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Since the first recorded epidemic of syphilis in 1495, controversy has surrounded the origins of the bacterium Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum and its relationship to the pathogens responsible for the other treponemal diseases: yaws, endemic syphilis, and pinta. Some researchers have argued that the syphilis-causing bacterium, or its progenitor, was brought from the New World to Europe by Christopher Columbus and his men, while others maintain that the treponematoses, including syphilis, have a much longer history on the European continent.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We applied phylogenetics to this problem, using data from 21 genetic regions examined in 26 geographically disparate strains of pathogenic Treponema. Of all the strains examined, the venereal syphilis-causing strains originated most recently and were more closely related to yaws-causing strains from South America than to other non-venereal strains. Old World yaws-causing strains occupied a basal position on the tree, indicating that they arose first in human history, and a simian strain of T. pallidum was found to be indistinguishable from them.


Our results lend support to the Columbian theory of syphilis''s origin while suggesting that the non-sexually transmitted subspecies arose earlier in the Old World. This study represents the first attempt to address the problem of the origin of syphilis using molecular genetics, as well as the first source of information regarding the genetic make-up of non-venereal strains from the Western hemisphere.  相似文献   

C. Meyer  C. Jung  T. Kohl  A. Poenicke  A. Poppe  K.W. Alt   《HOMO》2002,53(1):39-58
The origin and subsequent spread of the treponematoses, especially that of venereal syphilis, has been the subject of considerable scientific attention. Various theories were put forth and palaeopathological specimens were used for their validation in recent times. One influential contribution was the paper by Baker & Armelagos in 1988. Numerous new findings and results on both sides of the Atlantic call for a new evaluation of the available osseous material. A review of the recent literature leads to the suggestion of a worldwide distribution of non-venereal treponemal disease since the emergence of Homo and to a first epidemic outbreak of venereal syphilis in Europe of the late 15th and the early 16th century, which was a time of change and enormous sexual liberty. Old World specimens with pathological alterations attributed to venereal syphilis and dated to precolumbian times seem to invalidate the Columbian theory and call for a more differentiated analysis of the phenomenon of syphilis than a theory based on a single factor can provide. With the help of molecular methods which now allow a positive identification of Treponema pallidum pallidum, causative agent of venereal syphilis, in palaeopathological material, it seems possible to elucidate the matter of origin and spread of syphilis further and to evaluate previous diagnoses of treponemal disease.  相似文献   

In the present note the author presents history of the discovery and of the status of the excavation of the site La Isabela, the first settlement planned by Columbus in the New World during his second trip to America in the summer of 1493.  相似文献   

Microscopic analyses served to complement the macroscopic identification of venereal syphilis in two of four pre-Columbian skeletons from the site Hull Magistrates Court in England. Diagnosis was based on parameters presented by Schultz ([1994] Origin of Syphilis in Europe, Toulon: Centre Archaeologique du Var, p. 63-67; [2001] Yrbk. Phys. Anthropol. 44:106-147; [2003] Identification of Pathological Conditions in Human Remains, New York: Academic Press, p. 73-109), which characterized venereal syphilis at a histological level. Observation of the microarchitecture of these samples allowed a more comprehensive approach to identification of the disease (processes). In most samples, Polsters and Grenzstreifen (or remnants of such structures) could be identified, suggesting the presence of a chronic, inflammatory disease such as venereal syphilis. Sinous lacunae were also observed in all histological samples, pointing to lytic activity (osteitis). The combination of both proliferative and destructive processes is pathognomonic for syphilis, and histological analyses provided a more accurate diagnosis of this infectious disease in these four individuals. As a result, the histological evidence suggests that venereal syphilis was present in England prior to 1492. This secondary form of evidence supports the macroscopic identification of the disease, and shows the power of a multimethodological approach to paleopathological diagnoses.  相似文献   

Modern man appeared at a date before 35,000 B.P., after which populations already exhibiting cranial features of their recent descendants are found in main Old World regions. This is currently explained by two conflicting types of hypothesis. One derives regional populations directly from “Neanderthals”, i.e. more archaic hominids, already present in the same regions. The other, based on blood genetic traits, assumes a single origin, with populations migrating outward and diverging biologically, essentially by genetic drift. The two hypotheses are irreconcilable, but present evidence does not disprove either. Genetic “trees”, using serological traits, face queries, as to neglect of selection as a factor, or as to long-term reliability: divergence among local populations over short terms evidently reflects genealogy but cannot safely be expanded indefinitely for long-separated major groups. Anthropometric or craniometric “trees” appear to join short- and long-term phylogenies more reliably, from empirical indications (based on comparisons with linguistic or geographic distributions in South America, the Solomon Islands, etc.). Multivariate studies also objectively identify Pleistocene crania with modern populations in several areas, as blood evidence cannot. However, crucial skeletal evidence, with firm dates, is not yet available to settle the main questions of time and place or origins.  相似文献   

