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One of the central goals of community ecology is to understand the forces that maintain species diversity within communities. The traditional niche-assembly theory asserts that species live together in a community only when they differ from one another in resource uses. But this theory has some difficulties in explaining the diversity often observed in specie-rich communities such as tropical forests. As an alternative to the niche theory, Hubbell and other ecologists introduced a neutral model. Hubbell argues that the number of species in a community is controlled by species extinction and immigration or speciation of new species. Assuming that all individuals of all species in a trophically similar community are ecologically equivalent, Hubbell’s neutral theory predicts two important statistical distributions. One is the asymptotic log-series distribution for the metacommunities under point mutation speciation, and the other is the zero-sum multinomial distribution for both local communities under dispersal limitation and metacommunities under random fission speciation. Unlike the niche-assembly theory, the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a starting point for investigating species diversity. Based on the fundamental processes of birth, death, dispersal and speciation, the neutral theory provided the first mechanistic explanation of species abundance distribution commonly observed in natural communities. Since the publication of the neutral theory, there has been much discussion about it, pro and con. In this paper, we summarize recent progress in the assumption, prediction and speciation mode of the neutral theory, including progress in the theory itself, tests about the assumption of the theory, prediction and speciation mode at the metacommunity level. We also suggest that the most important task in the future is to bridge the niche-assembly theory and the neutral theory, and to add species differences to the neutral theory and more stochasticity to the niche theory. __________ Translated from Journal of Plant Ecology, 2006, 30(5): 868–877 [译自:植物生态学报]  相似文献   

群落生态学的中性理论   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
生物多样性的分布格局和维持机制一直是群落生态学研究的核心问题,其中的关键是物种的共存机制。长期以来,生态位分化的思想在这一研究领域占据着主导地位。然而这一理论在解释热带雨林很高的物种多样性时遇到了困难。而以Hubbell为代表提出的群落中性漂变理论则假定在同一营养级物种构成的群落中不同物种的不同个体在生态学上可看成是完全等同的;物种的多度随机游走,群落中的物种数取决于物种灭绝和物种迁入/新物种形成之间的动态平衡。在这一假定之下,该理论预言了两种统计分布。一种是集合群落在点突变形成新物种的模式下其各个物种相对多度服从对数级数分布,而受扩散限制的局域群落以及按照随机分裂为新物种模式形成的集合群落则服从零和多项式分布。与生态位理论相反,中性理论不以种间生态位差异作为研究群落结构的出发点,而是以物种间在个体水平上的对等性作为前提。该理论第一次从基本生态学过程(出生、死亡、迁移、物种分化)出发,给出了群落物种多度分布的机理性解释,同时其预测的物种多度分布格局在实际群落中也得到了广泛的印证。因此,中性理论自诞生以来便在生态学界引发了极大的反响,也包括一些反对的声音。该文重点综述了关于中性理论的假设、预测和物种形成模式等方面的最新研究进展,包括中性理论本身的发展、关于中性理论的假设和预测的合理性检验以及在集合群落尺度上物种分化模式的讨论;并指出未来发展方向可能是在生态位理论和中性理论之间架起一座桥梁,同时发展包含随机性的群落生态位模型,以及允许种间差异的近中性模型。  相似文献   

Breaking the core assumption of ecological equivalence in Hubbell’s “neutral theory of biodiversity” requires a theory of species differences. In one framework for characterizing differences between competing species, non-neutral interactions are said to involve both niche differences, which promote stable coexistence, and relative fitness differences, which promote competitive exclusion. We include both in a stochastic community model in order to determine if relative fitness differences compensate for changes in community structure and dynamics induced by niche differences, possibly explaining neutral theory’s apparent success. We show that species abundance distributions are sensitive to both niche and relative fitness differences, but that certain combinations of differences result in abundance distributions that are indistinguishable from the neutral case. In contrast, the distribution of species’ lifetimes, or the time between speciation and extinction, differs under all combinations of niche and relative fitness differences. The results from our model experiment are inconsistent with the hypothesis of “emergent neutrality” and support instead a hypothesis that relative fitness differences counteract effects of niche differences on distributions of abundance. However, an even more developed theory of interspecific variation appears necessary to explain the diversity and structure of non-neutral communities.  相似文献   

