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Romeralo M  Escalante R  Baldauf SL 《Protist》2012,163(3):327-343
Dictyostelid social amoebae are a large and ancient group of soil microbes with an unusual multicellular stage in their life cycle. Taxonomically, they belong to the eukaryotic supergroup Amoebozoa, the sister group to Opisthokonta (animals + fungi). Roughly half of the ~150 known dictyostelid species were discovered during the last five years and probably many more remain to be found. The traditional classification system of Dictyostelia was completely overturned by cladistic analyses and molecular phylogenies of the past six years. As a result, it now appears that, instead of three major divisions there are eight, none of which correspond to traditional higher-level taxa. In addition to the widely studied Dictyostelium discoideum, there are now efforts to develop model organisms and complete genome sequences for each major group. Thus Dictyostelia is becoming an excellent model for both practical, medically related research and for studying basic principles in cell-cell communication and developmental evolution. In this review we summarize the latest information about their life cycle, taxonomy, evolutionary history, genome projects and practical importance.  相似文献   

The evolution of social groupings in insects, especially wasps, is compared to that of social amoebae (cellular slime moulds). They both show a gamut of colony sizes, from solitary forms to complex colonies with a division of labour. The various ideas as to how there might have been an evolution of complexity within insect societies, such as the role of genetic relatedness, the role of mutualism, the origin of sterility, the manipulation and exploitation of some individuals by others within a colony, are discussed, and then applied to social amoebae. The result is both interesting and instructive: despite some differences, there are many striking parallels, which suggests that there are some common denominators in the formation and evolution of a social existence among organisms.  相似文献   

X Tian  J E Strassmann  D C Queller 《Heredity》2014,112(2):215-218
Eukaryotic protein sequences often contain amino-acid homopolymers that consist of a single amino acid repeated from several to dozens of times. Some of these are functional but others may persist largely because of high expansion rates due to DNA slippage. However, very long homopolymers with over a hundred repeats are very rare. We report an extraordinarily long homopolymer consisting of 306 tandem serine repeats from the single-celled eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum, which also has a multicellular stage. The gene has a paralog with 132 repeats and orthologs, also with high serine repeat numbers, in various other Dictyostelid species. The conserved gene structure and protein sequences suggest that the homopolymer is functional. The high codon diversity and very poor alignment of serine codons in this gene between species similarly indicate functionality. This is because the serine homopolymer is conserved despite much DNA sequence change. A survey of other very long amino-acid homopolymers in eukaryotes shows that high codon diversity is the rule, suggesting that these too may be functional.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing (QS) in bacteria is thought to enable populations of cells to coordinately and cooperatively regulate gene expression for traits that confer group benefits. While this view has strong empirical and theoretical support, it is increasingly appreciated that QS under natural conditions may be incapable of monitoring bacterial numbers and, furthermore, that QS is evolutionarily unstable owing to conflicts of interest among competing cells. An alternative hypothesis, termed diffusion sensing (DS), proposes that autoinducer secretion monitors the diffusive properties of the local environment, with benefits that are directly realized by individual cells rather than populations. Here, we test central predictions of this hypothesis using the competence signalling system of Streptococcus pneumoniae as our model, which regulates the induction of natural transformation by the secretion and detection of a small diffusible peptide, CSP (competence-stimulating peptide). By experimentally manipulating the diffusive properties of the growth medium, we found that there is no fixed quorum for competence induction. Instead, induction cell density scales with diffusivity. In agreement with QS and DS expectations, we show that the benefit of signal exploitation by mutant cells that can use but not secrete CSP is strongly frequency-dependent. However, we also find that the magnitude of this benefit declines significantly as diffusion is reduced, a result more consistent with the predictions of DS. Together, these data provide strong support for the DS hypothesis for autoinducer response systems. More specifically, our results imply that autonomous rather than group benefits should be sought in order to more completely understand the role and evolution of CSP signalling in pneumococci.  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae are widely distributed in aquatic environments and their hygienic, medical and ecological relationships to man are increasingly important. The purpose of this study was to isolate free-living amoebae from water-hyacinth root (Eichhornia crassipes) and the water of an urban lake in Mexico City. Five grams of wet root were seeded on non-nutritive agar with Enterobacter aerogenes (NNE). Water samples were concentrated by centrifugation at 1200g for 15 min and the pellet was seeded on NNE. Of the 16 isolated genera, 10 were detected in both habitats. The most frequent were Vannella in root and Acanthamoeba and Naegleria in water. The total number of isolates and genera isolated from root was higher than that isolated from water. The differences between root and water are probably due to the morphological characteristics of water-hyacinth root, which provides a large habitat and refuge area for many organisms.  相似文献   

