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We investigated relationships between fecal androgen concentrations, facial coloration and behaviour in semi-free-ranging male mandrills. We found that fecal androgen levels were significantly positively related to dominance rank, independent of rank stability and the mating period, suggesting that male mandrills live in a permanently aggressive context in which they must actively maintain their dominance status. Facial red coloration was also significantly related to both fecal androgen levels and rank, with high ranking males having both higher androgen levels and redder faces, although dominant males did not always have the highest androgen levels or the reddest faces. Predictive relationships between androgen levels, coloration and rank were short-term. Androgen concentrations and facial redness both increased in the presence of receptive females, as did the former during periods of rank instability. We conclude that male facial redness is likely to represent an honest signal (to other males) of current androgen status, competitive ability and willingness to engage in fights and that females may also use this to assess male condition. Further, our findings provide support for the “challenge hypothesis” as originally proposed for birds by Wingfield.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of Escherichia coli endotoxin (ENDO) was found to induce profound time and dose dependent changes in the serum steroid hormones, oestrone (E1), oestradiol (E2), corticosterone (B), progesterone (P4), 17 alpha-OH progesterone (17 alpha OHP4), and testosterone (T) of intact male rats. These changes were rapid, with a maximal response at 2 h and a return to close to normal values by 4 h. Non-lethal doses (0.01-2 mg/kg) of ENDO induced large increases in oestrogens (3-9-fold), P4 (4-fold) and B (2-3-fold) and decreased serum T (2-fold). The greatest increase in E2 level was seen with an ENDO dose of 2 mg/kg. Serum E1, E2 and T did not change in response to lethal ENDO doses (4-8 mg/kg); B, P4 and 17 alpha OHP4 levels alone were moderately elevated. Systemic mean arterial pressure was unchanged, except at the highest ENDO dose used. Thus, the hormonal responses are unlikely to be the result of hemodynamic changes. Low doses of ENDO did not produce an increase in serum E1 and E2 in adrenalectomized or orchidectomized rats. These results indicate that oestrogens are largely produced in the testis. The aromatization of the testicular and adrenal androgens can be stimulated by glucocorticoid.  相似文献   

Maternal hormones in bird eggs modulate not only offspring development, but recently it has also been shown that these effects can persist into adult life. A number of long-lasting effects concern traits of which the expression or development is modulated by androgens. This suggests that the nature of yolk hormone-mediated maternal effects may be organizational. Maternal androgens may therefore play an important role in sexual selection, since the expression of sexually selected male characters is often androgen-dependent.We experimentally manipulated the yolk androgen concentrations of European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) eggs. Subsequently we followed 49 unrelated males from hatching until year of first reproduction. We investigated the expression of multiple sexually selected male characters (song, beak color and throat feather characteristics), taking into account whether a trait is androgen-dependent.Elevated levels of yolk androgens affected the length of the embryonic period, but did not modify the expression of either androgen-dependent or androgen-independent sexually selected male characters including song phenotype at adulthood. Thus the most important function of yolk androgens in starlings and possibly other bird species may relate to the early developmental period. The outcome of our study together with the results of our meta-analysis indicates that the effects of yolk androgens on sexually selected male characters may be comparatively small. Our results suggest that this may relate to the numerous other environmental and/or genetic factors influencing the expression of sexually selected male characters.  相似文献   

Despite similar ecology, mating systems and female preferences for supernormal tails, the 17 species of African widowbirds and bishops (Euplectes spp.) show astonishing variation in male tail ornamentation. Whereas bishops retain their brown nonbreeding tails in nuptial plumage, widowbirds grow black nuptial tails, varying in length from a few centimetres in E. axillaris to the extreme half metre train of E. progne. Here, we phylogenetically reconstruct the evolution of the discrete trait, nuptial tail and the continuous trait, tail length, using a molecular phylogeny of 33 Euplectes subspecies. Unlike many recent findings of labile evolution of plumage ornaments, our results suggest that the nuptial tail of Euplectes is a derived and phylogenetically conserved ornamental trait that, once gained, shows directional evolution in its expression. Directionality is demonstrated in the trivial sense of a short‐tailed ancestor, and by contingency and randomization tests suggesting that branches with increasing tail length are overrepresented. This supports an early origin and strong retention of directional female mate choice in widowbirds and bishops, as previously indicated by empirical and experimental results, and provides a less labile, yet rapid scenario of sexually selected diversification.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is emerging as a key factor underpinning life history and the expression of sexually selected traits. Resolving the role of oxidative stress in life history and sexual selection requires a pluralistic approach, which investigates how age affects the relationship between oxidative status (i.e., antioxidants and oxidative damage) and the multiple traits contributing to variation in reproductive success. Here, we investigate the relationship between oxidative status and the expression of multiple sexually selected traits in two‐age classes of male red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, a species which displays marked male reproductive senescence. We found that, irrespective of male age, both male social status and comb size were strongly associated with plasma oxidative status, and there was a nonsignificant tendency for sperm motility to be associated with seminal oxidative status. Importantly, however, patterns of plasma and seminal antioxidant levels differed markedly in young and old males. While seminal antioxidants increased with plasma antioxidants in young males, the level of seminal antioxidants remained low and was independent of plasma levels in old males. In addition, old males also accumulated more oxidative damage in their sperm DNA. These results suggest that antioxidant allocation across different reproductive traits and somatic maintenance might change drastically as males age, leading to age‐specific patterns of antioxidant investment.  相似文献   

