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Heating spores of non-proteolytic strains of Clostridium botulinum at 85°C, followed by enumeration of survivors on a highly nutrient medium indicated a 5 decimal kill in less than 2 min. The inclusion of lysozyme or egg yolk emulsion in the recovery medium substantially increased apparent spore heat-resistance, with as little as 0.1 μg lysozyme/ml sufficient to give an increase in the number of survivors. After heating at 85°C for 2 min between 0.1% and 1% of the spores of 11 strains (5 type B, 4 type E, 2 type F) formed colonies on medium containing 10 μg lysozyme/ml. Enumeration of survivors on a medium containing lysozyme showed that heating at 85°C for 5 min resulted in an estimated 2.6 decimal kill of spores of strain 17B (type B). These findings are important in the assessment of heat-treatments required to ensure the safety with respect to non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum of processed (pasteurized) refrigerated foods for extended storage such as sous-vide foods.  相似文献   

Heat treatment of spores of non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum at 85°C for 120 min followed by enumeration of survivors on a medium containing lysozyme resulted in a 4.1 and 4.8 decimal reduction in numbers of spores of strains 17B (type B) and Beluga (type E), respectively. Only a small proportion of heated spores formed colonies on medium containing lysozyme; this proportion could be increased by treatments designed to increase the permeability of heated spores. The results indicate that the germination system in spores of non-proteolytic Cl. botulinum was destroyed by heating, that lysozyme could replace this germination system, and that treatments that increased the permeability of the spore coat could increase the proportion of heated spores that germinated on medium containing lysozyme. These results are important in relation to the assessment of heat-treatments required to reduce the risk of survival and growth of non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum in processed (pasteurized) refrigerated foods for extended storage.  相似文献   

Unheated spores of nonproteolytic Clostridium botulinum were able to lead to growth in sterile deoxygenated turnip, spring green, helda bean, broccoli, or potato juice, although the probability of growth was low and the time to growth was longer than the time to growth in culture media. With all five vegetable juices tested, the probability of growth increased when spores were inoculated into the juice and then heated for 2 min in a water bath at 80 degrees C. The probability of growth was greater in bean or broccoli juice than in culture media following 10 min of heat treatment in these media. Growth was prevented by heat treatment of spores in vegetable juices or culture media at 80 degrees C for 100 min. We show for the first time that adding heat-treated vegetable juice to culture media can increase the number of heat-damaged spores of C. botulinum that can lead to colony formation.  相似文献   

Refrigerated processed foods of extended durability rely on a mild heat treatment combined with refrigerated storage to ensure microbiological safety and quality. The principal microbiological safety risk in foods of this type is non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum. In this article the combined effect of mild heat treatment and refrigerated storage on the time to growth and probability of growth from spores of non-proteolytic Cl. botulinum is described. Spores of non-proteolytic Cl. botulinum (two strains each of type B, E and F) were heated at 90°C for between 0 and 60 min and subsequently incubated at 5°, 10° or 30°C in PYGS broth in the presence or absence of lysozyme. The number of spores that resulted in turbidity depended on the combination of heat treatment, incubation time and incubation temperature they received. Heating at 90°C for 1 or more min ensured a 106 reduction when spores were subsequently incubated at 5°C for up to 23 weeks. Heating at 90°C for 60 min ensured a 106 reduction over 23 weeks when subsequent incubation was at 10°C in the presence of added lysozyme. The same treatment did not reduce the spore population by 106 when subsequent incubation was at 30°C.  相似文献   

The effect of combinations of temperature (2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 8° and 10°C), pH (5·0–7·2) and NaCl (0·1–5·0% w/w) on growth from spores of non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum types B, E and F was determined using a strictly anaerobic medium. Inoculated media were observed weekly for turbidity, and tests were made for the presence of toxin in conditions that approached the limits of growth. Growth and toxin production were detected at 3°C in 5 weeks, at 4°C in 3/4 weeks and at 5°C in 2/3 weeks. The resulting data define growth/no growth boundaries with respect to low temperature, pH, NaCl and incubation time. This is important in assessment of the risk of growth and toxin production by non-proteolytic Cl. botulinum in minimally processed chilled foods.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature between 4 and 35°C on the growth rate of a non-proteolytic type B strain of Clostridium botulinum was examined. Growth was in culture media at pH 6.7 and was measured by viable counts using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method. Doubling times were derived from the curve fitting model of Baranyi et al. (1992) and ranged from 42.3 h at 3.9°C to 22 min at 35°C.  相似文献   

