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Biohybrid light-harvesting architectures can be constructed that employ native-like bacterial photosynthetic antenna peptides as a scaffold to which synthetic chromophores are attached to augment overall spectral coverage. Synthetic bacteriochlorins are attractive to enhance capture of solar radiation in the photon-rich near-infrared spectral region. The effect of the polarity of the bacteriochlorin substituents on the antenna self-assembly process was explored by the preparation of a bacteriochlorin–peptide conjugate using a synthetic amphiphilic bacteriochlorin (B1) to complement prior studies using hydrophilic (B2, four carboxylic acids) or hydrophobic (B3) bacteriochlorins. The amphiphilic bioconjugatable bacteriochlorin B1 with a polar ammonium-terminated tail was synthesized by sequential Pd-mediated reactions of a 3,13-dibromo-5-methoxybacteriochlorin. Each bacteriochlorin bears a maleimido-terminated tether for attachment to a cysteine-containing analog of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides antenna β-peptide to give conjugates β-B1, β-B2, and β-B3. Given the hydrophobic nature of the β-peptide, the polarity of B1 and B2 facilitated purification of the respective conjugate compared to the hydrophobic B3. Bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) associates with each conjugate in aqueous micellar media to form a dyad containing two β-peptides, two covalently attached synthetic bacteriochlorins, and a datively bonded BChl-a pair, albeit to a limited extent for β-B2. The reversible assembly/disassembly of dyad (β-B2/BChl)2 was examined in aqueous detergent (octyl glucoside) solution by temperature variation (15–35 °C). The energy-transfer efficiency from the synthetic bacteriochlorin to the BChl-a dimer was found to be 0.85 for (β-B1/BChl)2, 0.40 for (β-B2/BChl)2, and 0.85 for (β-B3/BChl)2. Thus, in terms of handling, assembly and energy-transfer efficiency taken together, the amphiphilic design examined herein is more attractive than the prior hydrophilic or hydrophobic designs.  相似文献   

Measurements of time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer are finding many applications in the study of biological macromolecules as they enable structural properties of the host molecules to be determined in their natural environment. A difficulty in interpreting these experiments is that they both require knowledge of the relative orientation of the fluorophores, a property that is almost impossible to measure. Here we conduct simulations of AlexaFluor488 and AlexaFluor568 attached to two sites on the membrane channel MscL to provide an alternative mechanism for determining the likely configurations and orientational freedom of the fluorophores, as well as the most likely value of the orientation factor κ2 for energy transfer between them. The fluorophores are relatively mobile, and are found to be more so when immersed in bulk water than when they interact with the lipid membrane. The fluorophores never insert deeply into the lipid, despite their hydrophobic linkers and aromatic headgroup structures. Properties such as the fluorescence anisotropy decay can be predicted from simulations of the fluorophores in bulk water that closely match experimental data. In contrast, when the fluorophores were attached to the large MscL protein it was difficult to sample all the possible configurations of the fluorophores due to the computational time required. While this approach is likely to provide useful data on solvent-accessible fluorophores attached to small proteins, simulations lasting >50 ns or the use of biasing forces are required to accurately predict orientation factors for use in energy transfer experiments on larger membrane-bound proteins.  相似文献   

This paper reports a detailed spectroscopic study of the B800 absorption band of individual light-harvesting 2 (LH2) complexes of the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas acidophila at 1. 2 K. By applying single-molecule detection techniques to this system, details and properties can be revealed that remain obscured in conventional ensemble experiments. For instance, from fluorescence-excitation spectra of the individual complexes a more direct measure of the diagonal disorder could be obtained. Further spectral diffusion phenomena and homogeneous linewidths of individual bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) molecules are observed, revealing valuable information on excited-state dynamics. This work demonstrates that it is possible to obtain detailed spectral information on individual pigment-protein complexes, providing direct insight into their electronic structure and into the mechanisms underlying the highly efficient energy transfer processes in these systems.  相似文献   

