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We report the expression of Ha-ras, fos, c-myc and N-myc mRNA in a human medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland, both in primary tumor and lymph node metastasis, as demonstrated by in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis. A significant difference in the oncogene expression in the primary tumor and the metastasis was not observed. Tumor tissue revealed a significant overexpression of Ha-ras, c-myc and N-myc mRNA as compared to the normal thyroid gland. The amount of fos mRNA expression in non tumorous thyroid gland did not significantly differ from tumor tissue, sis, fms and abl mRNA expression was not detectable in tumor tissue and non tumorous thyroid gland. We conclude, that the (over)expression of the oncogenes Ha-ras, c-myc and N-myc may be associated with initiation and progression of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Similar studies on additional cases of human medullary thyroid carcinoma will be necessary to reveal further information.  相似文献   

Inheritable forms of medullary thyroid carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) arises from parafollicular or C cells of the thyroid that produce calcitonin. It accounts for 5-10% of all thyroid cancers. Hereditary MTC represents 20-30% of all MTCs. It can be transmitted with an autosomal dominant pattern, either as a single entity, familial MTC, or it can arise as part of a multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndrome type 2A or 2B. The identification of hereditary MTC has been facilitated in recent years by the direct analysis of the ret proto-oncogene.  相似文献   

As a first step in studying the biosynthesis of the peptide hormone calcitonin, we have identified procalcitonin species in CA-77 cells, a newly developed rat medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line. mRNA extracted from the cells directed the synthesis of a putative procalcitonin in a reticulocyte lysate translation system containing microsomal membranes. Both this species and a radiolabeled form of immunoreactive calcitonin from intact cells had the same retention time during reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. The putative cellular procalcitonin was also immunoprecipitated by antiserum to a synthetic peptide whose sequence constitutes the COOH-terminal 16 residues of preprocalcitonin. The polypeptide had a Mr = 13,400, as estimated by gel filtration chromatography under denaturing conditions. Microsequencing of the [35S]methionine-labeled polypeptide indicated that residues 13, 32, and 34 of procalcitonin were methionine. Similar analysis of the peptide labeled with [3H]proline indicated that residues 2 and 11 of the precursor were proline. The positions of methionine and proline could be aligned in a unique manner with the NH2-terminal half of the preprocalcitonin sequence inferred from cDNA analyses. These results indicate that procalcitonin consists of 111 amino acids and suggest that a 25-residue signal sequence is cotranslationally cleaved from preprocalcitonin. From the procalcitonin sequence we can now predict the sequence of likely biosynthetic intermediates and mature secretory products derived from the NH2-terminal as well as COOH-terminal regions of the precursor.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and the morphometrical pattern of secretory granules were studied in six cases of thyroid medullary carcinoma. The tumor cells were fusiform or polyhedral with irregular, mostly elongated nuclei. Phagolysosomes containing a crystalloid material, probably degraded lipoprotein complexes, degeneratively changed mitochondria, moderately developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes were commonly found. Amyloid occurred as small fibrils in intercellular spaces. Marked dystrophic lesions of tumor cells surrounding amyloid fibrils were found. Numerous roundshaped electron-dense secretory granules were noticed in tumor cell cytoplasms. The morphometrical analysis showed that the size of granules oscillated between 60 and 450 nm with mean values ranging from 171.4 +/- 31.8 to 227.7 +/- 28.1 nm. Frequency distribution curves showed at least two peaks varying with the investigated case at different intervals. In two cases two distinct groups of granules were found within the same cells: one group of electron-dense, compact, smaller sized granules and another group of larger, finely granulated, less dense granules. In the other four cases the granule sizes were more homogeneous. These results might indicate that the granule size depends on the maturation degree and functional activity or that there are several kinds of granules specialized in the secretion of various substances.  相似文献   

A rare case is reported of melanin-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma in a 62-year-old man. Intraoperative imprints of the thyroid tumor revealed numerous detached tumor cells containing large amounts of brown pigment. The Fontana-Masson argentaffin reaction with bleach confirmed that those granules were melanin. Histologically, the tumor was composed of two different components--a medullary area with hyalinized stroma and a follicular area. Melanin was scattered in both areas. The tumor cells in both areas were immunoreactive to carcinoembryonic antigen, calcitonin, gastrin-releasing peptide, somatostatin, met.-enkephalin, neuron-specific enolase, chromogranin and neurofilaments, and negative for thyroglobulin and S-100 protein. The histologic diagnosis was melanin-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma with glandular differentiation. Although various kinds of peptides and amines have been reported to be produced in medullary thyroid carcinoma, melanin production is quite rare; this appears to be only the third reported case.  相似文献   

