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The conservation status of the hen harrier Circus cyaneus in Britain, and its pivotal role in the raptor–grouse moor conflict, has rendered research on the factors influencing its population dynamics of crucial importance. Using over 20 years of data, we examine influences on the reproductive output of the small, but recently expanding, population of Welsh hen harriers. Productivity (fledglings per breeding attempt) has steadily increased with time, being the highest in recent years. Available evidence suggested that food availability could not account for these recent increases. Human interference (apparently, largely or entirely in the form of nest destruction by grouse moor gamekeepers) had a large influence on productivity, despite being restricted to a minority of the breeding population. This negative effect, and a positive effect of May temperature, was most influential on variation in breeding productivity. This study quantifies, for the first time, that cessation of persecution can result in a marked improvement in hen harrier reproductive output. Nest predation by red foxes Vulpes vulpes had no effect on variation in breeding productivity and there was no evidence that control of fox numbers by gamekeepers compensated for their depression of productivity through destroying harrier nests. Our analyses also indicated that gamekeepers probably destroyed an unknown number of nests before they were discovered. We argue that a low proportion of territorial females that apparently breed, in cases when clutch size and fledged brood size are high, may be an indication of persecution. The recent increase in the breeding productivity of Welsh harriers has probably been influential in the recent recovery of the Welsh harrier population and has apparently been due to a combination of cessation of human interference and warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

J. T. GARCIA  & B. E. ARROYO 《Ibis》2005,147(1):144-154
Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus and Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus are medium-sized raptors that differ in size (Hen Harrier being slightly bigger than Montagu's Harrier) and breeding system (Montagu's Harriers are semi-colonial and Hen Harriers defend nesting–hunting territories). In contrast, the diets of the two species when in sympatry are very similar. We evaluated food-niche differentiation among these coexisting raptor species and how between-species differences in body size and social system influence interspecific relationships. We present data from a study conducted in 1997 and 1998 in northeastern Madrid province (central Spain). Diet of the two species largely overlapped (55–95%) during the breeding season, but Hen Harriers preyed more often on larger species. This segregation was observed both in the average size of the primary prey (lagomorphs) and in the alternative prey (birds for Hen Harriers vs. insects for Montagu's Harriers), and was particularly apparent late in the season. Accordingly, feeding frequency of Montagu's Harriers, but not of Hen Harriers, increased later in the season. Size differences between species in prey brought to the nest were apparent for both males and females. Foraging behaviour also differed, as Hen Harriers spent more time hunting close to the nest than did Montagu's Harriers. This implies that segregation in foraging areas may also exist. Observed niche partitioning may relax the potential for competition between these species.  相似文献   

Variables such as weather or other abiotic factors should have a higher influence on demographic rates in border areas than in central areas, given that climatic adaptation might be important in determining range borders. Similarly, for a given area, the relationship between weather and reproduction should be dissimilar for species which are in the centre of their breeding range and those that are near the edge. We tested this hypothesis on two sympatric ground‐nesting raptors, the hen harrier Circus cyaneus and the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus in Madrid, central Spain, where the hen harrier is at the southern edge of its breeding range in the western Palearctic and the Montagu's harrier is central in its distribution. We examined the reproductive success of both species during an 8‐yr period, and looked at the influence of the most stressful abiotic factors in the study area (between‐year variation in rainfall and within‐year variation in temperature) on reproductive parameters. In the hen harrier, low levels of rainfall during the breeding season had a negative influence on annual fledging success and thus on population fledgling production. The relationship between rainfall and reproduction was probably mediated through food abundance, which in Mediterranean habitat depends directly on rainfall levels. In the Montagu's harrier, no negative effect of dry seasons on productivity was found. Additionally, in the hen harrier, the proportion of eggs that did not hatch in each clutch increased with higher temperatures during the incubation period. No such relationship was found in the Montagu's harrier. We interpret these between‐species differences in terms of differences of breeding range and adaptations to the average conditions existing there. Hen harriers, commonest at northern latitudes, are probably best adapted to the most typical conditions at those latitudes, and have probably not developed thermoregulatory or behavioural mechanisms to cope with drought and high temperatures in Mediterranean habitats, in contrast to Montagu's harrier. Thus hen harrier distribution might be constrained by these variables, due to lower reproductive success or higher reproductive costs. Accordingly, a logistic regression analysis of the presence or absence of both species in 289 random points throughout the western Palearctic showed that the distribution of both species was related to temperature, but the relationship was in opposite directions for the two species: hen harriers had lower probability of breeding in areas with higher temperature (as expected in a species with a more northerly distribution).  相似文献   

