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Russell L. Jones 《Planta》1969,85(4):359-375
Summary The ultrastructural morphology of both dry and water-imbibed barley aleurone cells is described. The aleurone cell is characterized by the presence of numerous aleurone grains and spherosomes. In addition, it contains organelles typical of other plant cells including structures similar to microbodies, and rough endoplasmic reticulum characterized by the presence of numerous polyribosomes. It is inferred that the morphological specialization of aleurone cells is related to their biochemical specialization.Work supported by National Science Foundation grant GB5863. The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Janet Price is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Russell L. Jones 《Planta》1969,88(1):73-86
Summary This paper describes the ultrastructural changes in barley aleurone cells following exposure to gibberollic acid (GA3) for 10–12 hr and longer. These changes involve a further proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), distention of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae (12–16 hr of GA3) and proliferation of vesicles from the ER and dictyosomes (14–22 hr). Accompanying these changes is a reduction in the size of the aleurone grains and a decrease in the number of spherosomes. Plastids and microbodies however appear to increase in number during this period of GA3 treatment. The relevance of these ultrastructural changes to GA3-stimulated synthesis of hydrolases is discussed.The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Janet Price is gratefully acknowledged. Supported by National Science Foundation grant GB-8332.  相似文献   

Russell  L. Jones  Janet M. Price 《Planta》1970,94(3):191-202
Summary Ultrastructural changes in barley aleurone, cells treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) for 24–36 hr are described. Many large vacuoles are seen in the ground cytoplasm; the coalasce to form one large central vacuole. Evidence is presented indicating that the vacuoles are formed from the aleurone grains. The dictyosomes of aleurone cells treated with GA3 for 24 hr or longer proliferate many vesicles. This proliferation of dictyosome vesicles is associated with the phase of rapid ribonuclease release from the aleurone cell. Estimates indicate that microbodies are considerably reduced in number with GA3 treatment from 24–36, hr while the number of mitochondria is not substantially affected relative to controls. P-Protein-like material is seen in the cytoplasm of these cells often in close proximity to endoplasmic reticulum and spiny vesicles.Supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. GB8332.  相似文献   

Russell L. Jones 《Planta》1969,87(1-2):119-133
Summary This paper describes changes in the fine structure of barley aleurone cells following treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3). Within 2 hr of GA3 treatment the aleurone grains lose the spherical appearance characteristic of aleurone cells incubated in water and buffer alone. This swelling increases with increased exposure of the cells to GA3 and reaches a maximum at about 10 hr. Accompanying this increase in volume of the aleurone grains is an increase in the amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum. The relevance of these GA3-stimulated changes in aleurone-cell fine-structure to GA3-regulated -amylase production is discussed.Work supported by National Science Foundation grants GB-5863 and GB-8332. The skillful technical assistance of Mrs. Janet Price is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Three decades of structural analysis have produced the view that the kinetochore in vertebrate cells is a disk-shaped structure composed of three distinct structural domains. The most prominent of these consists of a conspicuous electron opaque outer plate that is separated by a light-staining electron-translucent middle plate from an inner plate associated with the surface of the pericentric heterochromatin. Spindle microtubules terminate in the outer plate and, in their absence, a conspicuous corona of fine filaments radiates from the cytoplasmic surface of this plate. Here we report for the first time the ultrastructure of kinetochores in untreated and Colcemid-treated vertebrate somatic (PtK1) cells prepared for optimal structural preservation using high-pressure freezing and freeze substitution. In serial thin sections, and electron tomographic reconstructions, the kinetochore appears as a 50–75 nm thick mat of light-staining fibrous material that is directly connected with the more electron-opaque surface of the centromeric heterochromatin. This mat corresponds to the outer plate in conventional preparations, and is surrounded on its cytoplasmic surface by a conspicuous 100–150 nm wide zone that excludes ribosomes and other cytoplasmic components. High magnification views of this zone reveal that it contains a loose network of light-staining, thin (<9 nm diameter) fibers that are analogous to the corona fibers in conventional preparations. Unlike the chromosome arms, which appear uniformly electron opaque, the chromatin in the primary constriction appears mottled. Since the middle plate is not visible in these kinetochore preparations this feature is likely an artifact produced by extraction and coagulation during conventional fixation and/or dehydration procedures. Received: 7 August 1998; in revised form: 18 August 1998 / Accepted: 20 August 1998  相似文献   

