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Comparative limnology of Sambhar and Didwana lakes (Rajasthan,NW India)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two alkaline saline inland lakes of Indian arid region were studied during 1984 and 1985, to assess functioning and interaction of various environmental and biological factors. Changes in physical and chemical variables, planktonic composition, chlorophyll content and phytoplankton primary productivity were examined.Salinity in both lakes fluctuated from almost fresh water (1.80), to hypersaline (300) and acted as the main controlling factor for almost all the biotic parameters. Maximum total alkalinities were 2162 mg l–1 and 2090 mg l–1, respectively in Sambhar and Didwana lakes. Dissolved oxygen ranged from completely anoxic conditions to maxima of 11.68 and 7.29 mg 1–1, respectively in Sambhar and Didwana lakes. Nutrient enrichment in the lakes was low.The phytoplankton species composition of Sambhar lake was reduced from an earlier reported 20 genera to only 11 (Nostoc, Microcystis, Spirulina, Aphanocapsa, Oscillatoria, Merismopedia, Nitzschia, Navicula, Synedra, Cosmarium and Closterium). Phytoplankton of Didwana was composed of only 9 genera including Anabaena and Nodularia. Sambhar lake, which once contained Artemia, is now totally devoid of them. On the other hand, Artemia was the most dominant zooplankter in Didwana lake at a salinity range of 15–288. Other zooplankters such as Moina, Cyclops and Brachionus flourished at lower salinity levels in Didwana lake. The seasonal quantitative and qualitative phyto- and zooplankton changes in relation to salinity are documented.  相似文献   

Distribution and abundance of phyto-, zooplankton and benthic organisms in Lake Qarun were investigated during the period from January 1974 to December 1977.Average number of phytoplankton cells was 152,300 cells/L and its biomass was 0.365 g/C/m3; average number of zooplankton was 31.44 × 103/m3 and its biomass was 194.19 mg/m3. The average number of benthic fauna was 19889/m2 and its biomass was 400.22 g/m2 (dry wt.). Therefore, Lake Qarun may be considered as a highly eutrophic body of water.Freshwater planktonic species, that used to inhabit the lake, such as Diaptomus salinus and the cladoceran Moina salinarum, disappeared completely when the salinity of the lake water reached 30–34 However, some Rotatoria were able to withstand the high salinity. The new composition of the zooplankton community shows that the marine zooplankton species include not only Acartia latisetosa and Cirripedia nauplii, but also other species such as Polychaeta, Obelia medusae, etc.The benthos of Lake Qarun is characterised by an intensive growth of few species. The major part (i.e. 93.54% by weight) of bottom fauna in the lake is Mollusca, mainly Cerastoderma glaucum (69·84% by weight).  相似文献   

Walker Lake is a monomictic, nitrogen-limited, terminal lake located in western Nevada. It is one of only eight large (Area>100 km2, Z { mean}>15 m) saline lakes of moderate salinity (3–20 g l–1) worldwide, and one of the few to support an endemic trout fishery (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi). As a result of anthropogenic desiccation, between 1882 and 1996 the lake's volume has dropped from 11.1 to 2.7 km3 and salinity has increased from 2.6 to 12–13 g l–1. This study, conducted between 1992 and 1998, examined the effects of desiccation on the limnology of the lake. Increases in salinity over the past two decades caused the extinction of two zooplankton species, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Acanthocyclops vernalis. Recent increases in salinity have not negatively affected the lake's dominant phytoplankton species, the filamentous blue-green algae Nodularia spumigena. In 1994 high salinity levels (14–15 g l–1) caused a decrease in tui chub minnow populations, the main source of food for Lahontan cutthroat trout, and a subsequent decrease in the health of stocked trout. Lake shrinkage has resulted in hypolimnetic anoxia and hypolimnetic accumulation of ammonia (800–2000 g-N l–1) and sulfide (15 mg l–1) to levels toxic to trout. Internal loading of ammonia via hypolimnetic entrainment during summer wind mixing (170 Mg-N during a single event), vertical diffusion (225–500 Mg-N year–1), and fall destratification (540–740 Mg-N year–1) exceeds external nitrogen loading (<25 Mg-N year–1). Increasing salinity in combination with factors related to hypolimnetic anoxia have stressed trout populations and caused a decline in trout size and longevity. If desiccation continues unabated, the lake will be too saline (>15–16 g l–1) to support trout and chub fisheries in 20 years, and in 50–60 years the lake will reach hydrologic equilibrium at a volume of 1.0 km3 and a salinity of 34 g l–1.  相似文献   

