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Methanol is already an important carbon feedstock in the chemical industry, but it has found only limited application in biotechnological production processes. This can be mostly attributed to the inability of most microbial platform organisms to utilize methanol as a carbon and energy source. With the aim to turn methanol into a suitable feedstock for microbial production processes, we engineered the industrially important but nonmethylotrophic bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum toward the utilization of methanol as an auxiliary carbon source in a sugar-based medium. Initial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde was achieved by heterologous expression of a methanol dehydrogenase from Bacillus methanolicus, whereas assimilation of formaldehyde was realized by implementing the two key enzymes of the ribulose monophosphate pathway of Bacillus subtilis: 3-hexulose-6-phosphate synthase and 6-phospho-3-hexuloisomerase. The recombinant C. glutamicum strain showed an average methanol consumption rate of 1.7 ± 0.3 mM/h (mean ± standard deviation) in a glucose-methanol medium, and the culture grew to a higher cell density than in medium without methanol. In addition, [13C]methanol-labeling experiments revealed labeling fractions of 3 to 10% in the m + 1 mass isotopomers of various intracellular metabolites. In the background of a C. glutamicum Δald ΔadhE mutant being strongly impaired in its ability to oxidize formaldehyde to CO2, the m + 1 labeling of these intermediates was increased (8 to 25%), pointing toward higher formaldehyde assimilation capabilities of this strain. The engineered C. glutamicum strains represent a promising starting point for the development of sugar-based biotechnological production processes using methanol as an auxiliary substrate.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum is able to utilize vanillate, the product of lignin degradation, as the sole carbon source. The vanillate utilization components are encoded by the vanABK operon. The vanA and vanB genes encode the subunits of vanillate O-demethylase, converting vanillate to protocatechuate, while VanK is the specific vanillate transporter. The vanABK operon is regulated by a PadR-type repressor, VanR. Heterologous gene expression and variations of the vanR open reading frame revealed that the functional VanR contains 192 residues (21 kDa) and forms a dimer, as analyzed by size exclusion chromatography. In vivo, ferulate, vanillin, and vanillate induced PvanABK in C. glutamicum, while only vanillate induced the activity of PvanABK in Escherichia coli lacking the ferulate catabolic system. Differential scanning fluorimetry verified that vanillate is the only effector of VanR. Interaction between the PvanABK DNA fragment and the VanR protein had an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 15.1 ± 1.7 nM. The VanR-DNA complex had a dissociation rate constant (Kd) of (267 ± 23) × 10−6 s−1, with a half-life of 43.5 ± 3.6 min. DNase I footprinting localized the VanR binding site at PvanABK, extending from +9 to +45 on the coding strand. Deletion of the nucleotides +18 to +27 inside the VanR binding site rendered PvanABK constitutive. Fusion of the T7 promoter and the wild-type VanR operator, as well as its shortened versions, indicated that the inverted repeat AACTAACTAA(N4)TTAGGTATTT is the specific VanR binding site. It is proposed that the VanR-DNA complex contains two VanR dimers at the VanR operator.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum grows on a variety of carbohydrates and organic acids as single or combined sources of carbon and energy. Here we show the ability of C. glutamicum to grow on ethanol with growth rates up to 0.24 h(-1) and biomass yields up to 0.47 g dry weight (g ethanol)(-1). Mutants of C. glutamicum deficient in phosphotransacetylase (PTA), isocitrate lyase (ICL) and malate synthase (MS) were unable to grow on ethanol, indicating that acetate activation and the glyoxylate cycle are essential for utilization of this substrate. In accordance, the expression profile of ethanol-grown C. glutamicum cells compared to that of glucose-grown cells revealed an increased expression of genes encoding acetate kinase (AK), PTA, ICL and MS. Furthermore, the specific activities of these four enzymes as well as those of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) were found to be high in ethanol-grown and low in glucose-grown cells. Growth of C. glutamicum on a mixture of glucose and ethanol led to a biphasic growth behavior, which was due to the sequential utilization of glucose before ethanol. Accordingly, the specific activities of ADH, ALDH, AK, PTA, ICL and MS in cells grown in medium containing both substrates were as low as in glucose-grown cells in the first growth phase, but increased 5- to 100-fold during the second growth phase. The results indicate that ethanol catabolism in C. glutamicum is subject to carbon source-dependent regulation, i.e., to a carbon catabolite control.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive bacterium, has been widely used for the industrial production of amino acids, such as glutamate and lysine, for decades. Due to several characteristics – its ability to secrete properly folded and functional target proteins into culture broth, its low levels of endogenous extracellular proteins and its lack of detectable extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activity – C. glutamicum is also a very favorable host cell for the secretory production of heterologous proteins, important enzymes, and pharmaceutical proteins. The target proteins are secreted into the culture medium, which has attractive advantages over the manufacturing process for inclusion of body expression – the simplified downstream purification process. The secretory process of proteins is complicated and energy consuming. There are two major secretory pathways in C. glutamicum, the Sec pathway and the Tat pathway, both have specific signal peptides that mediate the secretion of the target proteins. In the present review, we critically discuss recent progress in the secretory production of heterologous proteins and examine in depth the mechanisms of the protein translocation process in C. glutamicum. Some successful case studies of actual applications of this secretory expression host are also evaluated. Finally, the existing issues and solutions in using C. glutamicum as a host of secretory proteins are specifically addressed.