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Water and osmotic potentials were measured in young and mature styles of selfcompatible (SC) and selfincompatible (SI) species ofSolanaceae. For mature flowers, the stylar water and osmotic potentials were considerably lower in SI speciesNicotiana alata andPetunia hybrida than in SC speciesN. sylvestris andN. tabacum. Stylar water content (in % fresh mass) was also significantly lower in SI species (N. alata, P. hybrida, diploid clones of potato) than in SC species (N. acuminata, N. glauca, N. paniculata, N. sylvestris, N. tabacum). For flower buds younger than 2 d before anthesis, no differences in stylar water potential betweenN. alata (SI) andN. tabacum (SC) were observed. During further flower bud development the stylar water potential inN. alata decreased more expressively than inN. tabacum. Pollen culture in media with various concentrations of sucrose or polyethylene glycol revealed that optimal water potential for pollen tube growth was lower inN. alata than inN. tabacum. The differences were similar as for differences in stylar water potential. The results are considered in relation to possible involvement of stylar water potential in unilateral interspecific incompatibility inSolanaceae.  相似文献   

Summary Unilateral incompatibility was discovered when crossing was attempted between different self-compatible types and subspecies of V. faba. Crossing in the direction female less self-fertile x male more self-fertile failed, whereas the reciprocal-crossing succeeded. Unilateral incompatibility developed with the evolution of less fertile and large seeded field bean types. How a cross fertilized (and self-incompatible) system may develop from a self fertilized one is discussed.The unilateral incompatibility in V. faba and other plant species is compared. The two-power competition hypothesis can explain all kinds of unilateral incompatibility reported so far in the literature. Breeding field beans for improved self-fertility is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolutionary concurrence of intraspecies self‐incompatibility (SI) and explosive angiosperm radiation in the Cretaceous have led to the hypothesis that SI was one of the predominant drivers of rapid speciation in angiosperms. Interspecies unilateral incompatibility (UI) usually occurs when pollen from a self‐compatible (SC) species is rejected by the pistils of a SI species, while the reciprocal pollination is compatible (UC). Although this SI × SC type UI is most prevalent and viewed as a prezygotic isolation barrier to promote incipient speciation of angiosperms, comparative evidence to support such a role is lacking. We show that SI × SI type UI in SI species pairs is also common in the well‐characterized accessions representing the four major lineages of the Arabidopsis genus and is developmentally regulated. This allowed us to reveal a strong correlation between UI strength and species divergence in these representative accessions. In addition, analyses of a SC accession and the pseudo‐self‐compatible (psc) spontaneous mutant of Arabidopsis lyrata indicate that UI shares, at least, common pollen rejection pathway with SI. Furthermore, genetic and genomic analyses of SI × SI type UI in A. lyrata × A. arenosa species pair showed that two major‐effect quantitative trait loci are the stigma and pollen‐side determinant of UI, respectively, which could be involved in heterospecies pollen discrimination. By revealing a close link between UI and SI pathway, particularly between UI and species divergence in these representative accessions, our findings establish a connection between SI and speciation. Thus, the pre‐existence of SI system would have facilitated the evolution of UI and accordingly promote speciation.  相似文献   

When two colonies of the tunicate Botryllus contact each other, they either fuse into a single colony or mount a destructive reaction, which keeps them apart. Which of the two reactions takes place is determined by a single, highly polymorphic fusion/histocompatibility (FuHC) locus. Recent communications report the cloning and characterization of the FuHC locus and suggest that its function may be to protect against parasitism by conspecific stem cells.  相似文献   

The occurrence of unilateral incompatibility was tested for a distylous heteromorphic system, using crosses between a self-sterile and three self-fertile species in Primula L. section Aleuritia Duby. The crosses showed non-reciprocity but not in the same direction as would be predicted in the case of unilateral incompatibility. Pollen from the self-compatible (s-c) species was not always inhibited on the style of the self-incompatible (s-i) species, and cross-fertility between s-i and s-c crosses more resembled that between different s-c species, which was also non-reciprocal. Cytoplasmic-nuclear DNA interactions and the possibility of embryo-endosperm imbalance could both explain these results. In crosses between Primula farinosa L. (s-i diploid) and P. scotica Hook. (s-c hexaploid), heterostylous pin tetraploid offspring were produced. This result is discussed in relation to the genome of P. scotica and the possibility that pin morph plants may occur in wild P scotica populations.  相似文献   

