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The El Harhoura 2 cave is situated in the commune of El Harhoura in the Temara region (Morocco). The entrance faces west, towards the ocean, around 200 m away from the current shoreline and about 16 m above sea level. The stratigraphy has currently 11 levels numbered from top to bottom. Level 1 is attributed to the early Neolithic. The archaeological material from level 2 places it within the Upper Palaeolithic (Iberomaurusian). Levels 3 to 11 are assigned to the Middle Palaeolithic (Aterian). Since 1977, a surface of 37 m2 has been excavated, yielding particularly abundant remains of a large mammal fauna study in this paper.  相似文献   

Space is an inescapable data to analyse the schematic graphic expression in the Neolithic age and the practices, which are linked with it. A sign has meaning according to its place on the wall, in the shelter and in the area of decorated sites. We suppose that these painted shelters, and widely, the space where they are included, are visited during transition rites. Some of these sites have probably been used for persons in cloistered status. Others shelters are more areas for the gathering of an important group of men. We think that cloistering and gathering are adaptable with the diversity of environment. The Van Gennep's explanation of transition rites in three parts and the spatial analysis allow us to explain the transition and transformation of men on the decorated sites.  相似文献   

The late beginning of the research on the neolithisation in the Algarve (southern Portugal) has been providing, as a paradox, excellent conditions for the establishment of interdisciplinary research and the test of working hypotheses. The systematic projects put forward by the University of Algarve permit us today to conclude on a preliminary basis for the formation of a Neolithic enclave at ca. 5500 cal BC, centred in the coastal territories of the region. This enclave is fully Neolithic in economic terms and it is the westernmost extension of the Mediterranean Cardial. However, some specific features of these first Neolithic groups’ artefactual items (such as pottery morphology and style and some technological aspects of chipped stone production) indicate the existence of phenomena of partial reformulation of their material cultures. According to the presently available data, this complex process seems to have occurred in similar traits also in Andalucia and coastal Morocco, that is, at the moment of the passage to the Atlantic. This individualization within the Neolithic of Cardial tradition is the equivalent to the same general cultural phenomena that have been responsible for the formation, for example, of the so-called “Franco-Iberian Cardial” or “Tirrenic Cardial” at the time of settling of the Neolithic groups in these regions.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of Chinese Prehistory, the Neolithic period in particular, has continued to grow over the last three decades, especially with the importance of the archeological heritage unearthed in the past ten years. Intensive research carried out on the very varied ways of life that took place during the period from 12,000 BP to 4,000 BP -a period whose limits are constantly being pushed back - can be situated within this problematic. These pluridisciplinary studies have led to a more precise knowledge of the environment of prehistoric man and of his social activities. The ceramic objects found in Neolithic tombs have proved to be of a great diversity. Their typology gives precious information on their daily life and throws light, for us in the modern world on the mentalities prevailing during this period.  相似文献   

The open-air site of Collet-Redon (Martigues, Bouches-du-Rhône) was discovered in the 1940s, and excavated by M. Escalon de Fonton until the beginning of 1980s. Those pioneering works gave up important series of artefacts and domestic structures of Late Neolithic and Bronze Age that permit to define a new Neolithic culture: the Couronnien group. The importance of this establishment, as a reference in research on Late Neolithic period in South of France, is particularly based on built remains revealed in a sector called “Habitation no. 1”. Quantity and quality of architectural structures allowed M. Escalon de Fonton to describe a Neolithic domestic unit, which became a model for interpreting other regional sites. Since 1999, various studies of artefacts and structures, coupled with an excavation, have been engaged in order to discuss first interpretations. The purpose of this article is to present our results concerning architectural remains of “Habitation no. 1” sector. Study of ancient publications and new observations on structures permit us to suggest a revision of the plan proposed for this third millenary construction.  相似文献   