Kjensmo  Johannes 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):151-159
Primarily as a result of road salting, the water masses ofLake Svinsjøen, a small meromictic lake in southeasternNorway, have been subject to great changes in salinity duringthe period 1947–1995. The greatest change in saltconcentration has occurred in the upper part of themonimolimnion (depth 10–15 m) where mean conductivityincreased 104.2 per cent, from 143 to 292 S cm–1. Inthe upper mixolimnion (depth 0-5 m), mean conductivity rosefrom 130 to 238 S cm–1 during the same period. Theions responsible for the salinity changes were Na+ andCl from de-icing salts, and Ca2+ and Cl fromsalts used to keep down dust from roads. Further sources ofCa2+ are the road asphalt and increased weathering andleaching of the lime-rich rocks caused by acid precipitation,the main source of the additional inputs of SO tothe lake. The salinity changes caused major changes inmeromictic stability, S . In the period1947-1966, S increased by 24 g cm cm–2,and the maximum level of meromictic stability, 125 gcm–2, was found in 1966. As a result of higher rate ofsalt accumulation in the upper part of the monimolimnion andin the mixolimnion, S decreased by 30 g cmcm–2 during the period 1966-1991, and a simultaneousrise in the chemocline took place. In the period 1991-1995 anadditional decrease of 26 g cm cm–2 occurred. Continuedectogenic inputs of salts through processes typical of thetime period investigated will in future further weaken thelake's meromictic stability, and may cause the demise ofmeromixis in Lake Svinsjøen, a development which may haveimportant implications for primary productivity of thelake.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton in Thale Sap Songkhla was investigated at 2–3 month intervals from August 1991 to October 1993. The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 1.4×106 to 1.3×109 cells m–3. A total of 6 divisions with 103 genera were identified as Bacillariophyta: 49 genera, Chlorophyta: 21 genera, Pyrrhophyta: 15 genera, Cyanophyta: 12 genera, Chrysophyta: 3 genera and Euglenophyta: 3 genera. Although phytoplankton abundance was distinctly greater in the first year of study (August 1991–June 1992) than in the second year (August 1992–October 1993), their patterns are similar: 2 peaks yearly. The peaks of phytoplankton occurred in the heavy rainy season (northeast monsoon) and the light rainy season (southwest monsoon). The main bloom was found during December–January, with a predominance of blue-green algae (e.g. Aphanizomenon andPhormidium) and green algae (e.g. Eudorina). Their species composition also increased, an effect of the large amount of rainfall resulting in low salinity during the northeast monsoon. The minor bloom was produced by diatoms during June–July when water salinity was moderate to seawater. Both phytoplankton numbers and species composition were high. However, unpredictably heavy rainfall during the southwest monsoon period may reduce diatom production due to rapid immediate replacement by blue-green species. Besides salinity concentration, a low total nitrogen: total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio tended to support the growth of blue-green algae. The diversity of phytoplankton was lowest in the heavy rainy period.  相似文献   

Chenopods are generally regarded as non-host plants for mycorrhizal fungi and are believed not to benefit from colonization by mycorrhizal fungi. Perennial Atriplex nummularia Lindl., growing under field conditions, showed a relatively high level of colonization by mycorrhizal fungi (10–30% of root length colonized) in spring and summer. Accordingly, two glasshouse experiments were designed to assess the effects of inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi (with a single species or a mixture of different species) on growth, nutrient uptake, and rhizosphere bacterial community composition of A. nummularia at high and low salinity levels (2.2 and 12 dSm–1). Only low and patchy colonization by mycorrhizal fungi (1–2 of root length colonized) was detected in inoculated plants under glasshouse conditions which was unaffected by salinity. Despite the low colonization, inoculation increased plant growth and affected nutrient uptake at both salinity levels. The effects were higher at an early stage of plant development (6weeks) than at a later stage (9–10 weeks). Salinity affected the bacterial community composition in the rhizosphere as examined by ribosomal intergenic spacer amplification (RISA) of 16S rDNA, digitization of the band patterns and multivariate analysis. The effects of inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi on growth of A. nummularia may be attributed to (i) direct effects of mycorrhizal fungi on plant nutrient uptake and/or (ii) indirect effects via mycorrhizal-induced changes in the bacterial community composition.  相似文献   

