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The Laacher See volcano erupted at 10,966 cal BC covered the whole Central Rhineland with huge tephra layers which are exploited now for some 150 years. During the last 15 years of research several new find locations exhibiting tree trunks of the hemi-boreal woodland, leaf imprints and animal tracks preserved in pumice and ashes reveal detailed insights into the (younger) Allerød environment. Five final Paleolithic (Federmessergruppen) habitation sites without any evident settlement structures but providing exogenous raw materials from outcrops in distances up to 170 km demonstrate the highly mobile mode of life of these hunter-gatherers groups some 13,000 years ago.  相似文献   

The late glacial and the early Holocene sediments of the classic site Bølling Sø in Denmark are being reinvestigated by multi-proxy analyses. We present here the record of Pediastrum species and discuss the climate-mediated changes in the aquatic ecosystem, as reflected by aquatic proxies (e.g. aquatic plants and mosses, cladocerans, ostracods, bryozoan statoblasts), as well as a number of other proxies (organic content, biogenic silica, carbonates, terrestrial plant macrofossils). Climate had warmed to such an extent at c. 12,500 14C yrs BP that aquatic life could begin. Productivity was low and only very scarce indication of a warmer interval predating the Allerød chronozone was found. At the beginning of the Allerød chronozone climate ameliorated and productivity clearly increased. The cool climate of the Younger Dryas chronozone (YD) was more clearly reflected in the terrestrial ecosystem than in the aquatic ecosystem, where productivity appeared to remain rather high. The lake was very shallow and non-stratified during the YD, indicating low effective moisture. Probably it warmed throughout early in the open-water season and in that way enabled higher productivity, even if summer temperatures were rather low. It is also possible that the difference in July temperatures between the late part of the Allerød chronozone and the YD was not large in central Jutland. The amelioration of climate at the beginning of the Holocene is clearly reflected in all proxies. There is also evidence that the lake level rose. The lake probably remained alkaline during all of its history but some evidence suggests that pH was somewhat lowered during the YD chronozone. Pediastrum species appear to be relatively good indicators of environmental conditions; similarly, the concentrations may reflect productivity variations during changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Fauna associated with stone artifacts have recently been uncovered, in the course of a survey from a cave site named Baerya, town land of Bijie, Guizhou province. The first observations suggest a human occupation. In the absence of chrono-stratigraphic data, it is not possible to assess the age of the site. Nevertheless the presence of lower Pleistocene fauna suggests a very ancient age for this human occupation. Further field research will be necessary to determinate the age and nature of the site.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of archaeological research led from 1995 to 1998 in the fauna reserve of Lopé (Gabon). The excavated sites were dated from the Upper Pleistocene to the Post-colonial period. It is the longest and the most complete archaeological sequence presently known in Central Africa. These results show evidence of human presence in the reserve for over 40?000 years and that this greatly contributed to the preservation of the ecotone landscape of Lopé. In addition, these results offer the first systematic analysis of the sites and the ceramic artefacts produced and used in the centre of Gabon during the last three millennia. Supported by chronological, linguistic and palaeoenvironmental data, these results allow us to refine the ceramic typology and to prove the antiquity of husbandry, agricultural practices and iron production in this part of Africa. Finally, they allow us to clarify the various phases of settlement in the reserve and to reveal an important historic phenomena in connection with the expansion of the bantu languages and/or the bantu speaking peoples, who populate a third of the African continent.  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years of research in the alpine area, the Dalmeri Rockshelter, located on the northeastern edge of the Sette Comuni Plateau (Trento, Italy), has become a key site for reconstructing the exploitation of the mountain territories by the human groups of the end of the Upper Palaeolithic. Excavations, carried out between 1991 and 2005, brought to light a sequence of Recent Epigravettian anthropic levels, which were radiocarbon dated to the Allerød interstadial. The well-preserved paleosurfaces provided the opportunity to carry out a thorough analysis on the faunal and lithic remains, enabling us to reconstruct the palaeoeconomy, the function and the internal organisation of the site. In the past five years, the discovery of a notable quantity of red ochre painted stones, which are linked to the earliest settlement phase, revealed different representations, both naturalistic paintings as well as signs. Following this discovery, the interpretation of the site began to touch the artistic-religious sphere, providing new insights into Epigravettian art.  相似文献   

