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The systematica of coexisting morphotypes of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , has been a matter of dispute ever since the days of Linnaeus. Widespread allelic variation at an esterase locus has led some investigators to propose that the morphotypes reflect a complex of at least three sibling species. We tested this hypothesis by examining 42 electrophoretically detectable loci in natural and transplanted charr populations from 15 localities in S Norway. The absolute values of Nei's genetic distance between morphotypes and populations are small (typically in the order of 0.001), and morphotype changes may occur without accompanying changes in frequencies of esterase alleles. Differentiation among localities explains far more of the total gene diversity than differences between morphotypes in the four cases of naturally occurring sympatric morphotypes examined. The data are consistent with an intraspecific population structuring based on locality, and the multiple species hypothesis is rejected.  相似文献   

Synopsis The degree of genetic differentiation among four morphs of Arctic charr (small benthivorous, large benthivorous, piscivorous, and planktivorous) from Thingvallavatn, Iceland, was determined electrophoretically. Five of 36 enzyme loci were found to be polymorphic (Est2, Gpi3, Ldh4, Mdh4, 5 and Pgm2). However, only Est2 and Mdh4,5 showed enough variability to permit statistical analysis of divergence among morphs. All four morphs are very closely related; the values of Nei's (D) range from 0.00004 to 0.00126. These morphs are conspecific and do not represent different evolutionary lineages. There is significant genetic differentiation between the small benthivorous charr and the other three morphs. The relative relatedness of morphs based on gene frequency data is only partially concordant with that based on morphology and ecological specialization. The biological significance of this result is unclear because of the limited number of polymorphic loci upon which the genetic analysis is based and the high degree of relatedness among morphs.  相似文献   

The relationships among time of spawning, incubation temperature, timing of first feeding and early growth were examined in four sympatric morphs of Arctic charr in Thingvallavatn, Iceland. Large benthivorous charr spawn in July-August at sites with cold ground-water flow. Planktivorous and piscivorous charr spawn in September-November and are not confined to ground-water sites. The spawning of small benthivorous charr overlaps with that of other morphs. Progeny of large benthivorous charr start feeding 2-3 months earlier than the progeny of autumn spawners. This results in differential size distribution and growth rates of young in the spring.  相似文献   

Several models of speciation suggest that in species that are phenotypically plastic, selection can act on phenotypic variation that is environmentally induced in the earliest stages of divergence. One trait that could be subject to this process is foraging behaviour, where discrete foraging strategies are common. One species which is highly plastic in the expression of phenotype, the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), is characterized by discrete variation in the anatomy of the head and mouthparts. These traits have been shown to have a functional significance, but the expression of which is thought to be at least partly phenotypically plastic. Here we test the hypothesis that foraging behaviour may regulate the anatomy of the head and mouthparts in Arctic charr. In a dyad experiment, size‐matched pairs of fish from a mixed family group were fed a diet of either Mysis (a hard‐bodied shrimp) or Chironomid larvae. Nine morphometric measures of head dimensions that describe wild trophic morphs were measured at the start of the experiment and 24 weeks later. Principal component scores of size‐corrected morphometric measures showed highly significant differences between fish exposed to the two diets. Univariate ANOVA analysis of the head morphometric variables showed that fish fed on Chironomids developed longer, wider jaws, longer heads and a larger eye for a given body length than did those fish fed upon Mysis. We conclude that foraging anatomy in Arctic charr is phenotypically plastic and that variation in foraging behaviour that results in feeding specialization in the wild could induce variation in head anatomy. This in turn could reinforce foraging specialization. Very rapid epigenetic divergence into distinct feeding morphs (as demonstrated here) would allow selection to act at more than one mode and thus could promote rapid evolutionary divergence, initially prior to genetic segregation, in species which are highly plastic. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 43–49.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonal changes in hypoosmoregulatory ability were compared in landlocked and anadromous strains of Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon. Seawater adaptability was assessed using periodic 48 h seawater challenge tests with 25. seawater. The landlocked strains of Arctic charr, two from northern Sweden and one from Southern Norway, displayed similar seasonal changes in seawater adaptability as the anadromous strain. Seawater tolerance increased during spring and remained high until the end of July — early August after which it declined. The two strains of Atlantic salmon displayed different seasonal patterns in hypoosmoregulatory ability. The anadromous strain showed a pronounced seasonal pattern with maximal seawater adaptability in early June. In contrast, seawater tolerance in the landlocked strain improved steadily during spring and remained high until late autumn. During the period of enhanced seawater tolerance, hypoosmoregulatory ability increased significantly with body size in both Arctic charr and anadromous Atlantic salmon. The minimum size at which fish were able to regulate plasma sodium following seawater transfer at a level comparable to freshwater levels (<170 mmol I–1) differed significantly between anadromous Atlantic salmon (ca. 14 cm) and Arctic charr (ca. 22 cm). The results show that seasonal changes in hypoosmoregulatory ability are present in both Atlantic salmon and Arctic charr, and that these physiological traits are retained in the corresponding landlocked strains. However, the seasonal pattern of seawater adaptability as well as the minimum size at which seawater tolerance occurs differs between the two species.  相似文献   

