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4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of 4-CBA-CoA by attack of Asp145 on the C4 of the substrate benzoyl ring to form a Meisenheimer intermediate (EMc), followed by expulsion of chloride ion to form an arylated enzyme intermediate (EAr) and, finally, ester hydrolysis in EAr to form 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA (4-HBA-CoA). This study examines the contribution of the active site His90 to catalysis of this reaction pathway. The His90 residue was replaced with glutamine by site-directed mutagenesis. X-ray crystallographic analysis of H90Q dehalogenase complexed with 4-HBA-CoA revealed that the positions of the catalytic groups are unchanged from those observed in the structure of the 4-HBA-CoA-wild-type dehalogenase complex. The one exception is the Gln90 side chain, which is rotated away from the position of the His90 side chain. The vacated His90 site is occupied by two water molecules. Kinetic techniques were used to evaluate ligand binding and catalytic turnover rates in the wild-type and H90Q mutant dehalogenases. The rate constants for 4-CBA-CoA (both 7 microM(-1) x s(-1)) and 4-HBA-CoA (33 and 11 microM(-1) x s(-1)) binding to the two dehalogenases are similar in value. For wild-type dehalogenase, the rate constant for a single turnover is 2.3 s(-1) while that for multiple turnovers is 0.7 s(-1). For H90Q dehalogenase, these rate constants are 1.6 x 10(-2) and 2 x 10(-4) s(-1). The rate constants for EMc formation in wild-type and mutant dehalogenase are approximately 200 s(-1) while the rate constants for EAr formation are 40 and 0.3 s(-1), respectively. The rate constant for hydrolysis of EAr in wild-type dehalogenase is 20 s(-1) and in the H90Q mutant, 0.13 s(-1). The 133-fold reduction in the rate of EAr formation in the mutant may be the result of active site hydration, while the 154-fold reduction in the rate EAr hydrolysis may be the result of lost general base catalysis. Substitution of the His90 with Gln also introduces a rate-limiting step which follows catalysis, and may involve renewing the catalytic site through a slow conformational change.  相似文献   

Enzymes enhance chemical reaction rates by lowering the activation energy, the energy barrier of the reaction leading to products. This occurs because enzymes bind the high-energy intermediate of the reaction (the transition state) more strongly than the substrate. We studied details of this process by determining the substrate binding energy (DeltaG(s), calculated from K(m) values) and the activation energy (DeltaG(T), determined from k(cat)/K(m) values) for the trypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of oligopeptides. Plots of DeltaG(T) versus DeltaG(s) for oligopeptides with 15 amino acid replacements at each of the positions P(1)', P(1), and P(2) were straight lines, as predicted by a derived equation that relates DeltaG(T) and DeltaG(s). The data led to the conclusion that the trypsin active site has subsites that bind moieties of substrate and of transition state in characteristic ratios, whichever substrate is used. This was unexpected and means that each subsite characteristically favors substrate binding or catalysis.  相似文献   