Deep Lake, a hypersaline lake of about ten times seawater concentration, rarely freezes and is characterized by a monomictic thermal cycle, Winter circulation, at c. –17 °C, lasts for two to three months. In summer, epilimnetic temperatures from 7–11 °C result in large vertical thermal gradients (21–26 °C) which combine with the enhanced rate of density change per degree Celsius, accompanying such high salt concentration, to produce a particularly stable density configuration in Deep Lake (Schmidt stability c. 8000 g-cm cm–2; 0.785 J cm–2). The Birgean annual heat budget (c. 24500 cal cm–2; 102.7 103 J cm–2) is comparable to that of a temperate lake with a similar mean depth, despite the comparatively high ratio of Birgean wind work to annual heat budget (0.37 g-cm cal–1). Deep lake retains c. 50% of the incident solar radiation during the short summer heating period; within the range estimated for first class lakes in North America. Extended daylight hours certainly contribute to the high maximum rate of heating in the lake (444 cal cm–2 day–1; 1.86 103 J cm–2 day–1). Deep Lake cools at a rate less than half its average heating rate. Partitioning the total stability into thermal and saline components shows that salinity can contribute up to c. 20% of the maximum summer Schmidt stability. In early summer, the effect of small melt-streams is to increase stability by diluting the epilimnion. In autumn, evaporative water loss can overtake this effect, creating small de-stabilizing salinity gradients. The usually short-term stabilizing influence of snowfall and drift is less predictable, but is probably more common in winter when strong winds are most frequent.Hypersalinity has a profound effect on the physical cycle of Deep Lake, through freezing point depression and the increased rate of density change with temperature. These changes affect the lake's biota, both in relation to osmotic stress, and by effectively exposing them to a more thermally extreme environment. A comparison between Deep Lake and a smaller lake of similar salinity (Lake Hunazoko, Skarvs Nes), demonstrates that it is inappropriate to consider the biological effects of salinity in isolation. The smaller lake offers warmer epilimnetic conditions for at least part of the summer, which may explain the much greater limnetic algal production in Lake Hunazoko.  相似文献   

Summary An outline has been given of the soft-bottom macrozoobenthic research in Lake Grevelingen, after its creation in 1971. A faunistic study aims at assessing the effect of the closure of the former estuary on the species composition, diversity, and distribution of the benthic macrofauna. The main project is a study into the biomass and production of the macrozoobenthos, in order to estimate its role in the carbon cycle in the lake.As regards the faunistic work, a preliminary species-balance has been presented for molluscs and polychaetes. The total number of mollusc species hardly changed after the closure, the number of polychaetes decreased with about one quarter. Nearly all disappeared species were rare or rather scarce in the Grevelingen estuary and most of them may be regarded as typical North Sea species. Several newcomers have also been recorded after the closure. The strong river influence in the former estuary causing wide salinity fluctuations, possibly selected for more hardy species, and these species obviously are able to survive quite well in the present brackish lake.Mean mollusc biomass in April decreased in the first years after the closure. In 1973 it amounted to only 11 g ash-free dry weight.m–2. In view of the preliminary estimate for 1977 (over 50g ash-free dry weight.m–2) a recovery has taken place.Up till 1976 polychaete biomasses were assumed to be unimportant in Lake Grevelingen, reason to ignore them in benthic production studies. A survey with a Van Veen bottom grab seemed to confirm this: mean April biomass in 1977 was only 2.6 g ash-free dry weight.m–2. However, especially in coarser sediments this bottom grab inadequately samples the bottom fauna. Diver-taken cores proved that, on average, polychaetes live deeper than molluscs and are relatively much more underestimated with the Van Veen grab. Moreover, sieving techniques used are not appropriate for many of the fragile polychaete species. In a special polychaete research at three permanent stations a mean annual biomass of 7.5–12.4 g ash-free dry weight was estimated. Mainly based on P/B ratios from the literature a conservative production estimate for these three stations gave values of 16–25 g ash-free dry weight.m–2.yr–1. This indicates an important role for polychaetes in the benthic ecosystem of Lake Grevelingen.  相似文献   

