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我县南临渤海,地势比较低洼。既有沿海蝗区又有内涝蝗区。无产阶级文化大革命以来,在农业学大寨群众运动的推动下,全县治蝗事业有了很大发展。在全国“依靠群众、勤俭治蝗,改治并举,根除蝗害”的治蝗方针指导下,经过艰苦奋斗,蝗区面积压缩了近40万亩,除治面积由解放初期的每年60—100万亩,下降到l万亩左右,投入的人力、物力也大为减少,除治用工由每年150万个劳动日工下降到1万个左右,国家投资由过去的每年15万元左右减少到不足2万元。同时螟区面貌也大大改变,蝗区境内河流、渠道、水库、堤坝、埝埂已基本绿化,建立了22个社队办的蝗区林场,各种排水能力达385平方公里,蝗区垦荒事业大发展,巳挑挖台田、条田16万多亩,开稻田3万多亩,防治设备发展很快。1976年已基本实现地面机械化作业。  相似文献   

一、情况: 一年来新中国的植物保护工作,已有根大的改进,并已取得显著的成绩,在防治工作上除用人工捕打、农业技术等方法防治各种病虫害外,药剂防治面积约计可达15,000万亩以上,其中治蝗1,087万亩,地下虫5,000万亩,种子消毒4,800万亩,棉虫1,600馀万亩。今年在治蝗方面继续贯彻了‘药剂除治为主’的方针,虽密度  相似文献   

<正> 1979年黑龙江省肇源县28.1万亩草原发生土蝗,其中11万亩采籽草场受白边雏蝗Chorthippus albomarginatus(De Geer)严重为害。羊草Anurolepidium chinense(Trin)Kitagawa轻者叶片被咬得残缺不全,重者叶片被全部食光,咬断生长点,只剩一茬。虫口密度一般在100—150头/米~2,经飞机撒药防治,迅速扑灭了为害。 经初步调查,白边雏蝗的分布发生与牧草种类有直接关系。在小拉哈泡等纯羊草草原,一般只受白边雏蝗为害,绝少见到其它蝗种加害。哈布他海、波尔诺两个蝗区情况雷同;在各  相似文献   

用飞机喷洒有机磷超低容量制剂防治蝗虫   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了1975—1980年在新疆巴里坤草原等地区进行的笼内药剂品种筛选试验、地面和飞机超低容量喷雾治蝗试验。结果表明:马拉松、马拉松与敌敌畏混剂、乐果、稻丰散和乙基稻丰散5种飞机超低容量制剂均可取代六六六粉剂防治各种蝗虫。每亩喷洒量为100—150克;每亩有效药量:马拉松、马拉松与敌敌畏混剂为25—45克;乐果为20—30克;稻丰散和乙基稻丰散为25—40克,蝗虫死亡率在90%以上。 使用飞机超低容量制剂治蝗具有防效好,功效高,成本低和环境污染少等优点。目前已在新疆、内蒙、青海和辽宁等省(自治区)大面积应用。累计防治面积达一千一百万亩,深受牧区群众欢迎。  相似文献   

中华稻蝗的发生规律及防治研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
<正> 近几年,由于对稻蝗高效六六六农药的停用,以及减少对水稻害虫的防治次数与面积,致使稻蝗的发生量与为害程度逐年加重,如信阳地区1983年前极少见到稻蝗,1984年各县主要集中在山边田块成灾,而1985年在全区450万亩稻田都有不同程度的发生,成灾面积约150万亩,发生密度一般每亩秧田有蝻12000~46000头;本田每亩有蝗4000~34000头。鉴于国内尚无稻蝗的系统资料,为此,我们从1984年开始对其发生规律和防治进行了研究,结果  相似文献   

张润志 《昆虫知识》2009,(3):382-382
经昆虫专家核查,新疆草场暴发的“绿毛虫”是鳞翅目灯蛾科的一种害虫(准确学名正在进行鉴定研究),是新疆北部草场发生较普遍的一种害虫。2003年在新疆的乌苏县和沙湾县曾严重发生60多万亩,最高密度达1500头/m^2。1991年在乌苏和沙湾两县6万亩农田严重受害,其中1万多亩甜菜、油菜、大豆等被毁。  相似文献   