F L?ffler  R Müller 《FEBS letters》1991,290(1-2):224-226
The intermediate in the reaction catalyzed by 4-chlorobenzoate dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 was identified as 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA. One component of 4-chlorobenzoate dehalogenase worked as a a 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA ligase catalyzing the formation of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA from 4-chlorobenzoate, coenzyme A and ATP. This intermediate was detected spectrophotometrically and by HPLC. 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA was the substrate for the dehalogenase component, which catalyzed the conversion to 4-hydroxybenzoate with concomitant release of coenzyme A.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme is a small catalytic RNA that accelerates reversible cleavage of a phosphodiester bond. Structural and mechanistic studies suggest that divalent metals stabilize the functional structure but do not participate directly in catalysis. Instead, two active site nucleobases, G8 and A38, appear to participate in catalytic chemistry. The features of A38 that are important for active site structure and chemistry were investigated by comparing cleavage and ligation reactions of ribozyme variants with A38 modifications. An abasic substitution of A38 reduced cleavage and ligation activity by 14,000-fold and 370,000-fold, respectively, highlighting the critical role of this nucleobase in ribozyme function. Cleavage and ligation activity of unmodified ribozymes increased with increasing pH, evidence that deprotonation of some functional group with an apparent pK(a) value near 6 is important for activity. The pH-dependent transition in activity shifted by several pH units in the basic direction when A38 was substituted with an abasic residue, or with nucleobase analogs with very high or low pK(a) values that are expected to retain the same protonation state throughout the experimental pH range. Certain exogenous nucleobases that share the amidine group of adenine restored activity to abasic ribozyme variants that lack A38. The pH dependence of chemical rescue reactions also changed according to the intrinsic basicity of the rescuing nucleobase, providing further evidence that the protonation state of the N1 position of purine analogs is important for rescue activity. These results are consistent with models of the hairpin ribozyme catalytic mechanism in which interactions with A38 provide electrostatic stabilization to the transition state.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A was employed to study the role of platelet membrane glycoproteins in platelet-fibrin interactions during clot formation. A rheological technique was used to study the interactions, measuring the clot rigidity and platelet contractile force simultaneously during the formation of network structure. Concanavalin A lowered the clot rigidity and contractile force of a platelet-rich plasma clot by a small extent. Plasma glycoproteins probably compete with platelet membranes for concanavalin A binding in platelet-rich plasma. Both native concanavalin A (tetrameric) and succinyl concanavalin A (dimeric) lowered the clot rigidity and contractile force of a washed platelet-fibrin clot dramatically, almost down to those values found for fibrin clots. Inhibition studies with alpha-methyl-D-mannoside indicated that the concanavalin A effects were specific for the concanavalin A binding capacity to platelets. The effects of native concanavalin A on platelet-fibrin clots were only partially reversible, while the succinyl concanavalin A effects were completely reversible. The observed concanavalin A effects are probably mainly due to concanavalin A binding to platelet membrane glycoproteins. The concanavalin A binding site appears to play an important role in the fibrin binding to platelets.  相似文献   

The intermediate in the reaction catalysed by 4-chlorobenzoate dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 was identified as 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA. One component of 4-chlorobenzoate debalogenase worked as a a 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA ligase catalysing the formation of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA from 4-chlorobenzoate, coenzyme A and ATP. This intermediate was detected spectrophotometrically and by HPLC. 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA was the substrate for the dehalogenase component, which catalysed the conversion to 4-hydroxybenzoate with concomitant release or coenzyme A.  相似文献   