The prokaryotic community composition and diversity and the distribution patterns at various taxonomic levels across gradients of salinity and physiochemical properties in the surface waters of seven plateau lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau, were evaluated using Illumina MiSeq sequencing. These lakes included Lakes Keluke (salinity, <1 g/liter), Qing (salinity, 5.5 to 6.6 g/liter), Tuosu (salinity, 24 to 35 g/liter), Dasugan (salinity, 30 to 33 g/liter), Gahai (salinity, 92 to 96 g/liter), Xiaochaidan (salinity, 94 to 99 g/liter), and Gasikule (salinity, 317 to 344 g/liter). The communities were dominated by Bacteria in lakes with salinities of <100 g/liter and by Archaea in Lake Gasikule. The clades At12OctB3 and Salinibacter, previously reported only in hypersaline environments, were found in a hyposaline lake (salinity, 5.5 to 6.6 g/liter) at an abundance of ∼1.0%, indicating their ecological plasticity. Salinity and the concentrations of the chemical ions whose concentrations covary with salinity (Mg2+, K+, Cl, Na+, SO42−, and Ca2+) were found to be the primary environmental factors that directly or indirectly determined the composition and diversity at the level of individual clades as well as entire prokaryotic communities. The distribution patterns of two phyla, five classes, five orders, five families, and three genera were well predicted by salinity. The variation of the prokaryotic community structure also significantly correlated with the dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, the total nitrogen concentration, and the PO43− concentration. Such correlations varied depending on the taxonomic level, demonstrating the importance of comprehensive correlation analyses at various taxonomic levels in evaluating the effects of environmental variable factors on prokaryotic community structures. Our findings clarify the distribution patterns of the prokaryotic community composition in plateau lakes at the levels of individual clades as well as whole communities along gradients of salinity and ionic concentrations.  相似文献   

At two ephemeral saline lakes in Saskatchewan, changes in the physical and chemical features of water and sediments at various basin positions were monitored during a wet-dry cycle in 1978 and 1979. Water salinity fluctuated widely in response to changes in water volume and mass of solute in the water. When basins were dry, the soluble salt content of sediments 0–10 cm deep was higher than sediments 50–60 cm deep and sediments in the lake centre were more saline than at the shoreline. Upon reflooding, there was a large immediate decrease in sediment salinity at the 0–10 cm depth, such that this layer was less saline than sediments 50–60 cm deep. Sediments in the lake centre remained more saline than at the shoreline.Classification of lake salinity is necessary to assess the potential of a lake for emergent production. The large variances in ephemeral lake salinity due to water volume changes indicate that classification should be based upon the water volume-salinity cycle of these lakes rather than the salinity of any single water or sediment sample. Water management efforts to lower salinities, to improve these wetlands for emergent growth, should be aimed at reducing the salinity regime of the littoral zone. Flushing, dilution and drying and reflooding techniques are discussed as methods to decrease salinity.  相似文献   

De Sève  M. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):225-233
Phytoplankton biomass and species composition were studied from June to September 1991 at the mouth of four major rivers and in the freshwater (sal. 0 %), the estuarine (sal. 2–10%) and the coastal (sal. 10–12%) zones of Rupert Bay, located at the southeast tip of James Bay, Canada.A chlorophyll a maximum (5–14 µg 1–1) was observed in the freshwater zone from July to September. Chlorophyll values were low at the mouth of the rivers and in the estuarine and coastal zones (chl a < 1.00 µg 1–1). Diatoms were dominant in the freshwater zone (30–80 % abundance), with flagellates dominating in the estuarine and coastal zones (60–95% abundance). Diversity was low (H: 1.5–2.5) in the freshwater zone and decreased seaward (H: 0.5–1.5).The diatom bloom was composed almost exclusively of the autochthonous planktonic diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz., which contributed 25–85% of the species composition, and of the subdominant benthic species Diploneis smithii, Navicula lanceolata and Surirella robusta. Peak abundance occurred upstream of the turbidity maximum, in the tidal freshwater zone. In this zone the mean photic depth was 1 m and residence time was from 7 to 8 days during the bloom. Residence time is considered to be the dominant factor controlling the phytoplankton bloom, with light not acting as a limiting factor. The high turbidity due to resuspension and shallow depth of the bay controlled the species composition.  相似文献   

