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In an isometric tetanus of frog sartorius muscle the total relaxation time increased linearly with change in length from 0.7 to 1.4 times rest length. Maximal rate of relaxation, measured from the time derivative (dp/dt) of tension decay, decreased with both decrease and increase from rest length in correlation with the generated tetanus tension. Stretching the muscle did not significantly affect the times to maximal rate, positive and negative inflexion points but greatly increased the time to total relaxation from the negative inflexion point. Caffeine at 2 mM, acting on muscles at rest length, also slowed the relaxation and decreased the maximal rate of tension decay. However, caffeine increased the times to maximal rate, positive and negative inflexion points without significantly affecting time to total relaxation from the negative inflexion point. These results suggest that caffeine slows an earlier step in relaxation, while stretch slows a later step. It is proposed that muscle relaxation is a two step process: an initial step that is regulated by the rate of Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum, and a later step that is mostly controlled by the speed of dissociation of remaining cross-bridges.  相似文献   

The time-course of the rate of oxygen consumption (QO2) has been measured in the excised frog sartorius muscle after single isometric tetani of 0.1-1.0 s at 20 degrees C. To measure deltaQO2(t), the change in QO2 from its basal level, a novel method was devised, based on the validity in this tissue of the one-dimensional diffusion equation for oxygen, established in the preceding paper. After a tetanus, deltaQO2 reached a peak within 45-90 s, then declined exponentially, and could be well fit by deltaQO2(t) = QO + Q1(epsilon -k1t - epsilon-k2t). tau2 (= 1/k2), which characterized the rise of deltaQO2, was a decreasing function of tetanus duration (range: from 1.1 +/- 0.28 min [nu = 5] for a 0.1-s tetanus, to 0.34 +/- 0.05 min [nu = 8] for a 1.0-sec tetanus). tau1 (= 1/k1), which characterized the decline of deltaQO2, was not dependent on tetanus duration, with mean 3.68 +/- -.24 min (nu = 46). A forthcoming paper in this series shows that these kinetics of deltaQO2 are the responses to impulse-like changes in the rate of ATP hydrolysis. The variation of tau2 with tetanus duration thus indicates the involvement of a nonlinear process in the coupling of O2 consumption to ATP hydrolysis. However, the monoexponential decline of deltaQO2(t), with time constant independent of tetanus duration, suggests that during this phase, the coupling is rate-limited by a single reaction with apparent first order kinetics.  相似文献   

Isometric force levels, ranging between 0 and 100% of maximal force P0 at 2 to 3 °C, were elicited in frog sartorius muscle by means of rapidly cooling a Ringer solution containing 1·25 to 2·0 mm-caffeine. Equatorial X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained in the resting state and during contraction. The ratio of the intensities I11I10 increased with force almost linearly, with a slight upward curvature. The individual intensities for the contracting state were normalized relative to both the intensity of the undiffracted beam and the intensity of each reflection in the resting state. These normalized intensities were found to vary in a reciprocal way: I10 decreased while I11 increased throughout the range of forces studied.The gradual change in I11I10 with force level indicates that this ratio is a sensitive measure of the number of cross-bridges in the isometric state. A two-state model in which myosin projections are either in a resting or attached state and in which force is proportional to the fraction of projections in the attached state was applied to the experimental data of the individual reflections. I10 deviates from this model in a way that suggests that formation of the first few cross-bridges may decrease the regularity of the remaining unattached myosin projections.  相似文献   

Frog sartorius muscle stimulated isometrically for 3 s every 256 s to attain a steady state in which initial heat (QI), recovery heat (QR), rate of O2 consumption (JO2), and isometric force (PO) generated are constant for each cycle. For a 3-s tetanus given every 256 s, JO2 was 0.106 mumol/(min . g blotted weight), approximately 71% of the maximum rate observed, whereas lactate production was negligible under these conditions. QI, QT(= QI + QR), and QT/QI were 88.2, 181.5, 2.06 mJ/g blotted weight, respectively. The high-energy phosphate breakdown (delta approximately P) breakdown during the first 3-s tetanus was not different from that during a contraction in the steady state and averaged 1.1 mumol/g blotted weight. Less than half of the initial heat could be accounted for in terms of the extent of the known chemical reactions occurring during contraction. From the stoichiometry of the theoretical biochemical pathways, the amount of ATP synthesized in the steady state exceeds delta approximately P during contraction by more than twofold, corresponding to an apparent ADP:O ratio of 1.5. If it is assumed that carbohydrate oxidation is the only net chemical reaction in the steady state, the total heat production can be explained on the basis of the measured JO2. Under this assumption, heat production during recovery was less than that expected on the basis of the oxygen consumption and delta approximately P during contraction. These observations support the hypothesis that the unexplained enthalpy production and low apparent ADP:O ratio are causally related, i.e., that the reaction(s) producing the unexplained heat during contraction is reversed during the recovery period.  相似文献   

