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Previous studies have shown that procedures commonly used in studies of cell population kinetics in laboratory animals cause a transient block of the entrance of cells into mitosis. The purpose of the present study was, therefore, to examine whether the handling of animals in conjunction with the administration of colchicine affects the results obtained by the metaphase arrest technique. Groups of rats were injected with colchicine or saline at 1300 h and sacrificed at regular intervals during the following 140 min. Histological sections of the palatal mucosa were produced and the number of metaphases was assessed in the epithelium. In both the saline-treated and colchicine-treated groups the numbers of metaphases decreased immediately after injection and reached a minimum within 30 min. After that time a transient increase was observed in the saline group, whereas the number of metaphases in the colchicine-treated group increased continuously during the experimental period. These results indicate that colchicine takes effect after a delay period of 30 min and that the handling procedures in conjunction with the administration of colchicine provoke a transient block of the entry of cells into mitosis. The second part of the study was designed in such a way that the number of metaphases collected during a 2 h period under the influence of stress induced by injection of colchicine could be compared with the number of metaphases collected during the same time period without the influence of stress.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Removal and subsequent reformation of microtubules in cells of the root-tips ofAzolla pinnata R. Br. was achieved by short pulse treatments with the drug colchicine. Loss of microtubules led to the formation of multinucleate cells more frequently than to the arrest of mitosis at metaphase, and primary and secondary wall formation was also disrupted. Recovery of root development was limited. Growth of all roots ceased 5–6 days after the pulse treatment. Following the reappearance of microtubules, renewed deposition of normal wall thickenings occurred in developing xylem elements. Multinucleate cells became subdivided by walls in the apparent absence of a phragmoplast. The plane in which the new wall was formed was often located as it would have been in an untreated root, but in a number of cases abnormal or precious positioning of new walls was observed. Clusters of microtubules, matrix material, and vesicles or particles, taken to indicate microtubule initiation, were observed during the recovery from treatment.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast, a cycloheximide-sensitive "prestart" step (Ki = 0.12 +/- 0.05 microM) is passaged greater than or equal to 4 to less than or equal to 13 minutes prior to the alpha-factor-sensitive "Start" step in the cell cycle of normal proliferating cells and in the first and second bud emergence cycles of abnormally large cells that had been arrested for cell division with alpha-factor and allowed to recover. This identifies the chronologically last protein synthetic step of the cell cycle that occurs prior to the completion of Start. This step is named the last synthetic prestart or LSP step. Cells require the completion of the LSP step before they can perform Start during recovery from arrest by alpha-factor. Yet alpha-factor is known to prevent cell division by acting at Start. The combined data suggest that alpha-factor prevents the Start step of cell division by inactivating a protein that is 1) required for the performance of Start, and 2) synthesized shortly prior to Start in the last synthetic prestart step.  相似文献   

Although most bacteria contain a single circular chromosome, some have complex genomes, and all Vibrio species studied so far contain both a large and a small chromosome. In recent years, the divided genome of Vibrio cholerae has proven to be an interesting model system with both parallels to and novel features compared with the genome of Escherichia coli. While factors influencing the replication and segregation of both chromosomes have begun to be elucidated, much remains to be learned about the maintenance of this genome and of complex bacterial genomes generally. An important aspect of replicating any genome is the correct timing of initiation, without which organisms risk aneuploidy. During DNA replication in E. coli, newly replicated origins cannot immediately reinitiate because they undergo sequestration by the SeqA protein, which binds hemimethylated origin DNA. This DNA is already methylated by Dam on the template strand and later becomes fully methylated; aberrant amounts of Dam or the deletion of seqA leads to asynchronous replication. In our study, hemimethylated DNA was detected at both origins of V. cholerae, suggesting that these origins are also subject to sequestration. The overproduction of SeqA led to a loss of viability, the condensation of DNA, and a filamentous morphology. Cells with abnormal DNA content arose in the population, and replication was inhibited as determined by a reduced ratio of origin to terminus DNA in SeqA-overexpressing cells. Thus, excessive SeqA negatively affects replication in V. cholerae and prevents correct progression to downstream cell cycle events such as segregation and cell division.  相似文献   

