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The genus Spondias belongs to the Anacardiaceae family, with about 18 species, having significant economic and social importance and with some species used in the agricultural industry, however, problems are encountered when trying to identify phylogenetic relationships among the species. The use of DNA barcoding is of importance to this group, allowing species identification at the molecular level and in determining the phylogenetic relationships within the group. The objective of this study is to obtain DNA barcoding and to determine the phylogenetic relationships among the species. For this, DNA from six species of the genus was extracted and amplified by PCR using sequences from the rbcL and matK genes and the trnH-psbA spacer gene, followed by sequencing using the Sanger method. The results show that the matK and rbcL genes cannot be used for DNA barcoding, because their discriminatory level between species is low. On the other hand, trnH-psbA shows a high level of discrimination, allowing most of the species to be identified. However it is not possible to separate Spondias venulosa and Spondias tuberosa. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Spondias mombim and S. tuberosa are distinct “umbucajá” clades, suggesting a non-hybrid origin for “umbucajá”.  相似文献   

The molecular evolution of the V6 and V9 domains of the mitochondrial SSU-rDNA was investigated to evaluate the use of these sequences for DNA barcodes in the Basidiomycota division. The PCR products from 27 isolates belonging to 11 Tricholoma species were sequenced. Both domains in the isolates belonging to the same species had identical sequences. All the species possess distinctive V9 sequences due to point mutations and insertion/deletion events. Secondary structures revealed that the insertion-deletion events occurred in regions not directly involved in the maintenance of the standard SSU-rRNA structure. The inserted sequences possess conserved motifs that enable their alignment among phylogenetically distant species. Hence, the V9 domain by displaying identical sequences within species, an adequate divergence level, easy amplification, and alignment represents an alternative molecular marker for the Basidiomycota division and opens the way for this sequence to be used as specific molecular markers of the fungal kingdom.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has revealed unrecognized species in several animal groups. In this study we have employed DNA barcoding to examine Hyalella, a taxonomically difficult genus of amphipod crustaceans, from sites in the southern Great Basin of California and Nevada, USA. We assessed the extent of species diversity using a species screening threshold (SST) set at 10 times the average intrapopulation cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) haplotype divergence. Despite the fact that this threshold approach is more conservative in delineating provisional species than the phylogenetic species concept, our analyses revealed extraordinary levels of cryptic diversity and endemism. The SST discriminated two provisional species within Hyalella sandra, and 33 provisional species within Hyalella azteca. COI nucleotide divergences among these provisional species ranged from 4.4% to 29.9%. These results have important implications for the conservation of life in desert springs - habitats that are threatened as a result of groundwater over-exploitation.  相似文献   

Metapenaeopsis Bouvier, 1905 is the most diverse genus within Penaeidae. Metapenaeopsis shrimps exhibited subtle morphological differences, which make identification a difficult task based on taxonomic keys alone. In this study, we carried out DNA barcoding and phylogenetic analyses to examine taxonomy and phylogeny of genus Metapenaeopsis based on mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (PEPCK and NaK) genes. Despite limited performance of DNA barcoding in delineating Metapenaeopsis shrimps, it questioned the taxonomic status of the two subspecies, Metapenaeopsis mogiensis intermedia and Metapenaeopsis mogiensis mogiensis, as well as three separate species: Metapenaeopsis provocatoria longirostris, Metapenaeopsis quinquedentata and Metapenaeopsis velutina. The major pattern of relationships between all studied taxa of Metapenaeopsis was similar across all analytical methods in which species with one-valved petasma were genetically distinct from those with two-valved petasma. As expected from morphology, the remaining species with stridulating organ constituted a strongly supported clade. In contrast, a paraphyletic clade was resolved for species without stridulating organ which contradicts Crosnier's morphological classification scheme for Metapenaeopsis. Overall, the present molecular data indicated that the shape of petasma and stridulating organ were both phylogenetically significant morphological characters for this genus, adding further evidence for the Crosnier's proposal.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a technique for identifying organisms based on a short, standardized fragment of genomic DNA. The standardized sequence region is called a DNA barcode because it is like a barcode tag for each taxon. Since the proposition of this concept and the launch of a large project named the Barcode of Life, this simple technique has attracted attention from taxonomists, ecologists, conservation biologists, agriculturists, plant‐quarantine officers and others, and the number of studies using the DNA barcode has rapidly increased. The extreme diversity of insects and their economical, epidemiological and agricultural importance have made this group a major target of DNA barcoding. However, there is some controversy about the utility of DNA barcoding. In this review, we present an overview of DNA barcoding and its application to entomology. We also introduce current advances and future implications of this promising technique.  相似文献   

