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Experiments indicating acceleration of charged particles as a result of separation of solid surfaces are analyzed. As a possible mechanism of such acceleration, generation of surface charge on the separated surfaces of a cleaved ionic crystal is considered. The maximum electric field generated due to the charging of the separated surfaces and the energy of electrons accelerated in such a field are estimated. It is shown that, for the maximum attainable electric field, conditions are created for the generation of runaway electrons that, even at atmospheric pressure, electrons are accelerated to high energies, not experiencing collisions with gas particles.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the generation of picosecond runaway electron beams in an air gap with an inhomogeneous electric field at a cathode voltage of up to 500 kV are presented. The methods and equipment developed for these experiments made it possible to measure the beam characteristics with a time resolution of better than 10−11 s, determine the voltage range and the beam formation time in the breakdown delay stage, and demonstrate the influence of the state of the cathode surface on the stability of runaway electron generation. It is demonstrated that the critical electron runaway field in air agrees with the classical concepts and that the accelerated beam can be compressed to ∼20 ps. It is unlikely that, under these conditions, the beam duration is limited due to the transition of field emission from the cathode to a microexplosion of inhomogeneities. The maximum energy acquired by runaway electrons in the course of acceleration does not exceed the value corresponding to the electrode voltage.  相似文献   

A method for calculating the electron kinetics in dense gases in strong electric fields is developed. The method differs from the forward-backward approximation proposed by Ra?zer and Shne?der for “high-energy” electrons in that it introduces the effective cosines of the scattering angles with respect to the electric force, μ+(?, E) and μ?(?, E), which are different from +1 and ?1, as in the forward-backward approximation. The method was implemented numerically for atmospheric-pressure helium and molecular nitrogen for fields in the ranges 10–200 and 50–800 kV/cm, respectively. The cosines μ+(?, E) and μ?(?, E), the frequency of “fatal” collisions making high-energy electrons to pass from an acceleration regime to a deceleration one, and the rate at which the electrons leave the low-energy reservoir with energies of ≤15 eV for nitrogen and of ≤20 eV for helium are calculated.  相似文献   

Results are presented from laboratory modeling of the dynamics of space cyclotron masers. A selfoscillatory mode of cyclotron instability in the nonequilibrium plasma of an ECR discharge in a magnetic mirror trap is found. The plasma comprises two electron populations: the background population with a density of N e ~ 1013–1014 cm?3 and temperature of T e ≈ 300 eV and the energetic population with a density of N e ~ 1010 cm?3 and temperature of T e ≈ 10 keV. Quasi-periodic pulsed precipitation of energetic electrons from the trap, accompanied by microwave bursts at frequencies below the electron gyrofrequency in the center of the trap, is detected. The study of the microwave plasma emission and the energetic electrons precipitated from the trap shows that the precipitation is related to the excitation of whistler-mode waves propagating nearly parallel to the trap axis. The observed instability has much in common with phenomena in space magnetic traps, such as radiation belts of magnetized planets and solar coronal loops. The experimental results demonstrate the opportunity of laboratory modeling of space cyclotron masers. The main tasks and possibilities of such modeling are discussed.  相似文献   

As was shown earlier for pulsed discharges that occur in electric fields rising with extremely high rates (1018 V/(cm s)) during the pulse rise time, the electron current in a vacuum discharge is lower than the current of runaway electrons in an atmospheric air discharge in a 1-cm-long gap. In this paper, this is explained by that the field emission current from cathode microprotrusions in a gas discharge is enhanced due to gas ionization. This hastens the initiation of explosive electron emission, which occurs within 10–11 s at a current density of up to 1010 A/cm2. Thereafter, a first-type cathode spot starts forming. The temperature of the cathode spot decreases due to heat conduction, and the explosive emission current ceases. Thus, the runaway electron current pulse is similar in nature to the ecton phenomenon in a vacuum discharge.  相似文献   

The process of trapping and acceleration of nonmonoenergetic electron bunches by a wake wave excited by a laser pulse in a plasma channel is investigated. The electrons are injected into the vicinity of the maximum of the wakefield potential with a velocity lower than the wave phase velocity. The study is aimed at utilizing specific features of a wakefield with substantially overlapped focusing and accelerating phases for achieving monoenergetic electron acceleration. Conditions are found under which electrons in a finite-length nonmonoenergetic bunch are accelerated to high energies, while the energy spread between them is minimal. The effect of energy grouping of electrons makes it possible to obtain compact high-energy electron bunches with a small energy spread during laser plasma acceleration.  相似文献   