Series elasticity in frog sartorius muscle during release and stretch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When a stretch is applied to an isolated muscle during tetanic stimulation, the force developed is higher than the maximal isometric tension (Po). This force puts the series elastic component (SEC) under tension and in a domain which is not well defined in terms of tension-extension curve. In the present work, an attempt was made to determine the stiffness of the SEC for tensions greater than Po, using the sartorius muscle of the frog. For this purpose, rapid releases and stretches of different amplitudes were given during maximal isometric contractions. Plotting normalized tension (P/Po) against normalized length changes (negative or positive extensions, delta L/Lo.10(2] produced a tension-extension curve. The slopes of the linear part of each relationship on both sides of Po indicated an increase in SEC stiffness when the muscle was rapidly stretched. Furthermore, the transient character of the increase in stiffness was studied by measuring SEC stiffness during rapid releases applied at various time intervals after stretches: the muscle was found to be stiffer as the time interval was shorter. The results are discussed in terms of (i) non-linear behaviour of the passive and active parts of the SEC, (ii) enhancement of storage and release of potential energy.  相似文献   

Although there is good agreement that light reduces the amount of cyclic GMP (cGMP) in the retina, the exact time-course of this decrease is not well established. Bullfrog retinal sections were isolated under infrared light and quick-frozen with liquid nitrogen-cooled, metal hammers after exposure to various intensities of continuous illumination. This quick-freezing should stop the degradation of cGMP within 50-100 ms. The frozen retinal sections were then slowly warmed up in the presence of perchloric acid to denature enzymes involved in cGmp metabolism. cGMP was determined by radioimmunoassay and comparison was made between light- and dark-adapted retinal sections from the same animal. The average cGMP concentration was 44.3 +/- 0.7 pmol cGMP/mg protein or 170.9 +/- 3.2 pmol cGMP/retina. After 1 s of illumination no significant change in cGMP concentration was found even with the brightest light used (approximately 7 x 10(7) rhodopsins bleached/second per rod. At this intensity the first significant decrease in cGMP from dark-adapted levels was detected 3-5 s after the initiation of illumination; cGMP decayed to 70-75% of the dark-adapted value after approximately 30 s. With lower intensity illumination the cGMP levels recovered to dark-adapted levels after the initial decrease even though the bleaching light remained on.  相似文献   

In order to examine the cyclic nucleotides (cGMP) role in carcinoma growth and invasivity. We analyzed two cell lines, LSHT29 and 17GT, and tissues in patients with carcinoma and malignant tissues with (N+) and without (N-) lymph node metastases. Higher cGMP levels in pathological samples suggest a strong correlation between intracellular cGMP concentration and carcinoma progression.  相似文献   

Intensity fluctuation autocorrelation functions of laser light scattered by actively contracting muscle were measured at points in the scattered field. They were reproducible and showed characteristics which depended on the physiological state of the muscle and the parameters of the scattering geometry. The autocorrelation functions had large amplitudes and decay rates that varied significantly with the phase of the contraction-relaxation cycle. The dependence of the autocorrelation function on scattering geometry indicated many elements with diameters on the order of 0.5 mum (presumed to be myofibrillar sarcomeres or their A bands or I bands) undergo independent random changes in their axial positions and their internal distribution of optical polarizability during the plateau of an isometric tetanus. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of a model in which most of the scattering elements in isometrically contracting muscle have random fluctuating axial velocities of average magnitude 20 nm/ms that persist for a few milliseconds at least. In addition to these axial motions there are local fluctuations in polarizability. Similar intensity fluctuation autocorrelation functions were observed throughout the active state on two muscle preparations, whole sartorius muscle and small bundles of single fibers (three to eight) of semitendinosus muscle. These results imply that the tension developed during an isometric tetanus contains a fluctuating component as well as a constant component.  相似文献   

Local movement was recorded in tetanically contracting frog sartorius muscle to estimate the nonuniformity in the distribution of compliance in the muscle preparation and the compliance that resides in the attachments of the preparation to the measuring apparatus. The stimulated muscle was also subjected to rapid length changes, and the local movements and tension responses were recorded. The results indicate that during tension development at resting length the central region of the muscle shortens at the expense of the ends. After stimulation the "shoulder" in the tension, which divided the relaxation into a slow decline and a subsequent, rather exponential decay toward zero, was accompanied by an abrupt increase in local movement. We also examined the temperature sensitivity of the two phases of relaxation. The results are consistent with the view that the decrease in tension during relaxation depends on mechanical conditions. The local movement brought about by the imposed length changes indicates that the peak value of the relative length change of the uniformly acting part was approximately 20% less than the relative length change of the whole preparation. From these observations, corrections were obtained for the compliance data derived from the tension responses. These corrections allow a comparison with data in the literature obtained from single fiber preparations. The implications for the stiffness measured during the tension responses are discussed.  相似文献   