The number of colonies formed by unirradiated Clostridium botulinum 62A spores was independent of temperature, in the range from 20 to 45 degrees C (in 5 degrees C increments); no colonies developed at 50 degrees C. Spores irradiated at 1.2 or 1.4 Mrads produced more macrocolonies at 40 degrees C than at higher or lower temperatures. Apparently, radiation-injured spores were capable of repair of 40 degrees C than at the other temperatures studied. More than 99% of the radiation (1.2 Mrads) survivors were injured and were unable to form macrocolonies in the presence of 5% NaCl. The germinated radiation-injured spores were also sensitive to dilution, resulting in the loss of viability of 77 to 79% of the radiation survivors. At 30 and 40 degrees C, the irradiated spores did not differ significantly in the extent of germination (greater than 99% at both 30 and 40 degrees C), emergence (64% at 30 degrees C and 67% at 40 degrees C), and the maximum number of emerged cells that started to elongate (69% at 30 degrees C and 79% at 40 degrees C). However, elongation was remarkably more extensive at 40 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. Many elongated cells lysed within 48 h at 30 degrees C, indicating an impaired repair mechanism. If the radiation-injured spores were incubated at 40 degrees C in the recovery (repair) medium for 8 to 10 h, they germinated, emerged, and elongated extensively and were capable of repair. If, after 8 to 10 h at 40 degrees C, these cultures were shifted to 30 degrees C, the recovery at 30 increased by more than eightfold, resulting in similar colony counts at 30 and 40 degrees C. Thus, repair appeared to be associated with outgrowth. Repair did not occur in the presence of chloramphenicol at 40 degrees C, whereas penicillin had no effect, suggesting that the repair involved protein synthesis but did not require multiplication.  相似文献   

The heat destruction characteristics of Clostridium botulinum spores suspended in tomato juice and phosphate buffer were determined by the survivor curve method with aluminum thermal death time tubes. Two type A strains of C. botulinum and a type B strain were evaluated. Strains A16037 and B15580 were implicated in outbreaks of botulism involving home-canned tomato products. Strain A16037 had a higher heat resistance than either 62A or B15580. The mean thermal resistance (D-values) for A16037 in tomato juice (pH 4.2) were: 115.6 degrees C, 0.4 min; 110.0 degrees C, 1.6 min; and 104.4 degrees C, 6.0 min. The mean D-values for A16037 in Sorensen 0.067 M phosphate buffer (pH 7) were: 115.6 degrees C, 1.3 min; 110.0 degrees C, 4.4 min; and 104.4 degrees C, 17.6 min. At each test temperature, the D-values were approximately three times higher in buffer than in tomato juice. The z-value for C. botulinum A16037 spores in tomato juice was 9.4 degrees C, and in buffer the z-value was 9.9 degrees C. The use of aluminum thermal death time tubes in a miniature retort system makes it possible to determine survivor curves for C. botulinum spores at 121.1 degrees C. This is possible because the lag correction factor for the aluminum tubes is only about 0.2 min, making possible heating times as short as 0.5 min.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum spores were sublethally damaged by exposure to 12 or 28 micrograms of available chlorine per ml for 2 min at 25 degrees C and pH 7.0. The damaging dose was 2.7 x 10(-6) to 3.1 x 10(-6) micrograms of available chlorine per spore. Damage was manifested by a consistent 1.6 to 2.4 log difference between the most probable number enumeration of spores (modified peptone colloid medium) and the colony count (modified peptone yeast extract glucose agar); this did not occur with control spores. Damaged spores could be enumerated by the colony count procedure. Germination responses were measured in several defined and nondefined media. Hypochlorite treatment altered the rate and extent of germination in some of the media. Calcium lactate (9 mM) permitted L-alanine (4.5 mM) germination of hypochlorite-treated spores in a medium containing 12 or 55 mM sodium bicarbonate, 0.8 mM sodium thiosulfate, and 100 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.0) buffer. Tryptose inhibited L-alanine germination of the spores. Treatments with hypochlorite and with hydrogen peroxide (7%, 25 degrees C, 2 min) caused similar enumeration and germination responses, indicating that the effect was due to a general oxidation phenomenon.  相似文献   

