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为研究二硫键成环的杂环肽FIK的合成工艺, 以Fmoc氨基酸为原料, 采用固相合成法, 经TBTU/HOBT/DIEA复合缩合剂催化合成直链肽, 再经I2氧化肽链上两个半胱氨酸的巯基生成分子内二硫键而得到目标环肽, 将其用切割试剂切割脱离树脂得到粗产品, MALDI-MS和RP-HPLC进行鉴定, 分析和纯化。产率可以达到18%, 纯化后纯度达97%以上, 经MALDI-MS和Ellman试剂检测确定为目标肽。该合成法高效, 简便, 快速, 目标肽收到较理想产率, 适合大批量生产。  相似文献   

探讨生物活性肽人脑利钠肽(BNP)的固相合成工艺,并为工业化合成提供理论依据.本文以二氯三甲基树脂(以下简称为二氯树脂)为载体,采用9-芴甲氧羰基(Fmoc)保护的氨基酸,以1-氧-3-双二甲胺羰基苯骈三氮唑四氟化硼盐(TBTU)/1-羟基苯并三氮唑(HOBT)/二异丙基乙胺(DIEA)缩合,以碘作为环化试剂,用切割试剂将BNP粗品从树脂上切割下来.通过MALDI-MS质谱仪检测,所合成环肽的分子量与理论分子量一致,使用RP-HPLC液相色谱仪对合成的环肽进行纯化,得到的BNP纯度达到97%以上.本合成工艺具有快捷、简便、高效的特点,适合于大批量的生产目的肽.  相似文献   

精子肽的固相合成及应用初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 :探讨将多肽固相合成技术用于检测抗精子抗体的ELISA试剂盒制备。方法 :以多肽固相合成法合成特异性精子肽 ,并经高效液相纯化分析及质谱分析。以此合成精子肽包板制备检测抗精子抗体的ELISA试剂盒 ,检测血清标本的AsAb。结果 :HPLC结果显示 ,合成的精子肽纯度达 98.26%;质谱分析结果主峰分子质量与理论值一致。采用合成多肽抗原建立了检测抗精子抗体的酶联免疫吸附测定方法 ;不明原因不育患者组与对照组间AsAb发生率呈非常显著差异(P <0,005 )。结论 :本固相合成法可获得高纯度特异性精子肽 ;该精子肽包板的ELISA试剂盒可靠简便。  相似文献   

血清胸腺因子的固相合成及抗血清的制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

目的:研究生物活性肤SSDI的固相合成工艺,并为大规模合成目标肽提供理论依据.方法:采用固相合成法,原料氨基酸以Fmoe形式保护,用Wang树脂为载体,经1-氧3-双二甲胺羰基苯骈三氮唑四氟化硼盐(TBTU)\1-羟基-苯并-三氮唑(HOBt)\二-异丙基乙胺(DIEA)混合试剂缩合,20%哌啶的DMF溶液脱保护,用三氟乙酸\茴香硫醚\巯基乙醇\苯酚\水混合作为切割试剂将多肽从Wang树脂上切割下来.结果:多肽粗品的得率高达70%,经RP-HPLC纯化,可获得纯度在98%以上的目标肽,经MALDI-MS质谱鉴定其分子量与理论值一致.结论:此合成方法操作简单,产品得率高,适合大规模合成目标肽.  相似文献   

降钙素基因相关肽是一个包含有37个氨基酸残基的具有较强降血压生理功能的活性多肽。我们采用常规的固相合成方法,以简单的装置最后经无水氟化氢处理,将肽从树脂上切下,同时脱除所有侧链保护基。粗产物在30%乙酸溶液中用碘作为氧化剂使二个半胱氨酸氧化,形成二硫键。合成的α-人降钙素基因相关肽经反向高效液相层析分离,获得在高效液相层析为单一峰的产物。经酸水解氨基酸分析证明与理论值相符并具有全部生理活性。  相似文献   