Jarosław Wiącek 《Biologia》2006,61(5):593-595
Aggressive behaviour of Montagu’s harrier was observed during the pre-laying period in the 1992–1995 seasons on the calcareous marshes of Chelm in Eastern Poland. In total, 435 flights performed by 24 pairs of individually marked harriers were analysed. All flights were performed in relation to the territory of defence. Males performed 61% of aggressive interactions while females performed 39%. Intraspecific and interspecific aggression comprising direct attacks (58%), escorts (13%), pursuits (28%) and “mirror behaviour” (1%) were described for the first time. Interspecific aggressive behaviour occurred only near territory boundaries. The main intruders were marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus breeding on the same marshes. Occasionally, harriers attacked curlews Numenius arquata, short-eared owls Asio flammeus, magpies Pica pica, hooded crows Corvus corone cornix, common buzzards Buteo buteo or hobbies Falco subbuteo. Four cases of communal mobbing were observed. Three to five males from the neighbourhood attacked the intruders together. Intraspecific aggressive behaviour was observed in the pair territory, near the boundary or at a distance of up to 100 m from the defended area. Aggressive interactions performed by both sexes were more frequent towards birds of the same sex. Females defended their territories more aggressively against females. Similarly, males were more aggressive against males. All cases of aggressive behaviour were observed near harrier territories. Aggressive relations between birds outside breeding territories or when foraging around marshes were not observed.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, great tits show aggression to protect their nest from intra‐ and interspecific intruders. Aggression is a labile trait that can be plastically expressed as a result of individual differences (e.g., personality), seasonal gradients in the costs and benefits of aggression, or other environmental components (e.g., number of competitors). Competitors may try to take over great tit nests, because the number of suitable nesting sites is limited, and great tits may guard high quality territories. Taking over a great tit nest may be especially fruitful in early phenological stages (egg laying) when great tits frequent their nests less often. However, great tits may compensate for this vulnerability by being more aggressive toward intruders during early nesting stages, a pattern that has already been established in an intraspecific context. Previous studies have shown that interspecific intruders were most likely to die from great tit aggression during great tit egg laying, suggesting great tits may also be more aggressive during this phase in an interspecific context. Here, I tested this hypothesis with simulated territorial intrusions in great tit territories using taxidermized blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus (hereafter called blue tit models). Great tit aggression (number of calls and approach distance toward blue tit model) was assayed during egg laying, incubation, and chick rearing in the breeding season of 2014. Although sample size was low due to a high fraction of non‐responders (n = 44 out of 89 assays across 26 out of 35 individuals), I found that great tits showed a seasonal decline in aggressiveness, which is congruent with intraspecific results on this study species. I discuss my findings in the context of differential adjustment to climate change between interspecific competitors.  相似文献   

Discussions about social behavior are generally limited to fitness effects of interactions occurring between conspecifics. However, many fitness relevant interactions take place between individuals belonging to different species. Our detailed knowledge about the role of hormones in intraspecific interactions provides a starting point to investigate how far interspecific interactions are governed by the same physiological mechanisms. Here, we carried out standardized resident–intruder (sRI) tests in the laboratory to investigate the relationship between androgens and both intra- and interspecific aggression in a year-round territorial coral reef fish, the dusky gregory, Stegastes nigricans. This damselfish species fiercely defend cultivated algal crops, used as a food source, against a broad array of species, mainly food competitors, and thus represent an ideal model system for comparisons of intra-and interspecific territorial aggression. In a first experiment, resident S. nigricans showed elevated territorial aggression against intra- and interspecific intruders, yet neither elicited a significant increase in androgen levels. However, in a second experiment where we treated residents with flutamide, an androgen receptor blocker, males but not females showed decreased aggression, both towards intra- and interspecific intruders. Thus androgens appear to affect aggression in a broader territorial context where species identity of the intruder appears to play no role. This supports the idea that the same hormonal mechanism may be relevant in intra- and interspecific interactions. We further propose that in such a case, where physiological mechanisms of behavioral responses are found to be context dependent, interspecific territorial aggression should be considered a social behavior.  相似文献   

