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This essay documents and examines the historical circumstances and events surrounding the discovery of the mode of transmission of yellow fever virus in Cuba. Close scrutiny of the articles published by Walter Reed and his colleagues in 1900, 1901 and 1902 reveals their limitations as historic documents. Fortunately, other sources of information from that period survive in letters and documents written by individuals involved in the quest for the mode of transmission. Examination and comparison of those sources of information unveiled a fascinating story which reveals that misunderstandings engendered by published articles accorded merit where it was not fully due.  相似文献   

This short essay examines infant formula marketing and information sources for their representation of "choice" in the infant feeding context, and finds that while providing information about breast and bottle feeding, infant formula manufacturers focus on mothers' feelings and intuition rather than knowledge in making decisions. In addition, the essay considers how "choice" operates in the history of reproductive rights, shifting the discourse from a rights-based set of arguments to one based on a consumerist mentality. Utilizing the work of historian Rickie Solinger and a 2007 paper for the National Bureau of Labor Statistics, I argue that the structure of market work, and not abstract maternal decision making, determine mothers' choices and practices concerning infant feeding. For true freedoms for mothers to be achieved, freedoms that would include greater social provisions for mothers, our culture will have to confront how structural constraints make breastfeeding difficult, as well as how the concept of choice divides mothers into those who make good choices and those who do not.  相似文献   

This brief essay reflects on the meaning and significance of ‘non-racialism’ in South Africa's recent past and present. I consider the version of non-racialism that shaped the transition from apartheid to a constitutional democracy as having had dual dimensions, ethical and strategic. Ethically, non-racialism has signified a principle of human recognition that exceeds the mere tolerance of difference. Strategically, non-racialism has afforded ways of managing and disciplining the historical realities of racial differences. The politicization of race in recent years has rendered the project of non-racialism more precarious: both its ethical and strategic dimensions merit further scrutiny, if the project is to be revitalized.  相似文献   

This essay is written from my perspective as a program officer for research and training activities at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) for almost 27 yr. It gives a bird's-eye view of the job of a program officer, which includes providing advice to applicants and grantees, making funding recommendations, overseeing grantees' progress, facilitating scientific opportunities in specific areas of program responsibility, and shaping NIGMS and National Institutes of Health (NIH) policy. I have highlighted the numerous rewards of serving as a program officer, as well as some of the difficulties. For those who may be considering a position as an NIH program officer now or in the future, I've also described the qualities and qualifications that are important for such a career choice. Finally, this essay addresses some of the challenges for the NIH and the research community in the years ahead as we simultaneously face exciting scientific opportunities and tighter budgets.  相似文献   

Play and games relating to September 11 reflect children's strategies for making sense with nonsense. This essay calls for the reexamination of play and recess as nontrivial parts of schooling and as sources for anthropological research.  相似文献   

Summary Mate selection by selection index prediction of total merit in expected progeny is proposed as a rational basis for making recommendations in the choice of a bull to which a cow may be mated. Growth in USA of service programs recommending bulls to particular cows has motivated the need to rationalize mate selection processes. This paper illustrates that mate selection on the basis of highest index value for expected progeny among potential mates can justify special mate selection programs, when a nonlinear relationship exists between at least one trait in the index and merit.Contribution while on leave to Department Animal Breeding, Agricultural Research Institute of Republic of Ireland and partial support from Senior Fulbright-Hays Research Grant.Approved as Journal Article 180-79 of the Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center, Wooster 44691  相似文献   

Drawing has emerged as a recent focus of anthropological attention. Writers such as Ingold and Taussig have argued for its significance as a special kind of knowledge practice, linking it to a broader re‐imagining of the anthropological project itself. Underpinning their approach is an opposition between the pencil and the camera, between ‘making’ and ‘taking’, between restrictive and generative modes of inquiry. This essay challenges this assumption, arguing that these elements in drawing and filmmaking exist in a dialectical rather than a polarized relationship. It highlights particular insights that follow from a dialogue between written and film‐based anthropologies and links them to broader debates within the discipline – for example, debates about ways of knowing, skilled practice, improvisation and the imagination, and anthropology as a form of image‐making practice.  相似文献   