目的:多肽与小分子化学药物相比,具有生物活性高、特异性强、不容易产生耐药性等特点,是目前新型药物研发的重点领域。多肽的合成直接影响到多肽药物的作用机制以及药物效果,因此需要建立一种更加便捷、高效的多肽合成方法。方法:采用Fmoc固相合成法合成多肽HF01,通过比较氨基酸连接的反应体系以及氨基酸脱保护的反应体系,从中确定最优体系。利用乙酰化基团进行肽链末端保护,经肽链剪切制备干燥的粗肽,最后采用高效液相色谱仪与高分辨质谱仪联用对粗肽进行纯化。结果:确定多肽合成的连接和脱保护反应体系,并获得纯度高达98.3%的线性多肽。结论:建立了一种高效、便捷的多肽合成及纯化方法,提高了实验室合成多肽的效率,为多肽类药物的研发提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Fmoc固相合成JFT的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究多肽JFT的合成工艺。方法:本实验采用固相合成法(spps),以Fmoc—氨基酸为原料,TBTU\HoBt\DIEA混合试剂缩合,用三氟乙酸\苯甲硫醚\巯基乙醇\苯酚\水脱保护,将多肽从MBHA树脂上切割下来。结果:粗肽的收率为62%,经RP-HPLC纯化,即可获得纯度在98%以上的目标肽。经MALDI—MS质谱分析其分子量与理论值一致。结论:此工艺操作简单,便于推广,适合大规模生产。  相似文献   

先采用Fmoc固相多肽合成法,以2-Chlorotrityl chloride(2-CTC)树脂做载体,DIC/HOBt做缩合剂,逐步缩合得到全保护谷胱甘肽树脂,以TFA/EDT/m-Cresol为裂解液脱除保护基团,粗肽经半制备反相高效液相色谱法纯化得α-GSH、γ-GSH纯品,后将所得γ-GSH纯品分别采用空气,双氧水,碘氧化得GSSG,经纯化得GSSG纯品,合成的α-GSH、γ-GSH纯品纯度达99%,GSSG纯度达98%,利用标准品,经外标法计算总收率分别为60%、64%、57%。并观察三者对CCl4诱导的小鼠急性肝损伤的治疗效果结果显示都能显著降低ALT与AST的活性,且与注射用γ-GSH没有显著性差异,可以为工业化生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

海南捕鸟蛛毒素_IV(HNTX-IV)是从我国海南捕鸟蛛粗毒中分离出的一种TTX-敏感型的钠离子通道阻断剂 ,由 35个氨基酸残基组成 ,含 3对二硫键。为了研究HNTX-IV结构与功能的关系 ,用芴甲氧羰基 (Fomc)固相多肽合成方法合成了用丙氨酸 (Ala)替代HNTX-IV第 12位丝氨酸 (Ser12 )的突变体S12A_HNTX_IV和替代第 29位精氨酸 (Arg29)的突变体R29A-HNTX-IV。合成的突变体经谷胱甘肽法氧化复性和纯化后 ,分别用MALDI-TOF质谱进行分子量鉴定 ,用一维核磁共振波谱法分析空间结构的变化 ,膜片钳电生理方法分析生物学活性。结果表明 ,Ser12和Arg29被Ala突变后没有明显影响分子的空间结构 ,S12A-HNTX-IV的生物学活性与天然HNTX-IV的相近 ,提示Ser12与HNTX-IV的生物学活性无关或关系不大 ;而R29A-HNTX-IV的生物学活性下降了155倍 ,说明Arg29是与HNTX-IV生物学活性相关的关键残基之一。推测R29A-HNTX-IV活性的降低是由于Ala替代Arg后改变了HNTX-IV与受体作用的位点,而不是由于毒素分子整体空间结构变化所致。  相似文献   