Permanent female mimicry, in which adult males express a female phenotype, is known only from two bird species. A likely benefit of female mimicry is reduced intrasexual competition, allowing female-like males to access breeding resources while avoiding costly fights with typical territorial males. We tested this hypothesis in a population of marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus in which approximately 40 per cent of sexually mature males exhibit a permanent, i.e. lifelong, female plumage phenotype. Using simulated territorial intrusions, we measured aggressive responses of breeding males towards conspecific decoys of females, female-like males and typical males. We show that aggressive responses varied with both the type of decoys and the type of defending male. Typical males were aggressive towards typical male decoys more than they were towards female-like male decoys; female-like male decoys were attacked at a rate similar to that of female decoys. By contrast, female-like males tolerated male decoys (both typical and female-like) and directed their aggression towards female decoys. Thus, agonistic responses were intrasexual in typical males but intersexual in female-like males, indicating that the latter not only look like females but also behave like them when defending breeding resources. When intrasexual aggression is high, permanent female mimicry is arguably adaptive and could be seen as a permanent 'non-aggression pact' with other males.  相似文献   

通过对波兰东南部的13巢乌灰鹞(Circus pygargus) ,37只雏鸟观察,对同窝雏鸟间的竞争进行了研究。无论是在食物的数量或者生物量上,早孵出的雏鸟占有空中喂养与巢内喂养的食物源的绝对优势。空中学习捕食的食物量占喂养食物量的比例随着雏鸟年龄的增长而增加。雏鸟在空中喂养中的攻击行为通过对空中食物传递进行研究。在370次的食物传递中,由于雏间竞争而引起的落地食物的比例57次(7·8 %)。由于雏间竞争而不能获得亲鸟喂养的幼鸟有时捕食周围的雀形目小鸟。亲鸟很少喂养较小的雏鸟。窝雏数越大,雏鸟间对食物的争斗持续时间越长。空中食物传递中捕食的成功率与雏鸟的空间分布相关。这种建立在雏鸟早期的等级制一直持续到雏鸟的出羽后期,从而保证早出雏具备开始迁徙的良好身体条件[动物学报51 (5) : 790 -796 ,2005]。  相似文献   

Human‐wildlife conflict is one of the greatest barriers to effective conservation. The recovery of the hen harrier Circus cyaneus in the United Kingdom has been limited due to illegal persecution, a consequence of the raptors’ predation on the economically valuable game‐bird, the red grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus. To improve management of the system it is necessary to understand the interactions between the two species in their broader community context. We therefore developed a multi‐species model in which the life history and interactions of each of the two bird species are described through linked process models. This model was fit to population data using a Bayesian state–space framework and used to investigate the effectiveness of a conflict–mitigation technique known as diversionary feeding, in which harrier nests are provided with food in an attempt to reduce consumption of grouse chicks. To explore the utility of diversionary feeding we specified four scenarios in which 1) harriers were absent from the system, 2) there was no diversionary feeding of harriers, 3) only a portion of the harrier nests were provided with diversionary food and 4) all nests were provided with diversionary food. The results from fitting the model under the different scenarios were used to determine the strength of harriers’ impact on grouse density, as well as the effectiveness of diversionary feeding. Given the lack of information on other grouse predators and only two years of data on supplementary feeding, our results need to be implanted with caution. However, we found theoretical support for the hen harriers’ suppression of grouse cycle amplitude and average density. Furthermore, our results suggest that on grouse estates where diversionary feeding is the only active management, diversionary feeding is only marginally successful and not sufficient to mitigate the consequences of hen harrier predation on red grouse chicks.  相似文献   

