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Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized at the molecular level by the expression of Bcr-Abl, a chimeric protein with deregulated tyrosine kinase activity. The protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is up-regulated in Bcr-Abl-expressing cells, suggesting a regulatory link between the two proteins. To investigate the interplay between these two proteins, we inhibited the activity of PTP1B in Bcr-Abl-expressing TonB.210 cells by either pharmacological or siRNA means and examined the effects of such inhibition on Bcr-Abl expression and function. Herein we describe a novel mechanism by which the phosphatase activity of PTP1B is required for Bcr-Abl protein stability. Inhibition of PTP1B elicits tyrosine phosphorylation of Bcr-Abl that triggers the degradation of Bcr-Abl through ubiquitination via the lysosomal pathway. The degradation of Bcr-Abl consequently inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of Bcr-Abl substrates and the downstream production of intracellular reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, PTP1B inhibition reduces cell viability and the IC(50) of the Bcr-Abl inhibitor imatinib mesylate. Degradation of Bcr-Abl via PTP1B inhibition is also observed in human CML cell lines K562 and LAMA-84. These results suggest that inhibition of PTP1B may be a useful strategy to explore in the development of novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of CML, particularly because host drugs currently used in CML such as imatinib focus on inhibiting the kinase activity of Bcr-Abl.  相似文献   

The c-abl proto-oncogene encodes a unique protein-tyrosine kinase (Abl) distinct from c-Src, c-Fes, and other cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases. In normal cells, Abl plays prominent roles in cellular responses to genotoxic stress as well as in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Abl is also well known in the context of Bcr-Abl, the oncogenic fusion protein characteristic of chronic myelogenous leukemia. Selective inhibitors of Bcr-Abl, of which imatinib is the prototype, have had a tremendous impact on clinical outcomes in chronic myelogenous leukemia and revolutionized the field of targeted cancer therapy. In this minireview, we focus on the structural organization and dynamics of Abl kinases and how these features influence inhibitor sensitivity.  相似文献   

Multidomain kinases such as c-Src and c-Abl are regulated by complex allosteric interactions involving their noncatalytic SH3 and SH2 domains. Here we show that enhancing natural allosteric control of kinase activity by SH3/linker engagement has long-range suppressive effects on the kinase activity of the c-Abl core. Surprisingly, enhanced SH3/linker interaction also dramatically sensitized the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia to small molecule inhibitors that target either the active site or the myristic acid binding pocket in the kinase domain C-lobe. Dynamics analyses using hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry revealed a remarkable allosteric network linking the SH3 domain, the myristic acid binding pocket, and the active site of the c-Abl core, providing a structural basis for the biological observations. These results suggest a rational strategy for enhanced drug targeting of Bcr-Abl and other multidomain kinase systems that use multiple small molecules to exploit natural mechanisms of kinase control.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) form a kinase tier module in which MAPK, MAP2K, and MAP3K are held by scaffold proteins. The scaffold proteins serve as a protein platform for selective and spatial kinase activation. The precise mechanism by which the scaffold proteins function has not yet been fully explained. WDR62 is a novel scaffold protein of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway. Recessive mutations within WDR62 result in severe cerebral cortical malformations. One of the WDR62 mutant proteins found in a patient with microcephaly encodes a C-terminal truncated protein that fails to associate efficiently with JNK and MKK7β1. The present article shows that the WDR62 C-terminal region harbors a novel dimerization domain composed of a putative loop-helix domain that is necessary and sufficient for WDR62 dimerization and is critical for its scaffolding function. The loop-helix domain is highly conserved between orthologues and is also shared by the JNK scaffold protein, JNKBP1/MAPKBP1. Based on the high sequence conservation of the loop-helix domain, our article shows that MAPKBP1 homodimerizes and heterodimerizes with WDR62. Endogenous WDR62 and MAPKBP1 co-localize to stress granules following arsenite treatment, but not during mitosis. This study proposes another layer of complexity, in which coordinated activation of signaling pathways is mediated by the association between the different JNK scaffold proteins depending on their biological function.  相似文献   

