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Remarkable Invertebrates from the Lower Callovian of la Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche, France). The four-excavating field expeditions from 1983 to 1986 led to collect a considerable amount of new data from this exceptional paleontological site, which was neglected, and unexplored for the essential, until now. This paper presents a synthesis of the main available results. For the first time, the succession of the lithofacies is precised from all preserved deposits thick about 12 m. These observations reveal, on the whole, a great homogeneity of lithologic, paleobiologic or taphonomic characteristics, which denote a rather great constancy of the global environmental conditions. The lithofacies are schistous marls revealing former uncemented paleosubstrates, with clay very dominating (montmorillonite for 60–70%, calcium carbonate, siderite and limonite for less than 30% or 40%). The faunas are nearly exclusively composed of pelagic, nectopelagic or mesopelagic organisms (swimming in full water or dependent on free algal environments); they include very few benthic organisms. The marine water depth in this area would be estimated to have reached roughly 200 m. The surface and middle water strata, where lived the major part of organisms, must have been usually agitated, well oxygenated and illuminated. At the opposite side, the bottom water must have been very quiet and anoxic, in aphotic zona, which is responsible for the soft tissue mineralisation.  相似文献   

Faunas and paleoenvironments from main archaeological Plio-Pleistocene sites of the Nachukui Formation (West Turkana, Kenya). The Nachukui Formation is currently under archaeological investigation, especially within the Kalochoro (2.35 – 1.9 Myr) and Kaitio (1.9 – 1.65 Myr) Members. Six main archaeological sites have been excavated from this time period, which yield rich vertebrate faunas collected in situ or in close vicinity to the site. Paleontological studies help to precise the specific diversity for each site and increase our documentation for each Member with the discovery of new taxa. They allow to provide new informations about the biotope diversities exploited by Hominids and show a climatic tendency towards more humid environment between the Members. To cite this article: J.-P. Brugal et al., C.R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

The lagoonal Cenomanian formation (Lower Cretaceous) of clays of the region of Baugeois (north of Angers) has supplied an exceptionally well-preserved fossil flora: leaves, woody structures or/and reproductive organs of pteridophyta, gymnosperms and angiosperms. A well-preserved fossil plant found in a quarry “Le Brouillard” (8 km from Angers), has allowed a detailed morphological and structural study of this species. A comparative study with extant plants has confirmed an undoubted link between the contemporary genus Dioon (an endemic cycad from Mexico) and the fossil species. However, features observed on the lower epidermis of the leaflets, present a similarity with some Jurassic Bennettitales. This discovery, added to other common features shared by these two orders, raises questions about their relationships, thought to be different from a phylogenetic viewpoint.


La formation lagunaire cénomanienne (Crétacé inférieur) des Argiles du Baugeois, au nord d'Angers, a fourni une flore fossile riche et exceptionnellement bien conservée: feuilles, structures ligneuses ou/et organes reproducteurs de ptéridophytes, de gymnospermes et d'angiospermes. L'excellent état de conservation d'un fragment de plante fossile, récolté dans la carrière Le Brouillard à 8 km d'Angers, a permis une étude détaillée de la morphologie et de la structure foliaire de cette plante. L'étude comparative avec des plantes actuelles a démontré l'existence d'un lien de parenté entre le genre Dioon (cycadale endémique du Mexique) et le fossile, mais des caractères originaux observés sur l'épiderme inférieur des folioles, présentent des similitudes avec certains genres de Bennettitales du Jurassique. Une telle découverte, ajoutée aux autres caractères communs préalablement décrits par d'autres auteurs, soulèvent à nouveau quelques questions sur les relations de parentés entre ces deux groupes supposés phylogénétiquement éloignés actuellement.  相似文献   

The study of ten thin sections from outcrops from Lower Cretaceous deposits and several thin sections obtained from three petroleum wells, allow us to better characterize the associations of calpionellid zones and subzones of the Berriasian and Lower Valanginian in northern Tunisia. The B and C zones, respectively, show three and two levels with calpionellid associations corresponding to B1, B2, B3 and C1, C2 subzones. In the D zone, associations of the D1 and D2 subzones were identified. The E zone has been characterized for the first time in Tunisia and in southern-Tethyan margin of North Africa, on the basis of its index specie and associated species.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the European Commission's program “Patine du Desert” (DG Research; INCO-CT-FP6-2004-509100), partially concerning the preservation of Saharan engraved rock art, the approach led to the study of the sandstone patina from the rock art site of Oum La Leg (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). The rock and its Tazina school engravings are sometimes covered with a thin brown-ochre coating which only shows a dark patina, the desert patina. This film corresponds to a weathering cortex whose formation is contemporary with wet events from the Holocene period. On the surface, the patinas’ diversity is linked to the heterogeneous distribution of manganese oxides (birnessite and todorokite) due to a reorganisation which led to the incorporation of aeolian silts. Some dating suggestions are made to establish an ante quem age for the engraved lines.  相似文献   