Seasonal plasticity in aggression is likely to be shaped by the contexts in which aggression is beneficial, as well as the constraints inherent in its underlying mechanisms. In males, seasonal plasticity in testosterone (T) secretion is thought to underlie seasonal plasticity in conspecific aggression, but it is less clear how and why female aggression may vary across different breeding stages. Here, we integrate functional and mechanistic perspectives to begin to explore seasonal patterns of conspecific aggression in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a songbird with intense female–female competition and T‐mediated aggression. Female tree swallows elevate T levels during early breeding stages, coinciding with competition for nest boxes, after which time T levels are roughly halved. However, females need to defend ownership of their nesting territory throughout the breeding season, suggesting it may be adaptive to maintain aggressive capabilities, despite low T levels. We performed simulated territorial intrusions using 3D‐printed decoys of female tree swallows to determine how their aggressive response to a simulated intrusion changes across the breeding season. First, we found that 3D‐printed decoys produce data comparable to stage‐matched studies using live decoys, providing researchers with a new, more economical method of decoy construction. Further, female aggressiveness remained relatively high through incubation, a period of time when T levels are quite low, suggesting that other mechanisms may regulate conspecific female aggression during parental periods. By showing that seasonal patterns of female aggression do not mirror the established patterns of T levels in this highly competitive bird, our findings provide a unique glimpse into how behavioural mechanisms and functions may interact across breeding stages to regulate plasticity.  相似文献   

Synopsis The relative importance of intraspecific competition and interspecific competition with killifish on the breeding activities of territorial male pupfish was investigated in two populations. Compared to Lake Francis, pupfish densities in Mirror Lake were higher, individuals were larger, and intraspecific aggression was more important than interspecific interactions with killifish. Killifish had little impact on the activity budgets of territorial male pupfish, but were excluded from favored breeding habitats. The opposite pattern was observed in Lake Francis. Killifish were numerically dominant as well as relatively larger than pupfish, and they interfered with the breeding activities of territorial males. In Lake Francis most of the agonistic activities of territorial male pupfish were directed toward killifish. Asymmetries in the interactions between pupfish and killifish in the two lakes also were reflected in qualitative and quantitative differences in the breeding activities of pupfish. In Mirror Lake the frequency of agonistic and breeding behaviors increased over the breeding season, but in Lake Francis they decreased. The underlying factors responsible for the observed competitive asymmetries between the species in the two habitats are not known. However, the higher salinity tolerances of pupfish may, in part, have accounted for both their numerical dominance and their size-advantage over killifish in the more saline environment of Mirror Lake. Physiological and ecological factors may thus play an important role in the outcome of competitive asymmetrics between species.  相似文献   

Vertebrates live in complex species networks in which interspecific interactions are common. In some contexts, the aggressive behaviours shown in these interspecific interactions are very similar to those shown in intraspecific interactions. It is still an open question whether intra‐ and interspecific aggression share common causality. We studied a year‐round territorial species the jewel damselfish, (Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus), which cultivate algae they feed on. Territory holders aggressively defend these algae that are an attractive resource for many other species. In this study, we recorded territorial aggression in free‐living individuals and recorded aggressive responses to a standardized territorial intrusion test in captive individuals. Field observations indicated that territorial aggression was selectively targeted towards food competitors. Independent of the size of the species, aggression was more frequent towards common species around their territories. This relationship was confirmed experimentally by confronting the jewel damselfish with novel objects to which the subjects were exposed either frequently or rarely. We suggest that jewel damselfish have to learn which species are competitors and therefore should be chased. In a standardized intrusion test with captive individuals, no significant differences were found in territorial responses towards intra‐ or interspecific intruders. Neither territorial aggression nor the intrusion showed any relationship with plasma androgen levels. Together, these data suggest that experience might be more important in non‐seasonal territorial aggression than circulating hormonal factors.  相似文献   

Summary Ecological and temporal aspects of the occurrence and dispersion patterns in three reed warbler species were examined. This provided insight into their intra-and interspecific territoriality. Seasonal changes in the occurrence of territorial males in a reed bed along a gradient from the shore landward were studied. The results demonstrate that intra- and interspecific spacing depends on interspecific dominance and/or ecological constraints. In this case it was shown that there is competition for common habitats between reed warblers and great reed warblers, whereas the moustached warbler is ecologically segregated. The reasons for these dispersal patterns are discussed. They do not appear to enhance the availability of food resources. It seems more likely that territorial spacing might function to reduce nest predation.  相似文献   