利用植物DNA条形码候选序列mat K、psb A-trn H、psb K-psb I和rbc L对蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra)植物的19种104批样品进行扩增和测序,并采用相似性搜索算法(BLAST)对各序列的鉴定效率进行评价,得出蜘蛛抱蛋属物种鉴定的最佳序列。结果显示,psb K-psb I的物种鉴定成功率为88.7%,在单一序列中成功率最高。通过多序列组合鉴定效率的比较,发现组合序列的鉴定成功率明显高于单一序列,其中mat K+(psb K-psb I)组合的鉴定成功率高达100%,基于该序列组合构建蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的系统发育树,结果显示同一物种的样品聚集度较好,多表现为单系。研究结果表明mat K+(psb K-psb I)序列组合可作为蜘蛛抱蛋植物种鉴定的最佳条形码序列。  相似文献   

鲫属鱼类DNA条码及种与亚种划分   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
鲫属(Carassius)鱼类由于表型变异大,分布范围广,分类一直不完善。该属常被分为三个种:黑鲫(C.carassius)、白鲫(C.cuvieri)和鲫(C.auratus)。鲫又可分为多个亚种(包括金鱼),其中银鲫(C.auratus gibelio)亚种有时被视作一个独立的种。该文研究了线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因5’端651bp的片段在这些种和亚种(共计128尾标本)中的变异。结果表明,C.carassius、C.cuvieri和C.auratus均为有效种,同时欧亚大陆的与日本列岛的C.auratus有明显分化;而C.auratusgibelio和C.auratusauratus有一些共享的单倍型,C.auratus gibelio应被视为C.auratus的一个亚种,而不是一个有效物种。由于C.auratus auratus和C.auratus gibelio等类群中同时存在二倍体和三倍体,因此,倍性不宜作为种或亚种的划分标准。  相似文献   

Identification to the species level using morphology is challenging when usual diagnostic characters are similar amongst related taxa. Within the Neotropical genus Atlantoscia, differences between nominal species are generally small and restricted to a few characters. Despite the power of DNA sequencing to identify and distinguish between species, molecular phylogenies of terrestrial isopods from the Neotropics have not been determined. In this study, two new species of Atlantoscia were described and molecular markers were used to verify both the validity of the current taxonomy and the relationships amongst the species within this genus. All of the recognized Atlantoscia species were strongly supported in the generated phylogenetic trees. The average congeneric distance was 14.7%, with Atlantoscia ituberasensis and Atlantoscia rubromarginata showing the highest genetic divergence. Our results demonstrate the utility of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene together with DNA barcoding to reliably distinguish Atlantoscia species. They also show that DNA barcoding may be helpful in those cases in which classical taxonomy does not provide clear‐cut species resolution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Abstract Identification of aphid species is always difficult due to the shortage of easily distinguishable morphological characters. Aphid genus Toxoptera consists of species with similar morphology and similar to Aphis in most morphological characters except the stridulatory apparatus. DNA barcodes with 1 145 bp sequences of partial mitochondrial cytochrome‐coxidase I (COI) genes were used for accurate identification of Toxoptera. Results indicated mean intraspecific sequence divergences were 1.33%, whereas mean interspecific divergences were greater at 8.29% (0.13% and 7.79% if T. aurantii 3 and T. aurantii 4 are cryptic species). Sixteen samples were distinguished to four species correctly by COI barcodes, which implied that DNA barcoding was successful in discrimination of aphid species with similar morphology. Phylogenetic relationships among species of this genus were tested based on this portion of COI sequences. Four species of Toxoptera assembled a clade with low support in maximum‐parsimony (MP) analysis, maximum‐likelihood (ML) analysis and Bayesian phylogenetic trees, the genus Toxoptera was not monophyletic, and there were two sister groups, such as T. citricidus and T. victoriae, and two clades of T. aurantii which probably presented cryptic species in the genus.  相似文献   