Growth and toxin production by proteolytic and non-proteolytic strains of Clostridium botulinum have been followed in 28 cooked puréed vegetables prepared under strict anaerobic conditions and incubated at 30°C for up to 60 d. Toxin production was confirmed in 25 of the cooked vegetables inoculated with a suspension of spores of proteolytic strains of types A and B, and in 13 inoculated with a suspension of spores of non-proteolytic strains of types B, E and F. For both proteolytic and non-proteolytic strains, a trend was identified correlating growth and toxin production with the pH of the cooked puréed vegetables.  相似文献   

The chemical forms of Clostridium botulinum 62A and 213B were prepared, and their heat resistances were determined in several heating media, including some low-acid foods. The heat resistance of C. botulinum spores can be manipulated up and down by changing chemical forms between the resistant calcium form and the sensitive hydrogen form. The resistant chemical form of type B spores has about three times the classical PO4 resistance at 235 F (112.8 C). As measured in peas and asparagus, both types of C. botulinum spores came directly from the culture at only a small fraction of the potential heat resistance shown by the same spores when chemically converted to the resistant form. The resistant spore form of both types (62A and 213B), when present in a low-acid food, can be sensitized to heating at the normal pH of the food.  相似文献   

Clostridium botulinum spores were sublethally damaged by exposure to 12 or 28 micrograms of available chlorine per ml for 2 min at 25 degrees C and pH 7.0. The damaging dose was 2.7 x 10(-6) to 3.1 x 10(-6) micrograms of available chlorine per spore. Damage was manifested by a consistent 1.6 to 2.4 log difference between the most probable number enumeration of spores (modified peptone colloid medium) and the colony count (modified peptone yeast extract glucose agar); this did not occur with control spores. Damaged spores could be enumerated by the colony count procedure. Germination responses were measured in several defined and nondefined media. Hypochlorite treatment altered the rate and extent of germination in some of the media. Calcium lactate (9 mM) permitted L-alanine (4.5 mM) germination of hypochlorite-treated spores in a medium containing 12 or 55 mM sodium bicarbonate, 0.8 mM sodium thiosulfate, and 100 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.0) buffer. Tryptose inhibited L-alanine germination of the spores. Treatments with hypochlorite and with hydrogen peroxide (7%, 25 degrees C, 2 min) caused similar enumeration and germination responses, indicating that the effect was due to a general oxidation phenomenon.  相似文献   

The germination of spores from Clostridium botulinum B-aphis and Ba410 was examined. In a complex medium, heat activation of spores from both strains doubled the germination rates and was required for germination in the presence of 2% NaCl. In a defined medium (CTB [D. B. Rowley and F. Feeherry, J. Bacteriol. 104:1151-1157, 1970]), the parent strain B-aphis germinated at a rate of 0.77% min-1 in the absence of NaCl and was not affected by 2% NaCl. A salt-tolerant derivative, strain Ba410, germinated at rates of 0.16% min-1 in CTB and 0.04% min-1 in CTB containing 2% NaCl. L-Alanine-triggered spores germinated faster than did L-cysteine-triggered spores from both strains. When both amino acids were present, B-aphis germinated rapidly in the absence of NaCl and had biphasic kinetics in the presence of NaCl. Strain Ba410 had biphasic kinetics in the absence of NaCl and germinated slowly with single-phase kinetics in the presence of NaCl. L-Alanine- and L-cysteine-triggered germinations were each inhibited by both D-alanine and D-cysteine, indicating a common germinant-binding site for both alanine and cysteine. Attempts to select for variants with amino acid-specific germinant-binding sites were unsuccessful. Differences in the germination kinetics of both strains could not be explained by ultrastructural differences. Transmission electron micrographs revealed striking similarities between the strains.  相似文献   

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