Conditional cell division mutants were isolated from Chlamydomonas reinhardii. They were unable to form colonies at 34 °C but not at 23 °C. One of the mutants, TS-60, could neither divide at high nor at low (15 °C) temperature, and seemed to continue protein synthesis at restrictive temperatures. TS-60 also exhibited resistance to 6 mM colchicine which inhibited cell division of the wild-type. Observing that TS-60 flagella were highly resistant to colchicine in their regeneration, it is concluded that the mutational alteration has affected not only the mitotic apparatus but also the flagella. Thermolability of TS-60 was not detected in flagellation but in cell division, though colchicine resistance was expressed in both flagellation and cell division. This suggests that the stable formation of the flagellar microtubule mainly depends on the specific organization of its component. Both thermolability and colchicine resistance of TS-60 were inherited in a Mendelian fashion and unseparable from each other. Reversion tests indicated that the two characters were caused by a single mutation. It is inferred that the above-mentioned phenotypes of TS-60 are the consequence of a mutation in factor(s) involving the colchicine binding activity of tubulin and that this mutational change pleiotrophically leads to some impediment in microtubule formation at restrictive temperature.  相似文献   

Druley TE  Stein WD  Ruth A  Roninson IB 《Biochemistry》2001,40(14):4323-4331
The multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is an ATPase efflux pump for multiple cytotoxic agents, including vinblastine and colchicine. We have found that resistance to vinblastine but not to colchicine in cell lines derived from different types of tissues and expressing the wild-type human Pgp correlates with the Pgp density. Vinblastine induces a conformational change in Pgp, evidenced by increased reactivity with a conformation-sensitive monoclonal antibody UIC2, in all the tested cell lines. In contrast, colchicine increases the UIC2 reactivity in only some of the cell lines. In those lines where colchicine alone did not affect UIC2 reactivity, this drug was, however, able to reverse the vinblastine-induced increase in UIC2 reactivity. The magnitude of the increase in UIC2 reactivity in the presence of saturating concentrations of colchicine correlates with the relative ability of Pgp to confer colchicine resistance in different cell lines, suggesting the existence of some cell-specific factors that have a coordinate effect on the ability of colchicine to induce conformational transitions and to be transported by Pgp. Colchicine, like vinblastine, reverses the decrease in UIC2 reactivity produced by nonhydrolyzable nucleotides, but unlike vinblastine, it does not reverse the effect of ATP at a high concentration. Colchicine, however, decreases the Hill number for the effect of ATP on the UIC2 reactivity from 2 to 1. Colchicine increases the UIC2 reactivity and reverses the effect of ATP in ATPase-deficient Pgp mutants, but not in the wild-type Pgp expressed in the same cellular background, suggesting that ATP hydrolysis counteracts the effects of colchicine on the Pgp conformation.  相似文献   

Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are derepressed for meiosis and spore formation have been isolated and characterized genetically. All are the result of single, recessive nuclear mutations that fall into four linkage groups. Three of these groups are represented by spd1, spd3 and spd4 mutations, which in homozygous diploids confer poor growth and extensive sporulation on a range of non-fermentable media. Haploids carrying any of these mutations are arrested under these conditions in the G1 phase of the cell division cycle as large unbudded cells. The alleles of the spd2 mutation complemented all other mutations but were very closely linked to the spd1 locus. The fourth linkage group was represented by a mutation conferring temperature-sensitive growth and derepressed sporulation on homozygous diploids grown between 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C on media containing galactose or glycerol, but not glucose, as energy source. Above 30 degrees C this mutant lysed on all media. The mutation it carried failed to complement available cdc25 mutations. These data bring to five the number of loci at which mutation can lead to derepressed sporulation (spd1, spd3, spd4, cdc25 and cdc35). The spd1 locus has been mapped 13.9 cM to the left of the centromere on chromosome XV, adjacent to the SUP3 gene. Diploid strains homozygous for spd mutations are genetically unstable, giving rise to asporogenous mutants at high frequency, usually as the result of a second mutation unlinked to the spd mutation. Diploids homozygous for these mutations, and for spd mutations, show an altered regulation of the formulation of at least three polypeptides normally subject to carbon source repression.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms regulate cell numbers and cell fate by using asymmetric cell division (ACD) and symmetric cell division (SCD) during their development and to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions. A stem cell self-renews and generates differentiated cells. In plants, various types of cells are produced by ACD or SCD; however, the molecular mechanisms of ACD or SCD and the cell division mode switch are largely unknown. The moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens is a suitable model to study plant stem cells due to its simple anatomy. Here, we report the cell division mode switch induced by abscisic acid (ABA) in P. patens. ABA is synthesized in response to abiotic stresses and induces round-shape cells, called brood cells, from cylindrical protonemal cells. Although two daughter cells with distinct sizes were produced by ACD in a protonemal stem cell on ABA-free media, the sizes of two daughter cells became similar with ABA treatment. Actin microfilaments were spatially localized on the apices of apical stem cells in protonemata on ABA-free media, but the polar accumulation was lost under the condition of ABA treatment. Moreover, ABA treatment conferred an identical cell fate to the daughter cells in terms of cell division activity. Collectively, the results indicate ABA may suppress the ACD characteristics but evoke SCD in cells. We also noticed that ABA-induced brood cells not only self-renewed but regenerated protonemal cells when ABA was removed from the media, suggesting that brood cells are novel stem cells that are induced by environmental signals in P. patens.  相似文献   

