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Numerous physical characterizations clearly demonstrate that the polypentapeptide of elastin (Val1-Pro2-Gly3-Val4-Gly5)n in water undergoes an inverse temperature transition. Increase in order occurs both intermolecularly and intramolecularly on raising the temperature from 20 to 40 degrees C. The physical characterizations used to demonstrate the inverse temperature transition include microscopy, light scattering, circular dichroism, the nuclear Overhauser effect, temperature dependence of composition, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation, dielectric relaxation, and temperature dependence of elastomer length. At fixed extension of the cross-linked polypentapeptide elastomer, the development of elastomeric force is seen to correlate with increase in intramolecular order, that is, with the inverse temperature transition. Reversible thermal denaturation of the ordered polypentapeptide is observed with composition and circular dichroism studies, and thermal denaturation of the crosslinked elastomer is also observed with loss of elastomeric force and elastic modulus. Thus, elastomeric force is lost when the polypeptide chains are randomized due to heating at high temperature. Clearly, elastomeric force is due to nonrandom polypeptide structure. In spite of this, elastomeric force is demonstrated to be dominantly entropic in origin. The source of the entropic elastomeric force is demonstrated to be the result of internal chain dynamics, and the mechanism is called the librational entropy mechanism of elasticity. There is significant application to the finding that elastomeric force develops due to an inverse temperature transition. By changing the hydrophobicity of the polypeptide, the temperature range for the inverse temperature transition can be changed in a predictable way, and the temperature range for the development of elastomeric force follows. Thus, elastomers have been prepared where the development of elastomeric force is shifted over a 40 degrees C temperature range from a midpoint temperature of 30 degrees C for the polypentapeptide to 10 degrees C by increasing hydrophobicity with addition of a single CH2 moiety per pentamer and to 50 degrees C by decreasing hydrophobicity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neonatal smooth muscle cells were seeded in standard plastic Falcon flasks, on top of another 2-month-old culture of the same cell population or on top of an acellular matrix prepared by removal of these cells. The effect of both complete and acellular layers on the production of elastin, collagen and total extracellular matrix (EM) proteins as well as on cell division was measured. Compared with the standard population grown on plastic, the complete cell layer almost completely prevented the newly seeded cells from dividing. The acellular matrix did not affect cell doubling but caused a distinct decrease in the production of EM components.  相似文献   

Myosin-binding protein C (MyBP-C) is an ∼ 130-kDa rod-shaped protein of the thick (myosin containing) filaments of vertebrate striated muscle. It is composed of 10 or 11 globular 10-kDa domains from the immunoglobulin and fibronectin type III families and an additional MyBP-C-specific motif. The cardiac isoform cMyBP-C plays a key role in the phosphorylation-dependent enhancement of cardiac function that occurs upon β-adrenergic stimulation, and mutations in MyBP-C cause skeletal muscle and heart diseases. In addition to binding to myosin, MyBP-C can also bind to actin via its N-terminal end, potentially modulating contraction in a novel way via this thick-thin filament bridge. To understand the structural basis of actin binding, we have used negative stain electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction to study the structure of F-actin decorated with bacterially expressed N-terminal cMyBP-C fragments. Clear decoration was obtained under a variety of salt conditions varying from 25 to 180 mM KCl concentration. Three-dimensional helical reconstructions, carried out at the 180-mM KCl level to minimize nonspecific binding, showed MyBP-C density over a broad portion of the periphery of subdomain 1 of actin and extending tangentially from its surface in the direction of actin's pointed end. Molecular fitting with an atomic structure of a MyBP-C Ig domain suggested that most of the N-terminal domains may be well ordered on actin. The location of binding was such that it could modulate tropomyosin position and would interfere with myosin head binding to actin.  相似文献   