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the influence of phosphate (Pi) limitation on the metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Metabolite analysis by gas chromatography-time-of-flight (GC-TOF) mass spectrometry of cells cultivated in glucose minimal medium revealed a greatly increased maltose level under Pi limitation. As maltose formation could be linked to glycogen metabolism, the cellular glycogen content was determined. Unlike in cells grown under Pi excess, the glycogen level in Pi-limited cells remained high in the stationary phase. Surprisingly, even acetate-grown cells, which do not form glycogen under Pi excess, did so under Pi limitation and also retained it in stationary phase. Expression of pgm and glgC, encoding the first two enzymes of glycogen synthesis, phosphoglucomutase and ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, was found to be increased 6- and 3-fold under Pi limitation, respectively. Increased glycogen synthesis together with a decreased glycogen degradation might be responsible for the altered glycogen metabolism. Independent from these experimental results, flux balance analysis suggested that an increased carbon flux to glycogen is a solution for C. glutamicum to adapt carbon metabolism to limited Pi concentrations.Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all cells and is required for, e.g., the biosynthesis of nucleotides, NAD(P)H, DNA, and RNA but also for the regulation of protein activity by phosphorylation of histidine, aspartate, serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues. A common phosphorus source is inorganic phosphate (Pi), and cells have developed mechanisms for the acquisition, assimilation, and storage of Pi. When Pi becomes limiting, many bacteria induce the synthesis of proteins that enable them to capture the residual Pi resources more efficiently and to make alternative phosphorus sources accessible. The corresponding genes are collectively named Pi starvation-inducible genes, or psi genes. The Pi starvation response, and in particular its regulation, has been most carefully studied in Escherichia coli (45) and Bacillus subtilis (14).We recently started to characterize the Pi starvation response in Corynebacterium glutamicum, a Gram-positive soil bacterium used industrially for the production of more than two millions tons of amino acids per year, mainly l-glutamate and l-lysine (12). An overview of the biology, genetics, physiology, and application of C. glutamicum can be found in two recent monographs (3, 6). Phosphorus constitutes 1.5% to 2.1% of the cell dry weight of C. glutamicum (24), part of which can be present as polyphosphate (22, 29). Several of the enzymes involved in polyphosphate metabolism have been characterized recently, such as a class II polyphosphate kinase (28), the exopolyphosphatases Ppx1 and Ppx2 (26), a polyphosphate/ATP-dependent glucokinase (25), and a polyphosphate/ATP-dependent NAD+ kinase (27). The Pi starvation stimulon of C. glutamicum was determined using whole-genome DNA microarrays (15). Comparison of the mRNA profiles before and at different times after a shift from Pi excess to Pi starvation led to the identification of a group of genes that are presumably required to cope with limited Pi supply. This group includes the following: the pstSCAB operon, encoding an ABC transporter for high-affinity Pi uptake; the ugpAEBC operon, encoding an ABC transporter for uptake of glycerol 3-phosphate; glpQ1, encoding a glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase; ushA, encoding a secreted enzyme with UDP-sugar hydrolase and 5′-nucleotidase activities (33); nucH, encoding a putative secreted nuclease which possibly plays a role in liberating Pi from extracellular nucleic acids; phoC (NCgl2959/cg3393), which may encode a cell wall-associated phosphatase (46); phoH1, encoding an ATPase of unknown function; and the pctABCD operon, encoding an ABC transport system which might be involved in the uptake of a yet-unknown phosphorus-containing compound (15). C. glutamicum lacks homologs of genes for phosphonate degradation, as well as the capability to utilize phosphonates as P sources (15).In most bacteria analyzed in this respect, the Pi starvation response is controlled by two-component signal transduction systems, e.g., the PhoBR system in E. coli (13) and the PhoPR system in B. subtilis (14). Our previous studies revealed that in C. glutamicum, a two-component system composed of the sensor kinase PhoS and the response regulator PhoR is involved in the activation of phosphate starvation-inducible genes (21). Studies with purified proteins showed that phosphorylation by PhoS increased the DNA-binding affinity of PhoR, which bound to many of the Pi starvation-inducible genes, but with different affinities (34).The study reported here was initiated by the question how the metabolism of C. glutamicum responds to Pi limitation. Our results reveal a link between Pi limitation and glycogen metabolism, which was also used for metabolic simulations based on a genome-wide metabolic model.  相似文献   