Dougherty WJ 《Tissue & cell》1990,22(4):463-470
The barnacle, Chthamalus fragilis Darwin, is found attached to a variety of natural and man-made substrates in the marine environment. Bases of specimens of this species attached to the leaves and stalks of marsh grass, Spartina alterniflora, and to polyethylene films placed in the high intertidal zone of the marsh were studied by scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the interfacial features of the cement holding these animals in place. When removed carefully, the interfacial surfaces of the barnacle cement appeared as finely detailed replicas of the leaf surfaces and of the polyethylene film surfaces, mimicking the highly contoured surface features and peripheral interdigitations of the adjacent epithelial cells which compose the surfaces of the leaves and 'crow's foot' and linear perturbations in the relatively smooth polyethylene films. These observations indicate that the bioadhesive secretion of this barnacle species loses its liquidity and becomes a hardened adhesive cement. It is probable that this mold-like replication of adherend surface details contributes to barnacle adhesion by mechanical interaction between the barnacle cement and the adherend surfaces.  相似文献   

Natural variation in neuroendocrine traits is poorly understood, despite the importance of variation in brain function and evolution. Most rodents in the temperate zones inhibit reproduction and other nonessential functions in short winter photoperiods, but some have little or no reproductive response. We tested whether genetic variability in reproductive seasonality is related to individual differences in the neuronal function of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone network, as assessed by the number and location of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormone-secreting neurons under inhibitory and excitatory photoperiods. The experiments used lines of Peromyscus leucopus previously developed by selection from a wild population. One line contained individuals reproductively inhibited by short photoperiod, and the other line contained individuals nonresponsive to short photoperiod. Expression of mature gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) immunoreactivity in the brain was detected using SMI-41 antibody in the single-labeled avidin-biotin-peroxidase-complex method. Nonresponsive mice had 50% more immunoreactive GnRH neurons than reproductively inhibited mice in both short- and long-day photoperiods. The greatest differences were in the anterior hypothalamus and preoptic areas. In contrast, we detected no significant within-lines differences in the number or location of immunoreactive GnRH neurons between photoperiod treatments. Our data indicate that high levels of genetic variation in a single wild population for a specific neuronal trait are related to phenotypic variation in a life history trait, i.e., winter reproduction. Variation in GnRH neuronal activity may underlie some of the natural reproductive and life history variation observed in wild populations of P. leucopus. Similar genetic variation in neuronal traits may be present in humans and other species.  相似文献   

The challenges of climate change, dwindling fossil reserves, and environmental pollution have fuelled the need to search for clean and sustainable energy resources. The process of biohydrogen has been highlighted as a propitious alternative energy of the future because it has many socio-economic benefits such as non-polluting features, the ability to use diverse feedstocks including waste materials, the process uses various microorganisms, and it is the simplest method of producing hydrogen. However, the establishment of a biohydrogen driven economy has been hindered by low process yields due to the accumulation of inhibitory products. Over the past few years, various optimization methods have been used in literature. Among these, integration of bioprocesses is gaining increasing prominence as an effective approach that could be used to achieve a theoretical yield of 4 mol H2 mol?1 glucose. In batch integrated systems, dark fermentation is used as a primary process for conversion of substrates into biohydrogen, carbon dioxide, and volatile fatty acids. This is followed by a secondary anaerobic process for further biohydrogen conversion efficiency. This review discusses the current challenges facing scale-up studies in dark fermentation process. It elucidates the potential of batch integrated systems in biohydrogen process development. Furthermore, it explores the various integrated fermentation techniques that are employed in biohydrogen process development. Finally, the review concludes with recommendations on improvement of these integrated processes for enhanced biohydrogen yields which could pave a way for the establishment of a large-scale biohydrogen production process.  相似文献   