Identification of the juveniles of economically important thrips species on imports by morphology alone can be challenging and culturing is usually required. In the case of EU quarantine species such as Thrips palmi, rapid and accurate identification is essential. DNA barcoding using the Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene has become a popular technique for species identification; however, in some invertebrate genera COI has been shown to provide insufficient variability for species discrimination. This study presents a comparison of five different loci to investigate their ability to discriminate a small number of Thrips species. All five loci discriminated the species by neighbour-joining tree and varying degrees of discrimination were determined upon further investigation of the intraspecific and interspecific distances. Two distinct COI clades were observed for T. Palmi and judged to be COI haplotypes when data from the other four additional loci and geographical collection data were taken into consideration. COI was shown to provide sufficient variation to be used in future DNA barcoding efforts within the genus Thrips.  相似文献   

The genus Oxystele, a member of the highly diverse marine gastropod superfamily Trochoidea, is endemic to southern Africa. Members of the genus include some of the most abundant molluscs on southern African shores and are important components of littoral biodiversity in rocky intertidal habitats. Species delimitation within the genus is still controversial, especially regarding the complex O. impervia / O. variegata. Here, we assessed species boundaries within the genus using DNA barcoding and phylogenetic tree reconstruction. We analysed 56 specimens using the mitochondrial gene COI. Our analysis delimits five molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs), and distinguishes O. impervia from O. variegata. However, we reveal important discrepancies between MOTUs and morphology-based species identification and discuss alternative hypotheses that can account for this. Finally, we indicate the need for future study that includes additional genes, and the combination of both morphology and genetic techniques (e.g. AFLP or microsatellites) to get deeper insight into species delimitation within the genus.  相似文献   

The genus Corydalis is recognized as one of the most taxonomically challenging plant taxa. It is mainly distributed in the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains, a global biodiversity hotspot. To date, no effective solution for species discrimination and taxonomic assignment in Corydalis has been developed. In this study, five nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions, ITS, ITS2, matK, rbcL, and psbA‐trnH, were preliminarily assessed based on their ability to discriminate Corydalis to eliminate inefficient regions, and the three regions showing good performance (ITS, ITS2 and matK) were then evaluated in 131 samples representing 28 species of 11 sections of four subgenera in Corydalis using three analytical methods (NJ, ML, MP tree; K2P‐distance and BLAST). The results showed that the various approaches exhibit different species identification power and that BLAST shows the best performance among the tested approaches. A comparison of different barcodes indicated that among the single barcodes, ITS (65.2%) exhibited the highest identification success rate and that the combination of ITS + matK (69.6%) provided the highest species resolution among all single barcodes and their combinations. Three Pharmacopoeia‐recorded medicinal plants and their materia medica were identified successfully based on the ITS and ITS2 regions. In the phylogenetic analysis, the sections Thalictrifoliae, Sophorocapnos, Racemosae, Aulacostigma, and Corydalis formed well‐supported separate lineages. We thus hypothesize that the five sections should be classified as an independent subgenus and that the genus should be divided into three subgenera. In this study, DNA barcoding provided relatively high species discrimination power, indicating that it can be used for species discrimination in this taxonomically complicated genus and as a potential tool for the authentication of materia medica belonging to Corydalis.  相似文献   

