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对重组大肠杆菌JH16利用木糖产高纯度的三一乳酸进行研究。通过无氧管驯化EscherwhiacdiJH12菌株得到E.coliJH16,驯化后的菌株茵体浓度提高了31%,乙酸积累减少了43%;在摇瓶中考察不同Mg2+浓度对EcoliJHl6产三一乳酸的影响,确定最适Mg2+质量浓度为0.25g/L;EcoEJH16以60g/L木糖为C源,在7L全自动发酵罐中添加0.25g/LMg2+,乳酸积累量提高了18%,达38.18g/L,乳酸纯度高达95%;E.coliJH16在30g/L木糖和30g/L葡萄糖混合C源中,优先利用葡萄糖,当葡萄糖质量浓度低于1.56g/L后,菌体开始利用木糖进行乳酸发酵,最终得到39g/L乳酸。  相似文献   

从大量霉菌中选育到一株具有较高富马酸酶活性的温特曲霉(Aspergilluswentii)A  相似文献   

从大量霉菌中选育到一株具有较高富马酸酶活性的温特曲霉(Aspergillus wentii) A5-61。在摇瓶培养条件下,32℃ 96小时,产L-苹果酸达10.49g/100ml,对富马酸的转化率达90.80%。利用菌体细胞,进行酶转化试验,结果表明:1.6g湿菌体接入25ml含富马酸10.0%(用NaOH中和至pH7.0)的转化液中,35℃16~24小时,连续转化三次,分别产生L—苹果酸9.61g/100ml、9.73g/100ml、6.93g/100ml。对菌体整体细胞酶学性质的研究表明,其最适反应温度35℃,最适反应pH7.0,Cu2+对该酶有明显的抑制作用,该酶的Km=0.154mol/L,Vmax=0.0571mol/L·h。  相似文献   

为了使酿酒酵母较好地利用木糖产生乙醇,将来自Thermus thermophilus的木糖异构酶基因XYLA和酿酒酵母自身的木酮糖激酶基因XKS1,构建到酵母表达载体pESC-LEU中,导入酿酒酵母YPH499中,同时成功表达了两种酶基因。该菌以木糖为唯一碳源进行限氧发酵,木糖的利用率为9.64%,为宿主菌的4.17倍,产生2.22 mmol.L-1的乙醇。同时初步探讨了两种酶基因的表达量对酿酒酵母发酵木糖生成乙醇的影响。木糖异构酶对木糖的利用起关键性的作用,木酮糖激酶的过量表达不利于乙醇生成。  相似文献   

拟通过根霉菌发酵小麦麸皮纤维质实现其高效生物转化制备富马酸的目标。在单因素试验研究基础上,对发酵工艺进行响应曲面法优化,并开展代谢机理初步探索。通过单因素试验确定了酵母浸粉、硫酸镁及硫酸锰质量浓度为主要影响因素,响应曲面研究结果显示:当发酵水解液总糖浓度80.0g/L、硫酸铵2.00g/L、酵母浸粉0.29g/L、硫酸镁0.26g/L、硫酸锰0.07g/L、硫酸亚铁0.05g/L时,富马酸产量最高,其值为27.423g/L。对戴尔根霉Rhizopus delemar CICC41341的木糖代谢途径的初步分析结果表明木酮糖激酶为该菌株木糖代谢的关键限速酶。论文研究结果可为纤维质糖液工业发酵制备平台有机酸提供一定支持。  相似文献   

木酮糖激酶表达水平对酿酒酵母木糖代谢产物流向的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在酿酒酵母中分别引入真菌和细菌的木糖代谢关键酶,木糖还原酶基因XYL1、木糖醇脱氢酶基因XYL2和木糖异构酶基因xylA. 并在此基础上以共转化策略超表达下游关键酶木酮糖激酶基因XKS1. 与亲本菌株相比,用pMA91和YEp24质粒表达XKS1的重组菌株,木酮糖激酶(xylulokinase,XK)活性分别提高了14和6.7倍. 在限氧条件下,重组菌株对木糖和葡萄糖的共发酵结果显示,表达XYL1,XYL2以及XKS1的重组菌株HSXY-251木糖消耗为12.4 g/L,提高了120.9%,乙醇产量达到9.4 g/L,提高了36%,副产物木糖醇产量为0.7 g/L,下降了84.9%.  相似文献   