The second generation Mining Minima method yields binding affinities accurate to within 0.8 kcal/mol for the associations of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-cyclodextrin with benzene, resorcinol, flurbiprofen, naproxen, and nabumetone. These calculations require hours to a day on a commodity computer. The calculations also indicate that the changes in configurational entropy upon binding oppose association by as much as 24 kcal/mol and result primarily from a narrowing of energy wells in the bound versus the free state, rather than from a drop in the number of distinct low-energy conformations on binding. Also, the configurational entropy is found to vary substantially among the bound conformations of a given cyclodextrin-guest complex. This result suggests that the configurational entropy must be accounted for to reliably rank docked conformations in both host-guest and ligand-protein complexes. In close analogy with the common experimental observation of entropy-enthalpy compensation, the computed entropy changes show a near-linear relationship with the changes in mean potential plus solvation energy.  相似文献   

Tryptic peptide sequences from the 22 kDa polypeptide of tomato LHCI were used to construct a probe for gene cloning. The two genes cloned, cab11 and cab12, encode proteins of 251 and 250 residues that are 88% identical in overall amino acid sequence and 93% identical in the deduced mature protein. Each gene is present in a single copy per haploid genome; cab11 on chromosome 3 and cab12 on chromosome 6, and each has 2 introns located in similar positions to introns in other members of the Chl a/b-binding (CAB) protein gene family. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of LHCI, LHCII, CP29 and CP24 polypeptides confirms that all CABs share two regions of very high similarity which include the first and third transmembrane helices and the stroma-exposed sequences preceding them. However, near the N-terminus and between the conserved regions, the LHCI polypeptides have sequence motifs which appear to be PSI-specific.  相似文献   

The dietary compositions of the co-occurring gerreid Parequula melbournensis and the carangid Pseudocaranx wrighti have been determined, using samples collected seasonally from a 200 km stretch of coastal water in temperate Australia, in which these species are very abundant. Although the small representatives of P. melbournensis and P. wrighti both fed to a large extent on copepods, the latter ingested a wider variety of prey and thus had a greater dietary breadth. The diets of both species changed markedly as body size increased. The larger representatives of P. melbournensis fed mainly on onuphid and other polychaetes, whereas those of P. wrighti consumed a considerable volume of crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes other than onuphids, and echinoderms. The above differences account for the dietary breadth being far greater in large P. wrighti than large P. melbournensis. Schoener's index and classification showed that dietary overlap between P. melbournensis and P. wrighti was low, suggesting that food resources were partitioned between these two demersal species. Intraspecific overlap was less amongst the length classes of small fish than among those of larger fish, indicating that any competition for food would be less among small fish, when growth would have been most rapid. The larger P. melbournensis fed mainly on prey types which were relatively sessile and can protrude from the substrate, such as tube-dwelling onuphid polychaetes, whereas the larger P. wrighti fed on a variety of epibenthic and/or more mobile species, such as mysids, amphipods, bivalves, gastropods, nereid polychaetes and echinoderms. Although P. melbournensis foraged to a far greater extent on a sessile fauna that occurs on or in the substrate, it ingested a far smaller amount of sand than P. wrighti, even though this latter species fed on a more epibenthic fauna. The presence of smaller amounts of sand in the stomach contents of P. melbournensis than of P. wrighti, presumably reflects the possession of a smaller and far more protrusible mouth, which enabled its sessile prey to be targetted more precisely. The dietary composition of P. melbournensis and P. wrighti underwent some seasonal changes, presumably reflecting seasonal fluctuations in the densities of prey species, and that of P. melbournensis differed slightly between some sites.  相似文献   