JC virus is a ubiquitous human polyomavirus present in populations worldwide. Seven genotypes differing in DNA sequence by approximately 1-3% characterize three Old World population groups (African, European and Asian) as well as Oceania. It is possible to follow Old World populations into the New World by the JC virus genotypes they carried. The first population to settle in the Americas, the Native Americans, brought with them type 2A from northeast Asia. European settlers arriving after Columbus carried primarily type 1 and type 4. Africans brought by the slave trade carried type 3 and type 6.  相似文献   

Abstract. Biologists have long debated the speed, uniformity, and predictability of evolutionary change. However, evaluating such patterns on a geographic scale requires time-series data on replicate sets of natural populations. Drosophila subobscura has proven an ideal model system for such studies. This fly is broadly distributed in the Old World, but was introduced into both North and South America just over two decades ago and then spread rapidly. Rapid, uniform, and predictable evolution would be demonstrated if the invading flies evolved latitudinal clines that progressively converged on those of the native populations. Evolutionary geneticists quickly capitalized on this opportunity to monitor evolutionary dynamics. Just a few years after the introduction, they surveyed chromosomal inversion frequencies in both North and South America. On both continents they detected incipient latitudinal clines in chromosome inversion frequencies that almost always had the same sign with latitude as in the Old World. Thus the initial evolution of chromosomal polymorphisms on a continental scale was remarkably rapid and consistent. Here we report newer samples of inversion frequencies for the colonizing populations: the time series now spans almost one decade for North America and almost two decades for South America. Almost all inversions in the New World continue to show the same sign of frequency with latitude as in the Old World. Nevertheless, inversion clines have not consistently increased in steepness over time; nor have they consistently continued to converge on the Old World baseline. However, five arrangements in South America show directional, continentwide shifts in frequency. Overall, the initial consistency of clinal evolutionary trajectories seen in the first surveys seems not to have been maintained.  相似文献   

Many of the lesions found in American Indian bones do not resemble those found in human bones from the Old World, suggesting that the American Indians suffered from a distinct group of illnesses. If Old World pathogens did not follow man to the New World, what were the sources of pre-Columbian Indian diseases? As in the Old World, humans were susceptible to diseases endemic in the local animal populations. Exposure to these diseases varied with culturally conditioned animal contacts. As the New World population increased, the probability for disease increased, to the point where it is likely that even in pre-Columbian times, disease rather than war or climatic changes may have been a major influence in changing settlement patterns. The generalization that the only Old World plants and animals found in the New were those brought by man seems to hold as true for the pre-Columbian disease organisms as it is for larger forms of life.  相似文献   

The locust genus Schistocerca (Stål) has a transatlantic disjunction, which has been controversial for more than a century. Among 50 species within the genus, only one species, the desert locust (S. gregaria Forskål), occurs in the Old World, and the rest occur in the New World. Earlier taxonomists suggested that the desert locust is a migrant from America, but this view was strongly challenged when a large swarm of the desert locust successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean from West Africa to the West Indies in 1988. The currently accepted view, supported by this incident, is that the New World species are descendants of a gregaria-like ancestor, and the desert locust would be ancestral to the rest of the genus. However, there is surprisingly little evidence to support this view other than the 1988 swarm. I present the most comprehensive phylogenetic study that suggests that the desert locust originated from the New World, contrary to the accepted view. I also present a hypothesis about how the ancestral Schistocerca might have colonized the New World in the first place in light of phylogenetic relationships with other cyrtacanthacridine genera.  相似文献   

The pausible reasons for the paucity of skeletal evidence regarding the contraversal issue on the origin and antiquity of treponematosis (syphilis) in southeast Asia, suggest a lack of thorough investigation into the skeletal biology of the several remains that were excavated. According to an estimate the skeletal remains of about 69.5 per cent (107) of the prehistoric sites were not reported and even the remaining 30.5 per cent were not thoroughly investigated for paleopathological aspects. The two recent studies of possible evidence of treponematosis during megalithic (Iron Age) period supports the Old World hypothesis that the disease was prevalent during pre-Columbian period in India.  相似文献   