目的:研究米曲霉发酵玉米秸秆产富含纤维素酶的饲料的最优条件.方法:采用响应面法对发酵条件进行了优化.对Plackett-Burman设计筛选出的麸皮与秸秆比值、固液比和发酵时间三个主要因素再利用Box-Behnken设计进行优化.结果:确定了以上三个因素的最佳值分别为秸秆:麸皮比值为1.32,固液比为0.68,发酵时间为6.1d.在优化的培养基中,纤维素酶活力为522.36U/g,比优化前的469.13U/g高了11.35%.结论:利用响应面法获得了米曲霉发酵玉米秸秆产纤维素酶饲料的最佳发酵条件.  相似文献   

[目的]以不同强度的启动子控制表达木酮糖激酶基因,并研究其引起的不同木酮糖激酶活性水平对木糖利用酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)代谢流向的影响.[方法]以酿酒酵母CEN.PK 113-5D为出发菌株,选择酿酒酵母内源启动子TEF1p,PGK1p和HXK2p,利用Cre-loxP无标记同源重组系统,置换染色体上木酮糖激酶基因XKS1的启动子(XKS1p)序列;并通过附加体质粒引入木糖代谢上游途径,构建不同水平表达木酮糖激酶的木糖利用工程菌株;从木酮糖激酶的转录水平、酶活水平、胞内的ATP浓度及木糖代谢等性状,对各菌株进行评价.[结果]转录及酶活测定结果显示,与天然状态相比,所选择的启动子对木酮糖激酶均表现出更强的启动效率.菌株体内表达木酮糖激酶活性水平由高至低的顺序为其基因XKS1在启动子PGK1p、TEF1p、HXK2p和XKS1p控制下.随着木酮糖激酶的活性的提高,胞内的ATP水平下降,而转化木糖生成乙醇的能力上升.最高乙醇产率为0.35g/g消耗的总糖,此时副产物木糖醇产率最低,为0.18g/g消耗的木糖.[结论]通过在染色体上置换启动子,提高了木酮糖激酶的表达水平.在一定范围内,木酮糖激酶的高活性有利于木糖向乙醇的转化.  相似文献   

L-苹果酸(LMA)高产突变株曲霉N114′在高产酸状态下,其胞质中催化CO2固定反应的酶有四种:丙酮酸羧化酶(PC)、磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)、磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧化激酶(PCK)和苹果酸酶(ME);除ME之外,三种羧化酶的活性与LMA产生速率呈较好的线性正相关关系;苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)活性比PC等酶高2~3个数量级;琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)活力则明显低,几种酶中只有SDH与发酵醪中LMA含量呈线性正相关(r=0.9252)。动态研究发现在菌丝生物量正常增长情况下,胞质中蛋白含量明显变化,通气条件的改变是引起这种变化的重要原因。各种酶活性变化与胞质蛋白量变化之间的线性相关系数呈规律性变化:PC(r=0.9563)、PEPC(r=0.7688)、PCK(r=0.7300)、MDH(r=0.3920)、SDH(r=-0.2086)。不增加氮源,适当加大孢子接种量可提高LMA产率、降低琥珀酸(SA)含量,提示发酵早期胞质酶合成中存在PC先于SDH这种规律的可能性。在5L罐上通气培养120?h,LMA含量达105.88?g/L,平均产生速率0883?g/(L·h),酸对糖转化率78。43%。  相似文献   

【背景】洛伐他汀(lovastatin)是红曲霉的次生代谢产物,是重要的临床用降血脂药物。在液态发酵条件下,红曲霉的洛伐他汀产量较低,难以满足工业化生产的要求。【目的】筛选获得一株高产洛伐他汀的红曲霉株,并通过优化液态发酵条件提高洛伐他汀的产量。【方法】从红曲米中筛选获得一株高产洛伐他汀的红曲霉株,依据形态学特征、生理生化特性及18S rRNA基因序列分析对分离菌株进行鉴定;通过响应面法对其产洛伐他汀的液态发酵条件进行优化。【结果】获得一株产洛伐他汀的紫红曲霉(Monascus purpureus M4),该菌在甘油57.80g/L、酵母浸粉5.52 g/L、接种量为6.90%条件下,洛伐他汀产量(173.60 mg/L)较优化前提高了4.8倍。【结论】菌株M4产洛伐他汀最优液态发酵条件的建立,为洛伐他汀的大规模生产及该菌株的工业化应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

直接利用糖质原料生产L-苹果酸菌种的选育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从土壤中筛选到一株产L-苹果酸的黄曲霉菌,经紫外线、亚硝基胍(NTG)、硫酸二乙酯(DES)和^60Co辐射等诱变处理,并经多次分离得到一株性能稳定的高产L-苹果酸突变株黄曲霉HA5800,35℃,200r/min摇瓶发酵120h,产L-苹果酸72g/L、糖酸转化率为74.22%,经山东省卫生防疫站检定,该菌株不产黄曲霉素素B1。  相似文献   