Nine dinosaur ichnospecies from the Lower Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of Japan, including two that are new, are described herein. The new ichnotaxa are Asianopodus pulvinicalx ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. and Schizograllator otariensis ichnosp. nov. The Japanese ichnotaxa are allied to Lower Jurassic ichnospecies in South China, North America, Western Europe and South Africa, and Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous ichnospecies from Southeast and East Asia. This suggests they were part of a global ichnofauna before continental drift began in the Middle Jurassic, leading to the development of a more endemic dinosaur fauna in the Cretaceous. At least two assemblages, an ornithopod-gracile-toed theropod-dominated community, in northeastern Asia, and a robust theropod- and sauropod-dominated community in the southern part of the continent, existed in the Cretaceous. This parallels North American dinosaur distribution patterns in the Cretaceous and seems to be a reflection of paleolatitudinal controls.  相似文献   

Microstructural and geochemical analyses of the dinosaur eggshells at La Cairanne (Aix en Provence Basin, Lower Rognacien) show the presence of diagenesis. Diagenetic processes have altered the thickness of the shells and some structural data. The chemical composition has been also modified. Thus it is difficult to use these parameters to reconstruct the paleoenvironment. It is possible, indeed probable, that the problems of the previous authors about the definitions of eggshell morphotypes in the Aix Basin are due to diagenetic variations.  相似文献   

The site of Tögi Ndrawa, Island of Nias, North Sumatra: The first record of a Hoabinhian cave occupation in Indonesia. Although in Indonesia, Hoabinhian sites usually refer to large shell midden dated back from the Holocene period, the Tögi Ndrawa cave in the Island of Nias (North Sumatra) has revealed a thick shell accumulation, sealed in a cavity, and beginning with the end of the Late Pleistocene. Excavations have produced classical Hoabinhian pebble artefacts, a forest and coastal fauna, and human bones. Beyond the new chronological landmarks provided by these findings, they question the extension of the Hoabinhian phenomenon originating from continental Asia, and provide hints about human settlement and use of the environment at this period of prehistory. Pour citer cet article : H. Forestier et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

The right dentary of a new hadrosauroid dinosaur, Penelopognathus weishampeli, has been discovered in the Bayan Gobi Formation (Albian, Lower Cretaceous) of Inner Mongolia (P.R. China). This new taxon is characterised by its elongated, straight dental ramus, whose lateral side is pierced by about 20 irregularly distributed foramina. Its dentary teeth appear more primitive than those of Probactrosaurus, but more advanced than those of Altirhinus, both also from the Lower Cretaceous of the Gobi area. Non-hadrosaurid Hadrosauroidea were already well diversified in eastern Asia by Early Cretaceous time, suggesting an Asian origin for the hadrosauroid clade. To cite this article: P. Godefroit et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Three Jurassic fossil-wood taxa from France have been investigated, Taxodioxylon lemoignei n.sp. from the Oxfordian, Prototaxodioxylon romanensis Philippe from the Pliensbachian, and P. sp. from the Hettangian. Wood of this type, prior to the Late Cretaceous, is reviewed. The Oxfordian wood shows a structure characteristic of a Taxodiaceae, previously unknown before the Late Cretaceous. It is well differentiated from contemporaneous woods of Cupressaceae. The systematic position of the Liassic forms, with mixed type of pitting, remains more arguable. These taxodiaceous woods, along with known reproductive structures, reinforce the idea that this family was well separated from Cupressaceae already in the Middle Jurassic. *** Fossil wood, Jurassic, France, Taxodiaceae.  相似文献   

Continental strata of Early and Middle Jurassic age are seldom-exposed, and little is known of the history of sauropod dinosaurs prior to the neosauropod radiation of the end of the Middle Jurassic. Here, we report, in the Middle Jurassic of the Occidental Saharan Atlas (Algerian High Atlas), the discovery of a skeleton, including cranial material, of a new cetiosaurid sauropod. Chebsaurus algeriensis n. g., n. sp. represents the most complete Algerian sauropod available to date, only few remains were found before. To cite this article: F. Mahammed et al., C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

