征和营养对策进行了研究,并采用Vanderloeg 和Scavia 选择指数Ei衡量小熊猫对竹笋和竹茎年龄的选择程度。结果表明,小熊猫食物由竹叶(70.5% )、竹笋(22.1% )、野果(7.2% )以及毛(0.2% )等组成。小熊猫几乎全以冷箭竹为食,未发现采食短锥玉山竹。春季食物主要由竹叶和竹笋组成,夏秋季主要由竹叶和果实组成,而冬季以竹叶为主。小熊猫对竹笋、竹叶的觅食具有很强的选择性。基径在3 mm 以上被采食竹笋,Ei的值为0.071 9 ~0. 094 4,竹高在10 ~70 cm 未被采食竹笋, Ei 的值为0.149 6 ~0.1989。对不同年龄竹茎和竹叶的选择在各个月份间存在变化,4 ~6 月一年生、二年生和多年生竹竹叶Ei分别为0. 036 2 、0.224 8 和0.487 6, 7 ~8 月三者Ei分别为0.0071、0.0027 和0. 0098,9~11 月特别喜食当年生老笋上的竹叶(Ei =0.552 1)。此外,小熊猫在6 ~ 8 月还特别喜食已展开(53.4% )和未展开的卷曲嫩叶(36.3% ),不喜食较老的竹叶(10.3% )。小熊猫的食性及其对食物的选择体现了在长期进化过程中觅食对策的优化,可最大化觅食过程中的物质或能量摄入。  相似文献   

岳梅  罗晨  郭晓军  张芝利 《昆虫学报》2006,49(4):625-629
利用刺吸电波技术(EPG)记录了B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci在甘蓝Brassica oleracea L. var. caqitata、西葫芦Cucurbita pepo L.和辣椒Capsicum annuum L.上的刺吸取食波形。结果表明,3种寄主植物的适合度为甘蓝>西葫芦>辣椒。在所观察的25头烟粉虱中,到达甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒韧皮部的个体数分别为24、19和15,其中持续吸食头数为22、10和1。在第一阶段(从刺吸开始到第一个E(pd)1出现),烟粉虱在甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒3种植物上非刺探时间所占比例分别为9.59%、23.55%和36.97%,三者差异显著; 在第二阶段(从第一个E(pd)1出现到第一次韧皮部持续吸食),烟粉虱在甘蓝和西葫芦上所考察的4个指标无显著差异; 在第三阶段(从第一次韧皮部持续吸食至记录结束),烟粉虱在甘蓝上第一次韧皮部持续吸食后的刺探次数(4.73)显著低于在西葫芦上的刺探次数(13.40)。在自由状态下,烟粉虱60 min内在甘蓝、西葫芦和辣椒上留存粉虱的百分比分别为100%、88%和28%,这进一步验证了上述依据EPG记录得到的结果。  相似文献   

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