Rapid biomonitoring protocols, using biotic indices based on macroinvertebrate diversity to assess river ecosystem health, are widely used globally. Such quick assessment techniques are lauded for the rapid results obtained and the relatively easy protocol used to achieve an answer. However, do such quick assessments of water quality give enough information about ecosystems? Are important details being overlooked? When should a full faunal survey be used in preference? Important research programmes, including environmental impact studies, often misuse biomonitoring techniques, making influential management decisions using superficial, low-level data obtained using biomonitoring tools, inappropriate to address those management objectives. The value of using biomonitoring as a quick tool, versus a more detailed faunal assessment, is considered here. The assessment of teloganodid mayfly fauna occurring in South African rivers provides an example of the value of detailed studies versus superficial family level investigations, showing that a rapid biomonitoring approach should not be used as a shortcut when a more detailed survey is needed. Each situation should be assessed for its own merit in a given set of project circumstances. A checklist of criteria is presented, giving guidance on when rapid biomonitoring alone is valuable and when more detailed assessments would give a more relevant result.  相似文献   

Diverse optogenetic tools have allowed versatile control over neural activity. Many depolarizing and hyperpolarizing tools have now been developed in multiple laboratories and tested across different preparations, presenting opportunities but also making it difficult to draw direct comparisons. This challenge has been compounded by the dependence of performance on parameters such as vector, promoter, expression time, illumination, cell type and many other variables. As a result, it has become increasingly complicated for end users to select the optimal reagents for their experimental needs. For a rapidly growing field, critical figures of merit should be formalized both to establish a framework for further development and so that end users can readily understand how these standardized parameters translate into performance. Here we systematically compared microbial opsins under matched experimental conditions to extract essential principles and identify key parameters for the conduct, design and interpretation of experiments involving optogenetic techniques.  相似文献   

The peculiar secondary growth in Doxantha unguis-cati provides several developmental problems concerning cambial activity. One of the most interesting of these problems is the presence of both unidirectional and bidirectional arcs of cambium within the same stem. This investigation reports the ontogenetic development of these two kinds of cambial arcs. The first cambial divisions are observed in the fascicular regions of the 11th to 16th internodes from the shoot tip. This event is initiated after internode elongation is completed. In the initial stages, secondary tissues have a cylindrical configuration, but subsequently four grooves become apparent. These grooves signify the first evidence of unidirectional cambial activity. The four unidirectional arcs occur near the four major vascular strands to which all of the leaf traces connect. As secondary growth continues, the bidirectional and unidirectional arcs of cambium become separated and radial fissues can be seen between the furrows of phloem and the lobes of secondary xylem. Additional furrows originate either as sets of four between the original set of four or as single furrows to either or both sides of an existing furrow. All furrows are bordered by multiseriate rays. The initials of the bidirectional and unidirectional cambial arcs are non-stratified and are similar in size and appearance. The phloem produced within the furrow differs in several respects from that produced by the bidirectional arcs. The two types of cambial activity and the precise locations of the unidirectional cambial arcs in the stem (i.e. near the four major strands) suggests that transported products from the leaves are involved in the control of unidirectional cambial activity.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) is a condition affecting the small bowel, characterized by permanent intolerance to dietary gluten, and giving rise to varying degrees of malabsorption and diarrhea. With the advent of sensitive screening tests, the condition is being increasingly diagnosed. Celiac disease is more common in the Irish and in those of Irish descent. Simoons (1978, 1981) hypothesized that the present-day prevalence of celiac disease across Europe is related to the interaction between genetic gradients, largely determined by the advance of agriculture, and historical patterns of cereal ingestion. This essay examines Simoons' hypothesis as it relates to Ireland, reviews the ethnic and genetic mix of those living on the island of Ireland and aspects of Irish dietary history, and considers how these factors may have combined to result in a high frequency of celiac disease.  相似文献   