G.M. MALIN AND G.I. BOURD. 1991. The transport system for glucose and its non-metabolizable analogue methyl-α-D-glucoside (MG) has been described in Corynebacterium glutamicum. The initial product of the transport reaction was shown to be a phosphate ester of MG (MGP). Free MG appeared inside the cells as a result of MGP dephosphorylation. The bacteria transported MG with an apparent Km of 0.08 ± 0.017 mmol/l and Vmax of 21 ± 2.3 nmol/(min × mg dry wt). Toluenized cells and crude cell extracts catalysed phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphorylation of MG and glucose. Both the membrane and the cytoplasmic fractions of bacterial extracts were required for phosphotransferase reaction. Most of the spontaneous mutants resistant to 2-deoxyglucose (DG), xylitol and 5-thioglucose were defective both in transport and in PEP-dependent phosphorylation of MG. Some strains were defective only in glucose utilization and some were also unable to grow on a number of other sugars. The phosphotransferase activity in extracts from mutant cells was restored by the addition of either membrane or cytoplasmic fraction from wild type bacteria. It was concluded that Corynebacterium glutamicum accumulated glucose and MG by means of a PEP-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS).  相似文献   

Acetate is effectively taken up by whole cells of Corynebacterium glutamicum via a specific carrier with a pH optimum of 8. The K m of acetate uptake was 50 μM and the V max 25–35 nmol/mg dw min. The activation energy was determined to be 70 kJ/mol. Acetate uptake was competitively inhibited by propionate with a K i of about 30 μM and blocked by addition of sulfhydryl reagents. The transport activity was clearly dependent on the membrane potential, but independent of the presence of Na+-ions. It is concluded that uptake of acetate proceeds by a secondary, proton coupled mechanism.  相似文献   