In gametophytic self-incompatibility systems, many specificities (different 'lock-and-key' combinations) are maintained by frequency-dependent selection for very long evolutionary times. In Solanaceae, trans-specific evolution (the observation that an allele from one species may be more closely related to an allele from another species than to others from the same species) has been taken as an argument for the very old age of specificities. In this work, by determining, for the first time, the age of extant Prunus species, we show that this reasoning cannot be applied to Prunoideae. Furthermore, since our sample size is large (all S-RNase encoding the female component and SFB encoding the male component GenBank sequences), we were able to estimate the age of the oldest Prunus specificities. By doing so, we show that the lower variability levels at the Prunus S-locus, in comparison with Solanaceae, is due to the younger age of Prunus alleles, and not to a difference in silent mutation rates. We show that the ancestor to extant Prunus species harboured at least 102 specificities, in contrast to the maximum of 33 observed in extant Prunus species. Since the number of specificities that can be maintained in a population depends on the effective population size, this observation suggests a bottleneck in Prunus evolutionary history. Loss of specificities may have occurred during this event. Using only information on amino acid sites that determine specificity differences, and a simulation approach, we show that a model that assumes closely related specificities are not preferentially lost during evolution, fails to predict the observed degree of specificity relatedness.  相似文献   

Characterization of Brassica S-haplotypes lacking S-locus glycoprotein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassica is regulated by a single multi-allelic locus, S, which contains highly polymorphic stigma-expressed genes, SLG and SRK. While SRK is shown to be the determinant of female SI specificity, SLG is thought to assist the function of SRK. Here we report that the SLG genes of self-incompatible S(18) and S(60) homozygotes of Brassica oleracea have an in-frame stop codon and a 23 bp deletion resulting in a frame-shift, respectively. The finding that these SLG genes do not encode functional SLG proteins suggests that SLG is not essential for SI. The possible role of SLG in SI was discussed.  相似文献   

Plants have evolved many systems to prevent inappropriate fertilization. Among them, incompatibility is a well-organized system in which pollen germination or pollen-tube growth is inhibited in pistils. Self-incompatibility (SI), rejecting self-pollen, promotes outbreeding in flowering plants. On the other hand, inter-species incompatibility, preventing gene flow among species to restrict outbreeding, usually occurs unilaterally, and is known as unilateral incompatibility (UI). In Brassicaceae, little is known about the molecular mechanism of UI, although S-locus genes involved in recognition of self-pollen have been characterized in the SI system. In the present study, we characterized novel UI observed between members of the same species, Brassica rapa; pollen of Turkish SI lines was specifically rejected by pistils of the Japanese commercial SI variety Osome. The incompatible phenotype of this intra-species UI closely resembled that of SI. Segregation analysis revealed that the pollen factor of this UI was not linked to the S-locus.The revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to figure 1.  相似文献   

Genomic clones encoding the S 2- and S 6-RNases of Nicotiana alata Link and Otto, which are the allelic stylar products of the self-incompatibility (S) locus, were isolated and sequenced. Analysis of genomic DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blotting indicates the presence of only a single S-RNase gene in the N. alata genome. The sequences of the open-reading frames in the genomic and corresponding cDNA clones were identical. The organization of the genes was similar to that of other S-RNase genes from solanaceous plants. No sequence similarity was found between the DNA flanking the S 2- and S 6-RNase genes, despite extensive similarities between the coding regions. The DNA flanking the S 6-RNase gene contained sequences that were moderately abundant in the genome. These repeat sequences are also present in other members of the Nicotianae.  相似文献   

Vieira J  Teles E  Santos RA  Vieira CP 《Genetics》2008,180(1):483-491
In Prunus, the self-incompatibility (S-) locus region is <70 kb. Two genes-the S-RNase, which encodes the functional female recognition component, and the SFB gene, which encodes the pollen recognition component-must co-evolve as a genetic unit to maintain functional incompatibility. Therefore, recombination must be severely repressed at the S-locus. Levels of recombination at genes in the vicinity of the S-locus have not yet been rigorously tested; thus it is unknown whether recombination is also severely repressed at these loci. In this work, we looked at variability levels and patterns at the Prunus spinosa SLFL1 gene, which is physically close to the S-RNase gene. Our results suggest that the recombination level increases near the SLFL1 coding region. These findings are discussed in the context of theoretical models predicting an effect of linked weakly deleterious mutations on the relatedness of S-locus specificities. Moreover, we show that SLFL1 belongs to a gene family of at least five functional genes and that SLFL1 pseudogenes are frequently found in the S-locus region.  相似文献   

Guo YL  Zhao X  Lanz C  Weigel D 《Plant physiology》2011,157(2):937-946
The S locus, a single polymorphic locus, is responsible for self-incompatibility (SI) in the Brassicaceae family and many related plant families. Despite its importance, our knowledge of S-locus evolution is largely restricted to the causal genes encoding the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) receptor and S-locus cysteine-rich protein (SCR) ligand of the SI system. Here, we present high-quality sequences of the genomic region of six S-locus haplotypes: Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; one haplotype), Arabidopsis lyrata (four haplotypes), and Capsella rubella (one haplotype). We compared these with reference S-locus haplotypes of the self-compatible Arabidopsis and its SI congener A. lyrata. We subsequently reconstructed the likely genomic organization of the S locus in the most recent common ancestor of Arabidopsis and Capsella. As previously reported, the two SI-determining genes, SCR and SRK, showed a pattern of coevolution. In addition, consistent with previous studies, we found that duplication, gene conversion, and positive selection have been important factors in the evolution of these two genes and appear to contribute to the generation of new recognition specificities. Intriguingly, the inactive pseudo-S-locus haplotype in the self-compatible species C. rubella is likely to be an old S-locus haplotype that only very recently became fixed when C. rubella split off from its SI ancestor, Capsella grandiflora.  相似文献   