Resource constraints in developing countries compel policy makers to ration the provision of healthcare services. This article examines one such set of Guidelines: A patient dialysing in the state sector in South Africa may not refuse renal transplantation when a kidney becomes available. Refusal of transplantation can lead to exclusion from the state‐funded dialysis programme. This Guideline is legally acceptable as related to Constitutional stipulations which allow for rationing healthcare resources in South Africa. Evaluating the ethical merit of the Guideline, and exploring the ethical dilemma it poses, proves a more complex task. We examine the actions of healthcare professionals as constrained by the Guideline. From a best interests framework, we argue that in these circumstances directing patient decision making (pressurising a patient to undergo renal transplantation) is not necessarily unethical or unacceptably paternalistic. We then scrutinise the guideline itself through several different ethical ‘lenses’. Here, we argue that bioethics does not provide a definitive answer as to the moral merit of rationing dialysis under these circumstances, however it can be considered just in this context. We conclude by examining a potential pitfall of the Guideline: Unwilling transplant recipients may not comply with immunosuppressive medication, which raises questions for policies based on resource management and rationing.  相似文献   

有效的管理对医院履行社会责任至关重要,医院管理人员作为管理队伍的中坚力量,需要在日常管理工作中充分运用前沿的管理理念,将管理工作制度化、规范化、信息化及人性化,及时反馈患者、医务人员的需求及满意度,提高管理效能和服务质量。因此,加强医院管理人员职业化培训就显得尤为重要。本文从教育培训、准入制度、激励机制、评价体系等方面分析现阶段职业化培训的有效做法,探讨医院管理人员职业化建设对提升医院管理效能的必要性及重要性。  相似文献   

Novel method for the rapid evaluation of packing in protein structures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There has been considerable effort to predict the structure of proteins from their amino acid sequences. A major problem in all prediction efforts has been that, short of a direct comparison with crystallographic co-ordinates, it is often difficult to evaluate the merit of a model, or "proposed" protein structure. Here, we present a method for evaluating proposed protein structures that does not require a structural model of complete atomic detail. Our method evaluates residue-residue packing density using a simplified model of the polypeptide chain where amino acids are represented as one, two (histidine, tyrosine and phenylalanine), or three (tryptophan) spheres. This method also gives a measure of the appropriateness of residue-residue contacts, thus giving a measure of the amino acid distribution throughout the protein. Amino acid packing and amino acid distribution, as evaluated by this technique, are consistent with the accuracy of model-built structures. We have been able to select the best structures from a set of combinatorially generated models using this method, and we anticipate that it will be useful as a general tool for model-building.  相似文献   

The state of the art in flow‐chemiluminescence (flow‐CL) technique for automated pharmaceutical analysis is reviewed. Flow‐CL approaches have become powerful and promising tools for pharmaceutical screening in recent years due to their simplicity, low cost and high sensitivity. Because of these advantages, these methods have been widely used for pharmaceutical analysis in recent years. The literature reviewed covers papers of analytical interest that appeared between 2007 and mid‐2012 and have been divided into several sections based on fundamental types of CL systems employed. Furthermore, entries have been summarized alphabetically in tabular form giving details of analytical figures of merit of the methods. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Genetic introgression of domesticated to wild conspecifics is of great concern to the genetic integrity and viability of the wild populations. Therefore, we need tools that can be used for monitoring unidirectional gene flow from domesticated to wild populations. A challenge to quantitation of unidirectional gene flow is that both the donor and the recipient population may be genetically substructured and that the subpopulations are subjected to genetic drift and may exchange migrants between one another. We develop a standardized method for quantifying and monitoring domesticated to wild gene flow and demonstrate its usefulness to farm and wild Atlantic salmon as a model species. The challenge of having several wild and farm populations was circumvented by in silico generating one analytical center point for farm and wild salmon, respectively. Distributions for the probability that an individual is wild were generated from individual‐based analyses of observed wild and farm genotypes using STRUCTURE. We show that estimates of proportions of the genome being of domesticated origin in a particular wild population can be obtained without having a historical reference sample for the same population. The main advantages of the method presented are the standardized way in which genetic processes within and between populations are taken into account, and the individual‐based analyses giving estimates for each individual independent of other individuals. The method makes use of established software, and as long as genetic markers showing generic genetic differences between domesticated and wild populations are available, it can be applied to all species with unidirectional gene flow. Results from our method are easy to interpret and understand, and will serve as a powerful tool for management, especially because there is no need for a specific historical wild reference sample.  相似文献   