Synopsis Direct observations of young-of-the-year brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, in a second-order woodland stream indicated that most of their feeding effort was directed toward sub-surface, drifting prey (83% of feeding time). Feeding from the substrate and water surface was much less frequent (17% of feeding time). Comparisons of gut contents to drift net and substrate fauna samples corroborated that the most commonly consumed prey (chironomid and trichopteran larvae, ostracods, and ephemeropteran nymphs) were captured primarily from sub-surface, invertebrate drift. The disproportionate numbers of some prey species in the guts of several fish indicate that some prey selection occurred. Territories appeared to be cardioid-shaped, and were often contiguous, with dominance hierarchies evident among the residents. Agonistic interactions were frequent. Charges and chases predominated (91% of interactions) while lateral displays were infrequent (9% of interactions). Overall, these fish spent most of the daylight hours station-holding (77%) and feeding (18%). While only 3% of total time was spent in aggression, this amounted to 14% of the time a fish spent away from its station. There was some indication that territories were defended at a cost of feeding time.  相似文献   

The behaviour during an exploration task and the response to a confinement stress of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were evaluated. Behaviour of individuals during 90 min of exploration was classified into high and low activity. High‐activity individuals had higher plasma cortisol levels following stress compared to low‐activity individuals. This indicates that high‐ and low‐activity individuals correspond to reactive and proactive stress‐coping styles. Further, a pigmentation analysis showed that high‐activity individuals had a higher number of carotenoid spots cm?2 than low‐activity individuals. Thus, carotenoid pigmentation, as melanin pigmentation in other salmonids, could be linked to stress‐coping style in S. alpinus.  相似文献   

Digestibility values were determined for diets of varying protein content fed to Arctic charr. The use of these values, in conjunction with food intake data made possible the study of the effects of various parameters on the control of food consumption. Dietary energy content may be more important than protein content in regulating consumption. The regulation of food intake may be partially mediated through factors influencing gastric emptying coupled with mechanisms monitoring dietary metabolizable energy.  相似文献   

The impacts of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure on smoltification and subsequent seawater performance were investigated in hatchery-reared, anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). The fish were subjected to a 2-month summer seawater residence, after which they were orally dosed with 0 (Control, C), 1 (Low Dose, LD) or 100 mg Aroclor 1254 kg(-1) body mass (High Dose, HD) in November. They were then held in fresh water, without being fed (to mimic their natural overwintering in freshwater), until they had smolted in June the next year. The smolts were then transferred to seawater and fed to mimic their summer feeding residence in seawater, followed by a period without food in freshwater from August until maturation in October. Compared with C and LD charr, the HD charr had either a transient or a permanent reduction in plasma growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1, and thyroxin and triiodothyronine titers during the period of smoltification. These hormonal alterations in the HD charr corresponded with impaired hyposmoregulatory ability in May and June, as well as reduced growth rate and survival after transference to seawater. Consequently, fewer fish in the HD group matured in October compared to the other two treatments. The HD fish had a liver PCB concentration ranging between 14 and 42 mg kg(-1) wet mass, whereas there were similar, and very low, liver PCB concentrations in LD and C fish throughout the smolting period. Our findings suggest that PCB might compromise mechanisms important for fitness in a fish species living in an extreme environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Extensive upstream migration of landlocked Arctic charr during spring floods was recorded in several tributaries of an oligotrophic lake in north-west Sweden. Migration was confined to a period of about two weeks and residence in most creeks was of short duration. Only fish migrating to two small productive lakes remained in the new habitat over the summer. Repeated annual migrations were only recorded in the creek leading to these lakes and no straying was observed among repeat migrants. Water temperatures provided the primary cues for initiation and direction of migration, although an ability to detect productive habitats by odour was indicated. Creek size, feeding opportunities during migration and conspeeific odour were subordinate guiding factors.  相似文献   