A unique feature of biotechnology is that we can harness the power of evolution to improve process performance. Rational engineering of microbial strains has led to the establishment of a variety of successful bioprocesses, but it is hampered by the overwhelming complexity of biological systems. Evolutionary engineering represents a straightforward approach for fitness‐linked phenotypes (e.g., growth or stress tolerance) and is successfully applied to select for strains with improved properties for particular industrial applications. In recent years, synthetic evolution strategies have enabled selection for increased small molecule production by linking metabolic productivity to growth as a selectable trait. This review summarizes the evolutionary engineering strategies performed with the industrial platform organism Corynebacterium glutamicum. An increasing number of recent studies highlight the potential of adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) to improve growth or stress resistance, implement the utilization of alternative carbon sources, or improve small molecule production. Advances in next‐generation sequencing and automation technologies will foster the application of ALE strategies to streamline microbial strains for bioproduction and enhance our understanding of biological systems.  相似文献   

Volutin granules are intracellular storages of complexed inorganic polyphosphate (poly P). Histochemical staining procedures differentiate between pathogenic corynebacteria such as Corynebacterum diphtheriae (containing volutin) and non-pathogenic species, such as C. glutamicum. Here we report that strains ATCC13032 and MH20-22B of the non-pathogenic C. glutamicum also formed subcellular entities (18-37% of the total cell volume) that had the typical characteristics of volutin granules: (i) volutin staining, (ii) green UV fluorescence when stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, (iii) electron-dense and rich in phosphorus when determined with transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis, and (iv) 31P NMR poly P resonances of isolated granules dissolved in EDTA. MgCl2 addition to the growth medium stimulated granule formation but did not effect expression of genes involved in poly P metabolism. Granular volutin fractions from lysed cells contained polyphosphate glucokinase as detected by SDS-PAGE/MALDI-TOF, indicating that this poly P metabolizing enzyme is present also in intact poly P granules. The results suggest that formation of volutin is a more widespread phenomenon than generally accepted.  相似文献   

DNA of viral origin represents a ubiquitous element of bacterial genomes. Its integration into host regulatory circuits is a pivotal driver of microbial evolution but requires the stringent regulation of phage gene activity. In this study, we describe the nucleoid-associated protein CgpS, which represents an essential protein functioning as a xenogeneic silencer in the Gram-positive Corynebacterium glutamicum. CgpS is encoded by the cryptic prophage CGP3 of the C. glutamicum strain ATCC 13032 and was first identified by DNA affinity chromatography using an early phage promoter of CGP3. Genome-wide profiling of CgpS binding using chromatin affinity purification and sequencing (ChAP-Seq) revealed its association with AT-rich DNA elements, including the entire CGP3 prophage region (187 kbp), as well as several other elements acquired by horizontal gene transfer. Countersilencing of CgpS resulted in a significantly increased induction frequency of the CGP3 prophage. In contrast, a strain lacking the CGP3 prophage was not affected and displayed stable growth. In a bioinformatics approach, cgpS orthologs were identified primarily in actinobacterial genomes as well as several phage and prophage genomes. Sequence analysis of 618 orthologous proteins revealed a strong conservation of the secondary structure, supporting an ancient function of these xenogeneic silencers in phage-host interaction.  相似文献   

近年来,基于CRISPR/Cas9的碱基编辑技术因其具有不产生DNA双链断裂、无需外源DNA模板、不依赖宿主同源重组修复的优势,已经逐渐发展成为一种强大的基因组编辑工具,在动物、植物、酵母和细菌中得到了开发和应用。研究团队前期已在重要的工业模式菌株谷氨酸棒杆菌中开发了一种多元自动化的碱基编辑技术MACBETH,为进一步优化该方法,提高碱基编辑技术在谷氨酸棒杆菌中的应用效率,本研究首先在谷氨酸棒杆菌中构建了基于绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的检测系统:将GFP基因的起始密码子ATG人工突变为ACG,GFP无法正常表达,当该密码子的C经编辑后恢复为T,即实现GFP蛋白的复活,结合流式细胞仪分析技术,可快速衡量编辑效率。然后,构建针对靶标位点的碱基编辑工具,经测试,该位点可成功被编辑,在初始编辑条件下碱基编辑效率为(13.11±0.21)%。在此基础上,通过对不同培养基类型、诱导初始OD600、诱导时间、诱导物浓度进行优化,确定最优编辑条件是:培养基为CGXII,初始OD600为0.05,诱导时间为20 h,IPTG浓度为0.01 mmol/L。经过优化,编辑效率达到(30.35±0.75)%,较初始条件提高了1.3倍。最后,选取原编辑条件下编辑效率较低的位点,进行了优化后编辑条件下的编辑效率评估,结果显示,不同的位点在最优编辑条件下的编辑效率提高了1.7–2.5倍,进一步证实该优化条件的有效性及通用性。研究结果为碱基编辑技术在谷氨酸棒杆菌中更好的应用提供了重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