Neutral theory in ecology is aimed at describing communities where species coexist due to similarities rather than the classically posited niche differences. It assumes that all individuals, regardless of species identity, are demographically equivalent. However, Hubbell suggested that neutral theory may describe even niche communities because tradeoffs equalize fitness across species which differ in their traits. In fact, tradeoffs can involve stabilization as well as fitness equalization, and stabilization involves different dynamics and can lead to different community patterns than neutral theory. Yet the important question remains if neutral theory provides a robust picture of all fitness-equalized communities, of which communities with demographic equivalence are one special case. Here, I examine Hubbell’s suggestion for a purely fitness-equalizing interspecific birth–death tradeoff, expanding neutral theory to a theory describing this broader class of fitness-equalized communities. In particular, I use a flexible framework allowing examination of the influence of speciation dynamics. I find that the scaling of speciation rates with birth and death rates, which is poorly known, has large impacts on community structure. In most cases, the departure from the predictions of current neutral models is substantial. This work suggests that demographic and speciation complexities present a challenge to the future development and use of neutral theory in ecology as null model. The framework presented here will provide a starting point for meeting that challenge, and may also be useful in the development of stochastic niche models with speciation dynamics.  相似文献   

The zero-sum assumption in neutral biodiversity theory   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
The neutral theory of biodiversity as put forward by Hubbell in his 2001 monograph has received much criticism for its unrealistic simplifying assumptions. These are the assumptions of functional equivalence among different species (neutrality), the assumption of point mutation speciation, and the assumption that resources are continuously saturated, such that constant resource availability implies constant community size (zero-sum assumption). Here we focus on the zero-sum assumption. We present a general theory for calculating the probability of observing a particular species-abundance distribution (sampling formula) and show that zero-sum and non-zero-sum formulations of neutral theory have exactly the same sampling formula when the community is in equilibrium. Moreover, for the non-zero-sum community the sampling formula has this same form, even out of equilibrium. Therefore, the term "zero-sum multinomial (ZSM)" to describe species abundance patterns, as coined by Hubbell [2001. The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ], is not really appropriate, as it also applies to non-zero-sum communities. Instead we propose the term "dispersal-limited multinomial (DLM)", thus making explicit one of the most important contributions of neutral community theory, the emphasis on dispersal limitation as a dominant factor in determining species abundances.  相似文献   

Hubbell's neutral theory assumes that all species in a community have the same per capita fitness. Despite the overwhelming evidence against this assumption in most communities the neutral theory has often been, though not always, successful at predicting patterns of diversity in nature. I analyze a non-neutral model in order to suggest conditions under which observed species-abundance distributions (SADs) could be expected to resemble neutral distributions. The non-neutral model consists of two guilds of species such that (1) individuals between guilds do not interact, (2) dynamics within guilds follow Hubbell's model and (3) neutral parameters between guilds differ. This two-guild model generates SADs that appear neutral in some cases and clearly non-neutral in other cases. This result suggests that SADs may be more informative about niche structure than previously thought. The two-guild model could be tested in communities composed of fairly well-defined guilds or functional groups.  相似文献   

Aims Much recent theory has focused on the role of neutral processes in assembling communities, but the basic assumption that all species are demographically identical has found little empirical support. Here, we show that the framework of the current neutral theory can easily be generalized to incorporate species differences so long as fitness equivalence among individuals is maintained through trade-offs between birth and death.Methods Our theory development is based on a careful reformulation of the Moran model of metacommunity dynamics in terms of a non-linear one-step stochastic process, which is described by a master equation.Important findings We demonstrate how fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs can generate significant macroecological diversity patterns, leading to a very different interpretation of the relation between Fisher's α and Hubbell's fundamental biodiversity number. Our model shows that equal fitness (not equal demographics) significantly promotes species diversity through strong selective sieving of community membership against high-mortality species, resulting in a positive association between species abundance and per capita death rate. An important implication of demographic trade-off is that it can partly explain the excessively high speciation rates predicted by the neutral theory of the stronger symmetry. Fitness equalization through demographic trade-offs generalizes neutral theory by considering heterospecific demographic difference, thus representing a significant step toward integrating the neutral and niche paradigms of biodiversity.  相似文献   