郑元球 《生态科学》1991,(1):111-115
我国土地退化日趋严重,面积不断扩大。草原退化面积达13亿亩,约占可用草场面积的1/3;土地沙化平均每年扩展1500km~2。累计达149万 km~2,占国土面积的15.5%;水土流失面积达160万 km~2,占国土面积的15.94%,每年流入江河的泥沙达50多亿吨,流失的有机质、氮、磷、钾相当于4000多万吨的化肥,已危及近1000个县。3亿亩农田受旱,5000万人和3000万头牲畜饮水供应不足。这些数字足以说明我国土地日益退化的严重性,已引起党和国  相似文献   

<正> 笨蝗Haplotropis brunneriana Sausssure是我市土蝗的优势种。近年来危害年趋加重,自1984年以来每年发生面积达10万亩以上,给农业生产带来极大危害。为此,从1987年开始作者通过人工饲养、田间调查和试验,对笨蝗的生物学特性及防治进行了初步研究,结果如下。  相似文献   

国营南阳湖农场位于山东省济宁市的南阳湖畔,建场前原系湖水泛滥、杂草丛生的地区,由于湖水涨落不定,经年耕作失时,大片一地荒芜,因而成为微山湖蝗区飞蝗发生的严重地带。发生面积厂,蝗蝻密度每平方丈1,000—2,000头左右。农田常因蝗害、水灾、草荒等而颗粒无收。1956平建场后,通过机耕垦殖、规划土地、栽培作物和人工捕打及药剂防治等措施,取得了一定成绩,但蝗害仍较严重。亦曾有小麦穗头被全部咬掉,或因蝗害减产3—4成。1959年之后,由于贯彻了改治并举的方针,在农场党委正确领导下,从1960年春季开始,采取了根除蝗害的一系列措施,几年来已收到了良好效果,不仅大大压缩了飞蝗发生的面积,而且夏、秋蝗密度亦大为减少(表1)。  相似文献   

<正> 我县地处历史上著名的微山湖滨湖蝗区南端,解放后治蝗工作取得了巨大成功,至六十年代初期已基本控制蝗害。但近年来蝗情有回升的趋势,值得注意。现根据过去的工作经验,对本县蝗区的发生与演变作一粗浅分析。 一、滨湖蝗区的演变情况 据历史资料统计,在1950—1965年中,夏蝗与秋蝗累计发生面积大于耕地面积之半的有6年(1952、1953、1958—1961),平均不到3年大发生一次。其中,1953年蝗区面积占耕地面  相似文献   

Intestinal spirochetes of genus Brachyspira are commonly isolated from mammalian and avian hosts, and several species have been reported to cause enteric disease in pigs and birds. Except for a previous publication on three isolates from corvid birds (order Passeriformes, family Corvidae, genus Corvus), of which two are further studied in this paper, no other reports exist on Brachyspira spp. of passerine birds. In this study, cloacal and intestinal swabs of small and large intestines were collected from 116 corvid birds of three species, i.e. jackdaws (Corvus monedula), hooded crows (Corvus corone cornix) and rooks (Corvus frugilegus), from four separate geographical locations in Sweden. Isolates were obtained by selective culture from 43 of 116 birds. All isolates were weakly hemolytic, indole-negative and lacked hippurate cleavage capacity. Examination by light microscopy did not indicate association with enteric disease in necropsied birds. Pure spirochete cultures were obtained by serial dilution and subculture, and selected isolates were analyzed by PCR (n=14), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) (n=14), and sequencing of the almost complete 16S rRNA (n=14), and partial nox genes (n=4). Positive reactions were noticed by PCR targeting a hexa-T segment of the 16S rRNA gene, which has been previously reported as a signature characteristic of Brachyspira pilosicoli. By 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the isolates formed a separate cluster related to genus Brachyspira, but not consistent with any presently recognized or proposed Brachyspira sp. The sequence similarity of the 16S rRNA gene among the isolates from corvid birds was 99.7-100%. Compared to 16S rRNA gene sequence data from all presently recognized and several proposed Brachyspira spp. the sequence similarity of the isolates from corvid birds varied between 94.1 and 96.5%. In a radial tree based on nox gene sequences, all four analyzed isolates from corvid birds formed a separate cluster. By RAPD analysis, the banding patterns of the isolates differed from all type strains of Brachyspira spp. Based on the results presented in this paper, we propose that the described isolates from corvid birds belong to a novel species within genus Brachyspira, with the provisional name "Brachyspira corvi" (cor'vi. L gen. n. corvi, of a crow).  相似文献   