The effects of food quality on maturation rate were followed in progeny from wild Arctic charr, caught in Lake Fattjaure, northern Sweden. The fish were reared at five different food quality levels. In the first summer, the fry were given feed of three qualities: diluted with cellulose in three proportions (0, 15 and 25%). During the second winter the impact of changed food quality level was studied by transferring half the fish from the high (control) to the low food quality level and vice versa.
Maturation rate was lower in males reared at the high and improved food quality levels than in males reared at the medium, low and reduced food quality levels. The maturation rate in females was similar at all levels, though the rate tended to increase at the reduced food quality level.
Fish reared at the high and medium levels had similar growth rates, whereas fish at the low food quality level experienced slower growth. Reduced food quality did not arrest the growth offish, whereas improved food quality enhanced their growth.  相似文献   

Sibling recognition in juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from two full sibling groups were studied concerning the possible existence of chemical cues with information about kinship. Each full sibling group was divided into two groups with the same number of specimens and placed in two separate aquaria. The division coincided with the start of exogenous feeding. Preference tests were performed about 7 and 10–13 months after the division. Due to the increasing size of experimental fish, two different sizes of apparatus were used. The first series of experiments was performed in a small Y-maze fluviarium and the second series in the large standard fluviarium. The momentary positions of one fish at a time in the test area were recorded by time-lapse photography with a 16-mm film camera and filtered flashlight (no transmittance <670 nm). The fish were given a choice between two water qualities; thus the following comparisons were made: (i) unconditioned water ν. water scented by siblings from the same aquarium; (ii) unconditioned water ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (iii) siblings from the same aquarium ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (iv) siblings from a separate aquarium ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (v) siblings from the same aquarium ν. siblings from a separate aquarium. The test fishes preferred water scented by siblings over non-siblings, even though the siblings were taken from a separate aquarium. Nevertheless, they were attracted to water scented by unfamiliar non-siblings in preference to unconditioned water. No preference was shown between chemical cues from siblings taken from the same and a separate aquarium.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in growth performance was estimated in 26 families from two commercial strains of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus. Physiological determinants of growth and metabolic capacities were also assessed through enzymatic assays. A relatedness coefficient was attributed to each family using parental genotypes at seven microsatellite loci. After 15 months of growth, faster growing families had significantly lower relatedness coefficients than slower growing families, suggesting their value as indicators of growth potential. Individual fish that exhibited higher trypsin activity also displayed higher growth rate, suggesting that superior protein digestion capacities can be highly advantageous at early stages. Capacities to use amino acids as expressed by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activities were lower in the liver of fast‐growing fish (13–20%), whereas white muscle of fast‐growing fish showed higher activities than that of slow‐growing fish for amino acid metabolism and aerobic capacity [22–32% increase for citrate synthase (CS), aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) and GDH]. The generally higher glycolytic capacities (PK and LDH) in white muscle of fast‐growing fish indicated higher burst swimming capacities and hence better access to food.  相似文献   

Synopsis Use of a radiographic technique enabled the study of prey selection and individual specialization in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, fed with small charr and dry pellets under laboratory conditions. Both naive and experienced fish (mean weight 475 g, mean length 34.9 cm), selected the smallest individuals when offered juvenile charr (6–16 cm) as prey. The selected prey were, on average, 22% of the predator length. Cannibalism appeared to involve individual specialization, since when groups of large charr were given the opportunity to feed on juveniles one day every two weeks, the same individuals were cannibalistic throughout the sampling period of two months. When large charr were presented with alternate cycles of different food types consisting of dry pellets and fish prey, the charr exhibited a strong and consistent feeding specialization with three distinct groups being recognised: cannibals, pellet eaters and non-feeding fish.  相似文献   

Animals with determinate growth have shown little variation in individual growth patterns, but similar analyses for animals with indeterminate growth have been lacking. We analysed the amount of phenotypic variation in growth patterns across ages among individuals of a hatchery-based population of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, Salmonidae, using the infinite-dimensional model and including the effects of group size structure. There was little phenotypic variation in growth trajectories: individuals that were small (in relation to the mean) early in life were among the smallest 2.5 years later. If the genetic variation reflects phenotypic variation, not much evolutionary change can be expected. Our results show that there are ecological conditions that determine the strong covariation of size across ages, most likely size-related dominance behaviour, which can mask the true variation of growth patterns. Thus, social interactions can have strong evolutionary effects on traits not directly involved in the behavioural interactions.  相似文献   