To gain some insights into the structure of the S-locus and the mechanisms that have kept its diversity, a 75-kb genomic fragment containing the self-incompatibility (S) locus region was isolated from the S12-haplotype of Brassica rapa and compared with those of other S-haplotypes. The region around the S determinant genes was highly polymorphic and filled with S-haplotype-specific intergenic sequences. The diverse genomic structure must contribute to the suppression of recombination at the S-locus.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously described gene introgression from the wild nightshade Solanum lycopersicoides into tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) through the use of either diploid or sesquidiploid hybrids (the latter consisting of two genomes of L. esculentum and one genome of S. lycopersicoides). Both types of intergeneric hybrids display pollen sterility, but workable ovule fertility. Unilateral incompatibility prevents their direct hybridization with staminate L. esculentum. Pollen of a self-compattible form of the related wild species L. pennellii is compatible with pistils of L. esculentum x S. lycopersicoides hybrids. This trait was backcrossed from L. pennellii to L. esculentum in order to develop bridging lines that could be used to obtain progeny from the intergeneric hybrids and to study the inheritance of bridging ability. In progeny of L. esculentum x S. lycopersicoides hybrids pollinated with L. pennellii-derived bridging lines, preferential transmission of L. pennellii alleles was observed for certain isozyme and RFLP markers on chromosomes 1, 6 and 10. The skewed segregations suggest linkage to three major pollen-expressed compatibility loci. This was confirmed by observations of pollen tube growth, which indicated that compatibility with pistils of the diploid intergeneric hybrid occurred only in bridging lines at least heterozygous for the L. pennellii markers on chromosomes 1, 6 and 10. Compatibility with the sesquidiploid hybrid required only the chromosome 1 and 6 loci, indicating an apparent effect of gene dosage on expression of incompatibility in the pistil. In an F2 L. esculentum x L. pennellii population, preferential transmission of L. pennellii alleles was observed for the same markers on chromosomes 1 and 10, as well as other markers on chromosomes 3, 11, and 12, but not 6. The chromosome 1 pollen compatibility locus maps to or near the S-locus, which determines S-allele specificity. The results are discussed in relation to existing genetic models for unilateral incompatibility, including the possible involvement of the S-locus.  相似文献   

Multiple independent and overlapping pollen rejection pathways contribute to unilateral interspecific incompatibility (UI). In crosses between tomato species, pollen rejection usually occurs when the female parent is self‐incompatible (SI) and the male parent self‐compatible (SC) (the ‘SI × SC rule’). Additional, as yet unknown, UI mechanisms are independent of self‐incompatibility and contribute to UI between SC species or populations. We identified a major quantitative trait locus on chromosome 10 (ui10.1) which affects pollen‐side UI responses in crosses between cultivated tomato, Solanum lycopersicum, and Solanum pennelliiLA0716, both of which are SC and lack S‐RNase, the pistil determinant of S‐specificity in Solanaceae. Here we show that ui10.1 is a farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene (FPS2) expressed in pollen. Expression is about 18‐fold higher in pollen of S. pennellii than in S. lycopersicum. Pollen with the hypomorphic S. lycopersicum allele is selectively eliminated on pistils of the F1 hybrid, leading to transmission ratio distortion in the F2 progeny. CRISPR/Cas9‐generated knockout mutants (fps2) in S. pennelliiLA0716 are self‐sterile due to pollen rejection, but mutant pollen is fully functional on pistils of S. lycopersicum. F2 progeny of S. lycopersicum × S. pennellii (fps2) show reversed transmission ratio distortion due to selective elimination of pollen bearing the knockout allele. Overexpression of FPS2 in S. lycopersicum pollen rescues the pollen elimination phenotype. FPS2‐based pollen selectivity does not involve S‐RNase and has not been previously linked to UI. Our results point to an entirely new mechanism of interspecific pollen rejection in plants.  相似文献   

Deletion mutants of plasmid ColE1 that involve the replication origin and adjacent regions of the plasmid have been studied to determine the mechanism by which those mutations affect the expression of plasmid incompatibility. It was observed that (i) a region of ColE1 that is involved in the expression of plasmid incompatibility lies between base pairs -185 and -684; (ii) the integrity of at least part of the region of ColE1 DNA between base pairs -185 and -572 is essential for the expression of ColE1 incompatibility; (iii) the expression of incompatibility is independent of the ability of the ColE1 genome to replicate autonomously; (iv) plasmid incompatibility is affected by plasmid copy number; and (v) ColE1 plasmid-mediated DNA replication of the lambda phage-ColE1 chimera lambda imm434 Oam29 Pam3 ColE1 is inhibited by ColE1-incompatible but not by ColE1-compatible plasmids.  相似文献   

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