It is shown that the testosterone content in skeletal muscles of female albino rats is 2-fold decreased, while the estradiol content-1.5-fold increased and progesteron content showed no changes after systematic physical exercises. The pharmacokinetic investigations showed that androgen half-life in the organism decreased from 8 to 5 h under physical exercises. The amount of androgen receptors in cytosol of skeletal muscles increases from 1.34 +/- 0.08 to 1.71 +/- 0.10 fmol/mg per 1 mg of protein. Kd is 0.40 +/- 0.03 and 0.48 +/- 0.08 nM, respectively. Sensitivity of the organism to hormonal signal play an important role in the metabolism regulation in skeletal muscles along with the hormonal content change during the organism adaptation to physical exercises.  相似文献   

In the guppy Poecilia reticulata, males exhibit orange spots on their body and tail, and the orange spot patterns are often criteria for female mate choice. The orange spot coloration of males is determined by the intake of algae, a natural source of carotenoids. Therefore, males exhibiting conspicuous orange coloration are considered to possess high algal-foraging ability. In the present study, we examined the influence of algal-foraging ability, measured by algal-searching ability and algal-foraging frequency, on the expression of orange spot patterns and on other sexually selected traits in male guppies. Males exhibiting better performance in terms of both algal-searching ability and algal-foraging frequency grew larger. The size of the orange spots on males also increased with algal-foraging ability. However, neither algal-searching ability nor algal-foraging frequency influenced the coloration of the orange spots. In this experiment, a limited supply of carotenoids possibly prevented the males from completely developing their spots to the intrinsic size. The results of this study suggest that in male guppies under a carotenoid-limited situation, the allocation of carotenoids is directed toward enlargement of the size of the orange spots rather than enhancement of their coloration. Since both the body size and orange spot patterns of males contribute to their sexual attractiveness to females, high algal-foraging ability may enhance their mating success.  相似文献   

GnRH neuronal function is regulated by gonadal hormone feedback. In males, testosterone can act directly or be converted to either dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or estradiol (E2). We examined central steroid feedback by recording firing of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-identified GnRH neurons in brain slices from male mice that were intact, castrated, or castrated and treated with implants containing DHT, E2, or E2 + DHT. Castration increased LH levels. DHT or E2 alone partially suppressed LH, whereas E2 + DHT reduced LH to intact levels. Despite the inhibitory actions on LH, the combination of E2 + DHT increased GnRH neuron activity relative to other treatments, reflected in mean firing rate, amplitude of peaks in firing rate, and area under the curve of firing rate vs. time. Cluster8 was used to identify peaks in firing activity that may be correlated with hormone release. Castration increased the frequency of peaks in firing rate. Treatment with DHT failed to reduce frequency of these peaks. In contrast, treatment with E2 reduced peak frequency to intact levels. The frequency of peaks in firing rate was intermediate in animals treated with E2 + DHT, perhaps suggesting the activating effects of this combination partially counteracts the inhibitory actions of E2. These data indicate that E2 mediates central negative feedback in males primarily by affecting the pattern of GnRH neuron activity, and that androgens combined with estrogens have a central activating effect on GnRH neurons. The negative feedback induced by E2 + DHT to restore LH to intact levels may mask an excitatory central effect of this combination.  相似文献   

Elaborate plumage and complex songs of male birds are two of the best-known examples of sexually selected traits, yet the interaction between these traits is poorly understood. Theory suggests that among a suite of potential displays, animals will emphasize traits that are most conspicuous, least costly, or best signal condition and reduce display of other traits. Here we examined the relationship between song and plumage elaborations in cardueline finches, songbirds that are highly variable in plumage displays and songs, but that share a similar mating system. We statistically controlled for body mass, habitat characteristics, and phylogenetic relationships and found that across species song complexity was strongly negatively related to elaboration of plumage ornamentation. When plumage coloration was partitioned into carotenoid-based and melanin-based components, song complexity was negatively related to elaboration of male carotenoid-based coloration but unrelated to elaboration of melanin-based coloration. These observations support the idea that, for condition-dependent traits, animal species trade off trait expression in response to changes in the costs or the information content of these traits. We discuss several alternative explanations for the observed pattern.  相似文献   