Terrestrial green plants absorb photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400–700 nm) but do not absorb photons evenly across the PAR waveband. The spectral absorbance of photosystems and chloroplasts is lowest for green light, which occurs within the highest irradiance waveband of direct solar radiation. We demonstrate a close relationship between this phenomenon and the safe and efficient utilization of direct solar radiation in simple biophysiological models. The effects of spectral absorptance on the photon and irradiance absorption processes are evaluated using the spectra of direct and diffuse solar radiation. The radiation absorption of a leaf arises as a consequence of the absorption of chloroplasts. The photon absorption of chloroplasts is strongly dependent on the distribution of pigment concentrations and their absorbance spectra. While chloroplast movements in response to light are important mechanisms controlling PAR absorption, they are not effective for green light because chloroplasts have the lowest spectral absorptance in the waveband. With the development of palisade tissue, the incident photons per total palisade cell surface area and the absorbed photons per chloroplast decrease. The spectral absorbance of carotenoids is effective in eliminating shortwave PAR (<520 nm), which contains much of the surplus energy that is not used for photosynthesis and is dissipated as heat. The PAR absorptance of a whole leaf shows no substantial difference based on the spectra of direct or diffuse solar radiation. However, most of the near infrared radiation is unabsorbed and heat stress is greatly reduced. The incident solar radiation is too strong to be utilized for photosynthesis under the current CO2 concentration in the terrestrial environment. Therefore, the photon absorption of a whole leaf is efficiently regulated by photosynthetic pigments with low spectral absorptance in the highest irradiance waveband and through a combination of pigment density distribution and leaf anatomical structures.  相似文献   

Exosomes are 40–100 nm extracellular vesicles that are released from a multitude of cell types, and perform diverse cellular functions including intercellular communication, antigen presentation, and transfer of oncogenic proteins as well as mRNA and miRNA. Exosomes have been purified from biological fluids and in vitro cell cultures using a variety of strategies and techniques. However, all preparations invariably contain varying proportions of other membranous vesicles that co-purify with exosomes such as shed microvesicles and apoptotic blebs. Using the colorectal cancer cell line LIM1863 as a cell model, in this study we performed a comprehensive evaluation of current methods used for exosome isolation including ultracentrifugation (UC-Exos), OptiPrep? density-based separation (DG-Exos), and immunoaffinity capture using anti-EpCAM coated magnetic beads (IAC-Exos). Notably, all isolations contained 40–100 nm vesicles, and were positive for exosome markers (Alix, TSG101, HSP70) based on electron microscopy and Western blotting. We employed a proteomic approach to profile the protein composition of exosomes, and label-free spectral counting to evaluate the effectiveness of each method. Based on the number of MS/MS spectra identified for exosome markers and proteins associated with their biogenesis, trafficking, and release, we found IAC-Exos to be the most effective method to isolate exosomes. For example, Alix, TSG101, CD9 and CD81 were significantly higher (at least 2-fold) in IAC-Exos, compared to UG-Exos and DG-Exos. Application of immunoaffinity capture has enabled the identification of proteins including the ESCRT-III component VPS32C/CHMP4C, and the SNARE synaptobrevin 2 (VAMP2) in exosomes for the first time. Additionally, several cancer-related proteins were identified in IAC-Exos including various ephrins (EFNB1, EFNB2) and Eph receptors (EPHA2–8, EPHB1–4), and components involved in Wnt (CTNNB1, TNIK) and Ras (CRK, GRB2) signalling.  相似文献   

郑鹏飞  张丽杰  王栋  徐岩 《微生物学报》2022,62(10):3913-3931
【目的】提出一种合成微生物组的理性构建策略,用于构建郫县豆瓣蚕豆醅初始发酵的微生物组合菌剂。【方法】采取自下而上的合成微生物组理性构建策略,以相对丰度、频率和特征向量中心度作为核心微生物属的选择指标,分析确定蚕豆醅发酵核心微生物;设计模拟原位体系的全合成培养基,并利用该培养基快速、稳定地检测核心微生物包括产香性能在内的发酵特征。基于核心微生物的产香互补性能进行双菌组合发酵实验,结合核心微生物之间的生长相互作用,设计三菌组合发酵菌剂并验证其发酵性能。【结果】本研究确定并分离了郫县豆瓣蚕豆醅发酵过程中的 9种核心微生物。检测核心微生物产生的挥发性风味化合物,发现酵母菌类、乳酸菌类和其他类微生物之间存在产香互补关系。然后,结合微生物间的生长抑制关系设计了由乳酸片球菌、肉葡萄球菌及异变假丝酵母组成的三菌组合菌剂。与企业原位发酵样品相比,三菌组合菌剂产生的挥发性化合物数量达到原位样品的63.1%,化合物种类结构较为相似。与原位样品相比,组合菌剂样品氨基酸态氮浓度提升了21.8%。【结论】本研究提出了一种自下而上的合成微生物组理性构建策略,基于此策略设计了郫县豆瓣蚕豆醅发酵组合菌剂。使用该组合菌剂作为起始发酵剂发酵的郫县豆瓣蚕豆醅具有良好的风味谱和优异的氨基酸态氮水平。本研究在合成微生物组构建与发酵食品工艺改造方面具有较大的科学与应用价值。  相似文献   