A hallmark of neurogenesis in the vertebrate brain is the apical-basal nuclear oscillation in polarized neural progenitor cells. Known as interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), these movements are synchronized with the cell cycle such that nuclei move basally during G1-phase and apically during G2-phase. However, it is unknown how the direction of movement and the cell cycle are tightly coupled. Here, we show that INM proceeds through the cell cycle-dependent linkage of cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms. During S to G2 progression, the microtubule-associated protein Tpx2 redistributes from the nucleus to the apical process, and promotes nuclear migration during G2-phase by altering microtubule organization. Thus, Tpx2 links cell-cycle progression and autonomous apical nuclear migration. In contrast, in vivo observations of implanted microbeads, acute S-phase arrest of surrounding cells and computational modelling suggest that the basal migration of G1-phase nuclei depends on a displacement effect by G2-phase nuclei migrating apically. Our model for INM explains how the dynamics of neural progenitors harmonize their extensive proliferation with the epithelial architecture in the developing brain.  相似文献   

Intraglomerular mesangial cells (MCs) maintain structural and functional integrity of renal glomerular microcirculation and homeostasis of mesangial matrix. Following different types of injury, MCs change their phenotype upregulating the expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), changing contractile abilities and increasing the production of matrix proteins, chemokines and cytokines. CCL2 is a chemokine known to be involved in the pathogenesis of renal diseases. Its glomerular upregulation correlates with the extent of renal damage. Bindarit is an indazolic derivative endowed with anti-inflammatory activity when tested in experimental diseases. It selectively inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory C-C chemokines including CCL2, CCL7 and CCL8. This work aims to analyse bindarit effects on ET1-, AngII- and TGFβ-induced mesangial cell dysfunction. Bindarit significantly reduced AngII-, ET1- and TGFβ-induced α-SMA upregulation. In a collagen contraction assay, bindarit reduced AngII-, ET1- and TGFβ-induced HRMC contraction. Within 3–6 h stimulation, vinculin organization and phosphorylation was significantly impaired by bindarit in AngII-, ET1- and TGFβ-stimulated cells without any effect on F-actin distribution. Conversely, p38 phosphorylation was not significantly inhibited by bindarit. Our data strengthen the importance of CCL2 on ET-1, AngII- and TGFβ-induced mesangial cell dysfunction, adding new insights into the cellular mechanisms responsible of bindarit protective effects in human MC dysfunction.  相似文献   

Because an N-terminal alpha-helical (N-helix) arm and a KGK-triplet (residues 88KGK90) in the central helix of troponin-C (TnC) are missing in calmodulin, several recent studies have attempted to elucidate the structure-function correlations of these units. Presently, with a family of genetically manipulated derivatives especially developed for this study and tested on permeabilized isolated single skeletal muscle fiber segments, we explored the specificities of the amino acid residues within the N-helix and the KGK-triplet in TnC. Noticeably, the amino acid compositions vary between the N-helices of the cardiac and skeletal TnC isoforms. On the other hand, the KGK-triplet is located similarly in both TnC isoforms. We previously indicated that deletion of the N-helix (mutant delta Nt) diminishes the tension obtained on activation with maximal calcium, but the contractile function is revived by the superimposed deletion of the 88KGK90-triplet (mutant delta Nt delta KGK; see Gulati J, Babu A, Su H, Zhang YF, 1993, J Biol Chem 268:11685-11690). Using this functional test, we find that replacement of Gly-89 with a Leu or an Ala could also overcome the contractile defect associated with N-helix deletion. On the other hand, replacement of the skeletal TnC N-helix with cardiac type N-helix was unable to restore contractile function. The findings indicate a destabilizing influence of Gly-89 residue in skeletal TnC and suggest that the N-terminal arm in normal TnC serves to moderate this effect. Moreover, specificity of the N-helix between cardiac and skeletal TnCs raises the possibility that resultant structural disparities are also important for the functional distinctions of the TnC isoforms.  相似文献   