Traits that enhance attractiveness in one sex may or may not influence attractiveness in the other. In the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis, outer tail feathers of males and females are all or partly white and form a sharp contrast with the bird's mostly grey plumage. The amount of white in these feathers (‘tail white’) is greater in males than in females and, as we report here, is greater in birds that have completed a second prebasic moult than in yearlings. During courtship, male juncos spread their tails, revealing their tail white, and a previous experiment has shown that males with experimentally enhanced tail white are more attractive to females. To determine whether females with experimentally enhanced tail white would be preferred by males, we clipped and replaced tail feathers of females, creating a control group with low to natural levels of tail white and an enhanced group with high levels. We tested preference in a mate choice apparatus like that used previously and found that males courted both control and enhanced females and displayed individual preferences but showed no collective preference for members of either category of females. Because we found neither a preference for trait values that indicate greater age/experience (experimentally enhanced females) nor a preference for less male-like appearance (control females), our results are inconsistent with a role for male mate choice in the maintenance of tail white in females. Female tail white may be subject to selection in another context or persist owing to a genetic correlation between the sexes. Regardless, the sexes apparently prefer different trait values, which suggests that preferences are expressed independently in males and females.  相似文献   

Males often exhibit elaborate ornamentation that contributes to their fitness. Similarly, females can also exhibit elaborate ornamentation, but we have a relatively limited understanding of its function. Recent studies have demonstrated that female ornamentation can function in both intrasexual competition and male mate choice, but few studies have been conducted on lekking species. We therefore investigated the possibility that female ornamentation provides information about the dominance status of the bearer, which could mediate intrasexual competition. We examined this possibility using Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus), a sexually dimorphic lekking species in which females exhibit elaborate ornamentation in the form of iridescent green neck plumage. We tested whether female ornamentation predicts dominance status using an information theoretic model averaging approach. We found that females with brighter ornamentation are more socially dominant than females with darker ornamentation. These results suggest that female ornamentation in this species provides social information about the dominance status of the bearer. This study provides insight into the evolution of conspicuous female traits by suggesting a potential role for female ornamentation in intrasexual competition in a lekking species.  相似文献   

Potential interactions between age and endocrinological functioning have been understudied in wild ape populations. Therefore, we examined the relationship between age and the secretion of androgens and glucocorticoids in 15 juvenile, subadult, and adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) free ranging in the Budongo Forest of Uganda. One hundred and nine fecal samples were opportunistically collected, between 07:30 and 13:30 hr, during the wet season. Fecal samples were preserved, by oven drying, and steroid content extracted before radioimmunoassay for dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S), testosterone (TEST), cortisol (CORT), and corticosterone (CCT). Employing indexes of age as predictive factors, linear mixed-effects modeling and non-parametric statistical comparisons of fecal steroid levels were conducted. Age was observed to significantly influence the production of both glucocorticoids and androgens in male Budongo Forest chimpanzees. Basically, whereas TEST and CORT increased, DHEA-S and CCT levels slightly declined as animals matured.  相似文献   

Although it is advantageous for males to express costly sexually selected signals when females are present, they may also benefit from suppressing these signals to avoid costly interactions with rival males. Cuticular chemical profiles frequently function as insect sexual signals; however, few studies have asked whether males alter these signals in response to their social environment. In Drosophila serrata, an Australian fly, there is sexual selection for a multivariate combination of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). Here, we show that the ratio of females to males that an adult male experiences has a strong effect on his CHC expression, with female‐biased adult sex ratios eliciting greater expression of CHC profiles associated with higher male mating success. Classical models predict that male reproductive investment should be highest when there is a small but nonzero number of rivals, but we found that males expressed the most attractive combination of CHCs when there were no rivals. We found that male CHCs were highly sensitive to adult sex ratio, with males expressing higher values of CHC profiles associated with greater mating success as the ratio of females to males increased. Moreover, sex ratio has a stronger effect on male CHC expression than adult density. Finally, we explore whether sex ratio affects the variance among a group of males in their CHC expression, as might be expected if individuals respond differently to a given social environment, but find little effect. Our results reveal that subtle differences in social environment can induce plasticity in male chemical signal expression.  相似文献   

Some recent theoretical studies predict the plasticity of female preferences for male sexual ornaments. However, only little empirical information is available regarding changes in female preferences within a short period in the wild. In this study, we examined the short-term change in the exaggeration of sexually selected traits in males and intensity of female preferences in the guppy Poecilia reticulata of a wild population in Okinawa, Japan. We collected adult guppies from a single collection site with an interval of 2–3 months. The results indicated that the degrees of exaggeration of male sexually selected traits, such as orange spot patterns and body size, changed with an interval of 2–3 months. The intensity of female preferences in each collection term was quantified by a laboratory experiment using an identical pair of digitally modified male images. The intensity of female preferences for the conspicuous male image also changed with an interval of 2–3 months. Males that were collected in July exhibited the greatest degree of exaggeration of sexually selected traits. On the other hand, males that were collected in April showed a smaller degree of exaggeration of these traits; however, females that were captured in April exhibited the greatest mate preferences for the conspicuous male image.  相似文献   