Appearance and vulnerability of artificial duck nests to avian predators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Use of artificial nests in studies of nest success in birds has become increasingly popular, but this practice has been criticised because the appearance and success of artificial nests may differ from natural nests. Typically, artificial nests are presented with few visible eggs throughout the entire exposure period while natural nests during their life have different appearances, possibly producing stage-dependent predation rates. In ducks, nests may appear with openly visible eggs, eggs covered with nest material and covered by an incubating female. To test how nest appearance may affect nest survival, I simulated such duck nest appearances, and used direct observations to record responses of marsh harriers Circus aeruginosus , the dominant duck nest predator at the Lake Engure, Latvia, during the breeding seasons 2000–2002. I recorded 274 harrier flights over all types of artificial nests, 74 nest discoveries and 54 predation events. Logistic regression analyses showed that nest appearance was a significant predictor of the fate of the nest: nests with openly visible eggs were discovered more often than nests covered with nest material. Nests with dummy females had discovery rates similar to the average of all artificial nest types suggesting that they best reflect the predation risk of artificial nests and could be used in future studies. After discovering nests covered with dummy females, harriers never attacked but tried to scare them off to get access to the eggs. In 52% of cases of nest discovery, harriers gave up before touching the dummy. This shows that duck passive nest defence may prevent clutch predation.  相似文献   

Food supply is a major source of variation in breeding success for predators, and to what extent individuals are able to cope with temporal variability in food availability remains an outstanding question in life-history studies. We confronted the natural variation in clutch size and breeding success with results from a food supplementation experiment during egg formation, conducted over several contrasted years of natural food supply in an avian specialist predator, the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus . This raptor mainly preys on common vole Microtus arvalis a cyclic microtine under temperate latitudes. Vole abundance together with timing of breeding accounted for most of the variance in clutch size and number of fledglings. Results from empirical and experimental data were overall in agreement. Fed pairs consistently increased clutch size compared with controls in all experimental years, whereas no effect of food supplementation on egg volume was detected. Supplemented pairs, however, did not fledge significantly more chicks than controls. The costs entailed by the increase in clutch size appear nevertheless to be limited compared with previous studies. Food supply seemed therefore to display sufficient predictability throughout a breeding season to afford individuals the opportunity to adjust their breeding effort to an optimal number of offspring, in agreement with Lack's anticipation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Behavioral interference between species can influence a wide range of ecological and evolutionary processes. Here, we test foundational hypotheses regarding the origins and maintenance of interspecific territoriality, and evaluate the role of interspecific territoriality and hybridization in shaping species distributions and transitions from parapatry to sympatry in sister species of North American perching birds (Passeriformes). We find that interspecific territoriality is pervasive among sympatric sister species pairs, and that interspecifically territorial species pairs have diverged more recently than sympatric noninterspecifically territorial pairs. None of the foundational hypotheses alone explains the observed patterns of interspecific territoriality, but our results support the idea that some cases of interspecific territoriality arise from misdirected intraspecific aggression while others are evolved responses to resource competition. The combination of interspecific territoriality and hybridization appears to be an unstable state associated with parapatry, whereas species that are interspecifically territorial and do not hybridize are able to achieve extensive fine- and coarse-scale breeding range overlap. In sum, these results suggest that interspecific territoriality has multiple origins and impacts coexistence at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