The results of comparative electron microscope study of the fine structure of the definitive contour feathers of ten Crows species (Perisoreus infaustus, Garrulus glandarius, Cyanopica cyanus, Pica Pica, Podoceus panderi, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Corvus monedula, C.frugilegus, C. cornix, C. corax) are presented. The results of the research allowed us to conclude that crows, along with the traditional elements of feather architectonics, have a number of species-specific microstructure characteristics that are taxonomically important.  相似文献   

During three expeditions undertaken in March 1977 to June 1978, 797 cloacal swabs were collected from birds of 54 species. Seven salmonella strains of six serotype were isolated from Larus ridibundus (five strains), Corvus frugilegus and Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (one each). Four strains of influenza A (HAV2 NA4V) virus were isolated from Larus ridibundus. For the first time in Czechoslovakia, two strains of Yucaipa paramyxovirus were isolated, both of them from Troglodytes troglodytes. These results are the first contribution to a study on the role of birds as hosts and vectors of different bacterial and viral agents.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of neurons in the basic fields of the forebrain striatum of birds was described using specially developed classification of neurons in Nissl preparations. Birds with different degrees of development of elementary rational activity were studied: Corvus monedula, Columba livia, Coturnix coturnix, and Melopsittacus undulatus. According to the proposed method, the neurons were classified in 3 basic types and 2 additional, 6 subtypes and 26 classes. It was found that in the higher brain regions of Corvus monedula, birds with advanced rational activity, there are a greater variety and number of complex associative stellate cells than in birds with poorly developed rational activity (Columba livia and Coturnix coturnix).  相似文献   

Robert W.  Warner 《Journal of Zoology》1972,168(3):381-393
The macroscopical structure of the organ of voice in songbirds has long been known, but detailed information on the microscopical anatomy of the syrinx has generally been lacking. Observations based largely on macroscopical evidence have led to a number of erroneous interpretations of function of various syringeal components, and lacking microscopical information, the vocal mechanism of birds cannot be adequately understood.
A wide variety of passeriform bird syrinxes have been studied by means of serial sections. Although there is much less variation in syringeal anatomy amongst songbirds than there is in the other orders of birds, and although all songbird syrinxes conform to the same basic pattern, there is nevertheless marked variation in various syringeal components between different passerine groups. Variations in syringeal structure within families Corvidae ( Corvus corone, C. frugilegus ), Sturnidae ( Sturnus vulgaris, Gracula religiosa ), Turdidae ( Turdus merula, Erithacus rubecula ), Hirundinidae ( Delichon urbica ), Ploceidae ( Passer domesticus ) and Paridae ( Parus major, Aegithalos caudatus ) are described and discussed. The significance of these findings in relation to bird sound production is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Crows and ravens (Passeriformes: Corvus) are large-brained birds with enhanced cognitive abilities relative to other birds. They are among the few non-hominid organisms on Earth to be considered intelligent and well-known examples exist of several crow species having evolved innovative strategies and even use of tools in their search for food. The 40 Corvus species have also been successful dispersers and are distributed on most continents and in remote archipelagos. RESULTS: This study presents the first molecular phylogeny including all species and a number of subspecies within the genus Corvus. We date the phylogeny and determine ancestral areas to investigate historical biogeographical patterns of the crows. Additionally, we use data on brain size and a large database on innovative behaviour and tool use to test whether brain size (i) explains innovative behaviour and success in applying tools when foraging and (ii) has some correlative role in the success of colonization of islands. Our results demonstrate that crows originated in the Palaearctic in the Miocene from where they dispersed to North America and the Caribbean, Africa and Australasia. We find that relative brain size alone does not explain tool use, innovative feeding strategies and dispersal success within crows. CONCLUSIONS: Our study supports monophyly of the genus Corvus and further demonstrates the direction and timing of colonization from the area of origin in the Palaearctic to other continents and archipelagos. The Caribbean was probably colonized from North America, although some North American ancestor may have gone extinct, and the Pacific was colonized multiple times from Asia and Australia. We did not find a correlation between relative brain size, tool use, innovative feeding strategies and dispersal success. Hence, we propose that all crows and ravens have relatively large brains compared to other birds and thus the potential to be innovative if conditions and circumstances are right.  相似文献   

