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The karyotype of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus , was examined in 282 specimens from 44 localities, in an effort to gain better understanding of the Robertsonian (Rb) variation known to exist in Greece. We consider that an Rb system exists in Peloponnisos, southern Greece, distributed in an area that is substantially larger than previously known. It consists of at least three Rb races with 2 n  = 30, 2 n  = 24 and 2 n  = 28, respectively, the last being reported for the first time in this paper and carrying Rb(3.6), Rb(8.12), Rb(10.14), Rb(13.15), Rb(9.16) and Rb(11.17) in a homozygous state. Additional instances of variation in this Rb system include individuals with 2 n  = 31 and 32 of variable Rb constitution and hybrids between the Rb races with 2 n  = 30 and 2 n  = 24. In southern Peloponnisos, Rb(10.14) was found in either a homozygous or a heterozygous state (2 n  = 38 or 39). The relationships among the Rb populations of Peloponnisos are discussed and hypotheses for their evolution are proposed. Rb variation was also recorded in two new locations of eastern Sterea Ellas (2 n  = 28 and 29) and one in Ipiros, north-west Greece (2 n  = 38). These findings corroborate the existence of two separate Rb systems in those two areas. Moreover, among a number of islands surveyed, Rb variation was only found in Kythira island, with Rb(10.14) in a heterozygous state (2 n  = 39). Finally, the typical all-acrocentric karyotype (2 n  = 40) was found in 51 of the animals studied from 13 localities. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 503–513.  相似文献   

This study focused on the sequence variation in a mitochondrial region in house mice Mus musculus domesticus from chromosomally variable populations in the north-west Peloponnese, Greece. The mitochondrial molecular variation revealed was among the highest found so far for M. m. domesticus populations. The haplotype distribution pattern was rather complex. There was no clear differentiation between the populations characterized by Robertsonian chromosomes and standard all-acrocentric populations. There is therefore no indication that the Robertsonian populations were formed during a prolonged period of geographical isolation.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 643–651.  相似文献   

In the vicinity of John o'Groats (Caithness, Scotland) there is a small karyotypic race of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) characterized by a diploid number of 32 chromosomes, including the metacentrics 4.10, 9.12, 6.13 and 11.14. This race forms a hybrid zone with the standard British race (fully acrocentric chromosomes, 2n = 40). Although hybrid zones normally consist of several (or many) narrow character clines at the same position, this zone is unusual in that the chromosomal clines do not coincide. The cline for arm combination 11.14 is staggered relative to the 6.13 cline and both are separate from the clines for 4.10 and 9.12 (which may or may not coincide). A variety of explanations for the structure of the hybrid zone are discussed. It is possible that this may be a case of 'zonal raciation'.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with the extent of behavioural discrimination between three chromosomal races of the house mouse (the standard 40-chromosome race and a 32- and 36-chromosome races) found in the vicinity of a hybrid zone in northern Scotland. Mice were investigated for several elements of their social behaviour. Within-population dyadic encounters did not show consistent behavioural differences attributable to karyotype among five populations (two standard race, two 36-chromosome race, one 32-chromosome race). Between-population dyadic encounters revealed significant differences between three populations. The standard population examined appeared to be the most “open” to foreigners, the 32-chromosome population the most “closed” while the 36-chromosome mice displayed an intermediate response. Differences in behaviour displayed during between-population as compared to within-population dyadic encounters revealed the occurrence of behavioural discrimination between populations. The implication of these results on the dynamics of the hybrid zone are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the chromosomal evolution of the metacentric populations of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus , which constitute the Robertsonian System of Aeolian Islands (Sicily, Italy). Eighty-nine specimens from all the seven islands that form the Archipelago were cytogenetically examined. The analysis shows the presence of 4 Rb races with a large number of shared metacentric chromosomes: 2 n  = 36 on Panarea, 2 n  = 34 on Alicudi, 2 n  = 26 on Lipari and Stromboli, and a different 2 n  = 26 race on Vulcano. On Salina and Filicudi, the standard karyotype was found. Polymorphism was only found in a population on Panarea Island and this population shares no metacentrics with the other races. The distribution of metacentrics among the races and the comparison between the Aeolian metacentrics and those found in the 97 previously documented metacentric populations allows us to formulate a hypothesis of chromosomal evolution for the Aeolian Robertsonian system. Six of the twelve metacentric chromosomes found in the Aeolian Islands come from localities outside the archipelago. The evolutionary model highlights how the chromosomal races originated inside the Archipelago and involve several factors, such as formation in situ of metacentrics, zonal raciation and, whole arm reciprocal translocation. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 194–202.  相似文献   