Jones RL 《Plant physiology》1969,44(10):1428-1438
Ultracentrifugation of barley aleurone cells results in the stratification of organelles thus allowing for a quantitation of those organelles. Gibberellic acid (GA(3))-stimulated alpha-amylase production in stratified cells is reduced by centrifugation at gravitational forces greater than 40,000g. Forces below 30,000g do not affect GA(3)-stimulated alpha-amylase production although stratification of organelles occurs at these forces. The ability of centrifuged cells to respond maximally to GA(3) by producing alpha-amylase is related to the degree of redistribution of organelles within these cells. Thus, recovery of cells from centrifugation at forces below 30,000g is rapid, while recovery from forces above 40,000g is slow.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of mucous cells of rat sublingual gland processed by rapid freezing, followed by freeze substitution, was compared with that obtained by the standard chemical fixation technique. The rapid freezing method gave a very good preservation of membrane structure with round and discrete mucous droplets (granules) not showing any sign of coalescence. The cisterns of the Golgi apparatus and the trans Golgi network also were well preserved. Upon secretory stimulation by pilocarpine, mucous droplets were discharged by the usual mechanism of exocytosis. From all these findings it emerged that mucous cells had the same structural characteristics as serous cells. In the endpieces of rat sublingual gland prepared by the rapid freezing method, serous cells aligned with mucous cells around the central lumen, and no cap-like arrangement of serous cells (demilunes) was observed. Furthermore, computer reconstruction of stereo images from serial section light micrographs prepared by the rapid freezing method showed that, within a given endpiece, all serous cells had direct access to the lumen and that they were disseminated throughout it and not only in its fundus. From our observations it seems very likely that, at least in rat sublingual gland, serous demilunes are an artificial product caused by the compression exerted on serous cells by the mucous cells distended during the conventional fixation procedure.  相似文献   

Summary High pressure freezing and freeze substitution methods significantly improve the antigenic preservation of S-locus specific glycoproteins (SLSG). The SLSG, which are implicated in the incompatibility response, are localized over the cell wall and cytoplasm. Labeling in the cytoplasm is mainly associated with dictyosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Quantitative analysis show that in cryofixed papillae the labeling was enhanced by approximately 45% over the cell wall and approximately 90% over the dictyosomes compared to chemically fixed papillae.  相似文献   

Histochemistry and fine structure of developing wheat aleurone cells   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
I. N. Morrison  J. Kuo  T. P. O'Brien 《Planta》1975,123(2):105-116

Summary Cytochemical methods have been used in conjunction with light and electron microscopy to determine the nature of the inclusions in aleurone grains of barley aleurone layers. Two kinds of inclusions were found: (1) Globoids within globoid cavities which were not enclosed by a membrane: the globoids stained red with toluidin blue due to the presence of phytin, and with lipid stains; (2) Protein-carbohydrate bodies which stained green with toluidin blue. The characteristics of globoids and protein-carbohydrate bodies as seen in the electron microscope are described in detail using both glutaraldehyde- and permanganatefixed tissues. The protein-carbohydrate body was identified by silver-hexaminestaining; this was not caused by carbohydrate but by some component which stained green in toluidin blue and which also occurred in cell walls in a thin band adjacent to the cytoplasm. The characteristics of both bodies are discussed in relation to apparent confusion in their identities in previous electron-microscope studies.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology and fine structure of aleurone cells of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed coats were analyzed with transmission electron microscopy for the period of rapid seed fill up to physiological maturity. Thin sections and freeze-fracture replicas were prepared for each stage. The aleurone is a tissue lining the embryo sac and consists of a single layer of cells attached to the aerenchyma of the seed coat proper. During seed fill, aleurone cells contained numerous Golgi-derived vesicles in the basal region of the cytoplasm that were either free or attached to the plasma membrane along the lateral and basal regions of the cell wall. Correspondingly, the Golgi apparatus were well developed with individual dictyosomes having 5 to 8, highly fenestrated stacked cisternae. The degree of fenestration along the periphery of each cisterna increased from the cis to trans region. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) was also abundant, often consisting of up to 30, stacked swollen cisternae which occupied large regions of cytoplasm. Plasmodesmata which connected adjacent aleurone cells was not observed along the dorsal walls of aleurone cells that faced aerenchyma. At physiological maturity, dictyosome cisternae were less fenestrated and had fewer associated secretory vesicles. Stacked lamellae of RER were absent, being replaced by short tubular cisternae and small vesicles. At physiological maturity, the aleurone cells had thick walls, and contained numerous lipid bodies in apposition to the plasma membrane. The cytoplasm appeared densely stained in thin-sections and contained protein bodies and amyloplasts with large starch grains. We conclude that during the period of rapid seed fill aleurone cells produce, package, transport and secrete vesicular contents toward the embryo, that is followed at physiological maturity by the storage of lipid, protein and starch in the same cells. The embryo is the most likely destination for secretory products during the period of rapid seed fill. The fate of the stored food reserves in aleurone cells at physiological maturity may be analogous to that of aleurone tissue of grasses, being utilized during imbibition for processes important to germination.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the intercellular dikaryotic hyphae of the biotrophic fungusUromyces appendiculatus was studied. High pressure freezing and freeze substitution were used to achieve a closer approximation of the native state than with conventional fixation and dehydration techniques. In addition to organelles previously described in rust fungi, heavily decorated multivesicular bodies (star bodies) were found close to the nuclei. Two types of tubular-vesicular complexes were distributed randomly within the cytoplasm of the hyphae. Furthermore, a more or less pronounced brush-like fibrillar layer on the hyphal walls was detected. The possibility that the latter two structures are correlated with the biotrophic phase of this fungus is discussed.Abbreviations TVC tubular-vesicular complex - MVB multivesicular body - M mitochondrion - N nucleus - NP nuclear pore - S septum - MT microtubule  相似文献   