1. Studies seeking to explain local patterns of diversity have typically relied on niche explanations, reflected in correlations with local environmental conditions, or neutral theory, invoking dispersal processes and speciation. 2. We used macroinvertebrate community data from 10 streams that varied independently in local ecological conditions and spatial proximity. Neutral theory predicts that similarity in communities will be negatively associated with distance between sites, while niche theory suggests that community similarity will be positively associated with similarity in local ecological conditions. 3. Similarity in total invertebrate, grazer and predator assemblages showed negative relationships with distance and, for grazers and predators, positive relationships with local ecological conditions. However, the best model predicting community similarity in all three cases included aspects of both local ecological conditions and distance between sites. 4. When assemblages were analysed according to dispersal ability, high-dispersal species were shown to be freely accessing all sites and community similarity was not well predicted by either local ecology or spatial separation. Assemblages of species with low and moderate dispersal ability were best predicted by combined models, including distance between sites and local ecological factors. 5. The results suggest that the perceived dichotomy between neutral and local environmental processes in determining local patterns of diversity may not be useful. Neutral and niche processes structured these communities differentially depending on trophic level and species traits. 6. We emphasize the potential for both dispersal processes and local environmental conditions to explain local patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

Vascular epiphytes form a diverse group of almost 30 000 species, yet theory concerning their community structure is still largely lacking. We therefore employed the simplest models of biodiversity, (near-)neutral models, to generate hypotheses concerning their community structure. With recently developed tools for (near-)neutral models we analyzed species abundance data from many samples in Central and South America which we divided into four metacommunities (Mesoamerica, Central America, Amazonia and Paraná), where for each metacommunity we considered two subsets differing in dispersal syndrome: an animal-dispersed guild and a wind-dispersed guild. We considered three models differing in the underlying speciation mode. Across all metacommunities, we found observed patterns to be indistinguishable from patterns generated by neutral or near-neutral processes. Furthermore, we found that subdivision in different dispersal guilds was often supported, with recruitment limitation being stronger for animal-dispersed species than for wind-dispersed species. This is the first time that (near-)neutral theory has been applied to epiphyte communities. Future efforts with additional data sets and more refined models are expected to further improve our understanding of community structure in epiphytes and will have to test the generality of our findings.  相似文献   

The neutral theory of biodiversity purports that patterns in the distribution and abundance of species do not depend on adaptive differences between species (i.e. niche differentiation) but solely on random fluctuations in population size (“ecological drift”), along with dispersal and speciation. In this framework, the ultimate driver of biodiversity is speciation. However, the original neutral theory made strongly simplifying assumptions about the mechanisms of speciation, which has led to some clearly unrealistic predictions. In response, several recent studies have combined neutral community models with more elaborate speciation models. These efforts have alleviated some of the problems of the earlier approaches, while confirming the general ability of neutral theory to predict empirical patterns of biodiversity. However, the models also show that the mode of speciation can have a strong impact on relative species abundances. Future work should compare these results to diversity patterns arising from non‐neutral modes of speciation, such as adaptive radiations.  相似文献   

The emergence of new frameworks combining evolutionary and ecological dynamics in communities opens new perspectives on the study of speciation. By acknowledging the relative contribution of local and regional dynamics in shaping the complexity of ecological communities, metacommunity theory sheds a new light on the mechanisms underlying the emergence of species. Three integrative frameworks have been proposed, involving neutral dynamics, niche theory, and life history trade‐offs respectively. Here, we review these frameworks of metacommunity theory to emphasise that: (1) studies on speciation and community ecology have converged towards similar general principles by acknowledging the central role of dispersal in metacommunities dynamics, (2) considering the conditions of emergence and maintenance of new species in communities has given rise to new models of speciation embedded in the metacommunity theory, (3) studies of diversification have shifted from relating phylogenetic patterns to landscapes spatial and ecological characteristics towards integrative approaches that explicitly consider speciation in a mechanistic ecological framework. We highlight several challenges, in particular the need for a better integration of the eco‐evolutionary consequences of dispersal and the need to increase our understanding on the relative rates of evolutionary and ecological changes in communities.  相似文献   

A key challenge for community ecology is to understand to what extent observational data can be used to infer the underlying community assembly processes. As different processes can lead to similar or even identical patterns, statistical analyses of non‐manipulative observational data never yield undisputable causal inference on the underlying processes. Still, most empirical studies in community ecology are based on observational data, and hence understanding under which circumstances such data can shed light on assembly processes is a central concern for community ecologists. We simulated a spatial agent‐based model that generates variation in metacommunity dynamics across multiple axes, including the four classic metacommunity paradigms as special cases. We further simulated a virtual ecologist who analysed snapshot data sampled from the simulations using eighteen output metrics derived from beta‐diversity and habitat variation indices, variation partitioning and joint species distribution modelling. Our results indicated two main axes of variation in the output metrics. The first axis of variation described whether the landscape has patchy or continuous variation, and thus was essentially independent of the properties of the species community. The second axis of variation related to the level of predictability of the metacommunity. The most predictable communities were niche‐based metacommunities inhabiting static landscapes with marked environmental heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the species sorting paradigm or the mass effects paradigm. The most unpredictable communities were neutral‐based metacommunities inhabiting dynamics landscapes with little spatial heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the neutral or patch sorting paradigms. The output metrics from joint species distribution modelling yielded generally the highest resolution to disentangle among the simulated scenarios. Yet, the different types of statistical approaches utilized in this study carried complementary information, and thus our results suggest that the most comprehensive evaluation of metacommunity structure can be obtained by combining them.  相似文献   