Dong J  Carey PR  Wei Y  Luo L  Lu X  Liu RQ  Dunaway-Mariano D 《Biochemistry》2002,41(23):7453-7463
4-Chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CBA-CoA) dehalogenase catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of 4-CBA-CoA to 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA by using an active site Asp145 carboxylate as the nucleophile. Formation of the corresponding Meisenheimer complex (EMc) is followed by chloride ion expulsion to form arylated enzyme (EAr). The EAr is then hydrolyzed to product. In this paper, we report the kinetics for dehalogenase-catalyzed 4-fluorobenzoyl-CoA (4-FBA-CoA) and 4-nitrobenzoyl-CoA (4-NBA-CoA) hydrolysis and provide Raman spectral evidence for the accumulation of EMc in these reactions. The 4-FBA-CoA and 4-NBA-CoA substrate analogues were selected for the poor leaving group ability of their C(4) substituents. Thus, the formation of the EAr from EMc should be hindered, giving rise to a quasi-steady-state equilibrium between EMc and the Michaelis complex. Detailed kinetic studies were carried out to quantitate the composition of the reaction mixtures. Quench experiments demonstrated that significant populations of EAr do not exist in reaction mixtures involving the 4-F- or 4-N-substrates. A kinetic model enabled us to estimate that approximately 10-20% of the enzyme-substrate complexes in the reaction mixtures are present as EMc. Raman difference spectra of 4-NBA-CoA and 4-FBA-CoA bound to WT and H90Q mutant dehalogenase have broad features near 1500 and 1220 cm(-1) that are absent in the free ligand. Crucially, these features are also absent in the Raman spectra of the complexes involving the D145A dehalogenase mutant that are unable to form an EMc. Quantum mechanical calculations, at the DFT level, provide strong support for assigning the novel 1500 and 1220 cm(-1) features to an EMc.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Deshpande A  Xie Z  Natesh R  Acharya KR  Brew K 《Glycobiology》2004,14(12):1295-1302
Aromatic amino acids are frequent components of the carbohydrate binding sites of lectins and enzymes. Previous structural studies have shown that in alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase, the binding site for disaccharide acceptor substrates is encircled by four tryptophans, residues 249, 250, 314, and 356. To investigate their roles in enzyme specificity and catalysis, we expressed and characterized variants of the catalytic domain of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase with substitutions for each tryptophan. Substitution of glycine for tryptophan 249, whose indole ring interacts with the nonpolar B face of glucose or GlcNAc, greatly increases the K(m) for the acceptor substrate. In contrast, the substitution of tyrosine for tryptophan 314, which interacts with the beta-galactosyl moiety of the acceptor and UDP-galactose, decreases k(cat) for the galactosyltransferase reaction but does not affect the low UDP-galactose hydrolase activity. Thus, this highly conserved residue stabilizes the transition state for the galactose transfer to disaccharide but not to water. High-resolution crystallographic structures of the Trp(249)Gly mutant and the Trp(314)Tyr mutant indicate that the mutations do not affect the overall structure of the enzyme or its interactions with ligands. Substitutions for tryptophan 250 have only small effects on catalytic activity, but mutation of tryptophan 356 to threonine reduces catalytic activity for both transferase and hydrolase activities and reduces affinity for the acceptor substrate. This residue is adjacent to the flexible C-terminus that becomes ordered on binding UDP to assemble the acceptor binding site and influence catalysis. The results highlight the diverse roles of these tryptophans in enzyme action and the importance of k(cat) changes in modulating glycosyltransferase specificity.  相似文献   

Wu J  Xu D  Lu X  Wang C  Guo H  Dunaway-Mariano D 《Biochemistry》2006,45(1):102-112
It is well established that electrostatic interactions play a vital role in enzyme catalysis. In this work, we report theory-guided mutation experiments that identified strong electrostatic contributions of a remote residue, namely, Glu232 located on the adjacent subunit, to 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA dehalogenase catalysis. The Glu232Asp mutant was found to bind the substrate analogue 4-methylbenzoyl-CoA more tightly than does the wild-type dehalogenase. In contrast, the kcat for 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA conversion to product was reduced 10000-fold in the mutant. UV difference spectra measured for the respective enzyme-ligand complexes revealed an approximately 3-fold shift in the equilibrium of the two active site conformers away from that inducing strong pi-electron polarization in the ligand benzoyl ring. Increased substrate binding, decreased ring polarization, and decreased catalytic efficiency indicated that the repositioning of the point charge in the Glu232Asp mutant might affect the orientation of the Asp145 carboxylate with respect to the substrate aromatic ring. The time course for formation and reaction of the arylated enzyme intermediate during a single turnover was measured for wild-type and Glu232Asp mutant dehalogenases. The accumulation of arylated enzyme in the wild-type dehalogenase was not observed in the mutant. This indicates that the reduced turnover rate in the mutant is the result of a slow arylation of Asp145, owing to decreased efficiency in substrate nucleophilic attack by Asp145. To rationalize the experimental observations, a theoretical model is proposed, which computes the potential of mean force for the nucleophilic aromatic substitution step using a hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical method. To this end, the removal or reorientation of the side chain charge of residue 232, modeled respectively by the Glu232Gln and Glu232Asp mutants, is shown to increase the rate-limiting energy barrier. The calculated 23.1 kcal/mol free energy barrier for formation of the Meisenheimer intermediate in the Glu232Asp mutant represents an increase of 6 kcal/mol relative to that of the wild-type enzyme, consistent with the 5.6 kcal/mol increase calculated from the difference in experimentally determined rate constants. On the basis of the combination of the experimental and theoretical evidence, we hypothesize that the Glu232(B) residue contributes to catalysis by providing an electrostatic force that acts on the Asp145 nucleophile.  相似文献   