Droppings from 112 urban rooks ( Corvus frugilegus ) were cultured for the presence of Listeria sp. Overall, 46% of rooks sampled harboured one or more Listeria species. Of all birds examined, 33%, 24% and 8%, respectively, were infected with Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua and Listeria seeligeri. Differentiation of L. monocytogenes and L. seeligeri carried out by several phenotypic typing methods proved the diversity of strains and the major role of rooks which widely contribute to spreading this bacteria in our environment. The results also suggest that the ability to recover specific Listeria strains from the same sample is at least partially dependent on the methodology. These findings reinforce the need for strain-specific typing of multiple L. monocytogenes isolates from the same sample.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in widespread corvid birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intraspecific genetic diversity and phylogeography of Corvus corone was investigated using the mitochondrial (mt) control region as a molecular marker. A split into two distinct mt lineages was observed. One represents individuals from a wide geographic range spanning from England to the Russian Far East (Kamchatka), while the other one was found in the Primorye and Khabarovsk regions (southern parts of Russian Far East) as well as Japan. For comparison, we investigated several widespread Palearctic corvid taxa with respect to their phylogeographic patterns. A deep split into two lineages was revealed in five cases: Besides C. corone, within Corvus frugilegus, Pica pica, and between the species pairs Corvus monedula-Corvus dauuricus and Cyanopica cyanus-Cyanopica cooki. Although these taxa display a variety of distribution patterns, from disjunct, para/allopatric to continuous, the genetic pattern and level of divergence between clades is very similar. This implies that the differentiation started in about the same time range. In contrast, no differentiation into highly divergent lineages was detected in Corvus corax, Perisoreus infaustus, and Nucifraga caryocatactes. We try to explain the two phylogeographic patterns in corvid birds with ecological factors accompanying the changing climatic conditions during the Pleistocene. The deep genetic splits within several widely distributed Palearctic corvids are discussed with respect to taxonomic questions.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs from 540 wild-living birds were cultured for Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, Yersinia spp., and Salmonella spp. The carrier rates detected were as follows: C. fetus subsp. jejuni, 28.4%; Yersinia spp., 1.2%; and Salmonella spp., 0.8%. All birds were apparently healthy when captured. C. fetus subsp. jejuni was isolated from 11 of the 40 bird species examined. Among birds inhabiting the city of Oslo, the highest isolation rate was found in crows (Corvus corone cornix) (89.8%), followed by gulls (Larus spp.) (50.0%) and domestic pigeons (Columba livia domesticus) (4.2%). The gulls and crows scavenge on refuse dumps. High carrier rates were also detected among the following birds from nonurban, coastal areas: puffin (Fratercula arctica) (51.3%), common tern (Sterna hirundo) (5.6%), common gull (Larus canus) (18.9%), black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) (13.2%), and herring gull (Larus argentatus) (4.2%). The list of species harboring C. fetus subsp. jejuni also includes the Ural owl (Strix uralensis), goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), and reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). The following five Yersinia strains were isolated: Y. kristensenii (two strains), Y. intermedia (two strains), and "Yersinia X2" (one strain). Four strains belonging to the genus Salmonella were isolated from three different species of gulls. These isolates were identified as S. typhimurium, S. indiana, and S. djugu. The results indicate that campylobacters are a normal component of the intestinal flora in several bird species, whereas Salmonella and Yersinia carriers are more sporadic.  相似文献   

Cloacal swabs from 540 wild-living birds were cultured for Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni, Yersinia spp., and Salmonella spp. The carrier rates detected were as follows: C. fetus subsp. jejuni, 28.4%; Yersinia spp., 1.2%; and Salmonella spp., 0.8%. All birds were apparently healthy when captured. C. fetus subsp. jejuni was isolated from 11 of the 40 bird species examined. Among birds inhabiting the city of Oslo, the highest isolation rate was found in crows (Corvus corone cornix) (89.8%), followed by gulls (Larus spp.) (50.0%) and domestic pigeons (Columba livia domesticus) (4.2%). The gulls and crows scavenge on refuse dumps. High carrier rates were also detected among the following birds from nonurban, coastal areas: puffin (Fratercula arctica) (51.3%), common tern (Sterna hirundo) (5.6%), common gull (Larus canus) (18.9%), black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) (13.2%), and herring gull (Larus argentatus) (4.2%). The list of species harboring C. fetus subsp. jejuni also includes the Ural owl (Strix uralensis), goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), and reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). The following five Yersinia strains were isolated: Y. kristensenii (two strains), Y. intermedia (two strains), and "Yersinia X2" (one strain). Four strains belonging to the genus Salmonella were isolated from three different species of gulls. These isolates were identified as S. typhimurium, S. indiana, and S. djugu. The results indicate that campylobacters are a normal component of the intestinal flora in several bird species, whereas Salmonella and Yersinia carriers are more sporadic.  相似文献   

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