The genus Bursera (Burseraceae) is one of the most diversified and abundant groups of plants of the tropical dry forests of Mexico. In order to provide a basis for better understanding of its evolutionary biology, we reconstructed a phylogeny of 57 species and varieties using the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) of 18S–26S and the 5.8S coding region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. We used four species of the allied genera Commiphora and Boswellia and one species of Spondias (Anacardiaceae) as outgroups. Our results support the views that Bursera is monophyletic and more closely related to Commiphora than to Boswellia. The division of Bursera into sections Bullockia and Bursera is also strongly supported by our phylogeny. Several other subclades also had high bootstrap values, especially within section Bursera. We use the phylogeny as a basis for discussing evolutionary tendencies in bark, leaves, breeding systems, and fruits.  相似文献   

Distinguishing yam species based on morphological traits is extremely difficult and unreliable, posing a challenge to breeders and genebank curators. Development of a molecular assay based on DNA barcoding can facilitate rapid and accurate identification of important Dioscorea species. To develop a DNA barcoding system forDioscorea species identification, the rbcL and matK loci (in unison and in combination), the non-coding intergenic spacer trnH-psbA of the chloroplast genome, and the nuclear ITS regions were investigated using criteria for developing candidate DNA barcodes. All DNA barcoding sequences were assessed for ease of PCR amplification, sequence quality and species discriminatory power. Amongst the markers investigated, the matK locus performed well in terms of species identification (63.2%), in addition to detecting high interspecific variation with mean divergence of 0.0196 (SD=0.0209). The combination of the two coding regions (rbcL + matK) was determined to be the optimal (76.2%) DNA barcoding approach as 16 out of 21 species could be defined. While the rbcL exhibited good PCR amplification efficiency and sequence quality, its species discriminatory power was relatively poor with 47.6% identification. Similarly, the trnH-psbA region had a weak discrimination efficiency of only 36.8%. While the development of more robust DNA barcoding systems is an ongoing challenge, our results indicate that therbcL + matK combination can be utilized as multi-locus DNA barcode regions for Dioscorea species identification.  相似文献   

The genus Dalbergia with c. 250 species has a pantropical distribution. In spite of the high economic and ecological value of the genus, it has not yet been the focus of a species level phylogenetic study. We utilized ITS nuclear sequence data and included 64 Dalbergia species representative of its entire geographic range to provide a first phylogenetic framework of the genus to evaluate previous infrageneric classifications based on morphological data. The phylogenetic analyses performed suggest that Dalbergia is monophyletic and that it probably originated in the New World. Several clades corresponding to sections of these previous classifications are revealed. Taking into account that there is not a complete correlation between geography and phylogeny, and the estimation that the Dalbergia stem and crown clades are 40.4–43.3 mya and 3.8–12.7 mya, respectively, it is plausible that several long distance dispersal events underlie the pantropical distribution of the genus.  相似文献   

Dong W  Liu J  Yu J  Wang L  Zhou S 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35071


At present, plant molecular systematics and DNA barcoding techniques rely heavily on the use of chloroplast gene sequences. Because of the relatively low evolutionary rates of chloroplast genes, there are very few choices suitable for molecular studies on angiosperms at low taxonomic levels, and for DNA barcoding of species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We scanned the entire chloroplast genomes of 12 genera to search for highly variable regions. The sequence data of 9 genera were from GenBank and 3 genera were of our own. We identified nearly 5% of the most variable loci from all variable loci in the chloroplast genomes of each genus, and then selected 23 loci that were present in at least three genera. The 23 loci included 4 coding regions, 2 introns, and 17 intergenic spacers. Of the 23 loci, the most variable (in order from highest variability to lowest) were intergenic regions ycf1-a, trnK, rpl32-trnL, and trnH-psbA, followed by trnSUGA-trnGUCC, petA-psbJ, rps16-trnQ, ndhC-trnV, ycf1-b, ndhF, rpoB-trnC, psbE-petL, and rbcL-accD. Three loci, trnSUGA-trnGUCC, trnT-psbD, and trnW-psaJ, showed very high nucleotide diversity per site (π values) across three genera. Other loci may have strong potential for resolving phylogenetic and species identification problems at the species level. The loci accD-psaI, rbcL-accD, rpl32-trnL, rps16-trnQ, and ycf1 are absent from some genera. To amplify and sequence the highly variable loci identified in this study, we designed primers from their conserved flanking regions. We tested the applicability of the primers to amplify target sequences in eight species representing basal angiosperms, monocots, eudicots, rosids, and asterids, and confirmed that the primers amplified the desired sequences of these species.