A mechanism is proposed that can lead to radial ion acceleration in a plasma discharge excited by an electron beam in a relatively weak longitudinal magnetic field. The mechanism operates as follows. The beam generates an azimuthally asymmetric slow potential wave, which traps electrons. Trapped magnetized electrons drift radially with a fairly high velocity under the combined action of the azimuthal wave field (which is constant for them) and a relatively weak external longitudinal magnetic field. The radial electron flux generates a radial charge-separation electric field, which accelerates unmagnetized plasma ions in the radial direction. The ion flux densities and energies achievable in experiments with kiloelectronvolt electron beams in magnetic fields of up to 100 G are estimated.  相似文献   

An original hydrodynamic model in which inelastic collisions in the equations of motion and energy balance play a decisive role is developed and applied to simulate electron avalanches in strong electric fields. The mean energy and drift velocity of electrons, as well as the ionization coefficient and electric field in a wide range of mean electron energies, are determined for helium and xenon. A criterion is derived for the runaway of the average electron in discharges with ionization multiplication. It is shown that runaway can take place at any value of E/p, provided that the momentum mean free path exceeds the gap length. The voltage corresponding to electron runaway is found for helium, xenon, and air as a function of the electric field, the electron mean energy, and the parameter pd. Conditions for the formation of a precursor in electronegative gases are analyzed. It is shown that the presence of a precursor with a high electric conductance is necessary for the formation of a new leader step. The voltage and time ranges corresponding to efficient electron runaway and X-ray generation during leader breakdown in air are determined.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of trapping of weakly relativistic charged particles (with kinetic energies on the order of mc 2) into a regime of surfatron acceleration by an electromagnetic wave that propagates in plasma across a weak external magnetic field has been studied using nonlinear numerical calculations based on a solution of the relativistic equations of motion. Analysis showed that, for the wave amplitude above a certain threshold value and the initial wave phase outside the interval favorable for the surfing regime, the trajectory of a charged particle initially corresponds to its cyclotron rotation in the external magnetic field. For the initial particle energies studied, the period of this rotation is relatively short. After a certain number (from several dozen to several thousand and above) of periods of rotation, the wave phase takes a value that is favorable for trapping of the charged particle on its trajectory by the electromagnetic wave, provided the Cherenkov resonance conditions are satisfied. As a result, the wave traps the charged particle and imparts it an ultrarelativistic acceleration. In momentum space, the region of trapping into the regime of surfing on an electromagnetic wave turns out to be rather large.  相似文献   

Conditions under which the number of runaway electrons in atmospheric-pressure air reaches ∼5 × 1010 are determined. Recommendations for creating runaway electron accelerators are given. Methods for measuring the parameters of a supershort avalanche electron beam and X-ray pulses from gas-filled diodes, as well as the discharge current and gap voltage, are described. A technique for determining the instant of runaway electron generation with respect to the voltage pulse is proposed. It is shown that the reduction in the gap voltage and the decrease in the beam current coincide in time. The mechanism of intense electron beam generation in gas-filled diodes is analyzed. It is confirmed experimentally that, in optimal regimes, the number of electrons generated in atmospheric-pressure air with energies T > eU m , where U m is the maximum gap voltage, is relatively small.  相似文献   

The parameters of a calcium plasma source based on an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) discharge were calculated. The analysis was performed as applied to an ion cyclotron resonance system designed for separation of calcium isotopes. The plasma electrons in the source were heated by gyrotron microwave radiation in the zone of the inhomogeneous magnetic field. It was assumed that, in such a combined trap, the energy of the extraordinary microwave propagating from the high-field side was initially transferred to a small group of resonance electrons. As a result, two electron components with different transverse temperatures—the hot resonance component and the cold nonresonance component—were created in the plasma. The longitudinal temperatures of both components were assumed to be equal. The entire discharge space was divided into a narrow ECR zone, where resonance electrons acquired transverse energy, and the region of the discharge itself, where the gas was ionized. The transverse energy of resonance electrons was calculated by solving the equations for electron motion in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Using the law of energy conservation and the balance condition for the number of hot electrons entering the discharge zone and cooled due to ionization and elastic collisions, the density of hot electrons was estimated and the dependence of the longitudinal temperature T e of the main (cold) electron component on the energy fraction β lost for radiation was obtained.  相似文献   