Several human occupations have been identified within the deposits of the Caune de l’Arago Cave site, dated from 700 000 years to 100 000 years old. The exceptional wealth of these archeological levels provides an opportunity for the study of different types of habitat and behavioral patterns of Paleolithic hunters between 600 000 and 400 000 years ago. Results from preliminary studies, carried out over the last 30 years on these archeological levels, allow for the proposition of a typology for cave habitats during the Middle Pleistocene in the south of France. In fact, four types of habitat were identified and defined. They have been described according to different characteristics such as, the thickness of the archeological accumulation, the animal species represented, the season during which the animals were hunted, the state of conservation of the fossils discovered, the morpho-technological and typological characteristics of the lithics, the categories of raw materials used and the territory exploited by the hominids inhabiting the cave, as defined by the raw materials represented. The four habitation types defined are: the long duration habitat, where the cave was used as a home base; the temporary seasonal habitat, in which case the cave served as a secondary campsite; the hunting stopover and the bivouac, during which the cave was used as a refuge for short term stays. Behavioral patterns appear to be directly related to the type of habitat and oriented towards a principal activity: hunting. The activities performed by the inhabitants of the cave seem to be more diversified during prolonged or seasonal occupations, whereas they appear to be reduced or very specialised during brief stays. Generally, The characteristics studied show that the Caune de l’Arago Cave site had multiple uses over time for Anteneandertalian family groups and hunters who left traces of their activities, allowing us to better understand their lifestyle.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of Madonna dell’Arma cave inside part (Liguria, Italy) allowed us to reconstitute, at local scale, the Ligurian coastal vegetation between the end of the last interglacial period and the beginning of the pleniglacial. This transition period shows an important representation of arboreal cover and a persistence of thermophilous elements that allowed us to considerate the western Liguria as a periglacial refuge. During the end of the last interglacial, xerophytic, halophytic herbs and shrubs taken over from a Mediterranean pre-forest unit in the first slopes constituted the coastal zone. The nearness of Argentina torrent and the Armea influenced, in the coast, the existence of marshy zones colonized by hygrophilous trees. In the Ligurian lowlands spread out sclerophyllous and mesophilous forests according to altitude. The beginning of the pleniglacial is indicated in the sequence by increases of Pinus, Cupressaceae and Artemisia in the context of a decline in the thermophilous components. This picture of vegetation has become integrated into the multidisciplinary studies of the site and contributed to the elaboration of palaeoclimatic hypothesis similar as those revealed by the fauna.  相似文献   

The research presented in this paper is based on geographical zone chosen as context for a general discussion centred on a critical inventory of graves, burial places and funeral traditions within Neolithic communities between about 6000 and 2200 B.C. It proposes to define the characteristics and the evolution of funeral behaviours during the Neolithic times in Southern France, between about 6000 and 2200 B.C. Southern France has been considered in an extended definition, from Atlantic Ocean to the Alps, a territory constituted of 26 departments. In view of the extent of the territorial limits, the study was directly all-encompassing. It bears on 150 years of archaeological discoveries unevenly distributed on the Neolithic times. The study takes into consideration all the documentation published. The funeral traditions have been considered in the wide sense, that is tomb architecture, laying out and treatment of cadavers, study of archaeological artefacts. The study leads on to an interpretative outline of the funeral traditions whose development was closely linked to the social evolution of southern Neolithic communities. It researchs a social evolution beyond funeral behaviours, a power more and more destined to an elite who prefigures the protohistory.  相似文献   

The excavations carried out in the cave of Santa Ana (Cáceres, Spain), cave of the karstic network of the “Calerizo” of Cáceres, enabled us to know the existence, in stratigraphy, of the three lito-techniques modes which characterize the industrial development of lower and middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula. On standby of new research, the results obtained until now permit us two work out a diachronic assumption of technical evolution. In the Iberian Peninsula, there are only two karstic systems where we can fallow this technological development; one is the “Sierra de Atapuerca” (Burgos) and the other is the “Calerizo de Cáceres” (Cáceres).  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of archaeological research led from 1995 to 1998 in the fauna reserve of Lopé (Gabon). The excavated sites were dated from the Upper Pleistocene to the Post-colonial period. It is the longest and the most complete archaeological sequence presently known in Central Africa. These results show evidence of human presence in the reserve for over 40?000 years and that this greatly contributed to the preservation of the ecotone landscape of Lopé. In addition, these results offer the first systematic analysis of the sites and the ceramic artefacts produced and used in the centre of Gabon during the last three millennia. Supported by chronological, linguistic and palaeoenvironmental data, these results allow us to refine the ceramic typology and to prove the antiquity of husbandry, agricultural practices and iron production in this part of Africa. Finally, they allow us to clarify the various phases of settlement in the reserve and to reveal an important historic phenomena in connection with the expansion of the bantu languages and/or the bantu speaking peoples, who populate a third of the African continent.  相似文献   