An archaeological diagnostic at Falaise revealed a pile of 6 stone rings, isolated from any domestic or burial features. The isolation suggests that the find can be interpreted as a ritual hoard. This hypothesis is possibly confirmed by other aspects: the alternating sizes and raw materials, as well as the site location between two dense early Neolithic settlement zones. The finds probably date to the late Villeneuve-Saint-Germain/Blicquy. The flat, wide rings have traces of manufacture and use. Analysis indicates that they were worn as arm ornaments, at the minimum in pairs. The raw materials, very common in assemblages from north-western France, are of regional origin. Comparable finds in France are rare, limiting interpretation of the hoard. This practice is not frequent and usually involves ring roughouts or worn grindstones, although these technical constraints do not rule out a certain ritualisation. At Falaise, the latter is perceptible but the objects are neither rare nor unusual. For this reason, the phenomenon differs from hoards of axe blades in Danubian cultures of the Rhineland, or of prestige axes at the beginning of the middle Neolithic.  相似文献   

The excavation of L’Essart (Poitiers) makes it possible for the first time in the west of France to understand a very particular habitat, along a river and very much marked by the firing activities. The substrate of the site assigns the shape of a dome surrounded to the east by the Clain River, to the west by a channel. Abundant vestiges allotted to the recent Neolithic lay in the lower half of a layer of brown silts. Immediately subjacent, a level of ten centimetres, located at the top of orange silts, contained burnt stones structures: 39 hearths (circular area posed flat approximately one meter of diameter) and 14 dismantled hearths. It is dated from the final Mesolithic by the extremely abundant lithic material discovered in the layer. Lithic industry is carried out in a preferential way on bajocians flints available on the slope (62%) and oxfordians flints (8%) known to approximately two kilometres. The principal characters of this industry are a frontal exploitation of core, a production of prismatic blades, many notches of Montbani type on the blades, asymmetrical trapezoids with concave truncations (of which Trapezoids of Payré), right-angled trapezoids with concave truncations, scalene triangles with flat retouches and arrows of Montclus. The analogies with Retzian (Vendée and Loire-Atlantique) are certainly numerous, but it is rather about a relationship in a vaster unit that remains to define. The non anecdotic presence of the arrows of Montclus involves the discussion on the question of the zones of contacts between Neolithic and Mesolithic of the second half of the VIth millenium BC.  相似文献   

Recent definition of the Cantabrian Lower Azilian has turned the Late Upper Magdalenian/Azilian transition into one of the most interesting archaeological ages in the area. This period is considered representing the earliest Azilian groups in Asturias. Critic review of Cueva Oscura de Ania record, in the center of Asturias, has allowed us to give full details of the Lower Azilian archaeological characteristics. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological collection shows archaic traits, close to those from Cueva de Los Azules and Cueva de La Riera, two eastern asturian sites. These likenesses suggest a high stylistic and technical uniformity in distant areas during a critical period, when Palaeolithic groups changed their subsistence strategies. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological and polinic records suggest that this deposit was built at the beginning of the paleoclimatic phase known as Alleröd/Cantabrian VIII (12 000-10?800 BP), when numerous cantabrian sites suffered high erosion processes. All these circumstances convert Cueva Oscura de Ania in a fundamental site to get a best knowledge of the origin and development of the Cantabrian Azilian. The study of its bone collection allows us outline new hypothesis about this archaeological period.  相似文献   

Ardèche, a department of Rhone Alpes region, is rich in prehistoric sites belonging to a very large chronological period dated back to 350?000 years ago. But, the prehistory of the region has been unknown for a long time, mainly, because of its distance from traditional centres of research. Jean Combier, in his abstract dated 1967, defined for the first time Upper Palaelolithic stages: only towards the acquisition of new data, we are now able to suggest a new evolution for the Magdalenian from its origins to the Alleröd climatic episod. To define Ardèche originality within the Magdalenian context, we have compared its lithic industries with those of the Adaouste Cave oriental sites, the Cornille rock shelter and of the Gazel cave in the Aude western part. Ardèche Magdalenian dwelling is peculiar compared to the South West of France. Badegoulian has been substituted by a Mediterranean Facies culture rich in bladelets, the Salpestrian. This facies limited in its geographic extention to Gard and Ardèche, evolves gradually in situ gaining Magdalenian elements (such as backed bladelets and dihedral burins) giving birth to the transitory lithic complex of Huguenots and Baume d’Oullins Cave. An established Magdalenian is certified in the Blanchisserie camp, within a cold climatic context dated back to circa 16?000 years ago. Although the lithic industry is dominated by dihedral burins and backed bladeletse it is also characterised by some archaic features (such as keel endscrapers, transverse burins and scalene bladelets). The upper Magadalenian with bone harpoons appears soon in our region, in the Colombier rock shelter, in a fairly temperate climatic context dated according to 14C back to circa 14?000 BP. We could identify six stages within the evolution of this Upper Magdalenian.which are attested in the Colombier, Ebbou and Deux Avens Caves and in the Colombier rock shelter that has been occupied during several periods. The Magdalenian gradually changed loosing his most typical elements, the bladelets and burins supremacy has been substituted by Azilian elements (such as short endscrapers and curved backed points). But even if the Azilian process happens very early (before 12?500 BP) the Magdalenian, in its fundamental features, never disappears completely and it has never been substituted by classic Azilian. After Alleröd appears a culture characterised by the recovery of Magdalenian features similar to the Epimagdalenian defined by D. Sacchi in Gazel. The described evolution can be compared, as regard to its upper stages, to that of several sites of Rhone region as well as of the North West of France, which allow to define a culturally homogeneous province having the Rhone corridor with Ardèche as its Southern border. At the end of Palaeolithic this province broke up and Ardèche opened to the South and the Mediterranean from where seems to come the retouched large blade facies and endscrapers attested by the Colombier rock shelter dating back to 12?150 BP.  相似文献   