The roots of the Hispanic populations of the Caribbean Islands and Central and South America go back to three continents of the Old World. In Puerto Rico major genetic contributions have come from (1) Asians in the form of the aboriginal Taino population, an Arawak tribe, present when Columbus arrived on the Island, (2) Europeans, largely Spanish explorers, settlers, government administrators, and soldiers, and (3) Africans who came as part of the slave trade. Since JC virus (JCV) genotypes characteristic of Asia, Europe, and Africa have been identified, and excretion of JCV in urine has been proposed as a marker for human migrations, we sought to characterize the JCV strains present in a Caribbean Hispanic population. We found that the strains of JCV present today in Puerto Rico are those derived from the Old World populations represented there: Types 1B and 4 from Spain, Types 3A, 3B, and 6 from Africa, and Type 2A from Asia. The Type 2A genotype represents the indigenous Taino people. This JCV genotype was represented much more frequently (61%) than would be predicted by the trihybrid model of genetic admixture. This might be attributable to characteristics of JCV Type 2A itself, as well as to the nature of the early relationships between Spanish men and native women. These findings indicate that the JCV strains carried by the Taino Indians can be found in today's Puerto Rican population despite the apparent demise of these people more than two centuries ago. Therefore, molecular characterization of JCV provides a tool to supplement genetic techniques for reconstructing population histories including admixed populations.  相似文献   

The Vernonieae is one of the major tribes of the largest family of flowering plants, the sunflower family (Compositae or Asteraceae), with ca. 25,000 species. While the family's basal members (the Barnadesioideae) are found in South America, the tribe Vernonieae originated in the area of southern Africa/Madagascar. Its sister tribe, the Liabeae, is New World, however. This is the only such New/Old World sister tribe pairing anywhere in the family. The Vernonieae is now found on islands and continents worldwide and includes more than 1500 taxa. The Vernonieae has been called the "evil tribe" because overlapping character states make taxonomic delimitations difficult at all levels from the species to the subtribe for the majority of taxa. Juxtaposed with these difficult-to-separate entities are monotypic genera with highly distinctive morphologies and no obvious affinities to any other members of the tribe. The taxonomic frustration generated by these contrary circumstances has resulted in a lack of any phylogeny for the tribe until now. A combined approach using DNA sequence data from two chloroplast regions, the ndhF gene and the noncoding spacer trnL-F, and from the nuclear rDNA ITS region for 90 taxa from throughout the world was used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the tribe. The data were analyzed separately and in combination using maximum parsimony (MP), minimum evolution neighbor-joining (NJ), and Bayesian analysis, the latter producing the best resolved and most strongly supported tree. In general, the phylogeny shows Old World taxa to be basal and New World taxa to be derived, but this is not always the case. Old and New World species are found together in two separate and only distantly related clades. This is best explained by long-distance dispersal with a minimum of two trans-oceanic exchanges. Meso/Central America has had an important role in ancient dispersals between the Old and New World and more recent movements from South to North America in the New World.  相似文献   

This study focused on three species that occur disjunctly between western North America and the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, forming the so-called Madrean-Tethyan distribution pattern. Quantitative morphological characters were measured in New and Old World plants to find any subtle phenotypic differentiation between the disjunct populations. Sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region were obtained from the same populations to assess differentiation at the molecular level and to compare molecular diversity with patterns of morphological similarity among plants. Little or no morphological differentiation existed between New and Old World plants in any of the species, but internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences revealed some phylogeographic structure. Patterns of morphological similarity in all three species were incongruent with phylogeographic structure revealed by sequence data. New World populations were more variable than Old World populations at the molecular level in the three species. Despite some evidence for differentiation between disjunct plants, no plausible mutation rate would date the divergence at ≥20 million years ago (MYA), as implied by the Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis. Recent long-distance dispersal is a more likely explanation for intercontinental disjunctions in these species.  相似文献   

Renealmia L.f. (Zingiberaceae) is one of the few tropical plant genera with numerous species in both Africa and South America but not in Asia. Based on phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and chloroplast trnL-F DNA, Renealmia is shown to be monophyletic with high branch support. Low sequence divergence found in the two genome regions (ITS: 0-2.4%; trnL-F: 0-1.9%) suggests recent diversification within the genus. Molecular divergence age estimates give further support to the recent origin of the genus and show that Renealmia has attained its amphi-Atlantic distribution by an oceanic long-distance dispersal event from Africa to South America during the Miocene or Pliocene (15.8-2.7 My ago). Some support is found for the hypothesis that speciation in neotropical Renealmia was influenced by the Andean orogeny. Speciation has been approximately simultaneous on both sides of the Atlantic, but increased taxon sampling is required to compare the speciation rates between the New World and Old World tropics.  相似文献   

Drosophila subobscura is geographically widespread in the Old World. Around the late 1970s, it was accidentally introduced into both South and North America, where it spread rapidly over broad latitudinal ranges. This invading species offers opportunities to study the speed and predictability of trait evolution on a geographic scale. One trait of special interest is body size, which shows a strong and positive latitudinal cline in many Drosophila species, including Old World D. subobscura. Surveys made about a decade after the invasion found no evidence of a size cline in either North or South America. However, a survey made in North America about two decades after the invasion showed that a conspicuous size cline had evolved and (for females) was coincident with that for Old World flies. We have now conducted parallel studies on 10 populations (13 degrees of latitude) of flies, collected in Chile in spring 1999. After rearing flies in the laboratory for several generations, we measured wing sizes and compared geographic patterns (versus latitude or temperature) for flies on all three continents. South American females have now evolved a significant latitudinal size cline that is similar in slope to that of Old World and of North American flies. Rates of evolution (haldanes) for females are among the highest ever measured for quantitative traits. In contrast, the size cline is positive but not significant for South or North American males. At any given latitude, South American flies of both sexes are relatively large; this in part reflects the relatively cool climate of coastal Chile. Interestingly, the sections of the wing that generate the size cline for females differ among all three continents. Thus, although the evolution of overall wing size is predictable on a geographic scale (at least for females), the evolution of size of particular wing components is decidedly not.  相似文献   