The propagation of a nonlinear right-hand polarized wave along an external magnetic field in subcritical plasma in the electron cyclotron resonance region is studied using numerical simulations. It is shown that a small-amplitude plasma wave excited in low-density plasma is unstable against modulation instability with a modulation period equal to the wavelength of the excited wave. The modulation amplitude in this case increases with decreasing detuning from the resonance frequency. The simulations have shown that, for large-amplitude waves of the laser frequency range propagating in plasma in a superstrong magnetic field, the maximum amplitude of the excited longitudinal electric field increases with the increasing external magnetic field and can reach 30% of the initial amplitude of the electric field in the laser wave. In this case, the energy of plasma electrons begins to substantially increase already at magnetic fields significantly lower than the resonance value. The laser energy transferred to plasma electrons in a strong external magnetic field is found to increase severalfold compared to that in isotropic plasma. It is shown that this mechanism of laser radiation absorption depends only slightly on the electron temperature.  相似文献   

Conditions are investigated at which two current pulses of ranaway electron beams are generated in elevated-pressure nitrogen during one voltage pulse. It is shown that the regime with two runaway electron beam current pulses takes place at decreased values of the electric field strength E in the gap (or decreased values of the parameter E/p, where p is the gas pressure). The regime with two runaway electron beam current pulses is observed both at high (1500?C3000 Torr) and low (below 100 Torr) pressures. It is shown that, for the second runaway electron beam current pulse to form, the voltage across the gap should be partially reduced during the first pulse. At low nitrogen pressures (~10 Torr), the regime in which two runaway electron beams are generated can be implemented by increasing the breakdown strength of the gap and/or increasing the value of E/p. In experiments carried out in atmospheric-pressure air with a picosecond time resolution, a rather complicated structure of the beam current pulse is observed at a voltage rise time of ~300 ps.  相似文献   

The formation times of self-sustained subnanosecond discharges in nitrogen at pressures of 1?40 atm and in hydrogen at pressures of 1–60 atm are analyzed in terms of the avalanche model. In experiments, a subnanosecond voltage pulse with an amplitude of 102 ± 2 kV was applied to a 0.5-mm-long discharge gap with a uniformly distributed electric field (the curvature radii of both the cathode and anode ends were 1 cm). The rise time of the voltage pulse from 0.1 to 0.9 of its amplitude value was about 250 ps. Breakdown occurred at the leading edge of the pulse. The discharge formation time was measured at different gas pressures with a step of 5–10 atm. Analysis of the experimental results shows that, in nitrogen at pressures of 10–40 atm and in hydrogen at pressures of 20–50 atm, breakdown occurs earlier than the electron avalanche reaches its critical length and that the critical avalanche length lies in the range of (2–8) × 10–2 mm, which is one order of magnitude shorter than the discharge gap length. This means that the avalanche–streamer model is inapplicable in this case. The fast formation of a conducting channel under these conditions can be explained by ionization of gas by runaway electrons. In this case, the conducting column develops as a result of simultaneous development of a large number of electron avalanches in the gas volume. An increase in the hydrogen pressure from 50 to 60 atm leads to an abrupt increase in the discharge formation time by about 50%. As a result, the growth time of the electron avalanche to its critical length becomes shorter than the discharge formation time. In this case, the electrons cease to pass into the runaway regime and the discharge is initiated from the cathode due to field emission from microinhomogeneities on its surface. Under these conditions, the discharge formation time is well described by the avalanche–streamer model.  相似文献   

The influence of magnetic configurations with magnetic hills or wells on the parameters of a plasma column and turbulence characteristics were studied in experiments in which the plasma was created and heated by a microwave beam at the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency. Calculations show that, for 〈β〉=(1.5?2)×10?, a configuration with a magnetic well takes place and the Mercier criterion for stability of the ideal MHD modes is satisfied. It is shown that the compensation of the Shafranov shift of the plasma column by a transverse (vertical) field (B v /B 0 =5×10?3) leads to a configuration with a magnetic hill in which the Mercier stability criterion is violated in the central region of the plasma column. It is experimentally shown that the stored plasma energy in the magnetic-hill configuration is reduced by one-half in comparison with the magnetic-well configuration. In the case of a magnetic hill, the energy of fluctuations increases both in the plasma core and near the separatrix, and the quasi-regular components of the wavelet spectra grow. When the Shafranov shift is compensated only partially (B v/B 0~3×10?3) and the system is near the instability threshold, the stored plasma energy and the central electron temperature are somewhat higher, and the radiation power of fast electrons from non-Maxwellian tails at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency decreases. It is found that the wavelet spectra of fluctuations change, the coherence coefficient for spectral components increases, and the radial electric field near the separatrix decreases.  相似文献   