Recently, state and federal legislators have emphasized teacher quality in their efforts to improve public education. Many reformers believe that merit pay may prove invaluable in attracting highly qualified educators to the workforce and retaining them, as well as in improving students’ test scores. While merit pay's ability to recruit and retain great teachers is as yet unproven, recent studies have found little evidence that merit pay improves students’ test scores. The following article seeks to inform merit pay policies by offering insight from research in educational psychology and outlining possible implications for music education.  相似文献   

In the 21st century, researchers have attempted a synthesis between community ecology and evolutionary biology. This emerging research area, which aims to synthesize community ecology and evolutionary biology, is evolutionary community ecology. Evolutionary community ecology addresses how intraspecific trait variation in community members is essential for predicting community properties and, how community properties are a key component of the selective forces that determine genetic and phenotypic variation in a community member. In this paper, I review recent findings in evolutionary community ecology in plant-associated arthropods in terrestrial ecosystems. I discuss roles of both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity as a source of trait variation in plants in shaping plant-associated arthropod communities. Also, I discuss effects of genetic variation in herbivores on plant-associated arthropod communities. Furthermore, I highlight community context evolution in which multiple species interactions and community composition affect trait evolution of a community member. Finally, I argue that future studies should investigate a feedback loop between community and evolutionary dynamics beyond unidirectional studies on effects of evolution on a community or vice versa. This approach will provide major insights into mechanistic principles for making predictions of community ecology.  相似文献   


U.S. ocean institutions and decision‐making processes merit careful study and attention. Given the economic and strategic importance of the oceans to the United States, such research would be valuable if it contributed to a more effective ocean policy process and an improved policy product. Moreover, findings with regard to the ocean policy process could be relevant to other high‐technology, transnational policy areas. Four aspects of ocean institutions and policy making merit priority attention: (1) current institutions and processes compared with alternative modes of organization and process; (2) the premises on which the present policy process is based; (3) the generation and utilization of policy‐relevant data; and (4) the operation of U.S. ocean institutions transnationally.  相似文献   

Though only one component product of the larger eugenics movement, the eugenic family study proved to be, by far, its most potent ideological tool. The Kallikak Family, for instance, went through eight editions between 1913 and 1931. This essay argues that the current scholarship has missed important ways that the architects of the eugenic family studies theorized and described the subjects of their investigation. Using one sparsely interrogated work (sociologist Frank Wilson Blackmar’s “The Smoky Pilgrims”) and one previously unknown eugenic family study (biologist Frank Gary Brooks’ untitled analysis of the flood-zone Oklahomans) from the Southern Plains, this essay aims to introduce “environment” as a schema that allows for how the subjects of the eugenic family study were conceptualized with respect to their surroundings. Geospatially and environmentally relevant constructions of scientific knowledge were central to the project of eugenics during its formative years, but remain largely and conspicuously absent from the critical literature which engages this project to separate the fit from the unfit in American society. The dysgenic constituted a unique human geography, giving us significant insight into how concatenations of jurisprudence as well as cultural and social worth were tied to the land.  相似文献   

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