Several long-term temporal analyses of the structure of Robertsonian (Rb) hybrid zones in the western house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, have been performed. Nevertheless, the detection of gradual or very rapid variations in a zone may be overlooked when the time elapsed between periods of study is too long. The Barcelona chromosomal polymorphism zone of the house mouse covers about 5000, km(2) around the city of Barcelona and is surrounded by 40 chromosome telocentric populations. Seven different metacentrics and mice with diploid numbers between 27 and 40 chromosomes and several fusions in heterozygous state (from one to seven) have been reported. We compare the present (period 2008-2010) and past (period 1996-2000) structure of this zone before examining its dynamics in more detail. Results indicate that there is not a Rb race in this area, which is consistent with the proposal that this zone was probably originated in situ, under a primary intergradation scenario. The lack of individuals with more than five metacentrics in heterozygous state in the current period suggests that selection acted against such mice. By contrast, this situation did not occur for mice with fewer than five fusions in heterozygous condition. Changes in human activity may affect the dynamics of gene flow between subpopulations, thus altering the chromosomal composition of certain sites. Although these local variations may have modified the clinal trend for certain metacentrics, the general staggered structure of the zone has not varied significantly in a decade.  相似文献   

The house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, exhibits a high level of chromosomal polymorphism because of the occurrence and fast fixation of Robertsonian fusions between telocentric chromosomes. For this reason, it has been considered a classical speciation model to analyse the role of the chromosomal changes in reproductive isolation. In this study, we analysed a parapatric contact area between two metacentric races in central Italy, the Cittaducale race (CD: 2n = 22) and the Ancarano race (ACR: 2n = 24), to estimate gene flow at the boundary. Hybrids between these two races show high levels of structural heterozygosity and are expected to be highly infertile. A sample of 88 mice from 14 sites was used. The mice were genotyped by means of eight microsatellite loci mapped in four different autosomal arms. The results show clear genetic differentiation between the CD and ACR races, as revealed by differences in allele frequencies, factorial correspondence analysis and indexes of genetic population (e.g. F(ST) and R(ST)) along the contact zone. The genetic differentiation between the races was further highlighted by assignation and clustering analyses, in which all the individuals were correctly assigned by their genotypes to the source chromosomal race. This result is particularly interesting in view of the absence of any geographical or ecological barrier in the parapatric contact zone, which occurs within a village. In these conditions, the observed genetic separation suggests an absence of gene flow between the races. The CD-ACR contact area is a rare example of a final stage of speciation between chromosomal races of rodents because of their chromosomal incompatibility.  相似文献   

We studied mtDNA introgression across the contact zone between Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus in two independent transects in the Czech Republic and Bavaria, Germany. A total of 1270 mice from 98 localities in the Czech transect and 456 mice from 41 localities in the Bavarian transect were examined for presence or absence of a Bam HI restriction site in the mt-Nd1 gene. Using this simple mtDNA marker, variants that belonged to the M. m. domesticus lineage (presence of restriction site) could be unequivocally distinguished from those belonging to the M. m. musculus lineage (absence of restriction site). The extent of introgression of mtDNA, three autosomal allozymes and the X chromosome was compared. The introgression of X markers was more limited than was that of the allozymes and mtDNA. In the Czech transect, the centre for the mtDNA cline was shifted about 3.6 km to the west relative to the X chromosome cline, with asymmetric introgression from M. m. musculus to M. m. domesticus . Interestingly, in the Bavarian transect, the centre of the mtDNA cline was shifted about 10.9 km to the east relative to the X chromosome cline, with asymmetric introgression from M. m. domesticus to M. m. musculus, opposite in direction to that observed in the Czech transect.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 363–378.  相似文献   

