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Several biological assays were used to evaluate the toxic effects of contaminants in soil after phytoremediation. During the treatment process, significant decreases in overall toxicity were observed. Specifically, earthworm survivability and lettuce germination increased over the study period. Microbial respiration improved, but only in planted treatments. Toxicity and total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations showed some correlation, but the relationships generally were not significant. Soil moisture was less of a predictor for biological responses. The presence of plants did not provide a clear advantage for improving toxicity compared to unplanted treatments.  相似文献   

Effluent discharges from industrial facilitiesare complex, comprising of many differentcomponents and vary continuously in quantityand quality. Traditionally aquatic ecosystemshave been protected from anthropogenic impactsby controlling the input of wastewaters andother sources of pollution, which reducedissolved oxygen concentrations in receivingwaters. Recent attention has focused on thedirect effects that toxic pollutants can impacton biological systems. Consequently, the use ofwhole effluent testing has increased as arapidly and cost-effective means of evaluatingand controlling the environmental impact ofsuch emissions. However, unless the causes ofthe toxicity can be identified, the toxicity ofthe effluent cannot be effectively managed. Thetraditional way of identifying the toxicelements is to conduct a ToxicityIdentification Evaluation (TIE). However, thisprovides little information on the toxicity ofdefined mixtures of chemicals. This paperreviews the current status of aquatic toxicitytesting in relation to test species,methodology and media and compares the resultsof exposure of individual compounds to that ofchemical mixtures. It discusses the applicationof using mathematical models to predict thetoxicity of chemical mixtures in order toreduce the need to generate large amounts ofexperimental data. The different regulatoryapproaches between North America and Europe areintroduced for testing the toxicity ofdischarges to the aquatic environment as wellas the need for future research.  相似文献   



Aluminum (Al) is an abundant, non-essential element with complex geochemistry and aquatic toxicity. Considering its complex environmental behavior is critical for providing a reasonable estimate of its potential freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity in the context of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA).


Al characterization factors (CFs) are calculated using the following: (1) USEtox? model version 2.1 for environmental fate, (2) MINEQL+ to estimate the distribution of Al between the solid phase precipitate and total dissolved Al, (3) WHAM 7 for Al speciation within the total dissolved phase, and (4) Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) and Free Ion Activity Model (FIAM) for ecotoxicity estimation for seven freshwater archetypes and default landscape properties for the European continent. The sensitivity of the CFs to aquatic chemistry parameters is calculated. New CFs are compared with Dong et al. (Chemosphere 112:26–33, 2014) and default CF calculated by USEtox 2.1.

Results and discussion

Al CFs vary over 5 orders of magnitude between the seven archetypes, with an arithmetic average CFave of 0.04 eq 1,4-DCB (recommended for use), geometric mean CFgeo of 0.0014 eq 1,4-DCB, and weighted average CFwt of 0.026 eq 1,4-DCB. These values are lower (less toxic) than those for Cu, Ni, Zn, and Pb (with one exception). The effect factor (EF) contributed most to this variability followed by the bioavailability factor (BF), varying over 8 and 4 orders of magnitude, respectively. These revised CFs are 2–6 orders of magnitude lower than those presented by Dong et al. (Chemosphere 112:26–33, 2014) mainly because of consideration of Al precipitation.


Freshwater archetype-specific Al CFs for freshwater ecotoxicity that address the effect of Al speciation on bioavailability (BF) and ecotoxicity (EF) have been calculated, and a CF of 0.04 eq 1,4-DCB is recommended for use in generic LCA. For site-specific LCA, the choice of water chemistry and, in particular, pH, and consideration of metal precipitation could significantly influence results.

Practical implications

Incorporating estimates of metal speciation and its effect on aquatic toxicity is essential when conducting LCIA. Along with metal speciation estimates, the values derived from the definition of water chemistry parameters must also be included into LCIA. For site-generic assessments, we recommend using the arithmetic average of metal CFs. We also recommend using FIAM as a suitable alternative to BLM to estimate EF if the latter is not available. Consideration of metal speciation is essential for providing more realistic estimates of Al freshwater ecotoxicity in the context of LCIA.