Pyk2 was identified as a Ca2+-dependent kinase, however, the regulation of Pyk2 by Ca2+ in T cells remains controversial. We found that Ca2+ mobilization preferentially induced Pyk2 phosphorylation in cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Furthermore, Pyk2 phosphorylation in CTL was not absolutely Ca2+ dependent but relied on the strength of T cell receptor stimulation. Ionomycin-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation did not require calmodulin activity, because phosphorylation was not inhibited by the calmodulin inhibitor W7, and we detected no Ca2+-regulated association between Pyk2 and calmodulin. Ca2+-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation was dependent on Src-family kinase activity, even at the Pyk2 autophosphorylation site. We sought to identify a Ca2+-regulated pathway that could trigger Pyk2 phosphorylation in T cells and found that ionomycin stimulated the production of reactive oxygen species and an H2O2 scavenger inhibited ionomycin-induced Pyk2 phosphorylation. Additionally, H2O2 induced strong Erk activation and ionomycin-stimulated Pyk2 phosphorylation was Erk dependent. These data support the conclusion that Ca2+ mobilization induces the production of reactive oxygen species, which in turn activate the Erk pathway, leading to Src-family kinase-dependent Pyk2 phosphorylation. Our data demonstrate that Pyk2 is not a Ca2+-dependent kinase in T cells but instead, increased intracellular Ca2+ induces Pyk2 phosphorylation through production of reactive oxygen species. These findings are consistent with the possibility that Pyk2 acts as an early sensor of numerous extracellular signals that trigger a Ca2+ flux and/or reactive oxygen species to amplify tyrosine phosphorylation signaling events.  相似文献   

We previously reported the utility for cancer immunotherapy of a humanized bispecific diabody (hEx3) that targets epidermal growth factor receptor and CD3. Here, we used dynamic and static light scattering measurements to show that the multimer fraction observed in hEx3 in solution is a monodisperse tetramer. The multimerization into tetramers increased the inhibition of cancer cell growth by the hEx3 diabody. Furthermore, 1:2 stoichiometric binding for both antigens was observed in a thermodynamic analysis, indicating that the tetramer has bivalent binding activity for each target, and the structure may be in a circular configuration, as is the case for the single-chain Fv tetrabody. In addition to enhanced cytotoxicity, the functional affinity and stability of the hEx3 tetrabody were superior to those of the hEx3 diabody. The increase in molecular weight is also expected to improve the pharmacokinetics of the bispecific diabody, making the hEx3 tetrabody attractive as a therapeutic antibody fragment for cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Acquired resistance through genetic mutations is a common phenomenon in several cancer therapies using molecularly targeted drugs, best exemplified by the BCR-ABL inhibitor imatinib in treating chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). Overcoming acquired resistance is a daunting therapeutic challenge, and little is known about how these mutations evolve. To facilitate understanding the resistance mechanisms, we developed a novel culture model for CML acquired resistance in which the CML cell line KCL-22, following initial response to imatinib, develops resistant T315I BCR-ABL mutation. We demonstrate that the emergence of BCR-ABL mutations do not require pre-existing BCR-ABL mutations derived from the original patient as the subclones of KCL-22 cells can form various BCR-ABL mutations upon imatinib treatment. BCR-ABL mutation rates vary from cell clone to clone and passages, in contrast to the relatively stable mutation rate of the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase gene. Strikingly, development of BCR-ABL mutations depends on its gene expression because BCR-ABL knockdown completely blocks KCL-22 cell relapse on imatinib and acquisition of mutations. We further show that the endogenous BCR-ABL locus has significantly higher mutagenesis potential than the transduced randomly integrated BCR-ABL cDNA. Our study suggests important roles of BCR-ABL gene expression and its native chromosomal locus for acquisition of BCR-ABL mutations and provides a new tool for further studying resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Synapse-associated protein-97 (SAP97) is a membrane-associated guanylate kinase scaffolding protein expressed in cardiomyocytes. SAP97 has been shown to associate and modulate voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel function. In contrast to Kv channels, little information is available on interactions involving SAP97 and inward rectifier potassium (Kir2.x) channels that underlie the classical inward rectifier current, IK1. To investigate the functional effects of silencing SAP97 on IK1 in adult rat ventricular myocytes, SAP97 was silenced using an adenoviral short hairpin RNA vector. Western blot analysis showed that SAP97 was silenced by ∼85% on day 3 post-infection. Immunostaining showed that Kir2.1 and Kir2.2 co-localize with SAP97. Co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) results demonstrated that Kir2.x channels associate with SAP97. Voltage clamp experiments showed that silencing SAP97 reduced IK1 whole cell density by ∼55%. IK1 density at −100 mV was −1.45 ± 0.15 pA/picofarads (n = 6) in SAP97-silenced cells as compared with −3.03 ± 0.37 pA/picofarads (n = 5) in control cells. Unitary conductance properties of IK1 were unaffected by SAP97 silencing. The major mechanism for the reduction of IK1 density appears to be a decrease in Kir2.x channel abundance. Furthermore, SAP97 silencing impaired IK1 regulation by β1-adrenergic receptor (β1-AR) stimulation. In control, isoproterenol reduced IK1 amplitude by ∼75%, an effect that was blunted following SAP97 silencing. Our co-IP data show that β1-AR associates with SAP97 and Kir2.1 and also that Kir2.1 co-IPs with protein kinase A and β1-AR. SAP97 immunolocalizes with protein kinase A and β1-AR in the cardiac myocytes. Our results suggest that in cardiac myocytes SAP97 regulates surface expression of channels underlying IK1, as well as assembles a signaling complex involved in β1-AR regulation of IK1.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (ANG II) stimulates renal tubular reabsorption of NaCl by targeting Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3. We have shown previously that inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor-binding protein released with inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IRBIT) plays a critical role in stimulation of NHE3 in response to elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In this study, we investigated the role of IRBIT in mediating NHE3 activation by ANG II. IRBIT is abundantly expressed in the proximal tubules where NHE3 is located. ANG II at physiological concentrations stimulates NHE3 transport activity in a model proximal tubule cell line. ANG II-induced activation of NHE3 was abrogated by knockdown of IRBIT, whereas overexpression of IRBIT enhanced the effect of ANG II on NHE3. ANG II transiently increased binding of IRBIT to NHE3 at 5 min but became dissociated by 45 min. In comparison, it took at least 15 min of ANG II treatment for an increase in NHE3 activity and NHE3 surface expression. The stimulation of NHE3 by ANG II was dependent on changes in [Ca2+]i and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II. Inhibition of CaMKII completely blocked the ANG II-induced binding of IRBIT to NHE3 and the increase in NHE3 surface abundance. Several serine residues of IRBIT are thought to be important for IRBIT binding. Mutations of Ser-68, Ser-71, and Ser-74 of IRBIT decreased binding of IRBIT to NHE3 and its effect on NHE3 activity. In conclusion, our current findings demonstrate that IRBIT is critically involved in mediating activation of NHE3 by ANG II via a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