Waterborne transmission of the oocyst stage of Toxoplasma gondii can cause outbreaks of clinical toxoplasmosis in humans and infection of marine mammals. In water-related environments and soil, free-living amoebae are considered potential carriers of various pathogens, but knowledge on interactions with parasitic protozoa remains elusive. In the present study, we assessed whether the free-living Acanthamoebacastellanii, due to its phagocytic activity, can interact with T. gondii oocysts. We report that amoebae can internalize T. gondii oocysts by active uptake. Intracellular oocysts in amoebae rarely underwent phagocytic lysis, retained viability and established infection in mice. Interaction of T. gondii with amoebae did not reduce the infectivity and pathogenicity of oocysts even after prolonged co-cultivation. Our results show that uptake of oocysts by A. castellanii does not restrain the transmission of T. gondii in a murine infection model.  相似文献   

Look who's talking: communication and quorum sensing in the bacterial world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For many years bacteria were considered primarily as autonomous unicellular organisms with little capacity for collective behaviour. However, we now appreciate that bacterial cells are in fact, highly communicative. The generic term 'quorum sensing' has been adopted to describe the bacterial cell-to-cell communication mechanisms which co-ordinate gene expression usually, but not always, when the population has reached a high cell density. Quorum sensing depends on the synthesis of small molecules (often referred to as pheromones or autoinducers) that diffuse in and out of bacterial cells. As the bacterial population density increases, so does the synthesis of quorum sensing signal molecules, and consequently, their concentration in the external environment rises. Once a critical threshold concentration has been reached, a target sensor kinase or response regulator is activated (or repressed) so facilitating the expression of quorum sensing-dependent genes. Quorum sensing enables a bacterial population to mount a co-operative response that improves access to nutrients or specific environmental niches, promotes collective defence against other competitor prokaryotes or eukaryotic defence mechanisms and facilitates survival through differentiation into morphological forms better able to combat environmental threats. Quorum sensing also crosses the prokaryotic-eukaryotic boundary since quorum sensing-dependent signalling can be exploited or inactivated by both plants and mammals.  相似文献   