Comparison of the calculated structures for the transition states of the two reactions catalysed by chorismate mutase prephenate dehydrogenase suggests that both reactions could be catalysed at a common active site. Kinetic data for the enzyme from Aerobacteraerogenes are consistent with this possibility. On the basis of these theoretical and experimental data a model for a common active site is developed. In the model, the transition state for each reaction is bound to the enzyme via both of the two substrate carboxyl groups, and can also interact with the coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide through a hydrogen bond between the amide moiety of the nicotinamide ring and the hydroxyl group of the substrate. Chorismate, prephenate and 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate in their ground states form the same hydrogen bond to the coenzyme, but are bound to the enzyme via a single carboxyl group only. The additional bond formed between the enzyme and the transition state structures thus provides the transition state stabilization required for catalysis of both reactions.  相似文献   

Hicks SN  Smiley RD  Hamilton JB  Howell EE 《Biochemistry》2003,42(36):10569-10578
R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which catalyzes the NADPH dependent reduction of dihydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate, belongs to a type II family of R-plasmid encoded DHFRs that confer resistance to the antibacterial drug trimethoprim. Crystal structure data reveals this enzyme is a homotetramer that possesses a single active site pore. Only two charged residues in each monomer are located near the pore, K32 and K33. Site-directed mutants were constructed to probe the role of these residues in ligand binding and/or catalysis. As a result of the 222 symmetry of this enzyme, mutagenesis of one residue results in modification at four related sites. All mutants at K32 affected the quaternary structure, producing an inactive dimer. The K33M mutant shows only a 2-4-fold effect on K(m) values. Salt effects on ligand binding and catalysis for K33M and wildtype R67 DHFRs were investigated to determine if these lysines are involved in forming ionic interactions with the negatively charged substrates, dihydrofolate (overall charge of -2) and NADPH (overall charge of -3). Binding studies indicate that two ionic interactions occur between NADPH and R67 DHFR. In contrast, the binding of folate, a poor substrate, to R67 DHFR.NADPH appears weak as a titration in enthalpy is lost at low ionic strength. Steady-state kinetic studies for both wild type (wt) and K33M R67 DHFRs also support a strong electrostatic interaction between NADPH and the enzyme. Interestingly, quantitation of the observed salt effects by measuring the slopes of the log of ionic strength versus the log of k(cat)/K(m) plots indicates that only one ionic interaction is involved in forming the transition state. These data support a model where two ionic interactions are formed between NADPH and symmetry related K32 residues in the ground state. To reach the transition state, an ionic interaction between K32 and the pyrophosphate bridge is broken. This unusual scenario likely arises from the constraints imposed by the 222 symmetry of the enzyme.  相似文献   

trans-3-Chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD) catalyzes the hydrolytic dehalogenation of trans-3-haloacrylates to yield malonate semialdehyde by a mechanism utilizing βPro-1, αArg-8, αArg-11, and αGlu-52. These residues are implicated in a promiscuous hydratase activity where 2-oxo-3-pentynoate is processed to acetopyruvate. The roles of three nearby residues (βAsn-39, αPhe-39, and αPhe-50) are unexplored. Mutants were constructed at these positions (βN39A, αF39A, αF39T, αF50A and αF50Y) and kinetic parameters determined along with those of the αR8K and αR11K mutants. Analysis indicates that αArg-8, αArg-11, and βAsn-39 are critical for dehalogenase activity whereas αArg-11 and αPhe-50 are critical for hydratase activity. Docking studies suggest structural bases for these observations.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatase A belongs to the sulfatase family whose members carry a Calpha-formylglycine that is post-translationally generated by oxidation of a conserved cysteine or serine residue. The formylglycine acts as an aldehyde hydrate with two geminal hydroxyls being involved in catalysis of sulfate ester cleavage. In arylsulfatase A and N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase this formylglycine was found to form the active site together with a divalent cation and a number of polar residues, tightly interconnected by a net of hydrogen bonds. Most of these putative active site residues are highly conserved among the eukaryotic and prokaryotic members of the sulfatase family. To analyze their function in binding and cleaving sulfate esters, we substituted a total of nine putative active site residues of human ASA by alanine (Asp29, Asp30, Asp281, Asn282, His125, His229, Lys123, Lys302, and Ser150). In addition the Mg2+-complexing residues (Asp29, Asp30, Asp281, and Asn282) were substituted conservatively by either asparagine or aspartate. In all mutants Vmax was decreased to 1-26% of wild type activity. The Km was more than 10-fold increased in K123A and K302A and up to 5-fold in the other mutants. In all mutants the pH optimum was increased from 4.5 by 0.2-0.8 units. These results indicate that each of the nine residues examined is critical for catalytic activity, Lys123 and Lys302 by binding the substrate and the others by direct (His125 and Asp281) or indirect participation in catalysis. The shift in the pH optimum is explained by two deprotonation steps that have been proposed for sulfate ester cleavage.  相似文献   