Solanum sisymbriifolium is an interesting trap crop to control potato cyst nematodes. A series of field experiments was carried out in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2003 to test its performance under field conditions. Experimental factors included sowing time, sowing density and site. Rate of germination, plant establishment and change over time in light interception were monitored. Growth analysis was performed at 7 and 14 weeks after emergence, and dry weight of component plant parts was determined. Time to 50% emergence was 36–38 days for planting at early April and declined to minimum values of ca 8–11 days when planting took place in June, July or the first week of August. When planted later, time to 50% germination increased again. Time to 50% light interception showed a similar trend with sowing time; minimum time was 35–40 days for planting between June and half of July. Planting before May did not advance crop growth. Crop performance was very variable across years and sites when planted later than the end of July to beginning of August. Dry matter accumulation up to 400 g m?2 was found at 7 weeks after emergence and up to 1040 g m?2 after 14 weeks. At 7 weeks after emergence, dry matter production increased with planting density (range 50–400 m?2), but no statistically significant differences were found after 14 weeks. A seed rate of 100 m?2 seems generally sufficient. Radiation use efficiency was 1.69 g MJ?1 PAR (SE = 0.0208). Dry matter accumulation (2002–2003) was somewhat higher in Wageningen (51°58’N) on light sandy soil than in Flevoland (52°31′N) on clay soil and in Drenthe (52°51′N) on reclaimed peat soil. It is concluded that above‐ground growth of S. sisymbriifolium in the Netherlands is adequate if planted between early May and the end of July.  相似文献   

BgK is a peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera, which blocks Kv1.1, Kv1.2, and Kv1.3 potassium channels. Using 25 analogs substituted at a single position by an alanine residue, we performed the complete mapping of the BgK binding sites for the three Kv1 channels. These binding sites included three common residues (Ser-23, Lys-25, and Tyr-26) and a variable set of additional residues depending on the particular channel. Shortening the side chain of Lys-25 by taking out the four methylene groups dramatically decreased the BgK affinity to all Kv1 channels tested. However, the analog K25Orn displayed increased potency on Kv1.2, which makes this peptide a selective blocker for Kv1.2 (K(D) 50- and 300-fold lower than for Kv1.1 and Kv1.3, respectively). BgK analogs with enhanced selectivity could also be made by substituting residues that are differentially involved in the binding to some of the three Kv1 channels. For example, the analog F6A was found to be >500-fold more potent for Kv1.1 than for Kv1.2 and Kv1.3. These results provide new information about the mechanisms by which a channel blocker distinguishes individual channels among closely related isoforms and give clues for designing analogs with enhanced selectivity.  相似文献   

Illumination with red and blue photons is known to be efficient for cultivation of higher plants. For microalgae cultivation, illumination with specific wavelengths rather than full spectrum illumination can be an alternative where there is a lack of knowledge about achievable biomass yields. This study deals with the usage of color LED illumination to cultivate microalgae integrated into closed life support systems for outer space. The goal is to quantify biomass yields using color illumination (red, blue, green and mixtures) compared to white light. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was cultivated in plate reactors with color compared to white illumination regarding PCE, specific pigment concentration and cell size. Highest PCE values were achieved under low PFDs with a red/blue illumination (680 nm/447 nm) at a 90 to 10% molar ratio. At higher PFDs saturation effects can be observed resulting from light absorption characteristics and the linear part of PI curve. Cell size and aggregation are also influenced by the applied light color. Red/blue color illumination is a promising option applicable for microalgae‐based modules of life support systems under low to saturating light intensities and double‐sided illumination. Results of higher PCE with addition of blue photons to red light indicate an influence of sensory pigments.  相似文献   