The Neolithic site of Bangu-dae (6000-1000 B.C.), south-east of the Korean peninsula, presents numerous rock carvings of cetaceans (n = 46, 19.9% of the figures), and especially large species. Among these two families of baleen whales (Balaenidae and Balaenopteridae) and the sperm whale can be identified. This site also presents whaling scenes suggesting that the Neolithic populations who lived along the coast of Korea were among the first to take advantage of coastal whales. All these carvings give exceptional evidence on the prehistoric beginning of whaling.  相似文献   

Principal components analysis of 7 size and shape variables measured on 154 modern fruit bodies of Betula species and hybrids shows that B. pubescens and B. nana can be distinguished from each other on the basis of their fruit bodies, and that B. pubescens ssp. tortuosa and hybrids either fall within the range of B. pubescens or have an intermediate position on PCA axes 1 and 2. Passive positioning on the modern PCA axes of fossil fruit bodies from late-glacial sediments at Eigebakken, south-west Norway, shows that only B. nana was locally present in the Allerød. This contradicts earlier inferences from pollen analyses alone of birch woodland development in the Allerød in south-west Norway. There is no macrofossil evidence for tree-birches in the Allerød near Eigebakken. The relatively large amounts of Betula pollen, including B. pubescens, at Eigebakken are thus probably derived by long-distance transport from tree-birches in Denmark, south Sweden, and Britain, whose presence is proved there by macrofossils. Consequently, earlier estimates of mean July temperature during the Allerød in southwestern Norway should be reduced to around 7.5–10°C. In contrast, the PCA shows that fruit bodies from Holocene sediments at Eigebakken and at Kråkenes, western Norway, are mostly derived from B. pubescens. Birch trees were able to spread quickly and effectively across Norway in the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Located in the south-western Mato Grosso state (Central Brazil), the vast territory of the Cidade de Pedra was continuously occupied since the mid-Holocene by several groups of hunter-gatherers. Rock paintings, lithic industries, ceramics, ornaments, combustion remains (etc.) testify their passages in the many rock art sites discovered since 1983. In this paper are presented the results of the first anthracological analyzes conducted in four of these rock shelters. The studies were realized from macro-remains carbonized from hearths, embers and concentrations. From the taxonomic identification of charcoal, the objectives are to highlight the practices of hunter-gatherers related to the collection of wood and the environment in which they evolved for nearly 5000 years. The results indicate that they practiced an opportunistic collection mainly focused on dry wood available in the vegetation around the sites. They evolved in an environment similar to that currently characterizes the region, a typical flora of the Cerrado Biome and seasonal climate.  相似文献   

The site of Longgupo, discovered in 1984, is located south of the crossing of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze, in the eastern part of Chongqing Province. Situated on the limestone slope of the Miaoyu Valley, three excavation campaigns have been carried out since 1985. The first two seasons took place from 1985–1988 and 1997–1998, directed by W.B. Huang and the last campaign from 2003–2006 by E. Boëda and Y.M. Hou. After the first two campaigns, the presence of several bones, with an estimated age of 1.9 My, notably including a mandible fragment attributed to a hominid2 and the discovery of more than 20 lithic artifacts incited not only great interest in the scientific community, but controversy as well since these data contradicted diffusion models of the first hominids out of Africa. Paleoanthropological data often being privileged over other data, including lithic artifacts, the anthropic nature of the site was contested. Yet the few artifacts from the initial excavations irrefutably demonstrate their manufacture by humans, in particular those in exogenous stone. To definitively re-establish the authenticity of this site by applying the latest investigative methods, a new Franco-Chinese campaign was organized. The objective of the 2003–2006 field seasons focused on understanding and analysis of the archaeological data in their geomorphological and stratigraphic contexts.  相似文献   