中国石龙子繁殖季节血浆性类固醇激素水平的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了中国石龙子繁殖季节中性腺变化与血浆性类固醇激素水平波动间的相互关系。结果表明:雌性中国石龙子卵黄生成需要雌二醇(17β-estradiol,E2)的刺激。体现在卵巢重量于4月底至5月中旬间达峰值,血浆E2水平于3月底至最高值,此后显著回落,并于排卵前再次回升;血浆孕酮(progesterone,P)的生理功能在于输卵管卵的维持、促进胚胎发育和卵壳的形成。从3月中旬至4月底间,血浆P水平在基础值附近波动。5月中旬,随动物的排卵,血浆P水平迅速上升,至该月底达最高值,于产卵后迅速下降;E2随P的上升而下降,两者呈反向变动。雄性血浆睾酮(testosterone,T)水平与生精作用、维持攻击、求偶及交配行为密切相关。血浆T水平于动物出眠后呈现显著的上升趋势,并于4月中旬达峰值。5月中旬后,随睾丸的萎缩,血浆T水平也缓慢下降,至6月底达最低值。  相似文献   

Like many teleost fishes, bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) are characterized by sole male parental care of offspring. In addition, bluegill parental males experience cuckoldry by specialized parasitic male morphs. This cuckoldry has previously been shown to influence the expression of parental care behavior. To better understand some of the proximate mechanisms mediating parental behavior, we examined the relationships between circulating steroid hormones, paternity, and parental behavior during the egg and fry stages of care in parentals that spawned during the first third of the breeding season. During the egg stage of care, we found that males with higher paternity had lower levels of testosterone, but there was no relationship between paternity and either 11-ketotestosterone or cortisol. There also was no relationship between the hormones and care behavior comprising fanning of the eggs, nest rim circles, chases of brood predators, or pecking at the eggs (indicative of egg cannibalism), except for a negative relationship between cortisol and pecking behavior. During the fry stage of care, we conversely found that males with higher paternity had higher levels of testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. There also was a negative relationship between the concentrations of these two androgens and the defensive behavior of males when exposed to a potential brood predator (a pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus). We discuss these results in relation to previous work in fishes and other vertebrate taxa. Overall, our data suggest a complex relationship between circulating steroid hormone levels, paternity and parental behavior.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies test the idea that females increase offspring fitness by biasing fertilization in favour of genetically compatible partners; however, few have investigated or controlled for corresponding preferences in males. Here, we experimentally test whether male red junglefowl, Gallus gallus, prefer genetically compatible females, measured by similarity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), a key gene complex in vertebrate immune function. Theory predicts that because some degree of MHC heterozygosity favours viability, individuals should prefer partners that carry MHC alleles different from their own. While male fowl showed no preference when simultaneously presented with an MHC-similar and an MHC-dissimilar female, they showed a ‘cryptic’ preference, by allocating more sperm to the most MHC-dissimilar of two sequentially presented females. These results provide the first experimental evidence that males might respond to the MHC similarity of a female through differential ejaculate expenditure. By revealing that cryptic male behaviours may bias fertilization success in favour of genetically compatible partners, this study demonstrates the need to experimentally disentangle male and female effects when studying preferences for genetically compatible partners.  相似文献   

Life-history theory posits trade-offs between fitness components. Reproduction negatively affects physiology and immune systemfunctioning, and the effect of this form of stress may be mediatedby glucocorticosteroids. We manipulated brood size of barnswallows (Hirundo rustica) to study the effect of stress arisingfrom reproductive effort on corticosterone levels of males.We also measured T-cell—mediated immunocompetence by intradermally injecting birds with phytohemagglutinin, whichis mitogenic to T-lymphocytes. The results confirmed the predictionof a negative effect of parental effort on lymphoproliferativeresponse. We found no covariation between immune response andcorticosterone levels. Males with long tails, an ornament currentlyunder directional sexual selection, had a relatively large T-cell response to the mitogen, consistent with models of parasite-mediated sexual selection predicting higher levels of immune defensein highly ornamented males. In addition, males with large sexualornaments had relatively low corticosterone levels at the endof the parental period. These results can be reconciled withthe hypothesis proposing a trade-off between parental activitiesand adaptive immunity and suggest that highly ornamented malesare less exposed or less susceptible to stress arising fromparental effort.  相似文献   

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