Phospholipase B1 (PLB1), secreted by the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus neoformans, has an established role in virulence. Although the mechanism of its phospholipase B, lysophospholipase, and lysophospholipase transacylase activities is unknown, it possesses lipase, subtilisin protease aspartate, and phospholipase motifs containing putative catalytic residues S146, D392, and R108, respectively, conserved in fungal PLBs and essential for human cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) catalysis. To determine the role of these residues in PLB1 catalysis, each was substituted with alanine, and the mutant cDNAs were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The mutant PLB1s were deficient in all three enzymatic activities. As the active site structure of PLB1 is unknown, a homology model was developed, based on the X-ray structure of the cPLA2 catalytic domain. This shows that the two proteins share a closely related fold, with the three catalytic residues located in identical positions as part of a single active site, with S146 and D392 forming a catalytic dyad. The model suggests that PLB1 lacks the "lid" region which occludes the cPLA2 active site and provides a mechanism of interfacial activation. In silico substrate docking studies with cPLA2 reveal the binding mode of the lipid headgroup, confirming the catalytic dyad mechanism for the cleavage of the sn-2 ester bond within one of two separate binding tracts for the lipid acyl chains. Residues specific for binding arachidonic and palmitic acids, preferred substrates for cPLA2 and PLB1, respectively, are identified. These results provide an explanation for differences in substrate specificity between lipases sharing the cPLA2 catalytic domain fold and for the differential effect of inhibitors on PLB1 enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme is a small catalytic RNA with reversible phosphodiester cleavage activity. Biochemical and structural studies exclude a requirement for divalent metal cation cofactors and implicate one active site nucleobase in particular, G8, in the catalytic mechanism. Our previous work demonstrated that the cleavage activity that is lost when G8 is replaced by an abasic residue is restored when certain nucleobases are provided in solution. The specificity and pH dependence of exogenous nucleobase rescue were consistent with several models of the rescue mechanism, including general acid base catalysis, electrostatic stabilization of negative charge in the transition state or a requirement for protonation to facilitate exogenous nucleobase binding. Detailed analyses of exogenous nucleobase rescue for both cleavage and ligation reactions now allow us to refine models of the rescue mechanism. Activity increased with increasing pH for both unmodified ribozyme reactions and unrescued reactions of abasic variants lacking G8. This similarity in pH dependence argues against a role for G8 as a general base catalyst, because G8 deprotonation could not be responsible for the pH-dependent transition in the abasic variant. Exogenous nucleobase rescue of both cleavage and ligation activity increased with decreasing pH, arguing against a role for rescuing nucleobases in general acid catalysis, because a nucleobase that contributes general acid catalysis in the cleavage pathway should provide general base catalysis in ligation. Analysis of the concentration dependence of cytosine rescue at high and low pH demonstrated that protonation promotes catalysis within the nucleobase-bound ribozyme complex but does not stabilize nucleobase binding in the ground state. These results support an electrostatic stabilization mechanism in which exogenous nucleobase binding counters negative charge that develops in the transition state.  相似文献   