Crop protection aids, used in the agriculture phase, contribute a great deal to the environmental impact of food products. An adequate inclusion of those substances in life cycle assessment is usually hampered by the lack of relevant equivalency factors. In this paper rough equivalency factors are given for 65 frequently used herbicides and pesticides. Those factors are calculated according to the methodology, originally developed by EPA, which was used by CML in 1992. It is acknowledged that equivalency factors, derived in this way, have a limited value. They only indicate potential impacts, ignoring the fate of such substances. However, as long as better data are lacking, these figures provide a useful approximation.  相似文献   



Ignoring metal speciation in the determination of characterization factors (CFs) in life cycle assessment (LCA) could significantly alter the validity of LCA results since toxicity is directly linked to bioavailability.


Zinc terrestrial ecotoxicity CFs are obtained using modified USEtox fate factors, WHAM 6.0-derived bioavailable factors, and effect factors calculated using the assessment of mean impact (AMI) method with available terrestrial ecotoxicity data. Soil archetypes created using influent soil properties on Zn speciation (soil texture, pH, cation exchange capacity, organic matter and carbonate contents) are used to group soils of the world into a more manageable spatial resolution for LCA. An aggregated global CF value is obtained using population density as a Zn emission proxy. Results are presented in a world map to facilitate use.

Results and discussion

When using soluble Zn as the bioavailable fraction, CF values vary over 1.76 orders of magnitude, indicating that a single aggregated value could reasonably be used for the world. When using true solution Zn, CFs cover 14 orders of magnitude. To represent this variability, 518 archetypes and 13 groups of archetypes were created. Aggregated global default values are 4.58 potentially affected fraction of species (PAF) m3·day kg?1 for soluble Zn and 1.45 PAF m3·day kg?1 for true solution Zn. These values are respectively 28 and 88 times lower than the Zn terrestrial CF in IMPACT 2002 (128 PAF m3·day kg?1).


The CFs obtained for Zn, except for soluble Zn, are at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than current CFs. However, they must be tested in case studies to measure the impact of including Zn speciation in the CF definition of terrestrial ecotoxicity.

The brine shrimp, Artemia spp., is widely used in ecotoxicology as a target biological model. Although several protocols were available in the early 1980s, only the 24-h acute mortality toxicity test was evaluated in a European intercalibration exercise during that period. Nevertheless, documentation of standard methods serving to provide specifications, guidelines or detailed characteristics of the 24-h protocol is still unavailable. This paper present the results of an intercalibration study of three toxicity-testing protocols using Artemia franciscana: (a) the 24-h static acute mortality test, (b) the 48-h static hatching test and (c) the 14-d static-renewal long-term mortality test. A first tier of experiments was conducted by a reference laboratory, which investigated the repeatability of the three methods. The feasibility and reproducibility of these protocols were then investigated by an intercomparison exercise involving 11 participants for the acute mortality test, seven for the acute hatching test and nine for the long-term mortality test. Protocols were tested on reference toxicants (copper sulphate pentahydrate and sodium dodecyl sulphate). The coefficients of variation were <20% and <50% for intra- and interlaboratory activities, respectively. These results encourage the standardization of the proposed methods and their use as regulatory procedures.  相似文献   

Characteristics of six cladocerans in relation to ecotoxicity testing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigation was made to compare some biological characteristics relevant to ecotoxicity testing among six cladoceran species, including Daphnia magna, Daphnia carinata, Daphnia pulex, Ceriodaphnia quadrangular, Bosmina longirostris, and Simocephalus vetulus. The results show that D. carinata had advantages over other cladoceran species for being used as a test organism, particularly for ecotoxicological assessment of aquatic environments in tropical and subtropical areas. D. carinata had similar body size and total number of offspring per female to D. magna. However, D. carinata was more sensitive to the reference toxicant and had much shorter reproduction cycle than D. magna. D. carinata had similarity to D. pulex, C. quadrangular, S. vetulus and B. longirostris in terms of sensitivity to the reference toxicant and length of reproduction cycle. However, D. carinata was much larger in size and produced much more offspring per female than any of D. pulex, C. quadrangular, S. vetulus and B. longirostris. Among the investigated cladocerans, only the neonates (2- and 4-day-old) of D. carinata exhibited phototaxis that was sufficiently remarkable. The low among-generation variation in phototaxis index (Ip) of D. carinata and the close relationship between Ip and the concentration of the ISO standard toxicant (K2Cr2O7) appears to suggest that Ip can be used as an excellent test endpoint for ecotoxicity testing.  相似文献   