Theories of the differentiation of ecological communities on landscapes have typically not considered evolutionary dynamics. Here we analytically study the expected differentiation among local communities in a large metacommunity, undergoing speciation, ecological drift and intercommunity dispersal, in the context of neutral theory. We demonstrate that heterogeneity in species diversity and abundance arises among communities when local communities are small and intercommunity migration is infrequent. We propose a new measure to describe community differentiation, defined as the average correlation or the average probability (Cst) that two randomly sampled individuals of the same species within local communities are from the same ancestor. The effects of driving forces (migration, mutation, and ecological drift) are incorporated into the two-level hierarchical community structure in a finite island model of neutral communities. Community differentiation can increase the effective metacommunity size or the Hubbell's fundamental species diversity in the metacommunity by a factor (1−Cst)−1. Significant community differentiation arises when Cst≠0. Intercommunity migration promotes species diversity in local communities but reduce species diversity in the metacommunity. In either the finite or infinite island case, one can estimate the number of intercommunity migrants by using multiple local community datasets when the speciation is negligible in the neutral local communities, or by using the metacommunity dataset when the speciation is included in the local neutral communities. These results highlight the significance of the evolutionary mechanisms in generating heterogeneous communities in the absence of complicated ecological processes on large landscapes.  相似文献   

The spatially implicit neutral model (SINM) of S. P. Hubbell predicts species' abundance distributions at two levels: local communities where extinction balances immigration, characterized by the immigration number I, and the metacommunity, a source pool of migrants where speciation balances extinction. Previously, a plot's I was estimated from its species abundance distribution. Here, we relate neutral theory to the additive partitioning of species diversity and calculate the immigration rate into different plots from the variation in species composition among them. We revisit the G(ST) statistic of population genetics to introduce a new version, G(ST)(k), conditional on each community sample k. We derive an analytical expectation of G(ST)(k) as a function of the local immigration number, I(k), under a generalized version of the SINM, which allows the pool of migrants to deviate from the large-scale speciation-extinction balance. Simulations and field data suggest that G(ST)(k) provides reasonable estimates of immigration numbers, which were compared with the results from alternative likelihood-based estimations.  相似文献   

The β‐null deviation measure, developed as a null model for β‐diversity, is increasingly used in empirical studies to detect the underlying structuring mechanisms in communities (e.g. niche versus neutral and stochastic versus deterministic). Despite growing use, the ecological interpretation of the presence/absence and abundance‐based versions of the β‐null diversity measure have not been tested against communities with known assembly mechanisms, and thus have not been validated as an appropriate tool for inferring assembly mechanisms. Using a mechanistic model with known assembly mechanisms, we simulated replicate metacommunities and examined β‐null deviation values 1) across a gradient of niche (species‐sorting) to neutrally structured metacommunities, 2) through time, and 3) we compared the effect of changes in assembly mechanism on the performance of the β‐null deviation measures. The impact of stochasticity on assembly outcomes was also considered. β‐null deviation measures proved to be interpretable as a measure of niche or neutral assembly. However, the presence/absence version of the β‐null deviation measure could not differentiate between niche and neutral metacommunities if demographic stochasticity were present. The abundance‐based β‐null deviation measure was successful in distinguishing between niche and neutral metacommunities and was robust to the presence of stochasticity, changes through time, and changing assembly mechanisms. However, we suggest that it is not robust to changing abundance evenness distributions or sampling of communities, and so its interpretation still requires some care. We encourage the testing of the assumptions behind null models for ecology and care in their application.  相似文献   