Primary production and distribution and abundance of phyto- and zooplankton of lake Manzala were investigated from June 1985 to June 1986.Primary production varied from 4.1 to 28.7 g O2 m–2 d–1 with the highest values 24.2 and 28.7 g O2 m–2 d–1 recorded in the eastern and southern sectors and the lowest value 4.1 g O2 m–2 d–1 recorded in the northern sector. The seasonal mean production for the lake was estimated at 13.3 g O2 m–2 d–1.Mean phytoplankton abundance ranged from 32.7 107 to 76.1 107 cells m–3 with a mean value of 48.107 cells m–3. Diatoms were the dominant phytoplankton group comprising 52 to 90 % by number. The greatest relative abundance (87 to 90%) was recorded in the southern sector.Mean zooplankton abundance ranged from 30.1 103 to 44.4 103 organisms m–3 in the eastern sector to 5.5.103 in the northern sector. In response of eutrophication, the species composition changed significantly over the last 20 years. Cladocerans represented less than 1% of zooplankton during 1959/60, but 75% in 1985/86. Rotifers constituted 40% in 1959/60, and only 1% in 1985/86. Cirriped larvae declined from 21% to 1%.  相似文献   

The littoral benthos of 18 lakes in Alberta and Saskatchewan ranging in salinity from 3 to 126 (g1–1 TDS) were investigated twice, in the spring and in the summer of 1986. Multiple Ekman dredge samples were taken at water depths of about 0.5, 1.0 and 2 metres in each transect. Two to three transects were used in each lake according to its estimated limnological diversity for a total of 114 stations. A total of 76 species was present varying from 29–31 species in the three lakes of lowest salinity (means of 3.1–5.55) to only 2 species in lakes exceeding 100. Species richness decreased rapidly in salinities greater than 15.Biomass maximum mean of 10.91 g m–2 dry weight (maximum 63.0 g m–2) occurred in culturally eutrophic Humboldt Lake (3.1) but one third as great in other low salinity lakes. However, biomass again increased to about 4.5 gm–2 in two lakes of 15 As the salinity increased still further biomass declined steadily until a minimum of 0.0212 g m–2 was recorded in most saline Aroma Lake (mean 119). Summer biomass (11 lakes) was greater than spring biomass (4 lakes) because some groups such as amphipods, corixids and ostracods became more abundant in summer. Wet weight biomass averaged 15.8 of dry weight biomass.Seasonality (spring or summer), sediment texture and organic matter content, water depth, pH, salinity (TDS) and the presence of aquatic plants ( plant cover) were considered in the matrix involving species dry weight biomass at each of 117 stations. TWINSPAN classification of the samples yielded a dendrogram with 18 indicator species. Successive dichotomies divided these indicator species into four main lake groups based on salinity, i.e., Group I: 3–10 (Gammarus, Glyptotendipes I, Chironomus cf. plumosus), Group II: 10–38%. (Hyalella, Enallagma,Bezzia), Group III: 38–63 (Hygrotus salinarius, Cricotopus ornatus), Group IV: >63 (Dolichopodidae, Ephydra hians). Each of these main groups was subdivided into smaller groups of lakes based on factors such as pH, seasonality (spring or summer species dominance), organic matter and plant cover. Depth of samples played no apparent role.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of different concentrations (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 g l–1) of sodium chloride at one food level of Chlorella (1×106 cells ml–1) on competition between the rotifers B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae, both of which were isolated from a saline lake. The population growth experiments were conducted for 3 weeks. Both the rotifer species did not survive beyond one week at a salinity of 0 g l–1. Regardless of salt concentration and the presence of a competitor, H. jenkinae reached higher densities than B. rotundiformis. When grown alone, both B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae showed optimal peak population densities at the salinity of 6 and 9 g l–1. Since biomass wise, B. rotundiformis was larger than H. jenkinae, it showed a lower numerical abundance. Thus, the maximum peak population densities of B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae recorded in this study were 107±3 and 203±28 ind. ml–1. The maximal rates of population increase for B. rotundiformis and H, jenkinae when grown alone were 0.264±0.003 and 0.274±0.004, respectively. Our results also indicated that B. rotundiformis and H. jenkinae coexisted better at a salinity of 6 and 9 g l–1 of sodium chloride while a salinity of 3 g l–1 favoured Hexarthra over B. rotundiformis. At 12 g l–1, both the rotifer species grown alone or together showed lower growth rates compared to those at lower salinity levels. Except 0 g l–1, in all other salinity treatments, H. jenkinae was a superior competitor to B. rotundiformis.  相似文献   