The study of well-preserved Pliocene and Pleistocene s from Emi from Emilia is used to analyze the morphological variations of Mediterranean populations, to depict the relationship between fasciole shape and other morphological characteristics and to describe previously unpublished pedicellar valves. These new data allow to be two species distinguished: s (Müller) a (Müller) and s Pomel; six s Pomel; six species closely related to s are synonymi are synonymized: s and it and s Pomel, i Pomel, i and itS. and s Checchia-R Checchia-Rispoli, x Simonelli a Simonelli and the recent species from Mediterranean, s Mortensen Mortensen. s can be disti can be distinguished from s by its hear by its heart-shaped subanal fasciole, when the s one is reni one is reniform. Moreover, the frontal groove of s is deeper, t is deeper, the primary tubercles of the interambulacra 1 and 4 are less numerous, the petals are shorter and narrower, the labrum is shorter. As far as pedicellariae are concerned, the jags of the large tridentate ones are stronger and the base of the globiferous ones is bigger. Palaeoecological observations on outcrops of the Stirone River, in Parme region, show similar environmental affinities between fossil populations and recent populations from Mediterranean. The s fossils fossils seem to be preserved within their life environment, that is to say in shore sandy substrates.


L'étude d'un groupe de spécimens bien conservés appartenant au genre Spatangus, trouvés, dans des localités pliocènes et pléistocènes de l'Émilie, permet d'exposer l'étendue de la variation dans les populations fossiles méditerranéennes, de rechercher les relations entre la forme du fasciole sous-anal et les autres caractères morphologiques et de décrire les valves des pédicellaires, qui n'étaient pas connues jusqu'alors. Ces nouvelles données conduisent à reconnaître deux espèces différentes : s (Müller) e (Müller) et s Pomel ; six Pomel ; six espèces voisines de s doivent prob doivent probablement tomber en synonymie : s et itS et s Pomel, i Pomel, i et itS. a et s Checchia-R Checchia-Rispoli, x Simonelli e Simonelli et l'espèce vivant actuellement en Méditerranée, s Mortensen Mortensen. Des observations paléoécologiques sur un échantillon fossile récolté sur les bords de la rivière Stirone près de Parme montrent des affinités bionomiques semblables chez les populations fossiles et celles vivant en Méditerranée.  相似文献   

The French dinosaur record is one of the most extensive in Europe; it ranges stratigraphically from the Late Triassic to the Latest Cretaceous. All major clades of dinosaurs but marginocephalians are known. About 20 species are based on significant material; the theropods are the best represented. Most of these taxa have been described or revised in recent years. Important specimens have been discovered in the Late Triassic of eastern France, the Middle Jurassic of Normandy, and the Late Cretaceous of Provence and Languedoc. The ichnological record is good for the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic, and the Late Cretaceous egg sites are among the richest in the world. To cite this article: R. Allain, X.P. Suberbiola, Palevol 2 (2003) 27–44.  相似文献   

Forty-seven navigation buoys were used to collect quantitative samples of epibenthic fauna in the Lower Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Stations, as described by their sessile species and biomass composition, were grouped using multivariate analysis. A Gower similarity index, modified to take into account the importance of each species in the ecosystem, was used to compare stations. Results obtained by cluster and principal coordinate analyses showed comparable relations between stations. North Shore and Gaspé Coast stations were separated from those of the Lower North Shore, the Mingan Island sector and the Lower Estuary. Stations from the Lower North Shore were also separated from those of the Mingan Island region and of the Lower Estuary, but at a higher level of similarity. All animal assemblages consisted of the following sessile species: Obelia longissima (Pallas), Hiatella arctica (L.), Mytilus edulis L., Balanus balanoides (L.) and B. crenatus (Bruguière). These species formed over 95% of biomass of all sessile species. Differences between the various station assemblages were mainly due to changes in the relative abundance of these species. The geographical gradient of summer surface water temperature best explains the observed clusters. In the Lower Estuary, the spatio-temporal variations of physico-chemical factors and the surface circulation may influence the number of species and their abundance. The circulation systems of the Lower Estuary and near the Mingan Islands might account for the similarity between their assemblages. The same dominant species, Obelia longissima, characterizes the fauna of these two regions.  相似文献   

A dinosaur vertebra found in the course of road works in the “Chevain Marls” (marine Callovian) of the Vermont outlier, near the village of Béthon (Sarthe, Pays-de-la-Loire, western France) is described and referred to a stegosaur (cf. Lexovisaurus). It is the first record of a dinosaur in the Middle Jurassic of that area. The specimen was probably derived from the floating carcass of an animal that had lived on the emerged areas of the Armorican Massif, near which the Chevain Marls were deposited. This fossil is an addition to the short list of stegosaur remains reported from France.  相似文献   