The divergence in reproductive features and hybrid fertility patterns between two chromosomal races (2 n  = 40, 40St, and 2 n  = 22, 22Rb) of the house mouse in Tunisia were re-assessed on a larger sample of wild and laboratory-bred individuals than studied hitherto. Results showed that litter sizes were significantly smaller in 40St than in 22Rb mice, contrary to previous analyses. This suggests that variation in litter size between the two chromosomal races is more likely related to selective and/or environmental factors acting locally than to interracial reproductive trait divergence. However, the significantly reduced litter size of F1 hybrids compared with parental individuals was confirmed, and further highlighted a sex difference in hybrid infertility, as F1 females produced fewer litters and of smaller size than males. Histological analyses of F1 and backcrosses showed a breakdown of spermatogenesis in males and a significantly reduced primordial follicle pool in females. The degree of gametogenic dysfunction was not related to the level of chromosomal heterozygosity per se , but a significant effect of two Rb fusions on follicle number was observed in hybrid females. These results suggest that genetic incompatibilities contribute to primary gametogenic dysfunction in hybrids between the chromosomal races in Tunisia.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 407–416.  相似文献   

Solano E  Castiglia R  Corti M 《Hereditas》2007,144(3):75-77
In this paper we describe a new Robertsonian (Rb) race of the house mouse from Vulcano (Aeolian archipelago) through the identification of the metacentric chromosomes. We analysed fifteen mice. All the specimens were found to have the same karyotype 2n=26. This karyotype is characterized by Rb(1.2), Rb(3.9), Rb(4.13), Rb(5.14), Rb(8.12), Rb(10.16) and Rb(15.17). The differences between the race of Vulcano and the races in a neighbour island (Lipari) consist in the presence of Rb(10.16) and Rb(15.17) in the former and Rb(6.16) and Rb(10.15) in the latter. We discuss the possible hypotheses regarding the origin between these two races including the possible occurrence of a whole arm reciprocal translocation (WART) on the Vulcano island.  相似文献   

Morphometric variation in the Robertsonian polymorphism zone of Barcelona of Mus musculus domesticus was studied by geometric morphometrics. This system is characterized by populations of reduced diploid number (2 n  = 27–39) surrounded by standard populations (2 n  = 40). We investigated the morphological variation in mice from this area, as well as the effect of geographical distance and karyotype on this variation. We also investigated the degree of co-variation between the two functional units of the mandible to explore the origin of this system (primary intergradation or secondary contact). The size and shape of the cranium, mandible and scapula were analysed for 226 specimens grouped by population, chromosome number and structural heterozygosity. Size was estimated as the centroid size, and shape was estimated after Procrustes superimposition. No significant differences in size between populations or chromosomal groups were detected. Diploid number, structural heterozygosity and local geographical isolation contributed to the differentiation in shape. Morphological differentiation between standard mice and Robertsonian specimens was observed, suggesting genetic isolation between these groups. Co-variation between the ascending ramus and alveolar region of the mandible was quantified by the trace correlation between landmark subsets of these modules. The trace values showed an ascending trend, correlated with the distance from the centre of the polymorphism area, a pattern consistent with a primary intergradation scenario.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 555–570.  相似文献   

A common mechanism through which males can enhance their successin postcopulatory contests over paternity is to inseminate moresperm than their rivals. However, ejaculate production is costlyand the evolution of prudent sperm allocation strategies sensitiveto variation in local levels of sperm competition has now beendemonstrated in diverse taxa, including mammals. Theory predictsan increased sperm allocation in response to an elevated riskof sperm competition, but here we show that male house mice(Mus musculus domesticus) instead ejaculate fewer sperm perejaculate when mating in the presence of a rival male. Thissurprising sperm allocation pattern may be a necessary consequenceof adaptive changes in copulatory behavior, enabling males toachieve more rapid sperm transfer and/or to ejaculate repeatedlyunder risk of sexual competition. The size of a second ejaculatecomponent, the copulatory plug, is unaffected by sperm competitionrisk. Our results highlight how the often complex interplaybetween different reproductive traits can affect the evolutionof sperm competition phenotypes.  相似文献   