谷氨酸棒杆菌中ldh基因编码乳酸脱氢酶,可催化丙酮酸转化生成乳酸.利用重叠延伸PCR的方法,获得中间缺失部分序列的dldh基因片段,将其与载体pk 18mobsacB连接,转化大肠杆菌感受态,筛选出阳性转化子后,转化谷氨酸棒杆菌ATCC 13032感受态细胞.分别在卡那霉素抗性平板及10%蔗糖平板上进行两次筛选,利用PCR方法鉴定,成功获得ldh基因缺失的谷氨酸棒杆菌突变株ATCC 13032-(4)ldh.应用荧光定量PCR检测,ATCC 13032-(z)ldh中的ldh基因在转录水平与野生型菌株ATCC 13032相比,相对表达量为O.ldh基因的敲除对菌株的生长造成了一定的影响.  相似文献   

Sucrose uptake by Corynebacterium glutamicum involves a phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sucrose phosphotransferase (PTS), but in the absence of fructokinase, further metabolism of the liberated fructose requires efflux of the fructose and reassimilation via the fructose PTS. Mutant strains lacking detectable fructose-transporting PTS activity accumulated fructose extracellularly but consumed sucrose at rates comparable to those of the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Corynebacterium glutamicum contains the glycosylated C50 carotenoid decaprenoxanthin as yellow pigment. Starting from isopentenyl pyrophosphate, which is generated in the non-mevalonate pathway, decaprenoxanthin is synthesized via the intermediates farnesyl pyrophosphate, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, lycopene and flavuxanthin. RESULTS: Here, we showed that the genes of the carotenoid gene cluster crtE-cg0722-crtBIYeYfEb are co-transcribed and characterized defined gene deletion mutants. Gene deletion analysis revealed that crtI, crtEb, and crtYeYf, respectively, code for the only phytoene desaturase, lycopene elongase, and carotenoid C45/C50 epsilon-cyclase, respectively. However, the genome of C. glutamicum also encodes a second carotenoid gene cluster comprising crtB2I2-1/2 shown to be co-transcribed, as well. Ectopic expression of crtB2 could compensate for the lack of phytoene synthase CrtB in C. glutamicum DeltacrtB, thus, C. glutamicum possesses two functional phytoene synthases, namely CrtB and CrtB2. Genetic evidence for a crtI2-1/2 encoded phytoene desaturase could not be obtained since plasmid-borne expression of crtI2-1/2 did not compensate for the lack of phytoene desaturase CrtI in C. glutamicum DeltacrtI. The potential of C. glutamicum to overproduce carotenoids was estimated with lycopene as example. Deletion of the gene crtEb prevented conversion of lycopene to decaprenoxanthin and entailed accumulation of lycopene to 0.03 +/- 0.01 mg/g cell dry weight (CDW). When the genes crtE, crtB and crtI for conversion of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to lycopene were overexpressed in C. glutamicum DeltacrtEb intensely red-pigmented cells and an 80 fold increased lycopene content of 2.4 +/- 0.3 mg/g CDW were obtained. CONCLUSION: C. glutamicum possesses a certain degree of redundancy in the biosynthesis of the C50 carotenoid decaprenoxanthin as it possesses two functional phytoene synthase genes. Already metabolic engineering of only the terminal reactions leading to lycopene resulted in considerable lycopene production indicating that C. glutamicum may serve as a potential host for carotenoid production.  相似文献   

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