Summary In order to improve the ultrastructural preservation of the female gametophyte ofPetunia x hybrida andBrassica napus we tested several cryofixation techniques and compared the results with those of conventional chemical fixation methods. Ovules fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide in the presence or absence of potassium ferrocyanide showed poor cell morphological and ultrastructural preservation. In ovules cryo-fixed by plunging into liquid propane, the cell morphology was well preserved. However, at the ultrastructural level structure-distorting ice crystals were detected in all tissues. Due to the large size of the ovules, cryofixation by plunging in liquid propane is not adequate for ultrastructural studies. In contrast,P. x hybrida andB. napus ovules cryo-fixed by high pressure freezing showed improved cell morphological as well as ultrastructural preservation of the embryo sac and the surrounding integumentary tissues. The contrast of the cellular membranes after freeze substitution with 2% osmium tetroxide and 0.1% uranyl acetate in dry acetone was high. At the ultrastructural level, the most prominent improvements were: straight plasma membranes which were appressed to the cell walls; turgid appearing organelles with smooth surface contours; minimal extraction of cytoplasmic and extracellular substances. In contrast to the chemically fixed ovules, in high pressure frozen ovules numerous microtubules and multivesicular bodies could be distinguished.  相似文献   

Exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone layers to 40°C for a period of 3 h results in the selective suppression of the synthesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes; other normal cellular protein synthesis continues during heat shock. This suppression is correlated with secretory protein mRNA destabilization and the dissociation of stacked ER lamellae during heat shock (Belanger et al. 1986, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 83, pp. 1354–1358). In this report we examined the effect of exposure to extended periods of heat shock. If exposure to 40°C was continued for a period of 18 h, the synthesis of α-amylase, the predominant secreted hydrolase, resumed. This was accompanied by increased α-amylase mRNA levels and the reformation of ER lamellae. Though initial exposure (3 h) to 40°C reduced protein secretion to ~10% of that observed in aleurone cells maintained at 25°C, exposure for prolonged periods (16–20 h) permitted the resumption of protein secretion to ~66% of non-heat-shocked control levels. The resumption of normal secretory protein synthesis during prolonged exposure to 40°C was correlated with an increase in the incorporation of [14C]glycerol into phosphatidylcholine and an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in lipids isolated from ER membrane preparations. Increased fatty acid saturation has been demonstrated to enhance thermostability in biological membranes, and such changes in membrane composition may be important to the recovery of secretory protein synthesis at the ER.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization of actively secreting barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone cells was examined using ultrarapid-freezing (<-10 000°C s-1) followed by freeze-fracture and freeze-substitution. Our analysis indicates that much of the evidence supporting a direct pathway from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the plasma membrane (i.e. bypassing the Golgi apparatus) for the secretion of -amylase (EC may not be valid. Cryofixed ER cisternae show no sign of vesiculation during active -amylase secretion in gibberellic acid (GA3)-treated cells. At the same time, Golgi complexes are abundant and numerous small vesicles are associated with the edges of the cisternae. Vesicles appear to be involved in the delivery of secretory products to the plasma membrane since depressions containing excess membrane material appear there. Treatment with GA3 also induces changes in the composition of Golgi membranes; most notably, the density of intramembrane particles increases from 2700 m-2 to 3800 m-2 because of an increase of particles in the 3–8.5-nm size range. A slight decrease in 9–11-nm particles also occurs. These changes in membrane structure appear to occur as the Golgi complex becomes committed to the processing and packaging of secretory proteins. We suggest that secretory proteins in this tissue are synthesized in the abundant rough ER, packaged in the Golgi apparatus, and transported to the plasma membrane via Golgi-derived secretory vesicles. Mobilization of reserves is also accompanied by dynamic membrane events. Our micrographs show that the surface monolayer of the lipid bodies fuses with the outer leaflet of the bilayer of protein-body membranes during the mobilization of lipid reserves. Following the breakdown of the protein reserves, the protein bodies assume a variety of configurations.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - GA3 gibberellic acid - P protoplasmic - E exoplasmic  相似文献   