S.P. Hubbell 《Oikos》2003,100(1):193-199
Ricklefs (2003) has presented a thoughtful critique of the two modes of speciation discussed in my recent book ( Hubbell 2001a ). His main point is that under point mutation speciation, a plethora of species is produced with extremely short lifespans, whereas under random fission speciation, lifespans are too long, particularly in large metacommunities. The issue is easily resolved if one regards point mutation speciation and random fission speciation as the theoretical extremes of a speciation continuum. The mean lifespan of a species in the theory depends upon the size of the species population at its origination. If initial population sizes are fairly small, but not as small as the extreme of individual-founded lineages as under point mutation, then intermediate distributions of species lifespans are obtained. To examine this further, I consider a third model of speciation that I call "peripheral isolate speciation." There should be a signature of peripheral isolate speciation in the distribution of metacommunity relative species abundance, just as there is in the case of point mutation speciation and random fission speciation. Other points made by Ricklefs and several others are addressed in the body of the text.  相似文献   

Tropical forests have long fascinated ecologists, inspiring a plethora of research into the mechanisms regulating their immense biodiversity, which originally captured the interests of early natural historians and explorers, and that still persists to this day. A new focus of this research emerged in the early 2000s highlighting the potential role of neutral (stochastic) processes in regulating the composition and diversity of tropical forest communities, and thus the maintenance of a large portion of global biodiversity (Hubbell, 2001). This strictly contrasted the long‐held belief that communities assembled via the sorting of species (and their abundances) via a deterministic response to local abiotic and biotic environmental conditions, reflecting the niche of each species (Leibold & McPeek, 2006). Yet, it is unlikely that the assembly of any community is solely governed by either stochastic or deterministic processes, but instead a combination of both. However, whether deterministic processes via niche‐based environmental sorting of species, or stochastic processes reflecting pattens of dispersal limitation, neutral effects and ecological drift dominate is often unclear. This prompts questions as to whether the relative influence of one process over another is dependent on the scale (spatial or temporal) or context of the study, or specific traits of the taxa under investigation (e.g., body size). In a From the Cover paper in this issue of Molecular Ecology, Zinger et al. (2018) tackle all these issues and show, among other things, that for soil microbes and mesofauna from tropical forests, the relative contribution of stochastic and deterministic processes in assembling their communities is strongly dependent on the body size or the studied taxa.  相似文献   

A central issue in ecology is that of the factors determining the relative abundance of species within a natural community. The proper application of the principles of statistical physics to species abundance distributions (SADs) shows that simple ecological properties could account for the near universal features observed. These properties are (i) a limit on the number of individuals in an ecological guild and (ii) per capita birth and death rates. They underpin the neutral theory of Hubbell (2001), the master equation approach of  [Volkov et?al., 2003] and [Volkov et?al., 2005] and the idiosyncratic (extreme niche) theory of Pueyo et al. (2007); they result in an underlying log series SAD, regardless of neutral or niche dynamics. The success of statistical mechanics in this application implies that communities are in dynamic equilibrium and hence that niches must be flexible and that temporal fluctuations on all sorts of scales are likely to be important in community structure.  相似文献   

The unified neutral theory of biodiversity provides a very simple and counterintuitive explanation of species diversity patterns. By specifying speciation, community size and dispersal, and completely ignoring differences among individual organisms and species, it generates biodiversity patterns that remarkably resemble natural ones. Here I show that adding even slight differences among organisms generates very different patterns and predictions. In large communities with widespread dispersal, heritable differences in viability among individual organisms lead to biodiversity patterns characterised by the overdominance of a single species comprising organisms with relatively high fitness. In communities with local dispersal, the same differences produce rapid community extinction. I conclude that the unified neutral theory is not robust to slight deviations from its most controversial assumption.  相似文献   

Theories of species coexistence have played a central role in ecology and evolutionary studies of the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in highly diverse communities. The concept of niche and associated theories predict that competition for available ecological space leads to a ceiling in species richness that influences further diversification patterns. By contrast, the neutral theory supports that speciation is stochastic and diversity independent. We examined the phylogenetic community structure and diversification rates in three families and 14 sites within coral reef fish communities from the Indian and Pacific oceans. Using the phylogenetic relationships among 157 species estimated with 2300 bp of mitochondrial DNA, we tested predictions in terms of species coexistence from the neutral and niche theories. At the regional scale, our findings suggest that phylogenetic community structure shifts during community assembly to a pattern of dispersion as a consequence of allopatric speciation in recent times but overall, variations in diversification rates did not relate with sea level changes. At the local scale, the phylogenetic community structure is consistent with a neutral model of community assembly since no departure from a random sorting of species was observed. The present results support a neutral model of community assembly as a consequence of the stochastic and unpredictable nature of coral reefs favoring generalist and sedentary species competing for living space rather than trophic resources. As a consequence, the observed decrease in diversification rates may be seen as the result of a limited supply of living space as expected in a finite island model.  相似文献   

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