Pathogenic free-living amoebae in Korea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Acanthamoeba and Naegleria are widely distributed in fresh water, soil and dust throughout the world, and cause meningoencephalitis or keratoconjunctivitis in humans and other mammals. Korean isolates, namely, Naegleria sp. YM-1 and Acanthamoeba sp. YM-2, YM-3, YM-4, YM-5, YM-6 and YM-7, were collected from sewage, water puddles, a storage reservoir, the gills of a fresh water fish, and by corneal washing. These isolates were categorized into three groups based on the mortalities of infected mice namely, highly virulent (YM-4), moderately virulent (YM-2, YM-5 and YM-7) and nonpathogenic (YM-3). In addition, a new species of Acanthamoeba was isolated from a freshwater fish in Korea and tentatively named Korean isolate YM-4. The morphologic characters of its cysts were similar to those of A. culbertsoni and A. royreba, which were previously designated as Acanthamoeba group III. Based on experimentally infected mouse mortality, Acanthamoeba YM-4 was highly virulent. The isoenzymes profile of Acanthamoeba YM-4 was similar to that of A. royreba. Moreover, an anti-Acanthamoeba YM-4 monoclonal antibody reacted only with Acanthamoeba YM-4, and not with A. culbertsoni. Random amplified polymorphic DNA marker analysis and RFLP analysis of mitochondrial DNA and of a 18S small subunit ribosomal RNA, placed Acanthamoeba YM-4 in a separate cluster based on phylogenic distances. Thus Acanthamoeba YM-4 was identified as a new species, and assigned Acanthamoeba sohi. Up to the year 2002 in Korea, two clinical cases were found to be infected with Acanthamoeba spp. These patients died of meningoencephalitis. In addition, one case of Acanthamoeba pneumonia with an immunodeficient status was reported and Acanthamoeba was detected in several cases of chronic relapsing corneal ulcer, chronic conjunctivitis, and keratitis.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) plays a role in the regulation of virulence genes and it is intertwined in the las/rhl quorum sensing (QS) circuits of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PQS is synthesized from anthranilate by pqsA-D and pqsH whose expression is influenced by the las/rhl systems. Since anthranilate can be degraded by functions of antABC and catBCA, PQS synthesis might be regulated by the balance between the expression of the pqsA-D/phnAB, pqsH, antABC, and catBCA gene loci. antA and catA are repressed by LasR during log phase and activated by RhlR in late stationary phase, whereas pqsA-E/phnAB is activated by LasR in log phase and repressed by RhlR. QscR represses both but each repression occurs in a different growth phase. This growth phase-differential regulation appears to be accomplished by the antagonistic interplay of LasR, RhlR, and QscR, mediated by two intermediate regulators, AntR and PqsR, and their cofactors, anthranilate and PQS, where the expressions of antR and pqsR and the production of anthranilate and PQS are growth phase-differentially regulated by QS systems. Especially, the anthranilate level increases in an RhlR-dependent manner at late stationary phase. From these results, we suggest that RhlR and LasR regulate the anthranilate metabolism in a mutually antagonistic and growth phase-differential manner by affecting both the expressions and activities of AntR and PqsR, and that QscR also phase-differentially represses both LasR and RhlR functions in this regulation.  相似文献   

Rac regulation of chemotaxis and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Park KC  Rivero F  Meili R  Lee S  Apone F  Firtel RA 《The EMBO journal》2004,23(21):4177-4189
Chemotaxis requires localized F-actin polymerization at the site of the plasma membrane closest to the chemoattractant source, a process controlled by Rac/Cdc42 GTPases. We identify Dictyostelium RacB as an essential mediator of this process. RacB is activated upon chemoattractant stimulation, exhibiting biphasic kinetics paralleling F-actin polymerization. racB null cells have strong chemotaxis and morphogenesis defects and a severely reduced chemoattractant-mediated F-actin polymerization and PAKc activation. RacB activation is partly controlled by the PI3K pathway. pi3k1/2 null cells and wild-type cells treated with LY294002 exhibit a significantly reduced second peak of RacB activation, which is linked to pseudopod extension, whereas a PTEN hypomorph exhibits elevated RacB activation. We identify a RacGEF, RacGEF1, which has specificity for RacB in vitro. racgef1 null cells exhibit reduced RacB activation and cells expressing mutant RacGEF1 proteins display chemotaxis and morphogenesis defects. RacGEF1 localizes to sites of F-actin polymerization. Inhibition of this localization reduces RacB activation, suggesting a feedback loop from RacB via F-actin polymerization to RacGEF1. Our findings provide a critical linkage between chemoattractant stimulation, F-actin polymerization, and chemotaxis in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