Glycoconjugate Journal - Cholera remains to be a global health problem without suitable vaccines for endemic control or outbreak relief. Here we describe a new parenteral vaccine based on...  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The effects of pheromone dose, trap size and trap design on the capture of male Matsucoccus feytaudi were studied in maritime pine forests of Portugal, France and Italy, and Matsucoccus josephi in Aleppo pine stands of Israel. 2 Males of both species respond to racemic mixtures of the respective sex pheromone at a dosage as low as 25 µg. However, for low population densities of M. feytaudi, a 50 µg dosage was needed to guarantee male catches significantly different from the control trap. 3 Male capture increased with increasing dosage up to a threshold level for both species. Overdose repellence was not observed even with baits containing 1600 and 2200 µg of the pheromone of M. josephi and M. feytaudi, respectively. 4 For M. feytaudi, a higher dose–response was observed at medium population densities, whereas lesser captures were registered at low and high population densities, suggesting female competition in the latter case. 5 Catches of M. feytaudi males were not affected by trap design, whereas M. josephi males were caught in significantly greater numbers in delta traps. Large traps caught significantly more males of both species. 6 The relative higher male catches in the marginal zone of the sticky traps is probably related to males landing behaviour in the vicinity of the pheromone source. 7 The shape and size of the trap did not affect the bias of the estimates of male catches. However, the plate traps provided higher precision. Both bias and precision improved with increasing dose.  相似文献   

The emerging role of glycans as versatile biochemical signals in diverse aspects of cellular sociology calls for establishment of sensitive methods to monitor carbohydrate recognition by receptors such as lectins. Most of these techniques involve the immobilization of one of the binding partners on a surface, e.g. atomic force microscopy, glycan array and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), hereby simulating cell surface presentation. Here, we report the synthesis of fluorescent glycoconjugates, with a functionalization strategy which avoids the frequently occurring ring opening at the reducing end for further immobilization on a surface or derivatization with biotin. In order to improve the versatility of these derivatized glycans for biological studies, a new approach for the synthesis of biotinylated and fluorescent glycans has also been realized. Finally, to illustrate their usefulness the neoglycoconjugates were immobilized on different surfaces, and the interaction analysis with a model lectin, the toxin from mistletoe, proved them to act as potent ligands, underscoring the merit of the presented synthetic approach. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A fitness function (function maximized under natural selection) is studied in a population model in which the growth of a population is suppressed by crowding, density-independent continuous mortality (by euryphagous predators) and periodic disturbances. The dynamics of the population density between occurrence of disturbance can be expressed as,dN/dt=(F(N/K)−D)N, whereN is the population density,K is the carrying capacity,D is the density-independent continuous mortality, andF is the growth regulation factor described as a function of crowding (N/K). The period of disturbance isS. The survival rate under disturbance isu. It is concluded that the fitness function is (approximately) a product of competitive ability (C), carrying capacity, and degree of saturation, and is given byCKF −1(D−(lnu)/S). The degree of saturation is the inverse function of regulation factor (F) at the death rate due to predators and disturbance. I assume a population in which density is regulated only through survival. In this case, a low survival rate at the critical age-group means a high value ofCKF −1(D−(lnu)/S). Therefore, the reciprocal of the density-dependent survival rate at critical age-group is a measure of the fitness function. Using this measure, I predict the optimal age (body size) at first reproduction of a species of salamander. I also found that fitness calculated from observed values ofl(x) andm(x) includes a tautology. When the concept of fitness function is compared with the ESS method, the latter is more flexible. However, there is a possibility that an ESS is at the minimum of fitness function.  相似文献   

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