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A new sand-dwelling ciliate, Discotricha papillifera n.g., n.sp., is described and allocated to the trichostome family Trichopelmidae. The species seems to be one of the most highly differentiated members of the family. The peculiar type of its body ciliature and of its buccal structures suggests affinities with certain other major groups of ciliated protozoa; from an evolutionary point of view the organism appears to show close relationship to the gymnostome family Chlamydodontidae.  相似文献   

Hourly development during a normal day of photosynthesis, transpiration, leaf and root respiration, and of N.P.K nutrition in Zea mays. Metabolism of Zea mays L. cv. INRA F7×F2 can be measured hourly with the “C23A system”, under favourable and constant growth conditions. The photosynthesis is especially stable and is submitted only to a development linked with the leaf surface growth. During the vegetative stage the leaf surface increases regularly both in the day and in the night. The water loss does not change during the diurnal period and remains important during the night if humidity is less than 100%. The leaf respiration is nearly stable. The root respiration, measured with O2 and CO2, fluctuates according to a typical rhythm with two maxima. Day and night mean rates were about the same. The respiratory quotient is about one during the vegetative stage. There is no decrease in the rate of phosphate absorption during the night, and a very small decrease in the rate of nitrate absorption. Ammonium is totally consumed in the first hours after renewal of the nutrient solution. At the same time the potassium consumption is decreased, and then presents a maximum followed by a night reduction. Under our conditions, all of the observations allowed us to assume the presence of an adequate reserve of assimilates and suggest the existence of a precise regulation process, which can ensure an even day night functioning of the plant metabolism, but which does not preclude the presence of internal rhythms, as indicated by the oscillation of the root respiration.  相似文献   

A study of the origin and development of the bony complex ("dentaire" s.l.) later forming the anterior part of the mandible of Salmo fario leads to the following conclusions: (1) various modes of ossifications occur in the ontogeny of this bony complex, (2) the main component is the dermal (dento-splénial) whereas the enchondral one (mentomeckelien) is much reduced, (3) the proposed term "dento-splénio-mentomeckelien" focuses attention, at the same time, on the order of appearance and relative importance of the two components.  相似文献   

In oncology, positron emission computed tomography (PET/CT) has become an essential tool for initial staging, response evaluation and follow-up of cancer patients. Most of the frequent tumors (lung, breast, esophagus, and lymphomas) are highly avid for 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG), but prostate cancer has not demonstrated significant uptake of FDG. The development of new tracers labeled with 18F such as choline analogs allowed already to obtain interesting results particularly in patients with biological relapse and inconclusive conventional imaging work-up. The impact of 18F-flurocholine PET/CT on patient management needs to be validated in large studies, but many centers use already this examination in order to guide further management, including radiotherapy planning.  相似文献   

RESUME. L'individualisation de 2 spores bicellulaires à partir d'un měme pansporoblaste caractérise la sporulation du parasite de l'Amphipode Orchestia gammarellus (Pallas) précédemment décrit sous le nom de Marteilia sp. Cette sporulation le distingue des espèces du měme genre parasite d'Hutres qui sont toutes caractérisées par la production de spores tricellulaires. Les conditions semblables dans lesquelles les pansporoblastes paraissent se differencier à partir d'une cellule souche dans laquelle ils poursuivent leur évolution vers la sporogenèse ainsi que divers caractères cytologiques communs, nous incitent à maintenir tous ces parasites dans une měme famille mais à placer celui de l'Amphipode dans un genre différent. Nous proposons de le nommer Paramarteilia orchestiae gen. n., sp. n.
Ces parasites ne peuvent ětre maintenus dans les Protozoaires en raison de leur évolution vers la pluricellularité et de l'individualisation de ces éléments somatiques que représentent la cellule souche primaire, les pansporoblastes et cellules sporales (à l'exception des sporoplasmes). Il semble logique de les inclure dans l'embranchement des Myxozoaires créé par Grassé pour les Myxosporidies et Actinomyxidies qui différencient également des spores pluricellulaires et des éléments somatiques. Les centrioles à 9 singlets de P. orchestiae ainsi que les cellules primaires uninucléées, quel que soit le nombre de pansporoblastes qu'elles contiennent, peuvent ětre considérés comme des caractères résiduels d'Unicellulaires.  相似文献   

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