Salinity as a determinant of salt lake fauna: a question of scale   总被引:25,自引:22,他引:3  
High and often variable salinity is an obvious feature of salt lakes. Correspondingly, salinity is usually assumed to be an important ecological determinant in such lakes. An investigation of the macroinvertebrate fauna of 79 lakes (salinities from 0.3 to 343 g 1–1) in the Western District of Victoria, Australia, examined this assumption. Over the total range of salinity, species richness and composition are highly correlated with salinity. However, these relationships become nonsignificant over intermediate ranges of salinity. Furthermore, many taxa have very broad tolerances to salinity at these intermediate ranges, implying that factors other than salinity may determine their distribution. An appreciation of scale (that is, the range of salinity over which observations are considered) resolves the paradox that, despite these broad tolerances by most taxa, species richness and composition strongly reflect salinity over the entire salinity range.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the Chaetoceros Ehr. species was studied in Amursky Bay (Sea of Japan) from January 1996 until May 1998. In all, 30 species, 1 variety, and 1 form of this genus were registered. The species Chaetoceros occurred in plankton throughout the year at a water temperature of –1.8–25°C and a salinity of 11–35. The numbers of Chaetoceros species varied between 100 and 1071000 cells/l, and the biomass varied between 0.9 × 10–3 and 3.3 g/m3. The numbers were maximum in summer and minimum in the beginning of spring. The Chaetoceros species comprised 45–70 and 5–18% (winter), 68–98 and 65–95% (spring), 50% (summer), and 20% (autumn) of the total phytoplankton numbers and biomass. Six dominant species and 1 variety of Chaetoceros were found. Seasonal complexes formed by the Chaetoceros species were identified and described.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of P nutrition under various salinity levels on the protein, amino acids, and nutrients in mature wheat grain were studied. Mexican dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var Inia) was grown to maturity in solution cultures with variable concentrations of P (0.5-, 5-, 25- and 50 mg P/l) in combination with NaCl at concentrations producing osmotic potentials (s) of –0.4-, –1.4-, –2.4- and –4.4-bars. All other essential nutrients were present in adequate concentrations for vigorous plant growth.Increasing levels of P in the nutrient solutions tended to decrease the grain yield, N, Cl, protein-glutamic acid,-proline,-leucine,-glycine, and-serine, while P, K, Mg, Zn, Mn and Cu in the grain were increased. The sum of all protein amino acids in the grain decreased as the concentration of P increased in the nutrient solution. The effect of P on the individual and sum of amino acids tended to show peak amounts at the 5.0 mg P/l treatment level.Increased levels of salinity significantly reduced grain yield, N, proteinglutamic acid,-proline,-leucine,-glycine,-serine,-aspartic acid,-alanine, and-phenylalanine in the grain. The sum of the protein amino acids (mol/g dry wt.) was decreased in the grain from plants grown at –4.4 bars salinity level, but not in the grain from plants receiving less saline treatments. The concentrations of free amino acids: serine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, and arginine were lower in the grain produced at the –4.4 bars salinity than at –0.4 bars salinity level. The sum of free amino acids (mol/g dry wt.) in the grain were decreased at the highest salinity level as compared with concentrations found for grain produced at lower salinity levels.There were some interactions found between P and salinity on the protein amino acids and nutrients in the grains.The amounts of essential amino acids expressed in mg/g of protein were not significantly affected by the increasing levels of P and salinity in the nutrient solution and they were found in adequate or greater amounts than those recommended by the World Health Organization and FAO.  相似文献   