We report the visualization of calcitonin gene expression products at the mRNA and peptide levels on the same section of a medullary thyroid carcinoma by combined in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. mRNA detection was accomplished by hybridization with radioactively labeled antisense RNA probes followed by autoradiography and immunohistochemically using the avidin-biotin complex method. Best results were obtained when in situ hybridization preceded immunohistochemistry, as determined by quantitative analysis of the autoradiographs. When immunohistochemistry was performed prior to in situ hybridization, the RNase inhibitor heparin had to be added to the antibodies to retain hybridizable mRNA. The intensity of the two reactions varied in individual cells, indicating a functional heterogeneity of tumor cells with regard to calcitonin mRNA content and storage of the related immunoreactive peptide. These results, in combination with elevated serum calcitonin levels, suggest significant differences in the rate of secretion of individual tumor cells. Simultaneous localization of mRNA and its peptide within the same cell may, therefore, provide further insight into gene expression and secretory activity at the single cell level.  相似文献   

Calcitonin mRNA was detected in human medullary carcinoma using an in situ hybridization technique. This specific and reproducible method could lead to a better functional characterization of medullary carcinoma and should allow the definition of new prognosis factors in medullary thyroid cancer.  相似文献   

Inherited medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTC) are aggressive and resistant to conventional chemo- and radiotherapies. We evaluated a novel strategy for treatment of MTC, combining “suicide” and interleukin-2 (IL-2) gene therapies. Tumors were produced in Wag/Rij rats by orthotopic injection of the rMTC 6–23 cell line, and/or derivatives expressing the herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-TK) gene (rMTC-TK). Ganciclovir, a nucleoside analog selectively transformed to a toxic metabolite by HSV1-TK, totally eradicated rMTC-TK tumors in 60% of the animals. 1:1 rMTC and rMTC-TK mixed tumors were also strongly inhibited by ganciclovir (P < 0.05), indicating the occurrence of an efficient “bystander” effect in vivo. Double labelling of rMTC cell membranes and apoptotic nuclei revealed that, as with the TK+ cells, some TK cells died by apoptosis. A 1:1 mixture of rMTC and rMTC-TK cells was administered to produce established tumors and then rMTC cells, transfected to express the IL-2 gene (rMTC-IL2), were inoculated. Combined ganciclovir and IL-2 treatment improved the inhibition of tumor growth compared to that following ganciclovir alone (86% compared to 54%, P < 0.05). This treatment also significantly enhanced macrophage activation and tumor infiltration by CD8+ and CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results open an avenue for combining suicide and immunoregulatory gene therapies for MTC management in man. Received: 1 October 1998 / Accepted: 1 January 1999  相似文献   

The 32-amino acid form of the peptide hormone calcitonin is the product of a series of post-translational processing steps of a 13,400-dalton precursor, procalcitonin. We have now identified the steps involved in proteolytic paring of the precursor to the mature secretory form. Cultures of the CA-77 cell line were radiolabeled and the various forms of calcitonin were isolated by specific immunoprecipitation followed by fractionation on gel filtration and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Pulse-chase kinetics showed that procalcitonin was cleaved to a 6,500-dalton biosynthetic intermediate which was subsequently processed to the size of mature calcitonin (3,400 daltons). Partial microsequencing of the [35S] methionine-labeled intermediate indicated that the sequence consisted of the COOH-terminal 52 residues of procalcitonin. Partial microsequencing of the [35S]methionine- or [3H]proline-labeled 3,400-dalton species revealed that it was indistinguishable from naturally occurring, amidated calcitonin. These data define the major pathway for calcitonin biosynthesis in this neoplastic cell line and presumably in normal cells.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Medullary thyroid carcinoma occurs both as a sporadic and a familial disease. Inherited MTC (iMTC) patients usually exhibit better prognosis than patients with sporadic form of MTC (sMTC), however, in both subtypes the outcome is unpredictable. No molecular markers contributing to the prognosis or predicting the type of therapy have been introduced to clinical practice until now. The aim of this study was to analyze gene expression pattern of MTC by high density oligonucleotide microarray. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 24 samples were studied: 12 MTC and 12 corresponding normal tissues, (Affymetrix HG-U 133A). Among MTC patients there were half inherited cases and half sporadic ones. RESULTS: First, the differences between MTC and thyroid tissue were analyzed by Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) which indicated three main modes determining the variability of gene expression profile: the first two were related to the tumor/normal tissue difference and the third one was related to the immune response. The characteristic expression pattern, beside of numerous changes within cancer- related genes, included many up-regulated genes specific for thyroid C cells. Further analysis of the second component revealed two subgroups of MTC, but the subdivision was not related to the iMTC/sMTC difference. Recursive Feature Replacement (RFR) confirmed the very similar expression profile in both forms of MTC. With subsequent ANOVA analysis some genes with differential expression could be specified, among them monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABRR1) which were consistently up-regulated in sMTC. In contrary, some genes involved in regulation of cell proliferation: opioid growth factor receptor(OGFR) and synaptotagmin V (SYT 5) were up-regulated in iMTC. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained data indicate a very similar gene expression pattern in inherited and sporadic MTC. Minor differences in their molecular profile require further analysis.  相似文献   

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