Summary. The purpose of this study was to delineate the effects of hyperthermia and physical exercise on the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) response in circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Six healthy, young (age: 24 ± 3 yrs), moderately trained males (VO2max: 48.9 ± 2.7 ml · kg · min−1) undertook two experimental trials in a randomised fashion in which the core temperature (T c) was increased and then maintained at 39 °C during a 90 min bout by either active (AH) or passive (PH) means. AH involved subjects cycling at 90% of their lactate threshold in attire designed to impede heat loss mechanisms. In the PH trial, subjects were immersed up to the neck in a hot bath (40.2 ± 0.4 °C), once the critical T c was achieved, intermittent cycling and water immersions were prescribed for the AH and PH conditions, respectively, to maintain the T c at 39 °C. HSP70 was measured intracellularly pre, post and 4 h after trials, from circulating PBMCs using an ELISA technique. T c reached 39 °C quicker in PH than during AH trials (PH: 21 ± 4 min vs. AH: 39 ± 6 min; P < 0.01), thereafter T c was maintained around 39 °C (PH: 39.1 ± 0.2 °C; AH: 38.8 ± 0.3 °C; P > 0.05). AH induced a marked leukocytosis in all sub-sets (P < 0.05). PH generated significant monocytosis and granulocytosis (P < 0.05), without changes in lymphocyte counts (P > 0.05). There were no significant increases in intracellular HSP70 at 0 h (AH: Δ − 21.1 ± 44.8; PH: Δ + 12.5 ± 32.4 ng/mg TP/103/μl PBMCs; P > 0.05) and 4 h (AH: Δ − 30.0 ± 40.1; PH: Δ + 36.3 ± 70.4 ng/mg TP/103/μl PBMCs; P > 0.05) post active and passive heating. Peak HSP70 expressed as a fold-change from rest was also not increased by AH (1.1 ± 0.9; P > 0.05) or PH (3.2 ± 4.8; P > 0.05). There were no significant differences between the AH and PH trials at any time-point, and the HSP70 response appeared to be individual specific. These results did not allow us to delineate the effects of hyperthermia and other exercise associated stressors on the heat shock response and therefore further work is warranted. Authors’ address: Ric Lovell, Department of Sport, Health and Exercise Science, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, U.K.  相似文献   

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.5–3.9 μm; 14–16°C) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated with an external solution that contained tetraethyl ammonium– gluconate and an internal solution that contained Cs as the principal cation, 20 mM EGTA, and 0 Ca. Fibers were stimulated with a voltage-clamp pulse protocol that consisted of pulses to −70, −65, −60, −45, and −20 mV, each separated by 400-ms periods at −90 mV. The change in total Ca that entered into the myoplasm (Δ[CaT]) and the Ca content of the SR ([CaSR]) were estimated with the EGTA/phenol red method (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259–336). Fibers were stimulated with the pulse protocol, usually every 5 min, so that the resting value of [CaSR] decreased from its initial value of 1,700–2,300 μM to values near or below 100 μM after 18–30 stimulations. Three main findings for the voltage pulses to −70, −65, and −60 mV are: (a) the depletion-corrected rate of Ca release (release permeability) showed little change when [CaSR] decreased from its highest level (>1,700 μM) to ∼1,000 μM; (b) as [CaSR] decreased below 1,000 μM, the release permeability increased to a maximum level when [CaSR] was near 300 μM that was on average about sevenfold larger than the values observed for [CaSR] > 1,000 μM; and (c) as [CaSR] decreased from ∼300 μM to <100 μM, the release permeability decreased, reaching half its maximum value when [CaSR] was ∼110 μM on average. It was concluded that finding b was likely due to a decrease in Ca inactivation, while finding c was likely due to a decrease in Ca-induced Ca release.  相似文献   