Monthly measurements of physical and chemical characteristics were made at two localities in the eastern part of a recently landlocked lagoon of Lake Tanganyika. Variables analysed were: temperature, pH, conductivity, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride and sulphate. Large seasonal fluctuations of salinity were recorded (1.68–8.21 g l–1). The seasonal water input controlled algal seasonality mainly through its effect on salinity and indirectly through its influence on nutrient concentration by dissolution and dilution of the excrements of the numerous cattle and other organic matter. Phytoplankton was mainly composed of Cyanophyta and Euglenophyta. Euglenophyta dominated during the dry periods with high salinity and probably very high nutrient levels, while Cyanophyta preferred moderate salt and nutrient concentrations during the rainy periods. The phytoplanktonic community was composed of a large number of perennial and a reduced quantity of annual organisms.A spatial study of the recently landlocked lagoon revealed an ascending salinity gradient, principally due to a sodium bicarbonate/carbonate enrichment, between locations near the lake and more inland situated stations. These facts point to a lake water supply and a salt concentration by evaporation in the swamps. Proportionally lower magnesium, calcium and potassium values were recorded at high salinities, due to chemical precipitation and biotic factors.A blue-green algal bloom was observed in the eastern water-body (salinity: 4.64 g l–1); simultaneously an important development of diatoms dominated the western water-body (salinity: 2.18 g l–1). No significant differences in morphometry, exposure, water temperature or nutrient levels (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, orthophosphate) were observed. The relatively low salinity and high nutrient concentration in the western water-body probably favoured diatom development during the rainy season. The relatively higher salinity in the eastern water-body during the rainy season was probably responsible for the dominance of blue-green algae through its negative influence on silica concentration and notwithstanding the high inorganic nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to determine, using a full-factorial experiment, the influence of temperature, irradiance and salinity on growth and hepatotoxin production by Nodularia spumigena, isolated from Lake Alexandrina in the south-east of South Australia. Higher levels of biomass (determined as particulate organic carbon, POC), toxin production and intracellular toxin concentration per mg POC were produced under light limited conditions (30 mol m–2 s–1) and at salinities equal to or greater than those experienced in Lake Alexandrina. Both highest biomass and total toxin production rates were recorded at temperatures equal to or greater than those of the lake (20 and 30°C). The temperature at which maximum biomass and toxin production was recorded decreased from 30°C for cultures grown at 30 mol m–2 s–1 to 20°C when grown at 80 mol m–2 s–1. In contrast, intracellular toxin per mg POC was highest at the lowest growth temperature, 10°C, at both 30 and 80 mol m–2 s–1. It appears that the optimum temperature for biosynthetic pathways used in the production of toxin is lower than the optimum temperature for those pathways associated with growth. Intracellular toxin levels were higher in cells cultured at 10°C/30 mol m–2 s–1 whereas the majority of the toxin was extracellular in cells grown at 30°C/30 mol m–2 s–1. This implies that the highest concentration of toxin in lake water would occur under high temperature and high irradiance conditions. Individual environmental parameters of salinity, irradiance and temperature were all shown to influence growth and toxin production. Notwithstanding, the overall influence of these three parameters on toxin production was mediated through their effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the species composition, distribution and abundance of benthic invertebrates were determined in a eutrophic subarctic lake from April 1978 to April 1979. Collections were made at five stations located at depths of 4 to 13 m. The largest populations of up to 5 × 103 animals m–2 were found in the deepest part of the lake. of the 24 species recorded in this area, the chironomidsProcladius denticulatus, Dicrotendipes modestus, Chironomus decorus andGlyptotendipes barbipes were most common. The strong development of benthos in the profundal zone was attributed to a consistently large supply of food and warm (4 °C) winter temperatures on bottom. Slightly smaller populations (up to 4 × 103 animals, m–2), composed of 19–23 species, occurred in shallower water, a reflection of lower (1.5 °C) winter temperatures. In the anoxic northern part of the lake, only 4–8 species were found in low numbers (400–1 000 animals m–2). This was likely due to low (<5% saturation) oxygen levels in water and high organic content (18.5%) of the sediments.  相似文献   

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