Semi-chronic ecotoxic effects are measured by studying mortality and reproduction of daphnids, grown in toxic medium and fed with toxic chlorellae during 4 weeks. Toxic biosorption is controlled analytically. Toxicity of Cd++ at a concentration of an order of magnitude of by liter is revealed after 14 days. Cr6+ appears non toxic at concentrations under 25 micrograms/l.  相似文献   

Abstract Ecotoxicology provides a basis for making decisions on the likely impact of a chemical or effluent on the aquatic environment. It encompasses laboratory ecotoxicity tests of various types to explore relationships between exposure and effect under controlled laboratory conditions, through to studies of the effects of chemicals or effluents under a variety of ecological conditions in complex field ecosystems. This paper will focus on the value of laboratory ecotoxicity tests as a tool in assessing water quality. Laboratory tests are valuable (i) in deriving and assessing water quality criteria, (ii) for screening and ranking chemicals and predicting their hazard and risk, (iii) for establishing dilution levels of chemicals or effluents prior to discharge into water bodies, (iv) in determining cause-effect relationships in post-impact studies, and (v) for establishing and validating field bioindicators. Both the advantages and deficiencies of using ecotoxicological testing for these purposes are illustrated from research with pesticides, metals and sediments. Use of a combination of both laboratory- and field-based ecotoxicology studies is important to gain a full understanding of the effects of chemicals at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   

Applications of flow cytometry to ecotoxicity testing using microalgae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Flow cytometry is a rapid method for the quantitative measurement of light scattering and fluorescent properties of cells. Although this technique has been widely applied to biomedical and environmental studies, its potential as a tool in ecotoxicological studies has not yet been fully exploited. This article describes the application of flow cytometry to the development of bioassays with marine and freshwater algae for assessing the bioavailability of contaminants in waters and sediments.  相似文献   

Ever since Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published, the received view has been that Darwin literally thought of species as not extra-mentally real. In 1969 Michael Ghiselin upset the received view by interpreting Darwin to mean that species taxa are indeed real but not the species category. In 1985 John Beatty took Ghiselin's thesis a step further by providing a strategy theory to explain why Darwin would say one thing (his repeated nominalistic definition of species) and do another (hold that species taxa are real). In the present paper I attempt to take this line of interpretation to a new level. Guided by the principle of charity, I provide and analyze a considerable amount of evidence from Darwin's mature writings (both private and published) to show that (contra Ghiselin and Beatty) Darwin did not simply accept the species delimitations of his fellow naturalists but actually employed, repeatedly and consistently, a species concept in a thoroughly modern sense, albeit with an implicit definition, a concept uniquely his own and fully in accord with his theory of evolution by natural selection. This implicit concept and definition is carefully reconstructed in the present paper. A new strategy theory is then provided to account for why Darwin would define species (both taxa and category) nominalistically on the one hand but delimit species realistically on the other.  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能及其生态经济价值评价   总被引:490,自引:19,他引:490  
生态系统服务功能是指生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用。它不仅为人类提供了食品、医药及其它生产生活原料,更重要的是维持了人类赖以生存的生命支持系统,维持生命物质的生物地化循环与水文循环,维持生物物种与遗传多样性,净化环境,维持大气化学的平衡与稳定。人们逐步认识到,生态服务功能是人类生存与现代文明的基础。近年来生态系统服务功能的研究已引起了人们的广泛重视,生态学家、经济学家纷纷探讨生态系统服务功能的内涵与定量评价方法,并已成为当前生态学与生态经济学研究的前沿课题。本文拟系统地分析生态系统服务功能的研究进展与趋势,生态系统服务功能价值的评估方法,并探讨生态系统服务功能及其与可持续发展研究的关系.  相似文献   

Lou L  Wu B  Wang L  Luo L  Xu X  Hou J  Xun B  Hu B  Chen Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(5):4036-4041
To investigate the feasibility of using biochar to control organic pollutants in sediments, we extracted biochar from rice-straw combustion residues (RBC) and studied its adsorption ability and effect on seed germination ecotoxicity of pentachlorophenol (PCP). The results showed that the Freundlich and dual-mode models could describe all the sorption isotherm data well, and the log KOC values increased with increasing RBC content. With 50 mg kg−1 PCP in the sediment, a significant seed growth inhibition (P < 0.01) was observed. The addition of 2.0% RBC lowered the PCP concentration in the extraction liquid from 4.53 to 0.17 mg L−1 and increased the germination rate and root length significantly. Furthermore, it was found that the addition of RBC had no toxic but stimulative effect on root elongation. Consequently, RBC could serve as a potential supersorbent for the remediation of organic pollution in situ.  相似文献   