c-Abl is a key regulator of cell signaling and is under strict control via intramolecular interactions. In this study, we address changes in the intramolecular dynamics coupling within the c-Abl regulatory unit by presenting its N-terminal segment (N-Cap) with an alternative function in the cell as c-Abl becomes activated. Using small angle x-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance, and confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that the N-Cap and the Src homology (SH) 3 domain acquire μs-ms motions upon N-Cap association with the SH2-L domain, revealing a stabilizing synergy between these segments. The N-Cap-myristoyl tether likely triggers the protein to anchor to the membrane because of these flip-flop dynamics, which occur in the μs-ms time range. This segment not only presents the myristate during c-Abl inhibition but may also trigger protein localization inside the cell in a functional and stability-dependent mechanism that is lost in Bcr-Abl+ cells, which underlie chronic myeloid leukemia. This loss of intramolecular dynamics and binding to the cellular membrane is a potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase-1 (ASK1) is a known member of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase (MAP3K) family and upon stimulation will activate the p38- and JNK-pathways leading to cardiac apoptosis, fibrosis, and hypertrophy. Using Structure-Based Drug Design (SBDD) in parallel with deconstruction of a published compound, a novel series of ASK1 inhibitors was optimized, which incorporated a saturated heterocycle proximal to the hinge-binding motif. This yielded a unique chemical series with excellent selectivity across the broader kinome, and desirable drug-like properties. The lead compound (10) is highly soluble and permeable, and exhibits a cellular EC50 = 24 nM and Kd < 1 nM. Of the 350 kinases tested, 10 has an IC50 ≤ 500 nM for only eight of them. This paper will describe the design hypotheses behind this series, key data points during the optimization phase, as well as a possible structural rationale for the kinome selectivity. Based on crystallographic data, the presence of an aliphatic cycle adjacent to the hinge-binder in the active site of the protein kinase showed up in <1% of the >5000 structures in the Protein Data Bank, potentially conferring the selectivity seen in this series.  相似文献   

Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is considered difficult to cure because it is resistant to radio- and chemotherapy and has a high recurrence rate after curative liver resection. Epidermal growth factor receptor variant III (EGFRvIII) has been reported to express in HCC tissues and cell lines. This article describes the efficacy of an anti-EGFRvIII monoclonal antibody (mAb CH12) in the treatment of HCC xenografts with EGFRvIII expression and the underlying mechanism of EGFRvIII as an oncogene in HCC. The results demonstrated that CH12 bound preferentially to EGFRvIII with a dissociation constant (K(d)) of 1.346 nm/liter. In addition, CH12 induces strong antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and complement-dependent cytotoxicity in Huh7-EGFRvIII (with exogenous expression of EGFRvIII) and SMMC-7721 (with endogenous expression of EGFRvIII) cells. Notably, CH12 significantly inhibited the growth of Huh7-EGFRvIII and SMMC-7721 xenografts in vivo with a growth inhibition ratio much higher than C225, a U. S. Food and Drug Administration-approved anti-EGFR antibody. Treatment of the two HCC xenografts with CH12 significantly suppressed tumor proliferation and angiogenesis. Mechanistically, in vivo treatment with CH12 reduced the phosphorylation of constitutively active EGFRvIII, Akt, and ERK. Down-regulation of the apoptotic protectors Bcl-x(L), Bcl-2, and the cell cycle regulator cyclin D1, as well as up-regulation of the cell-cycle inhibitor p27, were also observed after in vivo CH12 treatment. Collectively, these results indicate that the monoclonal antibody CH12 is a promising therapeutic agent for HCC with EGFRvIII expression.  相似文献   

p27(Kip1) (p27), an intrinsically disordered protein, regulates the various Cdk/cyclin complexes that control cell cycle progression. The kinase inhibitory domain of p27 contains a cyclin-binding subdomain (D1), a Cdk-binding subdomain (D2), and a linker helix subdomain that connects D1 and D2. Here, we report that, despite extensive sequence conservation between Cdk4/cyclin D1 (hereafter Cdk4/cyclin D) and Cdk2/cyclin A, the thermodynamic details describing how the individual p27 subdomains contribute to equally high affinity binding to these two Cdk/cyclin complexes are strikingly different. Differences in enthalpy/entropy compensation revealed that the D2 subdomain of p27 folds incompletely when binding Cdk4/cyclin D versus Cdk2/cyclin A. Incomplete binding-induced folding exposes tyrosine 88 of p27 for phosphorylation by the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Abl. Importantly, tyrosine phosphorylation (of p27) relieves Cdk inhibition by p27, enabling cell cycle entry. Furthermore, the interaction between a conserved hydrophobic patch on cyclin D and subdomain D1 is much weaker than that with cyclin A; consequently, a construct containing subdomains D1 and LH (p27-D1LH) does not inhibit substrate binding to Cdk4/cyclin D as it does to Cdk2/cyclin A. Our results provide a mechanism by which Cdk4 (within the p27/Cdk4/cyclin D complex) is poised to be activated by extrinsic mitogenic signals that impinge upon p27 at the earliest stage of cell division. More broadly, our results further illustrate the regulatory versatility of intrinsically disordered proteins.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homologue) negatively regulates the PI3K pathway through its lipid phosphatase activity and is one of the most commonly lost tumor suppressors in human cancers. Though the tumor suppressive function involves the lipid phosphatase-dependent and -independent activities of PTEN, the mechanism leading to the phosphatase-independent function of PTEN is understood poorly. Some PTEN mutants have lipid phosphatase activity but fail to suppress cell growth. Here, we use a cancer-associated mutant, G20E, to gain insight into the phosphatase-independent function of PTEN by investigating protein-protein interactions using MS-based stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC). A strategy named parallel affinity purification (PAP) and SILAC has been developed to prioritize interactors and to compare the interactions between wild-type and G20E PTEN. Clustering of the prioritized interactors acquired by the PAP-SILAC approach shows three distinct clusters: 1) wild-type-specific interactors, 2) interactors unique to the G20E mutant, and 3) proteins common to wild-type and mutant. These interactors are involved mainly in cell migration and apoptosis pathways. We further demonstrate that the wild-type-specific interactor, NUDTL16L1, is required for the regulatory function of wild-type PTEN in cell migration. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of the phosphatase-dependent and -independent functions of PTEN.  相似文献   

Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is associated with diverse genetic alterations including mutation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Isoliquiritigenin (ILQ), a chalcone derivative, possesses anticancer activities. In the present study, we investigated the effects of ILQ on the growth of tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI)-sensitive and -resistant NSCLC cells and elucidated its underlying mechanisms. Treatment with ILQ inhibited growth and induced apoptosis in both TKI-sensitive and -resistant NSCLC cells. ILQ-induced apoptosis was associated with the cleavage of caspase-3 and poly-(ADP-ribose)-polymerase, increased expression of Bim, and reduced expression of Bcl-2. In vitro kinase assay results revealed that ILQ inhibited the catalytic activity of both wild type and double mutant (L858R/T790M) EGFR. Treatment with ILQ inhibited the anchorage-independent growth of NIH3T3 cells stably transfected with either wild type or double-mutant EGFR with or without EGF stimulation. ILQ also reduced the phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2 in both TKI-sensitive and -resistant NSCLC cells, and attenuated the kinase activity of Akt1 and ERK2 in vitro. ILQ directly interacted with both wild type and double-mutant EGFR in an ATP-competitive manner. A docking model study showed that ILQ formed two hydrogen bonds (Glu-762 and Met-793) with wild type EGFR and three hydrogen bonds (Lys-745, Met-793, and Asp-855) with mutant EGFR. ILQ attenuated the xenograft tumor growth of H1975 cells, which was associated with decreased expression of Ki-67 and diminished phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. Taken together, ILQ suppresses NSCLC cell growth by directly targeting wild type or mutant EGFR.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C-related protein kinases (PRKs) are effectors of the Rho family of small GTPases and play a role in the development of diseases such as prostate cancer and hepatitis C. Here we examined the mechanism underlying the regulation of PRK2 by its N-terminal region. We show that the N-terminal region of PRK2 prevents the interaction with its upstream kinase, the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1), which phosphorylates the activation loop of PRK2. We confirm that the N-terminal region directly inhibits the kinase activity of PRK2. However, in contrast to previous models, our data indicate that this inhibition is mediated in trans through an intermolecular PRK2-PRK2 interaction. Our results also suggest that amino acids 487-501, located in the linker region between the N-terminal domains and the catalytic domain, contribute to the PRK2-PRK2 dimer formation. This dimerization is further supported by other N-terminal domains. Additionally, we provide evidence that the region C-terminal to the catalytic domain intramolecularly activates PRK2. Finally, we discovered that the catalytic domain mediates a cross-talk between the inhibitory N-terminal region and the activating C-terminal region. The results presented here describe a novel mechanism of regulation among AGC kinases and offer new insights into potential approaches to pharmacologically regulate PRK2.  相似文献   

NADPH oxidase comprises both cytosolic and membrane-bound subunits, which, when assembled and activated, initiate the transfer of electrons from NADPH to molecular oxygen to form superoxide. This activity, known as the respiratory burst, is extremely important in the innate immune response as indicated by the disorder chronic granulomatous disease. The regulation of this enzyme complex involves protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions as well as phosphorylation events. Previously, our laboratory demonstrated that the small membrane subunit of the oxidase complex, p22phox, is phosphorylated in neutrophils and that its phosphorylation correlates with NADPH oxidase activity. In this study, we utilized site-directed mutagenesis in a Chinese hamster ovarian cell system to determine the phosphorylation sites within p22phox. We also explored the mechanism by which p22phox phosphorylation affects NADPH oxidase activity. We found that mutation of threonine 147 to alanine inhibited superoxide production in vivo by more than 70%. This mutation also blocked phosphorylation of p22phox in vitro by both protein kinase C-α and -δ. Moreover, this mutation blocked the p22phox-p47phox interaction in intact cells. When phosphorylation was mimicked in vivo through mutation of Thr-147 to an aspartyl residue, NADPH oxidase activity was recovered, and the p22phox-p47phox interaction in the membrane was restored. Maturation of gp91phox was not affected by the alanine mutation, and phosphorylation of the cytosolic component p47phox still occurred. This study directly implicates threonine 147 of p22phox as a critical residue for efficient NADPH oxidase complex formation and resultant enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The cell cycle is driven by the kinase activity of cyclin·cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes, which is negatively regulated by CDK inhibitor proteins. Recently, we identified INCA1 as an interaction partner and a substrate of cyclin A1 in complex with CDK2. On a functional level, we identified a novel cyclin-binding site in the INCA1 protein. INCA1 inhibited CDK2 activity and cell proliferation. The inhibitory effects depended on the cyclin-interacting domain. Mitogenic and oncogenic signals suppressed INCA1 expression, whereas it was induced by cell cycle arrest. We established a deletional mouse model that showed increased CDK2 activity in spleen with altered spleen architecture in Inca1(-/-) mice. Inca1(-/-) embryonic fibroblasts showed an increase in the fraction of S-phase cells. Furthermore, blasts from acute lymphoid leukemia and acute myeloid leukemia patients expressed significantly reduced INCA1 levels highlighting its relevance for growth control in vivo. Taken together, this study identifies a novel CDK inhibitor with reduced expression in acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemia. The molecular events that control the cell cycle occur in a sequential process to ensure a tight regulation, which is important for the survival of a cell and includes the detection and repair of genetic damage and the prevention of uncontrolled cell division.  相似文献   

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