M Flogel  A Albert  R Biltonen 《Biochemistry》1975,14(12):2616-2621
It is demonstrated that a model of nucleotide binding to ribonuclease A similar to that proposed by Hammes and coworkers (G. G. Hammes (1968), Adv. Protein Chem. 23, 1) is at least, approximately applicable for both cyclic nucleotide substrates and mononucleotide inhibitors at pH values less than or equal to 6.5 and as a function of ionic strength. Calorimetric data on various inhibitors show that the binding reaction can be thermodynamically dissected into a contribution arising from van der Waal's interaction of the nucleoside moiety, characterized by a large negative enthalpy change, and a contribution arising from electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged phosphate group of the inhibitor and the positively charged protein fabric, characterized by a large positive unitary entropy change. Assuming a catalytic mechanism involving the formation of a dianionic pentacoordinated phosphate transition state intermediate, the magnitude of the effect of electrostatic interactions on the overall rate enhancement by the enzyme is estimated to be 2 times 10(2) to 10(6). It is suggested that this effect, along with substrate approximation effects, is sufficient to "explain" the catalytic behavior of the enzyme.  相似文献   

AP endonuclease (AP endo), a key enzyme in repair of abasic sites in DNA, makes a single nick 5' to the phosphodeoxyribose of an abasic site (AP-site). We recently proposed a novel mechanism, whereby the enzyme uses a key tyrosine (Tyr(171)) to directly attack the scissile phosphate of the AP-site. We showed that loss of the tyrosyl hydroxyl from Tyr(171) resulted in dramatic diminution in enzymatic efficiency. Here we extend the previous work to compare binding/recognition of AP endo to oligomeric DNA with and without an AP-site by wild type enzyme and several tyrosine mutants including Tyr(128), Tyr(171) and Tyr(269). We used single turnover and electrophoretic mobility shift assays. As expected, binding to DNA with an AP-site is more efficient than binding to DNA without one. Unlike catalytic cleavage by AP endo, which requires both hydroxyl and aromatic moieties of Tyr(171), the ability to bind DNA efficiently without an AP-site is independent of an aromatic moiety at position 171. However, the ability to discriminate efficiently between DNA with and without an AP-site requires tyrosine at position 171. Thus, AP endo requires a tyrosine at the active site for the properties that enable it to behave as an efficient, processive endonuclease.  相似文献   

The inhibition of CYP3A4-mediated oxidation of triazolam and testosterone was assessed in the presence of a selection of known CYP3A4 substrates and inhibitors. Under experimental conditions where the Michaelis-Menten model predicts substrate-independent inhibition ([S] = K(m)), results yielded substrate-dependent inhibition. Moreover, when the same experimental design was extended to a group of structurally similar flavonoids it was observed that flavanone, flavone, 3-hydroxyflavone, and 6-hydroxyflavone (10 microM) activated triazolam metabolism, but inhibited testosterone hydroxylation. In additional studies, residual CYP3A4 activity toward testosterone and triazolam hydroxylation was measured after pretreatment with the CYP3A4 mechanism based inhibitor, midazolam. After midazolam preincubation, CYP3A4 6 beta-hydroxylase activity was reduced by 47% while, in contrast, triazolam hydroxylation was reduced by 75%. These results provide physical evidence, which supports the hypothesis that the active site of CYP3A4 contains spatially distinct substrate-binding domains within the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