The prototype glycopeptidyl fragments of serglycin, a proteoglycan with the characteristic peptide sequence of repeating L-seryl-L-glycine, were synthesized by a convergent method involving block condensation on a solid support. In order to facilitate detachment of the protected glycopeptides from the resin, a new allyl ester type of linker, which is cleavable by Pd(0)-catalysis, was designed and used in combination with the commercial acid-labile Sieber amide resin for the solid-phase synthesis. Glycopeptide blocks consisting of [O-(2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-D-xylosyl)-L-seryl-L-glycine]n (n=1-8) were produced in good yields. Block condensation in a solution was also successful to synthesize up to the hexadecapeptide (n=8).  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the facile synthesis of four microcionamide-inspired peptides where the atypical 2-phenylethylenamine (2-PEA) functional group in the marine natural product, microcionamide A, was replaced with a similarly-aromatic but more easily incorporated tryptophan (Trp) residue. Compounds 1 – 4 were synthesized using a standard Fmoc-based solid-phase synthesis strategy followed by iodine-mediated on-resin cyclization for disulfide-bridged compounds 1 – 3 . Compound 1 showed antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 9.1 μM and 15 μM, respectively. The inactivity of alanine analogs 2 – 4 against these pathogens suggests that the N-terminal Val, the cyclic scaffold, the contiguous Ile residues, and consequently, the hydrophobicity of compound 1 are essential for antibacterial activity. Compound 1 also favorably exhibited minimal cytotoxicity against normal mammalian cell lines. In summary, we have synthesized an analog of microcionamide A where replacement of the 2-PEA moiety with a Trp residue retained the antibacterial activity and with favorably low cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

A new strategy has been developed for the rapid synthesis ofpeptide para-nitroanilides (pNA). The method involves derivatization of commercially available tritylchloride resin(TCP-resin) with 1,4-phenylenediamine, subsequent coupling withdesired amino acids by the standard Fmoc protocol, and oxidationof the intermediate para-aminoanilides (pAA) with Oxone®. This procedure allows easy assembly of the desired para-aminoanilides (pAA) on standard resin and efficient oxidation and purification of the corresponding para-nitroanilides (pNA). The method allows easy access to any desired peptide para-nitroanilides, which are useful substrates for the characterization and study of proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

ω-Agatoxin IVA, isolated from the venom of funnel web spider Agelenopsis aperta, blocks potently and selectively P-type calcium channels. This toxin, composed of 48 amino acids and containing 8 cysteine residues, was synthesized by the solid-phase procedure. The Cys residues were protected by acetamidomethyl (Acm) groups which were removed by mercuric acetate. During treatment with mercuric acetate, a by-product was detected, involving modification of tryptophan residues by the Acm groups. This side reaction can be completely prevented by addition of an excess of tryptophan in the reaction medium during Acm deprotection. The resulting peptide was submitted to an oxidative refolding, in different conditions, in order to determine the most favourable protocol. After formation of the four disulphide bonds, the toxin was purified by successive preparative HPLC, on two different supports, and fully characterized by analytical HPLC, capillary electrophoresis, amino acid analysis, mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. It was found to block the P-type calcium channel with a similar biological potency as described for the natural product.  相似文献   

The development of new linkers (handles) for solid-phase synthesis provides new chemical opportunities for peptide synthesis. To understand the chemical properties of a recently developed backbone amide linker from a structural perspective, the crystal structure of S-((5-formyl-3,4-ethylenedioxy)thiophene-2-yl)-3-thiopropionic acid (T-BAL2) was studied. Specifically, we wished to address whether this highly substituted thiophene retained planarity in the aromatic ring as well as between the aromatic ring and the aldehyde carbonyl. Furthermore, we sought an explanation for the relatively low reactivity in reductive aminations of the thienylaldehyde with amines in solution and on solid phase. Based on the crystal structure of T-BAL2, the thienyl-C (aldehyde) and C–O (aldehyde) bond lengths were applied as measures for the electron-deficiency (electrophilicity) of the aldehyde and compared to similar bond lengths found in previously reported formylated homo- and hetero-aromatic systems, which show significantly higher reactivity towards imine formation. The bond lengths found in the present structure are in accordance with normal C–C single bond and C–O double bond lengths. The high similarity in aldehyde bond lengths in the present system and in the reported systems indicates similar electron distribution in these systems. The lower reactivity of the present system may therefore not be attributed to electronic factors.  相似文献   

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