Ultrafiltration and HPLC were employed to assess binding rates between rat plasma protein and two active compounds with lipid-regulating properties (alisol B 23-acetate and alisol A 24-acetate) from Alismaorientale rhizomes (Alismatis Rhizoma), a traditional Chinese medicine. SDS–PAGE was used for the evaluation of the binding between the alisol acetates and Hb in plasma. The fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy were also combined with molecular modeling to explore binding mechanisms between Hb and the alisol acetates under imitative physiological condition. The ultrafiltration results show that alisol B 23-acetate bound more strongly than alisol A 24-acetate to plasma protein. SDS–PAGE results may suggest that alisols bind to Hb in plasma. The spectroscopy results are consisting with the molecular modeling results, and they indicate that the differences in plasma protein binding strength between the two compounds may be related to their side chains. A folded side chain/parent ring bound more strongly to Hb than an open side chain/parent ring.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (Cis) an effective anti-tumour agent in man and animals. Evidence is presented here that formation of aquo complexes of this platinum derivative will significantly enhance its inhibitory properties with respect to two separate biochemical functions, namely inhibition of protein synthesis in hamster medulloblastoma cells and in inhibiting the activity of L-malate dehydrogenase (MDH) in a cell free system. Inhibition of cell protein synthesis rises from 8% using freshly dissolved drug to 30% when aged solutions of drug are employed at an inhibitor concentration of 0.1 mM. The inhibitory enhancement seen using purified malic dehydrogenase increases from 16% (fresh) to 57% (aged) at an inhibitor concentration of 1 mM.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural investigations showed that development and maintenance of smooth muscle was similar in control and aneurogenic amphibian larvae. This applies to both multi-unit and unitary smooth muscles. The gut musculature displayed a regional variation in smooth muscle morphology and a variety of intermuscular appositions even under conditions of nervelessness.Supported by NIH grant # AM 15732-04 and funds from the Muscular Dystrophy Association of America.The author thanks Ms. Shirley June for her excellent technical assistance and Mr. H. Popiela for preparation of some of the specimens.  相似文献   

Engulfment and cell motility (ELMO) proteins bind to Dock180, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the Rac family, and regulate GEF activity. The resultant ELMO/Dock180/Rac module regulates cytoskeletal reorganization responsible for the engulfment of apoptotic cells, cell migration, and neurite extension. The expression and function of Elmo family proteins in the nervous system, however, are not yet fully understood. Here, we characterize the comparative gene expression profiles of three Elmo family members (Elmo1, Elmo2, and Elmo3) in the brain of C57BL/6J mice, a widely used inbred strain, together with reeler mutant mice to understand gene expression in normal laminated brain areas compared with abnormal areas. Although all three Elmo genes showed widespread mRNA expression over various mouse tissues tested, Elmo1 and Elmo2 were the major types expressed in the brain, and three Elmo genes were up-regulated between the first postnatal week (infant stage) and the third postnatal week (juvenile, weaning stage). In addition, the mRNAs of Elmo genes showed distinct distribution patterns in various brain areas and cell-types; such as neurons including inhibitory interneurons as well as some non-neuronal cells. In the cerebral cortex, the three Elmo genes were widely expressed over many cortical regions, but the predominant areas of Elmo1 and Elmo2 expression tended to be distributed unevenly in the deep (a lower part of the VI) and superficial (II/III) layers, respectively, which also changed depending on the cortical areas and postnatal stages. In the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, Elmo2 was expressed in dentate granule cells more in the mature stage rather than the immature-differentiating stage. In the thalamus, Elmo1 but not the other members was highly expressed in many nuclei. In the medial habenula, Elmo2 and Elmo3 were expressed at intermediate levels. In the cerebellar cortex, Elmo1 and Elmo2 were expressed in differentiating-mature granule cells and mature granule cells, respectively. In the Purkinje cell layer, Elmo1 and Elmo2 were expressed in Purkinje cells and Bergmann glia, respectively. Disturbed cellular distributions and laminar structures caused by the reeler mutation did not severely change expression in these cell types despite the disturbed cellular distributions and laminar structures, including those of the cerebrum, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Taken together, these results suggested that these three Elmo family members share their functional roles in various brain regions during prenatal-postnatal development.  相似文献   