The improvements brought by high-pressure freezing/freeze substitution fixation methods to the ultrastructural preservation of echinoderm mineralized tissues are investigated in developing pedicellariae and teeth of the echinoid Paracentrotus lividus. Three freeze substitution (FS) protocols were tested: one in the presence of osmium tetroxide, one in the presence of uranyl acetate, and the last in the presence of gallic acid. FS in the presence of osmium tetroxide significantly improved cell ultrastructure preservation and should especially be used for ultrastructural studies involving vesicles and the Golgi apparatus. With all protocols, multivesicular bodies, suggested to contain Ca(2+), were evident for the first time in skeleton-forming cells. FS in the presence of gallic acid allowed us to confirm the structured and insoluble character of a part of the organic matrix of mineralization in the calcification sites of the tooth, an observation which modifies the current understanding of biomineralization control in echinoderms.  相似文献   

Jacobsen JV  Shaw DC 《Plant physiology》1989,91(4):1520-1526
[35S]Methionine labeling experiments showed that abscisic acid (ABA) induced the synthesis of at least 25 polypeptides in mature barley (Hordeum vulgare) aleurone cells. The polypeptides were not secreted. Whereas most of the proteins extracted from aleurone cells were coagulated by heating to 100°C for 10 minutes, most of the ABA-induced polypeptides remained in solution (heat-stable). ABA had little effect on the spectrum of polypeptides that were synthesized and secreted by aleurone cells, and most of these secreted polypeptides were also heatstable. Coomassie blue staining of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels indicated that ABA-induced polypeptides already occurred in high amounts in mature aleurone layers having accumulated during grain development. About 60% of the total protein extracted from mature aleurone was heat stable. Amino acid analyses of total preparations of heat-stable and heat-labile proteins showed that, compared to heat-labile proteins, heat-stable intracellular proteins were characterized by higher glutamic acid/glutamine (Glx) and glycine levels and lower levels of neutral amino acids. Secreted heat-stable proteins were rich in Glx and proline. The possibilities that the accumulation of the heat-stable polypeptides during grain development is controlled by ABA and that the function of these polypeptides is related to their abundance and extraordinary heat stability are considered.  相似文献   

A protein designated ABAP1 and encoded by a novel gene (GenBank accession number AF127388) was purified and shown to specifically bind abscisic acid (ABA). ABAP1 protein is a 472-amino acid polypeptide containing a WW protein interaction domain and is induced by ABA in barley aleurone layers. Polyclonal antiidiotypic antibodies (AB2) cross-reacted with purified ABAP1 and with a corresponding 52-kDa protein associated with membrane fractions of ABA-treated barley aleurones. ABAP1 genes were detected in diverse monocot and dicot species, including wheat, tobacco, alfalfa, garden pea, and oilseed rape. The recombinant ABAP1 protein optimally bound (3)H-(+)-ABA at neutral pH. Denatured ABAP1 protein did not bind (3)H-(+)-ABA, nor did bovine serum albumin. The maximum specific binding as shown by Scatchard plot analysis was 0.8 mol of ABA mol(-1) protein with a linear function of r(2) = 0.94, an indication of one ABA-binding site with a dissociation constant (K(d)) of 28 x 10(-9) m. ABA binding in aleurone plasma membranes showed a maximum binding capacity of 330 nmol of ABA g(-1) protein with a K(d) of 26.5 x 10(-9) m. The similarities in the dissociation constants for ABA binding of the recombinant protein and that of the plasma membranes suggest that the protein within the plasma membrane fraction is the native form of ABAP1. The stereospecificity of ABAP1 was established by the incapability of ABA analogs and metabolites, including (-)-ABA, trans-ABA, phaseic acid, dihydrophaseic acid, and (+)-abscisic acid-glucose ester, to displace (3)H-(+)-ABA bound to ABAP1. However, two ABA precursors, (+)-ABA aldehyde and (+)-ABA alcohol, were able to displace (3)H-(+)-ABA, an indication that the structural requirement of ABAP1 at the C-1 position is not strict. Our data show that ABAP1 exerts high binding affinity for ABA. The interaction is reversible, follows saturation kinetics, and has stereospecificity, thus meeting the criteria for an ABA-binding protein.  相似文献   

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