Two British Medieval skeletons are described. Paleopathological examination suggests that treponemal disease was present in each case. Radiocarbon dating indicates that one is firmly pre-Columbian, and the other of likely pre-Columbian date. The implications for our understanding of the history and geographic spread of the treponemal diseases, particularly venereal syphilis, are discussed.  相似文献   

Hearing of old world monkeys (Cercopithecinae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of normal hearing were examined in the laboratory for seven species of Old World monkeys. Operant conditioning procedures, coupled with standard audiometric testing methods, were used to assess thresholds of hearing, frequency range of hearing, and differential sensitivity to auditory intensity and frequency. To produce tonal stimulation, an animal was trained to touch and maintain manual contact with a contact-sensitive key and to report hearing the tone by lifting his hand from the key; this response was followed by food reinforcement. When the reporting response occurred without the auditory signal, the animal was punished by a short suspension from the experiment. Additional contingencies were added to ensure stable and reliable responding, and threshold and differential acuity determinations were then made. Threshold was defined as the stimulus value responded to correctly 50% of the time. The frequency range of hearing of all the cercopithecoids tested extended from 60 to 40,000 Hz, an octave above the upper bound of 20,000 Hz for man but well below the 60–70,000 Hz limit for some prosimians. Absolute sensitivity for tonal stimulation in the most sensitive frequency range (1–8 kHz) was about 2 × 10?4 microbars, comparable to that of other primates tested, including man. Thus, the Old World monkey appears only slightly less sensitive than man to small changes in intensity and frequency of acoustic stimulation. At 1000 Hz at 60 dB above the threshold of audibility, his limit of resolution is about 5 Hz for frequency and 2 dB for intensity.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of exon 28 of the von Willebrand Factor (vWF) were analyzed for a representative sampling of rodent families and eutherian orders, with one marsupial sequence as outgroup. The aim of this study was to test if inclusion of an increased taxonomic diversity in molecular analyses would shed light on three uncertainties concerning rodent phylogeny: (1) relationships between rodent families, (2) Rodentia monophyly, and (3) the sister group relationship of rodents and lagomorphs. The results did not give evidence of any particular rodent pattern of molecular evolution relative to a general eutherian pattern. Base compositions and rates of evolution of vWF sequences of rodents were in the range of placental variation. The 10 rodent families studied here cluster in five clades: Hystricognathi, Sciuridae and Aplodontidae (Sciuroidea), Muridae, Dipodidae, and Gliridae. Among hystricognaths, the following conclusions are drawn: a single colonization event in South America by Caviomorpha, a paraphyly of Old World and New World porcupines, and an African origin for Old World porcupines. Despite a broader taxonomic sampling diversity, we did not obtain a robust answer to the question of Rodentia monophyly, but in the absence of any other alternative, we cannot reject the hypothesis of a single origin of rodents. Moreover, the phylogenetic position of Lagomorpha remains totally unsettled.  相似文献   

Patterns of growth in primates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model is developed which demonstrates the pattern of the relationship between growth rate. body weight, proportion of adult weight attained, and time taken to mature in animals. The relationships of growth rate and time taken to mature, to body weight in primates are examined in relation to this model. Within each of the taxonomic groups: prosimians, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys and great apes, growth rate quite closely parallels the three-quarter power of weight. After accounting for size, growth rate clearly decreases through this taxonomic list. Man has the slowest growth rate of all primates in relation to his size. The model predicts that, after accounting for differences in size, the daily energy intake during growth may, like growth rate, decrease considerably through the taxonomic groups from prosimians to man. The results form a basis from which to account for the differences due to size and taxonomic position when using monkeys as models for human physiology or disease during growth.  相似文献   


Since no portraits of the famed discoverer, Christopher Columbus, were made during his lifetime, an analysis of the images used to describe the physical attributes of the man and his place in history is an exercise in cultural relativism. Three time periods were studied: soon after his death when the public simply needed to know what the explorer looked like, hundreds of years after his explorations when commercial interests used Columbus as a symbol for their own further expansion into unknown territories, and during the present day when a majority of opinion about Columbus and his exploits is severely critical.  相似文献   

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