The transformation from the asexual proliferative stage of Tetrahymena to the sexual stage, during which cells of complementary mating types pair and nuclear fertilization occurs, provides an opportunity to study the relationship between the division cycle and differentiation. Conjugation is induced in cells starved for at least 2 hr by mixing complementary mating types. To determine the effect of starvation on the cell cycle, dividing cells were selected from a log growth culture and stepped down to non-nutrient conditions. The G1 stage is operationally divisible into two sectors, A and B. In the A stage, cells arrest in nutrient-free medium. In the B stage, they proceed through the division cycle. Arrested G1A cells may conjugate directly when challenged with similar cells of a complementary mating type. It is thereby demonstrated that Tetrahymena cells in G1A can be directed to divide (nutrient conditions) or can be directed to differentiate (non-nutrient conditions plus complementary mating type) without an intervening division cycle. This rules out a requirement for reprogramming via chromosomal replication or cell division and suggests that G1A is a stage during which the division/differentiation decision is made in direct response to ambient conditions.  相似文献   

Thirteen recessive cold sensitive nuclear division arrest mutants were isolated from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Twelve unlinked genes were defined; six in chromosome I, three in chromosome II and two in chromosome III. The map positions of three nuclear division arrest genes (nda1, nda2 and nda3) in chromosome II were determined precisely. Together with the previously obtained temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutations, at least 20 genes appear to control the nuclear division of the fission yeast. Physiological studies indicated that most cold sensitive nda mutants incubated previously at 22 degrees C proceeded with a synchronously normal cell-cycle after temperature shift-up. The morphology of the nuclei and nuclear chromatin region was studied by the 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole staining method and by electron microscopy. Each mutant exhibited characteristic nuclear morphology at 22 degrees C, showing the specific blockages. The nda genes seem to control a pathway of structural alterations in the nuclear chromatin region with the order hemisphere, condensed ellipsoid, segregating U-form and separating hemispheres. Two genes, nda2 and nda3, pleiotropically control nuclear division, nuclear location and cell shape. The terminal phenotype of nda2-KM52 is characterized by the nuclear displacement, the absence of a spindle and abnormal locations of spindle pole bodies. The cells of nda3-KM311 were aberrant in shape and contained a partially separated chromatin region with a long spindle. Together with the results of the accompanying paper, we conclude that nda2 and nda3 genes control nuclear and cytoplasmic microtubular organization.  相似文献   

Standard microelectrode techniques were used to evaluate the effect of d-tubocurarine chloride on membrane potential of junctional and extrajunctional areas of muscle fibers in a potassium-free Ringer solution. The experiments were made on frogs after inactivation of acetylcholinesterase. d-Tubocurarine chloride hyperpolarized the membrane of muscle fibers only in the junctional area. Blockade of axoplasmic transport with colchicine did not affect the magnitude of the hyperpolarization response of the membrane end plate to the presence of d-tubocurarine chloride, but at the same time it significantly reduced the membrane rest potential of muscle fibers, and gave rise to the appearance of extrajunctional sensitivity to acetylcholine. It is concluded that the blockade of axoplasmic transport does not affect the pattern of non-quantum acetylcholine release from nerve terminals. Therefore, this is unlikely to cause denervation-like changes in the muscle under the conditions described.  相似文献   

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