The studies and the researches carried out in the last years on the Palaeolithic site of Isernia La Pineta have brought to consider in new way the activities realized by the human group that lived the basin of Isernia during the Middle Pleistocene offering an important key of interpretation of the behavioural strategies of the prehistoric man. The analysis of the exploitation of the raw material has confirmed the presence on the site of two different lithotypes: flint and limestone; the lithological dichotomy is related to the functional dichotomy of the raw material that seems to have conditioned the activities of the human group in different areas of the site. The necessity to deepen the study on the limestone has derived from the evidence brought to light in the last excavation campaigns of a remarkable concentration of the flaked limestone pebbles and the flake scars in some areas of the explored archeosurfaces, particularly on the 3a and on the overlooking layers. The present study has the purpose to explain the characteristics of the limestone finds both in reference to the raw material and to its state of preservation both to the technotypological evidences and its spatial distribution with the purpose to better understand the modalities of the exploitation of the raw material. The information collected until today have permitted to obtain a precise knowledge of the environmental context and the territorial resources exploited by the human group showing an opportunistic capability to find the most advantageous behavioural solution for the necessities of subsistence.  相似文献   

This text is a synthesis of the results from the archaeological study of Ndindan site (Ndedama in Ewondo language) (3°54’N; 11°30’E), located north-west of Yaoundé urban area, on the Mont-Febe eastern side. An overview of the historical of prehistoric research in Yaoundé is given. It then tackles the study of the archaeological materials and supplies the radiocarbon datings of the site. A reconstitution of ancient population and of the paleoeconomy on the regional scale is at last made.  相似文献   

On the Taymyr Peninsula and Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, Central Siberia, a joint German/Russian multidisciplinary research project focuses on the Late Quaternary history of climate and environment. Within the scope of this project, palynological studies were carried out on a 10.8-m core from Lama Lake, situated in the south-west of the research area. The core, which did not reach the base of the lacustrine sediments, reveals the vegetation and climate history of the last 17 000 years and demonstrates that this area was not glaciated during that time. The Pleistocene/Holocene transition is, as elsewhere in the northern hemisphere, characterized by increased temperatures during the Bølling, Allerød and Preboreal with interruptions during the Older (post-Bølling) and Younger Dryas events. The Holocene climate optimum at Lama Lake probably occurred within the Boreal period, when dense larch forests developed. The Atlantic period was characterized by warm conditions that favoured the establishment of larch-spruce forests, though a climatic deterioration is also recorded. During the Subboreal, spruce fluctuated in importance, on the basis of which it is suggested that there were two cool periods with an intervening warm period. Since 3000 B.P., the climate has become considerably cooler and forests have degenerated. During the last 1000 years, unfavourable climate conditions have resulted in a forest tundra and widespread tundra communities developing in the Lama Lake region.This paper is dedicated to Hans-Jürgen Beug on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Most of patient suffering from a prostate cancer will develop a castration resistance. In this common and clinically challenging situation, chemotherapy was not considered very useful until mid 2000s. Docetaxel is now recognized as a standard of care, improving overall survival and quality of life. However, new drugs are needed. Two compounds (cabazitaxel and abiraterone) are now underway to official registration and an autologous vaccin strategy (Sipuleucel) demonstrated a benefit in survival. Based on a greater knowledge of biology, many other agents are currently under development, such as new specific peripheral anti-androgens, anti-angiogenic therapies, or proteasome inhibitors. All these new drugs are promising and may provide more efficient therapies against this incurable disease in the near future.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained by lithic analysis of Early Upper Palaeolithic levels in Šandalja II Cave, Istria, Croatia. Technological and typological analysis of stone and typological analysis of bone artefacts have been carried out. Production of flakes in Aurignacian levels (G, F, E and E/F) is dominant, but blade and bladelets production is also present. Blades and bladelets were produced by direct soft hammer technique. Aurignacian people of Šandalja II produced their debitage mainly on local grey chert, which is often patinated. Šandalja II is one of the rare—if not the only—site with Aurignacian industry in eastern Adriatic region. The main reason for absence of such industry at other sites can be seen in scarce population or abandonment of some parts of this region.  相似文献   

A summary account is given of the development of a small Late-Glacial lake at Snellegem-St. Andries, Belgium. Sedimentation, hydrology, water quality and biotic succession clearly depended on climatic conditions and catchment processes (soil stability and leaching, vegetation). Special attention is drawn to a period of low water level near the end of the Allerød and the abundance of Fragilaria in certain periods.  相似文献   

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