An influential period in avian life‐cycles is the annual breeding season, when competition over suitable nesting sites and territories is a key factor that can determine fitness and distribution, especially for species that are highly selective in their nesting habitats. We analysed nest‐site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two apex predator populations. Whereas the Short‐toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus has nested in the Judean Foothills (Israel) for a long time, the Long‐legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus has only invaded the nesting habitat of the Short‐toed Eagle during their breeding season in the last two decades. These two recently sympatric species have similar nesting ecology and frequently use the same nests. They are therefore expected to compete over nesting sites and territories. We analysed interspecific interactions between these two species by combining information from comprehensive observational, experimental, GIS analysis and remote sensing data, deriving 65 variables to characterize the nest‐sites used and the breeding success in 381 breeding attempts over four consecutive breeding seasons. To assess interspecific and intraspecific territorial behaviour and aggressiveness, stuffed Long‐legged Buzzards and Short‐toed Eagles were presented close to nests. Nest‐site characteristics overlapped substantially between species, and Long‐legged Buzzards occupied 21% of all Short‐toed Eagle nests. Intraspecific aggression rates among Long‐legged Buzzards were higher than their interspecific aggression rates with Short‐toed Eagles and also higher than intraspecific aggression among Short‐toed Eagles. Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle breeding densities (1.59 ± 0.11 and 2.96 ± 0.11 pairs per 10 km2, respectively) are likely to be the highest across their respective breeding distributions, with a maximum productivity of 0.96 ± 0.01 and 0.56 ± 0.05 (young fledged/breeding pair) for Long‐legged Buzzard and Short‐toed Eagle, respectively. Intraspecific interactions among both species play an important role in determining their breeding success and the spatial distribution of nesting sites. Our results suggest that interspecific competition over nesting sites and territories between both species, and the potential dominance of Long‐legged Buzzard, has both direct and indirect impacts on the spatial and demographic distribution of Short‐toed Eagles due to the recent establishment of Long‐legged Buzzard territories in the Judean breeding area.  相似文献   

I investigated whether plumage features are sufficient for species recognition in two sibling sympatric raptor species: the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus and the hen harrier C. cyaneus . These species are similar in body size and differ slightly in plumage. During prelaying and laying periods, I placed artificial models close to nests of both species, simulating a conspecific male harrier (male of the same species), a heterospecific male harrier (male of the other species) or a wood pigeon Columba palumbus (acting as a control of the same size and colour). All of them represented birds perched in a neutral posture, so that they could only be recognised by their plumage differences. The use of plumage traits during this period would be particularly relevant in discriminating between their own and other species, offering the opportunity to avoid unnecessary fights, and therefore maximising the benefits of defence. I measured male responsiveness by recording aggressive behaviour towards each model (aggressive rate and time spent close to the female). Male presence time was significantly longer during conspecific decoy presentation than during heterospecific decoy presentation. Furthermore, males of both species were more aggressive towards the conspecific decoy than towards the heterospecific one, and no attacks towards the control were recorded. These results provide evidence that these birds are able to recognise plumage features of their own and the sibling species.  相似文献   

The hooded crow Corvus cornix is a west Palaearctic, solitary nesting, monogamous corvid. In the breeding season, populations are characterized by a social organization wherein breeding pairs are territorial and non-breeding individuals, called floaters, live in flocks. During a study of the breeding ecology of the hooded crow, conducted in a protected flooded area, we monitored nests with video cameras. We recorded two separate incidents when intruders attacked a female at the nest. We believe that she remained in the nest in order to prevent the strangers cannibalizing the nestlings by mantling over the brood. The spatio-temporal occurrence of these attacks suggests that the observed behaviour is intraspecific sexual aggression wherein non-breeding males mounted an immobilized female.  相似文献   

In many birds and mammals, male territorial aggression is modulated by elevated circulating concentrations of the steroid hormone testosterone (T) during the breeding season. However, many species are territorial also during the non-breeding season, when plasma T levels are basal. The endocrine control of non-breeding territorial aggression differs considerably between species, and previous studies on wintering birds suggest differences between migratory and resident species. We investigated the endocrine modulation of territorial aggression during the breeding and non-breeding season in a resident population of European stonechats (Saxicola torquata rubicola). We recorded the aggressive response to a simulated territorial intrusion in spring and winter. Then, we compared the territorial aggression between seasons and in an experiment in which we blocked the androgenic and estrogenic action of T. We found no difference in the aggressive response between the breeding and the non-breeding season. However, similarly to what is found in migratory stonechats, the hormonal treatment decreased aggressive behaviors in resident males in the breeding season, whereas no effects were recorded in the non-breeding season. When we compared the aggressive responses of untreated birds with those obtained from migratory populations in a previous study, we found that territorial aggression of resident males was lower than that of migratory males during the breeding season. Our results show that in a resident population of stonechats T and/or its metabolites control territorial aggression in the breeding but not in the non-breeding season. In addition, our study supports the hypothesis that migratory status does modulate the intensity of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

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