Reactions with NiII of a hexadentate Schiff base ligand, L, prepared from the reaction of 2-benzoylpyridine with N,N′-bis-(3-aminopropyl) ethylenediamine in the 2:1 molar ratio are reported. Mixing of this ligand with Ni(NO3)2 affords the mononuclear complex [NiL](NO3)2 (1), whereas the presence of NaN3 in the reaction system leads to the formation of the dinuclear complex [Ni2(L)(N3)4] (2). Both adducts have been characterized by X-ray crystallography revealing distorted octahedral NiN6 coordination environments around the NiII centers. The dinuclear complex contains terminal and end-on bridging azido ligands and displays Ni-N-Ni bridge angles of 101.1(2)° and 101.6(2)° and an intramolecular Ni?Ni separation of 3.330(1)Å. The bridges mediate ferromagnetic magnetic exchange interactions between the NiII centers of 2, leading to an S = 2 ground state. Fitting of bulk magnetization data provided the coupling constant J = +20.96 cm3 K mol−1 (in the H = −2JS1 · S2 convention for the Heisenberg Spin Hamiltonian), as well as the parameters g = 2.17, D = 0.69 cm−1 and TIP = 622 × 10−6 cm3 mol−1.  相似文献   

We describe the kinematics and performance of the natural jump in the weevil Orchestes fagi (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its jumping apparatus with underlying anatomy and functional morphology. In weevils, jumping is performed by the hind legs and involves the extension of the hind tibia. The principal structural elements of the jumping apparatus are (1) the femoro-tibial joint, (2) the metafemoral extensor tendon, (3) the extensor ligament, (4) the flexor ligament, (5) the tibial flexor sclerite and (6) the extensor and flexor muscles. The kinematic parameters of the jump (from minimum to maximum) are 530–1965 m s?2 (acceleration), 0.7–2.0 m s?1 (velocity), 1.5–3.0 ms (time to take-off), 0.3–4.4 μJ (kinetic energy) and 54–200 (g-force). The specific joint power as calculated for the femoro-tibial joint during the jumping movement is 0.97 W g?1. The full extension of the hind tibia during the jump was reached within up to 1.8–2.5 ms. The kinematic parameters, the specific joint power and the time for the full extension of the hind tibia suggest that the jump is performed via a catapult mechanism with an input of elastic strain energy. A resilin-bearing elastic extensor ligament that connects the extensor tendon and the tibial base is considered to be the structure that accumulates the elastic strain energy for the jump. According to our functional model, the extensor ligament is loaded by the contraction of the extensor muscle, while the co-contraction of the antagonistic extensor and flexor muscles prevents the early extension of the tibia. This is attributable to the leverage factors of the femoro-tibial joint providing a mechanical advantage for the flexor muscles over the extensor muscles in the fully flexed position. The release of the accumulated energy is performed by the rapid relaxation of the flexor muscles resulting in the fast extension of the hind tibia propelling the body into air.  相似文献   

A binuclear cobalt derivative of arthropod hemocyanin (Hc) has been prepared by the reaction of apo-Hc with Co(II) in the presence of thiocyanate. The crude product of the reaction contains specifically and adventitiously bound metal, the latter being removable by EDTA treatment. The specifically bound Co(II) constitutes a binuclear metal center that exhibits optical and CD spectra typical in their absorption maxima and extinction coefficients of Co(II) complexes with near-tetrahedral geometry. The EPR spectrum of the binuclear Co(II) derivative contains a resonance at g approximately 13, which is characteristic of integer spin systems and indicates coupled metal ions; the excess Co(II) bound to crude products exhibits an EPR signal at g approximately 4. The time course of derivative formation was followed by EPR, optical and atomic absorption techniques, and by fluorimetry. The intensity of the optical absorption in the visible region due to Co(II) increases with increasing stoichiometry of specifically bound metal [up to 2 Co(II) per protein monomer], but the intensity of the Co(II) EPR signal increases only during the formation of a mononuclear derivative. As the reaction proceeds over approximately 100 h to the formation of the binuclear derivative, the EPR signal intensity decreases to 10% of the value expected for 2 mol of EPR-active Co(II)/mol of protein. The binuclear cobalt derivative cannot be reconstituted to native Hc with Cu(I), indicating the stable loading of Co(II) in the active site. EPR and optical spectroscopic evidence is presented showing that the binuclear derivative does not bind oxygen.  相似文献   