The influence of different climate variables on the first four years of otolith growth in Salangen Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, was studied over the period 1939?C2005. Salangen is a coastal, low altitude, subarctic lake system located in northern Norway. Climate data, including water temperature, air temperature, ice-cover and precipitation, were available for most of the 67?year period. Water temperatures in May and June had a significant effect on otolith growth during the second growth year, while no relationship between otolith growth and climate variables was found for the first, third and fourth years of otolith growth. Otolith increment size during the third and fourth growth year was autocorrelated with growth during the previous year. Spring snow fall and timing of ice break-up had an indirect effect on growth, as these variables were highly correlated with spring water temperatures. High variation in otolith growth within years and among individuals suggests that individual and age-specific variations in spatial habitat use may confound the direct effects of changing air temperatures and time of ice break-up.  相似文献   

In polymorphic populations morphs usually diverge in morphology, ecology and life history, which is most likely driven by adaptations to different environments or resources. Sympatric morphs may develop differences in several life history traits to be able to maximize fitness in alternative niches and habitats. Here, the contrasting life history traits of three sympatric Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) morphs in a deep and oligotrophic lake in sub-arctic Norway are addressed. The charr morphs differ in spawning habitat and trophic niche. One is a littoral spawning morph that feeds on benthic invertebrates and zooplankton in the littoral and pelagic zones (referred to as the LO-morph), and two other are profundal spawning morphs that either utilize profundal soft bottom benthos as food resource (the PB-morph) or are piscivorous (the PP-morph). The LO-morph typically had intermediate life-history traits relative to the two profundal morphs that had highly contrasting life history traits, especially in growth and age and size of maturity. The PB-morph matured at a young age (~3 years) and at a small body size (~8.5 cm), thereby increasing their fitness by investing in reproduction early in life, which results in a short generation time and decreased probability of being predated before first reproduction. The PP-morph on the other hand, matured at an old age (~9.2 years) and a large body size (~26 cm), thereby increasing their fitness by investing in somatic growth to enhance initial fecundity, and also to reach a large body size profitable for piscivory. The different trade-off regime between the PP- and PB-morphs seems to be caused by adaptation to alternative trophic niches, and appears to be an important factor for the co-occurrence of the two sister-morphs in the profundal zone.  相似文献   

Social interactions and dominance hierarchy effects are important factors governing rates of growth of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus L. The effects of hierarchy were increased as access to food became more restricted, i.e. feeding frequency was reduced, but these effects could not be attributed to direct competition for food since fish were fed to satiation at each feeding period. The results suggest that, whilst some fish on the restricted feeding regime were able to maintain good rates of growth, feeding by the majority of the fish was inhibited by the presence of larger individuals. Due to the importance of these hierarchy effects it was not possible to demonstrate physiological adaptations in fish allowed infrequent access to food.  相似文献   

The common occurrence of parallel phenotypic patterns suggests that a strong relationship exists between ecological dynamics and micro‐evolution. Comparative studies from a large number of populations under varying sets of ecological drivers could contribute to a better understanding of this relationship. We used data on morphology of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and ecological factors from 35 Icelandic lakes to test the hypothesis that morphological patterns among monomorphic charr populations from different lakes are related to interlake variation in ecological characteristics. There is extensive phenotypic diversity among populations of Icelandic charr, and populations are easily distinguished based on overall body morphology. The results obtained in the present study showed that the morphological diversity of charr was related to large‐scale diversity in lake ecology. Variation in charr morphology was related to water origin (e.g. spring fed versus run‐off), bedrock age, and fish community structure. The present study shows how various ecological factors can shape the biological diversity that we observe. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 761–771.  相似文献   

Morphological differences, haematocrit value and chloride cells were examined in downstream migrating Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from the Hals River, North Norway, and resident charr from Lake Storvann. Fish were classified as visual parr, silvery parr or smolt based on the degree of silvering and the Occurrence of lateral parr marks. On average, 47% of downstream migrating Arctic charr were classified as visual molts, but only 14% of the resident charr. Charr longer than 20 cm fork length were mainly classified as visual molts. Morphometrical analyses of body size and shape revealed that most of the variations could be explained in terms of variations in fork length. Length adjusted ratios of post-anal distances were significantly higher in migrating charr than in resident charr. The number of developed chloride cells, the cell nucleus diameter in the basin of secondary gill lamellae and blood haematocrit values were significantly higher among downstream migrating charr than in resident charr. However, morphological differences between anadromous and resident Arctic charr were not necessarily synchronized with the development of chloride cells.  相似文献   

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