The Western European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, is well‐known for the high frequency of Robertsonian fusions that have rapidly produced more than 50 karyotipic races, making it an ideal model for studying the mechanisms of chromosomal speciation. The mouse mandible is one of the traits studied most intensively to investigate the effect of Robertsonian fusions on phenotypic variation within and between populations. This complex bone structure has also been widely used to study the level of integration between different morphogenetic units. Here, with the aim of testing the effect of different karyotypic assets on the morphology of the mouse mandible and on its level of modularity, we performed morphometric analyses of mice from a contact area between two highly metacentric races in Central Italy. We found no difference in size, while the mandible shape was found to be different between the two Robertsonian races, even after accounting for the genetic relationships among individuals and geographic proximity. Our results support the existence of two modules that indicate a certain degree of evolutionary independence, but no difference in the strength of modularity between chromosomal races. Moreover, the ascending ramus showed more pronounced interpopulation/race phenotypic differences than the alveolar region, an effect that could be associated to their different polygenic architecture. This study suggests that chromosomal rearrangements play a role in the house mouse phenotypic divergence, and that the two modules of the mouse mandible are differentially affected by environmental factors and genetic makeup.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of Robertsonian (Rb) translocations in Danish mice from the hybrid zone between Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus stimulated the chromosomal analysis of populations along a north-south transect through this zone. G-Banding identified the Rb fusions as Rb(3.8), Rb(2.5) and Rb(6.9). The cytogenetic results show that there is a gradual decrease in the number of fusions as one proceeds north, the translocations abruptly ending in populations from the centre of the hybrid zone determined by seven diagnostic allozymic markers. These results indicate that Rb fusions are present only in domesticus or predominantly domesticus-genotype mice and that they do not introgress into M. m. musculus . To test if genie incompatibilities between the musculus genetic background and Rb fusions were involved in the systematic elimination of the latter, predominantly musculus mice from the hybrid zone were crossed with Rb domesticus mice carrying Rb(3.8). The karyotypic analysis of the progeny showed no distortion of the transmission ratio of this fusion.
The chromosomal and allozymic analysis of these mice further indicates that (i) recombination is not suppressed between metacentrics and their acrocentric homologues and (ii) specific domesticus chromosomal segments are tolerated in the musculus genomes whereas the Rb centromeres are not.  相似文献   

The mouse mandible consists of several morphogenetic units that are usually grouped into two main modules: the alveolar region and the ascending ramus. The genetic/ontogenetic modularity of the two regions implies that they might evolve independently to some extent. In particular, evolutionary modularity in quantitative traits could arise during chromosomal speciation due to lower gene flow in rearranged chromosomes. With the aim of uncovering the autonomous evolution of the mandible modules, the form variation of each of them was assessed in the house mouse Robertsonian system from Barcelona, in which chromosomal variation and geographical distance may act as isolation factors. The association between these factors and morphological changes was analysed to determine their contribution to the differentiation of each module. Although size changes in the two modules were highly correlated, shape changes were not, and their association with karyotype differences, but not geographical distance, was dependent on the module. The results support the existence of two evolutionary modules and highlight the importance of size in morphological integration of the mandible. They also suggest that geographical distance and chromosomal reorganizations reduce gene flow between karyotypically divergent populations, but although geographical distance represents a global barrier to gene flow, the isolation produced by a set of chromosomal reorganizations only affects particular modules, probably depending on the number and location of loci with effects on a particular morphological region.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical analysis of archaeological small mammal collections in the Mediterranean area, from the Late Glacial to the first centuries AD, to validate the presence/absence of the house mouse through zooarchaeological criteria. The results have been synthesized through a diachronic map, whose chronological phases are related to socio-economic and cultural human evolution. The house mouse ( Mus musculus domesticus ) progression in the Mediterranean begins with a quick but limited diffusion in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin achieved around the 8th millennium BC. Until the 1st millennium BC, the invasive process seems to have stopped or drastically slowed, despite the increasing opportunities of passive transport during the Bronze Age. During the 1st millennium BC, there was mass colonization by the house mouse of the entire Western Mediterranean Basin and Northern Europe. We propose to explain this chronological gap in the colonization of the Eastern and Western Mediterranean using source-sink theory considering that the western environments acted like sinks until the first millennium BC. At that time the Western Mediterranean was fully opened to Eastern influences and migrations, and the human pressures on the environment drastically increased. This may have favoured definitively the adaptation of the house mouse to the Western commensal niches.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 429–445.  相似文献   

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