群体感应(quorum sensing,QS)是细菌间的一种通讯方式,是控制微生物信号传递的重要机制,它使细菌能够感知周围环境中其他细菌的存在,并对其密度的变化做出快速反应,在调控基因表达和生物膜形成过程中起着重要作用。作为粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis,E. faecalis)特有的Fsr QS系统,通过调控E. faecalis毒力因子及生物膜等的表达,从而引起机体的各种感染。本综述通过阐述E. faecalis Fsr QS系统在介导毒力因子的表达及生物膜的形成中的作用,为E. faecalis所引起的感染提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Recent reports have demonstrated that the importance of Rap1-specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) in the spatial and temporal regulation of Rap1 activity during cell migration and development in Dictyostelium. Here, we identified another putative Rap1 GAP-domain containing protein, showing high sequence homologies with those of human Rap1GAP and Dictyotelium RapGAP3, by bioinformatic search. Loss of RapGAP9 resulted in some defects in morphogenesis and development in Dicytostelium. rapGAP9 null cells were more flattened and spread, and highly multinucleated. Compared to wild-type cells, cells lacking RapGAP9 exhibited increased levels of F-actin and more filopodia. These results suggest that RapGAP9 is involved in the regulation of cytoskeleton reorganization and cytokinesis. rapGAP9 null cells showed a small increase of cell–substratum attachment and slightly lower moving speed and directionality compared to wild-type cells. In addition, the loss of RapGAP9 resulted in an altered morphology of fruiting body with a shorter length of stalk and spore. Identification and characterization of RapGAP9 in this study will provide further insights into the molecular mechanism by which Rap1 regulates cytoskeleton reorganization and morphogenesis in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Bacterial quorum sensing (QS) often coordinates the expression of other, generally more costly public goods involved in virulence and nutrient acquisition. In many Proteobacteria, the basic QS circuitry consists of a synthase that produces a diffusible acyl-homoserine lactone and a cognate receptor that activates public goods expression. In some species, the circuitry also contains negative regulators that have the potential to modulate the timing and magnitude of activation. In this study, we experimentally investigated the contribution of this regulatory function to the evolutionary stability of public goods cooperation in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We compared fitness and public goods expression rates of strains lacking either qteE or qscR, each encoding a distinct negative regulator, with those of the wild-type parent and a signal-blind receptor mutant under defined growth conditions. We found that (1) qteE and qscR mutations behave virtually identically and have a stronger effect on the magnitude than on the timing of expression, (2) high expression in qteE and qscR mutants imposes a metabolic burden under nutrient conditions that advance induction and (3) high expression in qteE and qscR mutants increases population growth when QS is required, but also permits invasion by both wild-type and receptor mutant strains. Our data indicate that negative regulation of QS balances the costs and benefits of public goods by attenuating expression after transition to the induced state. As the cells cannot accurately assess the amount of cooperation needed, such bet-hedging would be advantageous in changing parasitic and nonparasitic environments.  相似文献   

Enterobactercloacae was isolated from the gut of the wood feeding termite, Heterotermesindicola, and a 2.25-kb fragment conferring cellulase activity was cloned in Escherichiacoli. The cloned fragment contained a 1083-bp ORF which could encode a protein belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 8. The cellulase gene was introduced into Zymomonasmobilis strain Microbial Type Culture Collection centre (MTCC) on a plasmid and 0.134 filter paper activity unit (FPU)/ml units of cellulase activity was observed with the recombinant bacterium. Using carboxymethyl cellulose and 4% NaOH pretreated bagasse as substrates, the recombinant strain produced 5.5% and 4% (V/V) ethanol respectively, which was threefold higher than the amount obtained with the original E.cloacae isolate. The recombinant Z. mobilis strain could be improved further by simultaneous expression of cellulase cocktails before utilizing it for industrial level ethanol production.  相似文献   

Developmental decisions in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dictyostelium discoideum is an excellent system in which to study developmental decisions. Synchronous development is triggered by starvation and rapidly generates a limited number of cell types. Genetic and image analyses have revealed the elegant intricacies associated with this simple development system. Key signaling pathways identified as regulating cell fate decisions are likely to be conserved with metazoa and are providing insight into differentiation decisions under circumstances where considerable cell movement takes place during development.  相似文献   

One condition for the evolution of altruism is genetic relatedness between altruist and beneficiary, often achieved through active kin recognition. Here, we investigate the power of a passive process resulting from genetic drift during population growth in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We put labelled and unlabelled cells of the same clone in the centre of a plate, and allowed them to proliferate outward. Zones formed by genetic drift owing to the small population of actively growing cells at the colony edge. We also found that single cells could form zones of high relatedness. Relatedness increased at a significantly higher rate when food was in short supply. This study shows that relatedness can be significantly elevated before the social stage without a small founding population size or recognition mechanism.  相似文献   

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