In several synclines of the central High Atlas, the “Redbeds” following the closure of the marine Tethyan Atlasic trough during the Middle Jurassic are constituted by three successive formations or units of continental deposits dated recently with biostratigraphical elements. Some micropaleontological markers, mainly charophytes and ostracods, allow to precise the stratigraphy in agreement with a Bathonian-?Callovian assignment for the lower unit (Guettioua Formation), and in dating the middle and upper units. The Upper Jurassic, mainly the Kimmeridgian, is developed in the lower part of the middle unit (Iouaridene Formation). The Barremian has been recognized in this middle unit and in the upper unit (Jbel Sidal Formation). The Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary is thus delimited for the first time with micropaleontological data. These new data are very significant for the Atlasic history during the Mesozoic. The basaltic flows inserted in the continental Jurassic-Cretaceous deposits of the central High Atlas result from two separate events in the Middle Jurassic and in the Barremian. The tectogenesis in the basins is characterized by a polyphase process including notably a synsedimentary tectonic activity conspicuous in the Barremian. The evidence of marine to brackish intercalations allows moreover to date the first Cretaceous transgressive event on the NW boundary of the High Atlas during the Lower Barremian and to consider an Atlantic paleogeographical interaction. SW margin of the Tethyan trough in the Lower and Middle Jurassic, the central High Atlas is merged with the margin of the central Atlantic Ocean during the Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Variability of the stable isotopic (δ13C and δ18O) and trace element (Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn) content from dinosaur eggshells from the Provence Basin has been addressed by considering the stratigraphic distribution of the eggshells, the palaeoenvironments, and the chemical content of associated sediments. Preferentially, in situ eggshells were analysed. Samples were collected from two sections, one belonging to the floodplain (Roques Hautes) and the other to the channel belt (Rousset-Bréguières), as determined from sedimentological criteria. On a regional scale, this combined analysis provided new insights into palaeohydrology, vegetation cover and dinosaur behaviour. Different sources of drinking water were identified: (1) the main stream waters with significant salinity levels, (2) lateral feeders with water composition close to that of precipitation. Water composition is reflected in the eggshell trace element contents: a high Sr content for the eggshells from the channel belt (mean 1200 ppm) contrasting with the very low values for the floodplain (mean 250 ppm). During the first part of the Maastrichtian, evaporation rates were quite significant, as seen from the 1.5‰ difference between the eggshell δ18O (drinking water) and the palaeosol carbonate nodules (precipitation). This contrast diminished and became nearly insignificant in the second half of the Maastrichtian. Vegetation was composed of C3 plants and two ecosystems are reconstructed: a riparian forest extending along the channel belt and open vegetation in the floodplain. The contrasted isotopic and trace element content of the eggshells was a crucial factor in identifying animal migration from one site to another. Migration was quite limited, suggesting that the animals settled for some time at the places where they laid their eggs. Intraspecific variations among modern birds are well correlated with the environment and may be greater than interspecies variations, which limits the potential of geochemical analysis to characterise dinosaur species.  相似文献   

Well-preserved dinosaur eggs from the Cretaceous Huizhou Formation in the Xiuning Basin, Anhui Province, China, are analysed in this paper. We describe a new oospecies, Similifaveoloolithus qiyunshanensis, based on several distinct characters of external morphology, size, eggshell thickness, and internal microstructure. Radial sections of this new oospecies show branched eggshell units with a fused layer near the outer surface, while numerous irregular pores and cones constitute a honeycomb pattern in tangential sections. The discovery of S. qiyunshanensis expands the distribution of Similifaveoloolithidae dinosaur eggs in China and provides new fossils for researching dinosaur eggshell formation mechanisms which are different from those of the currently known oofamilies. The dinosaur-egg-bearing strata in the Huizhou Formation have been dated to the early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) on the basis of a similar dinosaur egg assemblage in the Tiantai Basin in Zhejiang Province. The eggs described in this paper are thought to have been laid in a buried nest while enrichment of trace elements in eggshells may have been caused by their ingestion into the body of the dinosaur producer. We suggest that the paleoclimate of this habitat was semi-arid to arid and that this environment was favourable for the preservation of eggs.http://zoobank.org/LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9D63A51F-5A4B-4249-901D-42A33E9FA933  相似文献   

In 1905, Nopcsa tentatively identified a fragmentary rib from the Jibou Formation at Someş Odorhei as belonging to an ornithopod dinosaur. Therefore, he concluded that the base of this formation is Late Cretaceous, but this hypothesis was subsequently ignored or rejected by other authors. New dinosaur bones discovered in this locality by new excavations are here interpreted as belonging to the euornithopod Zalmoxes shqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003. The base of the Jibou Formation can therefore be regarded as Maastrichtian, correlative to the Sânpetru Formation and to the middle member of the Densuş Ciula Formation from the Haţeg Basin, as well as the base of the Şard Formation in the southwestern Basin of Transylvania, in the Alba Iulia area. The presence of Zalmoxes at Someş Odorhei also confirms the northeastern extension for the ‘Haţeg Island’ in Transylvania.  相似文献   

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