Gratitude is an emotion that promotes cooperative relationships and is elicited when an act reveals that an actor values the recipient, especially when the benefit conferred is greater than the recipient expected. But, recipient expectations might vary depending on how much the benefactor is perceived to value the recipient — all else equal, the greater the benefactor is perceived to value the recipient's welfare, the greater the recipient's expectations of benefit delivery. Thus, at a given benefit level, it might be easier to exceed the threshold of expectation in a relationship for which the recipient holds low expectations (e.g., a stranger) as compared to a relationship for which the recipient holds high expectations (e.g., a sibling). This leads to the prediction that cognitive representations of welfare valuation inversely correlate with gratitude: The greater the expected welfare valuation, the more difficult it is to exceed expectations of benefit delivery and, therefore, the less felt gratitude. To test this prediction, we conducted two experiments in which subjects estimated how much they perceived a particular person in their social network to value the subject's welfare. Next, subjects estimated how grateful they would feel if this person provided them with differing levels of benefits. Contrary to our model, we found that gratitude was predicted by the magnitude of the benefit, but not by the recipient's perception of the benefactor's valuation of the recipient.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in soil by autochthonous microorganisms and in soil bioaugmented by the bacterial strain Comamonas testosteroni CCM 7530 was studied. Subsequent addition of organomineral complex (OMC) or lignite as possible sorbents for PCP immobilization has been investigated as well. The OMC was prepared from humic acids (HAs) isolated from lignite by binding them onto zeolite. Biodegradation of PCP and number of colony forming units (CFUs) were determined in the three types of soil, Chernozem, Fluvisol, and Regosol, freshly spiked with PCP and amended separately with tested sorbents. The enhancing effect of sorbent addition and bioaugmentation on PCP biodegradation depended mainly on the soil type and the initial PCP concentration. Microbial activity resulted in biotransformation of PCP into certain toxic substances, probably lower chlorinated phenols that are more soluble than PCP, and therefore more toxic to present biota. Therefore, it was necessary to monitor soil ecotoxicity during biodegradation. Addition of the OMC resulted in a more significant decrease of soil toxicity in comparison with addition of lignite. Lignite and OMC appear to be good traps for PCP with potential application in remediation technology.  相似文献   

State of the art and research needs for the impact category eutrophication are discussed. Eutrophication is a difficult impact category because it includes emissions to both air and water — both subject to different environmental mechanisms — as well as impacts occurring in different types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The possible fate processes are complex and include transportation between different ecosystems. In some recent approaches, transportation modelling of air emissions has been included. However, in general, the used characterisation methods do not integrate fate modelling, which is a limitation. The definition of the impact indicator needs further research, too. The inclusion of other nutrients than those typically considered should also be investigated.  相似文献   

The toxicity of two common organotin pollutants and their initial breakdown products (tributyltin, dibutyltin, triphenyltin and diphenyltin) were assessed using two different bioluminescent microbial biosensors: Microtox and lux -modified Pseudomonas fluorescens pUCD 607. The organotins were made up as standards, and tested both in double-deionized water and in extracted soil solution, the latter representing a realistic matrix for terrestrial contamination. Microtox was especially sensitive to the organotins, with 50% effective concentration (EC50) values (15 min) for tributyltin as low as 21·9 μg l−1 in pure water, and 0·118 μg l−1 in soil extract. The sensitivity of Microtox was increased by an order of magnitude in soil extract. The Ps. fluorescens was less sensitive, with EC50 values (30 min) of around 800 μg l−1 in pure water. The toxicity to Ps. fluorescens was decreased by around an order of magnitude in soil extract. The two biosensors showed different response patterns, with Microtox being more sensitive to the triorganotins and Ps. fluorescens being more sensitive to the diorganotins.  相似文献   

Some basic principles required for the development of a valuation procedure in life cycle assessment are described. International human rights conventions and international environmental laws and conventions are analyzed for the usefulness in obtaining general principles for the valuation step of life cycle assessment. The human right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, the conventions of the Earth Summit in Rio 1992, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1987, and other treaties and conventions are shown to be a suitable basis for the valuation.  相似文献   

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