The paleontological analysis of the fauna from three Late Pleistocene localities in Southern Caucasus (Saka?hia, Ortvala, and Bronze cave) confirmed the presence of Ursus spelaeus, Canis lupus, Equus ferus, Rhinocerotidae, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Alces alces, Bison priscus, Capra caucasica, Ovis ammon and Sus scrofa. The study also permitted the identification of new taxa for these localities. There may be the presence of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) at Saka?hia, however it has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, remains of aurochs (Bos primigenius) were identified, in particular at Bronze cave where its abundance is exceptional. Indeed, Bos and Bison are generally very rare in Southern Caucasus. The analysis of the proportion of the different species in each locality revealed the two types of occupations of the caves, one dominated by hominids and the other by carnivores. At Saka?hia, where fauna is dominated by the presence of cave bear, the cave was seasonally occupied by Neanderthal groups. On the other hand, Bronze cave corresponds to a habitat of hunters, which occupied the site for longer periods.  相似文献   

The Marcel Clouet Cave in Cognac (Charente) is a small cavity, more a shelter than a true cave, in the Cretaceous limestone cliffs along the Antenne, a tributary of the Charente River. The site suffered from a number of clandestine excavations before the work of C. Burnez, who was then followed by one of us (A.D.). The material recovered in stratigraphic context represents both Middle and Upper Paleolithic. The former is an example of Mousterian of Acheulian Tradition (MTA), while the latter includes Aurignacian (probably early) and Perigordian (probably Châtelperronian Gravettian), as well as some Solutrean objects recovered outside of stratigraphic context. It is important to note that this is one of only a few Charentian rockshelter sites, which has yielded an example of MTA.  相似文献   

The Neolithic site of Bangu-dae (6000-1000 B.C.), south-east of the Korean peninsula, presents numerous rock carvings of cetaceans (n = 46, 19.9% of the figures), and especially large species. Among these two families of baleen whales (Balaenidae and Balaenopteridae) and the sperm whale can be identified. This site also presents whaling scenes suggesting that the Neolithic populations who lived along the coast of Korea were among the first to take advantage of coastal whales. All these carvings give exceptional evidence on the prehistoric beginning of whaling.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present the anthracological data of the Parco cave sequence. This cave, excavated since the last 25 years, shows a stratigraphic sequence from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Bronze age. The anthracological data that we are presenting correspond to the sequence corresponding to the Magdalenian and Epipaleolithic layers. The anthracological data show a dominance of Scots pine at the bottom and of junipers at the top of the deposit, suggesting a landscape transformation though time. From these results we discuss aspects related to the vegetal formations during this period. Moreover, this study has the intention of integration the anthracological record with the archaeological data already published concerning subsistence, technology and paleoecology to a better understanding to human behaviour during this period.  相似文献   

Until recently the recovery of plant remains in Croatia was rare, resulting in few studies addressing the nature of Neolithic crop cultivation. This paper presents new archaeobotanical data from eleven Neolithic settlements in coastal and continental Croatia. Within continental Croatia, three sites dating to the Star?evo culture (early/middle Neolithic; ca. 6000–5300 cal bc) and six to the Sopot culture (late Neolithic; ca. 5300–4000 cal bc) are examined along with two Hvar culture sites (late Neolithic; ca. 4800–4000 cal bc) located along the coast. Different settlement types are included in the study: open air sites, tells and cave sites. From the data collected the most common crops identified were einkorn, emmer, barley, lentil, pea and flax, as well as the fruits Cornus mas (Cornelian cherry) and Physalis alkekengi (Chinese lantern), which were particularly dominant in the Sopot culture settlements. By examining formation processes, sieved crop processing products and by-products were identified at six of the sites, suggesting that cereals were processed on a day-to-day basis at the household level. In contrast, the remains from the late Neolithic coastal cave site of Turska Pe? suggest two distinct formation processes. At the eastern side of the cave the plant remains suggest that episodes of dung burning occurred, possibly to clear the cave of excess waste during seasonal habitation of the cave by herders and livestock. Towards the back of the cave, cereal remains and higher charcoal densities may suggest an area used for food preparation or cooking.  相似文献   