Abstract The relationship between laccase activity and asexual development in Aspergillus parasiticus was established. A. parasiticus produced a laccase activity similar to that reported for Aspergillus nidulans . Laccase activity appeared only in conidiating cultures and was absent from vegetative cultures. Shaking of the cultures inhibited conidiation and suppressed laccase activity. The composition of the media affected the degree of conidiation and the specific activity of laccase. Ammonium sulphate as sole nitrogen source was suppressive, whereas glutamate was highly stimulatory to both conidiation and laccase production. The addition of citrate was also stimulatory to conidia production and, to a lesser degree, laccase activity. There appears to be no quantitative correlation between laccase activity and the number of conidia produced.  相似文献   

黑曲霉固态发酵生产单宁酶的条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究采用响应面法优化黑曲霉固态发酵生产单宁酶的培养条件。应用Plackett—Burman试验筛选出重要影响因子:五倍子粉含量、(NH4)2SO4浓度以及接种孢子量,最陡爬坡试验逼近最大响应区域。应用Box.Behnken响应面试验对重要影响因子进一步优化。得到最佳培养条件:每250mL三角瓶中装入1.0g五倍子粉、4.4g稻壳和0.5g麸皮、液固比(mL/g)2:1且营养盐溶液组成为(NH4)2s0421g/L、MgSO4·7H2O1g/L、NaCl1g/L,培养基pH自然,接种5.7×10^7个孢子后在30℃温度下培养4d。在此条件下,单宁酶产量从40U/g提高到114U/g,3次重复验证性试验平均值为115U/g,验证了模型的可靠性。  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine, an anti-calmodulin agent, inhibited aflatoxin production by Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999, without affecting the growth significantly. Culturing the organism for 3 days in the presence of 0.14mm trifluoperazine resulted in a generalized decrease in the production of all aflatoxins; the production of aflatoxin B1, a potent hepatocarcinogen, was inhibited to 88% under such conditions. Culturing 7-day-old preformed cultures in the presence of higher concentrations of trifluoperazine (>1mm) completely abolished production of all aflatoxins including AFB1. The inhibitory influence of trifluoperazine on aflatoxin production was accompanied by calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of an 85kDa cytoplasmic calmodulin-binding protein. While the functions of calmodulin in mediating primary events of germination, growth and differentiation in fungi have earlier been reported, the present results indicate a possible role for calmodulin in the production of fungal toxins.  相似文献   

Aims: To establish a system that greatly increases the gene‐targeting frequency in Aspergillus parasiticus. Methods and Results: The ku70 gene, a gene of the nonhomologous end‐joining (NHEJ) pathway, was replaced by the nitrate reductase gene (niaD) in A. parasiticus RHN1 that accumulates O‐methylsterigmatocystin (OMST). The NHEJ‐deficient strain, RHΔku70, produced conidia, sclerotia and OMST normally. It had identical sensitivity as RHN1 to the DNA‐topoisomerase I complex inhibitor, camptothecin, and the DNA‐damaging agent, melphalan. For targeting an aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway gene, adhA, partial restriction enzyme recognition sequences in its flanking regions were manipulated to create homologous ends for integration. Using a linearized DNA fragment that contained Aspergillus oryzae pyrithiamine resistance gene (ptr) marker the adhA‐targeting frequency in RHΔku70 reached 96%. Conclusions: The homologous recombination pathway is primarily responsible for repair of DNA damages in A. parasiticus. The NHEJ‐deficient RHΔku70, easy creation of homologous ends for integration, and the ptr‐based selection form a highly efficient gene‐targeting system. It substantially reduces the time and workload necessary to obtain knockout strains for functional studies. Significance and Impact of the Study: The developed system not only streamlines targeted gene replacement and disruption but also can be used to target specific chromosomal locations like promoters or intergenic regions. It will expedite the progresses in the functional genomic studies of A. parasiticus and Aspergilllus flavus.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Bacillus pumilus were tested for their ability to inhibit aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 in yeast extract sucrose (YES) broth. Aflatoxin production was inhibited in both simultaneous and deferred antagonism assays, suggesting that the inhibitory activity was due to extracellular metabolite(s) produced in cell-free supernatant fluids of cultured broth. The inhibition was not due to organic acids or hydrogen peroxide produced by B. pumilus since the inhibitory activity was not lost after pH adjustment or treatment of supernatant fluids with catalase. A range of media tested for the production of inhibitory metabolite(s) in supernatant fluids showed that all media supported bacterial growth and production of the metabolite(s). The metabolite(s) were produced over a wide range of temperature (25 to 37°C) and pH (4 to 9) of growth of B. pumilus. They were stable over a wide range of pH (4 to 10) and were not inactivated after autoclaving at 121°C for 30 minutes. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract A genetic transformation system for the aflatoxin-producing fungus Aspergillus parasiticus using two autonomously replicating plasmids from A. nidulans (ARp1 and pDHG25) is reported. Transformation frequencies using the plasmid pDHG25 were from 5 × 102 to 2.5 × 104 transformants per 106 viable protoplasts and μg DNA. The stability of the plasmids in the transformants was also studied. This transformation system offers a new opportunity to clone genes related to aflatoxin production using appropriate aflatoxin-defective mutants.  相似文献   