Satellite and invasive cells in frog sartorius muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence and distribution of two cell types associated with normal and denervated frog skeletal muscle fibers are described. The first is the satellite cell. The general appearance and the number of satellite cells are not affected by long-term denervation. The second type of cell is the invasive cell. Invasive cells penetrate across the basal lamina and up to the core of the muscle fiber, without fusing with it. It is suggested that the origin of invasive cells is extramuscular, probably circulatory. Although invasive cells are more numerous in some denervated muscle, it is established that this is not a direct effect of denervation.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrated for the first time the interaction between adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP), one of the most important signaling compounds in living organisms, and the mitochondria-targeted antioxidant plastoquinonyl-decyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ1). The data obtained on model liquid membranes and human platelets revealed the ability of SkQ1 to selectively transport cAMP, but not guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP), across both artificial and natural membranes. In particular, SkQ1 elicited translocation of cAMP from the source to the receiving phase of a Pressman-type cell, while showing low activity with cGMP. Importantly, only conjugate with plastoquinone, but not dodecyl-triphenylphosphonium, was effective in carrying cAMP. In human platelets, SkQ1 also appeared to serve as a carrier of cAMP, but not cGMP, from outside to inside the cell, as measured by phosphorylation of the vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein. The SkQ1-induced transfer of cAMP across the plasma membrane found here can be tentatively suggested to interfere with cAMP signaling pathways in living cells.  相似文献   

A previous paper (Mahler, M. 1978 J. Gen. Physiol. 71:559--580) describes the time-course of the suprabasal rate of oxygen consumption (delta QO2) in the sartorius muscle of R. pipiens after isometric tetani of 0.1--1.0 s at 20 degrees C. To test whether these were the responses to impulse changes in the rate of ATP hydrolysis, we compared the total suprabasal oxygen consumption during recovery (delta[O2]) with the amount of ATP hydrolyzed during a contraction, measured indirectly as the decrease in creatine phosphate (delta[CP]O). If suprabasal ATP hydrolysis during recovery is negligible in comparison with that during contraction, delta[CP]0/delta[O2] should approximate the P:O2 ratio for oxidative metabolism, which has an expected value of 6.1--6.5. We found: formula; see text. We conclude that in this muscle at 20 degrees C: (a) after a tetanus of 0.2--1.0 s, delta QO2(t) can be considered the response to an impulse increase in the rate of ATP hydrolysis; (b) the reversal during recovery of unidentified exothermic reactions occurring during the contraction (Woledge, R. C. 1971. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 22:39--74) can be coupled to an ATP hydrolysis that is at most a small fraction of delta[CP]0; (c) the pooled mean for delta[CP]0/delta[O2], 6.58 +/- 0.55, sets an experimental lower bound for the P:O2 ratio in vivo.  相似文献   

The effect of intraperitoneal administration of cGMP (0.5 mg per animal) on carbohydrate metabolism of wound area muscle tissue was studied in experiments on rats with linear skin wounds. The content of glycogen, gluconeogenesis, activity of glycogen phosphorylase, lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase were studied. Cyclic GMP induced a substantial activation of glycogen metabolism (elevation of gluconeogenesis, increase in the activity of glycogen phosphorylase) even the third day after the operation. The animals not given cGMP demonstrated such an activation only the fifth day following the operation. Under the effect of cGMP the activity of lactate dehydrogenase rose the third day after the operation. Thus cGMP administration to the animals with wounds leads to an earlier mobilization of energy resources thereby promoting the acceleration of wound healing.  相似文献   

The effect of electrical stimulation of autonomic nerves on c-AMP levels in the tibial muscle of rats was studied after pretreatment with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and a muscle paralyzant. Cyclic-AMP levels in the skeletal muscle increase significantly. This increase is not the result of changes in muscle blood flow which might have resulted from autonomic nerve stimulation. These studies indicate that the adenyl cyclase-cyclic AMP system in skeletal muscle may be controlled by the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Tritium cAMP-binding-protein technique was used and demonstrated that the amount of cAMP of the cardiac apex of the frog submitted to the automatogenic action of BaCl2 in Ringer solution is increased and even doubled when CaCl2 is also present. Ca++ elevated also the duration of the Ba++-induced cardiac apex automatism.Mathieu (1) and Abderhalden and Gellhorn (2) have demonstrated that after a few minutes lag, Ba++ induced, at 1 mM to 1.2 mM, automatic contractions of the isolated apex of the frog heart immersed into Ringer fluid. Previous experiments made by one of us (3) have indicated a possible relationship between the amount of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and automatogenic activity. The results we report are based on a sensitive and specific cAMP protein binding method (4).  相似文献   

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