The unusually low pK(a) value of the general base catalyst Pro-1 (pK(a) = 6.4) in 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT) has been ascribed to both a low dielectric constant at the active site and the proximity of the cationic residues Arg-11 and Arg-39 [Stivers, J. T., Abeygunawardana, C., Mildvan, A. S., Hajipour, G., and Whitman, C. P. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 814-823]. In addition, the pH-rate profiles in that study showed an unidentified protonated group essential for catalysis with a pK(a) of 9.0. To address these issues, the pK(a) values of the active site Pro-1 and lower limit pK(a) values of arginine residues were determined by direct (15)N NMR pH titrations. The pK(a) values of Pro-1 and of the essential acid group were determined independently from pH-rate profiles of the kinetic parameters of 4-OT in arginine mutants of 4-OT and compared with those of wild type. The chemical shifts of all of the Arg Nepsilon resonances in wild-type 4-OT and in the R11A and R39Q mutants were found to be independent of pH over the range 4.9-9.7, indicating that no arginine is responsible for the kinetically determined pK(a) of 9.0 for an acidic group in free 4-OT. With the R11A mutant, where k(cat)/K(m) was reduced by a factor of 10(2.9), the pK(a) of Pro-1 was not significantly altered from that of the wild-type enzyme (pK(a) = 6.4 +/- 0.2) as revealed by both direct (15)N NMR titration (pK(a) = 6.3 +/- 0.1) and the pH dependence of k(cat)/K(m) (pK(a) = 6.4 +/- 0.2). The pH-rate profiles of both k(cat)/K(m) and k(cat) for the reaction of the R11A mutant with the dicarboxylate substrate, 2-hydroxymuconate, showed humps, i.e., sharply defined maxima followed by nonzero plateaus. The humps disappeared in the reaction with the monocarboxylate substrate, 2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadienoate, indicating that, unlike the wild-type enzyme which reacts only with the dianionic form of the dicarboxylic substrate, the R11A mutant reacts with both the 6-COOH and 6-COO(-) forms, with the 6-COOH form being 12-fold more active. This reversal in the preferred ionization state of the 6-carboxyl group of the substrate that occurs upon mutation of Arg-11 to Ala provides strong evidence that Arg-11 interacts with the 6-carboxylate of the substrate. In the R39Q mutant, where k(cat)/K(m) was reduced by a factor of 10(3), the kinetically determined pK(a) value for Pro-1 was 4.6 +/- 0.2, while the ionization of Pro-1 showed negative cooperativity with an apparent pK(a) of 7.1 +/- 0.1 determined by 1D (15)N NMR. From the Hill coefficient of 0.54, it can be shown that the apparent pK(a) value of 7.1 could result most simply from the averaging of two limiting pK(a) values of 4.6 and 8.2. Mutation of Arg-39, by altering the structure of the beta-hairpin which covers the active site, could result in an increase in the solvent exposure of Pro-1, raising its upper limit pK(a) value to 8.2. In the R39A mutant, the kinetically determined pK(a) of Pro-1 was also low, 5.0 +/- 0.2, indicating that in both the R39Q and R39A mutants, only the sites with low pK(a) values were kinetically operative. With the fully active R61A mutant, the kinetically determined pK(a) of Pro-1 (pK(a) = 6.5 +/- 0.2) agreed with that of wild-type 4-OT. It is concluded that the unusually low pK(a) of Pro-1 shows little contribution from electrostatic effects of the nearby cationic Arg-11, Arg-39, and Arg-61 residues but results primarily from a site of low local dielectric constant.  相似文献   

Yang C  Wu J  Zheng YG 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e32886
The 60-kDa HIV-Tat interactive protein (Tip60) is a key member of the MYST family of histone acetyltransferases (HATs) that plays critical roles in multiple cellular processes. We report here that Tip60 undergoes autoacetylation at several lysine residues, including a key lysine residue (i.e. Lys-327) in the active site of the MYST domain. The mutation of K327 to arginine led to loss of both the autoacetylation activity and the cognate HAT activity. Interestingly, deacetylated Tip60 still kept a substantial degree of HAT activity. We also investigated the effect of cysteine 369 and glutamate 403 in Tip60 autoacetylation in order to understand the molecular pathway of the autoacetylation at K327. Together, we conclude that the acetylation of K327 which is located in the active site of Tip60 regulates but is not obligatory for the catalytic activity of Tip60. Since acetylation at this key residue appears to be evolutionarily conserved amongst all MYST proteins, our findings provide an interesting insight into the regulatory mechanism of MYST activities.  相似文献   

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