The work presents experimental results demonstrating the feasibility of autoresonance acceleration of electrons in a long mirror trap with a reverse magnetic field. It is shown that gyromagnetic autoresonance results in the formation of a plasma bunch with average electron energy of several hundred keV, which is confined for a long time in the trap. The results of computer simulations of the regime of reverse gyromagnetic autoresonance agree well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Relativistic beams produced by the VEPP-5 injection complex (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences) can be used to generate plasma waves with a longitudinal electric field of 1 GV/m. A part of the electron (or positron) driver bunch is accelerated by this field over a distance of up to 1 m. The main advantage of the proposed design over the previous wakefield acceleration experiments is the beam preparation system capable of compressing bunches to a length of σz = 0.1 mm in the longitudinal direction and producing an optimal longitudinal profile of the beam density. The main parameters of the planned device are as follows: the electron energy at the entrance to the plasma is 510 MeV, the number of particles in the bunch is 2 × 1010, the plasma density is up to 1016 cm?3, the number of accelerated particles is up to 3 × 109, and their energy spread is less than 10%. The physical project of the experiment is presented, and the results of computer simulations of the beam-plasma interaction are described.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ions accelerated to energies of 10–100 MeV/nucleon in an electric field of ~0.01–0.1 V/cm, which has a component directed along the magnetic field of solar coronal loops with a characteristic size of ~100000 km, is considered. The motion of fast ions trapped in a current-carrying magnetic loop that has a magnetic mirror at its base (the mirror trap model) is analyzed. The applicability of the obtained theoretical results to interpret gamma-ray bursts that, according to the data of the RHESSI space observatory, occurred on July 23, 2002 and October 28, 2003, is discussed. In those two bursts, a single and a pair gamma source displaced relative to the hard X-ray sources were localized in the 2.223-MeV neutron-capture line. On the basis of complex analysis of multi-wavelength (X-ray, gamma-ray, and optical) observations and the data on fast solar protons, a new topological model of the source of accelerated particles (of the mirror trap type) and a new scenario of the event that occurred on July 23, 2002 are proposed. Evidence of the possibility of particle acceleration by the electric field in coronal mass-ejection loops during large solar flares is obtained. The simulation results indicate that the gamma-ray source in the excitation lines (4.1–6.7 MeV) should coincide with the region where the accelerated ions interact with the background plasma of the solar atmosphere above the spot of the flare active region.  相似文献   

A method for creation of a long magnetized column of dense hydrogen plasma in a metal chamber by means of a high-current linear discharge is considered. It is the main method for the formation of preliminary plasma in the GOL-3 multimirror trap, in which a plasma column with a length of up to 12 m and diameter of 8 cm, suitable for conducting experiments on the injection of a relativistic electron beam, was obtained. Conditions for stable discharge operation in the density range of 3 × 1019–1022 m?3 are determined, including a discharge with a uniform longitudinal plasma density profile and incomplete initial ionization of hydrogen. It is demonstrated that the system is capable of operating in a magnetic field with a variable configuration and strength of up to 6 T in the solenoidal section and up to 12 T in the end mirrors. It is shown that an important role in the development of a discharge is played by fast electrons with energies corresponding to the initial applied voltage (about 25 kV), which provide primary gas ionization. The properties of low-temperature plasma in such a discharge are discussed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the energy spectra of an electron beam in a model beam-plasma oscillator based on a hybrid plasma waveguide in the pulsed mode of microwave generation with a pulse duration of 1 µs or shorter. The beam energy spent on sustaining the beam-plasma discharge in a slow-wave structure is measured. A correlation between the type of excited waves and the generation of a group of accelerated beam electrons with energies exceeding the injection energy is revealed. It is shown that the pulsed mode of microwave generation is related to the time variations in the plasma density profile in the waveguide and the trapping of beam electrons by the excited microwave field.  相似文献   

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