Chloroplast genome sequences contain regions that are highly variable. Such regions are the first consideration when screening the suitable loci to resolve closely related species or genera in phylogenetic analyses, and for DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

Abstract Cordyceps is an endoparasite ascomycetous genus containing approximately 450 species with a diversity of insect hosts, traditionally included in the family Clavicipitaceae of Ascomycota. Establishing the relationships among species with a varied range of morphologies and hosts is of importance to our understanding of the phylogeny and co‐evolution of parasites and hosts in entomopathogenic ascomycetes. To this end, we used a combination of molecular index and morphological characters from 40 representative species to carry out comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses. Based on the phylogenetic tree, we used the program DISCRETE for inferring the rates of evolution and finding ancestral states of morphological character. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two important points. (i) Types of perithecia attached to stroma reflected an evolutionary trend in Cordyceps. The vertically immersed perithecia form was the ancestral state, superficial and obliquely immersed perithecia were derived characters, obliquely immersed was irreversible. Species with obliquely immersed perithecia were in a closely related group and were the derived group. (ii) A strong correlation between fungal relatedness and the microhabitat supported the hypothesis that the host jumps through commingling in soil microhabitats. Based on the results of these analyses, host switching explains the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps.  相似文献   

Cordyceps is an endoparasite ascomycetous genus containing approximately 450 species with a diversity of insect hosts,traditionally included in the family Clavicipitaceae of Ascomycota.Establishing the relationships among species with a varied range of morphologies and hosts is of importance to our understanding of the phylogeny and co-evolution of parasites and hosts in entomopathogenic ascomycetes.To this end,we used a combination of molecular index and morphological characters from 40 representative species to carry out comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analyses.Based on the phylogenetic tree,we used the program DISCRETE for inferring the rates of evolution and finding ancestral states of morphological character.The phylogenetic analyses revealed two important points.(i) Types of perithecia attached to stroma reflected an evolutionary trend in Cordyceps.The vertically immersed perithecia form was the ancestral state,superficial and obliquely immersed perithecia were derived characters,obliquely immersed was irreversible.Species with obliquely immersed perithecia were in a closely related group and were the derived group.(ii) A strong correlation between fungal relatedness and the microhabitat supported the hypothesis that the host jumps through commingling in soil microhabitats.Based on the results of these analyses,host switching explains the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Cordyceps.  相似文献   

The genus Salacia (Celastraceae) is a source of many important pharmaceutical chemicals used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine in India. Owing to morphological similarities between species, the taxonomy of Salacia is complex and not fully settled. To ensure quality and assured therapeutic effects in the raw drugs from the genus, proper identification at the species level is critical. The main objective of this study was to find suitable DNA barcodes that can accurately and efficiently identify the potential medicinal species of the genus. Among the barcode loci analyzed, ITS2 exhibited the highest interspecific divergence, followed by trnH‐psbA, matK and rbcL. A clear barcoding gap was evident for the ITS2 barcode region whereas it was less conspicuous for trnH‐psbA and matK. The ITS2 barcode could discriminate all the eight analyzed Salacia species with 100% accuracy. We therefore propose barcoding with ITS2 to confirm the taxonomic identity of the raw drugs in the market. Further, the ITS2 region can be recommended for biosystematic studies in the genus.  相似文献   

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