The decorated cave of Mayenne-Sciences (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Mayenne) is one of the eight caves or shelters attributed to the Upper Paleolithic in the North of France, with the caves of Gouy and Orival in Normandy, Boutigny, Le Croc-Marin and Les Trois Pignons in the Essonne Department, the Grotte du Cheval and the Grande Grotte of Arcy-sur-Cure in Burgundy. There are about 50 stylised representations in this cave, the chrono-cultural attribution is rather difficult because the archeological context is poor and the site of the cave excentric, far from the great areas like Perigord. After a short statement of what you may guess about the style of the representations in Mayenne-Sciences we try to draw up a synthesis of the sites of parietal art and furniture near Mayenne-Sciences, and to analyse further how to place Mayenne-Sciences within a figurative tendance flourishing during the ante-magdalenian era in Europe which we propose to call art de la silhouette. We show that the style of Mayenne-Sciences is not 50 particular, but that the originality of the style may be explained by the isolation of the cave at the border of the main prehistorical cultural tendances, as this is the case for other decorated caves, we list up. In conclusion this leads us to define the concept of grotte-limite (border-cave), I mean a decorated cave which represents the vision at distance, with caricatural character or not, of the parietal art of one specific region, as for example you must admit that there are similitude’s between Mayenne-Sciences and the caves of Pech-Merle and Cougnac, in the Lot Department.  相似文献   

The restitution of the megalith’s technical manufacture, whith their assemblies lines and their sequences, enlarges the coast of the sens incluse in each Corsican monoliths. From the megalithics sites of Poghjaredda of Monte Rotondu (Sotta), Ciutulaghja (Appietu), and Presa (Altaghjè), some specifics activities area (pastoralism for example) or activities structured in the space (villages and tombs of middle Neolithic) interest this study. The contributions of many sciences permit to give an economic and social dimension to the choice of megalithics sites. Then, those choices are an aspect of the Neolithic process in Corsica, making part of sculpture and architecture. This study is conclued by a consideration on the actual worked stones’ terminology.  相似文献   

On a regional scale, Longgupo is found within a karstic landscape of fenglin-ouvala developed in the Triassic limestones of the Yangtze platform. After several seasons, it is now possible to define and propose a scenario for the formation of the site. During one of the intense karstification phases during the Cretaceous or early Tertiary, karstic conduits were created deep in the substratum. In concert with these deep flows and by karstic collapse, a cave was created. With the start of Himalayan uplift during the Oligocene and Miocene, the beginning of fluvial cutting was reflected by the partial erosion of the upper sandstone formations and the creation of the Miaoyu Valley. This action opened the cave, which would later be occupied by the hominid groups that interest us here. Probably at the end of the Tertiary, the cave, open at the bottom of the valley slope and facing upstream, began to be filled with alluvial deposits from the valley. The basal deposits (C III 10 of the current stratigraphic sequence, levels 20-13 of the first sequence) begin with black clays; at the Plio-Pleistocene transition, deposits become clearly alluvial, increasingly marked by reworking of surface and karstic clays and by systematically coarser contributions. During the deposition period of archaeological complexes III/III’ (previously levels 12-6), karstic collapse appears to have still been active. During the Lower Pleistocene sensu lato, the coarse nature of the deposits becomes accentuated. The material of complex II (previously levels 5-2) is a deposit that is clearly heterometric and coarse, composed at the end mainly of gravels, pebbles and more or less rounded blocks in a clayey matrix. At the conclusion of this new stage, the cave was entirely filled and, purely and simply, disappeared from the landscape. As the valley deepened during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, the Longgupo slope underwent profound changes, the last of the limestone blocks disappeared from the slope limit and the archaeological site was protected by the coarse breccias that carpeted the slope. The main cause for the sedimentation processes at the site of Longgupo is the hydrosystem of the Miaoyu he, although injections of karstic type sensu stricto cannot be excluded. All of the arguments effectively support alluvial deposition: pebbles, an alternation of coarse and clayey beds, systematic and repeated granulometric decrease. But the stratigraphic disposition was disturbed by deformations due to gravity and karstic origins; the alluvial sediments, rendered plastic by the high proportion of clayey beds, were deformed by gravity (deformation of beds, faults, slopes) following the direction of the slope and by karstic collapse along the two limestone walls north and south of the sites (in sub-parallel faults to the south and by circular aspiration to the north). To this is added a calcitic consolidation of the upper levels that made it difficult to excavate complex C II. The stratigraphic disposition of the archaeological levels at Longgupo is now well understood. It has thus been possible to collect samples for absolute dating, to be published soon.  相似文献   

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