Effects of various nutritional and environmental factors on the accumulation of organic acids (mainly L-malic acid) by the filamentous fungus Aspergillus flavus were studied in a 16-L stirred fermentor. Improvement of the molar yield (moles acid produced per moles glucose consumed) of L-malic acid was obtained mainly by increasing the agitation rate (to 350 rpm) and the Fe(z+) ion concentration (to 12 mg/L) and by lowering the nitrogen (to 271 mg/L) and phosphate concentrations (to 1.5 mM) in the medium. These changes resulted in molar yields for L-malic acid and total C(4) acids (L-malic, succinic, and fumaric acids) of 128 and 155%, respectively. The high molar yields obtained (above 100%) are additional evidence for the operation of part of the reductive branch of the tricarboxylic acid cycle in L-malic acid accumulation by A. flavus. The fermentation conditions developed using the above mentioned factors and 9% CaCO(3) in the medium resulted in a high concentration (113 g/L L-malic acid from 120 g/L glucose utilized) and a high overall productivity (0.59 g/L h) of L-malic acid. These changes in acid accumulation coincide with increases in the activities of NAD(+)-malate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and citrate synthase.  相似文献   

Xylanase production by Aspergillus niger NRRL‐567 in solid‐state fermentation (koji fermentation) was optimized using 24 factorial design and response surface methodology. The evaluated variables were the initial moisture level and concentration of inducers [veratryl alcohol (VA), copper sulphate (CS), and lactose (LAC)], leading to the response of xylanase production. Initial moisture level and LAC were found to be the most significant variable for xylanase production (p<0.05). The highest xylanase production was observed with 3578.8 ± 65.3 IU/gds (gram dry substrate) under optimal conditions using initial moisture of 85% (v/w), pH 5.0 and inducers VA (2 mM/kg), LAC 2% (w/w), and CS (1.5 mM/kg) after 48 h of incubation time. Higher xylanase activity of 3952 ± 78.3 IU/gds was attained during scale‐up of the process in solid‐state tray fermentation under optimum conditions after 72 h of incubation time. The present study demonstrates that A. niger NRRL‐567 can efficiently be used to achieve xylanase production with an economical and environmental benefit in solid‐state tray fermentation. The developed process can be used to develop an effective process for commercially feasible bioproduction of xylanases for speciality applications, such as conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuels and other value‐added products.  相似文献   

As intracellular iron storage molecules, only hydroxymate type siderophores have been reported in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. This is the first report documenting the presence of mycoferritin in ascomycetes. The fungus, Aspergillus parasiticus (255), is capable of producing mycoferritin only upon induction with iron in yeast extract sucrose (YES) medium. The same has been purified from Aspergillus sps by application of conventional biochemical techniques. The molecular mass, yield, iron and carbohydrate contents of the HPLC purified protein were 460kDa, 0.012mg/g of wet mycelia, 1.6% and 6.0%, respectively. The iron content was much lower than Mortierella alpina mycoferritin (17%). Native PAGE revealed the presence of trimeric and monomeric forms of ferritin. Subunit analysis by SDS-PAGE showed a single protein subunit of approximately 20kDa suggesting structural simplicity of the apoferritin shell. Variation in amino acid composition was noted upon comparison with ferritins of other species. Interestingly, no phenylalanine could be detected in the mycoferritin of Aspergillus sps. The acidic amino acid content was 1.5-1.6 fold higher than mammalian and fish ferritins. The spectral characteristics (UV/VIS and fluorescence) of mycoferritin were akin to equine spleen ferritin. However, circular dichroic spectra revealed a lower degree of helicity.  相似文献   

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