Sperm motility in fishes. (II) Effects of ions and osmolality: a review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The spermatozoa of most fish species are immotile in the testis and seminal plasma. Therefore, motility is induced after the spermatozoa are released into the aqueous environment during natural reproduction or into the diluent during artificial reproduction. There are clear relationships between seminal plasma composition and osmolality and the duration of fish sperm motility. Various parameters such as ion concentrations (K+, Na+, and Ca2+), osmotic pressure, pH, temperature and dilution rate affect motility. In the present paper, we review the roles of these ions on sperm motility in Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, Acipenseridae and marine fishes, and their relationship with seminal plasma composition. Results in the literature show that: 1. K+ is a key ion controlling sperm motility in Salmonidae and Acipenseridae in combination with osmotic pressure; this control is more simple in other fish species: sperm motility is prevented when the osmotic pressure is high (Cyprinidae) or low (marine fishes) compared to that of the seminal fluid. 2. Cations (mostly divalent, such as Ca2+) are antagonistic with the inhibitory effect of K+ on sperm motility. 3. In many species, Ca2+ influx and K+ or Na+ efflux through specific ionic channels change the membrane potential and eventually lead to an increase in cAMP concentration in the cell, which constitutes the initiation signal for sperm motility in Salmonidae. 4. Media that are hyper- and hypo-osmotic relative to seminal fluid trigger sperm motility in marine and freshwater fishes, respectively. 5. The motility of fish spermatozoa is controlled through their sensitivity to osmolality and ion concentrations. This phenomenon is related to ionic channel activities in the membrane and governs the motility mechanisms of axonemes.  相似文献   

Two isoforms of ryanodine receptors are expressed in skeletal muscles, RyR1 and RyR3. We investigated the relative level of expression of RyRs in developing murine skeletal muscles using [3H]ryanodine binding and immunoprecipitation experiments. In the diaphragm RyR3 accounted for 11% of total RyRs in 5-day-old mice and for 3% of total RyRs in 60-day-old mice. In hindlimb muscles, RyR3 accounted for 3% and 1% of total RyRs in 5-day-old and adult mice, respectively. The activity of RyR1 channels in native microsomal vesicles from murine muscles was found to be as low as 35% of that measured after CHAPS exposure, while no inhibition was observed for RyR3. CHAPS sensitivity of recombinant RyR1 and RyR3 expressed in HEK293 cells was also investigated. The activity of recombinant RyR1 but not RyR3 channels was found to be inhibited in native conditions, suggesting that this property may not be dependent on a muscle environment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the characterization of copper(II) complexes with two prion (PrP) protein peptide fragment analogues (VNITKQHTVTTTT), one with the N-terminus acetylated and the C-terminus amidated (PrP Ac180-193NH2) and the other with both the C- and N-termini free (PrP 180-193). Such peptide sequence almost entirely encompasses the PrPC's helix 2 in the C-terminal region. The stoichiometry, the binding modes and the conformational features of the copper(II) complexes with the above mentioned two peptides were investigated by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), UV-visible (UV-Vis) spectrometry and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry as well as by circular dichroism (CD) measurements. The binding site location of copper(II) in the structured region of the protein can be here suggested on the basis of our findings that show the involvement of His 187 residue. The similarity of the EPR parameters suggests that the anchoring imidazole residue drives the copper(II) coordination environment towards a common binding motif in different regions of the prion protein.  相似文献   

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